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Minimum distance between wells of the sewerage network. Construction of wells for sewerage

The purpose of writing this article is to bring together the basic requirements for sizes and distances that should be followed when laying sewage system. We have to find out what it could be like minimum distance between sewer inspection wells, what is the size security zone treatment plant and what the diameter of the sewer pipes can be. So, let's go.

Information sources

The main source of information for us will be SNiP 2.04.03-85, adopted in 1986 by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs. It regulates the laying of external sewer networks and construction of related structures.

It’s curious: almost simultaneously with it, SNiP 3.05.04-85 was adopted, which describes the requirements for laying external water supply and sewerage networks. If the first document is primarily devoted to the design of waste systems, the second focuses on the materials used and laying technology.

We have to glean some information from another document - the set of rules SP 32.13330.2012. This is an updated version of SNiP 2.04.03-85 approved in 2013, which does not cancel its validity, but makes some additions to the text.


Let's start with the requirements for the location of wells. To do this, we will have to start by studying their types.

Types and purpose

  • Inspection wells are used to monitor the operation of sections of the sewage system and, most importantly, to clean it in case of inevitable blockages.
  • Rotary - perform the same function at points where the direction of movement of wastewater changes. Any pipe bend is always a place increased risk; access to it completely solves this problem, allowing you to clear the blockage when it occurs.

The photo shows a rotary sewer well. At the turning point there is an inspection for clearing blockages.

  • Drops are used to compensate for too much slope. Excessive slope is no less harmful to the operation of the wastewater system than its absence: excessive fast movement wastewater leads to solid fractions accumulating in the pipe, gradually reducing its clearance.
  • Nodal units are installed at the junctions of pipelines.


Smallest distance between sewer wells according to SNiP for inspection wells determined by the size of the pipe connecting them.

Diameter, mm Minimum distance, m
150 35
200 — 450 50
500 — 600 75
700 — 900 100
1000 — 1400 150
1500 — 2000 200
Over 2000 250 — 300

Nodal wells, as you might guess, are installed at all connection points of sewerage branches; rotating - where the pipe changes direction. In addition, they must be provided for by the design at points of change in slope or section.


The cross-section of a round well is again determined by the cross-section of the pipe:

  • Up to 600 mm - 1 m;
  • 700 mm - 1.25 m;
  • 800 - 1000 mm - 1.5 m;
  • 1200 mm - 2 m.

However: at a depth of more than 3 m, the smallest diameter is 1.5 m.

The height of the working part of the well (from the tray or shelf to the lid) is usually taken to be 1800 mm. It is clear that the instructions are not always applicable: the terrain may force you to increase or decrease the depth. If it is 1.2 meters or less, the cross-section increases by 300 mm relative to the above values; however, it should not be less than a meter.

Necks are made no narrower than 700 mm; when using pipes big size they should skip cleaning tools.


When laying the drainage system, you should rely on the following smallest values pipe sizes:

In addition, SNiP regulates the slope of pipes.

It is relevant not only for external networks: the same values ​​​​should be adhered to when laying internal sewerage with your own hands.

  • For pipes measuring 50 mm, the optimal slope is 0.035 (3.5 cm per linear meter).
  • For 110 - 0.02.
  • 150 — 0,01.
  • 200 — 0,008.

Sanitary protection zones

Their size is determined both by the type of structure and its productivity.

What should be the distance from the sewer to the foundation of the cottage?

Here are the parameters that should be adhered to in a private home (productivity - less than 15 cubic meters per day).

  • The sanitary protection zone of the underground filtration field is 15 meters.
  • For a filter trench or sand and gravel filter it is 25 m.
  • The septic tank can be built 5 meters from the foundation, and the filter well - 8.

Turns, depth

What is the smallest turning radius of a manifold pipe?

  1. With a cross section of up to 1200 mm, it is equal to the diameter of the pipe.
  2. If the pipe is thicker than 1200 mm, minimum radius of rotation is equal to five of its diameters.

Important: in the latter case, inspection wells must be constructed at the beginning and end of the turning curve.

What is the minimum depth to which sewerage can be laid?

The value is determined, first of all, by the depth of soil freezing and experience in operating sewer networks in the region.

If there is no operating data, the minimum is:

  • For a cross section up to 500 mm - 0.3 m above the soil freezing depth;
  • With a larger cross-section - 0.5 m above the freezing level.

In both cases, the distance from the top of the pipe to the ground surface or the zero planning level cannot be less than 0.7 m. The cost of violating this rule is the increased likelihood of pipes freezing during the peak of frost and damage by passing vehicles. If for some reason the condition cannot be met, the pipes are laid in reinforced concrete tray and are additionally insulated.


We hope that the materials presented to the reader’s attention will help him in designing and self-construction. As always, the video in this article contains additional topical information. Good luck!

To install a well on a site, it is not enough to simply find a place with an accessible level of the aquifer. The fact is that there are a number of other requirements for the location of the water supply source, and if they are not met, then the water will simply be unsuitable for use in food purposes.

Sanitary requirements

First of all, it should be said that the choice of location for a well must necessarily be made with the participation of a representative of the state sanitary-epidemiological station or sanitary inspection. You can also invite a doctor assigned to a given area for these purposes.

However, you can first find the most suitable place yourself.

According to SanPiN

  • The source must be located in an uncontaminated area located at a distance of at least 50 meters (upstream of the aquifer) from existing or possible pollutants, for example, the distance from the cesspool to the well must be at least 50 m.
  • The place should not be swampy or flooded. It is also prohibited to install water supply sources in places that are subject to landslides and other types of deformation.
  • The source should not be located closer than 30 meters from highways with heavy traffic and highways.
  • It is not advisable to locate the source on slopes, on river banks or near ravines, because Untreated river or groundwater will inevitably penetrate into it.

If a possible source of pollution is located higher than the well according to the terrain, then the distance between them should be at least 80 meters, and in some cases 150 meters.
This point should be taken into account if neighboring areas are located higher in the relief, since the distance between cesspool and the well should no longer be 50, but 100 meters.

What are the sources of pollution?

Sources of pollution include a number of objects:

  • Cesspools and pits;
  • Burial places for animals and people;
  • Warehouses for pesticides and fertilizers;
  • Industrial enterprises;
  • Sewage facilities
  • Landfills, etc.

It follows that when choosing a location, you need to focus on the distance from the well to the toilet, as well as the distance from other objects of pollution in your own and neighboring areas. This is due to the fact that undesirable elements will penetrate into the water, as a result it can cause damage to health.

Distance between two wells

The minimum distance between water wells according to SNiP must also be at least 50 meters, since the well is a potential pollutant. This is due to the fact that contaminants can get into it from above or through leaky walls.

The minimum distance between wells that extract water from different aquifers can be reduced to 30 meters. However, such cases are rare; as a rule, sources in neighboring areas are made at the same depth.

Distance to residential buildings

As for the distance from the house, there are no restrictions; however, the distance from the well to the foundation must be such that construction equipment can arrive when constructing it.

In addition, when the distance from the well to the house exceeds 100 meters, the source becomes not very convenient to use. This is especially true in cases where water has to be collected manually.

It should be borne in mind that in the process of constructing a structure located close to the building, its foundation may be damaged.
Therefore, it is desirable that the distance from the house to the well is still safe.

Requirements for the structure

So, you have decided on the choice of location, and the distance between the water supply wells and other sources of pollution has been correctly selected. But this is not enough to ensure that the water supply is always filled with clean water. drinking water.

Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the well design itself, especially if you are going to do it yourself.

They consist of several points:

  • The column must have a head ( aboveground part), which protects the mine from clogging, and also serves as a fence for it and allows water intake. The height of the head is at least 0.7 meters.
  • The title should or reinforced concrete floor with hatch. The top should be covered with a canopy or a “house” should be arranged.
  • Along the perimeter of the head, if the distance from the well to the building allows, it is necessary to make a “castle” of carefully compacted clay 2 meters deep and 1 meter wide. In addition, you need to make a blind area of ​​concrete or asphalt, with a diameter of 2 meters, always with a slight slope.
  • A fence should be built around the column and a bench for buckets should be built.
  • The walls of the shaft must well isolate the structure from the penetration of overhead water and surface runoff. It is best to use concrete which is sealed with a solution, as required by the instructions.
  • The water intake part of the mine, intended for the accumulation and influx of groundwater, must be buried in the aquifer. For better water flow, the lower walls should have holes.
  • To prevent the soil from bulging out with rising currents and the appearance of turbidity in the water, a return filter should be placed at the bottom.
  • To descend into the shaft, when performing repairs and cleaning the source, cast iron brackets should be installed, located in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

These are, perhaps, all the rules that you need to know before installing a water supply.

In the photo - drainage around the column

Before use, the water must be completely pumped out twice.
Before using it for food purposes, it is advisable to perform chemical and bacteriological analysis in a specialized laboratory.
However, keep in mind that the price for these services is quite high.


All the above requirements must be strictly observed. This is the only way to ensure that the well is filled with water suitable for drinking. Otherwise, all construction costs will be in vain, or even worse - the water from it will harm your health or the health of your family members.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

The vast majority of country property owners have to set up a wastewater storage and disposal system on their own. In order for everything to work properly and not have to dismantle the system, you must follow a set of installation rules. One of them is the distance between sewer wells.

In accordance with SNiP, inspection wells must be installed at a certain distance from each other.

These elements are required in the system in order to control the external drain line.

It consists of free access to . Inspection tanks are installed on straight, level sections of the main line, in places where several pipes intersect, at turns in the system, etc.

Through inspection wells, the system is maintained, blockages are removed and damaged elements and parts of the pipeline are replaced.

Each type of well has its own set of rules and formula for calculating the distance.

SNiP 2.04.03-85 specifies all the rules for sewerage installation. In what place to install wells, what distance is acceptable for a particular pipe diameter.

The larger the cross section sewer pipe, the greater the distance between the wells. This difference in footage is due to bandwidth pipes At the highway assembled from elements large diameter, She is tall. Blockages appear less frequently. The load is less, as a result of which repairs are required less often.

Types of inspection wells and the permissible distance between them


Installed for free access and maintenance of the system. The distance between is indicated in the table.


Mounted in places where pipes form a turning angle

  • The distance between wells is calculated along a straight section of the pipeline.
  • The length of the segment is indicated in SNiP. If you do not meet the requirement, you will have to install an additional well.


Structures are necessary in areas with changes in the height of pipe laying

  • SNiP has not established standards for the distance between these structures, but the following requirements are imposed:
  • One difference cannot be more than 3 meters. If the slope is greater than this footage, then a stepped overflow system with wells is created.
  • If the difference is 50 cm, the well can be replaced with an overflow


Used at the junction of pipes. The distance depends on the diameter of the pipe.

If the pipeline is laid below 3 meters from the soil level, then pipes with a diameter of at least 1.5 m are used. This is necessary so that it is possible to go down into the well along with the equipment, identify faults and eliminate them. A narrow well would be inappropriate in this case.

When arranging an external sewer line, it should be taken into account that the distance from the sewer to a source of drinking water must be at least 30 meters.

If a cesspool acts as a septic tank

Distance from sewer wells to plumbing system increases to 50 meters.

Correct installation of the sewer line is very important, but the operation of the system is also affected by the maintenance and monitoring of pipes and their connections.

Inspection wells are installed at a certain distance so that it is possible to easily carry out repairs, remove blockages, replace failed elements or lay a new line without having to carry heavy loads. earthworks. Wells allow you to replace elements by pulling pipes with a special cable from one well to another.

For example: a blockage has formed. Eliminate it using chemicals failed. The second option to get rid of the blockage is to use a plumbing cable. But the cable is only 15 meters long. Having identified the area with the blockage, it is possible to work with the cable. If there are no wells, then you will have to do hydrodynamic cleaning pipes

Hydrodynamic pipe cleaning

It is an excellent prevention. Water supplied under strong pressure not only removes blockages, but also washes away all deposits from the walls of the pipeline.

It should be noted that the use of bacteria for septic tanks also has a beneficial effect on the wastewater system. The amount of sediment in the septic tank is reduced and there is no smell. If bacteria are flushed through the toilet, the pipeline is protected.

The sewage system will work efficiently and properly if it is installed according to all the rules and regularly inspected and prevented.

For your information!

To avoid mistakes when installing inspection wells, it is better to contact a specialist. He will make the calculation without errors and give the necessary recommendations.

But they also perform many other functions. Typically, the system contains several types of such devices, interconnected into a single network. And in order for the system to operate smoothly and efficiently, certain rules must be followed when installing all its parts.

One of the nuances is the certain distance at which you need to install a certain type of sewer well. Knowing this data, you can independently do or control the work of the hired company.

Types of sewer wells

The first step is to understand the types of these devices and what functions they perform. So, the main structures include:

  1. Inspection rooms - responsible for monitoring areas of the system and for cleaning it when blockages occur.
  2. Rotary - control over areas where drains change direction of movement, facilitating access to turns and bends, where blockages often form.
  3. – compensate for the slope of the pipeline; too large or small a slope leads to the accumulation of solid particles in it.
  4. Nodal – access to connecting pipes.

As for the distance between all types, it is regulated in.

Video: Sanitary standards for the construction of wells and septic tanks

Distance between manholes

Distance between drop wells

If the area where the sewage system will be installed has a complex topography, then this type of well is used. In areas with a large slope, the slope of the pipeline will also be large. And this threatens that the liquid component of the wastewater will pass through the pipes faster, and solid particles will settle on the surface and form a blockage. Drop wells compensate for the flow velocity.

SNiP does not indicate specific distances between these structures, but there are several other requirements:

  • the height of one drop should not exceed 3 m;
  • if there is a difference of up to 0.5 m in depth, the drop well can be replaced with an inspection well with an overflow;
  • structures are installed in places where pipes bend.

In order for the sewerage system to operate smoothly, it must be equipped in compliance with sanitary and construction standards. When installing mains in a private home, it is important to consider the distances between well structures used for checking, repairing and cleaning the system.

Types of sewer mines

Sewer wells can be inspection, differential, rotary, storage

Sewer well structures are classified depending on their purpose.

  • Observations. They are installed to control the operation of system elements and to clean when congestion occurs.
  • Rotary. They allow you to control the areas through which waste liquids change the direction of movement, making the places of turns and kinks more accessible, where blockages often form.
  • Drops. They are constructed to compensate for the slope of the pipeline, since its increase or decrease leads to the settling of solid impurities in the pipes.
  • Nodal. Provides access to connecting pipes.

Reinforced concrete is usually used as a material for constructing inspection wells, but in Lately Plastic tanks are gaining popularity. Any sewerage shafts are installed underground. They act as connecting elements of the sewer main.

Permissible distance between wells

Inspection well

The main document defining the design features of wells in the drainage system and the standard distances between them is SNiP 2.04.03-85. It is necessary to adhere to the data specified in it when laying the sewage line in order to improve the quality of operation of the treatment plants and ensure correct installation. If the standards are observed, cracks and leaks do not form in the structures, and sewer liquids move without obstacles. Each type of well element has its own requirements.

Inspection or revision structures

Wells are constructed during the installation of a pipeline of considerable length, with many turns and bends, where there are branches and transition elements with changes in the pipe cross-section.

The maximum distance between inspection units is determined depending on the cross-section of the pipe sections used for assembly:

  • With a pipeline diameter of 100 mm, well structures are installed at least every 15 m.
  • If the cross-section of the pipes is 150 mm, then the distance increases to 35 m.
  • With a pipeline size of 200–450 mm, revisions are mounted at a maximum distance of 50 m from each other.
  • Large pipes with a cross-section above half a meter require a distance between inspection devices of up to 75 m.

The larger the transverse size of the main pipes, the farther apart inspection installations can be installed.

Minimum distance between inspection sewer wells according to SNIP:

It is also important to comply with the minimum indicators. The abundance of revisions is not beneficial - their number affects the speed of movement of the drainage masses. The location of the first revision should be located no closer than three meters from the house, and the permissible maximum distance should be no more than twelve meters.

Rotating devices

According to its functional and design features almost identical to the revision ones. The only difference between them is that the turn signal is installed in places where the pipeline bends.

The distance between rotary shafts depends on the configuration of the networks. The indicator is calculated based on the length of straight sections between pipe turns. If it comes out longer than the norm specified for viewing structures, it will be necessary to install an additional audit so that this sewer section can be monitored.

Drop wells

Variants of differential structures

If the area where the sewage system is being installed has a complex topography, drop shafts are used. In hilly areas the slope of the pipeline will be greater. This threatens that the flow rate Wastewater will increase, solid fractions will begin to stick to the inner surface of the pipes and over time will create a plug. Drop shafts reduce the speed of wastewater flow.

Exact standards for such structures have not been calculated; other requirements are imposed on them:

  • the height difference should not be more than three meters;
  • at a depth of up to half a meter, the structure can be replaced with a revision with an overflow;
  • devices are mounted in places of pipe bends.

At the beginning of the main line, a tank is installed to flush the network in a section of low flow. This could be a revision or a special device.

Nodal mines

Reservoirs are installed where the supply sewer branches converge into a single drainage main. Regulatory requirements are not presented to them, except for the cross-section of the shaft itself:

There cannot be more than one incoming and three outgoing pipes in a structure tray.

Distance between storm water inlets

When created on a site storm sewer It is important to consider the distance between rainwater inlets. It depends on the slope of the tray and the terrain:

If the area is wider than 30 m, the distance between storm inlets is no more than 60 m. The length from the storm inlet to the collector inspection is a maximum of 40 m, and the installation of no more than one intermediate device is permissible. The cross-section of the connecting section is determined by the calculated water inflow to the storm drain with a slope of 0.02, but it cannot be less than 20 cm.

How to calculate the appropriate distance

Layout of the septic tank on the site

When designing calculations when creating a sewerage main, the following factors are taken into account:

  • relief of the territory;
  • characteristic features of the soil;
  • location of aquifers and sanitary protection zones;
  • presence of buildings and communication lines.

The standards indicate the distances between structures located on straight highways. On pipelines with bends, they may change slightly downward. However, you cannot deviate too much from the requirements; this will worsen the performance of the sewerage system.

In addition to the distances between wells, other distances are also taken into account. They are also important for system operation and safety. For example, the minimum distance from any sewer shaft to the foundation of a house is three meters, the maximum is twelve meters.

At least 30 meters are left between the sewage disposal devices and the water supply source so that the wastewater does not pollute drinking water. The area where the water supply is installed is located 50 meters or more away from the septic tank.