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2 what is the political process. Topic: Political process

the totality of actions of political subjects, their interaction in using political power to implement their political ideas, interests and concepts.

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a set of activities of political subjects, guaranteed by law and included in the dynamics of practical political relations, which cover all stages of the development and functioning of the political system of society. Political process continuous and complex. It can develop in different directions, superimpose one activity on another, stage on stage, be the unity of diversity and the diversity of unity.

The political process has the following stages: identification and coordination of interests, formation of goals and program of activities; discussion and acceptance political program; implementation of the program in the activities of socio-political communities and individuals; control over its implementation; evaluation of the result, determination of types of responsibility for its implementation, success or failure.

The political process also has a number of its own characteristics. Firstly, the analysis of subjects is of primary importance in determining the political process political activity, finding out who exactly is the initiator of this process, in whose interests it is being carried out, who is able to ensure its consistent development. Secondly, the actual political process is always influenced by various political efforts. “Right” and “left”, conservatives and radicals, reactionaries and liberals - all of them, each in their own way, influence the specific course of political events. A lot in understanding the changes taking place depends on a correct assessment of the alignment of forces in the political process. The analysis of the alignment of political forces in the process should not, however, be limited only to the characteristics of the actual political parties or movements. They themselves are in many ways only a reflection of deeper phenomena observed in society. Ultimately, what social stratum is at the center of events, what group or class of society objectively dominates them, depends general form and the direction of the changes taking place. Thirdly, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of external influence on the course of events in the political process. If we're talking about about the process political development on a societal scale, then it is appropriate to talk about the peculiarities of the international situation. However, in all cases, the living connections of the process under study with the political environment should not be disrupted.

The main characteristics of the political process can be classified as external and internal. The first will include temporal characteristics (i.e., the time of emergence and development of political systems, parties, organizations, movements; the degree of constancy or frequency of their functioning; protracted or fleeting nature of existence), as well as spatial ones (central or peripheral; national, national or local; in certain spheres of society or in certain political organizations). Internal characteristics will concern the quality of communication between participants in the political process (cooperation or confrontation); direction of development of the political process (progressive, regressive); the role of objective conditions and subjective factors; spontaneity or consciousness of occurring events.

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Goal: To reveal the essence and structure of the political process, the varieties of its manifestation.

1. The essence and structure of the political process.

2. Types and varieties of the political process.

Basic concepts: political process, political activity, phases (stages) of the political process, types of political process. Mode of existence, stages, war, revolution, reform, terrorism, compromise.



1. Bozhanov V.A. Political Science: World modern politics. – M, 2008. – p.233-250.

2. Melnik V.A. Political science. Textbook. - Mn.: Higher school, 2002. – p. 280-324.

3. Political science: Textbook / Edited by M.A. Vasilik. - M.: Yurist, 1999. – pp. 257-272.


2. Political Science: Textbook / Ed. S.B. Reshetnikova. – Mn.: TetraSystems, 2001. – pp. 258-280.

3. Political science. Textbook / Ed. V.A. Achkasova. – M.: 2005. – p. 457-568.

4. Appendix 8.

1. The political process is a joint activity of political subjects, organized to achieve common goals. The concept of the political process is usually used in two respects, conventionally referred to as its macro and micro dimensions. In the macro aspect, it is defined as the course of development in general, the reproduction of the political system under the influence of influencing factors. In the micro aspect, the political process is understood as a certain resultant of the actions of various social and political subjects, i.e. a set of subprocesses.

In modern political science, there are several approaches to the study of political processes:

Systems approach (D. Easton, T. Parsons). The process is divided into 4 phases: entry, conversion, exit, feedback. This model of cyclical functioning of the p/p (circulation) was widespread in the 50-80s of the twentieth century.

Dynamic approach (G. Almond). He considers the process as an adaptation of the political system to changing conditions; he identifies several blocks of joint activity of subjects.

Conversion block social needs(articulation, aggregation, implementation and control of execution;

Impact block;

Block of adaptation, inclusion of individuals and their groups in political life.

Behavioral and interactionist approaches consider the political process as the resultant action of all participants or as a set of interactions (interactions).

The basis of the political process is political activity.

Political activity is the sum of practical actions aimed at gaining, exercising and maintaining power.

Political activity is often designated under the category “political behavior.”

Political activity has its own subjects, i.e. direct participants in political actions (individuals, groups of people, social institutions and their bodies that have political power, political parties and their functionaries, socio-political movements and their leaders, social strata, classes, nations, ethnic groups).

The objects of political activity are the existing social and political system, i.e. policy subjects, in the course of their activities, strive to transform, modify or maintain the existing social structure society, the content of socio-political relations, the structure of political organizations and government.

At the same time, various subjects, in their ultimate goal, have in mind the transformation of the entire socio-political reality. Projects of transformation can be realistic, or they can act as absolute and relative political utopias.

So, the political process is the total activity of all subjects of political relations associated with the formation, change, transformation and functioning of the political system that mediates public power.

There are 3 modes of existence of the political process:




The nature of the political process:

Ambivalent (internally contradictory);

Asynchronous (reversible, disproportionate).

Therefore, the political process is a set of institutionalized and non-institutionalized actions of political subjects who carry out the formation and implementation of the will of society by intergroup authorities.

Phases (stages) of the political process:

1. Presentation political interests groups to institutions making management decisions (articulation of interests).

2. Decision making and formation of political will.

A.) Rational-universal.

B.) Method of sequential restrictions (branch method).

3. The stage of implementation of political will, expressed in the form of management decisions.

The political process is divided into 4 stages:

1. Constitution of the political system.

2. Reproduction of components and features of political culture.

3. Making and executing political and managerial decisions.

4. Control over the functioning and direction of development of the political system.

The process of recognition of a political system can be active or passive, open or hidden, voluntary or forced, direct or indirect, conscious or unconscious.

The political process is associated with the reconstruction of political relations, institutions, political norms, values, signs, symbols, languages. It is very closely related to continuity.

The political process cannot exist without a control mechanism, which includes: criteria for assessing political factors. Self-assessment of politically significant facts; the influence of persons involved in the political process on the facts.

Public administration as a political sub-process occupies a significant place in the political process. The specifics of public administration are determined by the universal role of Constitutional law as a system of basic norms; universality, predetermination of broad powers and functions.

WITH public administration public policy is closely related. It contains the following blocks:

Formation of legitimate subjects and institutional hierarchy;

Development of a strategic course and adoption of government decisions;

Administrative means of implementing management decisions;

State control and arbitration.

Closely related to political leadership and public administration is the problem of political decision making.

A political decision is a conscious choice of one of at least two possible options actions. Preparation and adoption of a political decision is a complex process consisting of several stages:

Statement or identification of a socio-political problem that requires resolution;

Formation of possible alternatives to resolve this problem;

Discussion or comparative analysis proposed solutions;

Making the final decision.

There are several decision-making methods: rational-universal and the method of sequential restrictions (“branch method”). Most political scientists are inclined to believe that the “branch method” is more effective, however whole line scientists offer a more advanced method, because mixed-scanning method, which combines the advantages of the first two.

The following types of decisions can be distinguished:

Laws and regulations higher authorities authorities;

Decisions of local authorities;

Decisions made directly by citizens;

Decisions of the highest bodies of political parties and socio-political organizations;

Decisions of local bodies of political parties and public organizations.

Political events in modern society occur quite often as rates change domestic policy, interrelations between states are increasing. The chain of regular political events is called the political process. Let us briefly study the essence, types of political processes and factors influencing their development.

Development of the political process

Considering the history of mankind, we can distinguish two stages in the development of the political process.

  • Stage 1. Traditional society;

The political process has not yet acquired an organized and clear character; it is developing spontaneously, “from below”: the initiative comes from all people who begin to need power, to establish relations with other tribes (states).

  • Stage 2. Industrial and post-industrial society;

The political process is becoming more defined, purposeful, and is now developing “from above”: a layer of people is being formed for whom politics is their main occupation. Political actions are planned, tactically developed programs appear.

As a result of humanity passing through these two stages, a government, which is distributed between citizens and political forces (governors, parties, government bodies).

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All types political regimes are usually divided into several groups:

  • by importance for society: private and basic;
  • by scale: domestic and international.

Speaking about the political process, it is necessary to understand that it emerges and is regulated by its participants.

In the structure of subjects (participants) of the political process the main positions are occupied by:

  • initiators;
  • performers.

The purpose of the political process is the problem. To solve it, the following sequence of actions is built:

1. the initiators state a political problem;

2. there is a search for performers who can solve the problem (bodies, officials);

3. methods and means, as well as resources, are selected to solve the problem;

4. active actions, problem solving.


Any political process goes through several stages:

  • formation of a political system (political forces create their program, fight for power, carry out their course);

In Russia there is a multi-party system, and different political forces offer their solutions to political problems, for example, some parties see the solution to the housing problem in providing material assistance, others - in reducing interest rates for a loan to buy real estate and so on.

  • repetition, renewal of established and existing policy mechanisms (regular elections, increase or decrease of functions government agencies and so on);
  • making decisions on pressing issues, exercising power;
  • exercising control over the actions of the authorities, assessing its activities (special bodies, means mass media, referendums).

What have we learned?

From the moment of its inception, human society began to form political system, which in modern society has acquired the most developed structure. Political processes are regulated by society, especially by its representatives (bodies, parties), who are given the functions of management, solving internal problems and foreign policy tasks.