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Acts on the work book. Act of transfer of work book

The article describes in detail the procedure for drawing up and the form of such a document, the circumstances suggesting the need for its execution. Special attention is paid to the work of the commission and the responsibilities of authorized persons of the enterprise to comply with the acceptance and transfer procedure work records and their storage in the organization for a specified period.

One of the most important personnel documents is the work book. Since this form strict reporting , control over its filling and safety is extremely high. To carry out this activity, the manager appoints a separate employee.

If an employee who is charged with this personnel task cannot perform his duties (due to dismissal or illness), then it becomes necessary to issue an acceptance certificate for the specified personnel documents to the new employee.

How to compose a document

To empower a new employee, an act is drawn up at the enterprise. The creation of this document allows you to legally transfer cases to a new employee, additionally assessing the quality of the work of the previous personnel officer. The act is being prepared by a special commission consisting of employees with the required qualifications. Composition – at least two people. For approval of the commission, an appropriate order is issued, which is endorsed by the head personally.

The order records the following information:

  • rules for the formation of the commission, its numerical and personal composition;
  • rules for collecting information, reflecting the results of the commission’s work.

The commission must check the correctness of filling out work books, maintaining journals and accounting books. Only after an inspection is carried out are cases transferred to a new employee.

Because the acceptance certificate does not have unified form , organizations have the right to develop it at their own discretion. It is advisable to record the form in your accounting policy so that if a similar situation arises, you do not have to create the document again.

It is preferable to draw up the document on the organization’s letterhead.

The requirements for the content of the act are the same for organizations of all forms of ownership. The following information must be included:

  • organization details;
  • date and place of creation of the act;
  • FULL NAME. and positions of persons who participate in the transfer and acceptance process;
  • list of commission members;
  • information about the results of the check.

If there is a lot of information, it is possible to compile several pages. All sheets are stitched with a harsh thread. On the reverse side of the fastener, the seal of the organization and the signature of the authorized person are affixed, and the current date and number of sheets are also indicated.

To give the document legal force, it is important that each member of the commission leaves his signature on it. Upon completion of the commission’s work, the finished act is sent to the organization’s archives until required.

Sample of competent drafting of an act

All information about work books is usually collected in a table.

The columns indicate:

  1. FULL NAME. owner.
  2. Series and document number.
  3. Availability of inserts.
  4. Notes

The header says:

  1. Organization details.
  2. Date of creation.
  3. Serial number.
  4. Director visa approval.

Below table is indicated total number documents included in it.

If additional blank forms are submitted, a second table is compiled with their list and description.

The act ends with the confirmation signatures of the commission members. Next to it is written the employee's position and a transcript of the signature.

Duties and responsibilities of an authorized person

Since work books contain information about the employee’s length of service, control over their completion is increased. According to the current legislation, the employer bears full responsibility for them.

For proper accounting, the employer can entrust affairs to a separate employee with the necessary qualifications.

His responsibilities are recorded in the job description. To empower this employee an order is issued.

The document is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead and contains the following information:

  • purpose of creation;
  • position of an employee vested with authority;
  • the position of an employee who will perform the duties of the responsible person in his absence.

The order imposes a list of responsibilities on the person:

  • keep work records correctly (hiring, dismissal, disciplinary action, awards, correction of errors);
  • carry out accounting in the expense and receipt book of accounting forms and in the accounting book;
  • be responsible for the safety of books.

Working with personnel imposes a certain responsibility. The employer has the right to appoint disciplinary action in case of mistakes. This situation is formalized by order. Depending on the degree of the mistake made, the following penalties are applied:

  • verbal remark;
  • a reprimand entered into a personal file;
  • dismissal;
  • compensation for material damage.

An employee has the right to appeal a disciplinary sanction if he has grounds to disagree with it. The labor inspectorate or the court deals with the resolution of disputes on appeal.

In some cases, if job descriptions are not followed, the employee may face financial liability:

  • in case of untimely provision of a book to an employee (if this served as an obstacle to employment new job, in connection with which the employee suffered financial losses);
  • if the reason for dismissal is incorrectly filled out, which prevents the employee from getting a new job - in this case, the dismissed employee has the right to demand compensation for moral damage in court.

In extremely rare cases, it may occur criminal liability:

  • if the employer violated the rights of the employee by providing him with knowingly false information - in this case, the court will oblige the organization to pay a fine or deprive executive powers for a period of two to five years;
  • entering false data into documents entails liability in the form of a fine, correctional labor or imprisonment;
  • damage to documents, theft for mercenary purposes - fines or correctional labor.

Issues of reliability of information in the work record book and control over the maintenance of these personnel documents are discussed in the following informational video.

As you can see, in order to carry out the functions of maintaining work records, the employee is required to be extremely attentive. Therefore, continuous professional development in their field and careful instruction of the appointed person will prevent the occurrence of controversial situations between employees of the organization and management.

The act of transferring the work book is an irreplaceable document. The accounting and safety of documents is the responsibility of the employer. This is enshrined in law. What is indicated in the act of acceptance and transfer of the work book?

If the matter concerns the personnel service, an act of transfer of work books must be drawn up. The document provides a list of strict reporting forms and inserts for them. The act of acceptance and transfer of the work book must indicate the responsible persons: the person submitting the documents and the recipient. The delivery process takes place in the presence of a special commission, the results are reflected in the act of acceptance and transfer of the work book to the employee.

Sample act of transfer of work book

The legislator does not clearly indicate the need to draw up an act of transfer of the work book within the enterprise. But, based on the feasibility of the event, the manager has the right to issue a local document legitimizing such a need. It may be an order or instruction on personnel service. A commission is appointed that will check the labor movement logs, verify the accuracy of the data and count the number of documents.

Based on the results of the inspection, an act of transferring the work book to the employee is drawn up, who is now responsible for the safety and accounting of the documents entrusted to him (according to the order).

The act of acceptance and transfer of the work book must be completed in the presence of the commission. It should include:

  • The person transmitting the documents is a personnel employee or other responsible person.
  • Accepting strict reporting forms.
  • Legal adviser of the organization.
  • Deputy head (one of them).
  • Head of HR (if there is a separate division).

Upon completion of filling out the sample act of transfer of the work book, all members of the commission certify the document with a personal signature, confirming the relevance of the specified data.


Despite the fact that the legislator allows drawing up an act of transfer of a work book in free form, it is necessary to indicate in it as much information as possible about the transferred documentation. It is convenient to systematize the data in tabular form indicating the following points:

  • The act of acceptance and transfer of the work book to the employee must contain a serial number.
  • FULL NAME. For each employee whose work record book is stored and will be handed over to the responsible person, the employee’s position must be indicated.
  • The book number, series, availability and numbers of inserts must be indicated in the act of acceptance and transfer of the work book to the employee
  • The date when the book was opened (if new) or received for storage by the personnel service (upon hiring).
  • Notes – it is necessary to reflect data characterizing the state of the work record book. For example, that it is dilapidated or was unclaimed when the employee left.

How to transfer a work book to an employee using an act?

By law, all employment records are stored in the personnel service and must be handed over to the employee at the time of his dismissal or transfer to another enterprise. An employer can protect itself from claims to an employee for non-issuance of a work book by drawing up an act of transfer of the work book. The document (drawn up in any form) reflects:

  • Information about the time worked before dismissal (14 days).
  • The date when the book was handed over.
  • Information that the employee has no complaints.
  • Personal signature of the employee.

The act of transferring the work book to the employee is stored in the archive along with the dismissal order and other documents related to the personnel service.

If an employee moves to another company and data labor Relations are formalized by transfer - an act of acceptance and transfer of the work book can be signed between two managers. The document reflects information that the strict reporting form is transferred to the custody of the old employer to the new one.


Proper maintenance and recording of personnel documents is a guarantee that the employer not only respects the rights of employees, but also will not become the subject of litigation in the future. Therefore, it is so important to draw up an act of transferring work records if necessary - the dismissal of a personnel employee, a change of owner or a scheduled inspection.

Work books are the most important type documentation for employees. It is from them that employers will be able to find out about the experience of applicants, and it is from them that the length of service is calculated when calculating pensions. The employer is initially responsible for storing these documents. He also selects a personnel employee who will have to take on the corresponding functions. If this employee leaves or is transferred to another organization, then he will have to transfer his responsibilities. Before this procedure, the presence of all books is checked and it is assessed how conscientiously the employee did his work.

How to draw up an act of transfer of work books and inserts in them?

When checking and transferring responsibilities, a special document is drawn up, with the help of which all work books and inserts in them are recorded. These official papers contain information about each employee's documentation. The following information is entered:

  • Owner's full name;
  • Insert number and series;
  • If there are any comments, they should be canceled;
  • The total number of documents (including unclaimed ones, which are the property of previously dismissed employees).

The form of this type of documentation is free. When filling out, you must ensure the presence of two witnesses.

Do I need an act of transfer of work books and inserts in them?

Responsibilities are assigned to the employee by issuing an appropriate order, which will act as confirmation of the fact that another person will be responsible for recording and processing work books. After the order has become valid, the personnel officer is fully responsible for recording and maintaining these forms.

When transferring responsibilities, the two parties check the number of documents. If the person accepting the rights signs the act, then he thereby becomes responsible for the forms and inserts of all employees. The specific procedure is established in a special Government Decree. Most enterprises use officially approved instructions and rules.

Act of transfer of work records upon dismissal of a personnel officer - sample

  • Serial number;
  • Owner's full name;
  • Series with the number of forms or inserts;
  • Notes

The persons accepting and transferring responsibilities are indicated, as well as the total number of documents received and the total number of inserts. Signatures are required. A separate act of handing over the work book to the employee is drawn up. It is necessary for the employer to receive confirmation from the dismissed employee that the document was issued on the day of dismissal. Once signed, the risk of claims from the dismissed employee is minimal.

Acceptance certificate - transfer of personal files and work records during company reorganization - sample

The new employer must receive all documentation from the company that has ceased to operate. This operation is carried out in accordance with the act of transfer of all documentation. The preparation of the paper must be accompanied by entering the necessary information into the table that relates to professional activity workers and their work certificates. This document is drawn up based on the results of the documentation check. Even unclaimed forms should be included in the total.

The act of transferring work books to another organization

If this operation is carried out between two companies, then it is necessary to indicate the names of these organizations, as well as the full names of directors and details of the charters on the basis of which the enterprises operate. Next, the fact of transfer of the work book is recorded. Information about the position and personal information of the employees whose documentation is transferred is entered. You should also refer to the employer’s order to transfer to another organization.

The act of transferring the work book to the Pension Fund

Providing documentation to Pension Fund may be required when a person wishes to quit and retire. However, in the general case, this is done through an employee who picks up a work certificate and then himself provides it to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If, however, circumstances arise in which it is necessary to transfer this document to the Pension Fund, then the corresponding act must be drawn up. All reliable data and details from your work ID should be entered into it.

Order on the transfer of work books according to the act

If a personnel employee is dismissed, then by issuing an order, another employee is assigned the responsibility for recording and storing the employees’ work IDs. The defining documents in this procedure are the order and the act. In the order presented, the manager notes the fact that he is transferring to another employee full list documentation with its details.

When drawing up an order, you must be guided by standard rules its design. It is necessary to take into account that it is mandatory to enter all information that relates to this situation. This especially applies to the personal data of all persons involved in the process. Please note that a subordinate who receives new responsibilities must confirm his familiarization with a signature.

When implementing any actions that relate to the work process at the enterprise, an important condition will be to follow legislative norms. Registration of all transactions according to the law will help to avoid further mistakes and problematic situations.

It doesn’t matter in what mood the personnel officer leaves the enterprise, he must hand over the department to the successor in working order, so as not to leave a bad impression about himself and not to show unprofessionalism. However, in practice, the reception and transfer of HR department affairs is not always formalized as it should be, and sometimes is not carried out at all, because there are no clear rules governing this procedure. A certain procedure has nevertheless developed, and it does not contradict the law, which means that it may well be applied when changing personnel.

Reception and transfer of personnel documentation

Neither the relationship with the director nor the negative motives for dismissal should be reflected in the work. A personnel officer can’t just drop everything and leave like that. But in practice there were also cases where the person resigning not only did not transfer the files, but also deliberately destroyed them. Can you imagine what opinion is left about him? Nothing to talk about here positive recommendations there can be no talk.

And if everything is arranged as it should be, and the HR department will work according to schedule even with a new employee, only positive impressions will remain about the previous personnel officer.

Meanwhile, the procedure for transferring cases is not so complicated, its algorithm is as follows:

  • a commission for the transfer of cases is created;
  • are being checked personnel documents;
  • a transfer and acceptance certificate is drawn up.

And now everything is in order and in detail.

We create a commission

The basis for creating a commission and generally beginning the procedure for transferring cases, of course, should be an order. The order must reflect:

  • what is the commission for?
  • its composition;
  • tasks.

At the same time, it is imperative to include the resigning personnel officer as a member of the commission.

We begin checking documents

Within the period allotted by the order, the commission must check and evaluate:

  • completeness and composition of personnel files;
  • procedure for registering documents (registration logs);
  • a system for storing documents and preparing them for submission to the archive;
  • software.

The OK nomenclature of files will be of great help in the work of the commission: after all, all the required folders that should be in the department are listed there.

The list may also be specified in the Regulations on OK. If there is no nomenclature in the department, documents and their status will have to be copied en masse - “from cabinet to cabinet.”

It is imperative to check the organization’s personnel documents, namely the presence of:

  • checking the availability of documents
  • copies of the constituent documents and charter of the company;;
  • staffing table
  • PVTR and collective agreements;
  • vacation schedule;
  • LNA (provisions on OK, on ​​remuneration, on discipline, on trade secrets, on the protection of personal data);
  • shift schedules;;
  • job descriptions;
  • employment contracts
  • agreements on liability;
  • orders for core activities;
  • orders for personnel (on hiring, dismissal, transfers, discipline);
  • personal cards;
  • personal affairs;

work books.

This list is not closed, because your company may lack some documents and present others.

After verification, all documents must be entered into the act.

Certificate of acceptance of transfer of personnel documentation This is the main document that concludes work activity
personnel officer

  • The document is formatted like this:
  • the name of the company, place and date of drawing up the act are written down;
  • the director's approval stamp is inserted;
  • it is written - who transfers documents to whom;
  • the table is filled in;

visas of all commission members are affixed.

You can find an approximate act of transfer of affairs.

  • The following columns can be added to the table:
  • sub-item number;
  • title of the document (or case);
  • number of sheets;
  • data on the absence or damage of documents or files.


Important: in the last column you can indicate that the document has not been executed, for example, it has not been signed by an employee or director.

Attention: work books need a separate approach in order not to miss violations, because while they are in use, responsibility for correct design carried by a working personnel officer. Therefore, it is better to issue the books as a separate document.

Act of acceptance of transfer of work books

This document must contain data from all available work records:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • series and number of the book (and insert);
  • availability of work record.

You can include information in the act:

  • about unclaimed labor;
  • about the availability of book forms and inserts.

Example of an act.

If there is no one to hand over the documents

Let's say you get a job as a personnel officer, and the reception and transfer of affairs is not
framed. How to relieve yourself of responsibility for other people's mistakes?
You need to do this:

  • in the same way, by order to create a commission to receive cases;
  • check the availability of documents;
  • draw up the above acts.

Only in this case, the documents will not be handed over by the resigned personnel officer, but by another member of the commission, for example, an accountant.


Important: After signing the acts, it is imperative to issue an order that you are responsible from the moment the affairs are accepted.

In this case, if the State Tax Inspectorate suddenly comes with an inspection, you are released from responsibility. But things still need to be put in order.


The procedure described above can also be applied in the case when not the only HR officer of the company quits, but one of the employees of the HR department. Then you need to take into account not all OK documents, but only those that are transferred. For example, if a timekeeper resigns, you only need to check the time sheets - their completion and compliance with the laws.