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For many, splits are the ultimate dream and an indicator of flexibility. They dream and daydream about it, but at the same time thinking that doing the splits yourself is quite difficult and costs incredible effort and long training.
This is not entirely true; you can do the splits in just one week, but this will require some effort.

Achieving the desired result will be quite simple if you follow the instructions and perform all the exercises daily for a week.

Recommendations for twine instructions: To make stretching sessions more interesting, turn on pleasant, positive music. When performing exercises, you should not make sudden movements, as this can cause unpleasant pain in your muscles.

What does it take to learn how to do the splits in a week?

For classes, you will need light clothing made from natural fabrics that will not restrict movement.

Twine exercises

Warm up. Before you start, you should stretch your leg muscles well. Active walking for 10-15 minutes is good for this. Jumping in place, running in place, swinging your arms and legs.

Stretching. Next, sit on the floor or mat and spread your leg to the side. As you inhale, reach your legs with your hands, keeping your back straight. Reaching your hands to your toes, hold for 20-30 seconds, exhale. Repeat this 14 more times. Remember to watch your back and breathing.

Right angle. For the next exercise, from a sitting position, you should extend one leg forward and the other to the side at a 90-degree angle. If right angle If it doesn’t work, then help your leg with your whole body to stretch to a right angle. Do 15 sets and change legs. Remember to keep your back straight while performing this exercise.

Legs up. For the next exercise, you need to lie on the floor and from this position raise both legs up at a right angle. Then spread your legs apart and hold them like that for a second, then bring them together again and lower them to the floor, rest for 10 seconds and repeat this nine more times on the first day of training. In subsequent days, increase the number of times at your discretion.

Swing your legs.
The exercise is performed from a standing position, the back should be straight. To begin, swing your left leg 20-30 times forward, then lift your leg at a right angle and hold it for 30 seconds. Repeat the same for the right leg. If desired, the number of swings can vary, but the more, the better.

After completing this exercise, swing forward and to the side. First, lift your leg forward, and then slowly move it to the side. It turns out to be a swing and a suspended hold.

Lunges. The exercise is also performed from a standing position. Lunge sharply onto your right leg so that your right leg remains at a right angle. Rock for 20-30 seconds. The muscles of the groin area should feel tension. Then lunge with your left leg. Repeat alternately 12-16 times.

Moving the leg to the side. From a standing position, lift your right leg, bend it at the knee, and press it to your chest. Then move your leg as far to the side as possible, and you should feel the muscles stretch. Repeat the exercise for the second leg, doing a total of 15 passes on each leg.

Leg thrown up. From a standing position, throw your leg over the back of a chair, table or windowsill. Then, bending your leg at the knee, move your whole body towards the thrown leg. Repeat this movement 12-15 times. Switch legs and repeat the exercise for the other leg the same number of times.

After completing these exercises, you will feel well enough that you have muscles in your legs so that you can relax them by going to the bathhouse after class or getting a massage.

Strong, trained and elastic muscles mean healthy, ease of gait and movement, as well as the prevention of many diseases. The spine remains flexible - mobile, while there is no need to be afraid such common illnesses as or intervertebral hernia.

Due to constant stimulation of blood circulation, the pelvic organs are not subject to congestion and inflammatory processes, and the intestines function optimally.

For women, performing split stretching exercises is especially important. Formed impeccable posture, thin waist and graceful easy gait. In addition, during training intensively fat goes away from the main female “problem areas”: the abdomen and hips. Stretching also has a positive effect on the condition of the veins of the lower extremities. Thanks to regular exercises the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, become elastic, and the first signs of varicose veins disappear. If you decide to take up dancing, then the ability to do the splits will definitely come in handy.


The benefits of this type of exercise are undeniable, and you can start doing it at any age. How quickly you can achieve the desired result depends on muscle preparedness and determination. However, there are a number of certain conditions of the body, not allowing you to train at home on one's own:

  • inflammatory diseases muscles and joints, especially in acute form;
  • spinal column and pelvic injuries(bone cracks and hip dislocations are the most dangerous);
  • arterial hypertension.

If already diagnosed with osteochondrosis, then a preliminary consultation with your doctor is necessary. In most cases, stretching exercises are beneficial, but should be performed with extreme caution. By training at home regularly and without contraindications, you can already in 2-3 months you will be able to do the longitudinal or transverse splits.

The most effective stretching exercises for splits

Each workout (for any muscle group) begins with mandatory warm-up. Stretching muscles can seriously injure them, so special attention should be paid to preparation.

  • a few squats
  • body bends,
  • swinging legs.

Will also help stimulate blood circulation running in place or vigorous walking. Warm up and sufficiently nourished muscles will tone up faster, and the effectiveness of the training will increase.


Stretching exercises are performed in two positions: standing and sitting. This part of the complex is dedicated to the first type and is much shorter than the second. The legs are stretched alternately, for each of them you should perform at least 8 repetitions:

With your legs spread wide apart, your hands on your waist and watching your posture, Bend your right knee and squat, keeping your left leg straight. In this case, you need to pull the toe towards you, while simultaneously feeling the tension in the target muscle group (you should make several springy swings up and down). This exercise is designed to work out back and inner thighs.

The next element will require good coordination and balance. It begins similarly to the previous one, with a squat on the right leg, after which the body turns smoothly to the left. In this case, the weight is transferred to the left leg, it bends at the knee, and the other straightens. In this phase the exercise is similar with a classic forward lunge. If it is difficult to maintain balance right away, you can initially rest your palms on the floor.

These movements will prepare the muscles and joints for a more intense subsequent load.


Despite the lower static voltage, the second part of the complex is characterized by more palpable pain.

This is a normal phenomenon, since stretching is always painful, but you shouldn’t get too carried away: it will be unpleasant should disappear after 10-15 seconds after the element starts executing. If the pain does not go away or increases, the activity should be stopped.

  • The perineal muscles are well stretched with the following exercise. Sitting bend your knees and bring your feet together and then do leaning the body forward between the knees. At the same time, the hips move apart and the tension of the corresponding muscle group is felt.
  • Stretch your right leg forward, bend your left leg and rest your heel on the inside of your thigh. Bend towards your straight leg as low as possible, trying to touch your feet with your hands and your knees with your chest.
  • The next exercise is almost similar to the previous one, but in the starting position the bent leg needs to be thrown straight(foot as high on the thigh as possible). Repeat for the second limb.
  • Straighten one leg, bend the other and move it back at a right angle so that the heel rests on the buttock. Tilt your torso towards your straight leg, while clasping your feet with your palms and touching the knee with the chest. Do an equal number of repetitions on the other leg.
  • Bring your legs together and straighten them, and then lean forward springily. You should try to reach your feet with your palms.
  • This element is similar to the previous one (the same forward bends), but is performed with straight legs apart. You should bend as low as possible between your limbs, touching the floor with your chest and without bending your knees.
  • Kneel down and spread your legs and feet in different directions. Raise and lower your pelvis, almost touching the floor. The back should remain straight.
  • From the same starting position, perform deepest forward bends. This will help stretch the back and inner thighs.

Exercise photos:

Many beginners in fitness set a goal to do the splits. The goal is worthy and worth your time if you really need the splits (you do martial arts, gymnastics, acrobatics, etc.). In this post we’ll talk about splits for beginners.

Despite great amount There are very few tips and videos on the topic of twine on the Internet, of which there are very few that are really valuable. Mostly stupid and irresponsible pop. Thoughtless use of such tips in practice can easily lead to serious injuries to joints and muscles, or even disability. We are, of course, talking about stretching through pain and when attempts are made to do the splits with the help of a heavy partner leaning on you with his whole body.

In this post I will give the most important information about the splits and show you how to do it really correctly.

What is twine?

A split is a gymnastics and acrobatics figure in which straight legs are spread apart along one line (transverse split) or one leg is directed forward and the other back (longitudinal split). In this case, the legs are pressed to the floor along their entire length.

To assume the split position, you need to develop significant flexibility in the muscles of the legs and pelvis. The essence of split training is to gradually achieve such flexibility that you can easily get into the desired position.

How to do the splits correctly

When you look at pictures on the Internet of people doing the splits, you are unlikely to ask the question “is this split done correctly?”

Most people don't even think about it how to do the splits correctly. Cross splits are almost always performed correctly, since its biomechanics are extremely simple (legs must be on the same line). And we will talk about it below. But with longitudinal twine, serious clarifications are needed.

This is what an incorrect longitudinal twine looks like

It's not clear why it's wrong? It is extremely important for a beginner to understand what an incorrect split looks like. Read on! I'll explain everything.

How to sit on the correct longitudinal split

Pay attention to the leg moving back and the position of the pelvis. In the first three photos, which show the wrong split, you can see the most common mistake that most people do when doing the split. This is an unnatural position of the hip joint of the leg, pulled back. In this position, the ligaments (the lining of the joint) of the hip joint experience very abnormal twisting and can be easily injured. This instantly leads to instability of the entire joint, discomfort in it, clicking when walking, etc. The most stubborn supporters of doing the splits haphazardly can easily end up in a hospital bed, since they may lose the ability to simply walk due to severe pain.

For clarity, I drew this diagram so that you understand exactly how to sit on the longitudinal splits.

The leg being pulled back should be pulled back, not to the side. In this case, the foot should be tucked inward, not outward. The knee should be pointing straight down, not to the side.

The pelvis should not turn after the leg is pulled back. It should remain in a natural upright position.

By following these simple rules, you will protect yourself from extremely unpleasant consequences.

How to sit on the correct cross split?

It is believed that doing the transverse split is much more difficult than doing the longitudinal split. But this statement does not correspond to my experience. Properly performed longitudinal splits also require a lot of time and effort.

This is what the cross twine looks like.

Please note that this is a way to do the splits with your toes and knees turned up. This is the simplest version of cross twine. This is what you should start striving for when you start training for flexibility.

If you turn your toes and knees forward, you will get much more difficult option, which not everyone achieves.

This is a cross split in the full sense of the word. And it will require a lot of time and effort from you.

Twine rules

Now let's talk about the rules associated with the development of twine. And at the same time, we’ll dispel some of the stupidest myths that are very common on the Internet.

How quickly can you do the splits?

Nobody knows for sure. Even those who promise you “the splits in one day” or “doing the splits in one week.” Flexibility is a very individual thing. There are people who are very gifted in plastic arts. They succeed in almost everything right away or almost immediately. Body tissues are plastic and mobile. There are people with average flexibility. They need to work hard, but the results will be very good in just a couple of weeks. There are people who are very inflexible (as they say, “wooden”). But even in this case, developing flexibility is worthwhile. Moreover, these are the people who should place a strong emphasis on flexibility in their training.

The most realistic period for which the most a common person with average data can do the splits, is six months. And I completely agree with this strong statement!

How long do you need to train to do the splits?

To develop the ability to do the splits, you need to train 5-6 times a week for 30-60 minutes.

What exercises should I do for the splits?

Flexibility exercises can be static, dynamic and ballistic (a type of dynamic).

The best results are achieved by those who use all these types of exercises, and do not just freeze for half an hour in the splits position.

How long to stretch muscles?

To develop the ability to do the splits, each exercise is performed in 2-3 approaches. If this static exercise(stretched and held), then 30-40 seconds is enough. If this is a dynamic exercise, 15-20 repetitions per set is enough. You can rest no more than a minute between approaches.

Is it necessary to “open” the hip joints for the cross split?

When I hear or see trainers forcibly putting a person into the splits, putting them in the lotus position and standing on the poor client’s hips with all their (sometimes very significant) weight, I involuntarily shudder. Do these people understand what they are doing? The client allows himself to be maimed, and the trainer (due to illiteracy and irresponsibility) cripples the poor fellow.

Do not allow such experiments to be carried out on yourself! For you, they will certainly end in a hospital bed. The development of flexibility cannot be rushed at all. Develop flexibility gradually, without pain or sudden movements. This is a guarantee of quick results and no injuries.

Now you know much more how to do the splits. Use this knowledge and ask any questions you have in the comments.

More about twine

Cosmo will tell you how you can do the splits using simple but effective exercises. Quick and easy exercises done every day will lead to the stretch of your dreams.

Flexibility, by the way, is not an innate quality of the human body.

Thanks to physical activity and regular training, you can achieve not only ideal forms, but also excellent stretching.

Despite the fact that flexibility seems unattainable from the outside, the body is easy to train. This means that it is now easier to sit on a “rope” or a transverse one.

Plus, you don't need to go to the gym or use additional equipment to achieve results. True, as in any sport, it requires compliance with some very important rules. Cosmo will tell you everything in order.

Preparing for the splits

So, the first and most important condition is that the muscles must be warmed up and prepared. Therefore, you should not neglect warming up. This way, you will prepare your body for intense exercise.

Of course you shouldn't initial stage load the body so that there is no strength left. It will be enough to warm up with light running or jumping. By the way, experts advise preparing for the main lesson. If you don’t like running or jumping, do a few simple yoga asanas – “sun salutations”.

Do not forget that all joints, ligaments and muscles must be warmed up. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid unpleasant injuries and sprains.

Stretching for beginners. Simple level

You need to remember that muscle flexibility is not only the result of the training of your body. A lot depends on your genetic predisposition and age. However, do not despair if achieving results takes longer than expected.

After completing the warm-up, you can gradually begin training. Experts ask you to avoid jerky movements. Exit exercises smoothly, do not overload your body. As a rule, beginners try to “squeeze out” as much as possible during their first lessons, but this approach is very dangerous.

Pain is a constant companion of training if you improve your flexibility. Only the pain should not be cutting in nature. Try to pay attention to the sensations while stretching. If you suddenly feel cutting or other unpleasant pain, stop training immediately.

Try to stick to the system. Any specialist will tell you that systematics are important in achieving ideal stretching. The most comfortable frequency of training when the body can recover is 3 times a week. Remember that discipline and motivation are very important if you dream of a beautiful, stretched and flexible body.

Advice from the professionals:

Celebrate your achievements and progress. So, you can dynamically track how close the stretching is to the ideal.

Look for additional visual materials. Subscribe to in social networks to the pages of those people who will motivate you.

Of course, today there are many stretching schools where you, under the supervision of qualified trainers, will learn how to stretch correctly.

Remember that responsibility for you carry loads only you. Be careful and maintain balance, do not abuse your muscles and ligaments. Stretch slowly and steadily, without sudden movements.

However, if the motivation is great, and conditions and circumstances do not allow you to go to the gym, home training will be an excellent alternative.

Duration of training at home

Unfortunately, you should not expect cross or longitudinal splits after two weeks or a month of training if the body was not flexible and developed before. In this case, you should slowly but carefully work out the joints, muscles and ligaments.

In addition, you should listen carefully to the signals given by your body during training. Don't forget that after an intense workout, your muscles should relax and rest. Take a warm shower or bath to help your body return to normal.

Types of Stretching Exercises

There are two types of twine - transverse and longitudinal. Longitudinal, in turn, can be right or left. But the transverse one is called “rope” in everyday life.

You can stretch both dynamically and statically. Dynamics means swinging the leg, and statics means direct stretching exercises. If you want quick results, then you shouldn’t spend all your time on statics. It is important to stretch the muscles by swaying with a short amplitude.

Workout clothes

Of course, the clothes you wear to stretch cannot restrict your movement. Wear a comfortable sports top and leggings. For footwear, give preference to socks or shoes with sliding soles. It is important that your feet slide easily across the surface without encountering any resistance.

Nutrition during split training

Of course, nutrition during training should be given no less attention than exercise. Add Omega-3 fats and collagen to your diet. Also, remember to drink enough fluid. Together with training, these components will allow the skin to become more elastic.

There is an opinion that meat products negatively affect the quality of ligaments, the muscles with them become less flexible and pliable.

Check out these super exercises that will help improve your stretching!

How to master longitudinal splits

Exercise 1. Lunge

The same muscles are used as during running and walking. Take a wide lunge forward, keeping your arms parallel to your feet. Perform several swings, bending your wrists at the elbow. The elbow points back.

Exercise 2. Deflection

Without changing the position of your legs, join your hands at the top. Place your palms and stretch your body up, watch your neck and body, and fix your shoulders in one position. Arch your back and feel the muscles slowly stretch.

Exercise 3. Lower bend

Lower one leg onto your knee while maintaining balance. Without bending your front leg, place your hands on your lower back. The elbows in this position are directed strictly back. Throw your head back or keep it straight.

Exercise 4. Push-ups

Spread your legs as wide as possible. Lower your body so that your foot is in the same position with your arms spread at shoulder level. In this position, you need to bend your elbows and perform push-ups from the floor. Make sure that your elbows do not move to the side, but look straight back. The head does not fall down, but is a continuation of the body.

Exercise 5. Twine

The legs are in the same position as during lunges. Slowly lower yourself until your kneecap touches the floor. For beginners, you can initially bend your leg at the knee. You can also use special bricks that will allow you to fix the body in one position.

How to do the cross splits

By the way, mastering this type of twine is somewhat more difficult than longitudinal. So, thanks to it, not only muscle tone improves, but also the pelvic floor muscles are pumped, and the relief of the legs also improves.

The following exercises will be effective for transverse stretching.

Exercise 1. Deflection

This task is performed standing. The feet are placed wider than the shoulders, the toes are turned inward, forming an equilateral triangle with the floor. Fix the brushes so that there is a deflection. If you see the floor behind you, consider the task completed.

Exercise 2. Bend forward

Place your legs as wide as possible. Stretch your arms in front of you. Stretch your body and head forward. Keep your back straight, feel the tension in your muscles inside hips.

Exercise 3. Head support

Keeping the position of your legs from the previous exercise, lean forward. The tailbone in this position should look straight up. Feet point inward. Try to reach the floor with the top of your head. If necessary, you can help yourself with your hands. Make sure your back remains straight until the end of the exercise. You can't bend your knees either!

Exercise 4. Emphasis on elbows

Based on the previous task, spread your feet forward. Without bending your knees and maintaining your tailbone position, place your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle toward the floor. Feel the tension in all your muscles.

Exercise 5. Deep squat

In this exercise you will be able to use both dynamic and static loads. Legs spread wide, knees pointing to the sides. Do a deep squat. Fix your arms in front of your chest so that they are parallel to the floor. Do slow squats, and then stay in a sitting position for half a minute.

Exercise 6. Weight transfer

For this exercise, you should spread your legs wide, with your feet facing straight. Use your palms to fix your position. Alternately shift your weight from one leg to the other, leaving your feet motionless.

Exercise 7. Cross split

Now that your body is ready to stretch, it's time to get to the real stuff. Spread your legs wide. Go lower, leaning on your palms. Watch your breathing. So, when you inhale, the muscles should tense, and when you exhale, they should relax.

Who shouldn't do the splits?

Training at home to quickly get the stretch of your dreams is not always possible. good idea if you have health problems.

Thus, training without the accompaniment of a trainer is not recommended in the following cases:

  • during a period when your muscles or ligaments are inflamed;
  • for injuries of the spine, pelvis and hip joints, dislocation or fracture of the femoral neck;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • for hypertension and other cerebrovascular disorders.

According to fitness trainers, almost any healthy person can train the muscles of the hip part of the body and do the splits quickly enough with the proper desire for training and the absence of contraindications.

Main - qualitative approach to training, because the results depend largely on how correctly the stretching is done and how the muscles of the pelvis and hips are trained. To quickly do the splits, first of all, you need regular training and dedication.

If you have good stretching and experience in sports, doing the splits will be quite easy. Absolute beginners in the sport without proper physical training, you will have to work longer and harder than people who engage in some kind of sport on a regular basis.

Several factors influence how quickly a person does the splits.

Exist factors influencing physical state human body, which should be taken into account when drawing up a training plan to do the splits:

  1. Genetic predisposition- innate flexibility of the body, which depends on the length of the ligaments, the number of sarcomeres and elastin in the muscles.
  2. Frequency and duration of joint warm-up before training, as well as the correct training technique to do the splits.
  3. Training diary, thanks to which you can monitor your development not only psychological, but also physical.
  4. Correct healthy eating , which should include a sufficient amount of water based on the weight and age of the person.

When flexibility is achieved, changes occur in the muscles, joints and ligaments. This, of course, takes time and effort. Therefore, you cannot hope that you can do the splits in a day or even in 1 month.

Stretching doesn't have to be painful.

Exercises should not be done through pain. Mostly those who already have good flexibility or children sit down during the day, since their body is not fully formed.

But I still want to know how long it will take to train and whether it depends greatly on age. Experts say that if you start exercising before the age of 30, then you will mostly achieve regular classes takes 3-5 months. People over 30 will need more than six months of intense training.

These figures are calculated for people with average physical characteristics. The timing will only be affected by the degree of flexibility, patience and attitude.

Effective stretching exercises for doing the splits

The main goal of stretching is to make muscles elastic, joints more mobile and tone the body.

Stretching also improves blood flow, promotes oxygen intake and nutrients into the muscles, protects the body from the occurrence of chronic diseases and pain in old age.

  • It's worth starting with squats for the development of leg muscles. First, you need to put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, your back is straight, your gaze is directed forward.

When doing a squat, you can move your arms forward, but most importantly, move your pelvis back, as if there was a chair behind you. You need to make sure that your knees do not go beyond your feet, otherwise there will be a lot of stress on the joints.

One of effective exercises stretches - leg swings that can be performed both to the sides and back and forth
  • Second exercise - swing your legs. Swings can be performed to the side, forward, backward, lying on your side and sitting on all fours.

When performing, the back and legs must be straight; if swings are made to the side, there must be a support that you can grab with your hand.

  • Required tilts for stretching ligaments.

Feet are shoulder-width apart, bending over, hands stretch first to the right toe, and then to the left. The knees are straight and do not bend. Everything is done smoothly and no sudden movements.

  • Exercise with support. To begin, you need to rest your hands just above your head against the wall.

Bend your right leg at the knee to a right angle, and, keeping the other straight, take it back as far as possible. This will stretch the calf muscles.

Exercises with support are one of the ways to stretch to do the splits
  • Stretching is also promoted alternately extending legs to the sides. First, your feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, while your back should remain straight.

Then you need to move your leg to the side, your pelvis parallel to the floor. Hands in front, then tilt your body towards one leg, and then gradually straighten your legs at the knees, and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.

Afterwards, the exercise must be done on the second leg.

  • Exercise for half-split on the back. You need to lie on your back and place your arms along your body. One leg should be bent for support, and the other should be extended and grasped with your hands.

The leg should be level so that the pelvis does not go to the side.

  • In the next exercise, you need to kneel and extend one leg, bent at the knee at a right angle.

For balance, you can grab the chair with one hand. Next, the second leg is taken by hand and pulled towards the buttocks.

  • To stretch the hamstrings, you need to kneel and extend your other leg forward without pulling on your toes.

Then, gradually, you need to reach for the toe with your hands, the knee should not bend.

How to properly stretch to do the splits

Stretching is key to maintaining flexibility and healthy joints. Tendons (the tissue that connects muscle to bone) begin to shrink and tighten as we get older, limiting the body's flexibility. Movements become slower, standing straight is already difficult, even the step becomes much shorter.

Correct technique is of great importance. In parks, you can watch runners, stopping to stretch the front of their thighs, pulling their legs towards their buttocks. Such stretching can only do harm.

There are basic rules for how to stretch in order to do the splits, following which you can achieve good results and not harm yourself.

So, stretching rules:

  • You need to stretch as often as possible, better daily if possible. Always after cardio and strength training.
  • Be sure to remember to do a little before stretching warming up the muscles.
  • In every position you have to move slowly without forcing yourself to make sudden movements. You should always pay attention to tension.

The stretch should be measured from mild tension to the edge of discomfort. You need to focus on the area that is being stretched.

  • Before holding each position, you must take at least two deep breaths. Deep breathing promotes relaxation.
  • In no case you can't jump. Once you have found a comfortable stretching position, you should stay there and gradually stretch more.

How to do the cross splits

You can achieve results at home. It all depends on a person’s lifestyle, activity and nutrition.

You can start your day with a morning workout, since it is in the morning that the muscles are stiff, and the effect will be better. To perform the splits, you must have a strong back and abs, so strength exercises are needed 2-3 times a week.

If everything listed above is observed, the result will not be long in coming.

First you need to warm up with a warm-up. It is advisable to start with the neck, then move on to the arms, back and don’t forget about the legs.

After this, you need to perform the following exercises:

  • Deep bend with support on hands. The back should be straight and relaxed, breathing should be free.

You need to stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. As soon as you can lean on your palms, you should try to stand on your forearm.

  • The next pose is stupa. The legs are spread wider to the sides, the arms are extended upward. Gradually you need to lower yourself down, spreading your knees and hips as well.
  • Push ups. Keep your legs wide apart to perform push-ups by bending your elbows as your pelvis is pulled forward just above your head. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.
  • Preparing for the splits. The legs are placed wider, the body is parallel to the floor, you need to stand on your forearms or palms. Remain in this position for 30 seconds.

Twine trainer

Performing stretching exercises, both for the profession and for health and beauty, obliges a person to do them with patience, endurance and perseverance.

To make the process easier in order to do the splits faster and not damage your muscles, a special simulator will help.

How does he work? The simulator is designed specifically for stretching muscles, as well as for fixing them. Thus, the muscles get used to it and gradually stretch without much pain. The simulator has its pros and cons, which must be taken into account when purchasing it.


  1. By adjusting the degree of stretching, the pain will not be as noticeable, and the legs will be in a comfortable position. This will reduce the load on your legs.
  2. You will no longer have to be afraid of injuring your muscles and ligaments. Exercises on the simulator take place without sudden jerks and sloppy movements.
  3. Most models of exercise machines are designed for stretching while lying down, that is, the muscles will be as relaxed as possible, which contributes to quick results.


  1. The trainer is not cheap. Its minimum price is 2-3 thousand rubles.
  2. If a person is constantly traveling, then the exercise machine will have to be left at home, since transporting it is quite difficult and inconvenient.
  3. Good stretching and splits will not come in a month for beginners. This process is quite labor-intensive.

The dangers and disadvantages of fast splits without warming up

Most sites promote quick splits in a month, a week, a day, or even an hour! For beginners, it usually happens like this: a lot of strength, which complicates training, and insignificant results.

To achieve your goal and do the splits, you should consider the following mistakes:

The load during warm-up can be different, for example, cardio exercises that should last at least 15 minutes will be quite effective.
  • The first and most common mistake beginners make is short warm-up, which does not contribute to good muscle warming.

The load can be any: cardio, jogging, jumping rope, dancing. Duration – 15-30 minutes. This will make the muscles soft, they will be pliable and more flexible, which will prevent training pain.

  • Many, starting to work on themselves, overdo it with the load. Yes, a new business and goal are inspiring, but at first it is very important to give yourself a minimum load, there is no need to rush, you need to gradually complicate the process.
  • Plays a big role class schedule. Stretching requires discipline. You should exercise at least 3 days a week, but if one day is missed, then you must make up for it.
  • Most people do not know the anatomy of their body and start looking for stretching exercises as quickly as possible to do the splits in just a few workouts.

This is their mistake. Not all exercises are really beneficial and doing them without knowing which muscles they affect is really dangerous. You need to pull only certain muscles, following the technique.

The stretching studio trainer told how to stretch to do the splits and achieve results even at home.

Exercise is important, but you don't need to attend it intensively. 2-3 days a week will be the most the best option, otherwise the muscles simply will not have time to recover.

Under no circumstances should you invent “your own” exercises.– this could end badly.

Don't forget about the warm-up workout, on which the twine itself depends. It is worth paying attention to stretching the lumbar region.

Don’t be afraid of soreness and skip classes because of it; after warming up, the pain will subside. You can also reduce it with a hot bath or shower after training.

How to stretch to do the splits:

How to do the splits correctly - beginner mistakes: