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It was a quiet and frosty morning. Texts for test cheating

Texts for test cheating

1. It turned out to be a quiet frosty morning. A hazel grouse flew out of the spruce forest and sat on a stump. A flock of bullfinches perched on the tree. People took care of the forest inhabitants. For the deer and roe deer, they filled the feeders with hay. They hung it up for the bunnies.

(From the calendar, 33 words)

2. It was a quiet starry night. stood gloomily dark forest on the shore. The mountains seemed even higher. The full month bathed everything in its sparkling light. The mountain river has calmed down. The cold crept up on her. He hugged the river and seemed to cover it with mirror glass.

(According to D. Mamin-Sibiryak, 36 words)

3. Have you been in the forest after a thunderstorm? How clean and fresh the air is! How much ozone there is in it! Forests enrich our air with ozone every day. They produce oxygen and trap toxic gases and dust. Take care of the forests! Without them, all living things face death.

(According to K. Paustovsky, 42 words)

4. The bumblebee made a circle in the air and landed on a hummock. Then he stood up on his paws and began to work hard with his hard wings. So the beetle drove into its hole Fresh air. He ventilated the room and woke up the other bumblebees. Soon, one after another, all the bumblebees flew out of the hole and flew to the meadow to collect nectar.

(According to V. Bianchi, 49 words)

In the evening, the crimson sun set over the edge of the earth. A large yellow moon appeared from the east. The frost became even stronger. And the lights came on in the houses. New Years is soon! The children have long decorated the Christmas tree with balls and garlands. They are waiting for the chief guest and his granddaughter.

(According to A. Mityaev, 42 words)

The sun smiled from behind the clouds. It calmed down, the rain stopped. A thunderstorm rolled quickly. Heavy drops fall from the trees, from the washed and greened leaves of birch trees. It's good to run barefoot on wet forest grass! The cloud goes on and on. The thunder is getting louder and louder. A seven-color rainbow spread across the sky.
There is a great army of man's enemies in the forest and in the field. Tiny ones are the enemy. There are a lot of them. These are caterpillars, butterflies, beetles and other insects. They spoil and eat leaves, grass and tree bark. .. Birds destroy pests and thereby provide a great service to humans and nature.

(According to V. Bianchi, 42 words)

8. The morning was cool. Fog rose over the water. Heavy dew bent the leaves of the grass to the ground. Came the languid and sweet voice of the cuckoo. The bird noise captivated the forester. At such a moment I wanted to forget about everything and listen to the voice

(According to M. Sholokhov, 35 words)

9. Deer is a very beautiful animal with large branched antlers. In ancient times, there were many deer and they were hunted. Now hunting deer is strictly prohibited. In nature reserves, deer are protected. In winter, people set up feeders in the forest. Brave deer are trusting of people.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov, 42 words)

10. Young grass was green in the meadow. The first flowers look around cheerfully. The entire hillock is strewn with lilac lumps of snowdrops. The puddle shines dazzlingly in the sun. Birds drink from it. They are circling above her in a cheerful dance.
barrels. It's very beautiful all around.

(According to L. Tolstoy, 40 words)

11. Spruce is especially good in winter. Heavy caps of pure white snow hang on its branches. High peaks decorated with garlands of fir cones. On winter starry nights, snow glistens on the branches of spruce trees. And the tree seems fabulous. Spruce enjoys love and respect among people.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov, 39 words)

12. The sky frowned. Black thunderclouds began to run. Thunder roared. The first large drops of rain hit the leaves. And then a wall of water hits the ground. It soon became clearer. Streams ran along the roads. Floated above the surface of the water
light park. Short summer thunderstorm!

(According to B. Timofeev, 39 words)

Summer thunderstorms thundered with farewell peals. The showers have subsided. But the sun still generously gives off its heat. Signs of the transition from summer to autumn are noticeable. These signs contain tenderness and sadness. Soon the last songs of birds will ring in the sky.

(According to A. Marin, 35 words)

There are lakes of amazing beauty. Under the blue water, green malachite bowls stand on slender legs. Each bowl contains a pink one the size of two fists. The sun appeared. The buds woke up. The white petals opened and exposed the beautiful core of the flower to the sun.

(According to N. Sladkov, 40 words)

15. Five o'clock in the morning. I opened the window. The room was filled with the wonderful smell of flowers and cherries. The wind sometimes showers my desk their white petals. The views from three sides of the house are beautiful. The air is clean and fresh. It's fun to live like this

(According to M. Lermontov, 38 words)

16. Dusk always comes early in the forest. In the west, through the thick pine needles, pieces of the pale sky are still visible. And the shadows of the night had already fallen on the ground. A pika screamed in the bushes and hid in a hole. A large bird of prey flew over the cedar alley.

(According to V. Arsenyev, 37 words)

17. Many moose live in the forests of Russia. Sometimes old and young moose come close to crowded villages and noisy cities. People carefully care for and protect rare beautiful animals. And here is the elk itself with heavy branched antlers. How beautiful he is!

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov, 41 words)

18. Tender rays of spring are pouring down to the earth from the blue sky. The sun quickly eats up the snow. Water from the hills and mountains runs down to the river in muddy streams. The trees are still without leaves. Green grass appeared. The first flowers bloomed. They are pleasing to the eye and welcome the birth of nature.

19. Spring evening. The sun painted the landscape in amazing colors. Warm colors They lay down on the branches of trees, on the yellowish grass. Birch trees cast long shadows on the ground. They are still without leaves. The river darkens behind the birch trees. Lonely blue ice floes float along it. Wonderful nature!

(According to N. Krasnov, 41 words)

20. Everyone knows rowan. Its beauty is especially noticeable in late autumn. Many trees no longer have leaves. And the rowan is decorated with clusters of berries. The wind strokes them. The rain washes away. And the red berries sparkle. Birds love berries. People also collect them. Housewives make jam from rowan berries. Girls make beads from berries. Check out this humble tree!

(According to V. Arsenyev, 52 words)

21. A huge caterpillar is crawling up a tree. He will eat one leaf, then a second, a third. And other caterpillars crawl nearby. And everyone gnaws leaves. Now the tree has become bare.

The caterpillars will turn into pupae. Butterflies will fly out of the pupae. These butterflies are harmless. But the caterpillars are very harmful. They are real forest enemies.

22. Spring imperceptibly turns into summer. In dry places, mosses, pine needles, and grass dry out. The sun is very hot. At this time, there are often fires in the forests. A forest fire is terrible and menacing. Plants, animals, and birds die in the forest. Forest fires are often caused by lightning strikes. People also bring a lot of trouble to the forest. Protect the environment!

That morning I woke up early. I didn’t feel like having breakfast, so after getting dressed I briskly I've left home. It was a quiet frosty morning outside. Light frost lay on tree branches and covered cars and basement roofs. There were no people. The city slept after a stormy New Year's Eve. In an hour I had to go on duty, which means this time can be spent usefully.
Stepping onto the dusty asphalt, I directed my feet straight, aimlessly, looking around. And suddenly I felt a familiar feeling inside me... She…. It’s strange, at this early hour God himself told her to sleep, but the feeling was as if she was thinking about me, or even going to come.
“It can’t be,” I decided. “She’s probably seeing a second or third dream...”
... Quietly rustling the tires, the first car drove by. High above the crown of an old poplar tree, a crow screamed, a crust of ice on a puddle cracked underfoot, and a metal entrance door slammed somewhere. Everything was bubbling inside me - she remembers you!
Taking a deep breath, I remembered her face, smile, voice, ...hands..., I bent down, took a handful of snow and began to rub it. I wanted to see her. But this is unrealistic! – It’s early morning on January 1st. She is sleeping…
The phone was silent. A policeman walked by with a tired expression on his face, apparently off duty. Empty bottles were lying in the snowdrifts, burnt frames of fireworks and colorful cardboard firecrackers were sticking out…. And I kept walking, enjoying the calm and slightly magical morning, which gave me the feeling of not being alone...
- Young man, can you tell me the time? – a voice came from somewhere above.
Raising my head, I saw a man dressed as Father Frost on one of the balconies.
“Fifteen minutes past seven,” I answered, noticing in surprise how the man bowed to me, smiled, and disappeared into the depths of the apartment.
… It was time to return home, pack my bag and go to work. The way back turned out to be shorter and more boring. As if he missed something, missed something, or didn’t do something. The world has become black and white, faded and flat.
Having put sandwiches, a notebook and a camera in the bag, I looked around the sleeping apartment and left the entrance again. Something has changed. - The world has come to life. People appeared, hurrying about their business with a dissatisfied look, cars rushed by, not noticing the color of the traffic lights, and broken shop windows caught the eye. It's amazing why I haven't seen all this before? Did your thoughts help you notice only the good and kind? Maybe…
... The lyceum courtyard and the building itself seemed to be sleeping. Thin layer snow covered the paths, and therefore it was impossible to understand whether people walked here or not. But no bottles, no firecrackers... - peace and quiet.
The door is on itself. Sleepy, dimly lit lobby. The garlands on the walls and on the Christmas tree are extinguished.
- Good morning, Valentina Emelyanovna! – I said, approaching the table. - Happy New Year! With new happiness! Happy new health!..
- Thank you, Lesha, and you too... The duty went well. No one made noise, no one behaved...
- Why didn’t you turn on the lights? It's a holiday...
- Yes, I don’t need them... I was watching TV... Well, I'm off. Until one o'clock...
...Alone again. Locked it front door. I lit all the illumination. The TV will not go anywhere, and the feeling of triumph will disappear. Walked around the building, checked the windows... I wonder why in the morning I had the feeling as if she was remembering me? She and her family are on the edge of the city. Relatives, friends... I made tea. He went to the window and pulled back the blinds.
What a thick snow! Fairy tale…. The only thing missing is... - Get rid of sad thoughts! New Year outside…. Thoughts should be bright and kind... Must…
On a morning like this you can’t even send an SMS to your friends – everyone is asleep. I don't want to wake you up. Who knows when they went to bed... or even whether they went to bed...
A mug of steaming tea in hand. It's snowing outside the window. I opened the window and a frosty ice squall mixed with snow hit my face.
Quiet creaking of feet. An unfamiliar but good song. A familiar voice. Hope. Thought. Spasm of the soul. A rush of the heart to where the New Year's weather is raging. This is how I love and adore bad weather...
- You'll catch a cold! Close the window! - she…
Why is she so early...? How? How?..
- Well, will you let me in or should I stay here?
... Tea is forgotten. Thoughts cleared. Filled with kindness, warmth, tenderness and love. She came. To me. It was not in vain that I felt it. I shouldn’t have believed it...
- Happy New Year, sunshine!
- Happy New Year, my dear!..
Embrace. Kisses. Brilliant joyful eyes. Eyelashes dusted with snow. A bag with a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine and fruit visible.
- I felt, but didn’t believe...
- But in vain... It's time to start trusting your feelings. I couldn’t leave you alone on such a stunning morning? And even though they say “how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it,” I think that I made it. It’s better to spend the first day of the new year with you and be happy than to stay at home and regret the whole year...
- … I'm happy…
- I'm glad. So, I did everything right...
Hope. She always lives with us. We look at it, but we don’t believe that this can happen. We see various obstacles and think that we won’t be able to get around them. We're sad. We miss. We find excuses for our actions without forgiving others... But you just need to believe, wait, hope and love... Without the latter, nothing will happen...

It was a quiet frosty morning, the red sun rose and did not give warmth to the top for a long time?? the mountain snow turned softly pink color, and in shadow places it had a bluish tint (put punctuation marks.


It was a quiet frosty morning. The red sun rose and did not provide warmth for a long time. On the mountain tops the snow turned a soft pink color, and in shady places it had a bluish tint.

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Lay out the affectionate words into groups may but 4 groups Infinity..... Individual??єєslovo..... Dietprikmetnik.... Dietprislіvnik Axis of the word: feel, attach, stick together, grow, worry, enchantment, lived, vykonavshiy, zakvіtchany, playfully, preparing, pіsumovuychiy, merkuvat, moving, viplakani, tunuchi. Please help me, I will be more than willing)))Lesson 10 (94). An exercise in distinguishing between masculine and neuter adjectives in the nominative, genitive and accusative cases and their spelling

case endings

Goal: to develop the ability to recognize adjectives combined with inanimate nouns in the nominative and accusative cases, to justify their spelling.

Uud: educational:

independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal; search and selection of necessary information; analysis, comparison, classification of objects according to selected characteristics; synthesis; communicative: the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; regulatory: setting an educational task; comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; assessing the quality and level of learning;

1 Know the spelling features of masculine and neuter adjectives in the nominative, genitive, and accusative cases; be able to recognize cases

Equipment: computer, textbook

Teacher activities

Student activity

During the classes

Organizing time .

. -Good morning, guys!

Recording phrases with subsequent justification for the spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns:

At the mighty... oak tree, city... telephone, near... lake, at the dense... forest, good... friend, happy... path, from the blue... sky, far... journey.

Orally determine the case of an adjective. Changing (orally) written phrases so that adjectives and nouns are used in the nominative case form.

What did you notice? What gender are these adjectives?

3. Self-determination for activity

Decline the adjective sea with animate and inanimate nouns in I.R.V. cases. 2 students at the blackboard

What did you notice?

Why are the endings in the V. case different?

Definition of the task

2. Working on new material

An exercise in recognizing the cases of adjectives and nouns in the nominative and accusative cases.

1) Completing tasks ex. 42. Read and copy 1 sentence. Find grammatical basis.

Find the grammatical basis. In what case is the noun? Determine which case is blizzard? What member of the sentence is it? Find a phrase with the word blizzard. Determine which case?


Physical education minute

Continued work

Write and read the sentences. Determine the case of adjectives

A caring sister put a winter jacket on her little brother.


Exercise 44, p.23.

1) Independent recording of the text, highlighting endings, determining cases.

(7) Definition of sentences. Highlight the endings of adjectives

*Tasks: indicate the cases of masculine or neuter adjectives, underline the main members of the sentence.

Exercise for the eyes

Continued work

Find adjectives in the text and determine the case (slide)

4. Lesson summary:

– What endings do masculine and neuter adjectives have in the nominative case? What does this depend on?

– In what case is the adjective male in the accusative case has the same endings and answers the same question as in the nominative case?

– How to recognize the nominative and accusative case in this case?

5. Homework: Ex. 45, or 44

Calligraphy oh her oh her oh him

1 student will complete the task on the card.

Write down phrases followed by justification for the spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns:

Frontal survey on the topic “Adjective”

They decline the adjective sea with animate and inanimate nouns in I.R.V. cases.

Define tasks

1) Complete the task of ex. 42. Read and copy 1 sentence. Find the grammatical basis.

3. Make up sentences from deformed words (exercise 45

1) Write down the sentences they have compiled on their own;

2) (7) They will write down sentences from dictation. Analysis by members of the sentence, determine the case

Find adjectives in the text and determine the case (slide)

4. Lesson summary: how to determine adjectives in the nominative and accusative cases?

Reflection: -Name questions for adjectives and the endings of these adjectives in the following cases: I. p., V. p., R. p.

They will evaluate their work

5. Homework: Ex. 43, or 44

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 1 of the city. Zvenigorod

Summary of an open lesson in 4th grade.

Teacher: Krasnova Irina Borisovna.

Lesson: Russian language.

Topic being studied: Declension and spelling of case endings of adjectives singular masculine and neuter.

city ​​of Zvenigorod, 2012-2013 academic year

Lesson topic: The difference between masculine and neuter adjectives in the nominative, genitive, dative and accusative cases.

The purpose of the lesson : to form an idea of ​​the different spellings of case endings of adjectives in the studied cases.

Tasks :

1. Consolidate knowledge about case endings of adjectives in the studied cases;

2. Develop the ability to correctly write case endings of adjectives;

3. Cultivate interest in learning your native language.

Equipment :

1. Kanakina V.P. Russian language. 4th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. In 2 parts / Part 2 – M, Education, 2011.

2. Student's notebook in a cage (12 sheets).

3. Writing instruments.

4. Slides.

During the classes .

I. Organizational moment, checking the class’s readiness for the lesson.

II. A minute of penmanship: oh, oh.

III. Vocabulary work.

Slide 1. Select spellings, endings of adjectives, case of adjectives.

Thick... jelly, warm... tea, forest... beast, hot... sun, blue... sea, pleasant... appetite, by a mighty... oak tree, by the warm... sea, on a city... telephone, in a dense... forest, to a nearby... lake.

IV. Generalization of knowledge about writing case endings of masculine and neuter adjectives in the nominative, genitive, dative, accusative cases.

Working with diagrams, selecting examples.

I.P. Which? -oh, -y, -y.

R.P. Which one? -wow, -him.

D.P. Which one? -oh, -him.

V.P. Which? -oh, -y, -y.

Which one? -Wow

I.P. Which? -oh, -ee.

R.P. Which one? -wow, -him.

D.P. Which one? -oh, -him.

V.P. Which? -oh, -ee.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Slide 2. Exercise 43, p.22. Analysis on the board, writing in student notebooks.

The blizzard sweeps the white path,

He wants to drown in the soft snow.

The playful wind fell asleep on the way;

Neither drive through the forest, nor pass.

VI. Physical education minute.

Eye exercises, stretching.

VII. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

  1. Slide 3. Exercise 44, p.23. Independent writing of text, highlighting endings, identifying cases.

It was a quiet and frosty morning. The red sun rose and did not provide warmth for a long time. On the mountain tops the snow turned a soft pink color, and in shady places it had a bluish tint.

  1. Noun parsing sun as parts of speech.
  2. Repetition of spelling of adjectives denoting shades of colors. Record five examples.
  3. Exercise 45, p.23. Analysis and recording of sentences on the board and in student notebooks, determination of cases of adjectives by question and ending.

VIII. Lesson summary.

How to distinguish between adjectives in the nominative and accusative cases?

What questions do masculine and neuter adjectives answer in the nominative and accusative cases?

What questions do masculine and neuter adjectives answer in the genitive case?

What questions do masculine and neuter adjectives answer in the dative case?

IX. Homework.

Repeat spelling of vocabulary words.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Spelling the endings of masculine and neuter adjectives in the instrumental and prepositional case.

Topic: Spelling the endings of masculine and neuter adjectives in the instrumental and prepositional case....

Development of a lesson in the Russian language "Ending masculine and neuter adjectives in R.p. with a soft consonant at the end of the stem"

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