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“Festival of folk games” for children of the preparatory group for school. "games of our school"

Card game with the "fatal" queen of spades. IN card game gypsy Four players play with a deck of 36 cards. It is also acceptable large quantity players, but then take a deck of 52 cards.

Rules of the game "Gypsy"

The dealer lays out the entire deck in a circle and places only the trump card uncovered in the middle. The dealer goes first, taking out a card at random from the circle he laid out. His neighbor does the same. If he takes out the highest card of the suit, then, having covered the first card, he takes a bribe for himself. If the neighbor of the dealer gets a low card of the same suit or a card of a different suit, then the bribe goes to the dealer.

The queen of spades (gypsy) cannot be covered, and she herself does not cover anything. After determining the owner of the trick, the next move is made by the neighbor to the player sitting next to him. When the deck has been dealt with in this way, the next stage of the drawing begins: each player unfolds his cards in a fan shape (with their ends facing up) and hands them to his neighbor. He takes out a card, places it face down on the table and, having assessed his cards, covers or accepts this card.

The game continues until all the cards are gone. You cannot walk from the Queen of Spades. The gypsy passes from hand to hand until, finally, she remains alone in the arms of one of the players.

A child's trick: when presenting cards for selection, you need to carefully mix them behind your back and, when serving to your neighbor, hold the fan very low above the table so that the cards cannot be peeked.

A. M. Kalamees, A. M. Tiik, M. E. Hiyemäe

(The introductory text was written by A. M. Tiik and M. E. Hiemäe, the games were selected and translated by A. M. Kalamees, the general editing of the text was carried out by A. M. Kalamees and M. E. Hiemäe)

Estonia is located in the north-west of the European part of the USSR, on the coast Baltic Sea. The capital is Tallinn. The indigenous population of the republic are Estonians. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Finns, etc. also live here.

Estonian folk games are an inseparable part of the entire culture and life of the people. They were especially closely associated with the traditional holidays of the folk calendar. On Midsummer's Day, games and competitions in strength and dexterity were held ("Burners", running in starts, running in a bag, various wrestling techniques, pulling a stick, pulling with a finger, climbing a pole, throwing an arc, etc.). A lot of folk games was timed to coincide with the change of year - from December 21 to January 6. There was a custom at this time to play on the straw brought into the room: “Game of shoemaker”, “Gypsy wrestling”, “Ukrainian ruff”, “Fox snare”, “Shooting black grouse”, “Turning the ship”, “Licking honey”, “ Tailor’s Exam”, etc. With the gradual disappearance of the custom of covering a room with straw at Christmas, these games lost connection with the calendar ritual and began to be held less and less often. Outdoor games, along with other entertainment, were also organized at weddings (running, strength and agility games). They have not lost their importance at modern summer weddings.

The games took place on rural pastures and rural roads, playgrounds near swings, and near taverns. They were a favorite pastime for shepherds in the pasture. Young people played at gatherings and during cleanups (collective threshing of sheaves).

Estonia's location at the crossroads of the original ways of spreading European culture was a favorable factor for the mutual influence of folk games of the Baltic-Finnish, Baltic, Germanic and Slavic peoples. This is one of the reasons why many Estonian games are similar to games of other nations. An example is the game “Wheel Throwing” (“Rattaviskamine”), which was one of the most popular in Estonia, but is equally widespread (under different names) and among Latvians, Lithuanians, was known in Belarus, Ukraine, and Mordovia. (This game is described under the title “Ripka” in the “Lithuania” section.)

Among Estonian folk games important place are occupied by outdoor games. Their relationship with games of other types can be judged based on materials from Estonian folklore archives, where 2/3 of total number recorded games are mobile or close to mobile in their content.

It was the folk outdoor games that served source material for the development of game-based means of physical education in Estonia. When comparing games included in programs primary classes, with folk outdoor games there is a lot in common between them. There are especially many running games included in the program (“Salki”, “Wolf and Sheep”, “Train”, “Day and Night”, etc.). Folk games are also found among games with jumping and balls.

In extracurricular and extracurricular activities, games of a more sporting nature are used (“People’s Ball”, “Lapta”, etc.). Inter-class and inter-school competitions are held for these games.

The simplest folk games are used in preschool institutions (in kindergartens and nurseries), as well as in schools during breaks between lessons, on excursions to rural areas etc. (for the purpose of recreation and entertainment). It goes without saying that the games learned at school are transferred by children to the courtyards and playgrounds near their houses. The younger the children are, the more often the plots of folk games are found in their play repertoire. As children get older, their gaming interests shift more and more to sports.

Folk games are common in children's groups, primarily developing speed and dexterity; for adults, games come first and physical exercise that develop strength (tug of war, tug of war, wrestling, lifting weights, etc.).

The collection of folklore, including folk games, began in Estonia in the second half of the 19th century, and thanks to the energy of the organizer of this business, Jakob Hurt (1839-1907), 1,400 local volunteer collectors joined this work. In materials collected by J. Hurt and a prominent researcher of Estonian folklore, Prof. M. I. Eisen (1857-1934), relying on 1,500 local voluntary collectors, widely represented folk games. The competition for collecting folk games, held in 1934-1935, produced significant results. during the existence of the Estonian Folklore Archive. The compiler of the questionnaire for collectors was R. J. Viydalepp. The competition was intended for local adult foragers and schoolchildren. The archive received about 15,000 game descriptions. By 1937, the archive contained 17,706 descriptions of folk games.

In Soviet Estonia, the study of folk games begun by progressive figures of the past continues. To help collectors, a special bulletin “Collector of Folk Legends” is published and questionnaires are distributed. IN last years Work was carried out in schools to record games, which was supervised locally by teachers. A program for studying games was published in republican newspapers. The organizer of the study of games was the folklore department of the Literary Museum. F. R. Kreutzwald of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Currently, the museum's card indexes contain more than 21,500 thematically systematized descriptions of folk games.

Appendix No. 2.

Synopsis of a physical education lesson based on Russian folk games

for children of senior preschool age

"Learning to play together."

Instructor: Hello guys! Today our activity is not quite ordinary. I want to introduce you to Russian folk games that our mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers played. You already know Russian folk songs and dances. Remember and name it. Also, since childhood, you were told and read a lot about Russian folk tales. Which ones do you remember? Well done!!! And today I will teach you how to play Russian folk games. Why do you think these games are called Russian folk games? Right! Because, as in the case of fairy tales and songs, the author is unknown to us, that is, we do not know exactly who invented this or that game, so we believe that they were created by the people. But you have known some of them for a long time. For example: “Geese-swans”, “By the bear in the forest”, “Owl”. Yes, guys, these are all Russian folk games.

And now we will do a warm-up in the form of a game "3-13-30."

On the number 3 you walk, on the number 13 you jump forward on two legs, and on the number 30 you run lightly. 2-3 min.

We line up in 2 columns. And now I'll tell you the rules of the game "Stream". Our couples will join hands and raise them high above their heads, forming a long corridor. The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands new couple makes his way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose pair was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream”. And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how young boys and girls used to play, showing their sympathy for each other.

Instructor: And even earlier there were no televisions, radios and computers, but the children somehow needed to entertain and amuse themselves while the adults worked in the garden and in the fields. They had a game for this case "Grandma - Yozhka." Listen to the rules. Let's build a circle. The driver - Grandma - Yozhka - stands in the circle, holding a broom in his hands. The players are running around and teasing her:

Grandma Hedgehog Bone Leg

Fell from the stove, broke my leg,

And then he says: “My leg hurts.”

She went outside and crushed the chicken.

I went to the market and crushed the samovar.

Instructor: Grandma Ezhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a broom. Whoever it touches freezes. At the end of the game, we will count who was able to “bewitch” Grandma-Yozhka. Well, what are games without "Zhmurok"

Let's choose the driver with a counting rhyme.

The cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children.

The cuckoos are asked to drink.

Come out - you should drive!

We blindfold the driver and spin him to the rhyme:

Cat, cat, where are you standing? -On Bridge.

What are you drinking? - Kvass. –

Everyone runs away, and the driver tries to catch them. The players tease the driver: they run up close to him, clap their hands, stomp, and shout. The driver, having caught the player, must guess him by touch. The first player caught and guessed now leads.

Instructor: Let's form a column. And the last game that I will introduce you to is called "It flies - it doesn't fly." When I call something that flies, you will raise your hands up, and when I call something that does not fly, hide your hands behind your back. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. And whoever holds out until the very end will be considered the most attentive. Let's start!

Instructor: Guys, you all did great today!!! Did you like our lesson? What Russian folk games did we remember today? What game did you enjoy playing the most? Fine. And now I invite you to sit in a circle, close your eyes and tell me what color the activity was for you? This concludes our lesson!

Appendix No. 3

Summary of the lesson-game

"First meeting of spring"

(folk calendar holiday Candlemas) for children 6-7 years old

This event is timed to coincide with Maslenitsa festivities and is held during Maslenitsa week.

Target– introduce children to the national holiday “Candlemas”. Of course, at the present stage, children in the class have ideas about calendar holidays held in society ( New Year, Christmas). But the calendar of folk holidays, based on seasons and months, is new material for them. Therefore, the lesson is structured to provide new knowledge based on existing knowledge about the calendar, seasons, and months.



    deepen children's knowledge about the characteristics of the seasons

    introduce folk games, chants, sayings


    promote the development of thought processes: attention, visual-auditory memory, imagination

    promote the development of children’s ability to formulate their judgments convincingly, conclusively, based on personal experience and knowledge


    improve communication skills in a team

    arouse interest in national holidays, games, fun

Materials for the lesson:

    4 hoops symbolizing the seasons

    Medallions (for each season: yellow, green, red, blue)

    CD "Russian traditional bell ringing"

Progress of the lesson

Stage 1 - organizational

The purpose of this stage– involving children in joint activities: arouse interest and positive emotions in the activity. This stage included getting to know the children, attracting children’s attention to the topic of the lesson, and motivating children’s activities.

In the hall, bells are ringing in the recording, children enter the hall. They are met by Kolyada (the presenter in folk costume).

Kolyada:"Hello guys

I came to visit you.

And she brought with her:

Golden ray of sunshine

There is a blue flower in the field,

The ringing song of the stream,

In the grove - the trills of a nightingale. (Sounds of nature are recorded)

Invites and brings children into a large circle


“My name is Kolyada.

I have a brother calendar.

The calendar and the Sun sent me to visit you.

I want to meet you, find out your names. A cheerful tambourine will help me with this.”

Game "Happy Tambourine"- to the words that Kolyada sings, the children pass the tambourine around in a circle; whoever has it in their hands says their name.

“You roll the merry tambourine, quickly, quickly through your hands

Whoever has that tambourine in his hands tells us the name.”

Stage 2 – main

Purpose of the stage– provide new knowledge based on what children already have through leading types of children’s activities (game, improvisation, competition)

Kolyada:“My brother asked me to ask you what you know about him.”

Children answer...

Kolyada:“The calendar takes into account time, the change of seasons, so that there is order in nature. All this is ruled by the sun, which is why it is called the “solar calendar.”

Kolyada:“How many months are there in a year? Let's build all year round (Kolyada gives out medallions, the song “Here the winter is passing”) plays.

Kolyada:“How many seasons do you know?”

Children:“Four – winter, spring, summer and autumn”

Kolyada:“I know a lot of riddles, I’ll tell you today )

Whoever guesses the time of year takes his place.”


    Troika - troika arrived.

The horses in that trio are white.

And in the sleigh sits the queen, white-haired, white-faced.

As she waved her sleeve, she covered everything with silver.

    She came, smiled, and the snowstorms subsided.

The drop's bell began to ring.

The river has awakened, the ice has melted,

The gardens put on a snow-white outfit.

With a roar, the tractors got to work.

And the birds sang: “It’s time to build nests!”

    It comes to visit us in the spring.

It brings with it a lot of worries.

Gives hot, long days,

So that the spikelets ripen quickly in the fields.

He commands us to reap a bountiful harvest.

Bake a rosy, fragrant loaf.

    Came through meadows, forests and fields,

She prepared supplies for us.

She hid them in cellars, in bins,

Said: “Winter will come for me”

(children disperse around the hall to the music, find their place, according to the signs of the seasons on the hoops, place medallions in the center of the hoop)

Physical education minute: Game "Tyr-myr" . Children stand in pairs facing each other, playing clapping to the words:

Tyr-myr. Simpleton. There are 30 holes in the shirt

Let's take a needle and sew up all the holes

(tickle each other)

Game "Cucumbers and Tomatoes" . Children stand in pairs facing each other, playing clapping to the words:


Spoons, bowls, ladle


(turn by jumping 360 degrees)

Kolyada:“Today is an unusual day - it’s called “Candlemas” - it means a meeting. The first meeting of Winter and Spring.

It’s not for nothing that winter is angry, its time has passed,

Spring is knocking on the window and driving us out of the yard.”

Kolyada:“In ancient times, people believed that the sun needed to be helped on its way. Let's help the sun. To help him we'll play a game "Sun"

Children stand in a circle, with Sunny leading in the middle. Children walk in a circle and say the words:

Burn, burn brighter

Summer will be hotter

And winter is warmer (approach the sun)

And spring is nicer (move away from the sun)

After these words, Sunny catches up with the children. Anyone touched is “burnt” and sits on a bench.

Kolyada: So we called the sun! For this I will give you a sunbeam each.

Stage 3 – final

Purpose of the stage– consolidation and generalization of acquired knowledge, relaxation.

Kolyada: “That’s how many sunbeams we collected. Enough for a little spring sun. I propose to make this sun ourselves, let’s stand in a round dance.

Kolyada:“I offer you a game, as it was in the old days”

Folk game “Mother Spring has come” - in a large circle, 2 people are selected - collars, the rest of the circle passes through them, at the end of the phrase the collars catch the children.

Mother Spring has come, open the gates

The first of March has passed, I saw off all the children.

And behind him is April, open the windows and the door.

And now that May has arrived, go for as long as you want.

Kolyada:“What does the word “Candlemas” mean and why was it necessary to help the sun? Would it be difficult for you to help the sun?

Children: answer questions, share impressions.

The children leave the hall to the sound of the bell.

Appendix No. 4


Materials: models: gypsy tent, two horses, grape garden, sunflower garden, birch tree. Costumes for adults; Uzbek, Ukrainian, gypsy.

Benefits; 3 arches, 1 bench, 4 beams, colored tape. The gym is divided into four zones; 1- gypsy camp, 2- eastern zone vineyard, 3- zone Ukrainian garden with sunflowers, 4- zone Russia - birch grove.

There are obstacles from zone to zone; arches, benches, hoops, signs of different colors posted.

Progress of the event:

Teacher: Guys, today we will go on a trip around different countries. Tell me, what planet do you and I live on?

Children: Earth!

The teacher picks up the globe and begins to spin it.

Teacher: Look how big the Earth is and how many different countries there are on it. Today we will visit three of them, which ones? You'll soon find out. Oh, guys, there is some kind of paper under the globe, what does it look like? (unfolds and shows to children)

Children: This is a map.

Teacher: So she will help us find the way to the first country. Judging by the terrain, it looks like vineyards, which means we are moving east. Children follow the arrows, crawl under the arches, and when they approach the place, the musical composition “Ali-ba-ba” sounds and a group of children perform an oriental dance.

An Uzbek woman comes out and addresses the dancers.

Uzbek: oh, my beauties, I see the guests, welcome, well done, well, run there, the merchants have brought new suits, choose, dad will pay for everything. Hello guys! Who are you and where are you going?

Children: We are from Russia, we came to your country to see how you live and where is it better, yours or ours?

Uzbek woman: oh! Of course we have. Now I’ll teach you how to play our games, you can come home and teach your friends.

1st game: “Talerik” - basket . Two drivers are selected, they hold hands and begin to catch up with others whom they have caught, they stand up to them and in the end they get a long chain - a large basket

. Game 2: “Zulfiya” During these words, the players walk in a circle clockwise, and Zulfiya counterclockwise.


Zulfiya walked around the little garden.

Zulfiya dropped her handkerchief.

Zulfiya is looking for her handkerchief,

looked under the leaf,

there she found a handkerchief.

After these words, the children stop, and the child at whose feet the scarf is, grabs it and catches up with the driver..

Uzbek: Well, did you guys like our games?

Uzbek: and it’s time for me, I have a lot of work to do, but you come again and we’ll play again.

A Ukrainian woman enters, the dancing children leave.

Ukrainian: Hello bull, kind people! Who are you and where are you going?

Children: We are from Russia, we came to your country to see how you live! We were in Uzbekistan, we really liked it, played games. They said hello to you.

Ukrainian: Special thanks for hello! Our people also love to play games, now I will teach you too.

Game 3: “Khlibchik”

The players stand in pairs one after another, the leader leads the way and says:

I'm baking some bread!

Will you bake it?

Will you run away?

I'll take a look!

After these words, the last couple scatters, each runs in his own direction and the driver catches them. The one who is caught stands in the column, and the other one stands as the driver.

Game 4: “Chaklun” (sorcerer)

Children stand in a circle, take one cube at a time and place it in front of them. In the center is a sorcerer weaving bast shoes. Children run in circles and talk.

Did you weave bast shoes?

Did you weave bast shoes?

After these words, the driver collects the cubes, and the children must have time to take the cube. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game.

Ukrainian: how fun and great you played, I don’t want to part with you, you’re painfully cheerful, nothing can be done; it’s always a pity to part, but it’s necessary, good luck to you guys, don’t forget to come again!

Children turn to the map and follow the red arrows while jumping through hoops. They find themselves in a gypsy camp, the music “Romala” plays, the children dance a gypsy dance. A gypsy woman comes out and addresses the gypsies.

Gypsy: Well, shoo kids, shoo, shoo, leave your mother without a job. Oh, beauty, oh, radiant, bright-eyed, and gild your pen and I’ll tell you fortunes.

Teacher: Yes, this is not why we came to you.

Gypsy: why not for this? Why else? Oh, yes, you’re my yacht, oh, yes, you’re calico, and gild the handle.

Teacher: Well, what are you all about money!

Gypsy: But how can you not think about it, you saw how many of them I have.

Teacher: We came to play games, and you extort money from us.

Gypsy: A! play games, I'll tell you now.

Game 5: “De-a kai” horses Children stand in pairs in a circle, one horse is the other rider, they all gallop together in a circle and say the words:

I'm riding on a horse

On the wonderful side

By gypsy green

Clack, horse, bay clatter,

Clack, horseshoe, clack, clack, clack.

After these words, the children run away, the horses only catch their riders.

Game 6: “De Jos Kushma” mother and gypsies

Children run around the hall, the driver catches the children, having caught one, he lets him pass under his feet, he crawls through and stands behind and holds on to the driver and so on until he catches everyone.

Gypsy: This is how I gather my gypsies into a tent.

Teacher: Well, you don’t always think about money, we really enjoyed your stay, but it’s time for us to return home. Children holding each other move to cheerful music and stand to the side. At this time, the Russian Dance "Quadrille" is performed.

Teacher: Well, our journey has come to an end without notice, we returned to Russia, well, how did you guys like traveling? And the games that you learned will you play? Now is the time to restore lost strength and drink a vitamin drink.

Children leave the hall one after another to the music.

Appendix No. 5

Sports entertainment scenario

"Celebration of Forgotten Games"
in the preparatory school group

Goals and objectives:

    Popularization of folk games among preschoolers and their parents;

    Development of dexterity, coordination abilities, endurance, ingenuity;

    Fostering tolerance and interest in the culture of other peoples;

    Creating a favorable microclimate, trusting relationships between adults and children, parents and teachers;

    Introducing children and parents to Russian folklore.

Preliminary work:

    Release of the wall newspaper “Learning by Playing”;

    Introducing children to Russian folk games and the peoples of the Volga region;

    Learning counting rhymes, draws, calls;

    Making attributes for folk games;

Characters: Buffoon, buffoon, teacher, children, parents.

Hall decoration: The hall is decorated with balloons. On the central wall are silhouettes of children playing blind man's buff, with balls, and jump ropes.

(A buffoon with a buffoon greets guests in the foyer, blows a pipe, beats a drum).

Buffoon: Hello parents! In our festive hall go through, would you like to?


Come in without hesitation!

No tickets needed.

Just show us

fun mood!

(Parents take seats in the hall. There are children in folk costumes in the foyer. The teacher looks into the hall.)


Oh, what kind of honest people are gathered here?

What kind of holiday will be here, who would have guessed?


Come in, kids.

Hello kids.

Girls and boys.

Thank you for not passing by.

They came to visit us for a holiday.

Come in, don't be shy.

Make yourself comfortable!


How nice and smart you all are.


golden-haired girl.

And Andryusha is great.

And Kiryusha is a daredevil!

And Tatars and Bashkirs,

and Chuvash and Mordovians.

We are glad to see everyone today,

and it's time to open the holiday!


Wait for the buffoon.

We were invited to a party

and they didn’t explain it at all,

what kind of holiday will it be here?

The guests are waiting for an explanation.

Buffoon: Our holiday is not simple, but of folk games and entertainment.

Child: Is there really such a holiday?

Buffoon: It still happens.

Gather people, join the round dance.

(Round dance "Wreath". Two guys with wreaths join hands, raising them up, forming a gate. The rest of the children walk through the gate in a line and sing “The girls have sown flax.” At the end, the children who held the gate put a wreath on one of the participants. Everyone commands: “Wreath, wreath, hide in the tower!” The participant with the wreath runs away and hides it. Everyone goes looking for a wreath. The one who finds the wreath takes it for himself).


Oh, they played well!

And the mothers and fathers got a little bored.

Let's play the Russian folk game "Rucheek" with them.

(Game "Stream" " To the music of “Quadrille,” children stand in pairs, raise their arms up and form gates. The leading child goes through the gate and chooses a mate. The child left without a partner becomes the driver).


Who else are they?

Bright and colorful.

They wave handkerchiefs

And they dance merrily?

(Dance of nesting dolls)

Skomoroshka: And in the old days, the Russian people were cheerful and amusing. What kind of games have you played? For accuracy, strength, speed, agility. We invite you, dear guests, to play the Russian folk game “Wolf and Sheep”.

Game "Wolf and Sheep". Before starting the game, you need to choose a “wolf” and a “shepherd”, the rest of the children will be “sheep”. On opposite sides of the site, the boundaries of two “sheepfolds” are marked, where “sheep” can escape from the wolf. Before the start of the game, all “sheep” must be located at the edge of the field, in one of the “sheepfolds”. A circle is drawn in the center of the site: where the “wolf’s lair” will be. The children say in chorus:

Shepherd, shepherd,

Blow the horn!

The grass is soft

Sweet dew. - Drive the herd into the field,

Take a walk in freedom!

The “shepherd” plays the “horn” and thus lets his “sheep” out for a walk in the water meadow. The “wolf” closely monitors the grazing “sheep” from his “lair”. When the “shepherd” shouts: “Wolf!”, “the sheep must have time to run to another sheepfold, on the opposite side of the field. And the “wolf” jumps out from his “lair” and tries to catch them ("to grease"). The “shepherd” protects the “sheep”, shielding them from the “wolf”. The “sheep” that the “wolf” caught are out of the game.


There are many folk games in the world.

Let's get to know them better, children.

(Game "Towns" (simplified version). The players are divided into two teams. A line is drawn that they must not cross. There are “towns” in the center of the hall. Players using the bat must hit the target and smash them).

Skomoroshka: And when I was still a little buffoon, I loved to play the funny blind man's buff "Masha and Yasha."

Buffoon: Come on, come on, be more detailed. I don't remember such a game.

The buffoon explains the rules of the game and invites parents and children to play.

"Masha and Yasha" For this game, children choose a boy and a girl as drivers. The boy is appointed “Masha”: now he must speak in a thin voice, and the girl “Yasha”: from now on she speaks in a deep voice. Both drivers are blindfolded. The rest of the children join hands and form a closed circle around the leaders. The drivers stand in a circle, they are spun around to make it more difficult for them to maintain their orientation, and they are released to “look” for each other. “Yasha” is looking for “Masha”, calling out to her in a bass voice, and “Masha” responds, but is not in a hurry to meet “Yasha”. If “Yasha” blindly mistakes another child for “Masha”, the mistake is pointed out to him. The game continues until the funny couple finally meets.


And now 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we’ll dance “The Lady.”

Stomp your right foot, clap left hand.

Hands to the side and turn.

The lady is dancing, people.

(Parents and children dance “Barynya”).

Educator: Buffoons, and in our kindergarten There are children of different nationalities. We often play games of other peoples. We can teach you too.

Buffoon: That's great! We want. Teach.

Educator: This is a game of the Tatar people. It's called "Limping Fox".

Game "Limping Fox" At the beginning of the game, “fox hole”, “house”, “chicken coop” are indicated with hoops, and it is chosen which of the children will be the “lame fox” and “chicken coop owner”. All other children become “chickens”.

« The lame fox jumps on one leg from her hole to the chicken coop, past the house, and the “owner of the house” asks her where she is going.

Fox, lame little fox, where are you hobbling at night?

Bikchantai, son of Mamai, my dear grandmother is waiting for me!

Why rush to her?

My fur coat is there behind the stove.

What if the fur coat catches fire?

I'll dip my fur coat in the river.

What if the current sweeps her away?

I will cry with grief.

Fox, lame little fox, how can you walk without a fur coat?

Bikchantai, son of Mamai, as soon as I pass, you will understand!

The owner "goes to bed"(closes eyes), and the cheating fox climbs into the “chicken coop” and begins to chase the “chickens.” At the same time, she must jump on one leg; she is prohibited from standing on both legs at once. The “chickens” scatter from the fox, but they are strictly forbidden to run out of the “chicken coop”.

Jumping after the “chickens”, the “lame fox” strives to “smear” someone with his hand. The player whom the fox manages to touch becomes the fox himself in the next game.

Educator: And this game is played by the peoples of the Chuvash nationality " Moon or sun" , Two players are chosen to be captains. They agree among themselves which of them is the moon and which is the sun. The others, who had previously been standing aside, approach them one by one. Quietly, so that others do not hear, everyone says what he chooses: the moon or the sun. He is also told whose team he should be on.

- So everyone is divided into two teams, which line up in columns - the players behind their captain, clasping the one in front by the waist. Teams pull each other across the line between them. The loser is the team whose captain crossed the line during the tug-of-war.

Educator: Let's play the Mordovian game "Paradise-Paradise"

Game "Paradise-Paradise". Two children are chosen for the game - the gate; the rest of the players are mothers and children. Children - gates raise their clasped hands up and say:

Heaven, heaven, I'm missing it,

And I leave the last ones.

The mother herself will pass

And he will see the children through.

At this time, the playing children, having become a train, follow their mother through the gate. The gate children, with their hands down, separate the last child and in a whisper ask him two words - the password.(for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The responder chooses one of these words and joins the team of the child whose password he named. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her for a shield or an arrow. The mother answers and joins one of the teams. Children - gates stand facing each other, holding hands. The remaining members of each team line up behind their half of the goal. The resulting two teams pull each other. The winning team is considered the winner.

Educator: Did you know that the Bashkirs have always been a warlike people. Many tales and legends are associated with these people. But Bashkiria is also rich in its games. We present one of the games “Yurt”.

The game involves four subgroups of children, each of which forms a circle at the corners of the site. In the center of each circle there is a chair on which a scarf with a national pattern is hung. Holding hands, everyone walks in four circles at alternating steps and sings:

We are funny guys

Let's all gather in a circle.

Let's play and dance

And let's rush to the meadow.

To a melody without words, the guys move in alternating steps into a common circle. When the music ends, they quickly run to their chairs, take a scarf and pull it over their heads in the form of a tent.(roofs), it turns out to be a yurt.

Educator: Mari children love the game very much " Belyashi" . Let's play it.

In the hall, two lines are drawn with cords at a distance of 3-4 m from one another. The players, divided into two teams, stand behind these lines facing each other. One of the players at will and the agreement of his comrades with a cry of “Belyasha!” runs to the other team, each member of which pulls forward right hand. The person running up takes someone from the opposing team by the hand and tries to pull him across the court behind his line. If he succeeds, he places the prisoner behind him. If he himself finds himself outside the line of the enemy team, he becomes its prisoner.

Musical pause.

(A dance tune sounds, children dance).

Educator: These are the games of different nations. They all look a little alike, but how could it be otherwise, because children play in them. And children all over the world are the same. Mischievous, inquisitive, active.


Igraliya, Igralochka,

Wonderful country.

Everyone has been here more than once,

Who ever played

Hide and seek or tag.

Buffoon: What games did your mothers and fathers play in childhood? Let's ask them.

Skomoroshka: (interviews parents)

Buffoon: Let's play some of these games. (Invites a parent, he explains the game and everyone plays it together).

“Fifteen”, “Damaged Phone”, “Chizh”, etc.

Skomoroshka: Now let the guys clap louder and together!

Buffoon: And for all the winners today, let their parents clap!


Let your childhood play

Enough, to the full, not in short

Let it open like a flower.

Spare the child's soul

Take care of your eyes.

Don't reproach me for pranks in vain

Neither a parent nor a teacher.

Let your childhood play

Laugh, jump around.

Dear parents, children and guests! Thank you for participating in our celebration. Always be pure in heart and do not forget that you yourself were once children.


And let the boys and girls.

All the naughty kids.

Today they will say it loudly and loudly.

Long live the Game! (pronounced in unison).

The folk melodies “Barynya”, “Valenki”, “Quadrille”, “The Girls Sowed Flax” were used at the festival. Dance melodies of the Tatar, Chuvash, Mordovian, Mari, and Bashkir peoples were also used. All games were accompanied by counting rhymes:

1. Over the seas, over the mountains,

Behind the iron pillars

There is a tower on the hill,

There is a lock on the door.

Go get the key

And unlock the lock.

2. Like outside our yard

There is a cup of cottage cheese.

Two grouse arrived

They pecked and flew away.

They pecked and flew away,

On a green meadow

3. Little Bunny

He ran across the field,

Ran into the garden

I found cabbage

I found a carrot.

Sits, gnawing.

The owner is coming!

4. The bees flew into the field,

They buzzed and buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers,

We play - you drive!

5. Tili-telii, the birds sang.

They took off and flew towards the forest.

The birds began to build nests,

Whoever doesn't howl should drive!

6. A ram was walking

Along steep mountains.

Pulled out the grass

I put it on the bench.

Who will take the weed?

That one will go!

7. - White hare,

Where did you run?

To the oak forest!

What was he doing there?

The bast tore!

Where did you put it?

Under deck!

Who stole?

Get out!

8. The first ones, the other ones,

Little pigeons were flying

By the morning dew,

Along the green lane.

There are apples, nuts,

Honey, sugar.

Go over there to the corner.

9. Tarya - Marya

I went to the forest

I ate cones -

She told us.

And we are big shots

Tare - Mare

10. Tara - bar,

It's time to go home -

Feed the guys

Water the calves

Milk the cows

You should drive!

Appendix No. 6

Sports festival scenario

"Folk Games Fair"

This scenario is intended for children of senior preschool age. Folk games are an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education of preschool children. The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. They develop a stable, interested, respectful attitude towards the culture of different peoples.

Program content:

Educational direction:

Continue to introduce children to games of different nations;

Introduce children to folk art, develop a sense of humor, imagination, ingenuity, develop dexterity, speed, endurance.

Wellness direction:

Train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health.

Educational direction:

Cultivate respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, and attentive attitude towards others;

Promote implementation physical culture into family life.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with traditions and games of different nations.

Musical repertoire: dance “Russian dance” Russian tunes, arrangement by G. Razorenny.

Equipment: Fake gate with the inscription “Fair”, umbrella – “carousel”, stands – 4 pcs., hats – 2 pcs., large scarves – 2 pcs., cube module – 2 pcs., bast shoes – 4 pairs, galoshes – 2 pairs, rattles according to the number of fans, fake flowers - according to the number of participants, hoops - 2 pcs., music center, CD recordings with soundtracks of songs, dances of different nations, costumes of buffoons.

Children and their parents enter the hall through the gate to the accompaniment of music.


The sun is rising bright

People are rushing to the fair.

The gates open,

Come in, gentlemen.

Participants go through the gate and take their places.

Titus enters.

Filya: Hello, Titus! Where are you going?

Titus: I'm going to the fair.

Here the people have gathered

The Fair will come soon.

Multi-colored flags!

Filya: No! Pancakes and rolls -

Let the stoves sit in a warm place!

Our fair is different

We will play with the people!

Titus: And I thought they sell goods here, I’ll buy something for myself! (crying)

I was thinking of buying gifts: a scarf for my mother, boots for my father, earrings for my grandmother, and a ribbon for my sister, right up to my knees!

Filya: Come on, Titus, our fair is not simple, it is not like any other fair in the world. This is a fair of folk games. Every nation has its own game. Today I invite you to games of different nations. Titus, it will be interesting, let's have fun. We invite you to the game, I will start the carousel.

The buffoon Filya holds an umbrella with multi-colored ribbons in his hands. Children take hold of the ribbons and, pronouncing words, move along the text.

Outdoor game “Carousel”.

Barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel

One, two, one, two,

The game is over!


We guys are daring

We are naughty guys

We invite everyone to the fair,

At least we don't sell anything!

The following teams came to the fair: “Freckles” and “Droplets”.

And the guests - the boyars (judges) - will appreciate the dexterity, dexterity and speed of the participants.


We wish from the bottom of our hearts

May your results be good!

So that you don't feel tired today,

And they brought everyone a lot of joy!

We invite you to play a Russian folk game.

Hang out."

Teams sit with their legs extended, one meter apart. On command, the last participant begins to jump over his legs and sits in front of the first, legs extended, etc., until the finish line.


Songs, games, round dances,

Will not go out of fashion

Get ready kids

It's time to play.

Georgian folk game “Take off the hat”.

Two stands are placed: the first 1 meter from the start, the second 5 meters. The first one runs, takes off his hat from the second stand, puts it on the first stand, the next one from the first stand to the second, etc.

Titus: Hey, well done girls, do you want to play Bashkir folk game “Yurt” .

The teams stand in their circle; in the center there is a cube with a scarf on it. To the music, everyone jumps, scatters, and moves around the hall. At the end of the music, everyone quickly runs to their scarves and pulls them over their heads, “building” a yurt.

Filya: Titus, do you like riddles?

Titus: I love! Let's ask the participants a guess, can they guess them?


A sieve grows in the field,

Full of black grains.



My father had a strange boy,

Unusual - wooden..

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this?


Treats small children

Heals small animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor.....



The mouse has found a home

The mouse was kind

In that house, after all,

There were a lot of residents.


Not a tailor, but all my life

Walks around with needles.



The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming,

Butterflies are flying. When does this happen?

(In summer)


We'll have a wonderful time here,

It's interesting to watch children play.

Titus: Let's play a Belarusian folk game.


You, Mikhasik, don’t yawn,

Put on your shoes.

Teams run around the sandals in a “snake” fashion in galoshes to the counter and back in a straight line.


We invite children,

For an interesting game!

Khanty folk game “Deer and Shepherds” ”.

Each participant is given a ring (diameter – 20 cm). In turn, everyone throws a ring - “maut” - onto a stick held by the buffoons at a distance of 2.50-3 meters.

(Accuracy is assessed).

The guys are bored at our holiday,

Come out, be brave.

And there is one game for you,

You'll love her!

Game with fans “Grab it quickly!”

A large circle is drawn with chalk on the floor, into which rattles are placed randomly. The fans stand in a circle and begin to move with cheerful musical accompaniment. The music turns off, everyone tries to grab the rattle and lift it up. Whoever did not get a rattle sits in his place. As the game continues, the rattles are removed by the buffoons.

Filya: Let's play the Nenets folk game “ Reindeer sleds.”

The child is wearing a “harnessed reindeer” hoop, the parent is holding on to the “musher” hoop. At the signal, the teams run to the posts, run around and come back, pass the hoop to the next pair, etc.

We are not too lazy to play and sing,

We could play all day.

Filya: Let's play a Ukrainian folk game “Weave a wreath.”

There are hoops at a distance of 8-10 meters. Participants take turns running to the hoop and placing flowers around it..

Filya: Titus, maybe we can fight and find out who is stronger, you or me?

Titus: Let's play a Russian folk game "Cock-fights"

A circle with a diameter of 2 meters is drawn on the floor. One participant from each team enters the circle and, jumping on one leg, hands behind their backs, tries to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders.

Filya: We invite you, guests - boyars, and you, dear participants, to watch the Russian folk dance performed by our girls!

Musical break “Russian dance”.

Titus: Now let’s listen to our guests, the boyars, which team turned out to be the fastest, most agile, strong, nimble?

The hour of farewell is coming,

Our speech will be short.

We say to you: “Goodbye!

Until pleasant, new meetings!”


This is where the fair ends,

Who played, well done!

The buffoons present sweet prizes to the children and say goodbye to the participants.

Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the world are outdoor games that children from different countries enjoy playing.

1 Russian folk game “Bees and Swallow”.

Progress of the game. Children playing - “bees” - are squatting. “Swallow” is in its “nest”.

Bees (they sit in a clearing and hum).

The bees are flying and collecting honey!

Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom

Martin. The swallow flies

He'll catch the bees!

“Flies out” and catches “bees”. The one who is caught becomes a “swallow”.

2 Russian folk game “Cabbage”.

Goal: to develop motor activity in children.

Progress of the game. The circle is a vegetable garden. Scarves are folded in the middle to represent cabbage. The “owner” sits down next to the “cabbage” and says:

I'm sitting on a pebble

I touch the pegs with chalk.

I play with small pegs,

I will build my own vegetable garden.

So that the cabbage is not stolen,

They didn’t go to the garden

Wolves and tits, beavers and martens,

The hare is mustachioed, the bear is clubfooted.

Children try to run into the “garden”, grab the “cabbage” and run away. Whoever the “owner” catches is eliminated from the game. The participant who takes away the most “cabbages” is the winner.

3 Russian folk game “Ball up”.

Target. develop the ability to hit the target.

Progress of the game. The players stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle of the circle and throws the ball, saying: “Ball up!” At this time, the players try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Everyone must stop, and the driver, without leaving his place, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The player who was hit by the ball becomes the leader.

4 Russian folk game “Wolf”.

Progress of the game. All the players are “sheep”; they ask the “wolf” to let them take a walk in the forest: “Let us, wolf, take a walk in your forest!” He replies: “Walk, walk, but just don’t pinch the grass, otherwise I won’t have anything to sleep on.” At first the “sheep” just walk in the forest, but soon they forget the promise, nibble the grass and sing:

We pinch, we pinch the grass, the green ant.

For grandma for mittens, for grandpa for a caftan,

A shovelful of dirt for the gray wolf!

The "wolf" runs across the clearing and catches the "sheep", the one caught becomes a "wolf", the game resumes.

Rules of the game. Walking through the forest, the “sheep” should disperse throughout the clearing.

5 Russian folk game “Wandering Ball”.

Goal: to develop attention and dexterity of movement.

Progress of the game. All players, except the driver, stand in a circle at arm's length. They pass a big ball to each other. The driver runs outside the circle and tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeds, then he goes to the place of the player in whose hands the ball was, and the player goes out of the circle. The game repeats itself.

Rules of the game. When passing the ball, the players must not move from their place. You cannot pass the ball through one person, only to the player standing next to you. The player who dropped the ball becomes the driver.

6 Bashkir folk game “Sticky Stumps”.

Goal: develop dexterity and speed of movement.

Progress of the game. Three or four players squat as far apart as possible. They represent sticky stumps. The rest of the players run around the court, trying not to come close to them. “Penechki” should try to touch the children running past. Those who are touched become “stumps”.

Rules of the game. "Stumps" should not get up from their place.

7 Belarusian folk game “Vanyusha and the swans”.

Progress of the game. A circle with a diameter of 10 m is drawn on the ground. This is a forest, and in the middle the square is the forester’s house. Vanyusha is placed in the square and the “forester” is chosen. The rest are “swans”. The “swans”, flying into the forest, try to pick up Vanyusha, and the “forester” tries to catch the “swans” with his hand. The “Swan,” who manages to get Vanyusha out of the forest, becomes a “forester” himself, and the game starts all over again.

Rules of the game. You can’t run into the “forester’s” house. Caught “swans” are eliminated from the game until the roles are changed. The “lesovik” does not have the right to leave the forest and stand near the house all the time; he must move around the site.

8 Udmurt folk game “Water”.

Goal: develop agility and speed.

Progress of the game. Draw a circle. This is a pond or lake. The driver (“water one”) is selected. The players run around the “lake” and repeat the words: “There is no water, but there are a lot of people.” The “water man” runs around the circle (“lake”) and catches players who come close to the “shore” (circle line). Those caught remain in a circle. The game continues until the majority of players are caught.

Rules of the game. “Vodyanoy” catches without going beyond the circle line. Those who are caught also become traps. They help the merman.

9 Caucasian folk game “Drag”.

Goal: develop strength and agility.

Progress of the game. A large circle is drawn on the site. It is divided in half by a line. On both sides of her, with their backs to each other, stand two participants in the game. A steel hoop is put on them. At the signal, both players begin to pull each other out of the circle. Whoever pulls who out wins.

Rules of the game. You should start pulling at the same time on the command: “March!” You only need to pull forward using your body and legs.

10 Mordovian folk game “Circular”.

Goal: to develop accuracy and speed of reactions.

Progress of the game. The players are divided into two teams, draw a large circle and agree who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, distributed evenly, try to hit the children in the circle with the ball. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any other child outside the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve; if not, then he leaves the circle. When the ball has hit all the children, the players change places.

Rules of the game. The ball can only be caught from the air; a ball caught from the ground does not count. A child who catches the ball and hits a player outside the circle remains in the circle. If he gets hit, he stays in the circle since he has a point to spare.

11 Game of the peoples of the North "Drag".

Goal: develop strength and speed of movement.

Progress of the game. Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 3–4 meters from one another. The players, divided into two teams, stand behind these lines facing each other. One of the players, of his own free will and with the consent of his comrades, shouting “I’ll pull it over!” runs to the other team, each member of which extends his right hand forward. The person running up takes someone from the opposing team by the hand and tries to pull him across the court behind his line. If he succeeds, he places the prisoner behind him. If he himself ends up outside the line of the enemy team, he becomes its prisoner and is located behind the back of the player who pulled him over to his side. Game continues. Now the attacker is sent out by the other team. The game ends when one team attracts all the players of the other team.

12 Caucasian folk game “Blind Man’s Bluff Porters.”

Progress of the game. A small table is placed at one end of the area, 10 small toys are laid out on it. At the other end of the platform, 10–15 steps from the table, there are two chairs. Two porters are chosen from among the players. They sit on chairs facing the table, both are blindfolded. Each porter must transfer 5 objects from the table to his chair. The one who completes the job first will win.

Rules of the game. Both porters start the game at the same time, on a signal. You can only transfer 1 item at a time. During the game, it is necessary to ensure that the porters do not collide when walking towards each other.

13 Game of the peoples of the North “Catching Reindeer”.

Goal: to develop accuracy and speed of movement.

Progress of the game. Among the players, two “shepherds” are chosen, and the rest are “deer”, who stand inside the outlined circle. The “shepherds” are located behind the circle, opposite each other. At the leader’s signal “One, two, three – catch!” The “shepherds” take turns throwing the ball at the “deer”, and they run away. The “deer” that is hit by the ball is considered caught. After four to five repetitions, the number of “deer” caught is counted.

14 Tatar folk game “Guess and catch up.”

Goal: to develop attention, reaction speed, dexterity.

Progress of the game. The players sit on a bench or grass in one row. The driver sits in front with his eyes closed. One of the players approaches the driver, puts his hand on his shoulder and calls him by name in a whisper. The driver must guess who it is. If he guesses correctly, he quickly takes off the bandage and catches up with the runner. If the driver says the player's name incorrectly, then another player comes up. If the name is named correctly, the player touches the driver on the shoulder, making it clear that he needs to run.

Rules of the game. If the driver does not understand the friend, you can repeat the name again. Having caught a player, the driver sits at the end of the column, and the caught one becomes the driver. The game has a strict order.

15 Russian folk game “Keys”.

Goal: develop attention and speed.

Progress of the game. Children playing stand in circles drawn on the ground. The driver approaches the player and asks: “Where are the keys?”, he replies: “Go to Sasha (Seryozha), knock.” During this conversation, the players try to change places. The driver must quickly take the circle that is free during the dash. If he cannot occupy it for a long time, he can shout: “I found the keys.” All players must change places, and the driver takes someone’s circle. A child left without a place becomes a driver.

16 Game of the peoples of the North “I am.”

Goal: develop motor skills.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into two identical teams. In the middle of the site, at a distance of 2–3 meters, two lines are designated, behind which two lines are built opposite each other. The players of the running team clap their hands together, turn and quickly run to their end of the court. The driving team runs after them, trying to catch at least one of the runners before they cross the line delineating the area. The player who is touched must shout loudly: “I am!” After that, he and his entire team turn around and catch the players of the driving team who are trying to run over the line at their end of the court.

Rules of the game. You can catch any player. The one who is caught must shout: “I am!” It is not allowed to run beyond the side line of the court.

17 Russian folk game “The Herd”.

Goal: to develop memory and attention.

Progress of the game. The players choose “shepherd” and “wolf”, and everyone else chooses “sheep”. The “wolf’s” house is in the garden, and the “sheep” have two “houses” at opposite ends of the site. The “sheep” loudly call the “shepherd”:

Shepherdess, shepherdess, play the horn.

The grass is soft, the dew is sweet,

Drive the herd into the field, take a walk in the wild.

The “shepherd” drives the “sheep” out into the meadow, they walk, run, and nibble grass. At the signal from the “shepherd” “Wolf!” all the “sheep” run into the house on the opposite side of the site. The “shepherd” stands in the way of the “wolf” and protects the flock. Everyone caught by the “wolf” leaves the game.

Rules of the game. During the run, the “sheep” cannot return to the house from which they left. The “wolf” does not catch the “sheep”, but touches them with his hand. The “shepherd” can only shield the “sheep” from the wolf, but should not hold it back with his hands.

18 Belarusian folk game “Prela-gorela”.

Progress of the game. The presenter and the driver hide toys in different places, accompanying the actions with the words:

Prela-burning flew overseas,

And when she arrived, she sat down somewhere,

Whoever finds it first gets it!

After these words, everyone scatters around the site, looking for hidden objects. Whoever finds the most wins.

Rules of the game. You can start looking for objects only after the spoken words. While laying out toys, everyone should stand with their eyes closed and not peep. You need to hide toys quickly.

19 Belarusian folk game “Ring”.

Goal: to develop attention and observation.

Progress of the game. The players stand in a circle, holding their hands in front of the boat. One leader is selected. In his hands he has a small shiny object (It could be a ring, a foil wrapper). The leader walks in a circle and seems to put a ring in everyone’s hands. At the same time he says:

Here I go in circles

I’ll give you all a ring,

Hold your hands tighter

Yes, watch out, don’t yawn!

He quietly puts a ring on one of the children, and then leaves the circle and says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The one with the ring in his hands runs out, and the children must quickly hold hands and try to hold him back and not let him out of the circle.

20 Dagestan folk game “Pick up the toy.”

Goal: to develop dexterity of movements.

Progress of the game. The players stand in a circle; any large toy is placed in the center. The teacher hits the tambourine, all the players move in a circle. At the end of the ringing, each participant in the game tries to be the first to pick up the toy.

Rules of the game. You cannot pull the toy and leave the circle before the tambourine stops sounding.

21 Kazakh folk game “Scarf with a knot.”

Goal: develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

Progress of the game. The driver gives one of the participants a handkerchief tied in a knot. Participants stand in a circle around the driver. At the driver’s command “One, two, three!” all participants run away. The driver must catch up with the player with the scarf, touch his shoulder and pick up the scarf. At the time of pursuit, the player with the scarf

22 Russian folk game “Snow Woman”.

Goal: to develop the motor system, dexterity.

Progress of the game. Select " snow woman" She sits down on her haunches at the end of the platform. The children walk towards her, stamping their feet.

The snowy woman is standing

He sleeps at night, sleeps during the day,

In the evenings he waits quietly,

At night he comes to scare everyone.

At these words, the “snow woman” wakes up and catches up with the children. Whoever he catches becomes a “snow woman.”

23 Buryat folk game “Needle, thread and knot.”

Goal: to develop attention and dexterity.

Progress of the game. The players stand in a circle, holding hands. Using a counting table, select “needle”, “thread” and “knot”. All of them, one after another, either run into the circle or run out of it. If the “thread” or “knot” comes off (they fall behind or incorrectly run out of the circle after the “needle” or run into the circle), then this group is considered a loser. Other players are selected. The winner is the three that move quickly, deftly, correctly, keeping up with each other.

“Needle”, “thread”, “knot” hold hands, they must be let out of the circle without delay and immediately closed.

24 Georgian folk game “Day and Night”.

Goal: to develop motor activity.

Progress of the game. Two lines are drawn at some distance from each other. Boys line up on one line, girls line up on the other. Leading between them. The boys team is “Night”, and the girls team is “Day”. With the command “Night” the boys catch the girls, with the command “Day” the girls catch the boys. The one who is caught goes to the opposing team.

25 Buryat folk game “Wolf and Lambs”.

Goal: to develop dexterity and speed of movement.

Progress of the game. One player is the “wolf”, the other is the “sheep”, the rest are the “lambs”. The “wolf” sits on the road along which the “sheep” with “lambs” is moving. She is in front, behind her, one after another, the “lambs” walk in single file. They approach the “wolf”. “Sheep” asks: “What are you doing here?” “I’m waiting for you,” says the “wolf.” “Why are you waiting for us?” “To eat you all!” - with these words he rushes at the “lambs”, and the “sheep” blocks them. The “lambs” hold on to each other and to the “sheep.”

Rules of the game. The "wolf" can only catch the last "lamb". The “lambs” must deftly make turns to the side, following the movements of the “sheep”. The “wolf” cannot push away the “sheep”.

26 Dagestan folk game “Put on your hat.”

Goal: develop attention and coordination.

Progress of the game. The boy is sitting on a chair. The driver is taken 8-10 steps away from him and turned to face the person sitting so that the driver can orient himself where he is sitting. The driver closes his eyes, turns him around and gives him a hat. He must take a certain number of steps and put the hat on the boy. The rest of the players count the driver's steps out loud and cheer for him. When the game is repeated, other children are assigned to these roles.

Rules of the game. The driver should not peep; The players should not help the driver or give him any hints.

27 Belarusian folk game “Hare-month”.

Goal: develop speed of movement.

Progress of the game. The players stand in a circle. The leader and children begin roll call:

- Moon hare, where have you been? - Where did you put it?

- In the forest. - Under the deck.

- What did you do? -Who stole it?

- Mowed hay. - Chur.

Whoever gets the word “crazy” catches up with the children, and they scatter in all directions.

Rules of the game. You can only run after the word “chur.” A player who is touched by the one who catches is considered caught.

28 Georgian folk game “Children and the Rooster”.

Goal: develop agility and speed.

Progress of the game. One of the players represents a rooster. The “Rooster” comes out of his house, walks around the site and crows three times. The players responded: “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb, butter head, silk beard! Why do you get up so early and don’t let the children sleep?”

After this, the “rooster” crows again, flaps its “wings” and begins to catch the children who, having left their houses, are running around the playground.

Rules of the game. You cannot catch children in the house.

29 Tatar folk game “Clappers”.

Goal: develop speed and agility.

Progress of the game. On opposite sides of the site, two cities are marked with two parallel lines. The distance between them is 20–30 meters. All children line up in one line near one of the cities: the left hand is on the belt, the right hand is extended forward with the palm up. The driver is selected. He approaches those standing near the city and says the words:

Clap and clap! - This is the signal.

I'm running, and you're following me!

With these words, the driver lightly slaps someone on the palm. The driver and the stained one run in a race to the opposite city. Whoever runs faster will remain in the new city, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. Until the driver touches someone's palm, you cannot run. While running, players should not touch each other.

30 Tatar folk game “Interceptors”.

Goal: develop agility and speed.

Progress of the game. At opposite ends of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located in one of them in a line. In the middle, facing the children, is the driver. The children say the words in chorus:

We can run fast

We love to jump and gallop.

One two three four five,

There's no way they'll catch us!

After finishing these words, everyone runs scattered across the site to another house. The driver tries to tarnish the defectors. One of the stained ones becomes the driver, and the game continues. At the end of the game, the best guys who have never been caught are celebrated.

Rules of the game. The driver catches the players by touching the shoulder with his hand. The stained ones go to the appointed place.

31 Tatar folk game “Foxes and Hens”.

Goal: to develop motor activity.

Progress of the game. At one end of the site there are “hens and roosters in the chicken coop.” On the opposite side there is a “fox”. “Chickens” and “roosters” walk around the site, pretending to peck grains, look for worms, etc. When a “fox” sneaks up on them, the “roosters” shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, everyone runs to the “chicken coop”, and the “fox” rushes after them, which tries to catch any of the players.

Rules of the game. If it is not possible to stain any of the players, then the “fox” leads again.

32 Game of the peoples of the North “Tag on a sled.”

Goal: to develop dexterity and speed of movement.

Progress of the game. Several couples play. In each of them, one player carries the other on a sled. A pair of drivers is selected. The drivers strive to catch up with any other couple and tarnish one of them. The player sitting on the sled catches, he does this only by touching his hand. If one player in a pair is upset, this pair becomes the leader.

Rules of the game. You must play within a certain area. A couple that has driven outside the court becomes the driver, and the game continues. You cannot catch the players of the pair that was just leading.

33 Game of the peoples of the North “Catching Reindeer”.

Goal: to develop accuracy and dexterity.

Progress of the game. Among the players, two “shepherds” are chosen - the rest are “deer”. They stand inside the outlined circle. The “shepherds” are located behind the circle, opposite each other. At the leader’s signal “One, two, three – catch!” The “shepherds” take turns throwing the ball at the “deer”, and they run away from it. The “deer” that is hit by the ball is considered caught. After four to five repetitions, the number of “deer” caught is counted.

Rules of the game. The game must begin only at the signal. The ball should only be thrown at the feet of the players. A direct hit is counted, not after a rebound.

34 Russian folk game “Big Ball”.

Goal: to develop dexterity of movements and speed.

Progress of the game. To play you need a big ball. The players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver with the big ball is in the middle of the circle. He tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet, and the one who missed the ball becomes the driver and stands behind the circle. The players turn their backs to the center. Now the driver needs to roll the ball into the circle, the players again turn to face each other, and the one who missed the ball stands in the middle. The game repeats itself.

“The sea is agitated” - Russian folk game

This game can be played indoors. According to the counting rhyme, the guys choose a driver, then they make up chairs (there should be fewer of them than the guys) and when the driver shouts “The sea is worried” - they run, jump, pretending to be waves. At the driver’s signal, “The sea has calmed down,” they rush to take their seats. To those who did not get a seat, the driver assigns forfeits - asks them to dance, sing, read a poem.

The sea is agitated in front of me,
Wave after wave hits the shore.
This wave is not very strong,
This wave is stronger than an elephant!

"White stick" - Tajik game

According to the counting rhyme, children choose a driver and are divided into 2 teams.
Unnoticed by the children, the driver hides a “white stick” (you can wrap a pencil in paper).
At the driver’s sign, everyone runs to look for the wand; the one who finds the wand shouts: “Yes!” and tries to take it to a pre-agreed place, for example, to a circle drawn on the ground. The players of his team help him, and the guys from the other team try to take the stick away. The wand cannot be thrown, it can only be transferred.

The wand is a lifesaver, our game is ahead!
The wand is a lifesaver; whoever misses it, drive!
The wand is a lifesaver, you can hear hubbub and laughter,
The wand is a lifesaver, help everyone, everyone, everyone!

“Collect apples” - Turkmen game

One apple is placed on a stool. The guys take turns taking the ball and throwing it up. While the ball touches the ground, you need to collect the “harvest” - take an apple from the stool. Those who succeed continue the game - put two, three, four apples on a stool, etc. The one who was able to collect wins more apples while the ball was in the air. Instead of apples, you can take pebbles, plum pits and other items.

Guess, Fatimushka, what’s in grandma’s bag:
Bulbs? Buttons? Rice? Or flour?
If you guess, grandma will give you an apple -
Red, cheeky from a full bag!

"Rope walker" - Uzbek game

On the site, the guys draw a straight line 6-10 meters long. You have to move along it like on a tightrope. It is allowed to keep your arms out to your sides. The losers are those guys who go off the line - “fly off the rope”

There's a tight rope hanging,
Go ahead, Farhad, you first.
Then Sharaf, then Rashid,
Then Ilya, then me!

"Father Frost" - Belarusian game»

Ved: White fluff, snow fluff - everything, everything, everything is fluff around!
Fluff on hats, fluff on fur coats, fluff on eyebrows, fluff on lips.
How ticklish, wow! Who's tickling?
Children: Pooh!

According to the counting, Santa Claus is selected and the children scatter around the playground. Santa Claus runs after them and tries to touch one of the guys with his hand and “freeze” him. » The frozen person must stop and spread his arms to the sides. The game ends when all the guys are “frozen” (or 3-4 by agreement). Then choose a new Santa Claus and start the game over.

"Watchman" - Georgian game

The bunny in the hole is sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, that's right, the bunny is sick,
And Bunny-jump, Bunny-jump, Bunny-jump cannot!
Here's a hunter - stomp - stomp - stomp, with a dog - woof - woof - woof!
Instantly the Bunny ran away, the Bunny jumped, the Bunny hopped!

The “guard” chosen according to the counting rhyme approaches one of the players. He immediately squats down, and the “watchman” puts his hand on his head and protects him. With his other hand he tries to touch the guys who are trying to touch the person sitting. Those who are “tarnished” by the guard leave the game, and the one who “tarnishes” the one sitting becomes the new “guard.”

“Break the chain” - Kazakh game

Beware, stay away, I'm Genghis the tractor driver!
I plow, I harrow, I drive the ringing hoop!

Children stand opposite each other in two lines at a distance of 10-15 steps. They join hands and form a chain. In turn, a player runs from each rank, trying to break the “enemy’s” chain. The one who succeeds takes two guys from the broken chain to his team, and the loser remains with the “enemy.”

"Race" - Kyrgyz game

I fly on a racing horse, if I grab a hare, I’ll let it go.
I’ll gallop after the fox and whip you with a whip,
And I’ll fly at the wolf and trample him!

According to the counting, choose a driver who stands in the center of the circle.
Clapping their hands, the children gallop in a circle, pretending to be horsemen.
The race is won by the one who on the fly picks up the handkerchief thrown by the driver into the center of the circle.

"The Fox and the Cranes" - Russian game

Draw “meadow”, “house”, “fox hole” on the ground with chalk or a stick.
The presenter chooses a “fox” using a counting rhyme. “The fox” is hiding in a “hole.” “The cranes” are gathering in the house. The presenter begins to read the poem, and the “Cranes” fly out of the “house” and leisurely walk around the “meadow,” raising one or the other leg high.
The leader will say the words: “Fly, fly, fly!” - and the cranes will fly home, spreading their arms and wings wide. And the “fox” will jump out of the “hole” and chase after them! If he catches one, he changes places with him. If he doesn't catch him, let him drive again.

A crane walks along an ant-grass
And he sings a song about the grass-ant:
“Oh, ant grass, thick and good!”
The little crane is going home, walking leisurely.
Crane, crane, fox on the way!
Fly home, little crane, fly, fly, fly!

“Jump over the ditch” - Azerbaijani game

Ved: If you want to be dexterous,
If you want to be strong,
If you want to be healthy,
Jump over the moat with us!
On the site, two parallel lines are drawn with chalk at a distance of half a meter from one another - this is a “ditch”. According to the counting, children are divided into two teams, which line up on both sides of the “ditch” at a distance of five steps from it. One by one, with their eyes closed, the guys approach the ditch and jump. The players of each team help their comrades by shouting: “Jump!”, “Don’t jump!” The team that has the most guys able to jump over the ditch without stepping on the line wins.

“Earth, water, fire, air” - Armenian game

Vedas: On the way to Yerevan Lake Sevan splashes,
The fish swam to the shore, we asked: “How are you?”
The fish took water into its mouth and didn’t tell us anything,
She turned and left...
We lead our caravan past Lake Sevan
To the glorious city of Yerevan on the Hrazdan River.
The guys stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the children, while pronouncing one of four words: “Earth,” “Water,” “Fire,” “Air.” If the driver said “Earth,” then the one who caught the ball must name some domestic or wild animal, to the word “Water” - the children respond with the name of a fish, to the word “Air” - the name of a bird. When you hear the word “Fire,” everyone should quickly turn around themselves several times, waving their arms.

"Grey Cat" - Ukrainian game

According to the counting, the guys choose “cat”, the rest choose “mice”. The “mice” stand behind the “cat” in a column.
The column moves along the site. A conversation takes place between the “cat” and the “mice”:
Cat: Are there mice in the haystack?
Mice: Yes!!
Cat: Are you afraid of the cat?
Mice: No!
Cat: And I, Kotofey, will drive away all the mice!
The “mice” scatter, the “cat” catches them, and whoever catches them becomes a “cat.”

A cat wanders through the grass, wearing a dream on its sleeve.
When you see this dream, come out, Little Mouse, out!

"Birds" - Estonian game

Children choose “Mistress” and “Hawk” according to the counting rhyme, and the rest choose “birds”.
The hostess, secretly from the hawk, gives the name to each bird: “You are the cuckoo,” “You are the swallow,” and so on.
A hawk flies.
Hostess: Why did you come?
Hawk: For the bird!
Hostess: For what?
The hawk calls, for example, “Cuckoo.” “Cuckoo” runs out, “hawk” catches it. If there is no bird named hawk, the owner drives the hawk away. The game continues until the hawk catches all the birds.

“Swallow, swallow, what happened there?”
“The girl Martha got lost in the forest!
Kind birds rush to her rescue -
Tap dancers, swifts, bullfinches and tits.”

“Bear the Bear in the Forest” - Russian game

Children choose a “bear” using a counting rhyme. The bear goes to his “forest home” (to a pre-agreed place), and the children tease him by singing a song. The bear begins to catch the children. Whoever he catches will become a bear.

I take milk mushrooms from the bear in the forest, I take saffron milk caps,
But the bear is silent, does not growl or purr!
I’ll pick up some honey from the bear in the forest...
-Rrrrr!... And I’ll get away!

"Who's the odd one out?" - Bashkir game

Clapping their hands, singing a song and dancing, the children lead a round dance.
Inside the round dance, a triangle is drawn with sides of 3-5 steps, and each vertex has a circle.
Three guys stand in circles, and the fourth is “extra” in the center of the triangle. From the circles, the guys run into a round dance. Those in front of whom they stand must quickly take the empty circle before it is captured by the “extra” one. Whoever is late is “superfluous”.

What is under our feet, under the iron pillars?
This is oil near Ishimbay, we are walking on it!
Yamilya, Kamilya, Bibinur and Fazilya,
Both Bayram and Buranbay, fly to Ishimbay!

"Ball" - a Karelian game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Players of one team draw a “fortress” for themselves on the court - a square with sides of 5 steps. The players of the other team are on the field. They approach the fortress no closer than 5 steps. One of the attackers has a ball in his hands. He throws it at the defenders of the fortress. The one who was hit picks up the ball and throws it at the attackers, who, in turn, throw the ball again at the defenders of the fortress. Anyone who misses is out of the game.

I walked home from Vanya San and didn’t meet anyone,
I was walking home from Sanya Vanya and met Vanya Nobody.
And he asked Nobody: “Who are you?” - “Nobody!”
"Where are you?" - “Nowhere!”
"Where are you from?" - “Out of nowhere!”
“Where are you going?” - “Nowhere!”
"Are you my enemy?" - " Never!"

"Net" - a game of the Komi people

Children choose "Fish". A bright scarf or a wreath of flowers is placed on her head and placed in the center of a round dance representing a seine. At a distance of 15-20 steps from the round dance, 4 poles decorated with ribbons are installed. The fish, having broken through the net (under the hands of the guys), runs to one of the poles. If they don’t catch up with her, she remains a fish; if they catch up with her, she returns to the round dance, and the one who caught up with her becomes a fish.

Snow in the morning is bluer than the sky
Everything around is blue from the snow.
A cone, a pole, three donkeys,
Rub my cheeks, steam comes out of my nose.
I'm going, I'm going, I'm going to ride reindeer to Syktyvkar!

“Where is the handkerchief?” - Mari game

The guys stand in a circle and pass a scarf behind each other. The driver, chosen according to the counting, walks in the middle of the circle and tries to guess who has the scarf. The one from whom he found a scarf becomes the driver.

Cuckoos in the forest sing ditties:
“Cuckoo, we're cuckooing, cuckoo, we're cuckooing!
Big-nosed jackdaws recite rhymes:
“I am a jackdaw! You are a jackdaw! We are jackdaws! You are jackdaws!
And only blacklings, and only whites
In a clearing in the forest they are playing a game of silence!

“Camel and Baby Camel” - Buryat game

Hey guys, stand in a circle!
Atty-batty, chipmunk!
Whoever doesn't dance, get out
Count the crows for the whole con!

The guys choose “camel” and “baby camel”, and then stand in a circle and join hands. The camel tries to catch the baby camel, but it dodges, running in a circle or behind a circle. The guys help the camel: if he is in a circle, they do not let the camel in, but if the camel manages to break the chain, the camel is immediately released from the circle.

“Seek and you will find” - Dagestan game

Children choose a driver and blindfold him. Then they hide something, such as a hat, and begin to sing and dance. The driver is looking for a hat. When he approaches her, the guys sing louder and clap their hands, and when he moves away, they sing more quietly.

There is a kindergarten in the village,
Murad went to this garden.
He was shorter than all the guys
Ay, ay, ay, all the guys!
Grapes grew on a hill,
Garlic grew and Murad grew.
He became taller than all the guys,
Hey, hey, hey, all the guys!
And now it’s too small for him,
They say Makhachkala!

"Geese" - Kabardino - Balkar game

Children choose “fox” and “shepherd”. The rest are “geese”. The fox chases the geese and catches them, and the shepherd tries to stop the fox. If the shepherd manages to grab the goose by the wing before the fox, the goose is saved. They play until the fox catches all the geese.

I graze geese in the forest, I’ll save the geese from the fox!
-Geese, geese! -Ha-ha-ha! -This is true? -Yes Yes Yes!
-Who can hear you? - Kabarda!

"Hare" - Kalmyk game

The guys sit around the leader chosen according to the counting rhyme. The driver hums, dances, shows with gestures how the hare jumps, sits on its hind legs, washes itself, and so on. The guys imitate him. Whoever imitates best becomes the driver.

Bunny, bunny, were you the one who galloped away from Elista?
Did you gallop to Bashanta, eat the cabbage and go into the bushes?
Are you or aren't you?

“Ball in the hole” - Mordovian game

Each player digs a hole. They need to be placed in one line at a distance of 1-2 steps. The driver chosen by the counting moves away from the holes 3-4 steps and rolls the ball, trying to get into one of the holes. A participant in the game whose hole the ball falls into must grab it and throw it at one of the players. If he hits, the one he hits becomes the driver, and if he misses, he goes to drive.

On the road where there is a dam. I saw the miracle Yudo.
“Miracle Yudo, where are you from? From under the snow or from the sky?
Miracle Yudo turned around, Miracle Yudo smiled,
And the miracle Yudo said: “Enzy-brenzy, I am from Penza!”

"Crane" - Ossetian game

Children choose a driver and a “wolf”. The rest are “cranes” and stand in a column one at a time. Everyone puts their hands on the belt of the person in front. The leader stands in front of the column and tries to always be facing the wolf. The cranes, without tearing the columns, hide behind it. A wolf can grab any crane except the one leading it. They play until the wolf grabs the crane. After this, a new leader and wolf are chosen.

How do cranes crow?
-Gli, gli, gli!
-What makes them afraid?
-Wolf in the mountains!
-Who will drive the wolf away?
-I! You! He!

"Pegs" - Tatar game

Children choose a driver. Having drawn a circle with a diameter of 15 steps on the site, they are divided into pairs and stand in a circle. One player stands inside the circle facing the center, and the other behind him outside the circle. The driver from the center of the circle should approach one of the guys standing outside the circle and say: “Elchi-belchi, sell the peg!” After this, the driver runs in one direction, and the player he addressed runs in the other. This player’s partner takes a step back outside the circle, and the one who comes running first stands in front of him, inside the circle. The latecomer drives.

Elchi-balchi, we were told that at the bus station,
Behind the striped fence, at the newsstand,
Where the sign “Pharmacy” is, and behind it “Library”,
And behind the old new house, cultural park, autodrome...
So what were we talking about? Elchi-belchi, we forgot!

“Find the beads” - a Tuvan game

Children choose a leader and a guesser. The rest of the guys stand in a row, clasp their palms into a “boat” and stretch them forward. The leader takes the same pose, hiding beads or some other object in his hands - a pebble, a rope, a button. He goes around the guys, pretending to put this object in each of their hands. And the guesser is trying to guess: who did he give it to? If the guesser guesses right, he comes up with a phantom for the leader, for example, to run to a certain place, dance or something else. If he is wrong, the presenter comes up with a forfeit for the guesser. Then they choose a new presenter and guesser.

A B C D E F F - a toad rides on a hedgehog,
Z I K L M N O, bunny, look out my window!
P R S T U F X, the rooster has feathers,
Ts Ch Sh Shch E Yu Ya, and the pike has scales!

"Burners" - an Udmurt game

Children stand in a column of two, and the driver is in front, facing them. The driver has a handkerchief in his hand. So he picked it up and immediately the guys standing in the last pair rushed towards him. The one who runs up first takes the handkerchief. Now he is the driver, and the previous driver is paired with his friend in front of the rest of the children. Then the next pair runs at the signal.

Rain, go away, sunshine, drive,
So that the rocker hangs above the ground:
One end above the Chepts River,
And the other end is above my porch!

“Snake” - a game of the peoples of Checheno-Ingushetia

The guys hold hands and, singing a song, move like a snake to the beat of the tune. The person walking in front tries to unexpectedly turn and slip under the hands of some couple - “tighten the knot.” Anyone caught in a knot must sit down and turn around so as to continue the path without releasing their hands. The guys who separate their hands are eliminated from the round dance.

Once upon a time Zhildazhil lived, and he was friends with Byldazhil.
Once upon a time, without Byldazhil, I truly would not have lived a day.
But Zhildabyl left and does not write to Zhildabyl.
Has Zhildabyl really forgotten?

“The sun and the month - a Chuvash game

The guys choose two leaders. They secretly agree from others which of them will be the “sun” and which will be the “month”. “Whose are you?” the leaders ask the players. You must answer quietly, so that no one except the leaders hears. This is how 2 teams are formed. After this, a line is drawn on the ground. The leaders stand opposite each other and join hands. The guys from their teams line up behind them, with their hands on the waist of the person in front. They help their leaders, who try to pull each other over the line.

A new city, an old city, the glorious city of Cheboksary!
In Cheboksary, sparrows chatter on the boulevards:
Chiki-wiki, chiki-briki, chiv, chiv, chivi-chivi!

"Hawk and Duck" - Yakut game

Two circles are drawn on the site - two “lakes”. There is a distance of 5-10 steps between them. According to the counting, they choose the “hawk”, the rest are “wild ducks” - teals, pochards and pintails. Teals and ducks swim in one lake, pintails in another. Then the ducks change places: the teals fly into the lake to the pintails, the pintails to the pochards, and they, in turn, fly to the teals. At this time, the hawk, which is “on land” (between two lakes) catches ducks. Caught ducks are eliminated from the game. You cannot catch ducks in the lake.

Duck-birds swim on the pond:
The head is in water, but the tail is in sight.
You, Dive, dive, don’t drown,
Dive here, and emerge there!
You, Teal, are scribbling with a wing!
And you, Pintail, overtake everyone!