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What shortcomings should you include in your resume? Strengths and weaknesses of a person for a questionnaire: overview, description and examples

Every person, sooner or later, is faced with the need to clearly identify all his strengths. Most often this happens when writing a resume. The employer wants to see a list of a person’s strengths before the interview. To ensure that this question does not take you by surprise, you should analyze yours in detail.


It is on talent that all strong character traits are based. Every person knows perfectly well what he can do best.
Developing talent will take effort. Few achieve perfection, but anyone can hone their skills.

To ensure that talent does not go to waste, it is best to associate your profession with it. Life will be much more interesting if work brings pleasure. To do this, it is simply necessary that it suits the person’s character, temperament, and meets his interests.

Work on yourself

Strong and weak sides human beings are closely intertwined with each other. No one can boast that he is perfect and has no weaknesses. A self-sufficient person always admits that he has shortcomings. There is nothing wrong. After all, a person’s shortcomings are traits that, with volitional influence, make it possible to develop further and not stand still. If you engage in self-development, then over time a person can turn all weaknesses into strengths.

It is not always easy to identify a person’s strengths and weaknesses. Their people are not inclined to hide, they know very well what they can do best. However, sometimes people overestimate themselves and do not always correctly assess their capabilities.

If everything is more or less clear with positive character traits, then with shortcomings everything is more complicated. Few people are able to honestly admit to themselves that they are excessively lazy, are constantly late, or cannot bring the work they have started to its logical conclusion.

What are human weaknesses? In most cases, people are characterized by laziness, excessive gentleness of character, shyness, problems with maintaining a daily routine, and lack of discipline.

Many human shortcomings can be easily corrected on their own, but others cannot be dealt with without the help of a psychologist. Some human flaws cannot be removed. According to them, experts advise adjusting your own lifestyle so that they do not cause inconvenience.

Objective assessment

My strengths, what are they? On the one hand, the question is not difficult, but many cannot accurately describe themselves. Assessing your capabilities is an important point. If self-improvement is important to you, you should not neglect it.

By making a list of your strengths, you can understand what you lack for career growth, and therefore begin the path to eliminating gaps in knowledge and opportunities.

Strengths: list

The combination of strengths gives a strong-willed character. There are qualities by which one can judge the strength of a human personality.

To succeed in your career and life you must have:

  • Communication skills;
  • Confidence;
  • Professionalism;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Analytical thinking;
  • Patience;
  • Learning ability;
  • Hard work;
  • Responsibility.

Developing your strengths

  • Professionalism

One of the strengths of a person is the ability to improve in a chosen field. Experts recommend reading at least one book in your specialty every month.

  • Analytical thinking, learning ability

These personality strengths are entirely dependent on the level of intelligence. It, in turn, is determined by genetic data and the training that has been received.

  • Discipline

To increase your level of discipline, you need to learn how to motivate yourself.

  • Hard work

Few people can boast that they have this quality from birth. A person starts work not because he is tired of idleness, but only because there is such a thing as “necessary”. Each completed action brings a feeling of satisfaction, which works as an excellent motivator.

  • Patience

You can't get everything you want right away. Achieving a goal takes time. The ability to wait is a valuable character trait.

  • Confidence, determination

These strengths come with acquired experience and skills. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to follow your chosen path.

These human strengths can be supplemented by the following:

  • Courage;
  • Honesty;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Reliability;

People who have all these qualities can control their actions and desires and manage their lives.

Exercises to determine your personal capabilities

  1. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. To do this, you need to remember which actions cause you the most positive emotions. Write them down in a notebook, starting from the most significant to those that are least pleasant.
  2. The next step will be a reassessment of values. Rethink your life beliefs to understand which ones are strengths and which are disadvantages.
  3. Remember the people whose opinions are valuable to you. Why do you respect them? What traits do they have? Do you have these virtues?
  4. Remember when you were last time were you happy? What was happening at that moment? Why were you happy?
  5. After studying your answers, try to find similarities in them. Those features that will be repeated in most answers are your ideals, what you strive for.
  6. Determine if your beliefs match your real life.
  7. Study what is an advantage and what is a disadvantage in the area in which you live and work.
  8. Determine whether environment optimal for the development of your personality.
  9. Conduct a survey in which you ask people who know you what characteristics you have.
  10. Having received answers from loved ones, you should find all the common points in them. Make a list of character traits that resonate with you most of of people.
  11. Make a self-portrait. You will end up with a deep characterization of personal qualities.
  12. Make a list of actions you need to take to improve your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

Self improvement

Human shortcomings can only be overcome through constant development. Not only shortcomings, but also character strengths and talents cannot be ignored. They require improvement, because even the most outstanding abilities without daily training weaken over time.

Every person knows what he can do best. Therefore, only rare individuals do not pay attention to them and do not engage in self-development.

There are usually rarely problems with advantages. After all, there is great amount methods of self-development. And if desired, everyone can improve their abilities, make them brighter and more outstanding.

The situation is different with disadvantages. Everyone tends to downplay them in themselves. If you don’t see the problem, you can get along with it perfectly, but life will lose something important from this. You can stubbornly ignore your weaknesses and accept them, but developing as an individual and as a professional requires hard work.

A person's weaknesses on a resume show how objective he is about himself. Rarely does anyone include such a clause on their own initiative. But if the employer himself provides a questionnaire to fill out, such a question may well appear there. We will tell you what weaknesses to indicate in your resume in order to both fulfill the requirement and not spoil your impression of yourself. We will also teach you how to turn them into advantages.

What shortcomings should be included in a resume: example

You shouldn’t write that they don’t exist at all. Ideal people do not exist, and people who are overly narcissistic are reluctant to be hired. But it is not at all necessary to list all the weak qualities of a person. Your job is to demonstrate that you are critical of yourself, not to reveal your vulnerability.

Win-win negative character traits for a resume:

  • excessive demands on oneself and others;
  • increased responsibility;
  • pedantry;
  • hyperactivity;
  • shyness;
  • incredulity.

All this is not very good for Everyday life, but for work it gives significant advantages.


Weaknesses in a resume: examples of transformation into strengths

Identifying your weaknesses is half the battle. Next you need to use them to your advantage. If there are free spaces where you can fill in the details, do so. Indicate why your shortcomings are good in your resume: for example, a distrustful person will not cooperate with dubious suppliers.

If the questionnaire is concise, then these questions will be discussed at the interview. It is better to prepare for it properly. And our cheat sheet (table) will help you with this. But even if you don’t plan to give explanations, it’s useful to know how your manager will perceive your shortcomings.

My weaknesses


I maintain subordination.

I will not conflict with colleagues.

I won't fool the boss.

I can't be rude to a client.


I won't sit idle.

I will manage to do everything and even more.

I can’t sit on the sidelines when I need to take the initiative.


I won’t miss important details in a hurry.

I won’t bring chaos into the work process.

I will not tire my clients and colleagues.


I will not allow myself to work half-heartedly.

I can organize a team.

I will negotiate effectively.

I will make every effort to achieve results.


I won't spend work time to chat.

I won’t talk about company affairs where I shouldn’t.

I talk less, I do more.

Obvious shortcomings in a resume: examples

Some disadvantages are better left unmentioned. Especially if they are detrimental to professional duties. For example, the mentioned laconicism is good for an accountant or programmer. But a sales manager or teacher cannot be silent, otherwise the effectiveness of his work will decrease.

Therefore, strengths and weaknesses must be compared with the specifics of the profession.

Inappropriate Character Weaknesses on a Resume (Examples)


Unacceptable cons


  • gullibility;
  • emotionality;
  • lack of activity;
  • shyness;
  • frivolity.

Customer service specialist

  • reticence;
  • hot temper;
  • slowness;
  • penchant for formalism;
  • straightforwardness.

Low level workers

  • ambition;
  • self-confidence;
  • stubbornness.

Representatives of creative professions

  • inability to show flexibility;
  • penchant for formalism;
  • diffidence;
  • pedantry.

A good, well-written resume is a powerful argument in favor of hiring. It can be a serious advantage, so you should start your job search by drawing it up. In the West, careerists keep their resumes throughout their lives, and add new lines as they improve their qualifications or change jobs. A document providing information about the applicant before the interview is part of business etiquette, which should not be neglected.

What you can and should write about yourself in your resume

There are basic points that must be spelled out. Indicate your strengths in your resume, avoid unnecessary things, only be informative. A resume is a brief summary of skills and qualities. From the first lines, show that you are a person with a serious character, focused on results. So what you need:

  1. personal information: Full name, date of birth, marital status. If desired, you can add a photo.
  2. Contacts. Please include your phone number and email address at the beginning of your resume. This will make it easier for them to find you when they want to contact you.
  3. Desired vacancy. This item must be filled out.
  4. Education. Indicate all institutions, courses, trainings that you have completed. School, university, attended a seminar on NLP - your knowledge base should be impressive. Be prepared to document each point.
  5. Experience. Have you already held a similar position? Put this on your resume. To a person who does not have a single entry in work book, will be treated with suspicion.
  6. Additional Information. Here you can talk about your hobbies, strengths and weaknesses. Carefully select personal qualities for your resume. It will be a plus if they prove useful in the position.

Professional skills and abilities

Describe yourself in your resume: Show the employer that you are qualified for the position. Proficiency in computer programs, knowledge of languages, possession of a driver's license - all this must be described in this paragraph. Place your resume skills and abilities in order of importance for your future job. If you have a specific, not-so-useful talent that you want to list, put it at the end of the list.

Personal qualities of a person

Education and experience are not the only evaluation criteria. Personal qualities for writing a good resume, although not mandatory, can play a decisive role in many situations. Imagine what kind of employee the director of the company wants to see? Do you have anything in common with him? positive traits, can you look competitive? Be sure to write about it, use your advantages!

Character strengths and weaknesses

Correctly selected good and bad personal qualities for a resume will help you get a job. If you cope with your responsibilities, character weaknesses will not be so important. Often the same trait becomes a trump card or interferes with work. Present your shortcomings as advantages in your resume and show your willingness to work on yourself. Determination is strong point character, which is valued in the team.

Positive features character for resume

Negative character traits for a resume

Ambiguous character traits for a resume










Hard work





















Hot temper





Focus on results






What weaknesses can be indicated in a resume?

The employee’s task is not to scare you away, but to show that you do not suffer from inflated self-esteem. Be honest, but strongly negative personal qualities are inappropriate for a resume and should not be included. The second column of the table will scare away the employer. Character traits from the third will play a positive role for certain positions. Don't be cunning and don't try to present advantages as disadvantages. This will be conspicuous and reveal insincerity.

Examples: individualism is good for creative profession, helps presenters or artists stand out from the crowd. When working in a team, on the contrary, you need to be able to become part of the team and take into account the opinions of others. A pedantic character will interfere with working quickly, but it is appropriate where quality comes first. Modesty will prevent you from communicating freely with clients, however, with the right approach, it will show the company in a good light.

Getting a first job is a troublesome and incomprehensible matter. In college, they don’t teach you how to fill out forms, and if they talk about it, it’s in a general sense, without specifics. That’s why young people get stupefied when they need to name a person’s weaknesses. What to write? How, in general, should we approach such points? How are the strengths and weaknesses of a person determined in the context of professional activity? Let's figure it out.


Let's start with the fact that a person, one way or another, evaluates his character, inclinations, and abilities. He knows more about this than anyone else. A person’s weaknesses are an obstacle that hinders his realization. We usually consider these to be laziness, absent-mindedness, gluttony, love of sleep, desire to have fun rather than work. But this has an indirect relation to the place of service. And is it worth telling your employer that you like to eat cakes three times a day? This does not particularly affect the performance of work duties.

When you need to talk about yourself, you need to focus on the conditions in which you will have to work. That is, analyze your qualities, identify those that will help you work, and those that will hinder you. Special attention Pay attention to the item “weaknesses of a person.” Say too much and they will refuse to hire you. If you hide what is relevant, you will be fired in a few days. The moment is very subtle. It should be approached in a balanced, thoughtful, careful, but honest manner. Below we will try to fill out this paragraph in practice so as to avoid negative consequences. But first, take a piece of paper and write down what you consider to be your weaknesses. Don't think about work yet. Record everything that comes to mind. We'll sift out the excess later.

How to analyze your abilities

To describe a person’s weaknesses for a questionnaire, it is necessary to carefully understand the character, habits, and internal attitudes. Would you say that only a specialist can do this? You will be wrong! Now you will see everything for yourself. Sit comfortably, armed with a pen, and make lists. Enter in the hotel columns the following:

  • works well;
  • likes to perform;
  • It doesn’t work out at all;
  • still needs to be mastered;
  • causes disgust;
  • it is done, but with a creak, without enthusiasm.

If you approach this process thoroughly, you will get the basis for identifying a person’s weaknesses for the questionnaire. This is, in principle, what specialists do. They extract this information during conversation, observation, and testing. But you know yourself, and therefore things will go faster. And to make your work easier, here is a list of what are considered weaknesses. Focus on this data, but try not to copy it. Use your own brains!

Human weaknesses: examples

The employer needs you to keep things moving and not stand still. A person is given a range of responsibilities that must be strictly fulfilled. His personality traits may interfere with his work. To identify such inconsistencies, a column is filled in that identifies a person’s weaknesses. Believe me, there is nothing shameful in this. We are all different, different from each other. One can command, the other is better at executing. Both individuals will find a place that will bring them satisfaction and profit, and benefit the common cause. Weaknesses can be as follows (for the employee):

  • lack of inclination to communicate, low sociability;
  • isolation;
  • little experience;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • lack of specialized education;
  • poor skills;
  • conflict;
  • lenient attitude towards lies.

The list is very approximate in order to guide those who are faced with the problem for the first time. Here you can add, for example, fear public speaking(if they are necessary), inability to count money (as needed), and so on. It should be based on job responsibilities, which you are applying for.


By analogy, you can praise yourself in a questionnaire. Indicate all your talents, abilities, skills, experience. Eg:

  • strength of will;
  • endurance;
  • durability;
  • determination;
  • calm;
  • organization;
  • clarity of mind;
  • determination;
  • communication skills;
  • initiative;
  • patience;
  • love of truth;
  • justice;
  • thrift;
  • business abilities;
  • financial skills;
  • tolerance;
  • spirituality;
  • analytics;
  • ability to compromise;
  • artistry;
  • accuracy;
  • respectful attitude towards leaders.

The list is also very approximate. It will be easier to correct it if they explain to you what you will need to do at work. Be sure to inquire. And from the responsibilities, highlight the skills that are necessary for their successful implementation.

What is desirable to hide

It is not recommended to lie when filling out the form. But there are moments that are better not to talk about. For example, you lack willpower. That is, there were no moments in life when it needed to be demonstrated. So you think that it doesn’t exist. Then just don't include this item. There's nothing wrong with that. Believe me, this quality, called positive by society, is questionable for an employer. If a worker is stubborn, having all the inclinations to achieve the goal, it is difficult to deal with him. Such people complain to the courts and can write a statement to the authorities. Why do management need these problems?

When filling out the questionnaire, focus more on business characteristics. This is where you have to be extremely sincere. Each item indicated in the questionnaire will be checked in practice. It will be awkward and embarrassing if you are caught in a lie. If you don’t know how to talk to a client, point it out. This is a profitable business - they will teach you. And for honesty you will receive bonuses, albeit intangible ones.

You know, interviews are usually conducted by people who know how to identify a person’s strengths and weaknesses. Examples constantly pass before their eyes. Involuntarily, you will learn to notice the subtleties and nuances of behavior and project them onto characters. When you come across such a form, fill it out and read what you write twice. It is necessary to take a look at your data as if from the outside. You have two lists. Look at the list ratio. It is desirable that there be three times more positive, strong qualities than weak ones. Judge for yourself, who needs a worker who can’t do anything and doesn’t want to? It is foolish to give such an individual a chance to grow. And what do you think?

When applying for a job, employers often require a resume. Some of them, in addition to work experience, general information and a list of strengths are asked to indicate character weaknesses. And here a dilemma arises: how to properly disclose your shortcomings in your resume? If you think that they do not need to be indicated at all and that it is enough to simply put a dash in the corresponding column, then you are deeply mistaken. To avoid getting into trouble when you find yourself in similar situation, check out what HR specialists advise on this matter.

Features of writing a resume

On the one hand, writing a few words about yourself is a simple task and does not require special knowledge and skills. However, as practice shows, those who adhere to this point of view are often refused employment. Therefore, the more reputable the company you want to work for, the more important it is to write your resume correctly.

The volume of the resume is not conducive to presentation large quantity information. It usually fits on 1-2 computer sheets. Therefore, it is especially important to briefly present the necessary information that will highlight your individuality and attract the attention of the HR specialist. When writing a text, weigh each word and present your weaknesses correctly.

For example, if you are worried about your belonging to a certain age category, start by listing your professional qualities or work experience. Move your date of birth information to the end of your resume. Or if your future work involves frequent business trips, and you are growing up Small child, be sure to indicate that you will be able to leave him in the care of relatives or a nanny.

To correctly reflect your weaknesses in your resume, adopt a few basic rules.

  • Please pay attention increased attention style of presentation of information. The text must be written clearly and understandably. If you can convey information during an interview different ways, then what is written will be perceived unambiguously.
  • Never ignore the column in which you need to indicate your weaknesses and character traits. This can lead to you either being classified as insecure and complex people, or being considered a person with overly high self-esteem.
  • Don't be afraid to be honest. A truthful reflection of information, especially regarding your weaknesses, indicates how self-critical you are and adequately assess your own strengths and weaknesses.

Examples of weaknesses

When filling out the column about existing shortcomings, take your time and carefully consider each phrase. If you don't know what to include, look through the options below and choose the ones that describe you. At the same time, try to select character traits that, if desired, can be wrapped in advantages.

Among the weaknesses in your resume, indicate, for example, the habit of saying everything directly and frankly; difficulties in establishing contacts with strangers; hyperactivity and restlessness; excessive emotionality, sensitivity and impressionability; tendency towards fatalism, etc.

Try to select character traits that can be turned into advantages if desired.

However, there is no need to be overly frank. Add to one or two professional traits and several that do not play an important role in work activities. For example, indicate that you are afraid of flying or have excess weight. You can also indicate such shortcomings as excessive gullibility, a tendency to reflect, or frequent self-examination and self-criticism.

Among social weaknesses, you can write that you don’t fit well into the work team, because you don’t like gossip, or you can’t fight back in response to boorish behavior. With a skillful approach, you can really turn every flaw into an advantage. And if among your weak character traits you indicate reliability, then this only plays into the hands of the employer himself, since he will see in you a person who can be entrusted with overtime tasks.

How to properly present character weaknesses

Some weak traits can be directly correlated with the characteristics of the profession. So, for example, for an accountant or storekeeper, such shortcomings as distrust, pedantry, inability to lie, an increased sense of responsibility, lack of diplomacy and flexibility in labor matters can become positive in work activities. But it is better for a manager or realtor to indicate hyperactivity, self-confidence, impulsiveness, inability to take one’s word for it and a desire to double-check the information themselves.

It should be noted that job seekers often resort to cunning and present their strengths in their resumes under the guise of weaknesses. Before doing so, it is worth carefully weighing the consequences of such actions. Of course, you can indicate among your weaknesses the desire for perfectionism or excessive hard work, but keep in mind that the employer can easily suspect you of insincerity.

Important nuances

Honesty is good. However, some negative features are still not worth pointing out. Under no circumstances write that you like to be lazy, are afraid to take responsibility, or are unable to make decisions, are unpunctual, are often distracted, etc. There is no need to get too carried away when listing your weaknesses. It is enough to name 2–3 negative qualities. Do not use streamlined language and do not indicate features that will run counter to the requirements for the position.