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Calculation of salaries for the teacher of NVP. New approaches to teaching basic military training


, teacher-organizer of initial military training of the highest category at school-gymnasium No. 6 named after Abai Kunanbaev, Stepnogorsk, Akmola region

“The lesson should be permeated with creativity

and at the same time remain a lesson"

The school course of initial military training has been and remains an important component of the educational process. Like any other lesson, a CVP lesson should be modern, bright, rich, memorable for both the student and the teacher. When preparing for the next lesson, thinking through its stages, any teacher thinks in advance about the methods and forms of conducting the lesson, the elements of pedagogical technologies that he will use, what competencies he expects students to develop during the lesson (cycle of lessons), what will be the method of communication and classroom management during the lesson (classroom management) and so on. All these concepts are subject to the goals of the lesson and the lesson objectives arising from them. A quality lesson is a well-thought-out lesson, organized into a lesson plan. The NVP lesson has its own special characteristics in comparison with other lessons in the school cycle, namely, unlike subjects such as, for example, mathematics, chemistry, it will be useful to the student not so much in his future profession, but in Everyday life, present and future. The NVP lesson is more of an applied nature. The objectives of the lesson will be based on its applied nature, and this feature is the connecting thread of the NVP lesson with all other subjects of the school cycle.

Modern methods of teaching CVP should include not only a non-standard, creative lesson, but also extensive extracurricular activities and club work. What, in my opinion, new approaches to teaching basic military training include:

7) Use of heuristic tasks in lessons.

I would like to dwell in more detail on conducting a creative CVP lesson and extracurricular activities. A little about the feasibility of introducing ICT in basic military training classes and their importance in developing student competencies. The use of ICT in teaching contributes to the discovery, preservation and development of individual abilities in schoolchildren, a unique combination inherent in each person personal qualities; formation of students’ cognitive abilities, desire for improvement; ensuring the complexity of the study of the phenomena of reality, the inextricability of the relationship between various subjects - natural science, technology, humanities and art; constant dynamic updating of the content, forms and methods of the teaching and upbringing process.

The main results of the use of ICT in the educational process:

· Increasing the level of independence and initiative of students in the classroom;

· Positive attitude of students towards the subject of life safety, towards the teacher, towards each other;

· Designation of the objective focus of students’ activities on the development of their personality;

· The emergence and growth of cognitive interest among students;

· Educational and developmental progress of the individual that arose during the lesson.

From all of the above, one single conclusion can be drawn: the use of information and communication technologies in teaching CVP is not a tribute to fashion, but an urgent need. ICT is one of the essential means of realizing the goals and objectives of the learning process; mastery of information technology makes a teacher a CVP Masters with a capital letter.

In my lessons, I practice not only theoretical training, the use of practical skills, but also meetings with Afghan soldiers who in our city provide effective practical assistance in educating the younger generation. I try to ensure that such lessons are held on a high emotional level, which gives the lesson special effectiveness and better impact. I use video clips, music, literary excerpts. And I do this with the aim of enriching inner world student. It is no secret that many students now read little, do not have information about the Second World War, the Afghan War, many historical events, etc. You see an example of such a lesson on the screen, and I would like to give a small fragment of the lesson “Hours of the Motherland”.

Now a few words about the preparation of the YID detachment. In our school, as in all schools in the city, the Yuid movement is widely developed, which turns 30 this year in Stepnogorsk. Over the past eight years, our team has taken first places in city and zonal competitions and is a prize-winner in regional UID competitions. For two years in a row, the team took prizes at national competitions. The key to such success is the daily training of the team in various areas: drill training, medical and sanitary, traffic rules, etc., as well as continuity in the work of the detachment, which consists in the participation in the training of a new detachment by older team members. Long time We practice squad training starting from first grade. Thus, we cultivate in the members of the squad such qualities as friendship, perseverance, the desire to win, cooperation, patriotism, and leadership qualities. In addition, the team constantly participates in demonstration performances at events at various levels, in parades for Victory Day in the Second World War, etc. Every year we practice multi-day camping trips and trips to recreation areas.

All this, undoubtedly, requires a lot of preparation from the teacher, an investment of time, mental and physical strength. But the results of the work are worth all of the above. As part of the delegation of Kazakhstan, we participated in the International Children and Youth Rally “Empire of Friendship: Pechory – Border, Fortress and Soul”, where we were able to prove ourselves only with the best side. The program of the rally included a visit to the state border, a border outpost, ancient fortresses, etc. Naturally, military sports competitions were also taking place at this time.

Last year, for the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we were able to gather a group of 35 people and visit the hero cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and visit Eternal Flame, on Poklonnaya Hill, in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, etc.

It should also be said that in order to carry out such extensive work, the teacher himself must improve himself, participate in various creative competitions, events, professional skills competitions, improve his qualifications, including through distance courses, distance pedagogical conferences, which allows you to communicate with a huge number of colleagues, resolve many pedagogical problems, etc.

All this together makes it possible to more effectively carry out patriotic work among students of different ages, to instill in them a sense of pride in their school, their city, their Republic, and civic responsibility. This means that each of them will grow up to be a true patriot of their homeland.

Teacher-organizer of initial military training:

Submits to the head of the educational institution and is responsible for the initial military training of students and strict adherence to safety rules during classes;

Conducts classes in basic military training and optionally, leads clubs to study the fundamentals of military affairs;

Systematically improves one’s professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills;

Together with the teaching staff of the educational institution, he carried out work on military-patriotic education of students;

Assists in ensuring medical examination of pre-conscription age youths;

Conducts work and provides assistance to local military authorities in the selection and preparation of citizens for entry into the military educational establishments.

The work of the teacher-organizer of initial military training is regulated by the schedule of classes, the plan of events carried out during after school hours, and his personal plan approved by the head of the educational institution.

Organizing teachers may be involved in duty at the educational institution.

The teacher-organizer of initial military training needs to know:

Regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of training and education, taking into account the specifics of initial military training and the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”;

Fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology;

Rules for protecting the life and health of students;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Labor safety regulations;

Organizational structures of the warning and emergency response system;

Basic principles and methods of protecting the population during natural and environmental disasters, major industrial accidents, catastrophes, as well as protection from modern weapons;

Techniques for providing first aid.

Main literature

1. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Defense and Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated January 7, 2005;

3. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On military duty and military service”;

4. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On initial military training” dated November 1, 1996;

5. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 449 dated May 24, 2006. “On the preparation of citizens for military service”

7. Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Program 20-30);

8. Collection of normative documents and programs of initial military training;

9. Directives of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Topic 8 Fundamentals of moral and psychological preparation of students for service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lecture plan


    Concepts of moral and psychological preparation of youth.

    Military-patriotic education of youth at the present stage.


The Presidential Strategy “Kazakhstan 2030”, “Comprehensive educational program in educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2003-2006” indicate the basic conditions for raising a child’s multicultural personality, freely adaptable in the conditions of a modern society with the principles of democracy and a market economy.

The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan attaches great importance to the issues of educating Kazakhstani patriotism and the civic development of children and youth. This is evidenced by the Presidential Decree “On strengthening work on Kazakhstani patriotism” and the activities of the Ministry of Education and Science to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the state symbols of Kazakhstan” dated January 24, 1996 No. 2797, law

“On the state language”, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Defense”, Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.11.96 No. 1340 “On initial military training”.

For the purpose of implementation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed regulatory documents and programs for initial military training. They pay great attention to the patriotic education of youth and the basics of life safety for students.

In this regard, the role of educational institutions, children's and youth organizations, in which the spiritual and moral formation of young people takes place, prepares them for independent life, is increasing.

"In any matter, with maximum difficulties, there is still one approach to the problem: Desire is a set of possibilities, And reluctance is a set of reasons."

E. Asadov

This site will be of interest to teachers and organizers of initial military training. Here you will find lesson developments, presentations for them, entertaining materials on the subject, and you can also view the news blog and exchange opinions on various issues.

About Me


From the early age a person asks himself the question: “Who should I be?” The world of professions is so diverse and tempting that you want to try everything. Wherever our childhood dreams took us. Many were attracted by cosmic distances, the exploration of unfamiliar lands, sea romance, others saw themselves as a doctor in a snow-white coat, at a school board with a pointer in their hands, and someone with bated breath dreamed of a stage and of fame, even if not worldwide, but although within their own country.

Growing up, we already think about not only who we will become, but what we will become. You begin to realize that not only your specialty is important, but what kind of specialist you are, how much you have mastered this or that profession, how much people need it, what you have achieved in general.

There is also a calling, a call of the heart, a desire to help people who are not even in trouble yet, but are already on the verge of something terrible. Teenagers especially need this help. It is their fragile psyche that is most susceptible to all sorts of temptations and influences, not only positive, but also negative. And here, as a teacher, I believe that my goal, my task is to do everything possible to educate students as citizens , possessing a positive, creative worldview, which is expressed in a sense of responsibility, the ability to make informed choices and accept independent decisions, aimed at the benefit of the Fatherland and society.

Today's students are tomorrow's full-fledged citizens, builders of the future state. It depends on us what this future will be like.

The first, main and most important male profession is that of an officer. The profession of an officer is a combat profession. An officer bears a responsibility that is incomparable to that of any other profession. We are protectors! We are the first line fighters. The country is behind us. If necessary, we must take the first blow. Yes, there is such a profession - to defend the Motherland!

The profession of an officer is an intellectual profession. Military affairs requires knowledge of a level that is an order of magnitude superior to the knowledge of other civilian specialties. Military equipment of rocket and space complexity, a huge number of elements that make up modern combat, the need to instantly make and execute decisions, an intelligent, unforgiving enemy - all this and much more leads to the fact that modern war is not about who will shoot whom , and who will change whose mind. If we assume that one can be mediocre in some other matter, then in that on which the fate of the Motherland depends, it is necessary to achieve complete perfection.

The profession of an officer is a romantic profession. To be honest, there is no romance in military everyday life, lined with daily routines. Nevertheless, it is there: in the end results of difficult exercises, difficult campaigns, intense military service, in overcoming insurmountable challenges and, most importantly, in oneself.

The profession of an officer is a beautiful profession. She is being painted military uniform and military awards. It is colored by everyday and festive military rituals. It is colored by military music - songs, marches, signals. It is colored by a kind of military etiquette. She is blessed by the ability to obey and the ability to command.

The profession of an officer is a heroic, highly moral profession. It is based on love and devotion to the Motherland, the willingness to sacrifice oneself.

Being an officer is beautiful! Find me another, equally beautiful profession. I'm sure you won't find it!

Books that shaped my inner world

Vladimir Levi "The art of being yourself", "The art of being different"

My view of the world

Don't waste your tears. We were not born to watch our world dim. Life is not measured in years, it is measured in the accomplishments of real men.

My achievements

My portfolio

The portfolio I created is an individual folder that records personal professional achievements in educational activities, the results of training, education and development of my students, contribution to the development of the education system of the school, city and region for the period 2009-2013.

The portfolio provides organizational, informational and methodological support, shows the individual trajectory of the teacher’s professional development, demonstrates innovative teaching experience, improvement of professional skills, continuous professional development of the teacher, clearly reflects the dynamics of the teacher’s professional development, the development of media competence and information culture, allows drawing conclusions to expand learning opportunities and self-learning.

Basic military training, an integral part of the system of preparing youth for service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, considers the defense of the Motherland, strengthening the country's defense and ensuring state security as one of the most important functions of the state. “Taking into account the difficult international situation and the growing aggressiveness of reactionary religious extremist groups, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan pays constant attention to strengthening the country’s defense capability and the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

Today, when the latest discoveries of science are quickly being applied in military affairs, the importance of preparing for the defense of the Motherland is increasing. New technology leads to fundamental changes in the nature and methods of combat operations. The battle has become much more maneuverable. more quickly, its spatial scope has increased, which places new, higher demands on psychological, physical and special preparation for war, requires from him the ability to quickly navigate the situation, skillfully assess it and accept it right decisions, coordinate their actions with the actions of the unit. This means that now at the controls of combat vehicles, in tanks, at the controls of combat aircraft, and anti-aircraft missile systems, there must be people who are more militarily and specially trained than in the past.

In the successful preparation of pre-conscription youth for military service, initial military training plays an important role; it is a mandatory state form of military training for students and working youth.

Currently, local regional and district authorities take an active part in its implementation. Under their leadership, this work is planned on the territory of the republic, and the efforts of various departments and organizations are closely coordinated.

The solution to the issues of preparing young people for service in the Armed Forces is based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted on August 30, 1995. It pays special attention to the defense of the Fatherland. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan states that the duties of state bodies, public organizations, officials and citizens to ensure the security of the country and strengthen its defense capability are determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Basic Law, which proclaims the defense of the Fatherland as the sacred duty of every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an honorable duty of citizens, convincingly emphasizes the nationwide nature of the defense of the Fatherland.

Defense of the Fatherland is one of the most important functions of the state and is the business of the entire people. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan forms the goals and main tasks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the duty of the Armed Forces to the people of Kazakhstan to reliably defend the Fatherland, to be in constant combat readiness, guaranteeing rebuff to any aggressor.

Classes on initial military training in secondary schools are held in grades IX and X for 2 hours per week, in secondary specialized educational institutions - in senior years, in secondary vocational colleges - during the first to third years of study, 1-2 hours per week .

To consolidate the military knowledge and skills acquired by young men in classes, at the final stage, field training camps are held for them, as a rule, on the basis of defense sports recreation camps.

The responsibilities of the teacher-organizer of the CVP are varied. They are determined by the Rules for the preparation of citizens for military service, organization and conduct, as well as the formation of basic military training. All practical tasks for training and education of students are carried out by the teacher-organizer of the NVP in close contact with the organizer of extracurricular and out-of-school educational work with children (deputies physical culture(physical education teacher), class teachers (industrial training masters), teaching staff, Councils of War Veterans, Office of Defense Affairs).

Modern requirements of general education and vocational schools require the teacher-organizer of the NVP to change his worldview and the direction of teaching initial military training. Improving teaching and upbringing methods, developing in young people high moral qualities, love for the Motherland, decisive introduction of active forms into the educational process, increasing the practical orientation of classes, instilling in students such military-applied and military-physical skills, skills that are necessary for a soldier of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The teacher-organizer of the NVP is obliged to: explain to students the main directions of the policy of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of defense and security of the country, the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the defense of the Fatherland, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on universal military service;

Organize and conduct classes on basic military training with high school students at a high ideological and theoretical level during school hours and outside of school hours. Ensure cross-subject connections between initial military training and general educational disciplines: conduct (periodically undergo commander retraining conducted by the Directorate of Defense Affairs).

The work of the teacher-organizer of the NVP is regulated by the class schedule, his personal plan, approved by the director of the educational institution, the plan of activities carried out outside class hours on military-patriotic education and defense-mass work with students. Activities not provided for by functional responsibilities and not provided for by approved plans are carried out by him in each individual case in agreement with the director of the educational institution. The teacher-organizer of the NVP may be involved in duty at the educational institution like other teachers, but he is relieved of the duties of the class teacher.

In order to successfully interact with the teaching staff of an educational institution, he must be well aware of the scope of tasks for initial military training and military-patriotic education of students assigned to the director, the organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities, the class teacher and teachers.

Organization and conduct of initial military training in a school or educational institution.

The program for initial military training of youth provides for students to study: the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government decision on the defense of the Fatherland; the purpose of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their nature and characteristics; familiarization with weapons and military equipment, accommodation and life of military unit personnel; acquisition by students of the necessary military knowledge and practical skills in the scope of training a young soldier, mastering the basics of civil defense.

Basic military training, in close connection with the entire educational process, is designed to form in students high consciousness, devotion to the Motherland, internationalism, vigilance, instill hatred of enemies, and constant readiness to join the ranks of the defenders of the Motherland.

A special place in the study of all sections and topics of the Program is given to the development of high discipline, organization and combat smartness in students.

Primary military training in secondary schools, secondary special and vocational educational institutions includes the study of such sections as;

Armed forces guarding the Motherland;

Tactical training;

Fire training;

Charters of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan;


Military training; civil defense; medical and sanitary training, as well as conducting control classes.

More than 70% of the training time is devoted to practical classes. At the beginning of the course, students are introduced to the accommodation and life of personnel, weapons and military equipment of a military unit (military educational institution). At the final stage, it is planned to conduct field training sessions, firing from machine guns with live ammunition or from small-caliber weapons.

Planning of initial military training of students is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the initial military training of youth, orders (directives) and instructions of the relevant bodies of the Ministry of Defense, public and vocational education.

At a school or educational institution, a weekly plan for completing basic military training is developed for the entire academic year, which is compiled separately for grades IX(X) (junior courses) and for grades X(IX) (senior courses) at the rate of two one-hour lessons per week with each class. On certain topics of tactical training and civil defense, classes can be planned over 2-3 lessons. Tactical training classes should be preceded by the study of relevant topics in fire training, military topography, and civil defense.

Based on the weekly plan, the teacher-organizer of the NVP draws up a plan - a summary - for each lesson. It reflects the topic, educational and educational goals, reveals educational issues, distribution of educational time, the connection of the studied issues of initial military training with general education subjects, logistics and the course of classes (lessons), and also sets out a brief or more complete (depending on personal preparation) the content of the issues being studied. In the general annual plan of educational work of the educational institution in the section “Initial military training and military patriotic education"The teacher-organizer of the NVP, together with the organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular work (deputy director for educational work) and the physical education teacher, provide activities for extracurricular and extracurricular work. Determine the number and profiles of military circles, plan the display of military educational, military-patriotic and documentaries, visiting museums, hiking to places of military glory and other events.

In addition, they determine the time, place and procedure for firing from a machine gun with live ammunition, students visiting military units and military educational institutions, as well as conducting field training.

In order to more organize classes and instill in students practical skills in fulfilling the requirements of the regulations, each class is called a platoon and is divided into three (four) sections. From among active, well-achieving and physically developed young men, platoon and squad commanders are appointed by order of the school director. In squads consisting of girls, girls are appointed commanders. The draft order on the appointment of platoon and squad commanders is developed by the military leader and agreed upon with class teacher. During the basic military training class, students are required to arrive in the uniform prescribed by the school director.

During classes in the classroom, in the ranks, students must know their place, always be attentive to the orders and instructions of the teacher, to the commands and signals of the commander, and carry them out quickly and accurately.

Structure of a lesson in basic military training.

A lesson (lesson) consists of an introductory part, testing the assimilation of previously studied material, a main part (announcing the topic, setting goals and objectives, explaining new material, checking the correct understanding and assimilation of it by students, consolidating the material being explained), a final part and an assignment for self-preparation (homework).

Classes (lessons) in basic military training begin with students forming platoon commanders and his report to the military leader about readiness for classes. At the same time, the issuance of commands and their implementation must comply with the requirements of military regulations. The form of the report, the actions of students when issuing commands and communication with the military leader are given in the general organizational instructions of the Initial Military Training Program for Youth. The teacher-organizer of the NVP addresses students only as “you”.

The introductory part, which takes a minimum of time, should have a great educational impact and give the right direction to the students’ activities. This is achieved by the correct choice of the form of setting goals and objectives, and the selection of interesting examples.

Testing the mastery of previously studied material is aimed at repetition and control, as well as preparing students to master new material. The teacher-organizer of the CVP checks whether everything has been completed homework, pays attention to typical mistakes, evaluates the individual preparation of students.

In the main part, it communicates the topic, educational goals and ways of implementation. Setting goals and objectives is of great importance for generating student interest. In the words of the NVP teacher, students should feel the importance and necessity of the knowledge and practical skills they receive. The teacher-organizer of the NVP in an accessible, convincing form, relying on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the students, sets out new material. He accompanies explanations of the material with clear, consistent demonstrations of techniques, actions by element or as a whole.

Explanations can also be used by a military leader when consolidating, repeating material, or performing a technique or action.

When studying practical actions, the following sequence is usually used:

Demonstration by the military leader of the action being studied at the pace that should be achieved by the trainees, with an explanation of the rules and procedure for execution;

Dividing the action being practiced into elements and showing them at a slow pace;

Students comprehend, master and learn demonstrative elements, first at a slow pace, and then at a normal pace;

The gradual merging of individual elements into a single action and its repeated repetition in order to develop a skill and bring it to a given standard.

We must remember that it is impossible to develop the right skills if you do not create the right idea about it at the beginning of training. The demonstration of the teacher-organizer of the CVP is a model to which the student should strive.

After explaining the new material, it is consolidated. In the process of consolidation, the teacher focuses on the main issues, on the students’ correct understanding of certain provisions and the development of their skills and abilities.

Repetition is the systematization, generalization and reproduction of educational material. The teacher-organizer of the NVP outlines in advance what questions will be asked to answer from memory, what standards or techniques students will perform practically.

The final part is a summary of the lesson. This part of the lesson aims to remind students of the main issues of the material studied, the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Behind a short time The teacher reproduces the main content of the lesson, highlights the positive aspects and disadvantages, and names the more active students.

When giving a task for self-preparation, the teacher-organizer of the NVP explains which sections of the topic and which ways to study independently, how best to organize your work. Instructions for independent work should be given clearly, concisely, and consistently.

Military-patriotic education of youth in CVP classes.

Functions of the educational process in shaping students' readiness to defend the Motherland.

Military-patriotic education is a necessary quality of a person for society; its formation should be one of the most important tasks of training. However, observations of school experience convince us that a significant part of teachers are poorly aware of the functions of academic subjects in the formation of this personality quality. As a result, military-patriotic factors are used in the educational process without a proper system, without taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren and the ability to develop their readiness to defend the Motherland.

The educational process is often dominated by passive forms of cognitive activity, enthusiasm for methods of direct communication of ready-made knowledge instead of organizing creative, independent work of students, holding seminars, lectures, theoretical conferences on problems of war and peace.

To ensure a more complete implementation of the functions of the educational process in military-patriotic education, it is necessary to determine the initial methodological positions. The process of learning at school performs a leading, developmental function and has a major influence on the formation of the future defender of the Motherland. However, it is not enough to limit the introduction of individual components of the i.p.v. content into this process. It is important that, as a whole, he can have a comprehensive, active, effective influence on the state of all components of readiness to defend the Motherland.

The educational process realizes its functions by modeling the main types of human activity. The most important function of education, which contributes to the military-patriotic education of students, is to form their worldview and conviction of the advantage of peace over war.

The emotional factor plays a huge role, since beliefs are always the unity of knowledge and experience and love for the Motherland. It is important that knowledge, in addition to deep scientific content and emotional richness, has a socially useful orientation. On this basis, a broader, socially inclusive desire to protect the Motherland is born.

Arming students with a system of knowledge that ensures the assimilation of the general scientific foundations of defending the Fatherland is one of the important functions of the process of training staunch and courageous defenders of the Motherland. Representing a set of concepts from various sciences, they form the scientific basis of the doctrine of defending the Motherland. The basis of the content of military-patriotic education of schoolchildren in the educational process is the doctrine of the defense of the Fatherland, scientific laws and concepts of disciplines, as well as special subjects that reveal the main provisions of military activity. V.P.V. should be carried out at all levels of the educational process. A generalization of the experience of schools and colleges shows that students often cannot master the military-patriotic content of subjects in a certain system. In order for the student to more fully realize his position as a citizen, patriot and ready to take up arms in defense of the Fatherland.

Another function of the process of teaching military-patriotic education to students is to develop in them the skills necessary to protect peace on Earth.

In the learning process, it is necessary to encourage students to have a positive emotional attitude towards the actions and actions of people who have shown readiness to defend the Motherland, heroes of war and labor, and wars of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order for the educational process to fulfill its functions, purely informative, academic teaching is not enough. Its close connection with productive labor, the development of society, technical creativity, and sports is necessary.

Taking into account the above, let us turn to the analysis of the possibility of academic disciplines for the implementation of military-patriotic education in school.

The teacher’s system of work to develop students’ readiness to defend the Motherland.

The scientific substantiation of the system of work of the teacher-organizer of the NVP on the formation of students’ readiness to fulfill the sacred constitutional duty - the defense of the Fatherland - requires, first of all, to identify the composition of the components included in this system, their structure and functions in the process of military-patriotic education.

The first component of the system is setting goals and objectives. The main purpose of the v.p.v. students, clearly formulated in the Basic Legal Acts - preparing them for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the formation of a high sense of pride in belonging to the Fatherland, constant readiness to defend it - should be divided into a number of private goals covering the educational process, academic discipline, system of lessons and individual pedagogical situations created on them. These particular goals must be projected as an expected result and correspond to the general goals of the v.p.v. set by society.

Having determined the goals of the lesson, the teacher-organizer of the NVP selects the means of their implementation. And first of all, pays attention to its content.

In order for the educational process to effectively implement the functions of developing students’ readiness to defend the Motherland, worldview ideas, knowledge, skills and abilities must find a place in the content of each academic subject, in the system of lessons and in specific lessons.

Literature, music, cinema, painting, and various types of creative activity have a particularly strong emotional impact on students. Therefore, during the lesson it is advisable to use reproductions of outstanding artists; recordings on gramophone records and tapes of short musical works, songs of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, memories of participants in the events being studied, materials of search activities. The most important condition for the “penetration” of all these values ​​into the consciousness and feelings of students is the creation in the lessons of an atmosphere of creativity, the desire to enrich “your memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has developed.”

The realization of the possibilities of educational content depends primarily on the methods of teaching and upbringing, the activities of the teacher and students aimed at realizing the planned goals of the lesson.

The use of various forms of ERW among students.

Military-patriotic education as a continuous, purposeful process for the formation in students of high moral and political qualities necessary for reliable protection Motherland, continues even after school hours. Solving such an important task requires active participation in this process, in addition to teaching staff of educational institutions, defense organizations, military commissariats, all interested institutions, as well as parents of schoolchildren and students of vocational schools.

Main activities for military-patriotic education of students during extracurricular hours

In a comprehensive plan, the teacher-organizer of the CVP provides for the following activities:

Classes with squad leaders;

Group and individual consultations for students in the initial military training program;

Passing GTO standards with a small-caliber rifle;

Excursions to military units and military educational institutions;

Preparing high school students to participate as commanders and mediators in the military sports games “Alau” and “Ulan”;

Meetings with soldiers - school graduates, excellent students in combat training of sponsored military units;

Screening of films on military-patriotic themes; organization of military patronage work;

Military career guidance events;

Ceremonial farewell to school graduates into the Armed Forces;

Holding a military sports festival dedicated to the completion of the initial military training course;

Organization and work of defense mass circles;

Work to improve the educational and material base of the NVP.

One of the important forms of military-patriotic training of a student

youth is its participation in a campaign to the places of military and labor glory of the people. The goal of this mass movement of youth is to study, preserve and master the heroic traditions of our people, their development and continuation in study, work and military service.

The work is carried out according to a plan developed by the Council of the Campaign and approved by the general meeting of its participants. As a rule, the activity plan of search associations contains various forms of work: conducting campaigns, studying the history of the native land, creating a museum, establishing the names of unknown heroes, etc. Search materials serve as propaganda among young people, military and labor feats people and their armed defenders.

Preserve in the memory of future generations the invaluable evidence of the labor and military feats of people during the hard times of war. To record the memories of all front-line soldiers, participants in the partisan movement, the anti-fascist underground, home front workers, to find and transfer wartime relics to museums and archives of the country, to surround the family members of fallen soldiers with care and attention - these are the main tasks of the search expedition, schoolchildren "Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War".

To complete these tasks, the student must touch with his heart the inexhaustible spring of the Fatherland, look into the most intimate corners of military memory, feel how invaluable the contribution to the Victory of each participant in the war is - from a soldier to a home front worker, from a marshal to a mother who sent her sons to the great battle . All of them, who experienced the hardships of war, the joy of victories and the bitterness of losses, are not spared by time. And the pathfinders of the people's feat must have time to record the memories of veterans. Collecting materials for the "Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War" becomes a sacred duty, a vital need for everyone young man.

Organization and methodology for holding thematic evenings and meetings with war and labor veterans and reserve soldiers.

The role of the NVP teacher in the selection of candidates for higher military education.

Before every young man entering the period of independence, adult life, the question arises of what profession to choose. Really assessing their desires and abilities, some resolutely open the doors of colleges or institutes, others go to a plant or factory from school, the third joins peasant labor. There are quite a few young people among those who are attracted by the ardent dream of devoting their lives to military service.

Every year, a thousand soldiers and sergeants, sailors and foremen, graduates of college schools, having decided to choose a profession, officers enter higher military schools. For the majority of these young men, the first serious test, as a rule, passes the exams most successfully by young men who have not only firmly and deeply mastered the school curriculum, but also have a fairly clear idea of ​​the military educational institution.

Officer - educational structures. People who have chosen this profession are always in sight of the aspirations of army life, and the life of our Armed Forces is now especially dynamic, full of profound changes.

The army and navy today, more than ever, need people with a sense of high, heightened responsibility, initiative, independence and efficiency. Time demands that all personnel, every serviceman, participate in strengthening the army. It obliges us to thoughtfully and creatively update approaches to organizing ideological, political and educational work, and to resolutely strive to strengthen its effectiveness. All this further raises the role and responsibility of officers in modern conditions.

Higher military educational institutions serve and employ highly qualified officers, teachers and specialists who have gone through a good military school and have rich life and professional experience, which they generously pass on to future educators.

All military schools have educational facilities at the disposal of cadets and teaching officers - modern auditoriums and classrooms, offices equipped with advanced equipment and various technical means. Future officers are trained in the use of modern equipment and weapons. The schools actually put into practice one of the leading principles of military training: “to teach the troops what is necessary in war.” The educational process is as close as possible to the requirements of modern combat. It is aimed at instilling in cadets consciousness, high moral combat qualities, courage and bravery, at developing in them military skill, sustainable skills in organizing and carrying out ideological work with personnel in combat conditions, when solving combat training tasks in peacetime. The practical orientation of training at higher military institutes is achieved on the basis of a close relationship between university life practice and the advanced experience of the troops, and an in-depth analysis of the service and social activities of graduates.

In classrooms and laboratories at firing ranges and shooting ranges, simulators and sports grounds, during training hours and during rest periods, future officers continuously and purposefully master military affairs in their profession. Cadet work is not easy, but only those in the future will reap its beneficial fruits who do not know fatigue and peace and persistently go through difficulties and obstacles in their cherished goal.

Yesterday's schoolchildren, young warriors, are maturing before our eyes, from timid youths becoming real professional men who can be entrusted with the protection and fate of the army and navy.

Graduates of higher military educational institutions are skilled and strong-willed officers, authoritative leaders of personnel, convinced fighters for strengthening discipline in our armed forces.

Therefore, NVP teachers in schools and vocational schools should pay special attention when selecting students for admission to Higher Military Educational Institutions. All this work should be carried out directly with defense departments, regional and city education departments.

At an extended meeting of the political council of the people's democratic party "Nur Otan", the President of our country N. Nazarbayev, in his speech, drew the party's attention to working with youth, the need to form a young guard, whose efforts should be directed to instilling Kazakhstani patriotism among young people. Young people must be educated in the spirit of intolerance towards such socially dangerous phenomena as drug addiction, alcoholism, antisocial behavior, legal nihilism and corruption. There is an urgent need to strengthen patriotic work and solve youth problems, including rural youth.

In this regard, the educational activities of teachers carried out in general education institutions acquire special significance. Education is one of the most important social institutions of society. Being in dialectical interaction with its other spheres, education has a significant impact on the economy, politics, culture and social relations, which in turn affect a person’s attitude towards the “small” and “big” Motherland.

In the context of Kazakhstan’s entry into the space of the global world, patriotic education is called upon to concretize the modern concept of the phenomenon of patriotism as a priority and bearer of target characteristics of the social and state development of Kazakhstan, a source, resource and driving force of the transformative activities of its citizens, based on the idea of ​​serving the Fatherland.

The activity of a teacher in the field of education of patriotism is an appropriate combination of forms and methods of patriotic education with the organization of patriotic activities, stimulating the patriotically expressed consciousness of schoolchildren through the integration of the efforts of all subjects of the educational process. This activity is carried out in the following directions: spiritual and moral, heroic-patriotic, historical and local history, civil-patriotic, social-patriotic, military-patriotic, etc.

Patriotic education begins with learning the value of the Fatherland. Through inclusion in patriotic actions, the final transformation of knowledge and assessments into the personal beliefs of those brought up occurs, and a desire for patriotic behavior is formed. In order for patriotism to become the norm of our society, it is necessary to build the education of a modern schoolchild on the examples of the history of his native land, and through it - of the entire vast Motherland, to familiarize the child with the experience of previous generations.