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Selection of attractive inconsistencies. Selection of attractive states Selection of attractive states


"If he fails,

then, in any case, she will comprehend him,

when he takes the courage

to do great things, which means

he will never have a place

among cold and timid souls,

who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt

"Truth does not suffer because

that someone doesn’t recognize her.”

"My real glory lies not

is that I won 40 battles. But what

what will happen will never be erased from memory

live forever, this is my civilian


Nobody knows what will come of all this. And that's the most amazing thing.

This book is a practical guide - that's the first thing I want to say. Despite the fact that it contains many generalizations, including some that are not entirely obvious and even controversial, the main emphasis is placed on the practical aspect - this book should help you make your life more enjoyable, richer, brighter, more comfortable, and happier.

Everything described here was invented by me, and also tested by myself and other people who were and are interested in Selection, and I believe that the methods I propose are effective in achieving the stated goal, despite the fact that many of those who tried to apply Selection found that it is too difficult for them or even inconsistent with their life principles. The key qualities necessary for Selection to be an effective tool for you are a) the desire for sincerity and b) the desire and willingness to change your life in that part of your life that, as a result of your observations, turns out to be the source of your suffering.

When I started writing this book in 1999, I hoped that it would not be in vain, that someday it would cause resonance, recognition, and a desire to use it in someone. 15 years have passed since then, during which I significantly reworked it several times, getting rid of outright garbage imposed by my own delusions (especially at the very beginning of the search, when my consciousness was largely clouded by esotericism and a sense of self-importance), from mistakes , inevitable in every process of searching for something new, from incorrectly placed accents, excessive categoricalness, unnecessary detail, the desire to shock and various other shortcomings. Now, in 2014, I am editing it once again and, I think, for the last time, since in the fundamental principles that are described here, I hardly want to make any clarifications, additions or simplifications. This version will be the basis for translations into other languages, since I hope that if not now, then at least in twenty or fifty or a hundred years, the Selection will find its mass reader in different countries.

Brief summary of the Selection.

The main thing that is contained in this entire book can actually be stated in just a few pages, and to many it will seem so simple and obvious that the question will arise: why write several hundred pages if everything is so simple? But what seems simple with a superficial and general description can turn out to be extremely complex when you try to implement these simple truths in your own life, when you start trying to apply these simple and obvious principles to your life.

1. Your inner, mental world is a world of perceptions and states consisting of them. Whatever you experience, it is always possible to distinguish (with proper training) individual perceptions in what you experience. These perceptions can be pleasant for you at the moment or unpleasant or, as it seems, indifferent, neutral. Perceptions are divided into several types: emotions, thoughts, desires, sensations and beliefs. This division of perceptions into precisely these classes is not the product of purely intellectual exercises in classification. It’s just that if you persistently and consistently differentiate your perceptions, they will naturally stratify themselves into these five classes. Why wasn't this done earlier? Why can one still find the most fanciful ways of dichotomizing perceptions in psychology? It’s difficult for me to answer this question. Apparently psychologists pay too much attention to theorizing and impressing themselves and neophytes, and too little to the real, practical observation of their perceptions. Official psychology is, alas, a caste-based, guild discipline, where people are not concerned with finding the truth, but with maintaining their status as a psychologist. Meanwhile, no science that is not based on a clear distinction between human perceptions can be considered psychology. You can say it another way. No type of “psychology” that does not rely, as a foundation, on the Selection of perceptions set forth here, has the right to be called psychology. I can imagine the indignation of those who consider themselves psychologists, but I will not give up my statement. However, experience shows that this does not matter to them - they live in their closed world of diplomas and “schools”, soaring in the foggy empyrean of esoteric ideas and vague concepts, where there are never any glimmers of clarity. In this they try to reach out to absurd disciplines like philosophy or theology, which makes their studies equally meaningless and useless.

2. There is no law of nature that obliges you to experience unpleasant perceptions and states. It sounds simple, but in fact, a clear awareness of this fact can turn your life around. You simply do not have to experience unpleasant states. First of all, these include negative emotions (NE) and the negative states consisting of them: anger, hatred, self-pity, boredom, contempt, resentment, jealousy, despondency, irritation, depression and others and others. This is worth reading again: there is no law of nature that obliges you to experience all or part of it. This may seem unusual or even surprising, but nevertheless it is a fact: perceptions and states can be controlled, they can be chosen, they can be dealt with engineering of perceptions. And it is not so difficult to learn, step by step, to experience less and less NE, eliminating their. Some clarification is required here. There is no point in suppressing NE, that is, pretending that you are not experiencing them, but in fact “boiling from the inside.” Suppression does not lead to liberation from NE or to a rich life. It is pointless to justify NE, it is pointless to “accept them as they are” or “experience but not get involved” and engage in other verbiage while continuing to experience them. The task is to step by step eliminate NE, that is, stop experiencing them. Experiencing NE is simply a bad, destructive, suicidal habit, and you can get rid of it in the same way as any other unpleasant habits, namely, step by step, time after time eliminating NE. It is necessary to clearly understand what “elimination of NE” means: at the moment when NE arises, you simply tear your attention away from it and transfer it to something pleasant - sympathy for a dog, tenderness for a girl, anticipation of something interesting and pleasant. At first it seems incredibly difficult, but only at first. Gradually, a new habit will form - the habit of removing attention from NE and directing it to some pleasant perception. Eliminating NEs does not eliminate the problems that these NEs caused. It is obvious. But without NE, you can cope with any problems much faster, more pleasantly and effectively, because your common sense is not clouded by hatred or depression, and you yourself are not poisoned by them.

People call NE emotions, but that seems awkward to me. I would call them a kind of “cancer of emotions.”

3. There are perceptions that I call “illuminated perceptions” (EPs), which in my understanding are what it is appropriate to call true emotions. People often call them “positive emotions,” but I like to call them insightful perceptions. I have already listed some of them - sympathy, a sense of beauty, anticipation, tenderness, but there is also a feeling of mystery, anticipation, call, aspiration, perseverance, gratitude, seriousness, joy and many, many other illuminated perceptions and illuminated states. One of the generalizations I made is the statement that there is a law of nature, according to which if at some moment you do not experience NE, then at that very moment you begin to experience EP. The opposite is also true - as soon as the EP has arisen, at that very moment the NE no longer exists. Knowing this law will allow you to easily conclude whether you are currently experiencing NE or EP, if it seems difficult to distinguish at the moment. You can use one more rule: if you are currently experiencing EP, then you know it for sure, without a doubt.

The habit of experiencing EPs is cultivated in the same way as any other skill we need - by frequent repetition and re-experience of them.

It is easy to discern from your own experience what a gigantic difference there is between the experiences of NE and EP. In fact, they seem to be at different poles of mental life, they are opposite to each other, fundamentally incompatible. The more obvious it becomes that it makes no sense that they are classified as one type of perception, an emotion. This is as meaningless as calling the term “food” both a delicious pie and rat poison, and the term “health” both health and dying from cancer.

4. People almost never think. This may seem surprising, but this is actually true. All people do is mindlessly (often without even using elementary logic and common sense) grind and chew thoughts or scraps of thoughts they heard somewhere or accidentally came into their heads. Their beliefs and points of view constantly and categorically contradict each other, but they try (!) not to notice this, to repress it, to forget about it, finding a kind of comfort in it. We need to finally learn to think. Why? Well, at least because it gives great pleasure. And also because common sense, the ability to make informed assumptions and logical conclusions help us make our lives more pleasant, comfortable, and interesting.

Learning to think is quite difficult. It is difficult not because logic is difficult for us - most often there are no problems with this, and each of us can more or less easily build reasonable conclusions, for example, in the field of his professional activity. The main difficulty in applying logic and common sense to our own lives is that if we begin to honestly and consistently reason based on our experience, on reliable facts and educated guesses, using logic and common sense, then the results of these reasonings come very quickly in obvious and irreconcilable contradiction with the dogmas, ideas and certainties that we and the people around us already have, which inevitably creates both intrapersonal tension and tension in relationships with other people, which we ultimately prefer to remove by simply stopping reasoning and returning to old, thoughtless way of life. Changing your life, reconfiguring, and often breaking what was previously built on false foundations, can be difficult. And many refuse perestroika, returning to a life filled with painful and destructive distortions, contradictions, stupidity, suffering, internal and external conflicts, the resolution of which from now on and forever remains fundamentally impossible.

5. There are two types of desires, as diametrically opposed and incompatible as NE and EP: these are “joyful desires” (JW) and “mechanical desires” (MD). Just as it is incorrect to call NE “emotions,” it is actually incorrect to call MF “desires.” I would rather call them “obligations taken on against one’s free will, contrary to one’s desire for a pleasant and fulfilling life, contrary to one’s personal desires, as a result of physical violence or mental pressure, dullness or dogmatism.”

RWs are desires that are accompanied by anticipation, joy, and interest. It’s nice to experience, and even more so to realize, such desires, “your hands are itching.” Not only the implementation, but even the experience of the RH itself is very pleasant and easily resonates with the EP. You are never “too lazy” to implement RJ. You may want to postpone this implementation if there are stronger RJs at the moment, but you will never say that you are too lazy to implement them. Experiencing RL, thinking about them, talking about them, implementing them on your own or together with someone is always very pleasant, it enlivens, it makes your life more fulfilling, rich, happy, and even if for one reason or another For other objective reasons, these desires cannot be realized.

MF are brought to life only by our dogmas and blind certainties about how we “should” act. This is their huge, fundamental difference from MF, and they can be called “desires” very conditionally only because when a person realizes MF, he says “I want to do this” despite the fact that in fact... he doesn’t want to do it , that is, he does not experience joy, anticipation, enthusiasm, but only experiences lethargy, dullness, irritation, sadness, a feeling of wasted life and lost time from the fact that he “has to want and do it.” At the same time, RGs are not taken into account, swept aside, suppressed. For example, if I am convinced that I shouldn’t lie in bed in the morning, then I will “want” to get up despite the fact that at the moment there is an anticipation of lying around. If I am convinced that I “need” to learn a foreign language, I will “want” to do it, despite the fact that I joyfully want to do something completely different at that moment. Such “desires” have a clearly distinguishable property, which we call “torture,” “self-rape.”

It is in relation to breastfeeding that such a healthy (!) phenomenon as laziness arises. Yes, just imagine: laziness is an extremely healthy state, a kind of manifestation of mental immunity against self-rape of the male. The resulting laziness is a sign that we are doing something destructive, and not something that is pleasant, that brings pleasure and develops. Contrary to established dogmas, the implementation of MF always (!) leads to a decrease in pleasure from life. The momentary benefits from forcing yourself to do what you “should” do or refusing to do what you “shouldn’t” ultimately turn into a deep personality crisis, up to such states that we call depression or, conversely, aggressiveness, complete loss of the richness of life, its meaning, loss of the ability to enjoy.

By “should” and “shouldn’t” I mean precisely moral categories, namely blind, unfounded beliefs, and not the result of informed assumptions. For example, if I make a reasonable conclusion that jumping from a roof is deadly, then I will not exercise my RJ to gain the experience of free soaring by jumping from a roof, and this will not be a destructive moral prohibition, and it will not reduce the richness of my life.

The difference in how GC and MG are experienced and what consequences lead to it is enormous, and it is very easy to notice. Indulging in breastfeeding is so destructive, it so strongly destroys our very ability to experience cancer, that I do not consider it an exaggeration when I call breastfeeding “the cancer of desires.”

6. There are two types of sensations - pleasant and unpleasant. It seems that there are also neutral sensations, but upon closer examination this turns out not to be the case - they can seem neutral only when the body is too poisoned by illness or unpleasant conditions and has largely lost its natural sensitivity. Pleasant sensations include sexual arousal, pleasant taste, auditory, visual, tactile sensations, as well as various states of pleasant physical activity, alertness, vigor, freshness and many others. In fact, we know very little about both EP and pleasant sensations, because our life is so poisoned that the range of pleasant perceptions available to an ordinary person is very, very narrow. As you stop experiencing unpleasant sensations and other unpleasant states, the range of pleasant sensations you experience begins to expand.

Managing sensations is more difficult than managing emotions, but it is still possible due to at least the close connection (resonance) between pleasant sensations, RH and EP. The more often you experience RH and EP, the less often you will get sick, experience apathy, lethargy, etc., and the more often you will experience pleasant sensations. The opposite is also true - the more often you experience pleasant sensations, the more often you experience EP and RJ. This is the law of nature.

7. Perceptions, which I call “certainties,” are much more difficult to notice, but they play a huge role in our lives. For example, you can be sure that a girl should not expose her breasts in public, that it is obscene and immoral. At the same time, you, being a reasonable person, can agree with all the arguments in favor of the fact that this ban is meaningless and even constitutes gender discrimination, but this will not change your confidence in the “wrongness” of such an action. If a person, however, does not forbid himself to reason honestly, he may develop painful contradictions between common sense and certainties once blindly adopted voluntarily or by force (the so-called “cognitive dissonance”). And yet, one can get rid of blind, mechanically adopted certainties and replace them with certainties that correspond to common sense and experience. This can be done either by direct effort of sincerity or by encouraging intelligent thinking.

A person has access to a very mysterious ability - to distinguish between his perceptions. Each of us can discern right now that we are experiencing such and such. I can say that certainty is a discernment fixed in a certain way. For example, one person, seeing a naked girl, will be sure that he is seeing something indecent. Another will say that he sees something beautiful and exciting. The statements of both people are an expression of the result of a certain fixation of the distinction between visual and subsequent emotional and mental perceptions. Both will be confident that they saw exactly what they are talking about - indecent or beautiful, although they see the same thing - the interpretation of what they saw, which occurs in accordance with their existing confidence, simply works differently.

Exploring the world of one’s own confidence is an extremely fascinating process that strongly (!) resonates with the ability to experience EPs and RH.

Confidence can be mechanical, that is, formed under the influence of NE, stupidity, conscious or unconscious violence, or it can be pleasant, perfected as a result of observations, reflections, and manifestations of sincerity. We are able to distinguish perceptions, and this is an amazing ability that entails enormous consequences, because by distinguishing perceptions we get the opportunity to explore them, manage them in order to make our life pleasant, interesting, and rich. Let me note again that it is also surprising that the distinction of perceptions itself resonates with illuminated perceptions and states.

If everything written is already enough for you to start living happier, then you don’t need to read further - then there will only be more detailed descriptions that may be of either purely academic interest, or practical if you encounter problems in engineering your perceptions.

The amazing thing is that you can be a very sick person - hate, be jealous, envy, wish for death, be intolerant, greedy, stupid, stupid, depressed, suffer from illnesses, not know what you want - anyone! And yet, there is a way out if you have a desire to experience perceptions that are attractive to you and a desire to take practical steps. Since you find yourself in this position of a not very healthy person, treat it constructively. It doesn't really matter why this happened. It matters greatly whether you start changing your habits step by step or not.

A modern person is already an ascetic: often for the sake of a car, an apartment and the goal of “being like all decent people,” he is ready to lose his entire life, to suppress all joyful desires in himself for the sake of goals imposed on him. For the sake of decency, you can maintain the existence of a hateful marriage for decades, and for the sake of a fashionable car and apartment, you can go to the office for decades, without giving yourself a break. This self-rape is often called “the ability to overcome one’s weaknesses.” Yes, modern man knows how to overcome, but often this overcoming comes down only to the successful suppression of joyful desires and, as a result, the consistent destruction of oneself. Such people do not overcome obstacles to experiencing attractive states, but on the contrary - they overcome these very joyful desires of theirs. Such “overcoming”, or rather self-rape, is absurd, imposed from the outside, supported by stupidity, insincerity and leads to suffering, to a flat and colorless, boring life, which can rather be called “gradual dying” than “life”...

Sometimes a special feeling of recognition arises when you seem to touch something that you have long wanted to tell yourself, what you wanted to believe, in which you feel an intense truth, a fundamental truth, and then you find the strength and confidence to begin to change your life - dramatically or gradually. The pressure of one’s own blind confidences, unpleasant states, and the opinions of people around you is sometimes too great, and you can stop believing that you can live differently, feel differently, that life in general can be different - real, rich, joyful. I wrote this book precisely so that someone would read and understand - there is a possibility of such a life, it is feasible, this is how this person lives, too, the author of the book - the most ordinary person in the past, with two arms, two legs and one head. This is how other people live and strive to live, using selection of perceptions to one degree or another - which means this is possible for everyone, which means for me too. This book was written to both explain and show an example of how to live. I am not ashamed to point a finger at myself and say - look, I live differently, I live like this, and you can do the same, and all this is open to you - spit on everything that was instilled in you - that you are weak, stupid, dirty and sinful, insignificant, that you “must” do this and that simply because you have to and that’s it, and that you “cannot” do something just because it’s just stupidly “impossible.” Realize that you can move step by step towards a happier, more interesting, richer life.

My book is intended for all those who agree with me on the main thing: no matter what life you choose for yourself, in any case, life will be more pleasant if you have fewer negative emotions, fewer unpleasant sensations, fewer mechanical desires, dogmas and stupidity. It will become more pleasant for you to live if there are more illuminated perceptions, joyful desires, interesting thoughts, and pleasant sensations in your life. If you agree with this, then this book is for you.

I am making efforts to ensure that there are more people familiar with the theory and practice of perception management. People experiencing enlightened perceptions who could also derive pleasure from helping other people, acting as experts, consultants for beginners. And such people, although very slowly, appear; they call themselves the somewhat paradoxical word “refugees,” since this word symbolizes a person’s desire to escape from a destructive, deadened inner world into a life full of experiences and interesting activities.

Those people who are engaged in the selection of perceptions no longer as amateurs, but as professionals, having found their interest in this, have the self-name “muzzle”, since, firstly, the word “muzzle” is associated with the tenderness and sympathy that we feel for animals, and secondly, since this word sounds a little rude in a certain context and seems to be opposed to the word “face” - there is an element of a naive, but sympathetic protest against unhealthy mental deadness and destructiveness.

I like to express my ideas, describe my feelings and in artistic form. Hence - six (at the moment) volumes of the book “Maya”.

I discuss narrow aspects of Selection in separate articles.

And of course, I don't just write books. I build and develop businesses so that I can help people I like - those who are passionate about something in their lives, and who at the same time use Selection, take steps towards a more fulfilling life, towards more intense and frequent illuminated perceptions, joyful desires, away from negative emotions and dullness. I communicate with those who, like me, are passionate about, among other things, the Selection of Perceptions. I explore the world of illuminated perceptions. In fact, I am building a new culture - a culture that grows out of freedom from NE, from dogma, from everything that interferes with being happy.

And, of course, I thereby build myself. After all, what brings the greatest pleasure in life? Sex? Food? Trips? Glory? Money?

Naturally not. If only because sex will not bring you pleasure if you don’t feel like having sex at the moment :)

Hence the simple understanding - the greatest pleasure comes from the realization of joyful desires, including the desire to eat, have sex, travel, explore, build something outside, create your personality, and so on.

For me personally, the greatest pleasure usually comes from creating myself. Step by step, without rushing anywhere. Create your body. To the extent of pleasure, train your muscles, increase your endurance, without self-rape. Create your own intelligence. To the extent of pleasure, study science, foreign languages, read books. Create your own emotional world - eliminate NE to the extent of pleasure, cultivate EPs. To the extent of pleasure, create a comfortable living environment for yourself - take steps towards making money, creating a business, mastering skills. And so on. Have fun and without rushing anywhere.

The most destructive thing is the blind confidence that there is nothing ahead, that there are only difficulties, illnesses, stupidity, old age, poverty and decrepitude ahead. Often such confidence exists even among twenty-five-year-olds, not to mention those who are thirty, forty or seventy.

Against the backdrop of steady self-creation, other pleasures are experienced much more vividly. You need to start creating yourself, and then life will begin to acquire depth and richness. This is what I have been doing since I opened Selection.

Fifteen years ago I took the nickname “Bodhi” on the Internet, being confident in its originality :) and feeling sympathy for Buddhism. Ultimately, it was total disappointment, and even despair from the ineffectiveness of both psychology and Buddhism and other “isms” that stimulated my own search. I didn’t want flowery esotericism on my ears, but something concrete - I wanted to find a practical, simple and understandable way to make my life happier, and then help others with this.

Since then, of course, I have ceased to have at least some relation to Buddhism and esotericism, developing my Selection, but the nickname remained, including with abbreviated versions: “Bodh” and “Bo” :)

Vsevolod Rudashevsky

(original on the website http://bodhi.ru/index-rus.htm)


If he fails,
then, in any case, she will comprehend him,
when he takes the courage
to do great things, which means
he will never have a place
among cold and timid souls,
who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt

This book is a practical guide. It sets out methods, sincere and persistent adherence to which will lead any person in an extremely short and clear path to freedom from suffering (negative emotions, false concepts, mechanical desires, unpleasant sensations), to the beginning of a completely different life, filled with discoveries, illuminated by perceptions.

The book is quite detailed, since I do not want to evoke in the reader a simple surge of emotions, after which there will be a decline and a return to the previous dull life, but I want to accurately point out the direct path to illuminated perceptions.

When I started writing this book in 2000, I hoped that it would not be in vain, that someday it would cause a resonance in someone, a “recognition” of exactly how you really want to live. I didn’t know when and how this would happen. By 2010, thousands of people had read the book in whole or in part, two hundred of them had tried to apply the methods I outlined, and several dozen were so captivated by how their lives had changed that they could no longer imagine returning to the cultivation of suffering. This book is for those who want to become a traveler in the world of illuminated perceptions now, or in 20, or in 2000 years.

The very existence of my book evokes a negative attitude among a huge number of modern people - from moderate skepticism to strong hatred. These are those who want to continue to experience negative emotions (after all, I give a direct method for eliminating them), and those who are mired in countless dogmas (after all, I give a direct method for dispelling all dogmas, everything that is not based on personal experience; method development of free clear thinking), and those who consider themselves adherents of any religion (after all, I give a method that leads any person to illuminated perceptions, regardless of religious institutions, gods and other intermediaries, and even despite them), and those who consider themselves esotericists (after all, all esotericism dictates that the path to a happy and rich life is incredibly long and complicated, but I give an elementary simple and understandable technique that can lead even the most unhappy person to an interesting and rich life in just a few days!), and those who wants to keep people with them as things, squeezing them into the clutches of family, caste, nationality, etc.. I have no diplomas, I did not graduate from “secret schools”, I did not study with anyone, I do not rely on authorities, I do not refer to the sacred scriptures - and nevertheless, I offer this approach to changing yourself in a direction that is attractive to you, which I found myself. I do not have credentials confirming the authority to propose this path, and I act only on the basis of joyful desire and experience - mine and other researchers.

So many different “smart” books have been written... but after reading any of them, at least three questions arise:

1) What exactly should I do? How to do? How to overcome small, but often insurmountable stumbling blocks, obstacles?

2) If the book gives some advice on what and how to do, the second question arises: why? Why this? How can I be sure that after spending a lot of time performing certain actions, I will end up with something attractive to myself?

In my book there is an answer to the first question, but the second question disappears, because, firstly, when performing actions to select attractive states, you are guided not by suggestion, not by faith, but only by a joyful desire, accompanied by anticipation, and thus you get pleasure from acting right now, so that the results of your actions are immediately visible, and you are enjoying them right now - if right now you have eliminated boredom, then right now you have experienced joy, sympathy.

As for the third, by engaging in the selection of states, you yourself become your own compass, gain complete clarity in methods, experience joyful desires and other illuminated perceptions, which, in addition to being attractive in themselves, also lead to others that are attractive to you states. The selection of attractive states consists of the direct elimination of suffering and the cultivation of illuminated perceptions and the desire for them. NEGATIVE EMOTIONS CAN BE STOP EXPERIENCED - not suppressed, not justified, not “accepted as is,” but rather not experienced.

You can be a very darkened being - hate, be jealous, envy, wish for death, be intolerant, greedy - whatever! And yet, there is a way out if you have a desire to experience perceptions that are attractive to you and a desire to take practical steps. Since you find yourself in this position, treat it constructively. It doesn't matter why this happened. You need to understand what to do now and start doing it.

Modern man is already an ascetic: for the sake of a car, an apartment and the goal of “being like all decent people,” he is ready to pledge his entire life, suppresses everything living in himself for the sake of these artificial goals imposed on him. For the sake of decency, you can maintain the existence of your marriage for decades, and for the sake of a fashionable car and apartment, you can go to the office for decades, without giving yourself a break. Modern man knows how to overcome. He is an ascetic, but this asceticism is ugly, because people do not overcome obstacles to experiencing attractive perceptions, but on the contrary - they overcome their joyful desires. Modern man is an ascetic, only the goal of this asceticism is absurd, imposed from the outside and leads him to continuous suffering.

Sometimes there is a special feeling of “recognition” when you seem to touch something that you have long wanted to tell yourself, what you wanted to believe, in which you feel an intense truth, a fundamental truth, and then it is easier to make an effort, you will find strength and confidence. The pressure of the surrounding world is sometimes too great, and you can stop believing that you can live differently, feel differently, that life in general can be different, real. I am writing so that someone will read and understand - there is a possibility of such a life, it is feasible, this is how this person lives - the most ordinary person, with two arms, two legs and one head, this is how other people who are engaged in the selection of perceptions live - therefore, this is possible for everyone who sincerely strives for the same thing. This book is an expression of a joyful desire to show this real, living example of how to live. I am not embarrassed to point a finger at myself and say - look, I live differently - I live like this, and you can do the same, and all this is open to you - spit on everything that was instilled in you, that you are weak, stupid, wrong, sinful, etc., that you “should” do this and that. Realize that you can take actions that lead to a happy, interesting, rich life, to a journey in the world of illuminated perceptions.

My book is intended for all those who agree with me on the following: whatever life you choose for yourself, in any case, liberation from the most difficult obscurations (negative emotions, mechanical concepts, mechanical desires) will make this life more enjoyable.

I am making efforts to ensure that there are more carriers of the technology for replacing perceptions, carriers of illuminated perceptions, so that they can act as experts, standards, and consultants for beginners. And such people appear - they call themselves “muzzles”, since the word “muzzle” is associated with the tenderness and sympathy that we feel for animals. There are clear criteria by which I separate the "muzzles" from the "non-muzzles". We also use the term “tail”, calling this a person who is engaged in practice, but has not yet acquired that sincerity, determination, perseverance, clarity, desire for EPs that make a muzzle muzzle, but there is reason to believe that he can achieve this (for more details, see “Terms”).

If you want to clarify whether the person with whom you are consulting on the selection of states is a muzzle or a tail, or whether he is a person at least equal to you in darkness, you can ask me about this by email.

My website www.bodhi.ru (the mirror is at www.bodhi.name) also contains articles by other researchers, art books “Maya” and other materials. If you have started to engage in state selection and you have a desire to communicate with others interested in this activity, you can take part, for example, in communication on my blog http://bodhi-name.livejournal.com/.

I decided to write several books, each of which carries its own load: the book “Selection of Attractive Perceptions” is a dry instruction, a reference book. The Maya books describe the lives of condition selection researchers in a more artistic manner, providing more impressions than specific instructions. A collection of stories about sexual experiments - for those who are very interested in sexual development and are inclined to use their sexual desires as one of the engines in changing themselves (and this is a very powerful engine!), and in this collection he will find practical recommendations in the field of sexuality development , overcoming obscurations associated with sex or clearly identified on the basis of sexuality, and impressions. "Collection of articles" is intended to cover in more detail the narrow issues that muzzles face in their research. And so on. Each future book will contain the “core” of practice, wrapped in a different shell. In fact, I want to build a new culture - a culture that grows out of freedom from NE, concepts, taking its roots from illuminated perceptions, joyful desires. I really want to write a book for children - written in children's language. This can be done if the child, having understood the meaning of a particular paragraph, describes it in his own words.

While editing the book, I asked myself: why am I addressing a male reader? Am I writing “if you wanted” and not “if you wanted”? This is customary, but experience shows that those actively and sincerely engaged in the selection of conditions are mostly girls. I don’t know how to explain this. Maybe because the social role that is imposed on men, and the dogmas and negative emotions that are associated with it, are much more deadly than those of girls? A man is a person with an incredible sense of self-importance, almost delusions of grandeur, aggression and resulting stupidity. (“Stupidity” is a lack of skill in intellectual work, and “stupidity” is the inability to reason consistently and clearly due to negative emotions, therefore even very developed intellectuals are usually extremely stupid). Girls, on the other hand, more often experience a sense of their own inferiority, self-pity, and uncertainty, which turns out to be, on average, a less deadly burden. One way or another, I decided to address not the reader, but the reader, because I see no reason to follow the existing stereotype. I have no doubt that this will cause especially a lot of contempt on the part of men, since, funny as it may be, they almost all consider themselves “advanced” and “smart,” while girls are second class for them.

For those whose ears I haven’t buzzed about this yet: Selection of Attractive States is a book by a certain Vsevolod Rudashevsky, who calls himself Bodh. Available on his website: http://www.bodhi.name/samadhi/index.htm. For those interested, there is a good short introduction that quickly explains the main points.

The book describes a certain technique that, as stated, can get rid of negative emotions (in general) and send the practitioner forever to the so-called “illuminated perceptions” (EPs) also known as “happiness”.

The idea, in a nutshell, is:

  • Perceptions (emotions, thoughts, desires, sensations and beliefs) can be differentiated. At any moment, your mental state can be decomposed into elementary components. For example, not “I’m in a bad mood,” but “now I feel 5 points of anxiety, 3 points of dissatisfaction, and 4 points of anger.”

  • With the help of special training, you can learn to replace unattractive perceptions with desirable ones through direct effort. For example, I take my attention away from the feeling of anxiety and remember the feeling of beauty, as if jumping into it.

  • Negative, unattractive emotions can also be attacked on other levels - through the analysis of one's own concepts and the practice of following joyful (rather than mechanical) desires. Most of the harmful concepts lie in areas such as sex, family and religion/morality.

Selection is not a childishly combative practice, because in order to uncompromisingly follow it you need to dig through your entire past and get rid of many unnecessary ideas and habits.

I met her two years ago and she resonated with me very much. To the point that life began to change, and it was as if a new personality began to grow inside. Euphoria was at the level of falling in love or drug intoxication. There were also some pretty nasty failures.

I studied the book to the last word many times. For about a year and a half, I periodically became interested in selection, engaged in analysis, generation of illuminated perceptions, etc.

At some point, it became possible to look through the Internet at followers of this practice (“likers”). And then my world collapsed: I saw a typical sect, consisting of dark, aggressive people, dogmatized as religious fanatics, and generally unhappy. You can look at them on their social network http://www.mirsimpatov.net.
Their life consists mainly of arguing with each other, having sex and watching movies. Over many years of practice, no one created a business, made scientific discoveries, or received an education, but many got sick, and some even committed suicide.

What is the reason for this contrast? I have been tormented by this question for many months. Perfectly reasonable and rational ideas, my own occasional successes, and the complete failure of the community of practitioners?

I think there are two main reasons:

  1. Perception is a function not only of internal work, but also of external circumstances. External circumstances must be created to ensure a comfortable living environment, financial and other freedom. To do this, it is necessary to fit into long-term projects. Unfortunately, the “direct path” declared by the selection is not suitable for long-term projects. Sometimes it is necessary to overpower yourself and go against momentary aspirations (complete sedition from the point of view of the idea of ​​​​following joyful desires).

  2. Antisocial orientation of practice. Selection does change people. The desired happy state is contrasted with the past habitual state of “like everyone else.” Negative emotions are declared the main enemy both in oneself and in others. Ordinary people, wholly composed of “harmful” perceptions, are rejected as contrary to the goals of the practice.

The result is that stuck-in sympathizers break all social ties. Parents, children, relatives, friends are either sent to hell or turned into objects of “social experiments”.

Around December, I decided to give up on “selection” altogether and put it out of my mind. And over the past six months, I have practically reached the state I desired. There are few negative emotions, illuminated perceptions are daily. I have probably never felt as consistently good in my life as I have over the past couple of months (pah pah pah tut tut tut tat).

But at the same time, I cannot help but note that the mental skills that I acquired while practicing selection played a significant role in achieving the desired state. First of all, analysis of perceptions and analysis of one’s own concepts.

This, in a nutshell, is how I spent the last two years.
In summary, the mental muscles pumped up by “selection” are very useful, but the practice itself is destructive. This is such a paradox.

Sects are such a malignant neoplasm on the body of humanity that is ineradicable. Lately I have shown more anecdotal or sadistic-anecdotal sects, but it’s probably not worth doing this for a long time.
Well, you just don’t have to get used to the idea that a sect is, first of all, something funny. Or distant.

The best way to bring us back to reality is to talk about the everyday life of the sympathizer sect. Moreover, I haven’t talked about them for a long time, but there’s a lot to talk about, believe me!

For those who don’t know, let me remind you. Once upon a time there lived Vsevolod Rudashevsky, who suffered (according to rumors) from rape by his father in very childhood. Or not the father, that doesn’t matter.
The important thing is that the adult Seva Rudshevsky decided to overcome his childhood trauma somewhat radically. A visit to a psychiatrist or psychologist was unacceptable for him for moral reasons, a visit to a priest for ethical reasons (Seva is a militant atheist and anti-clerical). Therefore, Seva organized a sect for himself, in which a search for attractive fortunes was carried out. Attractive states, according to Seva, are always associated with sex, preferably group sex, bi sex (because heteroorientation is a perversion), and even better with children. For who are we to prevent children from experiencing joyful states from fucking and licking pussies, Seva reasoned.

Time passed, and the damned Putin regime began to gradually reach out to those who love to lick children's pussies, and does not hide it.
Murdered by the totalitarian Mordor, Seva fled to Nepal, since in Asia people are more tolerant and have a simpler attitude towards child prostitution. Plus there are a lot of transvestites there, whom Bodh loves like children. And he, as we remember, loves children very much.

But having sex with Russian-speaking meat is more interesting than with illiterate Asians, and Bodh did not leave the Russian Internet space. Now he is a well-known protest blogger, as well as one of the top bloggers in LJ. Yes, while the rest of my heroes are wandering around the reserves of folk life or building ashrams in Minusinsk, any LJ-ist can communicate with this guru by simply going to Seva Rudashevsky’s LJ bodhi_name .
What am I talking about? Oh yes, about the Internet. To successfully search for and shape young meat to suit his tastes, Seva started a bunch of public pages on VKontakte. You can imagine the audience coverage by looking at the number of subscribers in these groups.
What happens after recruitment?
My parents are stupid people who were taught by their parents that a certificate is necessary, and that’s why they think so. They have achieved nothing in life, they live in hatred with life, and they have never thought about why a certificate is needed, where it can be useful.
I think that Bodh may not know something, the option of a scientific team comes to mind, I don’t know if Bodh tried to study or research something, it seems to me that without a certificate I might then miss something, but all that’s left is month.
If there was a year, half a year left, I would leave
In general, good luck, I'm glad you made up your mind. and that mom and dad are nearby - smart people who give adequate advice, not like a fool Bodh or a fool Christmas tree
Will you still want to communicate with me if I change my SS?
And Bodh, will he want it?
Elka, I know that it’s most likely unpleasant for you that I think you’re fools, but I want you to argue with my SU, convince me otherwise, so I can see that yes, I agree and change my mind.
Why don't you want to refute my SU?
By the way, I now think that you need a certificate
if you work as a secretary in a bank or go to a meat and dairy factory, you will need it
no, I don’t want such a life.

Only selection will make you a real person, reader. True, she will do it gradually, but she will do it!
Today for some reason I wanted to consider myself insignificant. There is confidence that this time this is a constructive position, and not self-flagellation or self-deprecation.
Then he walked home in a deserted place and recited out loud “I am a nonentity.” I noticed that it’s impossible to say this simply and naturally - an apologetic tone is constantly mixed in, or, conversely, feigned bravado or antics. I picked up another phrase for recitation: “I’m a cockroach.” She came up cool, it was funny to say it and there was complete agreement with such a phrase.
Another cool phrase to recite: “I’m an insignificant bug, nothing depends on me.” ChSV somehow dries up from such a phrase, I begin to behave more simply.
Basically, I'm a cockroach now.
Bodha made everything a man, which means he will make a man out of you too.

Become a like, username, and your photo album will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

You will be especially good at landscape photography!
If you are a man, username, then of course you will have to work for a long time to bring yourself to the beauty and sexuality of this second most attractive male:

Pretty - that sounds proud!
Are girls really stupid and primitive? Of course, they are, in fact, overwhelmingly stupid, insignificant and primitive. How could it be otherwise?

The best sex is sex with Bodh, and he knows how to do it!
Right now I started thinking, several times over the course of an hour I returned to the question - “How does Bodh fuck” - I found confidence that the girls who fucked him were lucky. That he is sensitive and sensitive, you can play any role-playing game with him, because he has no concerns, he is not afraid to look like a fool, ridiculous, or anything else that is typical of ordinary people.
His dick doesn't fall off when a girl expresses her desires out loud and doesn't lie down or doesn’t even pay attention to him at all, chatting on the phone or texting with someone, for example.

Sympathizers are superhumans who never suffer from sexually transmitted diseases.
If a small number of bacteria live in the pussy, which do not lead to the development of the disease, the immune system is trained, preventing them from multiplying enough to cause symptoms of the disease. And if suddenly the concentration of these bacteria increases, then a trained immune system can easily cope with it.
If a girl suddenly develops a disease due to remaining bacteria, then this is a signal that her immunity is not coping well - and this means that there is something uncool in her lifestyle, that something needs to be changed. Just as it is necessary to change something for a person who becomes infected by picking up a stone from the ground.
Nowadays, fears about pussy bacteria are widespread - and sometimes take the form of phobias.
Well, almost sometimes...
So sex with prostitutes without a condom kills an ordinary citizen and makes Bodh immortal, gentlemen.

Cute people are superhumans who don't get pregnant from sex.
Right now, if Bodh claims that there is no sperm in his lubricant, then this is so, that this is not deception or stupidity. But I still want to understand why he has such a uv.
He seems to have written on LiveJournal that he doesn’t approach orgasm so that sperm doesn’t get into the lubricant, and that way you can have sex without the risk of getting pregnant if you carefully monitor the level of bloating. So I considered this issue and the solution is simple.

Everything you do, you do only if it brings you pleasure. The exception is if your joyful desire to eat and not get up from the couch is stronger than your joyful desire to play sports.
I advised a girl with a neglected, almost ugly obese body to force herself to submit to external discipline (which she will choose for herself), and, say, start going to some rocking chairs and wrestling sections, where her activity will be fueled by external factors in the form of a coach , other trainees.

Likes are people who can get rich at any moment. After all, they deserve this joyful desire!
Preamble: sympathetic Lan decided to open a business and bought a couple of hundred cool backpacks in Japan. Lan did not take into account that cool backpacks were in demand only among sympathizers, and none of the normal people bought backpacks. Later Lan tried to resell the entire lot at cost, but there were no buyers. 2 guys ordered 2 backpacks from Lan and paid for them. Lan didn’t have the heart to stand in line at the post office and send the backpacks on time, he gave up and sent them only a week later.

Likes are future great scientists and researchers.
You open any book on any science (or an article on Wikipedia, etc.) - it doesn’t matter whether this science was interesting to you before or not. You find a paragraph there that is clear and interesting to you, write it down to your file, in which you accumulate information specifically on this science. This should be a short piece - literally 1-2 paragraphs. You experience joy, pleasure from the fact that in the boundless ocean of ignorance you have an island of knowledge that interests you.
There is no need for everything in the written fragment to be clear. For example, I wrote out several pieces from microbiology, and now I don’t understand the terms “plastids” and “cyanobacteria”. However, the overall picture about chloroplasts has become much clearer than before - that's the goal - to get a piece of clarity. In the future I will find out who the “plastids” are.

But the most important thing is that this sect was generated by the Internet. Yes, the final murder of the soul and mind occurs in real life, but everything previous is online.
Through these links you can watch the degradation of people in real time. If you carefully study the list of friends


Have you ever been unhappy? 😉 Something goes against your desires and ideas, and you fall into a certain state in which you experience your disagreement with what is happening in the range from “It’s somehow sad today” to “I’ll tear everyone apart, you bastards!” Perhaps, to some, dissatisfaction seems to be a completely normal response to some of life’s troubles - but let’s first look at what is really behind this “norm of dissatisfaction”. The root of the word “discontent” is the word “will”. Moreover, in the Russian language the word “will” has two meanings: will as freedom - and will as the power component of a person, as his ability to control himself. Oddly enough, in the concept of “dissatisfaction” both meanings exist and lead, in fact, to a single result. The term “Dissatisfaction” means the state of a person who has not reached the basic state of a developed and intelligent being, filled with vital force - to the state of will: he is not content. Moreover, here the word “will” means both freedom - where “I am not-willed” means “I am deprived of freedom of choice” - and the ability to control - where “I am not-willed” also means “I have no will, I am deprived of the technical ability to do as I want” - that is, again, deprived of freedom of choice.
Dissatisfaction as a violation of desires. We are unhappy when something goes against our will, our desire. It’s as if we are being diverted from our own course, and someone else’s will begins to direct us in a direction that we did not choose, to which we did not give our consent. Here our will is a kind of hidden compass that pointed in the direction we needed - and suddenly this course is disrupted by someone else's force. A person wanted others to act in his interests, within the framework of his will - and they, such scoundrels, do not obey this. He immediately falls into a state of dissatisfaction with the situation - where his will is ignored, the world does not act the way he wants, deprives him of his freedom. But this is on the surface - what happens inside? The first thing that arises in a dissatisfied person is an emotional reaction of disagreement. But at its core, emotion is an uncontrollable outburst of energy. This means that when a person, energetically embedded in the system of ideas familiar to him and mastered by him, finds himself in a situation where the energy of his intention encounters an unexpected obstacle, modeled by someone else’s force - it, his energy, instantly reaches a peak value, leaves the usual channel, and begins to flow uncontrollably. Essentially, this is a kind of energy explosion - which can range from micro to macro, and is directed both inward, dissatisfied, where it destroys the person himself - and outward, where it destroys the surrounding people and space. For the human brain, getting into a situation of dissatisfaction means that the usual and comfortable picture of the world, the picture of established ideas, is disrupted. And this is something in which he loses stability for some time (from fractions of seconds to hours, days, and years), loses the opportunity to live and act as he is used to - in that state of peace that gave him stability.

Signs of discontent - or “Who is subject to discontent.” As already mentioned, the essence of dissatisfaction is “I am deprived of freedom of choice.” But let's take a sober look: what kind of freedom of choice does a person have who lives in a world of endless secrets, where the first secret for him is himself? If you answer this question honestly, then there is no so-called. We have no real freedom - we only have the opportunity to act within certain frameworks and restrictions. And the first one who falls into a defeatist state of discontent is the one who, due to his selfish impudence and conceit, believes that for him these frameworks are not a decree. And that he can strain the world and adjust it to his ideas. As a result, the world reacts like an ordinary spring, and with an increased return impulse returns its tension to the dissatisfied. The flip side of reacting is acceptance. For those living in duality, I’ll immediately add: acceptance does not mean that you are beaten - and you stand and smile, drooling. Acceptance is a complex algorithm of unity in which you react adequately to the situation (for example, you defend yourself well when you are attacked) but do not allow yourself to be drawn into the situation internally. Those. if a dual person can be either in one state or another (either in defense or in acceptance), then a person of unity perfectly combines this into a single whole: accepting the situation completely, he simultaneously reacts adequately. At the same time, he does not have any dissatisfaction and simply cannot have it - because he is always the master of his will, and he is always free to control his will. Moreover, with a high level of mastery, he is already so free that he simply does not need any will - he fits into the energy movement of the world, and the energy of the world directs him in the best direction, to the best decisions. This algorithm is inaccessible to the mind - because the mind is based on discrete “either-or”. But for us in general, this is precisely the most optimal and basic algorithm - an algorithm of the part as a whole, and the whole in the part. But let's return to the dissatisfied. 😉 If a person finds himself dissatisfied, then he has two problems: an incorrect (egoistic) picture of the world - the violation of which he perceives as dissatisfaction, a lack of inner strength - which creates such a distorted picture of the world in which its owner will feel in the center of stability, in the comfort zone. Where the catch is is that this comfort zone is created by the brain, by the machine - and therefore can easily turn out to be a simple deception. What should a dissatisfied person who is tired of being dissatisfied do (who is not tired - don’t read, it won’t help you 😉) Learn to accept the world as it is. This is the base. And I repeat once again: this regime does not at all mean submissive compliance - it means that there may be reasons at work in the world that are not yet visible to you. And it is they who create a situation for you that you are unhappy with. Once you realize this, you will have a vision of your exit options. Learning to accumulate inner strength This means that you need to learn to see (feel) where and how your strength, your energy goes. Where the basis of energy is the energy of our attention. Simply put, where your attention goes, that’s where your strength goes. It is very good to accumulate strength in situations that lead to discontent. To do this, you need not to get involved in these situations (and not allow yourself to be drawn in like a sheep) - but to distance yourself from the situation and try to observe it from the outside - like a movie. Where you need to disidentify yourself with your personal experiences, distance yourself from them. Even this simple action will allow you to limit the leakage of inner strength. In a word, you need a conscious practice of managing your inner power - where the first phase of practice will be to suppress the dispersion of power, and the second will be its accumulation.

We would like to express our gratitude to the website: buzhuzhivykh.rf for preparing the article
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Year after year, day after day, minute after minute, second after second, people experience negative emotions (“NE”): jealousy, self-pity, fear, anger, hatred, irritation, dissatisfaction, resentment, rage, bewilderment, insult, anger , envy, fear, worry, anxiety, contempt, disgust, shame, humiliation, vindictiveness, apathy, laziness, sadness, melancholy, disappointment, greed, and so on and so forth.

I'm not exaggerating - people experience NE every second. Observe your perceptions - is there really no anxiety about the future, no concern about people’s opinions, no dissatisfaction right now? Almost certainly there is. We are used to not noticing them, but they are there. They are constantly present in a more or less pronounced form, so we got used to them, we began to believe that we did not experience them. And even when bursts of intense NE occur (and this happens hundreds of times a day), we manage to deceive ourselves and believe that we have very little NE.

The ostrich position is disastrous. We refuse to see, we refuse to admit that every second we experience something unpleasant, every second we inject poison into ourselves, but this does not diminish the effect of this poison. Imagine a patient who, despite the fact that he constantly feels bad, diligently convinces himself that he is completely healthy and believes in it. Such a person will face rapid destruction.

I don’t think it’s shameful to admit to yourself, and maybe to the people around you, that you constantly experience unpleasant perceptions. Stopping repressing your illness is the first step to getting rid of it.

Selection of attractive states or, which is the same thing, selection of attractive perceptions (“AP”), consists of the consistent replacement of perceptions you do not want with desired ones, which leads to the creation of the habit of experiencing pleasant states and not experiencing unpleasant ones. It's very simple. It’s so simple that I can’t help but wonder why people haven’t thought of such a simple understanding for thousands of years. To create such a habit, you only need to experience the corresponding desire - the desire to replace perceptions from unpleasant to pleasant, and do this as persistently and decisively as possible, until the newly created habit overpowers the old one, which was once mechanically created. This is a fairly simple activity, since its implementation requires the only essential condition - the presence of a desire to change the perceptions manifesting in you, the presence of a desire to become at least a little happier.

As a person eliminates the NEs he notices (see below for the concept of “elimination”), he discovers that, in addition to strong and noticeable NEs, he constantly experiences a huge number of small ones. Without exaggeration, we can say that almost every event in our lives is accompanied by small bursts of NE. Most often this is dissatisfaction, irritation, and various anxieties. And behind them stretches a barely noticeable “trail”, feeding the already super-dense negative background. All of this together creates a toxic emotional atmosphere. The consequences of this are catastrophic, if only because such an atmosphere practically destroys our enjoyment of life.

Analysis of many observations shows:

a) the excessive dominance of NE leads to what is called “aging”, and this begins not at forty years, as is commonly believed, but at twenty, twenty-five. The skin becomes not just less smooth, but unpleasant in appearance and touch, bodies and faces become flabby, ugly, distorted, overgrown with fat, or vice versa - affected by ugly thinness. Body odors become unpleasant and pungent. The state of health is constantly deteriorating, but since all this happens rather slowly, the person has time to get used to his new appearance and does not even realize that very unpleasant changes are happening to him - you wake up tired in the morning, have difficulty falling asleep in the evening, groaning and lethargy begin , more stimulants are required - coffee, mechanical sex, primitive impressions.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that people around an aging person continue to see him as the same, in every possible way displacing what, it would seem, cannot be ignored. One day, one girl wrote to me that after reading my book, she suddenly looked at her husband and unexpectedly discovered that her husband was a fat and flabby man with an unpleasant expression on his face and empty eyes. This amazed her, because until now she seemed to constantly “see” him the same as he was ten years ago. People, without realizing it, repress the gradual changes that occur to them and to other people with whom they often see and, especially, with whom they have attachments.

People grow old and consider this process completely natural, but meanwhile one might wonder - what exactly is natural about it? As a result of known genetic processes, such as the gradual shortening of the telomeric DNA chain, body cells begin to reproduce less and less fully over time. But even this process does not seem completely inevitable, since telomerase exists that can restore telomeric chains. And other, more dramatic changes in a person, which for some reason we are accustomed to consider as inevitable accompaniments of aging, such as senile insanity, lethargy turning into senility, increased irritability and depression, dullness, etc., do not seem at all inevitable to me. Moreover, we know many examples when people, reaching old age, retained mental alertness, sobriety and freshness of thinking, and the ability to enjoy life, and, strange as it may seem, even external beauty, despite the fact that anyone can easily detect signs of physical aging on their faces.

The state of creative search in which these people were inevitably led to the emergence of many illuminated perceptions (EPs), such as a sense of beauty, tenderness, anticipation, a sense of mystery, serenity, the joy of creativity, enthusiasm, sympathy, joy, sincerity and many others, which , apparently, made it impossible for the onset of senile insanity and decrepitude.

There is only one step left before scientists admit (I am sure of it) that even a weak negative background, weak NEs are a destructive poison that we inject into ourselves second by second. Surely the opposite will also be true - a person who experiences very little NE, who experiences frequent EPs, will not be susceptible to illness even in the most seemingly unfavorable circumstances. The eternal war between man and disease is surprisingly reminiscent of the war between people and the animal world in Harrison’s novel “The Untamed Planet” - in fact, it is a war with one’s own aggressive or depressive reflection, and the more powerful weapons are used (antibiotics), the harder they hit ourselves, making us more and more vulnerable every time. For many scientists this is already clear, but the resistance of powerful corporations producing drugs is still as impenetrable as the resistance of corporations putting people on the narcotic needle of smoking.

According to modern beliefs, people get sick from viruses and microbes, but I am convinced that these same viruses and microbes begin their destructive work precisely in the bodies of those people who are especially severely affected by NE, and I think that it will not be difficult to find a correspondence between certain diseases and type of dominant NE.

Those who are engaged in the selection of perceptions and achieve higher and higher degrees of freedom from NE sometimes experience bursts of the long-standing habit of experiencing strong NE, and then they note with amazement that something unimaginable begins to happen to the body - it begins to ache, and in some places even to be definitely sick, a painful heaviness, inertia, special physical dullness, lethargy sets in, and this is in just an hour, half an hour of experiencing a negative background, only after several unresolved intense bursts of NE! At these moments, it becomes especially clear that if you do not eliminate NE, then you live in this painful state constantly, and people continuously experience certain NE - intense bursts and even “binges”, or in the form of a “weak” negative background (“NF” ") concerns, anxiety, dissatisfaction, self-pity, sadness, etc., and their body is constantly under the severe pressure of this poison.

It also becomes quite clear to anyone who observes the effects of NEs that NEs not only corrode the body; they also completely destroy the ability to experience joyful desires, rational clarity, and illuminated perceptions. In especially severe cases, NEs turn a person into a walking dead man, and for many more years an outwardly living body can wander the earth, gradually decomposing, but inside of it there has been nothing living for a long time.

Many people, feeling some growing discomfort, the growing meaninglessness of life, are looking for ways to regain the joy of life and rush into the arms of yoga or religion. They sit in elaborate poses, cast bizarre spells, talk to imaginary entities and naively believe that this will bring them relief from suffering. Sometimes it actually gives results due to the very fact of confidence that the result should be - a kind of mental placebo. But as a rule, all that comes out of this is monkey work, because people don’t understand the main thing - they don’t understand the real reasons why their lives are going downhill. They do not understand that the main emphasis of the struggle must be shifted to eliminating NE, cultivating joyful desires, and experiencing EPs.

A society in which there is no definite and decisive opposition to NE and dogmatism will never live in peace, no matter how we complicate the laws, no matter how we strengthen the punishments, no matter what devices and mechanisms we come up with.

The world in which you live is, first of all, a world of NE - one can say this without exaggeration. They appear in so many manifestations, are so closely woven into life, that sometimes it seems that there is nothing else besides them, and that all you can do is refine them, complicate them, diversify them, twisting them, connecting them with each other, making them more multi-layered and intense.

NEs surround you everywhere, they are imposed and cultivated. I'm not even talking about such obvious things as the cult of violence in the news and films, but open any "fiction" book that is considered good and deep, and there you will find "refined" NEs, strong NEs, complex NEs, and if the reader a complex of NEs arises, interspersed with relief and contentment, then this is precisely the basis for considering the book “good”, “deeply affecting”. And where do books come from that describe the life of a person experiencing many EPs? After all, in order to write about this, you yourself need to have significant experience of this kind, and there are very few such people.

You are absolutely not obliged to experience unpleasant perceptions, which include primarily negative emotions (NE) and the negative states consisting of them - anger, hatred, self-pity, boredom, contempt, resentment, jealousy, despondency, irritation, depression and others. There is no law of nature that obliges you to experience all or part of it. This may seem surprising, but nevertheless, perceptions and states can be controlled, they can be chosen, and perceptions can be engineered. And it is not so difficult to learn, for example, to experience less and less NE step by step. Do not suppress them, do not justify them, do not repress them, do not “accept them as they are,” but do not experience them.

Experiencing NE is simply a bad habit, and you can get rid of it in the same way as other unpleasant habits - step by step, eliminating them over and over again: at the moment when NE arises, you tear your attention away from it and transfer it to something else something nice. At first it seems incredibly difficult, but only at first. Gradually, a new habit will form - the habit of removing attention from NE and directing it to some pleasant perception, be it a feeling of beauty or tenderness or sympathy or anticipation, etc.

People call NE emotions, but that seems awkward to me. I would call them a kind of “cancer of emotions.”

There are so-called “illuminated perceptions” (EPs), which in my understanding are true emotions. People often call them “positive emotions,” but I like to call them insightful perceptions. I have already listed some of them - sympathy, a sense of beauty, anticipation, tenderness, but there is also a feeling of mystery, anticipation, call, aspiration, perseverance, gratitude, seriousness, joy and many others. One of the generalizations I made is the statement that there is a law of nature, according to which if at some moment you do not experience NE, then at that very moment you begin to experience EP. The opposite is also true - as soon as the EP has arisen, at that very moment the NE no longer exists. The habit of experiencing EPs is cultivated in the same way as any other skill we need - by frequent repetition and re-experience of them.

It is easy to discern from your own experience what a gigantic difference there is between NE and EP. In fact, they seem to be at different poles, they are opposite to each other, they are fundamentally incompatible. The more obvious it becomes that it makes no sense that they are classified as one type of perception, an emotion. This is as meaningless as calling both a delicious pie and rat poison by the term “food.”