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Dead dove according to the dream book. The magic of numbers

In the mythology of many peoples of the world, the dove represents peace, love, and piety. According to many beliefs, he is the keeper of Light and Good, the messenger of happiness. The best thing a person imagines is often associated with this bird. Some lovers, not wanting to part, carry with them a symbol in the form of two doves. What does it mean to see a dove in a dream?

Why do you dream of a dove according to Miller’s dream book?

Seeing pigeons in a dream and their cooing is a good sign for the family and its possible addition. For young girls of marriageable age, the dove promises a quick wedding.

Hunting pigeons - only a person of a cruel disposition can hunt these birds, even in a dream. This is sure to manifest itself in his life, in particular in his relationships with business partners. In addition, such a dream is a warning sign against primitive manifestations of nature, for example, from carnal pleasures.

Pigeons in flight - promise the absence of some life troubles and confusion, as well as possible news from afar. A dead or lonely dove cooing pitifully is always bad news, you should be careful. Although usually the time is already lost.

Dove - Vanga's dream book

The dove itself, according to the famous fortuneteller and healer, is a symbol of spiritual purity, forgiveness and connection with God.

Feeding them means that a person maintains the purity of his thoughts. He never suffers from loneliness; people are drawn to him. A dove knocking on a window is a sign in a dream, unlike a sign in reality; on the contrary, it is a good messenger.

If it circles above your head, this indicates the onset of internal harmony and the onset of a new period in life. A dead or injured bird does not bode well. If a dove sits in a cage, this means that the reality of the person seeing it is held captive by their own weaknesses.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a dove - interpretation according to Freud?

This extraordinary psychologist considers the appearance of a dove in a man’s dream as the presence in his life of a certain person who is very much indifferent to him. In general, he is in love.

But he does not receive reciprocity in this feeling, and this moment his chosen one is quite happy with this situation. If he doesn't want to fail on that front, he should wait for her to make a decision. But in fact, if she doesn’t find something more suitable, then perhaps she will choose him. O lucky man!

So if a man wants to become just an alternative, let him wait. Yes, sometimes world-famous psychologists go too far in their conclusions about dreams. But all the man dreamed about was a bird. Dreams are an amazing thing.

Why do you dream of a dove according to Aesop’s dream book?

A dove with a brood - dreams of long-awaited peace in the house. The spouses will finally come to an agreement, the children will become obedient, and a bright period will begin in the life of the family.

A dove carrying something in its beak is a messenger. If a dove drinks water, this also promises only good changes, despite the fact that now there is a dark streak in life. But if the dove drowned at the same time, this means that the witness of this will take on a task that is clearly too tough for him, and will inevitably suffer defeat. Extreme caution should be exercised in business.

Getting a dovecote means that the new breeder of these noble birds is not happy with his current financial situation, and wants to correct it, albeit in a dream, and in such an unusual way. But perhaps this is just his first step towards inevitable success.

Ringing a dove in order to send news to someone (this could probably only be dreamed of in the times of Aesop himself, and yet...) - amazing and joyful news will come at the most unexpected hour. Perhaps someone who sees this action will make someone happy. Visiting a dovecote is an incredible success, possibly a big win.

Pigeon cooing - a conversation among old friends, a lot of new and useful information. By the way, Aesop’s dream book is the most logical compared to many others. It seems that he understood a lot about pigeons.

Why do you dream of a dove according to the dream book of “Yorkshire Gypsies”?

The gypsies from Yorkshire did not limit themselves to the meager explanations of other dream interpreters that a dove is a sign of news. If the gypsy does not see land, then the news can be both potentially good and potentially bad. But if he saw land, he should expect good news. Probably this rule applies to all other people.

Why do you dream of a dove according to the dream book “Nobleman” (further from the explanations of Mrs. Grishina)

Yes, undoubtedly, nobles also dreamed of pigeons, and perhaps even more often than ordinary classes. And even in this century advanced technologies it will be quite interesting how they interpreted it.

Pigeons – this cannot be done without the participation of the fair half of humanity. Again, these are amorous affairs associated with frequent kisses, indispensable joy at the same time, and even fidelity.

White doves represent all the best that is in a person. But it’s better not to change their color - all other colors are servants of darkness, messengers. They are like angels - they have light and dark.

The presence of white doves in the house is a good sign. But feeding them means separation. Taking chicks out of the nest means profit. If the pigeons are large, this means guests, and the larger they are, the higher rank the guests will visit the house. Flying away doves are hope. Unfortunately, Ms. Grishina did not indicate what exactly.

Dove and dove - for love and wedding. Sleep is every girl's dream. But some sources claim that a dove should sit on their head - also for the wedding. If the dove is dark in color, it is unlucky, so young girls must definitely dream about white doves, decorously placed on their heads.

Catching a dove and not catching it means bad luck, but catching it means getting married. Doves sit on hands and shoulders - symbolizes the high spirituality of a person. Having a dovecote means the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Everyone has their own, of course.

As you can see, each interpreter has his own explanations regarding the pigeon theme. What points of view still exist, and is it possible to at least somehow generalize them? You can also try.

Why do you dream of a dove in a house or apartment? A flying dove in a dream.

A dove in the house is a person who plays an important role in a person’s life. Most likely, he is part of his environment, his “home”, and it is he who is able to change his whole life. It may turn out to be much closer than expected. And even become part of the person’s personality. You just need to look deeper into yourself. Good people they will definitely find something.

Why dream of a blue, black dove?

The blue dove in dream books is not described in such gloomy tones, but is even personified with devoted love. You shouldn’t understand all the interpretations too clearly; after all, a dream is an extremely individual thing.

The black dove is a surprisingly stable bad sign. In some interpretations it is regarded as quite good deed, made sincerely but misunderstood. Yes, human relationships are complicated things, sometimes even without any pigeons.

Why do you dream of a dove in your hands?

Catching a dove is good luck, it’s just a bird of happiness. Or maybe it is so, no one argues. But still, for success, sometimes you need to do something more than just catch a poor bird in a dream.

Why do you dream of a dead dove in a dream?

A dead dove, unlike white and living ones, promises only diseases internal organs someone from your immediate circle. This just doesn't happen in dreams. It would be a good idea for a person to pay attention to own health, after all, it’s him, and not his immediate circle, who will be photographing dead birds.

If the bird died right before our eyes, and was not already dead, this indicates the development of the disease in the present tense, and he is able to change something. It makes sense to take a vacation, unwind, relax and improve your health, so that you no longer dream of dead pigeons, fresh or not so fresh.

Why else do you dream about a dove?

  • A lot, a flock of pigeons - carries a purely peaceful psychological load.
  • Feeding a pigeon in a dream does not always mean separation. And if he goes to her, then only with his old, disgusted life. Sometimes this dream has a very beneficial effect on a person. After all, he didn’t hand-feed a snake, why should such a peaceful action carry a negative meaning for reality? By the way, feeding a pigeon in the presence of a person indicates that the relationship with him can reach a new, better level. It's worth taking a closer look at it.
  • The dove is pecking. Did a dove peck in your dream? The main thing is that it’s not black! But in any case it is a loss.
  • To catch a pigeon - the decoding is no different from previous explanations. After this, the lucky one is simply doomed to good luck.
  • A wounded dove - a dream speaks of a manifestation of negligent carelessness, as a result of which you can lose a friend. Yes, it is truly symbolic.
  • A dove on the head - as already mentioned, for a girl this is for a wedding.
  • A dove on your shoulder means good news.
  • Pigeons in the sky - fortunately.
  • A girl dreams of a dove - only for marriage, without options.
  • Pigeons on the roof are good news again.
  • Letting go of the pigeons means missing out on an opportunity, parting with something valuable, perhaps a loved one.
  • Catching pigeons - if you start, you have to catch them or things will only get worse.
  • Killing a dove is a terrible sin even in a dream. Punishable in reality by the loss of loved ones. But don't be scared, it could just be separation. Although it’s also not very pleasant.
  • Roasting pigeon meat on a spit is an alarming sign, and if you eat it later, then there will be no interest. real life will go away completely. The conclusion is simple - it is better not to touch these birds of God even in a dream.
  • If pigeons circle in the sky in a circle, then the rash act committed the day before will have no consequences. Yes, it certainly wouldn’t be possible here without pigeons. Holy birds.
  • Buying pigeons is a risk of getting an infectious disease (from materials from the Modern Dream Book)
  • Selling pigeons means there is a high risk of breaking one of the limbs.
  • Throwing stones at pigeons is definitely unforgivable; in life it can cause a lot of trouble, even if you just watch it indifferently from the sidelines.

Finally, we can say that the above information is purely for informational purposes and does not claim to be the ultimate truth due to its obvious heterogeneity. But they believed in the prophetic nature of dreams at all times, and modern world not an exception.

Usually a bird shows a person’s character or thoughts, reflections or creative impulses. In some situations, they are considered the souls of deceased people, who are usually endowed with great freedom and knowledge of the secret world. Usually in a dream, a bird refers to either a person’s character, disposition, or inner freedom, creative impulse. Sometimes dream books refer to their appearance as having certain types.

For example, crows are compared to gypsies, dangerous, dishonest and thieving people; a parrot shows a poser, a person who is attracted to everything bright or who does not have his own opinion, is prone to imitation, without thinking too much about the situation.

The dove is usually considered a bird with a gentle character, representing a calm, kind and peaceful person, more often a guy than a girl.

This bird is considered the personification of the holy spirit and meekness. Therefore, the dream book of a dead and sick dove in a dream always interprets disasters related to freedom, peace and kindness. This is what such dreams most often mean in various situations.

Where was he in your dream

Dead pigeons, unless you've seen them in real life various places, often predict a collapse of thoughts or loss of freedom for you. It seems that circumstances may be such that you will have to limit your goals, desires or creative impulses for the sake of necessity.

If you dreamed of many dead birds lying in the snow, then the coldness, indifference of others or danger may lead to the dreamer having to hide or carefully disguise his free or creative thoughts, yielding to the harsh reality.

If you dreamed of going somewhere, going on vacation, or want to make a dream come true, dead and numb pigeons in the snow predict losses, lack of freedom in thoughts and actions, restrictions, and the fact that very soon your creative plans and high aspirations will temporarily fail and you will have to pay attention to the other side of life.

It could be a harsh refusal, disappointment, or the fact that the one you so hoped for to make your dream come true or high goal will turn out to be completely not the one you need.

But in some situations, dead pigeons in a dream may represent military action or the death of a young man or a group of young people as a result of some stupidity or miscalculation of one’s strength. also in large quantities frozen birds predict a contagious disease that may be dangerous not for people, but for domestic animals.

What does it mean to see a dead dove in the yard in a dream? This dream can predict the collapse of some plan, thought, illusion, creative impulse, desire or death young man. For a girl, such a dream may portend troubles in her love life, for example, that the young man may turn out to be a deceiver or that he is not free in his actions and is highly dependent on his parents or circumstances.

Dead doves, if there were few of them, tell the young lady that her romance has few prospects or that the guy may not be ready for romantic and sublime feelings. The reason may be limitations in action (the influence of parents and circumstances), lack of strength of character, or mundane goals and means of achieving them.

Go Lubi in a girl’s dream can predict troubles and the fact that she will have to do what is necessary, temporarily forgetting about high impulses and creativity. It is possible that due to earthly problems, your dream of becoming an actress or singer will be postponed for a while and you will have to do more mundane things or the business you are doing will fail. For example, a girl may not be accepted into a modeling school, putting an end to her dream, or into a pop vocal studio.

For an adult woman, especially one who has a son, a dead dove in the yard can predict the death of his peer or danger for the youngest person. It is possible that there will be a big obstacle in front of his high impulses, thoughts and feelings.

For example, the girl of his dreams, whom he was courting, will refuse or he himself will be disappointed in her. Or the dream of entering a theater university will not come true, since the guy is not suitable for the role of an artist according to some parameters.

But most often, a dead dove shows the death of the romantic principle in a person and the fact that he will be incapable of high feelings as a result of the influence of his environment or due to other circumstances. If the mother suspects that her son is doing the wrong thing, then he may face prison or even death as a result of the showdown.

For a bride, a dream about a dead dove predicts the lack of will of her groom, his illness or a change of plans. It is possible that a person will suffer because of his suspiciousness, subtlety of nature, or will destroy himself through abuse alcoholic drinks. So you shouldn’t hope for a happy marriage.

A dead dove for a pregnant woman can predict the birth of a son who will be in poor health and will not live long. But most often, this bird predicts the withering away in a person of inner freedom and creativity, sublime thought, sincerity, and spirituality.

Cat victim

If a domestic or yard cat brought you its prey, then the dream book writes that you should not trust selfish and deceitful people. It is possible that as a result of such gullibility you can get into big trouble and no one will appreciate your creative impulses and sincere, spiritual disposition.

Sometimes such a dream suggests that your gullibility can be dangerous and this can be taken advantage of by cunning deceivers and scoundrels who will see only their own benefit in everything.

Also, a cat with its bird can predict your victory over a person who trusted you. Or that you will hurt him very much with your actions and words.

For a girl, a dream that a cat brought her a dead dove in a dream means that she can trust the wrong person, a deceiver and seducer who will use her for his own purpose. For wealthy people with flexibility and dexterity, this dream foreshadows an acquisition, an unexpected profit.

The dove is a good symbol that means peace, tranquility, success in matters of the heart and family. But in dreams, under certain conditions, it can also turn out to be a negative harbinger. More precisely, why the fair sex dreams of pigeons is described below.

Why do you dream about pigeons - interpretation in dream books

  • Miller notes that cooing doves in a dream are a good omen. It promises the family a period of peace and harmony. Perhaps the arrival of a child. For young girls, a dove in the palm of their hand promises a quick marriage proposal. Hunting for the birds in question in a dream suggests that the girl is behaving too selfishly, and sometimes even cruelly, in her relationship with her significant other. She takes advantage of other people's feelings and only cares about her own comfort. Under such conditions, a woman may end up alone.
  • In Vanga’s dream book, doves are a symbol of spiritual purity and connection with God. If the sleeping woman feeds them, it means that her thoughts are pure, she is leading a righteous right life, people around her are drawn to her. Is a bird circling overhead? A woman will finally be able to find inner harmony. She will begin a new, very successful and pleasant period of life. And the dove in the cage suggests that the young lady in reality is captive of her weaknesses.
  • A bird that holds something in its beak, according to Aesop’s dream book, is an important messenger. She foretells the girl news in reality. They will significantly affect a woman’s life as a whole. If a dove drinks water in a dream, then soon the long black streak will end. But a choking bird is not good sign. He suggests that a woman will take on a task that she cannot handle. It is worth heeding this warning from a dream and trying to refuse an offer that leads to failure.

In reality, doves are considered a symbol of peace and love. However, few people know why pigeons dream, but this image can radically change the dreamer’s life.

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    Miller's Dream Book

    Gustav Miller in his dream book indicated that seeing pigeons in a dream or hearing them cooing is an excellent sign, foreshadowing a happy family life or addition to the family. For unmarried girls, a dove in a dream promises a good groom and a quick wedding. If the sleeping person sees himself hunting pigeons, it means he is a very cruel person, and this trait of his character manifests itself both in relationships with close people and when meeting with business partners. This same vision may be a warning against primitive manifestations of nature, for example, sexual pleasures.

    The dream book also knows why there are many pigeons flying in the sky in dreams. As a rule, such a vision indicates that at the moment the dreamer is not in danger, and he can safely continue the work he has started. If a bird flies into the window in a dream, it means the dreamer will soon receive news from an old friend, whom he has no opportunity to meet. Feeding birds indicates that the sleeper will seek his own happiness without burdening other people with his problems. If you dream of pigeons sitting on a table in the house, it means the dreamer will soon be able to improve the financial situation of his family. For this, however, he will have to work a lot, but the result is worth it.

    A vision in which a dead dove appears is considered a bad omen. As a rule, such a plot predicts the illness of someone close, poverty, or betrayal of a loved one.

    Aesop's Dream Book

    The famous writer argued that a dove with chicks seen in the world of dreams indicates that quarrels between lovers will soon cease, and long-awaited peace and tranquility will finally come to the dreamer’s family. If a dove in a dream holds something in its beak, it means that the dreamer will soon be told good news that will force him to get ready for a long trip.

    Feeding pigeons in a dream means that the sleeper dreams of improving his life and has already taken some actions thanks to which he will achieve his goal faster. To see flying pigeons in a dream - to happy life, without problems and misfortunes. If you see a dying bird, it means that all attempts will be useless and the sleeper will not be able to save his business. A dead dove may also indicate illness in a relative or loved one.

    A vision in which the dreamer strokes a bird promises a change for the better. If he holds it in his hand, it means that he will be able to realize his plans and reach the heights he has set for himself. A rash decision, which the sleeper will soon regret, predicts a dream where a dove, trying to get drunk, drowns.

    As the dream book assures, pigeons ringed by a sleeping person indicate that he will definitely need to convey the message to someone he knows. A visit to the dovecote promises big winnings and wealth.

    Interpretation of Vanga

    The fortuneteller Vanga considered doves to be a symbol of goodness, forgiveness, and spiritual purity. Feeding birds indicates the purity of the dreamer’s thoughts, his desire to earn a good reputation for himself. If the birds themselves are not visible in a dream, but their cooing is heard, it means that the sleeper will talk with old acquaintances, thanks to which he will learn a lot of useful information.

    The seer also knew what the dove was dreaming of. white. This image, as a rule, prophesies pleasant events. Perhaps a long-standing conflict will be resolved, or the sleeper will be able to resolve some of his problems that for a long time darkened his life. If you dreamed of a dove in the house, it means that the appearance of another heir in the sleeping family will not be long in coming. Several white doves soaring high in the sky promise professional growth. The sleeping man’s superiors will finally notice his attitude towards work and give him the desired promotion.

    According to the dream book, holding a dove in your hands means receiving long-awaited good news. The rock dove predicts the receipt of a written notice that will radically change the dreamer's fate. The black plumage of a bird promises disappointment, resentment, loss. Of course, this image should not be regarded as universal grief, but it wouldn’t hurt to be more vigilant.

    A sick or disheveled dove is regarded by the seer as a conflict that will arise suddenly and disrupt the idyll reigning in the sleeping person’s house. The same dream book of the dead interprets a dove as death loved one.

    Noble dream book

    White doves - symbol best qualities person. Therefore, the more birds there are, the more benevolent the dreamer’s character. Many black birds in a dream predict empty troubles and obstacles in achieving a goal. A cooing couple of birds speaks of fidelity in love, devotion of a loved one. A wounded bird is a sign that, due to his carelessness, the sleeper may lose a faithful friend.

    According to the dream book, feeding pigeons is a good sign, because it is by this action that the sleeper attracts good luck. If you dreamed of birds swimming, it means that the dreamer will find an additional source of income, thanks to which he will be able to increase his social level.

    Why do you dream of a dead dove? Does this image represent misfortune and misfortune? According to the interpreter, a dead bird indicates a very unpleasant events. Perhaps a relative of the sleeping person will become seriously ill or he himself will get into trouble.

    Birds flying away promise hope for a bright future and a happy family life. If pigeons hover directly above the dreamer’s head, and some individuals sit on his shoulders, then this indicates the high spirituality of the sleeper, his desire to improve not only his life, but also the people around him.

    Modern dream book

    Why do you dream of feeding pigeons, he knows Modern dream book. The authors of the publication claim that in this way higher power they are trying to reason with the dreamer, to guide him on the right path. A dove sitting on a branch means that the sleeper will learn about upcoming problems in a timely manner and will be able to prevent them. If the bird moves slowly on the ground and does not react in any way to what is happening around it, it means that in order to achieve what he wants, the sleeper will have to initially sweat, but the result will please him.

    The cry of a turtledove in a dream promises great trouble. Probably one of the dreamer's friends or relatives will die. A dove shot from a gun also prophesies the premature death of a loved one. Throwing a stone at pigeons or watching other people do this is a sign of trouble, which the sleeper can avoid if he takes timely measures.

    Adaskin's Dream Book

    A dove seen in a dream, as a rule, symbolizes a connection with the spiritual world, the purity of the dreamer’s thoughts. However, if a person sells pigeons in a dream, it means that in reality he should exercise increased caution, since the possibility of injury is high. Pigeon meat, which the sleeping person feasts on, indicates an imminent separation from a loved one. Moreover, the culprit of the separation will be the dreamer himself.

    A dove flying into the window promises the arrival of loved ones whom the dreamer has not seen for many years. If this image makes the sleeper feel fear or anxiety, it means that he will soon receive not entirely good news concerning his loved ones. A bird in a cage indicates the dreamer's uncertainty.

Fatal errors big trouble, problems - this is what a dead dove can mean in a dream. However, this is far from full list, future trials, which, according to the dream book, are destined for the sleeping person. However, there is no need to despair. Firstly, such a dream warns of difficult times ahead, and secondly, concentration and willpower can help even in the most difficult situations. difficult situation, or even overcome some adversity.

Miller's Prediction

It seems to you that life is devoid of harmony and perfection - this is what, according to Gustav Miller, a lifeless dove can mean in dreams. In other words, the dreamer either has not yet found his purpose, or is confused about his goals and desires. Hence the bitter feeling - life passes without bright events, significant achievements. If a bird died in a dream right before your eyes, then soon you are not ready to put up with what fate has in store for you.

From a psychoanalyst's point of view

In a psychoanalytic dream book image of the dead The pigeon is described in great detail. The compilers of this collection of night visions suggest that not all people have dreams of this kind, and if you are one of them, you should take the dreamed plot seriously.

First of all, this may indicate that you are constantly under strong psychological stress, as they sometimes say “on edge.” But sooner or later this can lead to a violent outburst of accumulated emotions, and subsequently to the deepest disappointment, pessimism and a feeling of hopelessness.

A similar dream can be observed the day before important events in fact. In this case, this is a reflection of excitement and anxiety. However, the dream book does not exclude the possibility that the dreamed dead dove personifies all the complexes of the sleeping person. His uncertainty, constraint, fears.

And one more interpretation - a dream about a lifeless bird may portend an illness, difficult situation in life. True, if you are breeding and training pigeons, then dreams about your charges do not bode well for you. They just serve as a continuation of your daytime thoughts about winged pets.

Between past and future

Why do you dream of a dead dove lying on the ground? To begin with, remember: what did you experience on the eve of the vision? It is possible that some event was thus transformed into what you saw in the dream.

If no significant incidents occurred, then according to the version Esoteric dream book, you have the opportunity to predict the development of the situation in the future. The corpse of a dove on the ground is a symbol that the dreamer has to overcome some obstacle. It is interesting that this test is yet to come. But the reason why it appeared on the path of the sleeper lies in the past. Perhaps this is some kind of mistake, a false step, a delusion. And now fate gives a chance to learn an important lesson from everything that once happened.

Sometimes a dead bird on the ground is a clue - the dreamer is overdramatizing events, exaggerating the scale of what is happening. In fact, everything is much simpler, more ordinary, more familiar.

Black bird

In the dream book, a black dove, even a lifeless one, is a sign of complete hopelessness. But what's the use of despairing, because it can't get any worse! As the ancient sages said: before dawn the night is especially dark. This means that we must go through the most difficult period of fate with hope for the best.

IN Eastern dream book black dead a dove is a harbinger of bad, sad news. Sometimes it can be helpful to mentally prepare for an upcoming challenge. So, such a dream is a kind of blessing.

Why else do you dream of a black dead dove? This vision tells the dreamer that in reality all his attempts are in vain, because he took on a deliberately failed business. But if the sleeper sincerely believes in his success and is not ready to retreat, then even with such a pessimistic forecast, it is possible that the goddess Fortune will suddenly remember him.

How to overcome adversity?

It seems that the whole world will take up arms against you, which is what a whole flock of pigeons can dream about dead! Yes, spiteful critics and gossipers have actually become more active behind your back. Do not succumb to their provocations, this will allow you to keep your honest name and reputation untarnished. In addition, you should not pay attention to these enemies, so as not to subject your nervous system to unnecessary stress.

Likewise, grandmother Agafya, in her dream book, writes that a lot of pigeon corpses may indicate the dreamer’s illness caused by fatigue and depression.

The sorceress Medea is even more wary of the appearance of a dead dove in a dream. She believes that this may be a sign that the dreamer's enemy has decided to resort to the most drastic measures. For example, at the service of black sorcerers who do not disdain cemetery love spells and inducing various types of damage. What to do in this case? The witch gives advice - urgently consult a parapsychologist.