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Parnassus is a sacred mountain! Parnassus is a mountain with history.

In this article we will talk about a sacred place for any Hellene of ancient times - Mount Parnassus. The ancient Greeks believed that the “navel of the earth” (in Greek “ὀμφᾰλόςγῆς” - “the center of the Earth”) is located only 150 kilometers from Athens in Phocidea on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. On the slopes of this mountain was located the famous Delphic sanctuary, which was considered the center of the entire Panhellenic world. According to ancient Greek mythology, when Zeus decided to destroy all life on earth with a flood, Prometheus' son Deucalion was taught by his father to build a ship for himself and his wife Pyrrha. After 10 days of continuous heavy rain, Deucalion’s ship landed at the top of Mount Parnassus, where sacrifices were made by the son of Prometheus, who petitioned Zeus for the revival of the human race.
The etymology of the word "Parnassus", according to most scholars, is pre-Greek and comes from the Hittite word "parna", which translated means "house". The name confirms this ancient city in Cappadocia, which also sounds like “Parnassus”. At the same time, some researchers prove the origin of the etymology of the word from the nickname of the Olympian god Apollo “Παρνόπιος” - “locust”.
Since 1938, on the territory of Mount Parnassus there has been a National Greek Park, the area of ​​which is 3,500 hectares. It is one of the most unique and beautiful parks in the country with amazing flora and fauna. On the territory of this reserve you can see Cephalonian firs and even alpine meadows, which, combined with rare species of animals, insects and birds, make these places fabulously beautiful.
In terms of geography, the term "Parnassus" refers to the large mountain range that reaches the Sea of ​​Corinth and is the natural border of Locris with Boeotia and Phocis. Most Mount Parnassus is covered with snow. Its peaks are dotted with numerous vegetation and forests.
The famous 18th century explorer Carl Linnaeus named the flower Belozor after the name of the mountain (according to the Latin terminology “Parnássia”).
No less interesting is the Latin expression “Gradusa d Parnassum”, which translates as “step to Parnassus”. This expression from the 17th to the 19th centuries served as the title of most dictionaries on ancient Greek and Latin languages. Since the 18th century, this expression has been used to name a number of musical pieces by Western European composers.
In 1976, a ski resort was opened on Mount Parnassus. The great advantages of this resort, such as a short distance to the capital, increased throughput and the variety of trails have made it famous throughout the world. The ski season usually opens in these places in December and ends in April.

    Delphi. Delphic Oracle.

    Before today The Delphic land preserves the memory of the centuries-old greatness of the sacred ancient city. During Antiquity, the attention of the whole world was focused on Delphi thanks to the oracle, without whose solution not a single business began in Ancient Hellas. According to the historian Pausanias, in ancient times there was a sanctuary of the earth goddess Gaia and the ruler of the seas, Poseidon. After Gaia gave way to the goddess of justice Themis, from whom it in turn passed to Apollo.

    Phidias. Ancient Greek sculptor of the High Classical period

    Phidias was the son of the Athenian Charmides and a relative of the painter Panenus, while he himself showed a great penchant for painting. However, Phidias devoted his life to sculpture and, after studying with the sculptors Hegias or Agelas of Argos, acquired remarkable technical skills. Phidias worked with wood, marble, gold, ivory, bronze.

Parnassus (Mountain in Greece)

Name = Parnassus (mountain)

Comments =
Height = 2457 m
Location = Delphi city, Greece
Coordinates = 38°31′58.80″ N. w. 22°37′0.12″ E. d.

Parnassus(_el. Παρνασσός, Παρνησός) - a sacred mountain in Greece (in Phocis), associated like Olympus, Helikon, Kiferon, with mythical legends and known for the location of the Delphic oracle on it.

Mount Parnassus was considered the center of the earth (_el. ὀμφᾰλός γῆς), just as Delphi was recognized as the center of the Panhellenic state in religious terms.

In a broad sense, Parnassus refers to the mountain range starting from Eta and heading to the southeast, like the border of Locris and Boeotia with Phocis; this mountain range reaches all the way to the Corinthian Sea, called Kirfis (now Sumalies). Its highest point is Delphic Parnassus, with the peaks of Tiphorea and Lykorea (now Liokura, 2459 m), as a result of which it is called double-peaked. Parnassus is covered with forest, and its peaks are covered with snow. At the Delphic temple there were many gorges and cliffs; here was also the famous Castalian spring (_el. ἡ Κασταλία), dedicated to Apollo and the muses, as a result of which Parnassus itself was considered the seat of the muses.

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    See what “Parnassus (Mountain in Greece)” is in other dictionaries: Parnassus (mountain in Greece)

    - Parnassus (mountain) Height: 2457 m Location: city of Delphi, Greece ... Wikipedia

    Parnassus (mountain) Parnassus (disambiguation)

    - Parnassus mountain in Greece, in mythology the stay of the muses, in ancient and European culture a symbol of poetry, poetic recognition (“took a place on the literary Parnassus,” etc.) Parnassus is the old name of the mountain of Mount Sutro (English) in California Parnassus, ... ... Wikipedia - PARNASSUS high mountain in Phocis, where, according to the ancient Greeks, Apollo, the God of art and patron of the muses, lived. Complete dictionary foreign words , which have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. PARNASUS is a mountain in Thessaly, considered ... ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language Parnassus - (ParnatsoV, Parnhso) sacred mountain in Greece (in Phocis), associated like Olympus, Hedikon, Kiferon, with mythical legends and known for the location of the Pythian oracle on it. Mount P. was considered the center of the earth (omjaloV ghV), similarly ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    - Parnassus mountain in Greece, in mythology the stay of the muses, in ancient and European culture a symbol of poetry, poetic recognition (“took a place on the literary Parnassus,” etc.) Parnassus is the old name of the mountain of Mount Sutro (English) in California Parnassus, ... ... Wikipedia- It is proposed to rename this page. Explanation of the reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: Towards renaming / September 14, 2012. Perhaps its current name does not correspond to the norms of the modern Russian language and/or naming rules... ... Wikipedia - 1. mountain in Greece a mountain in the northern part of the Gulf of Corinth in Greece, belonging to the Pindus mountain range. In Greek mythology, Parnassus was considered the habitat of the muses and Apollo. In the classical era, Parnassus was located on the territory of Phocis, and in the southern... ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language Collier's Encyclopedia - (Παρνασσός, Παρνησός) a sacred mountain in Greece (in Phokis), associated like Olympus, Helikon, Kiferon, with mythical legends and known for the location of the Pythian oracle on it. Mount P. was considered the center of the earth (όμφαλος γής), like... ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron - (2 m) (mountain in Greece; also about poets, collected) ...

    - Parnassus mountain in Greece, in mythology the stay of the muses, in ancient and European culture a symbol of poetry, poetic recognition (“took a place on the literary Parnassus,” etc.) Parnassus is the old name of the mountain of Mount Sutro (English) in California Parnassus, ... ... Wikipedia Spelling dictionary of the Russian language - Parnassus (Παρνασσος), in Greek mythology: 1) the habitat of Apollo and the muses. Identified with the mountain range in Phocis. At the foot of P. were the Phocian cities of Chris and Delphi with the famous oracle in the temple of Apollo, as well as the Castalian key... ...

The ancient Greeks believed that the navel of the Earth was located just 150 km northwest of Athens, on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. Today, the Navel of the Earth is located near the entrance to the Delphi Museum. The structure dates back to the Roman era, made in the form of a semicircular marble sculpture. Once upon a time it served as a mark of the “zero coordinates” of the ancient universe. A trip to the Navel of the Earth is considered a must on any tour to Delphi. Visiting the museum will take quite a lot of time. Among the exhibits of the museum, a huge impression is made by the figure of a charioteer, cast in honor of the victory of Polizal, the ruler of the city of Gela, one of the winners of the Pythian Games that took place here. It dates back to 475 BC. Here is also the largest antique sculpture made of precious metals - the Silver Bull. According to experts, this is a gift from King Croesus to the oracle.

Apollo was revered in Delphi more than all other gods. We can say that Delphi is dedicated to the god Apollo. According to ancient Greek myth, Apollo became the most revered god in Delphi after he killed the monstrous Python, the son of Gaia (Earth). He guarded the entrance to his mother's temple. Apollo's symbol is a dolphin, hence the name of the city - Delphi. One of Apollo's "residences" was Parnassus. Apollo's retinue consisted of nine muses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. The Muses were considered the patroness of the fine arts and sciences. Hence the second name of Parnassus - Mount of Muses. All muses had the gift of prophecy.

Over the centuries, Delphi has been visited by many pilgrims from all over Greece. The purpose of the pilgrimage was to hear the voice of the deity speaking through the oracle. The Delphic oracle spoke through the Pythia - the priestesses of Apollo. They were chosen by the priests themselves among women over 50 years old. It was believed that Apollo himself endowed them with the ability to predict. The Pythia performed sacred rites in a special underground room, drank water from the Castalian spring and chewed laurel leaves, sacred tree Apollo. After which they fell into a trance and began to utter fragmentary, incomprehensible phrases. These obscure messages to people were deciphered by the priests. The answers were always ambiguous. For this, Apollo was nicknamed Loxius, which means Ambiguous. The sanctuary, as a place of pagan cult, was closed by Emperor Theodosius I the Great in 393 AD, after Christianity acquired the status of the state religion of ancient Rome.

One of the most beautiful and ancient buildings in Delphi is the tholos, a building round shape, built of white and black marble. Archaeologists consider it part of the sanctuary of Athena and date it back to the 4th century BC.

The Amphitheater of Delphi, it could seat 5,000 people.

Fog over the Parnassus Mountains.

Video: “DELPHI. Delphi is the ancient navel of the earth. Greece". Part 1

Mount Parnassus on the map:

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Greece is an ancient country, replete with not only visually beautiful, but also historically remarkable places. One of them is Parnassus, a mountain that has not lost its significance to this day, although it has changed its role in the life of Greece.

Why is the mountain called Parnassus?

The etymology of the name of one of the greatest Greek landmarks is very interesting. Disputes between scientists have not subsided to this day. The overwhelming majority of them believe that the mountain received the name “Parnassus” in the pre-Greek era and has Hittite roots. In the language of this people, the word “parna” meant “home, refuge, comfort.” However, some researchers insist that the mountain got its name from the Greek word Παρνόπιος. It can be translated as “locust” - this is one of Apollo’s nicknames: his statues were placed in places suffering from attacks by these insects, in the hope that God would protect the crops.

Historical landmark

At one time, Mount Parnassus was considered the favorite peak of the gods, which they visited for relaxation and from where highest probability The answer could be addressed to one of the inhabitants of Olympus. The ancient Greeks called this place the navel (center) of the Earth. On its slopes there was located (and to a certain extent still preserved) the world-famous Delphic sanctuary, which received the oracle of Apollo - the Pythia. A miraculous spring is also located here, and at the foot of it were carried out, glorified by ancient Greek authors. Moreover, when Zeus was angry and decided to flood the earth to destroy humanity, Deucalion, the son of Apollo, on the advice of his father, built a ship (there is an analogy with Noah, however, besides Deucalion there was only his wife) and after ten days of travel he landed at the top of Parnassus. The sacrifices made to Zeus appeased the god, and the human race was revived.

Parnassus is a mountain that has been considered since ancient times the refuge of muses and the inspiration of poets, even after the extinction of Hellenic culture. With its mention, the study of ancient Greek in schools began until the 19th century.

Modern value of Parnassus

To begin with, we note that it is now considered not a single peak, but the entire chain to which it belongs. In modern times, Parnassus is the mountain on which it is located National Park with an area of ​​3.5 thousand hectares. On the territory of Greece it is the largest and oldest, with the richest collection of fauna and flora.

Since 1976, Mount Parnassus has been an attractive and wonderful ski resort. It is named after its location and is the largest and best equipped in Greece. The ski season here is open from early December to mid-April. The ski center offers twenty pistes. Of these, 20% are difficult, which even some professionals cannot overcome, and the rest are approximately equally divided into easy, for beginners, and moderate, for fairly experienced skiers. It is curious that the prices for a day of skiing are quite affordable: for an adult - 15 euros, for children 5-17 years old - 14, and for old people and children - just one euro.

A special feature of the resort is the absence of hotels. This nuance in some way makes it even more attractive: for an overnight stay, people go to the historically and aesthetically attractive Delphi or the very interesting resort village of Arachova, which is famous, in addition to its lively nightlife and cuisine for all tastes, hand-made carpets and exclusive cheeses and wines.

Where is Mount Parnassus located?

The current starting point is the resort of the same name, which is very much loved by the capital’s residents: it is located only 150 kilometers from Athens. In general, Mount Parnassus in Greece lies on the northern coast and acts as a natural border between Locris, Phocis and Boeotia. Geographically, this mountain range belongs to central Greece.

funny geographical fact we can assume that Mount Parnassus also exists near St. Petersburg. Moreover, there are two of them in this area. One, since 1755, has been located in and the second - on the Pargolovskaya manor, where even the metro station near the St. Petersburg version of the Greek mountain is called “Parnassus”. Despite the fact that they are not located in Greece, they are tourist attractions and are visited by visitors from all over the world.

Where was the center of the Earth? Which mountains were considered sacred and where did the muses live? Today you have the opportunity to conquer snowy peaks, which our ancestors looked at with awe - because the Gods lived there.

Mount Parnassus was considered the center of the earth, just as Delphi was recognized as the center of the Panhellenic state in religious terms. In a broad sense, Parnassus refers to the mountain range starting from Eta and heading to the southeast, like the border of Locris and Boeotia with Phocis; this mountain range reaches all the way to the Corinthian Sea, called Kirfis (now Sumalies). Its highest point is Delphic Parnassus, with the peaks of Tiphorea and Lykorea (now Liokura, 2459 m), as a result of which it is called double-peaked. Parnassus is covered with forest, and its peaks are covered with snow.

The main temple of Parnassus is dedicated to Apollo, and there are avenues of laurels and cypress trees around it. Legend says that the nymph Daphne turned into a laurel, who attracted Apollo and chose to turn into evergreen shrub than being his girlfriend.

At the Delphic temple there were many gorges and cliffs; here was also the famous Castalian spring, dedicated to Apollo and the muses, as a result of which Parnassus itself was considered the seat of the muses. Many legends and mythical stories follow this name from ancient times, and this mountain was once considered sacred. Likorea and Tiphorea are the most high peaks. The mountains themselves are covered by forest, and the peaks, surprisingly, are all covered in snow. That’s why Parnassus is proud of its ski resorts, but more resorts are proud of monuments that have unique historical value and are located not far from the slopes of the mountain.

On Mount Liokura, one of the two peaks of Parnassus, there was a stalactite cave, which the ancient Greeks called the Corycian Cave; Unbridled Bacchic festivities were held near her.

And who doesn’t know the expression “navel of the Earth”? It is after visiting Parnassus that vacationers will be able to go on an excursion to this marble monument, which depicts ribbons pulling it. Among the Greeks, this stone was considered the fulfiller of all desires and was called Omphalos. According to legend, Zeus released two eagles, deciding to determine where the center of the earth and the birds met precisely above Delphi. Also in Delphi you should definitely visit the Temple of Apollo, the Sacred Square, the treasury of the Athenians and the Archaeological Museum where you can admire the beautiful ancient statues. In the area around the Temple of Apollo there is a lot of vegetation; alleys of cypresses and laurels surround it. And when entering the temple, you need to take a bath in the spring called Kastalsky, which has the effect of rejuvenation and healing. Kastalsky spring (Kastalsky spring) is a spring on Mount Parnassus, near Delphi. According to one version, the name of the spring comes from the name of the nymph Castalia, who, in order to avoid persecution by Apollo, threw herself into this spring. The Castalian key was used for ritual ablutions by pilgrims when visiting Delphi, as well as by the Pythia before the start of her divinations.

The history of Arakhov is connected with the terrible battle of the Greeks with the Turkish army. In 1826, the military leader Georgios Karaiskakis defeated the army of Mustafa Bey at Parnassus. As a trophy, he took 300 heads of Turks, which he sent to Athens as a gift to the government. The anniversary of the battle is still celebrated in Arachova.

Territory of mystery Ancient Hellas attracts tourists not only with fabulous islands described in ancient Greek myths, picturesque seaside towns, but also with developed ski resorts. Most ski areas are located on the slopes of the majestic Mount Parnassus. The ski resort of the same name Parnassus is considered the best in Greece, there are modern ski lifts and child Center, equipped trails, equipment rental points and several shops. The only negative is the lack of hotels, so skiers are forced to stay in the adjacent towns of Arachova and Delphi.

The oldest ski resort in Greece, operating since 1934, is the Seli ski resort, located in close proximity to Thessaloniki. It features equipped trails on the slopes of Mount Vermio, where both beginners and experienced skiers can ski, cross-country ski trails and its own snow park. And around the Seli resort there are many traditional mountain villages where you can taste local wine and get acquainted with fantastic cuisine.

The word “delphi” goes back to the Indo-European “delphos” - “womb”, “womb”. This is where the words “delphos” - “brother” or “half-born”, and “dolphin” - “newborn baby” come from. The reason for this name is apparently related to the proximity to the Temple of Apollo the Navel of the Earth.

The building was completed in 1976 ski resort on Parnassus. And the length of the ski slopes stretches for fourteen kilometers. There are tracks for both professionals of this sport and beginner thrill-seekers. On Parnassus, the season lasts from mid-December to the end of April. All 20 slopes of the resort are located at an altitude of 1600 m - 2300 m above sea level between the highest peaks of Mount Parnassus - Liakoura and Gerondovrachos. Here are located two of the most famous ski centers of Parnassus - Fterolaka and Kelaria. The total length of the slopes is 14 km, half of which are slopes for beginner skiers. The easiest “blue” slopes are Tilemakhos, Iraklis, Ira 1, Pan, and have a gentle and wide descent. The route is concentrated in the town of Arachova, located near Parnassus. This is where Parnassus skiers mainly stop. In Arachova, nightclubs and bars are open all night long, where you can not only try delicious food, but also listen to musical compositions various styles, from folklore to jazz.

As for entertainment and gifts, in Arachova, local needlewomen handcraft carpets that are nice to give to loved ones, as a souvenir from Parnassus. And having tasted locally produced wines and snacked on cheeses that are prepared right there, you will leave an indelible impression of your vacation on Parnassus.