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Signs about a broom. Folk signs about a broom, its magical properties, broom spells

For our ancestors, a broom was not just a cleaning assistant, but also a sacred object in the house. Magic properties broom - signs and conspiracies for money and other delights - today we’re talking about it!)

Broom and signs

Since ancient times, there have been a lot of signs about brooms to preserve good luck and prosperity in the house:

· the broom is always placed with the handle down - preserves well-being and protects from demons; · you cannot sweep the threshold with a broom, so as not to sweep away the money; · you cannot take revenge after sunset, so as not to get sick; · you must not step over the broom; · you cannot hit with a used broom - it will lead to illness; · beating with a new broom fruit trees- to the harvest; · children were beaten on the doorstep with a new broom to force them to behave; · they swept the babies with a new broom so they could sleep; · new broom to attract wealth, buy it on the growing moon, make a wish for it; · unmarried girls to attract suitors they jumped over a broom 9 times; · you cannot use two brooms in one day - you will lose your wealth; · you can’t let someone else sweep your house - you’ll lose your luck; · an old broom should not be burned or thrown away near the house; · when moving to a new place, take the old broom with you; · you cannot take revenge if one of the household members is on the road; · if they wanted to get rid of an unwanted guest, then after he left they swept the garbage through the threshold between their spread legs; · You cannot take revenge while there is a dead person in the house.

How to take luck

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that sweeping near someone else's yard was theft of luck and fortune. And today take a closer look at your neighbors. To take someone else's luck with a broom, you don't need to be a magician or perform complex rituals. It is enough, while cleaning the site, to sweep under the doors of prosperous neighbors with a dustpan and say: “Your luck, I’ll take your money for myself,” etc. (arbitrarily). Do not throw the garbage into the garbage chute, but throw it in your own trash can so that it “spends the night” in your apartment. They don't sweep after sunset.

Similarly, you can observe how neighbors sweep garbage from their door to someone else's muttering something. This is how you get rid of diseases and problems. The words spoken are arbitrary, something like: “I get rid of illnesses, and you take them” or “Take away my misfortunes and sorrows,” etc. Have you ever found someone else's trash under your front door or under your rug? Such garbage is not picked up by hand, it is carefully collected (you can use sheets of paper), taken out and burned with the words: “Go back to where it came from” or “Go back to the one who did it.”

To get rid of negativity and failures

If your neighbors harmed you in this way or you simply had a series of failures and lack of money, a broom will also help correct the situation. You need to buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep your apartment with it. You need to sweep from the farthest corner to the exit, saying: “With this rubbish, with this broom, all misfortunes and failures will leave me.” On the same day, the garbage is taken out and burned (it is better to burn it, not just throw it away), and they throw the broom at a pedestrian intersection and leave without looking back. Therefore, when you see a discarded broom, never touch it or step over it.

Broom spell to attract money

On the waxing Moon, buy a new broom; you can tie it with a green ribbon. Scatter coins in all corners of the apartment. Let them lie overnight, and in the morning sweep all the corners with a broom and collect coins on a scoop, saying: “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.” Then put the coins in the jar, close it with a lid and put it out of sight. You cannot take coins from there. This is a money bait. A broom can be used on the farm according to its direct purpose. You just need to put it in a corner with the handle down.

To attract money and as a talisman, in general, it’s a good idea to have a broom in the house, even if you only use a vacuum cleaner. Let it even be a decorative broom. Just hang it on the wall with the handle down and the broom up. In the corridor close front door a broom is placed in a corner or hung on the wall (decorative) to keep troubles and evil spirits out of the house, in the kitchen - for money and prosperity.

Every time we clean our home, we use a broom. Who ever wondered what day is best to clean? What kind of power does this simple but irreplaceable tool have?

Using magical rituals with a broom, you can attract good luck and wealth to your home

Broom as a magical tool

There are the following signs that relate to a broom:

  1. In order for the house to be filled with luck and prosperity, the broom should be placed up in the corner of the corridor, as close as possible to the front door. This will also prevent evil spirits from crossing the threshold of the house.
  2. In order not to sweep money out of the house, you need to collect garbage in a dustpan and throw it in the trash can, rather than sweep it out the door. To be healthy, you should clean before sunset.
  3. A woman should not step over a broom; she may lose the opportunity to have children.
  4. In order not to bring illness to a person, you should not hit him with a broom that was used in cleaning. For trees to bear fruit, they must in early spring beat them with a new broom.
  5. If the baby is not sleeping well, you can cover him with a new broom.
  6. A broom can fulfill a wish by increasing profits and prosperity if you buy it on the waxing moon and make a wish. By jumping nine times over a new broom, you can attract your betrothed.
  7. In order not to lose wealth in the house, it is better to have one broom. In order not to lose luck and good fortune, you need to clean the house yourself, and not trust the procedure to a stranger in the house.
  8. If you have a new home, then it is better to clean it with an old broom from your previous place of residence.
  9. You can’t burn an old broom, you just need to take it and throw it away from home. It is necessary to postpone cleaning if one of your relatives is on the road; by sweeping, you can complicate the road for him. If there is a dead person in the house, there is no need to sweep.

By sweeping on a certain day of the week, you can not only find order, but also invite wealth into your home by sweeping away the waste.

People clean without thinking about what day they can do it and what day they can’t. Instead of cleaning for money and good luck, you can, without realizing it, perform a ritual for negativity and loss.

  1. To avoid losing money, it is better not to sweep on Monday.
  2. You will definitely find money if you clean the house on Tuesday.
  3. If the work is related to trade, then in order for the business to grow, it is necessary to take revenge on Wednesday, you can gain good luck and money.
  4. By opening doors and windows on Thursday, sweeping can get rid of poverty and troubles.
  5. If you don’t want to lose money, it’s better to wait for cleaning from Thursday to Saturday. Friday is not suitable for this procedure.
  6. It’s good to clean up on Saturday, thereby inviting money.
  7. Sunday is a day off. You can’t clean it up; you can cause trouble and complicate your financial situation.

A broom is not only a helper in the household, but also can be a talisman and a means of fulfilling desires. Even if there is no need to purchase a broom, since a vacuum cleaner is more convenient and almost everyone has one, it is necessary to ensure its presence in the house. Using magical rituals, you can attract good luck and wealth to your home. Clearing it of negativity.

Broom spell to attract money

A money ritual that, with the help of an ordinary broom, will help attract wealth into the house.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform a magical action, you must prepare the following set of magical tools:

  • new broom;
  • green ribbon;
  • coins;
  • scoop;
  • jar;
  • lid.

For a conspiracy to attract money you need a new broom

How to perform a ritual

  1. You need to wait until the moon is waxing and buy a new broom and a new green ribbon.
  2. Tie the broom with ribbon.
  3. Scatter coins in the corners of your home.
  4. Do not touch them all night, but leave them until the morning.
  5. At dawn, collect coins on a scoop, reading the words of the conspiracy:

    “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.”

  6. Place the coins in the jar and close it with a lid.
  7. Hide it in a secluded place so that no one sees or knows about its existence.
  8. The coins in the bank serve as a talisman, so you cannot take them and pay with them.

Use a broom for cleaning, then place the fluffy part up.

To free yourself from negativity and failures

A simple broom ritual that will help protect your home from negativity and failure.

What is needed for the ceremony

You can reproduce the magical effect by preparing the following:

  • new broom;
  • garbage bag;
  • scoop.

How to perform the ceremony

  1. The ritual procedure resembles the usual one general cleaning in the house in front of which you need to buy a broom.
  2. You need to buy a new broom, the main thing is to do it on the waning moon.
  3. Sweep the entire apartment, just start from the farthest corner and sweep to the threshold.
  4. At this time, read the words of the conspiracy:

    “With this rubbish, with this broom, all misfortunes and failures will leave me.”

  5. Collect the garbage with a dustpan and place it in a garbage bag.
  6. On the same day, without delay, the garbage must be taken out and burned.
  7. And leave the broom at a pedestrian intersection.
  8. Leave the place without looking back and without talking to anyone.

It’s good to have money, health and luck, but how often does a person find himself in a state of apathy due to feelings of loneliness and lack of love? You can use a broom to improve your family happiness.

So that there is money in the house

An easy ritual with a broom, which brings good luck, will help you get rid of debts and lack of money.

What is needed to carry out the ritual and how should it be carried out?

On a man's day, early in the morning you should buy a broom from your grandmother. Men's days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Returning home, you need to place the broom in the corner of the front door, with the handle down.

To find a groom

The magical effect will speed up the meeting with your betrothed.

What is needed to perform the ritual and how to perform it correctly

  1. You should wake up at dawn early in the morning on Friday, which should be the third of the month, and go to the market.
  2. You need to buy a new broom, you can’t talk to anyone along the way.
  3. Return home the same way.
  4. If on the way home a woman in a bright headdress appears, you should say hello and this will be a good sign.
  5. For three days before purchasing, you need to wear a scarf around your neck, any one you wish.
  6. Tie a new broom with a neckerchief and use it to clean the room where you go to bed.
  7. Sweep clockwise while reading the plot:

    “I sweep, I attract my destiny, come, my happiness, and don’t go!”

  8. Hide the broom behind the curtain of the room without removing the scarf.
  9. In the near future there will be a meeting with the betrothed.

A magical action with a broom will speed up the meeting with your betrothed

When a man wants to come into the house for the first time, he must sweep before coming with a magic broom.

When we hear the word broom, we always think only about cleaning. And there is also a bath broom, which is no less powerful in protection and in helping with rituals.

The rituals that are performed in the bathhouse have great strength and give effective results. It must be remembered that before performing a magical action, it is necessary to appease the good spirits who are assistants in the providence of the ritual. At Epiphany and Christmas, you should definitely leave a plate of honey or sweets for the spirits. Sweets are the best gift for spiritual residents. In a bathhouse, such a spirit is called a bath attendant, so before performing rituals you need to win him over.

Ritual in the bathhouse against a rival

A ritual with which you can protect yourself from a person who encroaches on your own happiness

To be prepared:

  • candle;
  • plate;
  • gingerbread;
  • bucket;
  • cold water;
  • broom.

How to perform the ceremony

To perform a magical action, you need to approach the bathhouse at midnight with a lit candle in your hands.

  1. Before reaching the threshold of the bathhouse, you need to bow to the bathhouse keeper and direct your thoughts about asking him to help.
  2. Go into the bathhouse and put a plate of gingerbread and honey in it. This is gratitude to the spirit for help.
  3. Take a bucket and pour cold water into it.
  4. Place the broom so that its loose part points upward.
  5. Read the following plot:

    “The bathhouse spirit helps and drives out the rival. Amen".

You need to go behind the plot of your house and pour the water out of the bucket, and place a broom near the threshold.

Leave the broom without touching it for seven days

Ritual with a pair of brooms for cleansing in the bathhouse

A ritual, a ceremony with a broom in a bathhouse will help relieve irritation and fatigue, save yourself and your loved ones from frequent ailments. This ritual with a bath broom is best performed at Christmas, as custom says, but it can also be done on an ordinary day on the waxing moon.

What will be needed for the ceremony

Before you begin the magical action, you need to prepare:

  • bucket;
  • water;
  • broom;
  • wormwood grass;
  • lavender oil;
  • a thread;
  • vessel;
  • matches;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • chamomile oil;
  • Holy water.

How to perform the ceremony

The ritual is not very complicated and takes a fairly short amount of time.

The ritual itself should be done like this:

Stage one

  1. Go into the bathhouse and sweep away the cobwebs and sweep the floor.
  2. Wipe away dust and dirt from all corners
  3. Take a bucket, pour half of the running water into it and add the holy water.
  4. Wash the floor thoroughly with this water three times.
  5. Take the water out of the bucket and pour it over the threshold of the bathhouse.
  6. You must take dried wormwood grass and put it in a vessel.
  7. Add a little lavender oil.
  8. Stick a thread inside the vessel to form a wick.
  9. Light the thread with matches.

Stage two

  1. When the smoke is at its maximum, you should walk through the bathhouse and clean it of evil spirits.
  2. Stand in the corners longer.

A ritual with a broom in the bath will help relieve irritation and fatigue

During the expulsion procedure, it is required to say the prayer: “Our Father.”

When the action ends, open the windows and doors and wait until the room is ventilated.

Stage three

  1. Next you need to flood the bathhouse.
  2. For effective results, it is better to use a new bath broom.
  3. Use chamomile oil and eucalyptus oil.

Simple rituals for a broom

Every business has its own power and its own magic. We don't think about what should be done with old things and how to handle new ones. We don’t think about what day we need to clean, and then we wonder why the cleaning stopped or why our neighbors who don’t work have more money than those who practically live at work.

It should be noted that if such a situation affected you personally, perhaps there was a ritual for stealing good luck.

This ritual is simple, and its results are great.

  1. You need to sweep the trash from your front door under your neighbors’ door, saying:

    “Your luck, I’ll take your money for myself.”

  2. Collect the garbage in your own bin and leave it overnight in the apartment.

If a purchased broom appears in the house, then you should not use it to perform any rituals for the decreasing monthly cycle. You should wait for the moon phase to change, hiding it so as not to sweep it up, accidentally or forget it.

Any magical action, even if it seems simple to perform, has power and produces results. You need to focus as much as possible on the task and tune your thoughts to desire. Thank you is required Higher power, for their help and for the fact that they provide the opportunity to welcome new wealth, luck, love and health into the home.

Broom Since ancient times, it has symbolized the protection and well-being of the family. It was used not only for cleaning, but also as a talisman for the home.

There are many signs associated with a broom. Our ancestors endowed this item with magical properties and believed that with its help you could sweep away trouble from the house and sweep away happiness.

Folk signs about a broom

  • You can’t sweep the threshold with a broom - otherwise you can sweep the money out of the house.
  • The broom should stand with the handle down - this preserves well-being in the house.
  • You cannot hit a person or animal with a broom - it means illness.
  • If you want to reap a rich harvest from fruit trees, hit the tree trunks with a new broom.

  • To fulfill wishes, they bought a new broom on the waxing Moon and made a wish on it.
  • Young girls jumped over the broom 9 times to attract suitors.
  • You cannot use two brooms for cleaning - you could lose money.
  • If someone else sweeps your house, then he can deprive you of luck and good fortune.
  • When moving to new house It was nice to take the old broom with me.

Ritual to attract money with a broom

To attract money, our ancestors used a new broom. It was tied with a red ribbon on the waxing moon in the evening, and coins were scattered around the house. The next morning they swept up the money with a broom, saying: “I collect money, I invite wealth. Silver and gold, I will be rich!”. The collected money was locked in the bank and not spent. It was a money grab.

Ritual to get rid of negativity and failures

In order to get rid of negative energy, problems, difficulties and failures, you need to buy a broom on the waning Moon and sweep the whole house with it. Sweeping should be done from the beginning of the room to the threshold. Immediately take the trash outside and throw it away along with the broom. When sweeping, you must definitely imagine that along with the garbage you are getting rid of all problems and failures.

Use ordinary things for unusual purposes, because magic lies in every object! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.03.2015 09:25

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To the question: “Do you have a broom?” - in response you can only get a puzzled look. Who doesn't have it?! Every kitchen, every yard has this archival and irreplaceable item. How many centuries has he lived next to man! And how many times did he change his appearance! Even an attempt to replace it with fashionable new items in the form of a vacuum cleaner was not crowned with absolute success. Do you know why? There's magic involved here! Don't believe me? But in vain!

Listen to the story of how the broom appeared in the human world. This was in those days when witches lived quietly among people and openly used their power. People were afraid of them, but respected them and often resorted to their help to solve their problems. One witch was the most powerful, and everyone - competitors and even people - really wanted to find out her secrets. No matter what they did, no matter what cunning traps they set, nothing helped. This went on for several centuries.

One day a young woman, recently married, came to the witch. The young beauty sobbed and complained about life, asked for medicine to painlessly leave the world of the living and find peace in the kingdom of the dead. She was tired of pleasing her new family. Her mother-in-law was unhappy with her, everything was wrong with her: the dishes were not washed clean, the house was dirty, and the yard was littered with trash. A whole day of work, but no result. It has never been as clean as the witch’s home. Even the mother-in-law blamed her daughter-in-law for the poor apple harvest, saying that it was she who looked after the trees so poorly.

The witch took pity on the woman, gave her a delicious decoction of herbs and forest berries, calmed her down and gave her a magical thing. It was a broom, yes, yes, a real sorghum broom, and not the tied thin twigs that all the inhabitants of this village used. The witch warned the woman about how the magic broom could be used for the well-being of her home.

Firstly, it is a talisman, a powerful talisman. Its main purpose, the witch said, was to protect the house from any evil. Therefore, the broom must always be at the threshold so that evil cannot cross the invisible border that the brownie outlines. Yes, it’s not just to stand there, but with the broom up, the handle must certainly rest on the floor! Remember: you shouldn’t get confused, so that there is peace and prosperity in the house, just turn the broom over and place it with the handle down.

Secondly, you need to use a broom every day. To begin with, the witch advised, you need to sweep out all the cobwebs from the corners. Then you need to do this regularly before the end of the month. For example, every 30th. You should sweep the floor in the house in the morning, and in the afternoon only those places where something has spilled. But the yard can be cleaned at any time, so to speak, as it gets dirty.

Thirdly, sweeping with a magic broom (and all the descendants of this broom are magical objects!) is a special art. Do not sweep any trash out of the house! What will happen? You can’t throw away your well-being, especially money. She collected it at the doorstep, swept it into a dustpan and carefully took it out.

Fourthly, you definitely need to work with trees in your garden. With this brand new broom, lightly tap the trunks and ask for a good harvest. And then do everything as usual.

Fifthly, never throw away an old broom. If you are going to a new home, take it with you. And if he’s no longer needed, he’s old and can’t take revenge anymore, then bury him, and don’t forget to thank him for his service.

And the witch gave two more pieces of advice to the young woman:

You cannot sweep the house using two brooms. Two magical forces collide, and one magic begins to prove its power to the other. There will be no cleanliness and order, and the household will not see peace either.

Don't give your broom to anyone! Magic force will be stolen, and the broom will lose all its magical properties.

The young woman left, and you won’t believe it, but her life has changed a lot since then. The house is a full cup, the mother-in-law is not overjoyed at her daughter-in-law, constantly praises her and sets an example for others. The broom helped! And not just this woman. Women don’t keep secrets at all, and the witch didn’t warn them not to talk about the broom. This is how all the women of the world learned about the magical properties of the broom.

A couple of other witches too great advice women were given.

The young ladies were asked to buy a brand new broom, place it on the lunar path and jump over it nine times. They say that within three days the matchmakers and the groom will certainly appear in the house.

And if there is any desire, for example, you really want a new fur coat, then again you need to work with a new broom. You just need to buy it on the waxing moon. Looking at the sky, show the broom to the moon and stars and clearly, without faltering, say your desire three times. The witches categorically insisted that this method was correct and gave one hundred percent results.

And you can lure money into the house if, on the waxing moon before going to bed, you scatter coins around the house, and in the morning take a broom, tie its handle with a red ribbon and sweep these coins with a new broom, saying: “I’ll collect money, I’ll invite wealth to guests.” Come to me gold and silver, bring wealth with you.” Collect coins, hide them, and never spend them, so that these magic coins will attract wealth.

And if some kind of trouble, quarrels, illnesses have settled in the house, then you should work with a broom on the waning moon. A new broom will sweep away all the misfortunes, you just need to throw it away along with all the garbage.

Yes, don’t forget that there should be a small broom in the house. No, not for children, but for the brownie, who also loves order and sometimes cleans things up instead of his mistress.

Centuries passed, time erased many objects and concepts into dust. There are no witches anymore, but the broom still lives in our homes. By the way, many women sometimes use a broom not only for good, but also for harm. For example, someone in the heat of the moment, or someone intentionally, can hit a neighbor’s pig or goat that has gotten into the garden with a broom. Or they will throw it at the dog, which disturbs sleep with loud barking. After this, the poor animal became lethargic and was sick for a long time. The same thing happened with a person. It was, of course, possible to correct the situation, but not everyone knows where today to find a witch who can remove the evil caused by a broom! Otherwise, wanting revenge ex-lover, on the way to the registry office a woman will throw an old broom. The newlyweds should not be happy! Such is women's revenge.

That's a broom! An old acquaintance, it turns out, is not so simple after all! Magical power lives in him and can serve for good or harm. He who believes works miracles in the house. And whoever doesn’t believe it simply picks up a broom and does the cleaning without any magic.

It is unlikely that many of the modern housewives, armed with state-of-the-art vacuum cleaners and steam mops, think about the fact that once upon a time cleaning the home was a real magical act. It turns out that by picking up the simplest broom, you can attract wealth, success, and, on the contrary, bring illness and misfortune upon yourself and your household.

Even in the mythology of the Slavs, a broom and a broom were recognized as dangerous objects, without which black magic could not do. Witches and sorcerers used these cleaning attributes in various rites and rituals. At the same time, people knew that they could easily be turned into amulets against evil spirits. So it is not surprising that since ancient times numerous “broom” signs have come to us. For example:

  • Always place the broom with the handle down if you want to preserve your well-being;
  • You can’t take revenge on the threshold with a broom, otherwise you’ll sweep all the money out of the house;
  • If you don’t want to make your family members sick, don’t clean up after sunset;
  • Having bought a new broom, beat the fruit trees with it - there will be good harvest. And if you use it, never used, to lightly spank a naughty child standing on the threshold, the child will become obedient;
  • To ensure that the baby sleeps peacefully, sweep his crib with a new broom;
  • A girl who wants to get married must jump over a broom 9 times - this will attract suitors to her;
  • Don’t let anyone else sweep your house - he will sweep away the luck from your life;
  • If you decide to buy a new broom, then take the old one away - you cannot burn this attribute, as well as throw it away near your home;
  • If you are moving to a new place, be sure to take your broom with you;
  • While one of the family members is on the road, houses cannot be swept;
  • If you want an unwanted guest, immediately after he leaves, sweep the dirty linen out of the house through the threshold between your spread legs;
  • While the deceased is in the house, do not start cleaning;

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that taking revenge near someone else's court meant stealing good luck from its owner. So even today it’s worth taking a closer look at your overly clean neighbors who have started cleaning up near your territory and at the same time are quietly muttering something under their breath. And if you yourself want to steal a little luck from them, sweep with a broom under the door of your prosperous neighbors staircase and whisper: “I’m taking your luck and money for myself.”

Similarly, you can “sweep” troubles and failures out of your home. To do this, sweep all the rubbish to the door of one of the residents of the house whom you consider an enemy. By the way, don’t forget to look under your rug - what if someone else’s trash has accumulated there? If you have a pitch black streak in your life, immediately go buy a new broom. Wait for the waning Moon and sweep your entire house, starting from the most remote corners and moving towards the exit. On the same day, collect this garbage, take it outside and burn it. And leave the used broom at a pedestrian intersection.

Always short of money? Then choose a day when the Moon is in its waxing phase, buy a broom and tie a green ribbon or thread on it. Scatter coins in the corners of the house in the evening. The next morning, sweep all the corners, collecting the metal money in a dustpan, and then pouring it into a jar. Close the container with a lid and place it away from prying eyes. Now this “piggy bank” will be a NZ, which cannot be touched.