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How to make delicious crackers at home. Crackers in the oven from white and black bread

You can buy crackers for every taste in stores; manufacturers offer a lot of options. But, as you know, there is little useful in them. We will tell you how to make bread croutons at home using only natural spices.

Bread crackers


  • white bread – 300 g;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil– 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


Cut the bread into cubes of the desired size. Combine chopped garlic, salt, spices (you can use any), add vegetable oil and mix. Pour the resulting mixture into plastic bag, pour the bread cubes in there too.

Inflate the bag slightly top part twist and shake it so that the garlic mass is evenly distributed over the pieces of bread. Pour the contents of the bag onto a baking sheet and place it in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, and dry it to the desired state.

Recipe for white bread croutons with dill and tomato flavor


  • white bread – 400 g;
  • tomato paste– 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dill – 30 g;
  • olive oil– 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt pepper.


Mix tomato paste with water, add salt, pepper, olive oil and chopped dill. Mix everything well. Grease slices of white bread with the resulting mixture and then cut into cubes. Place them on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven.

Delicious white bread croutons with cheese


  • white bread - 5 slices;
  • hard cheese – 40 g;
  • salt.


Cut the bread into cubes, sprinkle them with salt and place on a baking sheet. Grind the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle it over the pieces of bread. At a temperature of 120 degrees, dry the crackers for about half an hour, stirring occasionally.

Bread crumbs in the oven


  • loaf of white bread – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vinegar – 10 ml;
  • olive oil – 30 ml;
  • onion – 30 g;
  • salt, ground red and black pepper, curry, ground coriander, ground ginger, Provençal herbs - to taste.


Cut the loaf into cubes. Mix all the spices. Pass the garlic and onion through a press and place in a frying pan with hot olive oil. Fry for about 2 minutes, and then add the spice mixture and stir. Place the crackers on a baking sheet and keep them in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees. Place the crackers in a deep bowl, pour in a mixture of oil and spices and mix gently. Cover the baking sheet with paper (it will absorb excess oil) and lay out the soaked crackers and return them to the oven for about 15 minutes.

How to make homemade garlic croutons.

To make garlic croutons at home, at first glance, you don’t need any special culinary skills. But here, too, questions may arise: what kind of bread is suitable for this simple dish, what needs to be done to bring the crackers to a characteristic crunch, how to make sure that the “filling” is evenly distributed among the sliced ​​bread slices. We'll figure out!

Delicious crackers with garlic in the oven: a simple recipe

Of course, it’s easier to buy a pack of crackers with any flavor and not bother cooking them. In addition, there is no shortage of choice of bread to go with beer in stores. But if the issue of caring for your health or the health of your family comes first for you, and your household doesn’t mind crunching on spicy, aromatic crackers, then it’s better to prepare a simple dish yourself.

Then you will definitely be sure that the product homemade not harmful, does not contain flavorings, various E and other strange additives that cause addiction.

Fragrant crispy croutons can be used not only as a classic addition to beer. A sprinkle of them is added to soup or simply grabbed as a snack.

If the very thought of standing at the stove for a long time and conjuring over the preparation of a complex dish scares you, then with crackers everything is as simple as possible. The secret of cooking is to choose the right bread and not deviate from the recipe during processing.

The secret to making croutons is to choose the right bread and not deviate from the recipe when processing

Let's begin to understand the intricacies of making homemade crackers!

  • Choosing the right bread. For our dish ideal option there will be a loaf of rye bread. This bread has a warm brown hue. You can find sliced ​​bread on the counter. When preparing crackers from it, you won’t have to waste time cutting the bun.
  • Fresh bread cannot be used to make crispy crackers. Take yesterday's bun, which is slightly dry. Such bread will not crumble during processing, and it is easier to cut.
  • But if you decide to make croutons from fresh bread, then you need to put the loaf in no-frost refrigerator. It will reach the desired state in a couple of hours.
  • To prepare crackers, use fresh or dried garlic. In the first option, the garlic is crushed and fried in vegetable oil, which is then used to soak the sliced ​​bread pieces. In the second option, the sliced ​​bread is covered with chopped dried garlic.
  • The recipes do not differ significantly. But there are some features of preparing crispy croutons in the oven or in a frying pan that should not be neglected.
  • The shape and size of the croutons may vary in each recipe. But classic crispy croutons have square shape. These are the dried breads that are served as croutons for soup.
  • The beer version of crackers is called “topinka”. The shape of such crackers resembles long sticks, the length of which is 6 cm, width - 2 cm.

Delicious crackers with garlic in the oven

How to cook crackers in the oven:

  • Peel the garlic and chop it. You can crush it with a knife and then cut it into small pieces, or you can put it through a press.
  • Pour oil into the bottom of the bowl. We send the garlic there and add salt. Mix everything and leave to brew for 20 minutes.
  • Turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up well (up to 100 degrees).
  • Prepare the bread: cut into pieces and pour into a bowl.
  • To distribute the oil evenly, you need to mix everything well.
  • Place the baking sheet with the sliced ​​bread in the oven. Don't forget to stir for two hours.

Recipe for making croutons with dried garlic:

  • Take dried garlic and salt (to taste).
  • You can add a little dried dill.
  • Turn on the oven and wait until it warms up to 150 degrees.
  • Cut the bread into slices (no wider than 1 cm), removing the crust. We give the crackers the desired shape: cut into triangles, squares, diamonds.
  • Place the sliced ​​bread pieces into a bowl. Add salt to taste. Throw in a couple of pinches of dry garlic. Mix everything. You need to try the mixture and if it seems that something is missing, then at this stage it is not too late to add the missing ingredient. When the taste is perfect, pour vegetable (olive) oil into the mold and distribute along the bottom.

Take dried garlic, dill and salt

  • Place the bread pieces into a bowl with the seasoning mixture. Mix everything again until the oil is absorbed.

Place the bread pieces in a bowl with the seasoning mixture.
  • Place the pan in the oven. The bread will dry out within 40-50 minutes. During this time, you need to stir the crackers every 7 minutes. The finished crackers begin to “ring”, then you can test for doneness.
  • Take the hot crackers out of the oven. If there is excess oil, remove it with napkins. The finished bread should cool to room temperature. Safe snacks are ready!

How to fry crackers with garlic in a frying pan?

We offer a recipe for croutons with garlic in a frying pan.


  • Rye bread
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (it is better to use olive oil)
  • 5 cloves garlic

Cooking technology:

  • Cut the loaf as you like. The shape can be any: cubes or bars.
  • Place a frying pan with oil on the fire.
  • Crush the garlic with a knife and throw it into the pan. After keeping the garlic in the oil for a while, remove it.
  • Place the sliced ​​bread into the pan. We should have one layer of bread. Fry.
  • Now all that remains is to place the toasted bread on a paper napkin, which will absorb excess oil.
  • Fry all the sliced ​​bread this way and add salt.

One serving of crackers is cooked in a frying pan for 5 minutes. At the same time, the bread is constantly stirred.

How to fry crackers with garlic in a frying pan

To prepare crackers in the microwave, you need to prepare, in addition to the bread, salt and garlic that has been stored for two or three days, dishes that can be used for cooking in the microwave.

  • In order not to spoil the crackers, you will have to experiment, choosing the optimal time. Power should be maximum.
  • Turn on the microwave for 2 minutes, then turn the crackers over. Microwave again for 2 minutes.
  • And repeat this until the crackers acquire a characteristic crunch. Do not turn it on immediately for 5-6 minutes: the crackers will burn, and the kitchen will be filled with yellow smoke, which does not disappear for a long time.

Ingredients for making crackers in the microwave:

  • loaf of rye bread
  • finely ground salt 30-40 ml
  • garlic (you can use fresh chopped or dried)
  • olive oil

Cooking technology:

  • Cut the bread into slices. After this, you can give future crackers your preferred shape: cut into squares, triangles, or cubes.
  • Pour chopped garlic into a bowl (take a few cloves first, and then taste and add to taste), salt (also take a little, and then add). Mix.
  • Pour olive oil into the bottom of the bowl. Mix again.
  • Place the chopped bread pieces into a bowl. We interfere. Let's taste it.
  • We take one suitable for cooking in microwave oven form. Pour pieces of bread soaked in oil, garlic and salt into it.
  • Heat the sliced ​​bread pieces for 2 minutes. After this, you need to remove the mold and mix the future crackers to dry evenly.
  • After a characteristic knock appears, the crackers can be considered ready. We continue to dry them in the microwave until they brown.
  • Turn on the microwave for another 3 minutes, stir, then for 4 minutes and mix everything again, otherwise the crackers will burn.

If you or someone in your household is not a fan of garlic, then you can replace it with dried onions, paprika, any mixture of spices, and red pepper.

Croutons with garlic in the microwave

Crackers from Borodino bread can be prepared in 30 minutes, and the taste finished product will be no different from store-bought crackers. In addition, you will cook them from natural products, without questionable additives. A loaf of Borodino bread makes especially spicy croutons.


  • Borodino bread
  • garlic
  • vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper

Cooking technology:

  • Cut the bread into slices and cut off the crust. We cut each slice into cubes.
  • Turn on the oven so that it warms up to maximum temperature(250 degrees).
  • Chop the garlic (it is better to cut it into small pieces or grate it on a fine grater, rather than using a garlic press to chop it so that it does not release the juice).
  • Throw the chopped garlic into a bowl with the slices of bread. Pour in vegetable oil. Add salt to taste and black pepper. We're getting in the way.
  • Pour the future crackers into a baking dish and dry them at maximum power for 5 minutes. Turn off the oven and leave the crackers to finish in the cooling oven.

Video: Crackers with garlic from Borodino bread

Brown bread crackers with garlic

You will learn how to make crackers from black bread by watching the video.

Video: Crackers with garlic from black bread, for beer, at home

Croutons with garlic from white bread

The technology for preparing white bread crackers is similar. You just need to take bread that was baked 2-3 days ago.

Video: Delicious crispy white bread croutons

Crackers for Caesar salad: recipe with garlic

Watch the video to learn how to make crispy croutons for Caesar salad.

Video: Video recipe on how to properly prepare croutons for Caesar salad

Crackers with garlic for beer

You can please your husband with beer crackers, because this product does not contain harmful additives.

Video: Garlic croutons for beer recipe from the chef

White croutons with garlic in the oven from a loaf

We prepare croutons from the loaf.

Crackers with garlic and mayonnaise

Video: Homemade croutons with garlic sauce

Croutons with cheese and garlic in the oven

You can even make crackers with cheese at home.


  • a loaf of bread
  • hard cheese
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil)
  • Spices you will need: ginger, black pepper

Cooking technology:

  • We cut the bread into slices, then give the future crackers the desired shape: cut into squares or cubes.
  • Grind the garlic and grate the cheese.
  • Sprinkle the sliced ​​bread pieces with spices and salt, add garlic.
  • Spray the bread pieces with vegetable oil and sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  • To prepare crackers, we need to turn the microwave on to grill mode. Place the crackers in the microwave for 25-30 minutes. Don't forget to mix.
  • Can also be cooked in the oven. It should be preheated and dried at 220 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take the pinkish, slightly dried crackers out of the oven. When the crackers dry and cool, you can treat yourself and your household with a harmless, lingering product.

Crackers with garlic in a slow cooker

If you are used to cooking everything in the microwave, then this crouton recipe is for you.

Video: Video recipes - homemade crackers in a slow cooker

Good afternoon friends!

How to chew deliciously crackers with tea, or sprinkle them on some delicious soup, or add them to a salad, even just like that, without anything to crunch them - you won’t be able to put them down!

Let's cook crackers in the oven, sprinkle with aromatic seasoning, and enjoy.

Ingredients for crackers in the oven:

- bread,

- dried ground paprika.

Preparing crackers in the oven:

Any bread will do. It turns out delicious from white, from black, from fresh and stale. If you are buying bread specifically for croutons, do not forget to choose the product “sliced”, there will be less work with a knife.

But often the reason to cook crackers there is the fact that they bought too much bread, did not eat it all, it lies stale and “the goodness must not be wasted.” So, after my son’s birthday, a loaf of white bread remained untouched (hurray! sliced). This means there will be crackers, we will eat them tenderly.

If you make it from stale bread, make sure it is not moldy. Even if there is only a little mold, you must ruthlessly throw away the entire loaf - health is more valuable.

We cut the bread into small pieces. The top hard crust can be cut off, but this is a matter of taste. For white bread, the diced form is suitable. Black bread is denser and can be cut into thin long bars. Place the pieces of bread in a single layer on a baking sheet.

The main question: how long should you keep the crackers in the oven so that they turn out crispy and golden brown, but don’t burn?

At first option for stale bread, which you have had for a couple of days.

We set the temperature to 250 degrees, set the timer to 12 minutes. Of these, 6 minutes preheat the oven, 6 minutes cook with ukhariki. When the time is up, let the oven cool to such a state that you can remove the baking sheet with bare hands. During this time, the pieces of bread will dry out and become crispy.

If you make it from fresh bread, add a minute at a time to preheat the oven and cook. That is, we set the timer for 14 minutes: heat the oven to 250 degrees for 7 minutes, cook for 7 minutes. Don't forget to wait for the oven to cool down.

Now let's sprinkle crackers paprika and crunch to your heart's content!

Crackers in the oven are not only an excellent stand-alone snack for light alcohol or just like that, but also a universal addition for cold appetizers and hot first courses. There is no need to buy store-bought crackers, full of letters “E” on the package, because you can dry bread with spices without any problems, armed only with a home oven.

Brown bread crackers in the oven

As usual, we suggest starting with the basics. classic recipe croutons made from dark bread with the addition of a basic minimum of spices in the form of salt and pepper.

There is no need to memorize any list of ingredients, just cut the black bread into small slices, then pour vegetable or melted butter over these slices and mix well. Thanks to the butter coating, the crackers will come out crispy after baking. Place the baking sheet with the slices of bread in a single layer in the oven and bake for 12 minutes at 200 degrees, turning halfway through. Season hot crackers to taste.

Garlic croutons in the oven - recipe

In order to give the croutons a garlicky taste, but save yourself from eating burnt pieces of fresh garlic, you can use its dried and powdered counterpart.


  • a loaf of white bread;
  • - 65 ml;
  • dried garlic - 1 1/2 teaspoons.


Divide the loaf of white bread into medium-sized cubes. In this recipe, it is best to use bread that is not fresh. Drizzle the bread cubes with butter, sprinkle with dried garlic and a generous pinch of salt, then spread on a baking sheet. Bake the crackers at 180 degrees for about 12 minutes, but keep an eye on them, since the cooking time is directly determined by the size of the bread pieces.

White bread croutons in the oven

To achieve more complex flavors, use several various types spices We will describe the idea of ​​one of the combinations below.


  • a loaf of white bread;
  • dried garlic - 1 teaspoon;
  • paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground cumin - 1 teaspoon;
  • olive oil - 15 ml.


Place cubes of white bread in a deep bowl. Separately mix the spices from the list. Pour the butter over the bread, stir, and only then add the spice mixture and salt (to help it stick better). Having distributed the pieces on parchment, send them to brown at 200 degrees.

Homemade cheese crackers in the oven

These croutons resemble small cheese sandwiches, which, once dried, become an ideal addition to soups or to accompany a dip.


  • - 1 PC.;
  • butter- 65 g;
  • dried garlic - 2 teaspoons;
  • dried onions - 2 teaspoons;
  • dried parsley - 1 teaspoon;
  • grated parmesan - 55 g.


Divide the baguette into equal slices and brush each with melted butter on both sides. Combine dried onions with garlic and parsley, and then season the bread pieces on both sides with this mixture. Sprinkle a small amount of grated cheese on one side, then place everything under the grill until browned on both sides.



Melt the butter and mix it with finely chopped fresh herbs. Place the cheese slices on the toasted bread and place the bread pieces together. Leave the bread to dry and crisp under the grill on both sides, then brush with melted butter and cut into cubes.

How to make homemade crackers: crispy pleasure!

To make fragrant crispy cubes, bars or slices at home, you can use any day-old or even fresh bread or roll. Use metal curly recesses to surprise your household or guests original form homemade crackers.

How to dry crackers in the oven

Seasoned crispy pieces made from stale bread or rolls can be used in many ways: eaten with tea, added to salad, soup or broth.

So as not to throw away something so valuable bakery product, check out the most popular ways to cook crackers in the oven. Products will taste better if you season them with: the best option is impregnation, because this is the only way the spices will be absorbed evenly.

At what temperature should you dry crackers in the oven?

This issue has its own nuances, because each type of bread dries differently. In any case, slices, cubes or sticks must be turned several times during cooking so that they dry evenly.

So, optimal temperature oven for crackers is: from white bread - 170 degrees; from gray or bran - no more than 180 degrees; from black - 180 degrees; from a bun – 170 degrees.

Delicious crackers at home - cooking secrets

Cooks are happy to reveal some of their secrets to housewives so that they can surprise their households with a new dish.

For example, before making homemade crackers, it is important to familiarize yourself with some tips:

If the bread is too wet, keep the oven door open while drying. So you will help excess moisture evaporate faster.

When adding herbs as a seasoning, don't get carried away because spices are meant to enhance the flavor of a dish, not overwhelm it.

It is worth noting that garlic does not combine with dried dill.

If you are making croutons that will become additional ingredients for a soup or salad, then think about the combination of spices that are in the croutons and in the prepared dish.

There are many options for vegetable oil for dressing, as long as you don't boil it.

Mustard, sesame, peanut or olive are suitable.

Use slices of bread seasoned with butter right away, because after long storage The polyunsaturated fats contained in the composition become harmful chemical compounds.

If you made the croutons yourself in the oven, but decided to store them for a long time and expect them to remain crispy and tasty, then after baking, place the pieces in a hermetically sealed glass jar.

If you can’t find stale bread and don’t want to dry crackers from white bread, you can fry celery root, and cut each stalk into small cubes.

Recipes for crackers in the oven

Every thrifty housewife has already found a way out of throwing away stale bread - drying it. There are many options for what spices to do this with, because many people like to experiment with flavor combinations. Choose a suitable recipe for making croutons in the oven, so that you can then use the crispy products as an addition to any dish.

1. Brown bread crackers in the oven

The fragrant, crispy rye cubes can be used for whatever you wish: as a snack with beer or as an additional ingredient for many salads or as a starter. Crackers in the oven from black bread will turn out fragrant and beautiful, as in the photo, if you do everything step by step, as described in the recipe. Save it for yourself this method so that you don’t have to search for a long time later.


1. Salt (fine) - to taste

2. Black bread – 1 pc.

3. Vegetable oil – 45 ml.

4. Spices, dry herbs - optional

How to make crackers from black bread in the oven:

Cut a loaf of stale rye bread into bars, strips or cubes, and the thickness of each piece should not be more than 1 cm.

Pour half a portion of butter into a plastic bag, add chopped slices there, add salt, and add spices or a mixture of spices if desired.

Add the remaining vegetable oil, a little more salt, spices and gather the edges of the bag in your hand. Holding it with your other hand, gently but vigorously shake the contents of the bag so that the resulting dressing is distributed over each block or cube.

Cover the baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper, pour out one layer of the workpiece. Send the products to the oven, in which the temperature has already risen to 180 degrees. Bake the crackers until they are golden brown.

2. White bread crackers in the oven

Those crackers that are sold in every store have few substances useful for the human body.

If you want your household to eat as much “healthy” food as possible, try drying crackers in the oven using white bread.

Homemade products turn out beautiful, just like in the photo, and even the most picky gourmets will appreciate the taste of snacks with cheese.


1. Salt - to taste

2. Garlic – 2 cloves

3. Oil – 3 tbsp. spoons

4. Loaf – 400 gr.

5. Cheese – 100 gr.

How to make white bread crackers in the oven:

Cut the bread into small cubes. Grate any type of cheese. Chop garlic sharp knife or using a garlic press. Add a little salt, then grind with a spoon until the spice releases juice. Pour the resulting mixture over the bread cubes, mix thoroughly so that all products are evenly soaked. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place future crispy snacks in one layer. Preheat the oven in advance, bake at 180-200 degrees until an appetizing golden crust appears. It is worth noting that at the beginning of cooking, the products must be stirred frequently so that the melted cheese is distributed over each bread cube.

3. Crackers with garlic in the oven

Such snacks have earned a place of honor in the kitchen of housewives, because they can be prepared in just a couple of minutes, and then used as an additional snack for first courses.

Rusks with garlic in the oven have a pleasant aroma and taste, which is the main factor for gourmets.

Save this recipe for yourself so you don’t have to think about how to quickly process stale bread.


1. Olive oil – 60 ml.

2. Long loaf or baguette – 1 pc.

3. Salt, ground pepper - to taste

4. Garlic – 4 cloves

How to cook crackers with garlic in the oven:

Turn on the oven in advance, setting the temperature to 190 degrees. Take out the baking sheet and line it with paper. Pour oil into a frying pan and add chopped garlic. The spice should not be fried, but sautéed, for no more than 30 seconds. Mix the chopped pieces of bread with the garlic-butter mixture, leave for a couple of minutes so that they have time to absorb the dressing. Place the bread cubes in one layer on paper and place the baking sheet in the oven. Dry the seasoned bread until each cracker is golden brown.

4. Rye crackers in the oven

Such snacks can serve as an independent dish with beer or be an excellent addition to rich borscht.

Previously, bread was dried so as not to be thrown away, but today rye crackers with garlic are made in the oven to enjoy their taste.

All you need to do is prepare the ingredients and do everything step by step as written in the recipe.


1. Olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons

2. Dried garlic – 1 teaspoon

3. Salt, seasonings - to taste

4. Rye bread – 0.6 kg.

5. Fresh garlic – 2 cloves

How to cook rye crackers in the oven:

Trim the crust from the loaf, cut the crumb into cubes. Transfer the workpiece into a large bowl. Sprinkle the products with dry garlic and salt. To avoid damaging future snacks, you need to shake the dishes. Pour oil over the bread cubes and add crushed fresh garlic. Shake the bowl again. Fry the crackers in a preheated oven for no more than 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Caesar croutons in the oven

Many housewives who are interested in preparing restaurant food at home are interested in how to make crackers in the oven from bread.

The crunchy cubes are additional ingredient to many dishes: broths, salads, etc.

For example, drying Caesar breadcrumbs in the oven will not be difficult even for a novice cook, because there is a step-by-step recipe at hand.


1. Garlic – 3 cloves

2. Dry basil, Provençal herbs – 2 tbsp. spoons

3. Stale white loaf – 0.5 kg.

4. Vegetable oil – 0.25 cups

5. Butter – 0.25 cups

How to prepare Caesar croutons in the oven:

Cut the bread into not too large cubes. IN large capacity mix vegetable oil, melted butter, add crushed garlic and other seasonings to the mixture. Pour the products, stir so that they are saturated with this dressing. Bake at 200 degrees for no more than 10 minutes, or until the snacks are golden brown. Use the finished crispy pieces when completely cooled.

6. Crackers with salt in the oven

This recipe will be appreciated by those who like to have a snack during the day. It is worth noting that homemade crackers with salt in the oven will bring much more benefits to the body than those strewn with harmful food additives.

If you wish, you can season the bread cubes not only with salt and pepper, but also with other seasonings with different flavors: bacon, cheese, etc.


1. Salt – 5 g.

2. White loaf – 1 pc.

3. Seasonings - to taste and desire

How to cook crackers with salt in the oven:

Cut the bread into sticks, slices or cubes. Make sure that the pieces are not too thick or thin, because they may not dry completely or even burn. Place the future crackers on a baking sheet, lightly sprinkle plain water. Sprinkle with salt and spices, but do not overdo it. Place the dough in a preheated oven. Set the optimal temperature - about 150 degrees. Dry, stirring occasionally, until they turn a beautiful golden color.

7. Sweet crackers from a loaf in the oven

If you have stale bread (or even fresh bread), do not rush to throw it away. Find out how to make sweet crackers in the oven to surprise your household with a new interesting dish.

Crispy sugar cubes soaked in sour cream are perfect as an addition to tea or coffee. It is worth noting that instead of bread, you can use a bun with any filling.


1. Sour cream – 200 gr.

2. Loaf (or bun) – 200-300 gr.

3. Sugar – 1.5 cups

How to make sweet crackers from a loaf in the oven:

Cut the loaf into not too thick slices, then cut each slice so that you get a lot of squares. Required amount Place sugar and sour cream on different deep plates. First dip each future sweet snack in sour cream, then immediately roll in sugar. Place the cubes on a dry baking sheet, but place them a short distance from each other. Bake the treat at a temperature of about 200 degrees. Turn off the equipment after 5 minutes, serve the products when completely cooled.

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