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How to make an aura knot. Guide - Basic knowledge about knots

When creating a world with Thaumcraft installed, aura nodes are generated in it. You can notice them without special devices, but they are quite problematic. It is much easier to notice them if you look through a thaumometer or revelation glasses.

Each node can contain any aspect of Thaumcraft, but much more often basic aspects are generated there. When an aura node is generated, it is charged to its maximum level, that is, there will no longer be more aspects than it now has. These aspects can be “sucked out” if Hold RMB on a node with a magic wand. You should be careful, because if you press one of the aspects to 0, it may disappear or damage the node itself. You can only take away basic aspects with a wand. In certain biomes, the following aspects are more common:

Aer- mountains, plains
Aqua- seas, rivers
Ordo- snow biomes
Terra- forests, caves
Ignis- deserts, hell
Perditio- swamps

If we examine an aura node with a thaumometer, we can see the characteristics of the node (node): brightness and appearance.

Fading - the aura node blinks and does not restore its aspects at all
Dim - the node restores aspects at 50% speed from the base
Normal - (the thaumometer does not show this inscription) the node is restored at 100% speed
Bright - the node regenerates aspects twice as fast (200%) as normal

Also, the brightness may deteriorate if aspects are sucked out completely or if an aura node is transferred in a jar.​

Normal- an ordinary node, does nothing special
Unstable- a node that changes its aspects. The most poorly studied node for me, since I have never encountered it in normal survival.
Hungry- destroys almost all blocks, drags in creatures (including players) and kills, digests objects into aspects. Always contains Fames
Clean- located in silver trees, turns the area around itself into a magical forest (biome). Often contains Victus
Infected- found in taint biomes, spreads it around itself if moved. If a normal node stands for some time in a tainted biome, the node will become infected
Sinister- Found in generated thaum structures, sometimes spawns evil zombies and strengthens them. Often contains Exanimis.​

Nodes located at a close distance can transfer aspects of energy between themselves with “lightning” (a node can transfer energy in an area 7 by 7 by 7 with it in the center), the further away the nodes are, the slower the transfer is. A small node cannot take energy from a large one, it can only give it back. If a node transmits energy faster than it generates, it may begin to be damaged and even destroyed, as when pumping aspects with a stick to 0. This can be avoided with the help of special stabilizer nodes. They are placed directly under the aura and activate independently. There are 2 types of them:
Ordinary slows down the recovery of a node by 2 times, but prevents the node from taking and giving energy to other nodes.

Advanced almost completely stops the generation of aspects, but it only prohibits nodes from giving out energy; it still has the ability to absorb, which is useful when improving a node.

Any node can be turned into an awakened one. His main feature will be that instead of the usual vis, it will issue centiVis (one hundredth of 1 unit of vis) in an infinite amount. Like a regular hang, it can have 6 main aspects. To transmit sentiVis at a distance from a node, it is necessary to use vis channels. In order to make such a node, it is necessary to place a transformer node above the node under which there is any stabilizer and apply a redstone signal to it. After which the transformer will take away all aspects from the aura and after some time it will turn into an awakened one.

The amount of sentiVis issued depends on the number of aspects in the node at the time of transformation, for this you take Square root on the number of aspects and the answer is rounded down (calculated separately for each aspect). However, it is much more profitable to transform nodes not with basic aspects, but with composite ones, since if, for example, we transform a node with 19 Victus (Aqua + Terra), we will immediately get a node that issues 4 centiVis Terra and 4 centiVis Aqua (generation rate is indicated per tick. 1 second = 20 ticks). Depending on the brightness of the node before transformation, penalties may be imposed on generation or, on the contrary, bonuses may be given (if the node was bright).

SentiVis can be used to speed up the infernal furnace, charge magic wands if there is a vis charger above the table, and it is also required for the operation of some devices.​

So, in this guide I'm going to talk about nodes of the aura, their generation, types, types, transformation and movement.

So why are they needed? Firstly, aura nodes are used to charging wands from thaumcraft(which is their main use). You can also use them for decoration (use a beam of pure unbridled magical energy to illuminate your base, which can be cooler), mob farms (hungry nodes) and for changing the biome (pure, sinister and infected).

Aura nodes are randomly generated in the world, but they are quite difficult to see with the naked eye, so to find them you need to use a thaumometer or glasses of revelation.
Aura node without using a thaumometer

 Aura node when using a thaumometer

Aura nodes are generated in the normal world, twilight forest, in hell and in world of the demon village. Aspects in a node depend on the biome in which it appeared (in hell and deserts there are mainly nodes with ignis, in the ocean biome - with aqua). To find out what aspects a node has, you need to scan it with a thaumometer or look at it with revelation glasses.

The nodes of the aura can be different: they can vary in type and brightness. To find out the type and brightness of a node you need scan it with a taumeter.
Normal aura node

The brightness of a node determines vis replenishment rate in the node when sucked with a rod, and also affect it conversion characteristics.
Normal nodes restores vis at normal speed, do not affect the characteristics during conversion.
Bright knots restore vis at increased speed, increase the characteristics of the node during transformation.
Dim nodes recover vis slower than normal
Withering knots do not restore vis at all, worsen the characteristics of the node during transformation.

By type, nodes can be normal, clean, sinister, infected, hungry and unstable.

Normal nodes are most common. They can be found in any biome and have no effects.
Normal node

Pure nodes can be found in any biome, but are most often found in the magical forest. They can also appear during cultivation silver trees change the biome to a magical forest. A distinctive feature of pure knots are particles emanating from the center to the edges.
Pure Aura Node in Silver Wood

Ominous Aura Nodes can be found in any biome, but are more common in obsidian totem or at obelisk of the ancients. Within a small radius from themselves they change the biome to sinister (Eerie) and call evil and furious zombies. Their distinctive feature is a black core from which a violet glow emanates.
An ominous knot in an obsidian totem and on an ancient obelisk

Infected nodes are found only in infected biome. Within a small radius from themselves they change the biome to an infected one. Their distinctive feature is white core, from which a purple glow emanates.
Infected node in an infested biome

Hungry Nodes are found in any biome and are quite rare. They break blocks in a small radius from themselves, attract mobs, objects and players, deal damage to them and absorb objects, while adding to themselves one of the main aspects contained in the item. This can be used for fattening node. So, for example, by eating a workbench, a node can accidentally receive 1 of the 6 main aspects. If you throw a stack of items into a node, it will count them as 1, so it's better to throw items one at a time. Knot does not break obsidian and blocks in private, which can be used to transfer it. Distinctive feature hungry nodes is a ring white around its middle.
Hungry Knot

Unstable nodes are found in any biome and are very rare. They throw out their aspects in the form of spheres, which can be picked up with a wand and replenish 1 hang of the corresponding type with it. When a sphere falls out, a node loses 1 corresponding aspect. Unstable nodes look the same as normal ones.
Unstable Node and Aspect Sphere

There are several ways to move aura nodes. It is better to move only those nodes that, when transformed, give all 6 aspects (in order to transform them), since to charge the wands on initial stage It will be enough to run around the world and not move nodes.

The simplest way, which Thaumcraft itself suggests, is moving nodes by sealing them in a jar. First you need to study " Aura node in a jar" in the basic information section. Then we find the node that we want to move, build a jar around it from glass and wooden half-blocks and click on it with a wand charged for 70 vis. Then we simply break the resulting jar and it falls into our inventory. However, this method is not the most profitable since the node has 80% probability loses one brightness level(from bright to normal, from normal to dim, from dim to fading). To “open” an aura node, you need to right-click on it with the wand.
Aura node in a jar (before pressing with a wand and after)

The second method of moving aura nodes is offered by bloodmagic. You can simply put a teleposer under the knot, connect him with a trick with another teleposer, to which we want to move the node, and activate it with a button or lever. We will lose our LPs, but the node will not lose its brightness level and will end up in the same state it was in (that is, we skip the stage of the node in the jar).
Aura node with teleposer.

Node transformation allows us to get from the node from which need to suck the vis, the node that will be constantly give out a small amount of them.
To transform a node you need to study stabilizer unit and converter unit in the "thaumaturgy" tab.
Necessary studies

Then you need to put stabilizer unit for the unit, which we will transform and converter node above it. Place the lever on top and press it.
The transformation process begins.

Once the conversion process is over, we will have a node that will continuously output aspects. If the converter or stabilizer is broken, the unit will explode, but it can be carried knob movement(an explosion with the release of contamination will still occur, but the knot will be in the knob). This node can be used for enchantment of knobs on a knob workbench or for charging wands. To charge the wands you need place a magic workbench nearby, and on it - a vis-loader. We place the rod in the workbench and it begins to charge. Only those aspects that were in the node will be restored.
Converted knot and wand charging

In order to charge the wand on all aspects, the transformed node must have all basic aspects. To obtain such a transformed node, the node before the transformation must have at least one aspect: humanus, instrumentum, fabrico, pannus, ira, lucrum, telum, machina, messis, meto, perfodio, tutamen, or a bunch of aspects Examinis + ignis (or some aspect consisting of ignis). Or any aspects, if, when decomposed, all the basic ones are obtained. (for example, a node with potentia(ignis+ordo), victus(aqua+terra), motus(ordo+aer) and perditio will also be decomposed into all base ones.
When transforming a node, the number of aspects in the transformed node is calculated by the formula: square root of each aspect when expanded, rounded down. When calculating the resulting aspect, we take the largest aspect indicator in the original node(if there are 24 humanus and 26 terras, when calculating terra, 26 terras will be taken into account, since this is the maximum indicator). The 24 terra node will become a 4 terra node and will constantly charge the terra rod. The node for 26 humanus and 40 terra will be decomposed into all basic aspects of 5 and 6 terra (since there were 40 terra). Also, the number of aspects in a node is affected by brightness. A dim node will receive 1 less of each aspect when decomposed than a normal node. A dim node with 26 humanus will be decomposed into all basic aspects by 4. Bright nodes receive a bonus when decomposing. A bright node with 24 terra will decompose into 5 terra, although it should have decomposed into 4. That is why it is unprofitable to transfer nodes with banks.
Node before and after transformation.

Perfodio is decomposed into everything, the root of 24 rounded down is 4, so there are 4 of all basic aspects, 6 of terra and 7 of perditio.

You can also add that when used on a node singular pearl, he will absorb it and with some chance he will receive 1 for each basic aspect, and also it can increase its brightness level.

The world of Thaumcraft 4 is permeated big amount magical streams, which in some places are intertwined into one whole - this is where the Thaumcraft 4 aura node appears and it is from them that we can charge our staves - the faithful tools of a thaumaturge! However, the consumption of staff reserves (vis) during the game occurs quite dynamically, therefore, recharging will be required quite often, but what to do if the aura nodes with the necessary aspects are very far from your home?

This world is magical, therefore, there is a lot you can do in it - as an option, you can transfer the necessary aura nodes to any place convenient for you and now recharging will not require long walks to different parts of the entire map.

To begin with, of all the research, you need to study the aura node in the bank (section “Basic information” in the taunanomicon). The finished scroll will look something like this in Thaumcraft 4.0:

Now you know how to put an aura node in a jar!

Or, if you play Thaumcraft version 4.1, then the opening can be represented like this:

Version 4.1 Motus=Aer + Ordo

Version 4.1 and higher Motus = Aer + Aqua

In advance, you probably noted the aura nodes that you need to recharge the wand. We move to the nearest one (we choose the best ones, and so that 2-3 nodes contain all 6 basic aspects - that is, do not collect several auras that contain the same aspect - this is unprofitable!)

We approach the selected node

To transfer you will need:

  1. 26 glass blocks;
  2. 9 wooden slabs;
  3. 70 hangs of each aspect in the wand (therefore, an ordinary wooden wand studded with iron will not work).

The first and the beginning of the second row of glass blocks

Completed first and second row

As a result, you should get the following:

Assembled 3x3x3 cube from glass blocks and an aura node in the middle

Now all that remains is to make a big lid - that’s exactly why we took it with us wood slabs- they are located where the lid is supposed to be - on top. The result of the work should look like this:

A ready-made large jar with a knot is what we need!

Now we take in our hands a rod filled with required quantity hang and, pointing it at the jar, make a swing (press the right mouse button). We will immediately see how it begins to decrease before our eyes - i.e. something similar to the screenshot below:

It is decreasing!!!

Moreover, it will shrink to its normal size - now all that remains is to come up and pick it up.

We transport this value to a predetermined place, where we will subsequently install it (to install, we take the jar with the node in our hand and press the right mouse button)

Here she is in the right place!

In order to release the knot, you need to point the magic stick at the jar and press the right mouse button, after which the glass will collapse and you will see the following:

Now the knot is where it should be!

This guide is necessary for those who love convenience, as it will significantly save your time - now there will be no need to rush around the entire virtual space to recharge the wand, and believe me, this is more than significant! The aura node in the Thaumcraft 4 bank is indeed a very convenient idea from the developers, which simply must be used, since it is better to spend time reaching new heights.