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Is it possible to plaster walls after waterproofing? Plastering and waterproofing - Okolotok Construction Forum

The main purpose of plaster mixtures is to prepare the base for finishing, that is, to rough level and harden the surface. But there are also plasters that, in addition to their main functions, perform other tasks: increase heat and sound insulation, protect against harmful radiation, give the base fire-resistant properties, and so on. They are called special-purpose formulations, and are used taking into account the functional characteristics of these solutions.

Waterproofing plaster

Special types also include waterproofing plaster, which is used for finishing surfaces exposed to increased moisture. First of all, these are foundations, ground floors, basements, and outer walls of houses located in damp areas.

Waterproofing plaster on the basement of a house

How does this plaster differ from ordinary plaster, and how should it be applied correctly?

Waterproofing mixtures form a dense, hard coating that prevents moisture from penetrating into the thickness of the walls or foundation. They are applied manually and by machine and are used both outdoors and indoors. Depending on the composition of the components, waterproofing plasters are divided into 2 types:

  • cement-sand;
  • asphalt.

The first type is more common and is widely used in private construction. Cement-sand You can make plasters yourself, and the process of applying them is almost no different from conventional plastering.

Working with cement-sand plaster

To prepare the solution, cement grade M400 and higher is used, and the filler is fine quartz sand, stone flour, finely ground coal, and bitumen additives. To increase water resistance, add to the solution liquid glass, ceresite, sodium aluminate and other water repellents.

The ratio of binder and filler is usually 1:2, less often 1:3. For maximum efficiency, the coating thickness should be 25 mm, provided that the plaster is applied from the water pressure side. Application is carried out in several layers, minimum thickness– 3 mm. This type of waterproofing has many advantages:

  • high reliability even with prolonged flooding of the foundation and walls of the house;
  • resistance to repeated freezing;
  • environmental safety - the plaster composition can be used to finish the internal surfaces of drinking water tanks;
  • plaster serves as an excellent base for painting and cladding;
  • has good adhesion;
  • low cost of the solution;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Applied plaster

In order for the coating to be of high quality and durable, it can only be applied to a carefully prepared base. In addition, the surface must be strong and not prone to shrinkage, otherwise the plaster will become covered with cracks. For work, it is preferable to choose factory mixtures with clearly defined proportions of components. They are available in dry form, and to prepare the solution it is enough to mix the powder with water in the required ratio.

Plaster waterproofing

Asphalt plaster used primarily in industrial facilities. Its cost is quite high, and special equipment is required for application, so in private construction the use of such waterproofing is not always justified. The plaster contains petroleum bitumen, asbestos dust, sand and mineral fillers in powder form.

There are two ways to apply asphalt plaster - cold and hot. The cold solution is applied manually or by machine method, and it’s much easier to work with. The second method involves heating the solution to 180 degrees and applying it using special equipment. In this case, the waterproofing is as reliable and durable as possible.

Popular brands cement-sand plaster for waterproofing

The mixture forms a hard, waterproof coating with good vapor permeability. It has excellent frost resistance (up to 200 cycles), resistance to alkali and salt exposure. Designed for waterproofing external and internal vertical surfaces that are not prone to deformation and shrinkage, and are not subject to vibration. It is used for finishing buried structures, water tanks, swimming pools, and for filling voids in old brickwork. Available in the form of dry powder, packaged in 5 and 25 kg

Ceresit CR 66 / CR 166

Elastic mixture on a cement-polymer basis. Designed for deformable and shrinkage-prone substrates. Suitable for all mineral surfaces that do not contain gypsum. Used to protect buried structures, walls and foundations of houses located on the shores of reservoirs, finishing swimming pools and tanks for household purposes. The composition has increased resistance to chemically aggressive substances - alkalis, acids, acetone, hydraulic oil and others. Standard packaging contains a canister of emulsion (10 l) and a bag of dry plaster mixture (25 kg)


Two-component elastic mixture of deep penetration. Designed for waterproofing all types of surfaces, including those subject to vibrations and shrinkage deformations. It has very high adhesion, after drying it forms an absolutely waterproof coating, but with vapor permeability. The solution has good plasticity and is easy to apply with a brush or spatula. The standard kit includes a bag of dry mixture (25 kg) and a canister of emulsion (5 l)


A cement mixture with active additives intended for waterproofing concrete surfaces. The solution penetrates 40-50 cm into the concrete, completely closing the pores of the material, resulting in the surface becoming completely moisture-proof. The composition is used for finishing foundations and plinths, basements, cellars, wells, and swimming pools. When applied to brick or stone masonry, wood, foam concrete and other materials, the waterproofing effect of the coating is absent. The composition is environmentally safe, frost-resistant, resistant to alkalis and acids. Packaged in plastic buckets with a capacity of 5, 10, 25 kg
Dry cement mixture of penetrating type for concrete bases. It is a more budget-friendly analogue of Penetron, which is why it is in good demand. Apply with a brush or spray in two layers. It is resistant to chemically aggressive substances and temperature changes. Packaged in plastic buckets of 10 and 25 kg

The average consumption of ordinary waterproofing plaster is 1.5 kg per m2 when applied in a single layer. The consumption of penetrating compounds is less - about 0.4-0.6 kg/m2. Of course, this indicator directly depends on the quality of the surface, the method of application and the thickness of the layers, so before purchasing the material you should carefully calculate everything and add 10-15% of the calculated amount of the mixture in reserve.

Ceresit CR 166. Elastic waterproofing mass

Conditions for applying plaster

Waterproofing plaster solutions cannot be applied to crumbling, loose substrates, coatings containing gypsum, as well as surfaces with efflorescence, traces of bitumen, paint, or oil stains. All this reduces adhesion, which means the plaster will not last long. It is also unacceptable to plaster bases with cracks whose width exceeds 0.5 mm.

Such a wall cannot be plastered without prior repairs.

To properly prepare the surface, you need to completely remove layers of paint, old plaster or putty. If the paint is difficult to remove, it is advisable to soften it by heating it with a hairdryer or special chemical removers. After this, it can be easily removed with a spatula. Plaster and putty are cleaned with a metal brush; you can also use a grinder with an attachment. Sandblasting gives excellent results.

Check the brick for its hardness

Use a chisel or chisel, as well as a hammer, to dismantle old plaster

After removing the old plaster, use a wire brush to remove any remaining plaster particles.

The seams of brick and stone masonry must be cleaned with a wire brush and removed from dust. If the masonry is old and the seams are crumbling, they are cleaned to a solid base and then filled with fresh cement mortar. Before sealing, cracks must be opened to a depth of 1-2 cm and cleaned of dust.

Sealing cracks

Repaired crack

When finishing surfaces with a heterogeneous structure (concrete and brick, brick and stone), the base is first plastered with a regular cement-sand mixture.

Like regular plaster, the waterproofing layer requires reinforcement if its thickness exceeds 10 mm. When plastering rough masonry or a surface with numerous defects, when the solution is applied in a thick layer, a galvanized metal mesh with cells from 10x10 mm to 20x20 mm is used for reinforcement.

Plaster mesh

It is fixed to the base using plastic dowels and screws with a fastening pitch of 40-50 cm.

Fastening to brickwork using a self-tapping screw with a wide washer

On flat surface Fiberglass mesh should be used, provided that the layer thickness does not exceed 30 mm.

In the photo - installation of reinforcing mesh on the facade of the house

At least 3 months must pass between the construction of the masonry and its waterproofing. This also applies to concrete foundations. If preliminary leveling is carried out with ordinary cement mortar, waterproofing plaster can be applied no earlier than after 28 days. Plastering should be done in dry, windless weather, at a temperature not lower than +5 and not higher than +30 degrees. Optimal air humidity is 60%. Moreover, such conditions must be observed not only during the period of applying plaster, but also for several days after completion of the work.

Plaster application technology

Plastering is done manually or by machine. The first option is much more practical, since it does not require equipment and the solution consumption is less. True, it takes more time to work, and the reliability of adhesion to the base is slightly lower. The mechanical method allows you to do everything much faster and without much physical effort; moreover, with this application, the solution adheres very firmly to the surface, and the coating acquires high strength. The disadvantages include high consumption of the working mixture and the need for a special installation.

Advantages of machine application of plaster

Manual application method

To work you will need:

  • kneading container;
  • construction mixer;
  • metal spatula;
  • paint brush with semi-rigid bristles;
  • pure water.

Plastering tools

Step 1. The prepared surface is slightly moistened with water using a wide brush. The base should be moist, but not wet, especially since puddles are not allowed on horizontal planes.

You can wet the surface with a brush, dipping it in water and splashing it on the wall.

Step 2. Pour into the container clean water room temperature, add the dry mixture and stir with a mixer at 400-800 rpm for 3 minutes. The proportions of water and dry mixture are indicated on the packaging. If it is a two-component composition, first pour the emulsion into the container, add water (if indicated in the instructions), stir and only then add the dry ingredients. For the first layer, the solution is made more liquid: on average, take 1 part water for 2.5 parts of the dry mixture. After mixing, leave the solution for 5 minutes to mature, then mix again with a mixer.

Mixing the solution

Consistency of the solution

Step 3. The first layer is applied with a brush, making movements in one direction. The solution is taken little by little and thoroughly rubbed over the surface, paying special attention to the joints. Make sure that the layer remains uniform over the entire area, avoid the formation of sagging and drips. It is not recommended to return to already treated areas to correct something; this violates the integrity of the layer and reduces the adhesion of the material to the base.

Application of waterproofing plaster

Step 4. After completing the application of the plaster, you must wait until it begins to harden. After this, prepare the next portion of the solution, but this time add less water: approximately 1 part water to 3 parts dry mixture.

Step 5. It is better to use a spatula to apply the second layer. Take the solution in small portions and distribute it evenly over the base. thin layer from bottom to top, holding the spatula at an angle to the surface. Movements with a spatula must be performed in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the brush. That is, if you applied the first layer with vertical movements, then the second should be applied horizontally. If a third layer is necessary, this rule must also be observed.

Applying plaster mortar to the wall

Step 6. The plastered surface must be protected from drying out, mechanical stress, and direct sunlight. If the weather is too warm, the plaster must be periodically moistened with water using a sprayer. After 7 days, when the coating is sufficiently strong, the plaster is grouted. To do this, make a liquid solution, spread it in a thin layer on the surface and smooth it in a circular motion using a polyurethane or metal grater.

Plaster application technology

Grouting walls after plastering

Immediately after plastering, the coating cannot be rubbed down, as this will disrupt its density and adhesion to the base. Finishing work can be continued after 3-7 days, depending on the composition of the plaster. For example, a Barralastik coating can be tiled within 20 hours after applying the last layer, for Ceresit CR 65 it takes 3 days, for Penetron - from 7 to 14 days.

Mechanical method of application

Mechanical application, or shotcrete, is carried out using a special installation with a compressor and nozzle. Before shotcrete, a smooth concrete base is sandblasted or small notches are made manually over the entire area.

Sandblasting works

On bases with a rough, uneven surface, a reinforcing mesh made of galvanized metal is pre-fixed.

Methods for installing reinforcing mesh

Step 1. The working surface is slightly moistened.

Moisturize the wall

Water is poured into the installation container and the dry mixture is poured in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Set the pressure within 0.25...0.3 mPa, check the supply of solution for separate area walls. If the mixture begins to float and slide down, it means that there is excess water in the solution, and dry components should be added, but if dry spots form on the plaster layer, you need to add water.

Step 2. To apply the solution evenly, hold the nozzle perpendicular to the wall at a distance of 80-100 cm from the surface, slowly moving it in a circular motion. The thickness of one layer should be within 7-10 mm. Having completed the work, cover the plaster plastic film to protect from drying out.

Applying plaster by machine

Aligning the first layer

Advice. If you need to take a forced break in work, the edge of the plaster on the already treated area is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and scratched with a metal brush over the fresh mortar. After resuming the work process, the cut area must be moistened generously with water.

Step 3. The next layer is applied one day after the first, and the same interval is maintained before applying the third layer. The total thickness of the coating should not exceed 50 mm.

Applying and leveling the second layer

Step 4. After the plaster has hardened, a liquid solution is prepared, manually applied to the coating and grouted with a metal or polyurethane float. Next, cover the surface with polyethylene or periodically moisten it with water to avoid cracking.

For 7 days, the plaster must be protected from freezing, direct sunlight, and mechanical stress. If everything is done correctly, the coating after drying has an even color, a smooth hard surface, and makes ringing sounds when tapped with a wooden hammer.

Video - Robot plasterer PlasteRUS SPERO

Video - Waterproofing plaster

There is a concrete one ground floor(with windows, semi-basement). Where the wall comes into contact with the ground, white spots appear (like frost, apparently fungus or efflorescence), and dark spots (moisture). We cleaned the metal. brush and coat with Pufas anti-mold solution.
The walls are all uneven, the sea waves sometimes move forward 3 cm, sometimes they go inward 3 cm. This is how our little brothers made plaster for us!
Now you need to waterproof and level the walls for the tiles.
Please advise how to level out such differences. Some recommend using Rotbant (but plaster, and it’s humid here), some using a cement-sand mixture, and some using plasterboard (which will reduce the area).
And which is better - first waterproofing or first final plaster, and then waterproofing.
Does anyone have experience with waterproofing? Three years ago we waterproofed it with a mixture of HYDROTEX, there was no effect and the layer gradually fell off.

A bathroom without reliable waterproofing can easily be considered the most expensive area of ​​the apartment: very often you have to do cosmetic repairs, any break in the water supply system also leads to paying for repairs to the apartment of the neighbors below. These costs can be minimized only if you waterproof the walls and floor of the bathroom. For specialists, such an operation is not difficult. But it’s also not difficult to do it yourself, you just need to be patient and have the necessary materials.

Tools and materials

Before waterproofing, you need to acquire the following materials and tools:

  • waterproofing material (bitumen, bitumen-polymer or cement-polymer composition);
  • construction hair dryer;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • plaster;
  • Decoration Materials;
  • silicone;
  • putty knife;
  • building level.

Scheme of waterproofing walls in the bathroom.

Waterproofing a bathroom should begin by ensuring good ventilation in order to further avoid the influence of excess moisture on the surface.

15.05.2008, 21:45

A built-in hood or direct access to the building’s ventilation shaft will provide a good microclimate in the bathroom and protect the room from fungal aggression. Direct waterproofing in the bathroom should be carried out from top to bottom.
There is a concrete ground floor (with windows, semi-basement). Where the wall comes into contact with the ground, white spots appear (like frost, apparently fungus or efflorescence), and dark spots (moisture). We cleaned the metal. brush and coat with Pufas anti-mold solution.
The walls are all uneven, the sea waves sometimes move forward 3 cm, sometimes they go inward 3 cm. This is how our little brothers made plaster for us!
Now you need to waterproof and level the walls for the tiles.
Please advise how to level out such differences. Some recommend using Rotbant (but plaster, and it’s humid here), some using a cement-sand mixture, and some using plasterboard (which will reduce the area).
Does anyone have experience with waterproofing? Three years ago we waterproofed it with a mixture of HYDROTEX, there was no effect and the layer gradually fell off.

21.05.2008, 16:32

It is best to waterproof the outside of the house. Dig it up, coat it, dry it, cover it with extruded polystyrene foam and bury it. It will be warm and dry in the basement. :D

21.05.2008, 19:33

Agree. The problem is that they also waterproofed the outside with HYDROTEX, but the result was zero. In addition, there is a blind area around the house that is quite wide, up to 3 m. In this case, it will have to be destroyed.
So far we have started doing waterproofing inside with a two-component component GIDROLAST. Then we placed the beacons under the plaster, and after the plaster we will coat it again with waterproofing, just in case.
My concern is: the layer of plaster will in some places reach 5-7 cm. Will it fall off over time? It's on the walls.
There is a special song about the ceiling. There are also differences of up to 5 cm. To keep everything in place and not fall on your head, we decided to do this: beacons, cement plaster, mesh, Fugenfühler, Vetonit VH putty.
Can any of the plasterers advise whether this is the right decision?


22.05.2008, 16:08

The best waterproofing is rolled - you have already seen the effectiveness of tacks, now it’s the turn of the fin. For thick plaster: it is advisable to apply it to a reinforcing mesh screwed to the wall, even if it peels off in some place, it will stick to the mesh. Look in stores for a hardening accelerator for concrete; it will work faster because you have to wait for the previous layer to set. Expanded mesh will also work on the walls, but welded mesh is better for the ceiling - it will be more reliable
---- first the grid then the rest.

23.05.2008, 11:34

What can be the thickness of the plaster layer (not overall, but layer by layer)? I guess I should have several layers per 5 cm and each one should set before applying the next one?
They also recommended that I use a strengthening primer before plastering the ceiling.


23.05.2008, 22:37

The thickness of the layer depends more on the skill of the plasterer - it will be determined by eye that he will throw the mortar again and the entire layer will slide off. it roughly looks like this: throw a medium-thick mortar over the entire wall with a ladle - you will get an uneven surface, remove the excess mortar in thin places along the beacons and wait for it to set. 5cm - 3-4 times, approximately a layer in the morning, a second in the evening, a third for grouting.

Strengthening primer before plastering the ceiling.
I’m not very good with the latest technologies and materials: D (Soviet training), so on the forum I try to glean something useful from modern materials (it’s better to learn from the mistakes of others), if this is just another impregnation, then write the name - maybe someone has used it.

23.05.2008, 23:00

It’s clear, now all that’s left is to find plasterers. The teams living in St. Petersburg are looking for large volumes, but I have 60 meters of plaster and 150 meters of screeds. I can’t lure anyone to the site!


24.05.2008, 12:45

The volume is only suitable for “repair work” and you need to look for them. For those for whom construction is their “main bread,” of course, a small project is certainly not profitable. As a part-time job, just give me these, less volume, higher cost per sq.m.

24.05.2008, 19:10

Yes, it’s a pity that you are far from St. Petersburg.

28.05.2008, 22:13

I brought a plasterer to my site. At the base, they advised us to use KNAUF-UNTERPUTS plaster cement mixture for ceilings in damp rooms, which is also used for building facades. Have taken. Today the plasterer calls and is almost crying, saying he sprayed four bags and everything fell on the floor! It turns out that the base did not warn that before UNTERPUTTS it is necessary to apply another mixture of VP 332 of the same KNAUF! We lost more than 2,000 rubles from this experience.
It seems that we should settle on gypsum ROTBANT, which at first they did not want to do because of the humidity of the room. Everyone seems to be praising this mixture.


28.05.2008, 22:41

and everything fell to the floor. He immediately collected it and put it back on the ceiling in a thinner layer. Gypsum can be made more or less moisture resistant, but in our country where all the mixtures are prepared in one concrete mixer: cry:, and super technology 2e is not possible until you buy 1e. :D

28.05.2008, 22:46

But in general, a concrete ceiling can be plastered the old fashioned way: cement, sand, plastering, for example?


29.05.2008, 12:34

So I wrote about “Soviet hardening”, i.e. you yourself compose what you need for a given place, using additives - which you know, or which you find. Buying ready-made dry mixtures simply turns out to be more expensive and you have to overpay only for the promoted name. That's why I mentioned the hardening accelerator: cement-sand 1-3 (4) and an addition of % to the cement (a little bit of plasticizer). Gartsovka is a simple lime-sand solution that has been used since ancient times for interior plastering of walls and ceilings, and for masonry. But before, the lime was kept in a pit for three years, so the quality was different. For the basement, it is better to add cement, or ask for quick-setting ready-made for wet areas.
If the worker has not found where to use the solution, then take off the last of his pants, shame on the jungle.

29.05.2008, 15:33

I called today KNAUF company(manufacturer of cement plaster UNTERPUTS). I say, so and so, your product falls from the ceiling and does not dry for a day. They thought for a long time, then they made a verdict: that my room was poorly ventilated and therefore the solution did not dry, and secondly, that we used soil not produced by them, but by the PLITONIT company.
We decided to try ROTBANT on the ceilings (although KNAUFT technologists discouraged it, saying it would only last a year in a damp room), and on the walls cement-sand and plasticizer. Let's see what happens.

02.06.2008, 22:20

I came from the village. In general, it turned out fine on the walls. The ceilings haven't been done yet.
We decided to use a prance. We make the solution like this: 1 tsp cement + 2 tsp. prancing + 2 hours of sand. I refused the plasticizer because... it is for faster drying of the solution, and the solution is stronger when it dries for a long time. It even seems like it needs to be moistened.
Here’s the question: in the next room, to prepare previously plastered (smooth) walls for additional plastering (the walls themselves were plastered about three years ago, but not leveled), what needs to be done?
1. Do I need to coat it with a primer? And which one is better?
2. Place a thin metal grid? Will there be air cushions underneath?
3. Make notches?


02.06.2008, 22:55

previously plastered (smooth) walls, depending on how much you need to level:?:, maybe just putty will be enough. If you need a layer of plaster, then cut it with a grinder every 5-10 centimeters with a diamond.
For those who are familiar with this chemistry, we don’t use a primer; for me, the primer is the first layer of the solution: oops:

02.06.2008, 22:58

It is necessary to level in places up to 7 cm. Horror, of course, but it is necessary under the tiles. And if you install a mesh, maybe the notches are not needed then?
My plasterer doesn't want to work with an angle grinder.


03.06.2008, 07:25

amazingly smooth wall - 7cm brick thickness per edge. It is necessary to make some kind of notch, the solution will be held in it “as if with your fingers”, and the mesh, of course, will also be stronger. The wall is simply leveled under the tiles.

03.06.2008, 13:11

Yes, in some places you will have to put bricks on the corners.
What’s worse is that there are still places where the old plaster is crumbling. They will beat it off, of course, but they may not notice something and cover it with a new one along the weak foundation...

Waterproofing plaster mortars consist of mineral binders (usually cement), fillers and polymer and mineral additives. Designed for making insulating layers in basements, foundations, bathrooms, showers and others wet areas, in swimming pools, wells, pipes, on roofs, balconies, etc.

They are used on external and internal surfaces, on walls and floors on dense concrete, cement plaster, all types of brickwork with filled joints (masonry with voids in the joints must first be plastered with a layer of at least 10 mm). Provide water resistance while maintaining vapor permeability. Supplied in the form of dry mixtures. Elastic mixtures can be applied to stressed foundations (for example, reinforced concrete structures), where there is a possibility of cracks opening.

A general requirement for the use of solutions is the preparation of the base. Solutions must be applied to strong substrates that are free of dust, dirt, lime, oils, fats, and paint residues. Sinks and recesses must be leveled with cement mortar.

The dry mixture is mixed with water strictly according to the recipe and mixed thoroughly. It is recommended to use a mixer. Application temperature – from +5 to +30 degrees. C. During the hardening process, the coating must be protected from drying out (wind, sun), freezing, rain, work load. The applied layer should be protected from damage (plaster, screed or other means). Store the mixtures in the original packaging, preventing the liquid components from freezing.

Comparative cost of plaster waterproofing mixtures
Plaster mixturesCost (RUB/kg)Flow min. (RUB/sq. m)Flow max. (RUB/sq. m)ElasticityWater column (m)
Hydrolast15 30 30 + 3
Alit GR-16,4 38,4 115,2 -
Atlas.Woder S20,3 40,6 91,44 + 5
Barralastik48,3 72,5 96,7 + 90
Waterproofing mixture19 76 190 +
Osmoflex54,4 174,1 217,7 +
Coverkol85,2 127,8 170,4 +
Cerecit CR-6515,5 46,5 77,6
Cerecit CR-6673,97 221,6 369,3 +
Cerecit CR-16672,1 216,3 360,5 + 5
Epasit DS, DSS24,376 109,7 182,8 15
Epasit DSF/2K 30 kg99,8 299,3816 498,9 + 15
Dichtugschlemme Knauf66,7 200 466,7


Domestic analogue Barralastic, thin-layer universal waterproofing coating based on cement and special polymers latest generation. It is used when the water column pressure is up to 3 m. The coating is vapor permeable and elastic enough for low-deformable bases. It has high adhesion to any surface (more than 0.9 MPa), forms common crystals with mineral bases, and is frost-resistant (more than 200 cycles). Apply with a brush in two layers with a total consumption of 2 kg/sq.m. m. Supplied in 15 kg bags + 3 liter canister.

GR-1 mixture "Alit"
(TU 5745-002-45498032)

Plastering mortar waterproofing works. Developed by the St. Petersburg University of Transport. Supplied by JSC "Vasko" in 25 kg polyethylene bags.


Stir twice for 10-15 minutes to allow swelling. Apply to walls using plaster technology in 2-3 layers of 4 mm with a break of 24 hours, on horizontal surfaces - as a 15-20 mm screed with vibration compaction and smoothing or manually in two layers. The formation of shrinkage cracks should be prevented through the use of special means. Before applying a new layer, it is recommended to brush the surface with a wire brush.

Atlas Woder S

The waterproof solution can withstand water pressure up to 5 meters. It is a mixture of cements, powder resin, mineral additives and modifiers. It is characterized by good adhesion, water and frost resistance, low elasticity, manufacturability and low shrinkage. Supplied in 25 kg bags. Shelf life – 6 months.


Apply the mixture to the base in at least 2 layers (the first layer is with a brush). Can be applied to freshly finished surfaces (eg plastered) after 14 days. The mixture hardens within 3 days.

"Addiment Barralastic"
(Manufactured by Heidelberger Zement, Germany)

Two-component waterproofing mortar (cement-based dry mixture plus binding emulsion). When hardened, it forms common crystals with cement. Thanks to its high adhesion, it can be used on almost any material - concrete, brick, metal, wood. Withstands lifting pressure up to 4 atm and pressing pressure up to 9 atm (40–90 m of water column). Resistant to acids, alkalis, petroleum products, etc., environmentally friendly, non-toxic, highly breathable, has a hygienic certificate, can be used in food water supply systems. Elastic, tolerates temperature changes, vibrations, movements, and frost. It has a density of about 1.3 kg/l. Shelf life 1 year.


Mix thoroughly, use after 10 minutes, apply with a brush or spatula in two layers of 1 mm each. Drying time – 1–2 hours, complete hardening – after 1–2 days. Does not require sealing cracks smaller than 1 mm.

Waterproofing mixture
(Produced by Bauta, Germany)

Elastic mixture based on polymers for insulating concrete, masonry, cement plaster and self-leveling floors for interior and exterior work with a water pressure of up to 5 meters. Depending on the pressure, consumption is 4–10 kg/sq.m. m. Shelf life – 1 year.


Mix with a mixer, apply with a spatula in a layer of about 3 mm, after a while treat the surface with a damp brush. Use the mixture within 1 hour. Protect from external influences for 1 day, ready after 5 days.


Two-component plastic coating made of binders, fillers and styrene-butadiene resins. It is used for insulating structures, including those subject to vibration and dynamic loads, as well as for creating a flexible connection between walls and floors, ceilings, pipes and masonry, etc. Withstands crack opening up to 1 mm without compromising the waterproofing. Has good adhesion to various materials, non-toxic, frost-resistant, protects against carbon and sulfur oxides, chlorides and sulfides.


Apply a layer of up to 2 mm with a sprayer or spatula. If necessary, reinforce the coating with fiberglass mesh with 4x5 mm cells. Do not use in frost below -5 degrees. With and under pull-out pressure; do not apply a layer thicker than 2 mm.

(Produced by Index S.p.A., Italy)

A universal two-component waterproofing and adhesive elastic composition made of acrylic elastomers and astringent additives. It is used both for waterproofing and for gluing tiles, stones and mosaics in swimming pools and showers, on floors that require waterproofing. It is characterized by increased adhesion, frost resistance and resistance to aggressive environments. Consumption for waterproofing – 1.5–2 kg/sq.m. m, when used as an adhesive solution - 2–3 kg/sq. m. Packaging – 20 kg buckets. Shelf life – 1 year.


Apply with a spatula on a damp surface in a layer of 1.5–2 mm. In areas with defects or subject to cracking and dynamic loads "Covercol" it is necessary to reinforce it with reinforcing fiberglass mesh with 3x3 mm cells, recessing it into this layer. After the composition has hardened for 4 hours, you can begin facing works, using the same "Covercol". It is not recommended to walk on the "Covercoat" layer before laying the facing materials.

Ceresit CR-65

Cement mortar for interior and external waterproofing non-deformable mineral bases. Shrink-proof, vapor-permeable, frost-resistant. Brick and concrete surfaces can be insulated no earlier than 3 months from the date of installation, plaster and cement floors - after 28 days. Dissimilar substrates (brick/concrete, for example) must first be plastered. External and internal corners the bases must be rounded. Use the solution within 2 hours. The first layer is applied with a brush, the second with a spatula, “wet on wet”. Protect from exposure external environment 1 day, ready in 2 days. Supplied in 25 kg bags. Shelf life – 1 year.

Ceresit CR-66/CR-166

Elastic two-component cement-polymer waterproofing for deformable bases. Frost-resistant, bridging cracks up to 0.5 mm, suitable for interior and exterior use, vapor permeable, environmentally friendly. The coatings can be applied to plaster, tiles, and floors. Do not apply to gypsum or anhydrite substrates or substrates with salt deposits. Sealing tape or sealant should be used on expansion joints and opening cracks. Storage – 1 year. Supplied in bags and cans: CR-166– 24 kg and 10 l; CR-66– 23.4 kg and 6.66 l.


Stir twice for 5 minutes. Apply on a damp base, without puddles. External and internal corners of the base must be rounded. Apply the coating in 2-3 passes with a brush, “wet on wet”, after 3 hours. Resistance to precipitation – after 24 hours, complete readiness – after 3 days.

Epasit DS, DSS

Coating waterproofing. This mineral solution can serve as a base for floors, plasters (except gypsum), cladding slabs and panels, the inner layer for swimming pools and water storage facilities. Hardens without shrinkage and cracks, has high wear resistance. Difference DSS– increased sulfate resistance. Waterproof at 1.5 bar (15 m water column). Supplied in 30 kg bags.


Apply with a brush, spray, or spray on moistened substrates at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. C. Apply at least two layers with a total thickness of 2–5 mm. Use the solution within 2 hours.

Epasit DSF/2K
(Produced by EPASIT GmbH Spezialbaustoffe, Germany)

Elastic waterproofing (capable of stretching up to 34%). It is a two-component composition - a dry mixture D.S. and a liquid component for mixing. Can be used to seal joints in porous concrete. Remains waterproof under a water pressure of 15 meters. Apply a layer 2–5 mm thick. Use within 1 hour. Supplied in 30 kg bags plus 12 liter canister.

Epasit DSF/2K. Specifications
Tensile Strength(MPa)0,43
Crack bridging (mm)2,5
Adhesion (MPa)0,88
Consumption (kg/sq.m)3,0–5,0

(Produced by "TIGI Knauf")

Cement waterproofing mineral mortar. It is always applied from the water pressure side with a layer of 2–4.5 mm (3.0–7.0 kg/sq. m) depending on the pressure. Supplied in 25 kg bags.


Stir twice and leave for 5-10 minutes to swell. Apply 2–3 layers with a brush or spatula using the “wet on wet” method. Leave in a well-moistened state for 24 hours. Complete hardening after 5–7 days.