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Development of two hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. The importance of developing the functions of the right hemisphere of the brain in a child

Sooner or later, everyone thinks about what exercises can be used to develop the right hemisphere of the brain. creative person, because it is precisely this that is responsible for everything that is most sublime and spiritual in a person: art, thinking, fantasy and intuition. You will learn how to develop the right hemisphere of the brain in this article.

My son, like any teenager, began to stay late computer games. I don't really forbid him, but Lately I began to notice that he had ceased to navigate normally on the road and was confusing directions. I completely stopped doing my early favorite drawing. In general, I completely immersed myself in the computer. I didn’t turn a blind eye to this, I went online in search of useful information. I found information about the development of the right hemisphere and decided to try several exercises with my child. So far, the result is pleasing: the child has more inspiration to do what he loves, and I finally got involved in art by visiting an art gallery in my city. In general, really useful exercises, not with an instant, but quite noticeable effect.

More about the right hemisphere

The hemispheres of our brain work in harmony. The left is responsible for the brain’s acceptance of so-called “speech” information and its processing. Thanks to the work of the left hemisphere, a person has the ability to write and read, memorize information, logic, analysis, and formulate conclusions.

The right hemisphere is responsible for the brain's reception of visual information. Thanks to him, people fantasize, dream, write poems, songs, draw pictures and create sculptures. Just like the left, the right hemisphere processes information, but can look at a problem from different angles, suggesting creative approach to a decision. All functions of the right hemisphere:

  • responsible for emotions;
  • responsible for fantasies and imagination;
  • is responsible for the development of a person’s abilities and inclinations towards art;
  • controls the movements of the left half of the body;
  • instills musical abilities, distinguishes tempo, melodies;
  • is responsible for a person’s orientation in space and terrain;
  • understands expression and humor;
  • perceives someone else's voice, highlighting its timbre and intonation;
  • remembers images;
  • is responsible for deduction (deriving the truth by collecting one or more prerequisite statements);
  • responsible for intuition (the ability to obtain correct information without analysis);

What does the development of the right hemisphere of the brain provide?

Despite the fact that in modern world priority is left hemisphere responsible for working with exact numbers and knowledge, spiritual development is alien to him. By developing the right hemisphere, a person acquires the ability to see the picture of the world in its entirety, without dividing it into parts. At the same time, the brain’s perception of various images and symbols improves.

Well, the main goal of developing the right hemisphere is to achieve coordinated work in several directions at once.

A person learns to do several things at the same time, paying attention even to the little things. A very useful skill in many professions, both in “person-person” and “person-sign system”.

Decreased right hemisphere activity

Sooner or later, every parent thinks about how to activate the right hemisphere of a child’s brain. Modern children have begun to spend much more time on the Internet, virtual reality full of entertainment. Through this, their left hemisphere, which is responsible for gathering information and logical thinking, is developing at a rapid pace. In turn, the child ceases to use his speech abilities to the proper extent. In this situation, the right hemisphere of young people, which is responsible for the development of a creative personality in a person, is suppressed in favor of the left as unnecessary.

Very often in such a situation, parents become confused, drag their children to doctors and psychologists, looking for everything possible problems like neurological diseases. Few people suspect, but using these methods can make things even worse - the child can withdraw into himself and stop learning skills such as reading and writing. To help a child with the development of both hemispheres, you need to take into account individual characteristics, choose the right training program at the optimal pace.

How does the right hemisphere develop?

How to make the right hemisphere of the brain work? Creative personalities They ask this question quite often, because what they do is directly related to the right hemisphere of the brain. Its development is also connected with art. It develops when we listen to music, when we daydream or daydream, when we meditate, or when we do other things that engage our imagination.

You can independently develop the right hemisphere by actively participating in creative activities: writing poetry and literary works, teaching singing and dancing, drawing and others. There are also techniques to improve the abilities of the right hemisphere, in which we fully use the hemisphere to achieve maximum effect.

How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain, exercises

The brain is protected from damage by the bones of the skull and is part of the central nervous system. The main function of the brain is to control and regulate all processes occurring in the body. Everything that a person feels, all his actions come from the brain. When it is damaged or dysfunctional, the ability to act, express emotions, and react to external stimuli is lost.

  1. The easiest way to develop the right hemisphere is to engage in art, visit art galleries, and become familiar with beauty.
  2. The second way is to increase the load on the hemisphere by performing standard tasks using the side of the body controlled by the hemisphere. In the case of the right hemisphere - the left side of the body. Just do your usual things, trying to use your left arm and leg more: if you are right-handed, try drawing with your left hand; at dinner, take a spoon or fork in your left hand. You can also jump on your left leg, play football using your left leg instead of your usual right to kick the ball.
  3. Hemisphere awareness exercise. Left hand touches the nose, and the right one touches the left ear. Next, we release the nose and ear, clap our hands and change position: the left hand takes the right ear, and right hand- nose.
  4. Drawing with the right hemisphere of the brain. Take a sheet of paper and place it in front of you. Take a pencil in both hands and with both hands try to draw simple symbols using the mirror effect: one image should be a mirror image of the other.
  5. Exercise for fingers. Alternately form a “ring” using your thumb and the rest. Do the exercise first on one hand, then on the other, and then on both at the same time.
  6. Another finger exercise. Clench both palms into fists. Straighten on your right arm thumb, on the left - the index. Change position - straighten your index finger on your right hand, and straighten your thumb on your left hand. Do this exercise at an increasing pace.
  7. Working with sound. Sit in a quiet place, turn on your favorite song, close your eyes and concentrate. Try to recognize every word in the song and accurately hear the melody.
  8. Development of imagination. Closing your eyes, imagine what is in front of you White list paper. Imagine your name written on it in black ink. Now imagine how the ink smoothly changes its color, from black to blue, from blue to red, from red to any other color. You can use your hemisphere even more by imagining how White background, along with the letters, also changes color.
  9. Tactile sensations. Imagine that there is a certain dish in front of you. You eat it. Restore its taste and smell in your head, your association with this food. The same can be done with smells and with familiar people, remembering the timbre of a person’s voice, his laughter and gait.
  10. A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V
  11. L P P V L V L P V L L P L L P V P L P V L V V P L

The first row is the alphabet that is well known to everyone from childhood. The second is the designation of hands. L - the left hand rises to the left side, P - the right hand rises to the right side, V - both hands up. When pronouncing the alphabet, perform the movement corresponding to the letter.

If clockwise, then perception is more active in the left hemisphere of the brain; if it is counterclockwise, the right hemisphere is more active. With an effort of will, you can force the cat to move back and forth = balance of the hemispheres.

Synchronization of the brain hemispheres

The exercises listed below will be useful for people of all ages.

It would be good if adults who want to try these exercises involve children as the main participants and, while supposedly teaching children, can learn themselves. Different generations, let's communicate more actively!
Everyone is accustomed to the fact that they need to develop memory, attention, intelligence, and improve their body. But for some reason, few people pay attention to the brain itself, on which the development of all this in most cases depends. Even the body will not develop and improve unless the brain is properly tuned in and thinks about how to approach work on the body.
Everyone knows that the brain consists of two parts: left and right. They do different things. And at the same time, for some, the left side functions better, for others, the right, and for the happiest, both. Naturally, the winners are those who make the most of their wealth.

The left hemisphere thinks logically. The right helps to create new things, generate ideas, as it is now fashionable to say. However, you can be a mathematician with a well-developed left hemisphere and still not invent anything new. Or you can be a creator and throw out ideas left and right and not implement any of them due to the inconsistency and illogicality of your actions. Such people also exist. And they only lack one thing: working on improving their brain, bringing it into a harmonious state.
Meanwhile, psychophysiologists have long developed a system of exercises for this. It’s good in this regard for musicians, for example, pianists. They were already made harmonious from early childhood.

After all, the most important tool for brain development is your hands. By acting with both hands, a person develops both hemispheres.

So, let's move on to the exercises. Many of them are well known to us from childhood.

1. “Ear-nose”. With our left hand we take the tip of the nose, and with our right hand we take the opposite ear, i.e. left. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.” I tried it, it worked better when I was a child.

2. “Mirror drawing.” Place a blank sheet of paper on the table and take a pencil. Draw mirror-symmetrical designs and letters with both hands at the same time. When doing this exercise, you should feel your eyes and hands relax, because when both hemispheres work simultaneously, the efficiency of the entire brain improves.

3. “Ring”. We move our fingers one by one and very quickly, connecting them into a ring with thumb index, middle, ring, little finger. First, you can do it with each hand separately, then with both hands simultaneously.
Now let's remember physical education lessons. No wonder we were forced to do exercises in which we had to reach our right leg with our left hand and vice versa. They also develop our hemispheres and help them work in harmony.

The following workout helps you shoot emotional stress, improves performance, develops attention, thinking and interhemispheric connections. The exercise is difficult and yet interesting.


I explain the procedure. In front of you lies a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet, almost all of them. Under each letter the letters L, P or V are written. The upper letter is pronounced, and the lower letter indicates movement with the hands. L - the left hand rises to the left side, P - the right hand rises to the right side, V - both hands rise up. Everything is very simple, if only it weren’t so difficult to do it all at the same time. The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, then from the last letter to the first. The following is written on the piece of paper.






This is how you can develop your precious brain for your benefit. Train for health and have fun! And most importantly, feel the difference between your old self and your trained self!

Coordinate your brain hemispheres

This simple practice allows you to revive one hemisphere tired of monotonous work and connect the idle one to it. To do this, you will need A4 paper, on which you horizontally, along a ruler, with a marker, draw two lines crosswise, like the letter X laid on its side. Hang this piece of paper at eye level, so that it is convenient for you to look at it. Then you don’t have to take it off, let it hang and remind you of the need to take care of yourself.
Looking at this piece of paper, breathing calmly and deeply, you do only two simple exercises, known from physical education lessons:

– touch your right knee with your left elbow, then touch your left knee with your right elbow, preferably keeping your back straight. You need to make six such cross movements, for a total of 12. You can do it and count it.

– touch your left knee with your left elbow, then touch your right knee with your right elbow, preferably keeping your back straight. Six such parallel movements must also be made.

– Again 12 cross movements;

– 12 more parallel movements;

– And the last 12 cross movements.

All this will take you no more than 1.5 minutes, and you will immediately feel the effect in your noticeably refreshed head.
In fact, the exercise is used to correct left- and right-hemisphere children. It is taken from applied kinesiology - modern science about the body and is based on observations of infants. If a baby has not passed the crawling stage, he may have problems with his hemispheres working together, which means he will not use his full potential, using only half of his brain. We will apply this knowledge for preventive purposes to restore coordinated brain function.

Consciousness training.

Here is a special program that has been developed over many years in seminars. Both athletes and people who connected their lives with meditation took part in this.
The exercises were called

At first glance, they will not be pleasant. With their help, you will realize how easy it is to find yourself in a difficult life situation and how difficult it is to find a way out of it and be reborn again.

Consciousness training is, first of all, a complex physical exercise, as well as mobility in every sense.

American therapist Jean Houston found that during consciousness training, the IQ significantly increases. Obviously, exercise leads to the formation of new nerve cells in the brain. A large number of These cells lead to increased intelligence capabilities.

Such exercises are ideal for fulfilling the requirements of any complexity and coordinated work of both hemispheres of the brain. They also increase our concentration. The program promotes the development of coordination between the brain and body (coordinated work of the brain and body parts). Having engaged the left hemisphere, it does not occur to us to involve the right, which would be useful in many situations. Exercises help coordinate the work of body parts.

This type of gymnastics can be enjoyable in the future and is more effective than it seems at first glance. To begin with, start with simple exercises, heavy ones can cause pain.

Stroking the belly and tapping the top of the head

The first part of the exercises involves stroking the stomach with your right hand in a clockwise direction. After this, tap the top of the head with your left palm, with the goal of lightly spanking to increase mental abilities. Make sure that the movements are straight from top to bottom and vice versa.
The third step will be decisive: a combination of both movements. At the same time, pay attention so as not to mistakenly confuse the movements: with your right hand, rotate along the stomach, and with your left, move from top to bottom.
Once you are accustomed to these movements, you can switch hands. Such exercises develop coordination well.

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Man moved away from the animal world and became a rational being. He began to perceive the world that surrounds him differently. People began to communicate with each other, learned to write, and mastered some engineering basics. All this was facilitated by the development of the human brain. Thinking, logic, imagination have moved to a new level. To understand how to develop your brain 100 percent, you first need to know what functions it is responsible for.

A Brief Overview of the Human Brain

The brain is the most mysterious organ in humans. Sometimes it is called a computer. People learn new things throughout their lives. A person remembers the necessary information and stores it as long as he needs it. But what is no longer useful is “destroyed” in the human brain.

The brain performs the following functions:

  • Thinking;
  • Speech;
  • Consciousness;
  • Feelings;
  • Coordination of movements;
  • Sleep management;
  • Drawing up plans.
This list is much longer. Many psychologists write entire books on the topic of the brain. It is very difficult to study and any physical intervention leads to irreversible consequences.

The human brain consists of two hemispheres. One of them is called right, and the other left. They are connected to each other by the corpus callosum. The exchange of information between the two hemispheres passes through it. If you damage the left side of the brain, it will damage the right hemisphere. The opposite is also true. Of course, there have been cases when a person’s entire left side was cut off. After that, he continued to live a full life. The right hemisphere began to perform the functions of the no longer existing left hemisphere.

The human brain is divided into two parts. Each hemisphere performs its own specific functions. Their purpose is presented below.

  • The left hemisphere processes information sequentially. It happens step by step analysis. All information is subject to strict analysis. The left hemisphere works with numbers and figures.
  • The right hemisphere processes information that comes from the senses. It perceives music, colors and is responsible for orientation in the world. The right hemisphere is capable of synthesizing existing information. For this reason, it allows you to solve puzzles and act outside the pattern.
This is enough to understand how complex the human brain is.

How to develop brain abilities?

Psychologist Jung compared the conscious part and the unconscious part to an iceberg. Its top is consciousness. In turn, what is under water is unconscious. It is not known to what depth the iceberg is sunk.

The same assumption can be applied to the human brain. He uses only 10 percent of his potential. People need to develop their abilities. It is difficult to imagine what a person will be like whose brain uses one hundred percent of its capabilities.

Most likely, a new scientific revolution will occur. Discovery after discovery will follow.

To start developing your brain abilities, you need to follow these tips:

  • Get rid of physical inactivity. It occurs in sedentary people. Drivers who like to constantly watch TV and sit at the computer are at risk. With physical inactivity, fatty acids are not broken down. Cholesterol plaques appear on the vessels, interfering with the passage of blood. Blood supplies all organs with oxygen. The brain does not receive O2 and begins to function poorly.
  • It is necessary to ensure the intake of carbohydrates and phosphates in the body.If a person wants to develop brain abilities, then he needs to give up vodka, wine, etc. But if you choose the lesser evil, then drinking beer has a much more detrimental effect on neurons than alcohol. In general, any alcohol-containing drink kills neurons. Beer also contains a lot of carbon dioxide. Happening Double punch. The human brain is poisoned by alcohol and carbon dioxide.
  • You should drink plenty of still water. It removes from the body most toxins and waste.
    Water helps develop brain abilities. It provides better communication between the hemispheres. For 30 kilograms of weight you should drink 1 liter of water. IN stressful situations the volume increases. Water will not make a person worse.

Ways to maintain and develop brain activity

  • Exercise at least twice a week. Try to communicate more with other people. This communication must occur with a living person directly.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamins and enzymes.
  • Let your body get enough sleep.
  • Avoid stress.
  • You should learn to relax and master relaxation techniques.
  • By adhering to these five points, you can feel that the potential abilities of the brain have increased and are slowly starting to become active.
How to develop the hemispheres of the brain

It is not practical to develop only one hemisphere. You can solve equations well, but still not understand the beauty of nature and all art. Also, a person who writes poetry well and draws pictures does not always know how to add or multiply two numbers together.

It’s not for nothing that schools, technical schools and universities offer not only core subjects. For example, physicists also study the Russian language, history, psychology and other humanities. The same thing happens with philologists. Together with the humanities, they have strictly mathematical subjects.

The above examples indicate that Both hemispheres need to be developed in parallel. To do this, there are exercises for brain development.

Exercise 1

First you need to stroke your belly clockwise with your hand. To perform this exercise, you should tap yourself on the head vertically from top to bottom with your left hand. Having mastered this movement, a person must perform them simultaneously. At first glance, everything is simple. But after combining, almost everyone’s hands will begin to get confused. The left hand will automatically try to make circular movements. After the goal is accomplished and the confusion stops, you should change the position of your hands.

Exercise 2

Place both palms on your stomach. The left hand is strictly on the right. Now you need to exhale. It should be like blowing out a candle. One minute is allotted for this exercise.

Exercise 3

This exercise allows you to actively synchronize the work of both hemispheres.

You need to raise both arms up or in front of you. A person will be required to draw a square in the air with his left hand and a star with his right. All this is done at the same time. As soon as progress is made, the position of the hands changes.

The exercise can be made more difficult. To do this, you will need to make drawings of other shapes. It all depends on the imagination of the person performing the exercise.

For the development of the cerebral hemispheres, it was created special program- neurobics. Such exercises allow you to look at everyday affairs in a new way. In other words, you need to try to do something ordinary in an unusual way.

Exercise 4

Try to get out of bed on the other leg. You can try brushing your teeth with your other hand. When drinking tea, sugar should be stirred with your left hand, not your right.

Exercise 5

This exercise should be done with good friend. You need to blindfold yourself and walk with your companion.

In this exercise you will need to answer the questions below.

  • How did you deal with uncertainty?
  • Which sense organs are activated?
  • What sounds stood out?
  • What did you hear that alarmed you, and what did you calm down?

How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain

As mentioned above, it is necessary to develop both hemispheres. For example, one day give preference to logical training, and on another day engage in imagination and art.

At first there was a question about how to develop the brain 100 percent. There is only one way out - to develop both hemispheres.

An imbalance in the development of both hemispheres begins in childhood. People do not know how to think abstractly and empathize.

Exercise 1

A person must start drawing. The right hemisphere synthesizes rather than analyzes. Need to perceive the world abstractly. To do this you can become a designer own apartment. Learn to trust your intuition in choosing wallpaper and colors.

Exercise 2

In psychology there is a concept of empathy. A person must not only empathize with other people, he is required to look at the world through the eyes of another. In this case, there is a deep involvement in what is happening in the lives of other people. This exercise develops the right hemisphere.

Exercise 3

A person needs to often listen to soulful music, to which one can dream or simply relax. A musical composition should not constrain a person.

Exercise 4

The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. It is better for a person to do all actions with his left hand. There is such a thing as “Arabic writing”. A person can develop the right hemisphere by writing and reading from right to left.

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain

There are a number of exercises for developing the left hemisphere.

Exercise 1

You need to solve several problems a day. They can be mathematical or logical.

Exercise 2

A person who solves crossword puzzles develops the left hemisphere. In this process, actions are analytical in nature. People don't use their intuition in crossword puzzles.

Exercise 3

Perform all actions right side bodies. For right-handers, this happens naturally. Left-handers may have difficulty completing this task.

All of the above exercises will help develop your brain. The main thing is to improve both hemispheres!

Hello, dear friends!

The brain is the heart of our nervous system. This is a kind of computer capable of processing many incoming signals.

It is thanks to its precise work that we can perform actions that are closely related to the thought process, the correct assessment of what is happening and, of course, self-awareness.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres. Their symbiosis must be harmonious, coordinated and synchronous. Only in this way will a person be able to exercise healthily and adequately important species life activity. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The brain is a mysterious organ, and scientists are still trying to solve the puzzle of how the hemispheres work. Thus, the theory of interhemispheric asymmetry dominates the world. What does this mean in simple terms?

The theory is based on the assertion that the left part of the gray matter is responsible for, and the right part for the flight of creativity and feeling. The truth is that, thanks to numerous experiments, the fate of two parts of the brain at the same time has been proven.

That is, both the left and right sides are responsible for both components of the thought process. It is worth noting that the theory has existed for a long time and at the same time is a leading one.

Logical thinking is the responsibility of the left hemisphere. This is how a person develops a tendency towards analysis and mathematical miscalculations.

The left hemisphere is responsible for the sequence of processing processes, our speech, writing, etc. It also helps to remember and, which is not unimportant, to perceive numbers and numbers.

The aforementioned hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. For example, if an individual is right-handed, then, accordingly, the development of the left hemisphere is more noticeable.

The development of logic, as a type of thinking, helps to more effectively find ways out life situations. It develops mental flexibility and makes it possible to think through incoming information more consciously and clearly.

This is why people strive to develop the work of the left hemisphere to super speed. The brain is a muscle that definitely needs to be developed and pumped. Only in this way can a person take what is rightfully his.

What features have gone unnoticed?

The left hemisphere of the brain takes control of the following areas of the body:

  • musculoskeletal function of the right side of the body and, accordingly, coordination;
  • remembering mathematical symbols, birthdays and people's names;
  • comparison of logical facts and arguments that were analyzed from the outside;
  • literal perception. The left hemisphere has no place for feelings or emotions;
  • feeling of temporary space and self;
  • awareness of the concept of “I” and the ability to distinguish it among a crowd of individuals;
  • introvertism in the character of humanity is also a merit of the left side of the brain.

How do you know which hemisphere is better developed?

I suggest using the following determination methods that allow you to find out the dominant part of the brain in both a child and an adult:

  • interlace the fingers of both hands together. If you observe the left thumb from above, then the left side of the brain is dominant and vice versa;
  • start clapping your hands. Pay attention to the hand that is controlling when clapping. Often, it is located on top and obeys the instructions of the opposite hemisphere;
  • with a more developed left hemisphere and in the case of crossing the arms at the level of the solar plexus, the right hand is always on top.

Basic exercises for every day

Of course, as children develop and grow, parents should definitely note the activity and synchronicity of the two sides of the gray matter. IN educational institutions the child will be able to acquire consistency skills, as well as learn the basics of the figurative and logical thought process. But how can you help if you still notice problems with your work?

Exercises to develop the left hemisphere

1. “Ear-nose”

You need to grab the edge of your nose with your left hand. Use your right hand to find the opposite ear and grab it as well. Next, quickly release your hands and clap your hands. The main task is to change hands so as not to get confused.

This exercise should be performed as often as possible to get maximum results.

2. “Mirror Letter”

For this study you will need a pair of pencils or pens with blank slate paper. Now equip both hands with writing stationery and start drawing mirror-symmetrical letters.

I’ll tell you right away that it won’t be a masterpiece. It will take time for the brain to understand the technique and adapt. But such “training” is very useful for the entire gray matter, and especially for the left hemisphere.

3. "Rings"

Relax the fingers of both hands and shake them. Then begin to move them so that the thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers take the shape of a ring when connected.

This procedure perfectly stimulates the functioning of the nerve endings in the finger bundles and makes the brain actively work.

Definitely, completing such tasks is useful. And at the same time, supporting them with other techniques, reading, analysis and your own habit of thinking, you will achieve.

4. And finally, a good video

The more developed a person’s personal “computer” is, the greater heights he can achieve. Are we not striving for success, friends?

Well, I'll finish my thought here.

Subscribe to blog updates and recommend reading it to your friends in in social networks. In the comments, tell us about what exercises you practice and have you ever met an ambidexter - a person who can use both hands equally well?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

How to unlock the potential of your brain and become the darling of fate? The secret is out! It is necessary to develop the right hemisphere...

Imbalance in human development

Managing your own brain¹ is a completely natural process, planned for a person by nature itself.

But history has taught people to pay attention to the external, forgetting about the internal. The same applies to the brain. According to research, on average people use only 3-5 percent of their brain potential!

Unfortunately, most abilities remain beyond the realm of possibility for people, something out of the realm of fantasy. It’s similar with the brain: for most people it works as it should.

A person is not able to fully control his memory and other neural processes of the brain, although this, it would seem, should be as easily accessible to him as the ability to lift a glass into the air. Therefore, we cannot independently solve memory problems, develop imagination, and much more.

It’s the same with superpowers: esoteric texts say that every person can develop these abilities. But he cannot do this due to the underdevelopment of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Why should we strive to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Nowadays people primarily use the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, analysis; the work of this hemisphere is alien to creativity, imagination and creative mental activity. It makes us best case scenario good performers.

Only the right hemisphere makes it possible to be an active creator of your life; it is responsible for creativity, imagination, creation and intuition.

There are people whose brains spontaneously switch to a different mode of operation, including the right hemisphere. Such people usually make artists, performers, musicians and representatives of other creative professions.

But in science, in technology, and in other types of activity, serious achievements are simply impossible without the involvement of the right hemisphere!

We can say that the right hemisphere creates ideas, and the left hemisphere directs, seeks ways of expression.

Right hemisphere potential

Every person is capable of awakening the right hemisphere and developing their mental abilities. And as a result, develop any talents in yourself and achieve success in life.

What is the difference between the activity of the right and left hemispheres?

The human brain is naturally electromagnetic. This activity is expressed by a certain rhythm in which the brain works. It is the rhythm that determines what state we are in.

Electromagnetic oscillations of the brain produce a certain number of repeating cycles per second. The number of such cycles per second is the rhythm of brain activity. Rhythm has its own frequency. For most people, it can range from one cycle every two seconds to forty cycles per second.

Depending on the rhythm of brain activity, there are four main brain states: alpha rhythm, beta rhythm, theta rhythm and delta rhythm.

For example, when a person is awake, his brain works in the beta rhythm. When he sleeps, and the mind is turned off and does not dream, the brain is immersed in the delta rhythm: it rests in it.

How to develop the right hemisphere?

During light relaxation, immersion into the alpha rhythm occurs. When falling asleep, the brain is in a state of theta rhythm. And this state is key for development psychic abilities and brain potential.

This state is difficult to catch, and at the same time it can be learned: you need to increase your awareness, and simply train your body to pay attention to this short moment. In the theta trance state you can receive secret knowledge from the information field of the Universe³, manage reality to achieve success in life, fulfill desires, develop superpowers and much more.

Konstantin Yakovlev