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The name Taisiya origin and meaning. What does the name Taisiya mean: health

The name Taisiya captivates with the sound and energy of femininity, softness and simultaneous strength. Having chosen it for a newborn baby, you need to be prepared for the impact it will have on the formation of her character and the development of her destiny. We will reveal the secrets of Taisiya and the meaning of the name for a girl in this review. Here you can find out interesting nuances of the meaning inherent in this name.

Taisiya is the first in history to celebrate interesting fate– Taisia ​​of Athens, a famous hetaera, who has a lot to her credit broken hearts and successful adventures. In Orthodoxy, there are many saints and righteous women with this name, whose deeds have glorified them throughout the centuries.

The meaning of the name Taisiya translated from Greek is “belonging to Isis.” Isis was one of the influential pagan goddesses, responsible for fertility and wealth. It can be assumed that initially this was the name given to the followers of the cult of the goddess, who devoted themselves to worshiping her power.

Another interpretation is also known, according to which the name Taisiya means: “late, fertile.” Now this name is not very common, but it still occurs, making its owner a noticeable, unusual and a little mysterious figure.

Day Angel

Taisiya's name day falls on church calendar on 2 dates a year:

  • May 23 is the day of remembrance of the Holy Blessed Taisia ​​of Egypt, who led a dissolute life, but after the admonitions of St. John, she changed her worldview and turned to God;
  • October 21 is the day of remembrance of Saint Taisia ​​the Recluse. The former harlot, who saw God, burned the treasures accumulated by unrighteous labor in public in the square and became a recluse, atonement for her sins until the end.

At baptism, the name remains unchanged.


The meaning inherent in this name is undoubtedly positive. The characteristic of the name Taisiya lies in such concepts as prosperity, success in all areas of life, which will invariably accompany its owner. Possessing an interesting, multifaceted character, Taisiya is a noticeable personality who immediately attracts attention. The unusually feminine and sensual bearer of this name, on the one hand, bewitches with her charm, and on the other hand, she definitely goes to her intended goal, without being distracted by the obstacles that arise in her way.

Character traits

  1. Taisiya's character is very contradictory. main feature her character is emotional. Taisiya is not just a temperamental person, she is a real volcano of passions that does not subside for a minute. This is the secret of the name Taisiya - even while remaining outwardly calm, in fact she is raging inside. Her spiritual work does not stop for a minute, our heroine is absorbed in her goals - be it career growth or an old grudge for which she wants to punish the culprit. She is hiding for a very long time for a long time, doing it so masterfully that the people around her sincerely believe in the frankness of her behavior. But this is just an appearance. Sooner or later, most often at the most inopportune moment for others, Taisiya explodes and reveals something that no one expects from her.
  2. But this does not mean at all that she is insidious, aggressive and evil. Not at all. She is friendly and attracts people to her. She has many friends and followers, as well as enemies and ill-wishers.
  3. Taisii are real pioneers in life, they hate the dullness of everyday life and do everything to escape from them.
  4. This is an extremely independent and self-confident person, who does not seek support from anyone and is firmly confident in his abilities. She is very independent, which is what she values, perhaps more than anything in life. Her energy is overflowing, Taisiya is in constant search and implementation of some projects, and remains faithful to this trait until old age.
  5. She never stops there, invariably driven forward by her own ambitions and thirst for fulfillment. This is an example of an ideal business woman, serious and not fond of sentimentality in business. He often takes risks, balancing on the edge, for which he is rewarded with dizzying success.

Taisiya's childhood - a little mischief maker

Now let’s take a closer look at the meaning of the name for a little girl: she is her parents’ favorite and loves to play pranks. For the time being, these pranks of hers are quite innocent, but a moment comes when everything changes dramatically. It is then that the attention of adults is required, otherwise there will be trouble. Little Taya is cunning, proud and secretive. But the key to her heart can be found with sincere love and calm, serious treatment. Remember - no screaming! Otherwise, the baby will withdraw into herself and act on the sly “to spite all her enemies.”

He studies well at school, but according to his mood. Doesn't give in to cramming of great importance, treating the sciences selectively. Taya is a big fan of dolls. He can spend several hours in their company, creating outfits for them, playing with them. On the other hand, he does not shy away from friendly noisy companies, in which he always takes honorable first places thanks to his irrepressible imagination, humor and goodwill.

Parents should Special attention pay attention to the girl’s tendency to catch colds. The risk zone is the bronchi and lungs.

Important: Proper balanced nutrition will protect Taisiya from two terrible extremes - anorexia and excess weight. Moderate physical exercise, sports, and a well-thought-out menu will create an excellent basis for a girl’s healthy lifestyle.

Fate - from career to love

Taisiya’s character and fate are not always smooth, but interesting and promising undoubted success. In the professional industry, Taisiya reaches excellent results. This happens thanks to the ability to work with people - the main talent that is inherent in her. She makes a wonderful coach, teacher, and administrative worker whose area of ​​activity involves interacting with people.

Taisiya is an unusually musical and artistically gifted person. Thanks to this, she shines on stage, becoming a singer, musician, artist, theater director, and film director. Our heroine is also perfectly realized in medicine, especially in psychiatry and neurology. He has a penchant for the occult and quite often practices witchcraft.

Taisiya is confidently moving forward up the career ladder, counting on own strength, skills and talents. And she succeeds very well.

Family and marriage

Taisiya is tireless in love. All his life he has been looking for love and always finds it. Multiple marriages are not uncommon among owners of this name. But it often happens that a family created once exists happily throughout its entire life. These women are great lovers who truly know what men want. As a mother she is devoted and loving woman, who treats her children objectively. Children adore Taisiya; for them she is an unquestioned authority.

This woman is a wonderful hostess, always ready for an unexpected visit. Although the arrangement of her home life does not cause her much delight, she tries to live up to the image of an exemplary wife and mother, keeping her home in perfect cleanliness and order.

The zodiac sign that patronizes Taisia ​​is Libra, Gemini, the planet that controls and helps her is Venus.

Let me remind you right away that according to the old spelling, the name is written as Taisiya. Understanding the origin of this name, I dug through a lot of literature. One of the meanings of the root of this word, in addition to the verb melt, as it turned out, is the noun enormity or vastness. There is, for example, the word taya - a pile of goods, a pile.

“Tai, taibola, taiga - vast forests, vast wilderness, where there is no housing in a vast expanse.”

“To conceal, to conceal - to hide, to keep in ignorance, not to tell.” “Whoever lies is concealing, and not everyone who conceals is lying.” “The month is hidden behind the clouds.” “The wife is hiding from her husband.” “Why are we ashamed, why are we hiding?” “The hare sunk, hid.” “A secret conspiracy known only to seditious people.”

“Taibnik, taibnitsa - an accomplice of the secret, initiated into the secret.” “Taimichische is a child not from his right wife, born out of wedlock. “The same Taimichisch children of property.” “Seven thunders will thunder, according to the testimony of the seer, before the end of the world.”

“A hiding place, a secret place—a favorite, a confidant, a confidant.” “A cache is a hidden place; gateway, created, descent for thieves to divert water; bird net for birds; childhood illness - black sickness, epilepsy, birthmark."

“Secret marriage is a secretive marriage; morganatic". “Mystery is the mating of flowerless plants.” “Mystery image is a hieroglyph, the art of writing with signs instead of letters.”

Most likely, the word secret, in the context of meaning “something broad, huge, deep,” means “deep, distant concept, knowledge.” That is, far hidden.

“To melt - to wait from heat, to take on a liquid form.” "To melt - to become exhausted, to become exhausted, to waste away." “To melt is to come into sweet oblivion, into the bliss of feelings.” “The heart melts from the pleasure of delight.” “Tal, Talitsa - thaw. Talitsa was born, and we were lucky all the way.” “A thawed man is a melted soul, kind and merciful.” “Talets is a live bait, a spring, a key.” “Tail fat, the best, which is the first to separate during a light fire and floats up.”

In my search, I even came across Alexander Khinevich, who claimed that Nastasya was born in the morning, Taisiya was born during the day, Anastasia was born in the evening, Taya was born at night. Well, Khinevich’s opuses have long been known, and I have no desire to deal with them now. But where he got this interpretation from is not entirely clear, since he prefers not to indicate “sources”.

Most common modern interpretation The name Taisiya is his work from the Greek “ta Isios” “belonging to Isis” (in Greek Θαΐς). Sometimes “wise”. Well, the very concept of wise is consistent with everything written above. But whether she is Isis or not is up to you to decide! There is an option “from the city of Tais”. True, I won’t deal with the toponymy of this city now.

There are hypotheses about the origin of the name from the goddess Tara.

Regarding the male version of the name. In Tatar, Tai is a stallion. Most likely, this refers to a rebellious disposition.

How is the name spelled in the West? It's hard to say. Presumably Taisiya, Taisia, Taya, Taisy, Tais. I note that if you write Taisia, then Americans will pronounce [Taishya], [Taisha] or [Taizha]. Therefore, it is quite possible to write it as Taissia - then there will be no lisp and the Russian sound will be pronounced with - [Taisya]. It is also possible to “harden” with the letter h: Thais, Thaisia, Thaissia.

It is worth clarifying that Nastya, Anastasia, and Asya are also called Taya. I will tell you about this name later.

Summarizing all of the above, the name Taya, Taisiya can different interpretations mean amazing, mysterious, unknown, wise, gentle.

Varieties of name:

  • Thai
  • Tayusha
  • Tayushka
  • January 31
  • April 4
  • May 23
  • October 21

Celebrities: Singer Taisiya Povaliy. Taisiya Litvinenko, actress. Taisiya Baryshnikova, volleyball player, master of sports of the USSR.

The owner of the name Taisiya can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is so important to know what a particular name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it. In ancient times, people were convinced that every word carries a certain charge of energy, and naming a person truly has magical power. This is due to the fact that each of us hears our name dozens of times a day, and, therefore, its meaning has a huge impact on our behavior, mood and hobbies.

The female name Taisiya has a rich history. This name was borrowed by the Russian people from the ancient Greek language, where the phrase Ta Isios meant “belonging to the goddess Isis”, and in a figurative sense - “fertile”. In Egypt, the goddess Isis was one of the most revered. Her cult spread widely throughout the Mediterranean countries and, in particular, came to Greece. Isis in Egyptian mythology is considered the wife and sister of the god Osiris and the mother of the god Horus. She served as the personification of marital fidelity, motherhood, fertility, water and wind elements and magic.

The name Taisia ​​appeared in the Christian calendar of saints in memory of several saints who bore this name, the most famous of whom is Saint Taisia ​​of Egypt of Thebaid, a repentant harlot who lived at the beginning of the 4th century in an Egyptian monastery. According to church principles, the heavenly intercessor specific person is the saint whose memory in the calendar falls on the birthday itself or follows this date; it is this day that is called the name day. The church honors the memory of saints named Taisiya on April 4 (March 22, old style), May 23 (10) and October 21 (8).

The name Taisiya came to Rus' along with others Christian names from Byzantium in the 10th-11th centuries and initially became widespread among the clergy. IN different time many nuns with the name Taisiya were the leaders of various convents, for example, Taisiya Volkova was the abbess of the Belgorod Nativity Monastery in 1655-1671. Elder Taisiya from the noble family of the Masalsky princes, a participant in the conspiracy of Prince V.V., is also known in Russian history. Golitsyn 1610 against Vasily Shuisky.

Gradually this name became widespread in all social strata. Prevalence of the name Taisiya in Russia in XVIII-XIX centuries is confirmed by the fact that many famous Russian writers gave this name to their characters, because, for example, there are characters with this name in M. Gorky’s play “Dostigaev and Others” and in the novels of P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky.

In the post-revolutionary decades, when the Russian name book changed significantly, some old baptismal names began to be forgotten. However, at the end of the last century, many of them began to come into use again, and today the name Taisiya is regaining popularity.

Nowadays, parents are happy to call their beloved daughters, who are affectionately called Taya, Tayusha, Taisyushka, with the beautiful and sonorous name Taisiya...

Sources: Leontyev N.N., What’s in my name for you? Kublitskaya I.V., Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V., Name – through centuries and countries. Superanskaya A.V., Dictionary of Russian personal names. Ivanov N., History of Rus' in names and dates. Brockhaus and Efron., Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Do you want to know what awaits a girl with such a rare and mysterious name What unites people wearing it? Today the topic of our article is Taisiya: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the girl in the future. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Surprisingly, the name Taisiya has Greek-Egyptian roots.

History of the name

Translated from ancient Greek, “Taisia” means “dedicated to Isis.”

Isis was one of the most revered goddesses Ancient Egypt, the personification of femininity and motherhood. Her name is translated as “fertile.”

Personal Description

This woman does not know how to compromise, she is quite categorical in her judgments and assessments, she understands people well, therefore, even at the first acquaintance, she quickly forms her opinion about a person and then rarely changes it. If she doesn’t like the person, she is unlikely to continue further communication with him.

TO strengths Taisiya's character can be attributed to:

  • Independence;
  • Independence;
  • Originality;
  • Honesty;
  • Persistence;
  • Ability to understand people;

Friends and relatives can always count on Taisiya’s advice and participation

In relationships with people, she is reasonable and balanced, since it is not in her character to openly demonstrate emotions; she is secretive by nature. However, if a girl is pissed off or something contradicts her principles, she can easily flare up and openly express her point of view.

In general, she is characterized by such behavior that she can remain silent for a long time, accumulate grievances or indignation within herself, and then suddenly throw them out, stunning the object of her claims with such a storm of emotions.

She is honest and frank with her friends. She prefers to speak her mind, even if she knows they might not like it. The girl does not like to gossip, to carry on conversations “from empty to empty.”

She prefers to achieve everything in life herself. Many things are achieved by her only through hard work and the desire to achieve the goal at all costs. She encounters many difficulties and problems along the way, but she rarely complains. Even close friends and relatives do not always know what is going on in a girl’s life or what is in her soul.

Taisiya prefers to report on her successes and has already results achieved than to share problems.

The girl does not have many friends, since she deliberately limits the circle of people close to her. By nature, she is secretive and is not inclined to openly share her thoughts; she can only allow herself to be herself with close friends, and then not often.

Taisiya also has enough ill-wishers; not everyone is ready to accept her uncompromisingness, sometimes categoricalness, and habit of telling the truth to her face.


The girl lives a bright and eventful life, the way she has defined it for herself.

Loves travel, plays sports, enjoys hiking and enjoys seasonal activities. In winter he goes skiing, in summer he windsurfs.

Work and business

During her student years, she studied a lot and successfully and led an active social life. She can easily become the head of a group or even a stream, as she is honest, responsible, principled, and knows how to stand up for herself and the team.

She can best realize herself in business, this is her element. She can be called a classic business woman - the one who will lead a company or team to success. With equal success, a woman can become a director of personnel, finance, sales, and marketing.

She is persistent and patient in business and projects; she persistently pursues her goal, despite the difficulties and obstacles that arise. Rather, they force her to move forward even more actively. A girl can stand up for herself, without particularly relying on outside support.

Taisiya has all the opportunities and abilities to build a dizzying career. She has excellent organizational skills, the ability to understand people, responsibility, perseverance, and work for results.

In this case, what is important is not what profession she chooses, but the fact that in any of them she can achieve high results. If everything goes according to plan, then in the future Taya has every chance of becoming a director of the company; she is absolutely capable of this.

Family and marriage

With all her masculine character traits, Taisiya is romantic at heart and waits Great love. Unable to open up herself and open her feelings, she expects from her chosen one that he can understand and feel her, penetrate her thoughts and soul. Only such a person is she ready to open up to and connect her life with him.

Therefore, she gets married quite late and only when she loves and is loved. As a rule, at this time she is already a self-realized person who has achieved great success in her career. At this stage, she can relax a little, devote more time to her loved one and family.

By consciously approaching marriage and having children, Taisiya becomes an excellent wife and a wonderful mother. As a businesswoman, she does not devote much time to housework, but she knows how to organize and organize her life well. Her home is always clean and comfortable, she is happy to receive guests.

She raises her children in an atmosphere of mutual respect and independence. Already with early age educates them as individuals who can and should make their own decisions and be responsible for their actions.

What will the girl be like?

She is inquisitive, asks a lot of questions, and is very independent.

Little Tasya is growing up independent. From childhood, she gets used to being responsible for her actions, and when she gets a little older, she makes decisions only herself, without asking the opinions of others.

Parents and loved ones hear the words “I myself” from a very early age.

At a young age, he is distinguished by mischief, tirelessness, and a tendency to play pranks and mischief. It is difficult to keep her in place; she constantly comes up with some new games and entertainment, and not always innocent ones. The girl has enough friends who are ready to follow her and happily repeat all the tricks.

In relation to her parents she behaves like a loving daughter, even in difficult periods tries not to quarrel with them. You can always have a serious conversation with her and come to an agreement, explain your point of view. What should not be allowed in communication with her is screaming, then the girl withdraws, withdraws into herself, and next time It will be very, very difficult to get her to have a frank conversation.

With adults she behaves kindly, but carefully. Before you trust to a stranger, even if it’s a pleasant family friend, the girl looks at him very closely. Despite her curiosity and mischief, she feels people well and chooses the one with whom she feels comfortable communicating.

Friends, on the contrary, simply adore Taisiya. There is never a dull moment with her, and she is ready to come up with so many interesting and various games! The children eagerly await the girl's exit into the yard, vying with each other to offer her their company. In her youth she will remain as bright, energetic and extraordinary.


At school, the girl has many friends, but also many ill-wishers, especially among the female half. Not everyone agrees to recognize her leadership and admire her talents. Generally, he studies well, but there are ups and downs due to mood swings.

Periodically, teachers, neighbors, parents of friends from the yard, teachers in kindergarten. But it is impossible to be angry with her for a long time; the girl does this not out of malice, but simply because she has such a lively and restless character.


Taisiya grows up as a healthy child, rarely gets sick in childhood, only periodically with colds. If you start to harden her from a very early age, the girl will not have any health problems.

Meaning and origin of the name: “Dedicated to Isis” (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of the name Taisiya can hardly be called simple, it is characterized by sufficient mobility, emotionality, but most importantly, there is a certain hidden spring in this name, some purely cat cunning, allowing Tasya to be at the same time domestic and affectionate and at the same time always ready to let out her claws. As a rule, a woman with this name has a very independent, but rather secretive character. She is undoubtedly proud, but her innate caution inclines her not to advertise her spiritual qualities, so for all her pride, Taisiya prefers to be quite modest and balanced. Until one day she unleashes her inherent impulsiveness. Like a cat that can endure for hours, waiting for the right moment, and only the movements of its tail reveal its excitement, so Taisiya knows how to control herself, but she doesn’t have a tail, and therefore it can be quite difficult to guess her true thoughts.

However, such a predisposition does not mean that Taisiya is cunning; most often it simply concerns her diplomacy, and Tasya herself may perceive this quality of hers as long-suffering. Sometimes it begins to seem to her that she forgives people a lot, moreover, even adapts to them, but when her cup of patience is full, all the accumulated emotions and grievances suddenly break free! So it turns out that this is not long-suffering at all, but just ordinary secrecy, because instead of silently enduring, one could try to resolve the misunderstanding in a calm atmosphere.

On the other hand, such a character greatly facilitates her career, and up to a certain point, family relationships. She is energetic, knows how to be persistent, and is not devoid of imagination and a sense of humor. If only she would not put off solving problems until later, would not accumulate grievances, but would immediately come to some compromises, then her life could have turned out much happier!

Secrets of communication: Taisiya cannot be classified as one of those women who have what is on their mind and on their tongue. At the very least, be careful with her apparent patience and serenity - God knows what she really thinks about you. The most important thing is to be more careful with her pride and with your wit addressed to her.

The name's trace in history:

Thais of Athens

“Thais of Athens” is the name of the famous novel by Ivan Efremov, in which real historical events are intricately intertwined with legends and the author’s fiction. Nevertheless, Thais herself really existed - she was one of the most famous hetaeras of her time.

In Efremov’s book there is an episode in which the young daughter of a hetaera confesses to her mother that she herself would like to someday follow in her footsteps; she is proud of the worship and adoration with which men surround her mother, the admiring glances with which she is seen on the street. After listening to her daughter, Thais answered her:

– I want you to understand: being hetero means constantly being first. A hetaera must not only have perfect beauty, it is not enough for her to also learn the art of love and seduction. She should be endowed by nature with intelligence and the ability to conduct a conversation on an equal basis with a man. In addition, she needs to excel in several sports, and even surpass men in one.

Thais herself fully possessed all these qualities: she swam superbly, danced, was a good horsewoman and could stand up for herself. As for men, hetaeras upper class, as Thais was, they chose only those lovers to whom they felt a heartfelt attraction, not agreeing to spend time with an unworthy person for any money.