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Wet facades: what is it? Technical characteristics of the wet facade, its advantages and disadvantages. What is a wet facade Wet facade reviews pros and cons

One of the ways of facing any building is a “wet facade”. It received this name because of the technology that is used in the process of work. In the process of work, dry finishing mixtures with the addition of water are used. It turns out a plaster layer, which performs the function of building insulation. The use of this type of building finish has several advantages. One of them is its practicality and durability. The facade, lined in this way, serves for a long time, more than 50 years without major repairs.

The use of facade lifts when carrying out high-altitude work

"Wet facade" is used not only for cladding and insulation of new buildings. In this way, you can reconstruct the old building, various architectural structures and monuments. The production process itself is not particularly difficult, finishing is done quite quickly. When performing facade work in a multi-storey building, it is usually used construction cradle for the safe transportation of workers as well as building materials. Such a facade lift has all the necessary safety equipment for high-altitude work. Facade lifts (cradles) can be rented, for example, from the company "Advanta-M SPB", which specializes in the supply of warehouse equipment, construction lifts and wheel supports to the Russian market.

An important characteristic is moisture resistance. The plaster layer allows excess moisture to evaporate, thereby protecting the walls from waterlogging. Due to the texture and color diversity, the “wet facade” also has decorative properties. In this case, it is possible to use various finishing materials. For example, facade paint can be used to paint completely dry walls.
This process involves the use of a heater. In this case, the plaster layer is thinner, which reduces the cost of finishing with a “wet facade”. In addition, it facilitates the load on the foundation, which makes it not so massive. Such a cladding system also improves the soundproofing properties of the walls. One of the advantages of using wall cladding in this way is its resistance to the effects of the sun in the summer. This coating protects the interior from overheating.

The only drawback of this type of finish is the temperature limitation of the work. Since the use of water is provided for in the process of work, they can only be carried out at an air temperature of at least + 5C. Otherwise, it is necessary to use a special film for shelter and heat guns to heat the air under the film. Such conditions are created for more complete drying of the plaster layer.

The very process of facing with a “wet facade” consists of three stages - installation of insulation, application of the main reinforcing layer and decorative coating. The main point is that the entire laying process is carried out according to technology.

The appearance of the facade of the building is its calling card. There are many options for finishing exterior walls: traditional methods, modern systems, different materials. The main ones include:

  • Ventilated systems;
  • Wet facades;
  • Brick cladding.

Of greatest interest are ventilated suspension systems. They will be discussed further.

What is a ventilated facade?

A relatively new cladding technology based on a suspended structure made of metal guides and decorative material.

The system is a multilayer structure, which includes:

  1. The basis is metal guide profiles on which the entire system rests.
  2. Mineral wool heaters or are designed for additional protection of walls from heat loss. The mats are attached to the wall between the vertical rails using dowels. It will not be superfluous to steam and waterproof the insulation with membranes and films from the side of the wall and the ventilated layer to prevent moisture accumulation.
  3. Facing elements. Panels made of different materials act as decorative products: ceramics, metal siding, facade panels, artificial stone, fiber cement, PVC panels.

When selecting materials, the ratio "panel weight / thickness of the supporting profile" should be taken into account.

Ventilated or wet facade?

It's time to compare the hanging system with traditional finishing methods. Which is better: a wet facade or a ventilated one?

Wet finishing involves applying wet materials to exterior walls. The technology includes several stages:

  1. Wall preparation: cleaning of old finishes, dust. It is important to carefully remove obsolete layers so that they do not give up slack after finishing the facing work.
  2. Applying an adhesive to fix the insulation. It can be a special solution of glue and cement.
  3. Heater installation. It is recommended to use mats that do not get wet - polystyrenes, foam plastics. They are fixed to the wall with glue. Mineral wool can also act as a heater, but not fiberglass - it is not able to resist tearing and is afraid of alkaline compounds.
  4. Gluing and reinforcing along the insulation creates a solid basis for applying facing plaster.
  5. Plastering the facade with cement-sand mortar.

Technologies of ventilated and wet facades differ in installation technology. And what about the quality:

And what is cheaper: wet or ventilated facade? There is no definite answer to this question. When it comes to vinyl panels for suspension, the ventilated system definitely wins. When choosing more expensive materials for finishing, the cost of the system can increase significantly. The average price of 1m2 of a wet facade is about 2500 rubles.

Ventilated facade or brick?

Another common method of exterior wall cladding is ceramic brick cladding. This is a solid and durable way to protect the main supporting structures from external factors and give the house a presentable look. Ventilated facade or brick: which is better?

Undoubtedly, ceramics look more elegant and more solid than hinged panels. But! Among the range of cladding for ventilation facades there are many imitations of different materials, including brick. It is impossible at first glance to distinguish real ceramics from "fake" when choosing high-quality panels.

In terms of structure, these compared types of finishes are similar to each other: both have heaters and an air gap for ventilation. The difference is in the thickness of the decor when it comes to brick and wall panel.

Now the main thing: is brick cladding or a ventilated facade cheaper? The cost of 1 m2 of ceramic cladding is about 2000-3000 rubles. This includes the cost of bricks, mortar and labor.

For 1 m2 of a ventilated facade, you will have to pay about 500 rubles. for mounting the frame, finishing starts from 300 rubles / m2.


The ventilated facade is a modern solution for finishing exterior walls. The system is affordable, a variety of designs will satisfy the most sophisticated taste, the reliability of the complex, subject to proper installation, is at a high level.

High-quality insulation and finishing of the facade of the house guarantee significant savings in thermal energy, which is especially important in the context of a constant rise in the cost of energy resources. In addition, the complex implementation of works makes the house more attractive from an aesthetic point of view. There are different methods of warming and decorating buildings, but the wet facade is considered the most modern: the technology of this finishing method is described in detail in this article.

Wet insulation of facadesoutside or inside: features of choice

Traditional building materials used for the construction of walls, such as brick, wall and concrete blocks, are characterized by increased strength and a fairly long service life. At the same time, they do not have a high level of thermal insulation, and therefore a significant part of the thermal energy simply escapes through the walls. In order to prevent this undesirable process, the walls are insulated.

Warming can be both internal and external. At the same time, the amount of material, the amount of work and the very organization of the process inside the house are more profitable and cheaper. At the same time, there are a number of serious arguments in favor of warming the house from the outside.

External methods, which include wet facade insulation, suggest the presence of the so-called dew point - this is the zone where condensate is released under conditions of temperature differences both in the middle of the room and outside. In the case of fixing the insulation on the inside of the load-bearing wall, there is a high probability of condensation, which leads to increased humidity in the room. Therefore, this method of thermal insulation is less functional and even dangerous to health, since against the background of dampness, fungi and mold appear on the walls.

With external thermal insulation, the level of heat resistance or thermal inertia of the walls increases significantly. In other words, a building that is insulated from the outside retains heat for a longer time with a significant decrease in temperature outside and slowly heats up in the summer heat.

With external insulation of the house, a wet facade eliminates all kinds of cold bridges, through which, in most cases, the main heat loss occurs in the case of arranging internal thermal insulation.

What is a wet facade:technology features

The external method of facade insulation has its own classification. There are dry and wet technologies. The first option, in turn, includes prefabricated or hinged facades. The main material used in this technology is vinyl or metal siding. A wet facade system is considered to be more practical, highly efficient, economical and attractive in appearance.

Important! A distinctive feature of a wet façade is its multi-layered nature, where each individual layer plays an important role in the process of insulation and decoration. To fully realize the functions, preference should be given only to high-quality materials.

Using a wet technique allows you to get not only good quality insulation, but also a beautiful home decor. An important condition is the use of high-quality special solutions. The final stage is the process of applying plaster and painting - these are key components of the beautiful appearance of the building.

Wet facade technology involves the creation of a multilayer cake on the outside. The layers are fastened to the wall by applying special adhesive solutions, mastics and plasters, which are dissolved in ordinary water. Hence the name - wet facade. The work involves observing a clear order of priority in applying the layers: primer, adhesive mixture, heat-insulating boards, additional sizing, mesh reinforcement, plastering and painting.

Each phase involving the use of the wet method, be it gluing, plastering or painting, must be carried out at a temperature above +5 °C. Not only the quality of work and the degree of thermal insulation, but also the service life of the decorative insulation depend on the sequence of work, materials and compliance with the conditions. Otherwise, the facade will soon begin to crack and collapse.

Wet facade: pros and consoutdoor insulation technology

Wet insulation technology has a number of undeniable advantages and a certain number of disadvantages. The benefits include:

  • a high degree of decorativeness and attractiveness of the facade;
  • the lightness of the heat-insulating layer, which allows the technology to be applied to buildings with weak foundations;
  • reliable thermal insulation that keeps heat in the house for a long time according to the principle of a thermos and excludes the appearance of "cold bridges";
  • additional protection of the house from destructive atmospheric influences (moisture, freezing, wind);
  • reliable sound and vibration isolation;
  • durability (a facade made using wet technology can last up to 40 years);

  • eliminates the appearance of condensate and, as a result, dampness in the house, which occurs due to the “breathing” external plaster;
  • the cost of a wet facade is acceptable, especially in comparison with other methods of insulation;
  • technology does not "steal" usable space in the room.

Speaking about the pros, we should also mention the disadvantages that this methodology has:

  • work should be carried out under optimal temperature conditions on the street (if the temperature is below +5 ° C, then it is almost impossible to achieve the desired result);
  • each layer requires a certain time to dry, so unforeseen precipitation can adversely affect the quality of insulation in the end;
  • the ingress of dust and dirt during operation also adversely affects the result, so the surface should be protected from wind.

Useful advice! Insulation work on a building with a wet facade must not be carried out during rainy seasons. Therefore, it is better to plan installation for spring or summer, when there is much less precipitation.

Wet facade technology: step by step instructions

Based on the above advantages and disadvantages, the conclusion suggests itself that this technology allows you to create high-quality thermal insulation, subject to minimal financial investments. The main principle is a clear phasing in the application of all layers. The work execution technology includes three or four stages of wet facade formation. The photos clearly demonstrate this. Each of the layers fulfills its functional purpose.

layer of plaster Main works Executable function
Adhesive or preparatory Preparing the base, installing fasteners and priming with glue Determines the degree of reliability of fastening of the future structure
heat insulating Fastening thermal insulation boards with glue and dowels Provides a degree of insulation of the walls of the building
reinforcing Includes installation of reinforcing mesh Ensures the strength and reliability of the structure and serves as the basis for the final finishing layer
Decorative Applying decorative plaster in a variety of ways and painting Protects thermal insulation boards from weathering and ensures the external beauty of the walls

All stages perform a number of important functions that ensure the overall reliability, strength and durability of the structure, so each of them requires a responsible approach and detailed study.

Wet facade: installation technologypreparatory phase

Before starting work on insulation, care should be taken to prepare the base. To this end, the walls are thoroughly cleaned and all defects are eliminated. It is necessary to cover the cracks with mortar and level the surface. If the surface is heavily soiled, it is recommended to use detergents.

Next, the surface is tested for strength. To do this, small pieces of insulation are glued to the wall. If they hold securely and do not break into pieces, then you can proceed with the installation. If they are easily torn off together with the top layer of the wall, then the stripping should be carried out again.

After the wall is fully prepared, a primer is applied to it. And after drying - a layer of glue. If the surface of the house consists of a material with increased absorption, then the soil layer should be more solid. It's better to apply it twice. Old plaster from window and door slopes is recommended to be removed in advance.

At the preparatory stage, you should take care of installing the profile bar. The plinth profile will contribute to the uniform distribution of the load from the thermal insulation boards and protect the lower row of insulation from moisture.

Useful advice! The smooth flow of the process can be ensured by a special facade insulation kit sold in hardware stores. The adhesive mixture for the wet facade ceresit has proven itself well.

The profile is mounted at a level of approximately 35-40 cm from the ground with a three-millimeter gap between the planks placed horizontally, in case expansion occurs under the influence of temperatures. The profile is attached directly to dowels or self-tapping screws. Their number depends on the density and weight of the selected material for thermal insulation. Most often they are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Thermal insulation stage for a wet facade: work sequence

Installation of the heat-insulating layer is one of the main stages, as it is the fastening of the insulation boards. The process itself requires a clear sequence and the implementation of a number of rules.

Applying glue to the board surface. The adhesive solution is distributed along the perimeter of the material with a wide strip, retreating from the edge of approximately 3 cm. In the middle, the adhesive is distributed dotted. The main thing is that more than 40% of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plate is covered with the adhesive mixture. If lamella mats serve as a heat-insulating layer, then the adhesive solution must be applied over the entire surface.

Slab laying. Wet facade insulation technology involves the installation of a heater "on the run" by analogy with brickwork. In this case, the tiles should be pressed tightly against each other and against the wall. Adhesive that has come out must be removed immediately. The laying process takes place from the bottom up, starting from the basement profile. It will take 3-4 days for the glue to dry completely.

Fixing plates with dowels. At the next stage, the heat-insulating layer should be additionally fixed with dowels. Their length should be selected based on the thickness of the insulation layer, the adhesive solution and the margin for recessing into the wall. If the degree of insulation density for a wet facade is high, then 5 cm is enough for a recess, for porous materials this figure should reach 8-9 cm. 7 to 15 dowels will be needed per 1 m² of surface. Their number depends on the density of the heat-insulating plates, the diameter of the fasteners and the height of the insulation.

Even before installing the dowel, a nest is prepared under it. If properly fastened, the clamping sleeves will be placed close to the insulation.

Wet facade: technologylaying the reinforcing layer

The reinforced base is necessary to ensure a reliable level of adhesion of decorative plaster over the insulation. For this purpose, a special mesh is attached to the adhesive base, sinking it into the middle. The installation of the reinforcing layer begins at least two days after the application of the heat-insulating layer.

Useful advice! For strengthening, it is recommended to use a mesh resistant to alkaline influences, made on the basis of fiberglass, which has a reliable coating. Otherwise, after a year, the reinforcing layer will begin to collapse, and the plaster will simply crumble.

First, the mesh is attached to the corner slopes in the openings of windows and doors, as well as at the junction of vertical slopes and lintels. Then they go to the corners of the building from the outside, and in the end - to the rest of the sections.

Related article:

The choice of the type of insulation. Features of materials, their advantages and disadvantages. The main stages of installation of insulation.

The process itself is the application of a layer of special glue. Then a special reinforcing fiberglass mesh is gradually gently recessed into it. It is overlapped, which ensures the formation of a reliable reinforced base. Excess material is cut off. The total thickness of the reinforcing layer should be a maximum of 6 mm, while the mesh itself is located two millimeters from the surface of the insulation.

When creating a wet facade on buildings with increased loads or on basement floors, it is necessary to use a reinforced armored mesh that can withstand higher loads. It is the reinforcing layer that plays a big role in the strength of the entire structure. It provides the wall resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influences. It is equally important that the mesh resist the alkaline effects of the aggressive components contained in the plaster solution.

Wet facade plaster:decorative layer technology

The finishing layer plays a dual role, as it is responsible for the external attractiveness of the walls and at the same time serves as a protection of the heat-insulating layer from external negative influences. At the same time, the plaster must have a certain porosity in order to pass excessive condensate, providing a "breath" to the wall.

Decorative finishing is the final phase in the installation process, performed using the wet facade technology. The plaster begins to be applied only after the complete drying of the reinforcing layer. This will take about a week. At the same time, in addition to high decorative qualities, the plastered surface must meet a number of requirements:

  • have a high degree of vapor permeability;
  • be resistant to atmospheric influences in the form of rain, snow, fog and other precipitation, as well as to the influence of direct sunlight;
  • have high resistance to mechanical damage.

In order for the plaster to easily lay on the insulation, the plates must fit snugly against each other. Permissible error - maximum 3 mm. Otherwise, the next two layers will not be able to mask the flaws, which will affect the appearance of the entire structure. You will either have to apply a very thick layer of plaster, or put up with bumps. This fact indicates that it is necessary to select high-quality materials, as well as to use a special plaster mix - for outdoor work.

Useful advice! Compliance with the temperature regime affects the quality of work and the durability of the plaster service. As in the case of fixing boards, the working mixture must be applied at a temperature of at least +5°C. The maximum indicator is +30 ° C, since excessive exposure to sunlight can adversely affect the quality of the plaster.

Species diversity of plaster finishing wet facade

The final stage in the complex of works on the creation of the facade by the wet method is the application of the plaster layer. To organize the heat-insulating layer, various methods of decorative finishing are used, the main ones will be discussed below.

Mineral plaster. The material is a binding mixture, the basis of which is Portland cement. The main advantage of this type of coating is a high level of strength and vapor permeability. Finishing of this type is resistant to moisture, does not dampen and does not collapse. The next advantage is the affordable price. The disadvantages include a narrow choice of colors.

Silicate plaster is a kind of mineral, as it contains. It is well suited for decorating aerated concrete and foam block walls, as well as for use as part of the wet facade technology, since it has a high level of vapor permeability. However, it should be noted that before applying it, it will be necessary to cover the surface with a layer of a special primer.

Acrylic plaster basically contains resin in the form of an aqueous dispersion. The positive qualities of the material are elasticity and a high degree of adhesion to different surfaces. To avoid cracking, acrylic is applied in a thin layer on a reinforced fiberglass mesh treated with a sealant.

Silicone plaster has a number of unique properties, it is very flexible and viscous. Even if the building sags, the wall covered with a silicone layer will not crack. This finish is presented in a wide range of colors and has the property of self-cleaning. Thus, the wall itself under the influence of precipitation will be cleaned of dust and dirt.

The basis of the wet facade: materials for work

Having examined in detail all the stages of work, the novice master will be able to evaluate his strength in terms of independent installation of a wet facade with insulation. If a positive decision is made, then care should be taken to have a complete arsenal of materials and tools. The list below will take into account all the details. So, this technology assumes the presence of basic materials:

  1. Thermal insulation boards as a base material require a special approach in the selection. It is necessary to calculate in advance the thickness of the plates, on which the degree of thermal insulation depends, and to study the characteristics of different heaters.
  2. The base profile is selected taking into account the width and thickness of the selected heat-insulating boards. The number is calculated based on the size of the building.
  3. Wet facade mesh, which serves as a reinforcement of the entire structure, is most often a rolled fiberglass material. For buildings with a large load, more reliable grids are used.
  4. Wet façade adhesive is used to fix the slabs. Select it in accordance with the selected insulation.
  5. Decorative plaster is applied at the final stage. You can use ready-made formulations.

Useful advice! In the choice of materials for the manufacture of a wet facade, they are primarily guided by the qualities and characteristics of the selected insulation. For example, mineral wool glue is not suitable for fixing foam boards and vice versa.

Additional materials for creating a wet facade with your own hands

The above list of materials is considered basic, but far from exhaustive. If you do not take care of purchasing a complete set before making a wet facade, then a number of inconveniences and difficulties may arise in the process of project implementation.

The primer is applied at the preparatory stage in order to ensure better adhesion of the plates and the wall. The type of primer is selected in accordance with the type of decorative plaster.

The composition for plastering the protective and reinforced layers is applied directly to the insulation, although it is often confused with decorative plaster. These are different compositions - and this should be taken into account. One of the main differences is the higher price of plaster for finishing.

The paint is intended for decorating walls and serves as a certain protection against atmospheric influences. Do not neglect this material and save on it.

A necessary component are mushroom-shaped dowels. It would seem a trifle, but without them reliable fixation of the plates will not be ensured. Therefore, you should take care of their acquisition in advance.

Dowels for fixing the plinth are a separate element, very important even at the preparatory stage. The length of the dowel-nails depends on the material of the wall where the profile is attached. During the installation of the plinth, you should also take care of the presence of special elements for connecting at bends and in corners.

In order to purchase a complete set, manufacturers offer complete systems, which already include all the necessary materials and tools for creating a wet facade. At the same time, not every set takes into account the individual needs of the owners, and therefore, when buying such sets, you need to be careful.

Tools needed for wall insulation with a wet facade

The list of tools for performing work using wet facade technology should include almost the entire arsenal of an experienced builder and a number of special devices that will greatly facilitate and speed up the process. In particular, you will need:

  • a square required for marking right angles and angles of 45 °;
  • building level, designed to determine the degree of deviation of parts from surfaces in a horizontal or vertical direction;
  • tape measure for measuring the length and width of various materials;
  • metalwork hammer, designed to work with different materials;
  • saw with fine teeth for cutting foam materials;
  • construction mixer for mixing dry building mixtures of sand, plaster, glue, putty;
  • rollers for priming at different stages and for painting the finishing layer of decorative plaster;
  • swiss trowels used to cover the surface with various mixtures and to smooth them;
  • trowel with teeth, used for gluing and fixing by "embedding" the reinforcing layer;

  • a simple plastic trowel for applying putty and plaster compositions;
  • trowel for convenient mixing of the solution;
  • spatulas and trowels of various sizes;
  • cutter for deepening the dowels when attaching the plates to the wall;
  • sealant gun.

Useful advice! The acquisition of tools should be taken care of at the preparatory stage. This list is maximum and extensive, but it is possible that additional tools may be needed in the process of work.

Wet facade insulation: variety of materials and features of choice

Facade heaters are divided into two large groups - products made of expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. Foam materials are lightweight, quick installation and a high level of thermal protection. The main drawback of the material is its combustibility. Mineral wool for a wet facade is much more expensive, while being more reliable in terms of its performance. Plates made of this material do not burn, have a high level of vapor permeability.

The density of mineral wool for a wet façade must be at least 150 kg/m³, and the tensile strength must be at least 15 kPa. It is recommended to give preference in choosing to basalt fiber slabs. As for the foam, for insulation work, you should choose a special-purpose material with low flammability. Experts do not advise in this area to use extruded polystyrene foam, which has low vapor permeable characteristics and has poor adhesion to the adhesive solution.

In different conditions, different types of insulation boards are used. The choice is guided by the physical and chemical characteristics of the insulation, based on its specific purpose. In addition, each group of insulation has its own classification.

Mineral wool for wet facade: materials for manufacturing and their advantages

So, mineral wool slabs are the best suited for finishing facades. This advantage is due to a number of specific positive characteristics:

  • durability;

  • fire resistance;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • high level of heat and sound insulation;
  • resistance to chemical and biological substances;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation.

In addition, certain types of wool, in particular products based on phenolic binders, are characterized by a high level of moisture resistance. The most preferred are diabase or basalt wool slabs for a wet facade. The price of such a heater is much higher than other analogues, but this is the case when they pay for quality.

Since the strength of mineral wool should start from 15 kPa, and the material itself should not react with plaster, the use of fiberglass boards in this area is impractical. This is due to the fact that such mineral wool is easily destroyed in an alkaline environment and does not have sufficient tear strength.

Fiberglass boards will begin to crumble under the influence of alkalis, which are contained in the base reinforced layer and adhesive solution. The pH level of these materials averages 12.5. The corresponding reaction does not begin immediately, but after a couple of years. Destruction occurs especially intensively under the influence of strong winds. Thus, a wet facade made of fiberglass boards will become unusable very quickly.

Additional qualities as criteria for choosing a mineral insulation for a wet facade

An important indicator in the choice of thermal insulation boards is the coefficient of moisture absorption. It is desirable that its level be at around 15%, since moisture absorbed into the material will lead to its inevitable deformation and adversely affect thermal conductivity. Slabs with a high degree of moisture absorption do not provide the required level of solidity of the facade. As a result, such a design will not last more than two years.

Useful advice! The density index of the wet facade mineral wool should range from 150 to 180 kg / m³. Otherwise, the process of applying the finishing layer becomes more complicated and there is a risk of delamination of the entire thermal insulation coating of the facade.

The technology of a wet facade on mineral wool involves the selection of plates in such a way that the degree of vapor permeability from the first (preparatory) to the last (decorative) layer gradually increases. Compliance with this requirement will provide favorable conditions and prevent condensation in the middle of the structure. In the climatic conditions of Russia, most of the time throughout the year, the temperature inside the houses is much higher than outside. These conditions greatly increase the likelihood of condensation.

Wet foam facade: material features and requirements for its choice

Another group of heaters also has a certain list of positive qualities, the main raw material in the production of which is expanded polystyrene. It should be noted here:

  • low cost;
  • lightness of the material;
  • high thermal and sound insulation;
  • vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation.

The list of shortcomings of foam boards significantly exceeds the similar characteristics of mineral wool. The main disadvantage is the flammability of the material. In order to eliminate this shortcoming, manufacturers treat the insulation with special chemicals - fire retardants. Thus, even in the event of a fire, the spread of fire will be suspended, that is, the flame can die out by itself.

Fire safety is also provided by special inserts made of non-combustible materials, in particular from mineral wool. The use of this method led to the emergence of a separate combined material.

Among other disadvantages of the material is a low degree of biosecurity. Insects and even rodents can settle in the foam. Also, expanded polystyrene plates are more fragile, which creates certain problems during installation, and less wear-resistant in operation.

Requirements for polystyrene boards for wet facade: price and quality

Before you buy a material for a wet facade made of expanded polystyrene, you should study its characteristics and compliance with all requirements. It must have a tensile strength of at least 100 kPa and a density between 15 and 25 kg/m³.

Useful advice! The choice of material in accordance with all requirements for it and its correct installation, with strict adherence to the technology of installing a wet facade for insulation, guarantee its service life for 20-30 years. Repair of the decorative layer will have to be done a little more often, but the costs will be much less.

Quality material can be determined even by external data. Insulation granules should fit as tightly as possible to each other and have approximately the same size. Otherwise, such a foam will bring maximum problems, starting with the installation process and ending with direct operation. Low-quality coarse-grained material absorbs an increased amount of moisture, which, in turn, entails its deformation and leads to a loss of thermal insulation qualities and premature destruction of the facade.

The shape of the heat-insulating boards made of expanded polystyrene should be the same as that of a regular rectangle. The error is allowed no more than 2 mm per 1 m. The differences in the thickness of the insulation can be a maximum of 1 mm, and the deviation on the surface of the front plane should not exceed 0.5%. Otherwise, it is impossible to insulate the facade of the house without defects. A wet facade from the outside will have low aesthetic characteristics, and its service life will be reduced several times.

Consumption of materials for arranging a wet facade: photos of private houses

As for other types of construction work, the consumption of materials is approximately based on the required amount per 1 m² of finished wet facade. Warming the house from the outside involves the following costs:

  • primers will need approximately 250 milliliters per 1 m²;
  • adhesive solution for fixing heat-insulating plates is spent at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m²;
  • the consumption of the insulation itself with a plate thickness of at least 5 cm corresponds to the area to be insulated;
  • dowels for fixing plates will need about 5 pieces per 1 m²;
  • mesh for a wet facade is consumed at the rate of 1.3 m² per 1 m²;
  • plasters for the leveling layer should be purchased based on the needs of 0.3 kg per 1 m²;

  • primer consumption under the finishing layer is approximately 0.3 kg per 1 m²;
  • finished decorative plaster will need about 3 kg per 1 m².

In order to correctly calculate the required amount of materials, you need to be guided by the instructions on the packaging of the material, but it is better to purchase ready-made kits. In this market segment, the Ceresit wet facade system has proven itself well. The technology of facade insulation using mineral wool boards involves the use of the Ceresit WM brand.

For insulation using polystyrene foam technology, the Ceresit wet facade is marked VWS. Plates for thermal insulation are treated with an adhesive and fixed to the wall, a special protective layer with reinforced fiberglass is applied on top. The system of the corresponding brand contains all the necessary materials.

Components of the price of the installation of a wet facade per m 2

The price of the finished wet facade includes the total cost of preparatory, installation and decorative work. The main costs are for materials based on their cost per 1 m² for a blank wall.

Important! The main component of the total cost of a wet facade is the price of insulation, which depends on its type, density and mineral additives.

The total cost of the finished system is the total price of the constituent components:

  • adhesive mixture for fixing insulation;
  • plaster mortar for the base;
  • mixtures for decorative plaster;
  • fiberglass mesh for the reinforced layer;
  • dowels and other fasteners;
  • two types of primer;
  • thermal insulation boards.

Finished systems usually do not take into account the cost of additional and optional parts, various profiles and auxiliary fasteners. Also, not all manufacturers offer thermal insulation materials in the complex. In this case, you should keep in mind the average cost of insulation. For example, the average price of mineral wool for a wet facade 10 cm thick is about 650 rubles. for 1 m². The cost of expanded polystyrene for the same indicators about 250 rubles.

Thus, the price of a wet facade per m² with mineral wool slabs will be about 1200 rubles. A thermal insulation system made of expanded polystyrene will cost much less - about 750 rubles. for 1 m².

Arrangement of a wet facade: the cost of work for to order

The total cost of installing insulation and decorating it includes payment for the services of craftsmen or contractors. This is the case if the work is not done independently. The total price ranges from 1000 to 2500 rubles per square meter. It all depends on the total amount of work, the type of materials and the method of decorating the finished wall. The main components and the average price of wet facade installation are shown in the table below:

Type of work performed Cost, rub./m²
Installation and dismantling of scaffolding for construction 130 – 150
Surface primer for deep penetration 60 – 90
Fixing the insulation with adhesive and leveling the wall 370 – 450
Installation of a reinforcing layer with a base plaster layer and flush embedding 330 – 370
Wall priming with quartz sand 65 – 75
Decorative plastering of various types 240 – 350
Decoration with stone on the facade plinth 870 – 920

A wide range of prices for facade wet plastering is justified by the varying degrees of complexity of the decoration process. The list may also include additional work, such as installation of decorative elements. Their cost is calculated separately and depends on the complexity.

Additional factors affecting the cost of wet facade work

The above services and their cost are not constant. The list can be much longer, and the price increases due to the appearance of additional costs. The final price per m² of a turnkey wet facade depends on a number of additional factors. In particular, you should take into account:

  • the original appearance and structure of the facade;

  • the presence of flaws and damage;
  • the level of complexity of the work performed;
  • the total number of openings for doors and windows, as well as their location;
  • quality characteristics of materials and their quantity;
  • total amount of work.

Useful advice! The calculation of the cost is made individually for each specific case. Sometimes, even with an identical list of works and the same processing area, the price can differ significantly.

Thus, the total cost includes additional costs. For example, labor-intensive work at high altitude will require the installation of auxiliary scaffolding. The cost of their rental depends on the height and period of use. It should also be noted that work at height is much more expensive, as it requires special skills and insurance arrangements. The pricing is influenced by the costs associated with delivery and the features of individual facades.

Installation of a wet system will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than arrangement, but its further operation will cost more. Wet facade technology is usually used for insulation of private houses, and ventilated facade technology is used for finishing larger buildings. With what it is connected, we will consider below.

Ventilated facades: pricedictated by quality

Speaking about the scope of the wet facade method, it is worth mentioning such a feature as limited resistance to temperature extremes. Based on many years of research, the European Association of Plaster Type Thermal Insulation Systems came to the conclusion that the wet facade technology is not appropriate in all climatic conditions.

Even the most reliable and expensive materials, installation in compliance with all requirements do not give a long-term guarantee of service in the conditions of the inland climate of temperate latitudes, which dominates a significant part of the territory of Russia. As a starting point for the application of the wet facade system, the scientists of the association took grapes, or rather, not the plant itself, but the cycle of its ripening. That is, in a zone where climatic conditions allow the ripening of at least one of its varieties, the use of technology is appropriate.

In conditions of constant rain and high humidity, for example, in close proximity to the sea, the use of this technology is undesirable. This is due to the weak moisture resistance of this type of facade. If the wall will be subjected to frequent mechanical stress, then the installation of a wet facade is also not recommended.

Based on the above contraindications, an alternative facade technology was invented according to the plaster type in the form of a hinged heat-insulating system with an air gap. In other words, a ventilated facade. What are the similarities, differences and advantages of this type of building insulation - we will understand further.

Useful advice! You can check the quality of thermal insulation under a ventilated and wet facade using a thermal imager. Warm tones in the photo show heat loss, and dark tones show the heat resistance of the walls.

Comparative characteristics of a ventilated and wet facade: photos of houses and buildings

The hinged system differs from the plaster one in that when installing a wet facade, the plaster is applied directly to the thermal insulation layer. A ventilated facade involves the installation of a fiber cement facade panel at a certain distance from the insulation, which creates the necessary protection from atmospheric precipitation. In addition, thanks to the protective screen, excess moisture that has appeared behind the facade panel can evaporate through the air opening.

Thus, the ventilated facade has an additional number of functions compared to the wet method and provides:

  • additional protection against moisture, as well as sound insulation;
  • the highest degree of protection against ignition;
  • coolness in the room in the summer, which saves on air conditioners;
  • elimination of flaws on the wall in the form of irregularities and curvatures;
  • ease and speed of installation;
  • a wide range of design options;
  • additional thermal insulation, which is facilitated by the presence of an air cushion.

In addition, the fiber cement coating does not require additional maintenance and repair of the decorative layer after a few years. The hinged structure can serve without intervention for several decades.

When solving the dilemma of which facade to choose, you can be guided by the following recommendations. A wet facade is appropriate when it is necessary to minimize the cost of finishing the building and minimize the load on the walls. In this way, it is possible to design perfectly even walls without observing special requirements for the strength and wear resistance of the facade.

The hinged sheathing, in turn, compensates for the unevenness of the wall and helps to hide any defects. Works on installation of a ventilating facade can be carried out at any time of the year, even at a negative temperature.

Areas of application for wet façade and ventilated façade

The scope of ventilated facades is much wider. They are used for insulation of private houses, finishing of multi-storey buildings and public buildings. The most widely used for decorating shops, cafes, shopping and entertainment centers and other public and commercial institutions.

Important! Wet facades are used for thermal insulation of low-rise buildings and utility rooms, as well as, if necessary, saving on insulation. As a budget option, this method is also applicable in the energy saving system of state institutions and public buildings.

Various materials are used in the cladding of ventilated facades, in particular:

  • porcelain stoneware plates;
  • aluminum and composite panels;
  • fiber cement;
  • high pressure laminate boards.

The main advantages of a porcelain stoneware facade are its durability, various colors and high aesthetic characteristics. But such material is quite expensive. The price of aluminum composite panels is more affordable. The material itself is universal, and thanks to a wide range of colors and structures, it allows to realize the most daring fantasies of the architect.

Fiber cement is a material imitating stone, resistant to moisture and sun. Differs in simplicity of installation and open type of fastening. It is most often used for facing residential buildings. Laminate panels are a new material that has different colors, textures, is resistant to weathering and fire, it is light, durable and environmentally friendly. In addition, it is cheaper than porcelain stoneware counterparts.

Wet facade technology for mineral wool: instructions, useful tips and secrets of the masters

If, after considering all kinds of insulation options, the choice was made in favor of a wet facade using mineral wool slabs, and it was decided to do the work yourself, then a number of secrets of the masters must be taken into account.

It's worth starting with the choice of material. So, on the Internet and special literature, you can find a recommendation regarding the replacement of mineral wool with fiberglass. This is a misconception, since over time, fiberglass plates begin to sag under vibration effects, and so-called cold paths form in the insulation layer.

To achieve the maximum thermal insulation effect, it is worth taking care of the insulation of not only the facade, but also the floor, as well as the ceiling. In particular, this applies to apartments above unheated rooms or on the upper floors.

With the right choice of material and strict observance of the instructions, the warranty period of the facade can reach half a century. Additional protection of the finishing layer of plaster will be provided by coating with a special paint, which, moreover, will extend its service life. For this purpose, it is worth using water-dispersion paint with acrylic, silicone or silicate impurities. Its color variety includes more than a thousand shades.

Useful advice! During painting, you should look at the design and estimate documentation, which indicates the original color of the building - the new shade must match it.

Conditions for successful insulation using wet facade installation technology: video recommendations

Wet technology insulation should take place in conditions of complete protection from frost and precipitation. If the work does not require delay and its completion takes place in adverse conditions, then care should be taken to construct special scaffolding and cover them with a dense film that will provide temporary protection from wind and moisture and create a small thermal circuit.

Before starting work on the installation of a wet facade, it is necessary to tightly close all access to the interior of the room from windows and doors. It is better to complete all internal draft work in the house before the start of insulation. On the wall outside, a series of fasteners and brackets should be placed in advance, which will hold air conditioners, chambers, ebbs or downpipes.

It is necessary to work with adhesive solutions in the shade or with high cloudiness, as much as possible excluding the ingress of sunlight on the mixture. The distance between the thermal insulation boards and the reinforcing mesh must be at least 2 mm, which ensures the filling of the adhesive.

For the overall strength of the multi-layer structure, it is required to allow several days for each layer to dry. Haste in this case is unacceptable. The operational characteristics of decorative plaster depend on the conditions of the work. Optimal prerequisites are temperatures above 5 ° C, increased cloudiness, dry calm weather.

For plaster, it is necessary to select only materials for outdoor work that can fully withstand negative influences. The top plaster layer must have a high level of thermal conductivity and moisture resistance, be durable and resistant to mechanical, chemical and atmospheric influences.

House insulation wet facade: summarizing

The wet facade technology, although inferior to the ventilated facade in terms of a number of performance characteristics, is the leader among the existing methods of insulation. Its advantages lie in the use of modern high-quality thermal insulation materials, the service life of some of them can reach half a century. A special exterior finish with high aesthetic characteristics not only guarantees the external beauty of modern residential buildings, but also makes this technology acceptable in the restoration of architectural sights.

To achieve the best result, you need to trust the work of certified companies, as well as use high-quality materials from manufacturers that have proven themselves in the construction market. To prevent the occurrence of chemical reactions, it should be noted that the individual components must be compatible with each other. Each subsequent layer should have an increased level of vapor permeability in relation to the previous one. Do not forget about the strength and density of materials and their compliance with fire and environmental requirements.

The design is designed to provide a high degree of sound protection in two directions (both inside and outside the house). The quality of the materials affects the longer service life of not only the insulation layer, but the entire house, protecting the walls from precipitation and mechanical damage. The facade closes the main structure from the effects of wind, frost, pollution, ultraviolet radiation and humidity.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the use of various options for decorative plaster in the wet facade system, finishing elements and color design allows you to implement various style ideas on the outside of the building, which cannot be done using other methods of insulation, for example, ventilated facade technology.

In this article, we will explain what is wet facade. In modern construction, a variety of technologies for exterior decoration and insulation of buildings are used. Therefore, developers have many options to choose from - depending on climatic conditions, goals and construction budget.

Due to the fact that low temperatures prevail in central Russia for most of the year, and the prices for heat carriers are constantly growing, energy saving is becoming an increasingly relevant topic. This article discusses the technology of a wet facade, thanks to which it is possible to effectively save heat.

The "wet" method of processing facades appeared in Germany in the 1950s, and 20 years later it became widespread in Europe. - this is a common name that indicates that the exterior decoration and insulation of the walls of the house is made not only with solid materials, but also with adhesive and water-based plasters. You can mix liquid mixtures yourself or purchase ready-made ones.

Wet facade technology is used in the construction of private and multi-apartment buildings, high-rise and low-rise buildings: residential, administrative, industrial, commercial. And also this insulation system can be used for the reconstruction of old buildings.

Quote. It is very important to comply with technological standards and use the correct type of materials, otherwise the coating will be short-lived. The process of creating a surface requires an air temperature of +5 to +25°C

What layers does the wet facade consist of?

If you imagine what a layer cake looks like, it will be clear wet facade installation. It is created from several layers of building materials.

  • Thermal insulation layer. Insulation - mineral material (wool) in the form of rigid plates or foam plastic - is attached to the facade with glue.
  • Reinforcing metal mesh. The reinforcing layer is necessary so that the plaster is securely held on the insulation. Usually use a grid 1 meter wide.
  • The thermal insulation layer rests on a polycerment adhesive, which ensures reliable adhesion of the surfaces.
  • In addition to adhesive, mechanical fastening of the insulation is also used. To do this, use plastic dowels of the "fungus" type. For one foam or mineral wool slab, 5 dowels are used.
  • Decorative coating - plaster. Usually, for the stage of finishing decorative finishing of a wet facade, textured plaster is taken. It weighs quite a bit, is affordable, easy to apply.

Pros and cons of wet facades

The most important advantage of a wet facade is that in it the so-called dew point is brought out.
Quote. The dew point is the temperature at which water vapor condenses into dew.

During operation, a residential building constantly undergoes moisture movement: from the warm internal environment, water vapor moves outward. The volume of steam depends on the following factors:

  • the number of people, animals and plants in the house;
  • water consumption;
  • temperature difference inside the house and on the street;
  • humidity outdoors and indoors.

There is a rule: about creating a cake from external heaters, their vapor permeability should increase from the inner layer to the outer one. If this rule is neglected, then the dew point will form inside the thermal insulation materials, which will lead to the accumulation of condensate, heat loss and mold.

Other characteristics (pluses and minuses) of wet facades are reflected in our table.

The materials used are affordable
In the middle lane, facade work using this technology should be carried out from late spring to early autumn.
Not only thermal insulation increases, but also the soundproofing of walls
Wet façade installation work can only be carried out in suitable weather conditions (in some cases with heat guns)
The technology allows not only to insulate a new building, but also to repair an old one.
Wet method avoids cold bridges

The advantages of a wet facade are much greater than the disadvantages. Therefore, this method of insulation is becoming more and more popular.

Preparation for installation of the wet facade system

Installation of a wet facade is done after the main stages of construction work have been completed.

  • Roof installation completed.
  • The building has already shrunk and dried out enough.
  • Completed installation of air conditioning, ventilation, double-glazed windows.
  • Immediately before performing facade work, you need to prepare consumables.

Before facade work, it is necessary to prepare the necessary consumables and components.

  1. Insulation (mineral plate or polystyrene) is taken at the rate of 1.05 sq.m per 1 sq.m of wall surface. A few centimeters are taken in reserve. As for the thickness of the insulation, it depends directly on the climate.
    2. Consumption of reinforcing mesh is about 150 g/m3.
    3. The required number of dowels-fungi: 6-7 pieces per 1 sq.m.
    4. Profiles. An angular profile is needed so that the wall does not crumble from the effects of mechanical shock. The plinth profile will serve as the basis for the lowest row of plates.
    5. The wall itself must be primed.
    6. Adhesive for fixing insulation boards and mesh.
    7. The volume of plaster for finishing is taken from the facade area + 10% for windows and doors.

When starting to apply materials, you need to make sure that the surface is cleared of previous coatings and there are no cracks on it (in case the old building is being dismantled). A mixture is first applied to the wall to increase adhesion.

The whole pie of insulation and other layers stands on a supporting plinth U-shaped profile. It is fixed at a height of 0.4 m from the ground with dowels and self-tapping screws. And the corners are reinforced with corner profiles.

Glue on the insulation boards must be applied around the perimeter in the form of a wide strip on the basis that it will cover 40% of the area of ​​​​the board. Within 2-3 days, the heat-insulating layer will dry out, after which it must be specially strengthened with dowels. Then comes the turn of the installation of the reinforcing layer. Do not rush to immediately apply the plaster solution, let this layer also dry.

Types of wet facade

Depending on the installation methods, a heavy and light facade is distinguished.

Heavy wet facade

This technology provides for fastening the insulation without glue, but only with the help of a system of dowels with hooks. In this case, the surface of the insulation does not directly come into contact with the wall, but remains independent. Due to this, the heat-insulating layer is not subjected to deformation and moisture from the inside.

In this technology, it is necessary to use a special metal mesh, which needs to be masked with a thick layer of plaster. That is why the method was called heavy. Its cost is much higher than that of the alternative easy method.

Quote. It is important that the wall material is able to withstand a large load. Such materials include: cellular concrete, brick or expanded clay concrete block.

Light wet facade

This method is more popular, as it is much more affordable and easier to work with. In addition, it is not so demanding on the surface of the wall. Both OSB boards and plywood sheets are suitable. The main thing is that the surface is even. For this, it is necessary to carry out special plastering and painting work. The insulation is fixed on the wall with glue and plastic dowels.

As a heat-insulating layer for a light wet facade, mineral plates or high-strength foam are usually used. The plaster should be finely dispersed, and the total thickness of its layers should not exceed 0.1 cm. Thus, the total weight of the structure will be small.

So, we told what the wet facade technology is. It is widely used in construction, and the main requirement that it imposes is careful observance of technological standards during work on external insulation and decoration.

When designing a building, a number of fundamental issues have to be addressed in advance. And when the turn comes to the exterior, it is important to decide - wet or ventilated facade What would be the best solution for this situation?

It is impossible to answer this question without analyzing the initial data, therefore below we will try to understand the facade finishing technologies used in as much detail as possible, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and also give recommendations on choosing one or another option.

Wet facade

Arrangement technology.

Initially, the wet facade was the basic technology for the exterior decoration of buildings - plastering was used, probably, as much as a person builds houses. But the modern technology of warming and decorating the facade with a wet method is much more complex:

  1. At the first stage, the preparatory processing of the facade is carried out.. It usually includes the repair of surface defects (cracks, crevices), the application of a primer and the installation of a plinth profile. The plinth profile is fixed using mechanical fasteners and serves as a support for the heat-insulating layer.
  2. Then the prepared surface is insulated. To do this, cement-based glue is applied to the walls, and heat-insulating panels are glued. When installing a wet facade, both synthetic (polystyrene, expanded polystyrene) and mineral (basalt wool and analogues) materials can be used.
  3. After the adhesive mixture polymerizes, mechanical fixation of the insulation is performed. using dish-shaped dowels.

The fixed heat-insulating layer is treated with an adhesive composition, and then plastered using a reinforcing mesh. The plastered surface is decorated - it is either painted or treated with tinted decorative plaster.

All materials used for arranging a wet facade must comply with the requirements of DBN V.2.6-31:2016 "Thermal insulation budіvel".

Wet facade materials

Both the appearance and performance parameters of a facade finished using wet technology are directly determined by what materials are used for its decoration. Above, we noted that plaster is most often applied over the insulation, reinforced with a reinforcing mesh and leveled with a cement-based composition. What can be facade plasters used in exterior decoration:

  • Cement compositions are the most common type of plasters, which is suitable for finishing large surfaces. The basis is a mixture of Portland cement and sand, mineral granules can be added to the plaster, providing increased strength and improved appearance. The main disadvantage is a small number of shades, because the facade, finished with a cement plaster composition, must be painted with exterior paint.
  • Silicate compounds also belong to mineral plasters.(the basis is liquid glass). Quartz sand and mineral chips are used as additives that determine the strength and texture of the finished facade. Silicate-based plasters are suitable for finishing facades that are subjected to intense loads, but they have some disadvantages - the complexity of high-quality application and high price.

  • Acrylic and silicone plasters. They are mainly used when finishing the facades of low-rise buildings, although acrylic mixtures with increased strength have recently become popular - they can also be used when finishing the facades of commercial facilities. Acrylic and silicone-based materials are easy to apply and easy to level or mold - this greatly speeds up the finish. A plus is the possibility of preliminary tinting of the plaster mixture, which reduces the time spent on finishing a wet facade.

Important! Under the silicone composition, a base of neutral cement plaster must be laid on top of the heat-insulating layer. Otherwise, the material will begin to flake off the base rather quickly.

In appearance, the plasters used in the finishing of the wet facade can be divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Smooth - either tinted in mass, or painted after application and polishing.
  2. textured- plasters, the appearance of which is determined by the mineral elements embedded in them. This includes both plaster mixtures with visible mineral granules, and popular compositions in which the texture appears when applied in a special way (“Bark beetle”, “Lamb”, etc.).
  3. Textured- plasters, in which the relief is formed due to the special laying of the plastic mass. They can be single-layer and multi-layer, single-color and tinted (deeper areas have a darker shade).

Benefits of wet technology.

There are situations when to choose a wet facade would be the best solution. Here, the advantages of such facades come to the fore:

  • Relatively low weight of the facade finish, which reduces the load on the supporting structures.
  • Less - in comparison with ventilated facades - installation complexity.
  • Good thermal insulation performance.
  • Additional sound insulation and vibration protection.
  • Extensive design potential: can be painted in any color, apply structural or mineral plaster, etc.

Also, the relatively low price can be attributed to the advantages of wet facades, therefore, in conditions of a limited budget, this technology is often chosen.

Ventilated facades

facade structure

Debate about which is better wet or ventilated facades- would be incomplete if we did not consider the second option in the same detail.

The ventilated facade is a multi-layer structure that is mounted on top of the building. Its main feature is the presence of an air gap that ensures the preservation of natural ventilation of the wall fence:

  1. The basis of the ventilated facade is the frame, which is fixed to the walls with the help of a system of brackets.
  2. Thermal insulation is laid in the frame cells. When arranging a ventilated facade, mineral-based materials are used almost exclusively - this ensures vapor permeability and low flammability.
  3. To protect against blowing, a windproof membrane is laid over the thermal insulation. With one-way vapor permeability: it releases moisture to the outside, but does not let it inside the heat-insulating layer.
  4. The facade trim is attached to the frame- these can be heat-insulating cassettes made of metal or plastic, porcelain stoneware panels, fiber cement boards, etc.

Finishing is mounted on the frame on top of the insulation - always with the formation of a gap.

The gap that is formed between the trim and the windproof membrane is very important: upward air flows are formed inside the trim, which effectively remove condensed moisture. Thanks to this, in a room with a ventilated finish, the microclimate will be more favorable.

Materials for a ventilated facade

The ventilated facade, as mentioned above, is mounted on the frame. As a frame, a rigid structure made of galvanized steel profile or (more rarely) of a wooden beam impregnated with water-repellent compounds is used.

The following materials can be attached to the frame over the insulation and windproof membrane:

  • Wooden panels- lining, false timber, block house, etc. They are mainly used in private construction and in the decoration of suburban facilities.
  • Wood-polymer composite (WPC) panels. The composition of the material includes cellulose fiber and polymer, which makes WPC a "hybrid" of wood and plastic. Today, this material is gradually increasing in popularity, displacing wood, including from the field of facade decoration.
  • Fiber cement boards. The composition of the material includes Portland cement and fibrous materials, which allows the boards to provide high strength and good thermal insulation performance. Often the front surface of the facade fiber cement board is covered with a decorative layer of PVC or polyurethane, so such structures do not require painting.
  • Porcelain stoneware panels. This artificial stone is very popular in facade decoration, and therefore it is used not only for cladding, but also for mounting on top of the frame. At the same time, concealed installation systems are actively used today, which make it possible to make a hinged porcelain stoneware facade visually monolithic, indistinguishable from a lined one.

  • PVC panels. This group of products is mainly represented by siding, which is widely used in private construction.

A separate - and quite a large group - of materials for the installation of ventilated facades are metal products. This may include:

  • Metal siding.
  • Facade cassettes and panels (can be either just metal or with integrated thermal insulation materials).
  • Panels-blinds.

Metal cassettes and panels used in facade decoration are characterized by high strength, durability and attractive appearance. In addition, the possibility of applying protective and decorative coatings in different colors makes it possible to finish the facades of commercial facilities in corporate shades.

Note! Glass panels in facade decoration are also used. But they are not mounted on top of the insulated wall, but opposite the window openings. In this case, thermal insulation is provided by installing sealed double-glazed windows with low thermal conductivity.

Advantages of ventilated facades

The question is when to choose a ventilated facade, is also worth deciding after a thorough analysis of the benefits:

  • Installing a hinged ventilated structure allows you to hide all the defects of the main facade (up to masking the curvature of the walls).
  • The multi-layer structure provides effective thermal insulation, waterproofing and windproof protection.
  • The use of durable materials for finishing increases the resistance of the facade to external factors and extends its service life.
  • Thermal insulation with the use of mineral materials makes the facade fireproof.

In fairness, it is worth noting the cons. If high-quality insulation is used, as well as beautiful and durable finishing materials, the cost of a ventilated facade will be higher than that of a facade finished using wet technology. And the qualifications of the craftsmen who perform the work during the installation of ventilated structures play a much more important role.


Regulatory requirements

When designing facade finishes, the requirements for facades must also be taken into account. There is no single standard here, therefore, information must be taken into account. Contained in several sources.

For wet facades, the most important are:

  • DBN V.2.6-31:2016 "Thermal insulation budivel" (already mentioned above).
  • DBN V.2.6-33-2008 “Constructions of external walls with facade thermal insulation. Wimogi to the design, improvement of that exploitation”.
  • DSTU B V.2.6-36:2008 “Designs of houses and spores. Structures of exterior walls made of facade thermal insulation and ordered plasters.

For ventilated facades:

  • DBN V.2.6-31:2016 and DBN V.2.6-33-2008 (remain relevant).
  • DSTU B V.2.6-35 “Designs of houses and spores. Structures of exterior walls with facade heat insulation and ordered industrial elements with ventilated air gaps.
  • DSTU B V.2.6-34 “Designs of houses and spores. Structures of exterior walls with facade thermal insulation. Classification and global technical vimogi”.

At the same time, metal products for ventilated facades must comply with the requirements of the following standards:

  • GOST 24767-81 "Cold-formed profiles made of aluminum and aluminum alloys for enclosing building structures".
  • DSTU B V.2.6-3-95 (GOST 22233-93) “Structures of buildings and structures. Pressed profiles from aluminum alloys for enclosing building structures.
  • DSTU B V.2.7-58-97 (GOST 30246-94) "Rolled thin-sheet rolled products from zahisno-decorative lakofarbovy coatings for budіvelnyh constructions".

A separate group of requirements are requirements for fire safety of facade structures. They will be common to both wet and ventilated systems:

  • SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures".
  • DBN V.1.2-7-2008 “System for the security of security and safety of budding facilities. The main vimogi until budіvel that sporud. Fire safety."

In addition, when choosing a facade system and designing a building finish, other regulatory requirements must be observed. It is for this reason that both the design and implementation of work should be trusted to qualified specialists.

Foundation Requirements

If we talk about comparing the requirements for wet and ventilated facades, then you should pay attention to what the base should be in the first and second cases.

To wet facade effectively coped with its function, it is necessary:

  • as carefully as possible to level the surface of the base, ensuring a snug fit of the heat-insulating material to the wall fencing;
  • strengthen the base as much as possible, removing all exfoliating and weakly holding fragments;
  • completely eliminate the mobility of the base as a result of subsidence and other deformations to avoid cracking of the plaster layer;
  • ensure waterproofing of the base and its protection against damage by fungi and bacteria under a layer of insulation.

Important! When installing a wet facade using polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene and other heat-insulating materials with low vapor permeability, the natural ventilation of the wall enclosure is disturbed. This must be taken into account when making changes to the design of the internal ventilation system of the building - otherwise there is a risk of a sharp increase in humidity.

Comparison of technologies: making the final choice

Having dealt with the basics of finishing technologies and analyzed their advantages, we have every right to compare them with each other. So, what to choose - vent facade or wet facade?

To begin with, the parameters by which these options are equivalent:

  • Thermal insulation. Both during plaster finishing and during the installation of suspended structures, it is possible to choose the optimal thickness of the heat-insulating layer, which will provide the required level of energy saving.
  • Noise isolation. As in the case of heat loss protection, the effectiveness of insulation from external loud sounds is primarily affected by the structure of the panels that are mounted on the wall. Both finishes protect the walls well from the penetration of street noise.
  • Fire safety. If the materials used for finishing facades comply with the requirements of DBN V.1.1-7:2017 "Fire safety of objects of everyday life" and other standards, then there is no need to worry about the flammability of the finish. In the case of wet technology, protection is provided by a plaster layer, and when installing a ventilated facade, non-combustible insulation and finishing are almost always used.

Now consider situations where one or another option would be preferable.

Note! The use of polymeric insulation during the installation of ventilated facades - polystyrene foam, polystyrene and analogues - is undesirable precisely because of their high flammability.

Substrate requirements for a ventilated façade less strict:

  • facade finish perfectly compensates for all irregularities, therefore, preliminary alignment is not required. It is enough to dismantle structures that will interfere with the production of facade work;
  • the strength of the base must be sufficient to support the weight of the supporting structure, insulation and finishes. The presence of a peeling finish is undesirable, but it does not have the greatest effect on the overall strength of the structure;
  • the design of a ventilated facade assumes the normalization of the humidity regime due to ventilation, therefore, work on waterproofing and protection against fungi can be carried out in smaller volumes.

An analysis of these requirements shows that ventilated facades are less demanding on the quality of the base, which means that they are suitable for finishing a larger number of buildings in a wide variety of conditions.

Finishing Requirements

The final part of the analysis involves comparing the requirements for finished surfaces. Most of them will coincide - both for ventilated facades and for surfaces finished using wet technology:

  • lack of plane drops;
  • effective thermal insulation;
  • fire safety;
  • mechanical strength.

At the same time, wet facades:

  • They must be finished with the use of plaster compositions that are well resistant to mechanical stress.
  • They must not flake off from the base (and also there should not be delamination of the heat-insulating and plaster layers).
  • Should not crack as a result of shrinkage of the plaster layer or decorative coating.

Ventilated facades:

  • They must be mounted with minimal gaps between the finishing elements (the allowable gap is determined by the project and the type of finishing materials used).
  • Should provide the ability to replace the trim elements if they are damaged.
  • When using metal parts, finishes must resist corrosion well (for this, aluminum or galvanized steel parts with a protective and decorative polymer coating are used).
  • Wet facades more commonly used:

  1. When finishing private low-rise houses and outbuildings.
  2. With budgetary insulation of multi-storey residential buildings.
  3. When finishing state institutions and public buildings in order to minimize their heat loss.

Scope of ventilated facades much wider. It includes:

  1. Finishing of private houses.
  2. Registration of new buildings in the field of multi-storey housing construction.
  3. Finishing the facades of public buildings.
  4. Registration of commercial objects - shops, cafes, restaurants, malls, hotels, etc.

In the first case, vinyl siding, metal siding or rack structures are usually used, in the second - inexpensive metal cassettes. Public buildings are often faced with either porcelain stoneware or the same metal cassettes. As for commercial real estate, here the list of materials for mounting a ventilated facade is the widest - from glass panels to metal cassettes of various shapes and louvered facades.


Both wet and ventilated facades have both advantages and disadvantages. Having studied the finishing technologies and using the tips given in this article, you can make an informed choice, choosing the option that best meets your requirements and expectations from the final result.

  1. If you need to provide the facade with strength, durability and vandal resistance.
  2. If it is necessary to normalize the humidity in the room by increasing the efficiency of natural ventilation.
  3. If it is necessary to implement a modern design, for example, organically combine facade decoration with glazing (including frameless).