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Regular and sticky piston - craft, history, purpose. How to make a piston and its useful functions

The piston is one of the indispensable elements of the Minecraft game. With its help, players have the opportunity to create different mechanisms to promote your heroes.

How to make a piston in Minecraft - appearance

  • At first there was no piston launch in the game. One of the players suggested introducing it into the Minecraft toolkit. He independently developed the first version of the piston and sent it to the developers for review. A subsequent update added this tool to the game. After this, all players were able to use the new feature in Minecraft.
  • At first, some problems often appeared when activating it. The most common of them is throwing the character up.
  • The developers decided to slightly improve the functionality and eliminate shortcomings. When update 12w27a (1.3.1) was released, the piston began to work much better; players no longer encountered such difficulties. From that moment on, the piston became one of the most useful and used tools in the Minecraft game.

How to make a piston in Minecraft - the purpose of the combination

  • The “piston” function is needed to create objects in the game such as a car, elevator, mechanical door, trap or cannon. The appearance of these objects is possible because the piston is capable of moving the game blocks horizontally and vertically. However, the maximum movement is possible only for 12 blocks.
  • This tool affects some objects and individual characters. Thanks to the piston, obsidian and bedrock can be moved in the game.
  • In the game, this move is unaffected by lava and water, and is also capable of destroying torches and pumpkins. However, it is easy to break with a regular blow.
  • Due to the content of a certain code in some blocks, the piston will not be able to affect them. Such exceptions include: portal; sign; spawner; box.

How to make a piston in Minecraft

In order not to look for a piston in the game, you can try to create it yourself. There are 2 types of tools for this:

To create a regular move, the player will need the following materials:

  • iron ingot;
  • boards – 3 pcs.;
  • cobblestones – 4 pcs.;
  • red dust.

These materials can be obtained in the game as follows:

  • iron ingot is mined by melting ore;
  • to create boards you will need wood species;
  • cobblestones are mined with a pickaxe from stone blocks;
  • Red dust is mined from red ore blocks, and they are hidden underground at the diamond level.

A sticky piston is created when it is necessary to obtain a mechanism that can return the blocks to their original positions. It allows you to improve the operation of some game systems.

To create a sticky piston you need:

  • find slime that appears from small cubic slugs that live in caves and mines;
  • attach it to the main mechanism of a conventional piston.

The piston was suggested to be introduced on the Minecraft forum. It was proposed by a player under the nickname Hippoplatimus. And later this person independently created this block and, by his will, it was introduced into the game. And for good reason, this block is useful to players and plays a significant role in the game.


It provides block pushing in minecraft, with the help of it you can build many different mechanisms in minecraft, which make life in the minecraft game much easier. This is a special, unique mechanism that pushes blocks in different directions. In horizontal, vertical. If you want everything more mechanized, then crafting it is worth it.

The power of the piston in Minecraft is great, it is capable of moving as many as 12 blocks. Possesses unique properties and is done for the convenience and creativity of using the items the player uses. Thereby providing a more automated existence in the world of Minecraft. Everything can be controlled either with a lever or a button and there is no need to perform unnecessary movements. He can also influence players or make any movements towards objects that you want to use.

But pistons in minecraft have one feature: they cannot push some things, blocks. For example, they cannot push obsidian, because it is bedrock, or tablets, stoves, chests, spawners.

One piston can even push the other if it is in a compressed state. Some items, such as a torch, fall out when moved, or, for example, pumpkins.


Pistons in minecraft are activated in an interesting way, it can be activated by a red stone signal or otherwise called redstone. Red stone cannot be made, it is mined in mines at a depth of 1-20 blocks, it cannot be made.


There are 2 types of piston in minecraft, which differ in their properties. There is a sticky piston and a regular one.

Regular piston (video)
How to make a piston in minecraft, many players ask this question. You can craft it using boards, cobblestones, red dust and iron ingots. (craft is shown in the screenshot below) To craft a regular piston, you don’t need to look for the necessary resources for a long time, because they are found often. Therefore, players who have not had time to get used to the world can afford to craft this piston, because making it is not so difficult.

When you make it, you can use boards of any type, which makes crafting much easier for the player.

Sticky piston (video). It's not that difficult to make. It is made like a regular one, it also pushes up to 12 blocks. But it has one feature that is important to players. It has the property of returning the block to the same place in which it stood, i.e. it can be deactivated. Which allows you to create even more opportunities to interact with him. It has no gravity, so sand and gravel can be kept in the air without falling down, which allows it to be unique and so useful to players.

Craft. You can do it using mucus and a regular piston, as shown in the screenshot. You can craft a sticky piston without much difficulty and it is available to almost every player. You can also watch the video on how to craft a piston.

You cannot talk about a subject without knowing any information about it. Before talking about the action itself, it is necessary to understand what a thing is, as well as reveal its purpose. When everything is clear, you can begin to figure out how to craft a piston in Minecraft and then use it.

A piston is a special kind of block with which you are given the opportunity to move other objects relative to the place where it is installed. This applies not only to the horizontal, familiar to us, but also vertical arrangement, to put it simply, it is not affected by gravitational forces. It is worth noting that he is capable of moving not only one object or block, but several at once (up to 12 units at a time). If there are entities in the way, they will be moved along with the blocks.

There are pistons in two variations: regular and sticky. With the help of sticky ones, during the game you can easily set up a trap for enemies, or simply push them into the abyss, throwing them to the side. However, you need to know that both options block fluids. Taking advantage of this, you have the opportunity to surprise your ill-wisher again. Be prudent and attentive so as not to dig a hole for yourself and fall into your own trap. Now it's time to talk about the materials needed for crafting.


Let's start with the simplest, most common and quite important resource. In order for you to easily make a piston, you need to get enough boards. This is something without which it will not be possible to make the subject to which this article is devoted. But, since the board in the above game is a mandatory resource, which is needed mainly in construction, there should be no problems. For any manipulations with any types of wood that are identical in their properties and differ only in color, you get 4 boards per unit. To create a piston, it is best to use oak boards.

You should try to always have with you this resource, because you can use it to make wooden sticks, which are necessary for creating various items in the game Minecraft. Once you have more than enough of this material, you can begin to extract other resources that make up the piston.

Iron and cobblestone

The second most important item that would help you craft a piston in Minecraft is a stone derivative - cobblestone. It is also a very valuable resource. Surely, it’s already clear how to get it: by using a pickaxe on any block of stone. However, sometimes cobblestone can be made using lava and water.

Another resource that will be needed in order to create a piston is iron. It is not often obtained through nature, i.e. easy to find in its pure form in a cave, for example. But more often it is mined when working with iron blocks.

If this is the only resource you need to create a piston, or you’re confused about where to get it, the answer is here. You won't need ore, but an iron ingot, and to get it, you'll have to work with iron blocks for a short time or kill an iron golem. From one such character you can usually get 3 to 5 ingots. It is worth noting that this resource can also be obtained by roasting iron ore. Having already these three necessary components to create a piston, you can begin to search for the most difficult to obtain resource.

Red dust

In Minecraft, it’s customary that for almost every system to work, you need one very important ingredient - red dust. This is an energy resource that ensures the functioning of all game mechanisms. You will need to think carefully and work hard to find this material, since without it you will not be able to carry out any manipulations regarding the piston, and, accordingly, it simply will not work.

What is red dust? This is a material that is obtained by the interaction of ore and red blocks. This means that by working with red ore, it is possible to extract this energy resource. Another option for obtaining red dust is purchasing from merchants or communicating with witches.

If we talk about how many resources are needed before creating a piston in Minecraft, then everything is simple. Due to the difficulty of obtaining red dust, only one unit of it will be required, just like iron ingots. Since boards are not a rare thing in the game, you will need 3 of them. And most of all you will need cobblestones - as many as 4 units. If you want to try to make a sticky piston, you will have to get a little more mucus.

Congratulations! Now, with enough knowledge regarding the piston, users can use it at their discretion. It will be very good if this information will help you in the future to skillfully handle all the resources, systems and mechanisms of the game. We will be glad to rate the article or comment! Thanks for reading, good luck!


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Hi all! Today we will try to figure out one of the integral parts of minecraft, namely pistons. Here, beginners will learn: how to make a piston, the function of pistons, the differences between a sticky piston and a regular piston.

So, to craft a piston we need:
1 redstone
1 iron
3 boards (type of wood does not matter)
3 cobblestones.

We lay out all this as shown in Figure 1.

This is a recipe for a regular plunger, to make it sticky you just need to take a regular plunger and add mucus (Fig. 2). So we made 2 types of piston.

Why are pistons needed in Minecraft?

But now a question arises. Why did I even craft them? Here you can move away from explanations a little. Pistons were added to Minecraft in beta 1.7 and brought with them the other half of the game's fun. It's about about redstone schemes that make minecraft not just a game about survival, but something like a construction set, where every mind can come up with something of its own. But today is not about schemes.

Now, let's look at the most basic function of the piston. First of all, you should know that the piston has 2 states - passive and active. Passive is the normal position of a block. Active - when a redstone signal is connected to the piston, then its front part moves forward (Figure 3).

This front part is capable of moving blocks forward, but after the signal is turned off, it leaves the block in the position it moved it to. This is the function of a conventional piston (Figure 4).

The operation of the sticky piston is slightly different; it also moves the block forward, but when turned off, it “takes it back” (Figure 5).

From such basics, people have come up with the most ingenious mechanisms. For example, a system of leveled enchantments. I'll explain how it is. Sometimes people encounter this problem: you have fully equipped the enchantment and now it can enchant objects to the greatest extent possible. high level, but bad luck! For example, you need to enchant a pickaxe not to level 30, but let’s say level 10, you don’t want to break book blocks, what should you do?

And here pistons come to the rescue and help solve the problem. The pistons simply move the book blocks into the area of ​​influence of the enchanting table. This way you can build a suitable level. There is also an automatic farm for collecting pumpkins, watermelons and canes. Everything is much more complicated here, so it’s better to google it yourself, or find a video on YouTube.

I hope this information helped you. Good luck to all! Let the diamonds find you themselves ;)

If someone is wondering how to create a piston in a game, it means that such a gamer is seriously interested in this game and is eager to master its new tricks. Piston is mainly designed for those who have gone quite far in this game, but the information will also be useful for beginners. So, what is a piston for, and how to create one? The use of the piston is quite limited. He can push several blocks, usually no more than 12, except for those that interact with the player. However, as the gamer progresses in the game, he finds new ways to use the piston in different designs and mechanisms.

Instructions on how to make a light piston in Minecraft:

Now, let's look at crafting a piston. We need:

  • + Boards- 3 blocks.
  • + Cobblestones- 4 blocks.
  • + iron ingot - 1.
  • + Red dust - 1.

Getting the first two resources is not at all difficult; even novice players will not have problems obtaining them. An iron ingot is obtained from iron ore, which is quite rare, but can still be found. Red dust is obtained from red ore, which is located at great depths, but is not difficult to find. The collected resources must be arranged in the order that is available on the slides. Precise placement of resources ensures a finished piston. To activate it, you need a lever or redstone circuit. You need to install it front side to the player. It should also be added that one piston can push another if it is in a compressed state.

Be sure to watch the crafting video: