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Description of Wales in English. Wales

Geographical encyclopedia

Wales- (Wales), administratively political part of Great Britain. It occupies the Welsh peninsula and the adjacent island of Anglesey. The indigenous people of Wales are the Welsh (Welsh), who have preserved their ethnic identity and culture. In Wales... Art encyclopedia

Wales- I (Wales), a peninsula in the west of Great Britain. It juts out into the Irish Sea and St. George's Channel. Cambrian Mountains (height up to 1085 m). Coal mining. Major cities Cardiff, Newport. II (Wales), administrative and political part... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Wales- noun, number of synonyms: 4 wallis (1) peninsula (47) province (56) ... Synonym dictionary

Wales- (Wales), region. on 3. UK. Since the time of unification with England (1536), Ukraine has retained its religious and cultural identity. Due to the strong non-conformist influence, especially from Baptists and Methodists, the question of official. position... ... The World History

Wales- Coordinates: 51°29′00″ N. w. 3°11′00″ W d. / 51.483333° n. w. 3.183333° W. d. ... Wikipedia

WALES- a constituent part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, located west of England on the island of Great Britain. It is washed in the north by the Irish Sea, in the south by Bristol Bay and in the west by St. George's Channel. Although in... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

Wales- I Wales Wales, a peninsula in western Great Britain. It is washed in the south by Bristol Bay, in the north by the Irish Sea, and in the west by Cardigan Bay and St. George's Channel. The coastline is heavily indented, the shores are predominantly invasive,... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Wales- historian Prov. Great Britain on the peninsula of Wales. Others have Rome. authors referred to as Cambria after the name of the Celts, the tribe of Cymra. The Anglo-Saxons, who invaded from the mainland in the 5th–6th centuries, called the Cymry welsh strangers (Russian Welsh or Welsh). From this English... ... Toponymic dictionary

WALES- Wallis (English: Wales; Welsh: Cymru), origin. area in the UK. Occupies the peninsula of Wales and the island. England. Area 20.8 thousand km2, pop. 2.725 million people (1971). In admin. is divided into 13 counties (including Monmouthshire). Adm. Cardiff city centre. U. region... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Wales- see Wallis... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Great Britain. England (except London), Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Guide, K. Baedeker. Leipzig, 1895. Karl Baedeker Publishing. Typographic binding. Patterned edge. Bookplate by G. V. Zaushkevich. The condition is good. A guidebook by a famous German publisher and... Buy for 8412.6 RUR
  • Spoken English. USA. Scotland. Wales. Ireland (+ CD-ROM), G.A. Weichman. "Spoken English from England to New Zealand" is a series of guides to teaching modern spoken English English language with all its most important regional features. IN…

English topic: Wales with translation (Wales). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Part of the United Kingdom

Wales is part of the United Kingdom. The country borders England in the east and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea in the west. Wales - not so much big country with a population of about three million people. Wales has two official languages, Welsh and English, both of which are taught at school.

Wales landscape

The landscape of Wales is largely mountainous, especially in the north and central regions. The highest mountain is Snowdon. The country also has many beautiful lakes. It is the picturesque landscapes of Wales that attract tourists from all over the world.


Wales is predominantly an agricultural country. There are not many big cities in Wales. The country's capital is Cardiff, which is considered the largest media center in the United Kingdom outside London. The city has a Roman castle and a modern shopping center, as well as a cathedral and university. Cardiff is also an industrial city.


Wales has an interesting culture, including language, customs, holidays and music. The country's symbol is the red Welsh Dragon, which is also depicted on the national flag. The flag of Wales, brought to Britain by the Romans, is one of the oldest in the world. Other symbols of the country are leeks and daffodils. They are usually worn on St. David's Day, which is celebrated on March 1st. Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. The country has its own national game called rugby.


There are many beautiful places to visit in Wales. There are three national parks: Snowdonia, Brecon and Pembrokeshire Coast. Wales also has 4 conservation areas.


Therefore, Wales is a truly attractive country.

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A part of the United Kingdom

Wales is a part of the United Kingdom. The country borders on England in the east and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea in the west. Wales is not a very big country with a population of about three million people. There are two official languages ​​in Wales – Welsh and English, both of which are taught in schools.

Wales's landscape

Much of Wales’s landscape is mountainous, especially in the north and central regions. The highest mountain is Snowdon. There are also a lot of beautiful lakes in the country. These are Wales’s picturesque landscapes that attract tourists from all over the world.


Wales is primarily an agricultural country. There aren't many big cities in Wales. The capital of the country is Cardiff, which is considered to be the largest media center in the UK outside of London. There is a Roman castle and a modern shopping center in the city as well as a cathedral and university. Cardiff is also an industrial city.


Wales has its own interesting culture including language, customs, holidays and music. The country is represented by the symbol of the red Welsh Dragon, which is depicted on the national flag. The flag of Wales, brought to Britain by Romans, is one of the oldest in the world. Other symbols of the country are leeks and daffodils. These are usually worn on Saint David’s Day, which is celebrated on the 1st of March. Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. The country has its own national game called rugby.

Wales is the country in the west of Great Britain. It is mainly a mountainous land with a chiefly agricultural economy and an industrial and coal-mining area in the south. The landscape is beautiful. Many English people move to Wales when they retire.
Cardiff, a large city in the south, was chosen as the capital of Wales in 1955, mainly because of its size. Since 1536, Wales has been governed by England and the heir to the throne of England has the title of Prince of Wales, but Welsh people have a strong sense of identity. There is a Welsh National party which wants independence from the United Kingdom and the Welsh language is still used in certain parts of the country.

Welsh is an ancient Celtic language, similar to Breton, spoken in Brittany, France. In the 60’s Welsh was given equal status with English as an official language and is used in the law courts. It is taught in school and some TV programs are broadcast in Welsh. However, only about 20% of the population speaks Welsh.

1. Where is Wales situated?
2. What is the capital of Wales?
3. Has it always been governed by England?
4. What language is used in the country?
5. How many people speak Welsh?

Wales is a country in the east of Great Britain. It is mainly mountainous with a predominantly agricultural economy and an industrial and coal mining region to the south. Its landscape is beautiful. Many English people move to Wales when they retire.
Cardiff, a huge city in the south, was chosen as the capital of Wales in 1955, mainly because of its size. Since 1536 Wales has been ruled by England, and the heir to the English throne bears the title Prince of Wales, but the Welsh have strong feeling individuality. There is the Welsh National Party, which seeks independence from the United Kingdom, and the Welsh language is still used in some parts of the country.
The Welsh language is derived from an ancient Celtic language and is related to the Breton language spoken in Brittany, France. In the 60s, the Welsh language was given the status official language, on a par with English, and it began to be used in legal proceedings. It is taught in schools and is broadcast on some television channels in Wales. But only about 20% of the population speaks Welsh.

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Wales is a country of lakes and mountains. It is about half the size of Switzerland, and it has a population of two and three quarters of a million. North Wales has the most beautiful scenery on British Isles, Mount Snowdon. Snowdon is the second most high mountain Great Britain.
Wales is not an independent state. In 1292, the English king Edward I invaded Wales and built
fourteen huge castles for the control of the Welsh people. His son, Edward, became the first Prince of Wales, since then all kings and
The queens of England gave their eldest sons the title of Prince of Wales. Prince Charles became the 21st Prince of Wales. Although the English ruled Wales for many centuries, Wales is still
has its own flag, culture and, above all, its own language. In the towns and villages of North Wales, many people speak only English as a second language. Their first language is Welsh. In Llanberis, a small town at the foot of Snowdon, eighty-six percent of people speak Welsh as their first language. Local primary school children have almost all of their lessons in Welsh. Children should be bilingual by the time they are eleven years old. It is no problem for children to learn two languages ​​at the same time. Children have an understanding of two cultures, so everything folk tales on two languages. Kids love it because in Welsh you write things down
It's just that the way you say them is that there are quieter letters in English.
Welsh is one of the oldest languages ​​in Europe. It is a Celtic language, like Breton in France, Gaelic in Ireland or Scotland. Two and a half thousand years ago these languages ​​were spoken in many parts of Europe. They died when the Romans invaded these areas, but a few survive in the northwestern corner of Europe. But over the last hundred years the number of Welsh speakers has fallen very quickly. Now only twenty percent of people speak Welsh. Here are some of the reasons for the decline.
In the nineteenth century people thought that Welsh was an uncivilized language. If you want to be successful in life you had to learn English, the language British Empire. Therefore, in many schools children were prohibited from speaking Welsh.
At the beginning of the 20th century many English and Irish people moved to the South
Wales for work in coal mines and metallurgical plants. They don't learn Welsh.
People, especially young people, have moved away from Welsh-speaking villages and farms to
north and west Wales look for work in large cities, so Welsh
language communities have become much smaller.
In the 1960s and 1970s many English people buy cottages in villages in Wales. Most of them are unrecognizable Welsh. This has also pushed up the prices of houses, so that local Welsh-speaking people can't afford the cold.
Now English can come to every home, Welsh trough radio,
television, newspapers, books, etc. There is TV in Welsh
radio stations, but much fewer than English ones. And now there is cable and satellite television, also in English, of course!
The decline has now stopped because a lot has been done. Road signs in two languages ​​of documentation, and so on. The future of Welsh is uncertain. The problem is that Welsh has to survive next to English, and as we all know, English is a very successful language.

Wales covers about 10 per cent of the island of GB, but has only about 5 per cent of the population of the United Kingdom. About 20 per cent of the people speak Welsh, an ancient Celtic language. English and Welsh are both official languages.

Wales is a country of poets and singers with a literature that dates back more than 1,000 years and an ancient choral music tradition. A festival featuring musicians, poets, and singers, is held twice a year. As part of GB, Wales elects 38 of the 650 members of the House of Commons. The country’s daily administration is carried out by the Welsh Office in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. The head of the Welsh Office is appointed by the British Prime minister and is a member of the Cabinet. The Cambrian Mountains cover about two-thirds of Wales. The highest peak in the country, Snowdon reaches 1,085 meters. Coastal plains and river valleys cover about a third of the country. The longest rivers are the Severn and Wye, which are both empty into the Bristol Channel. Wales has 3 national parks – Snowdonia, the Brecon Beacons, and the Pembrokeshire Coast. The largest urban areas in Wales are Cardiff, Swansea, and Newport, all located on the southern coast, and the majority of the country’s nearly 3 million people live in the southeast. Today, the economy of Wales depends primarily on manufacturing and service industries.

Everyday life in industrial Welsh cities and towns is similar to life in the industrial areas elsewhere in GB. After work, many people enjoy watching television or socializing at the local pub. Other popular pastimes include rugby football – the country’s national sport – as well as soccer and cricket.

Wales occupies about 10% of the island's territory, and only 5% of the United Kingdom's population lives in Wales. About 20% of its population speak Welsh, an ancient Celtic language. Welsh and English are the official languages ​​here official languages. Wales is a land of poets and singers, its literature has a thousand-year tradition, and choral singing developed in ancient times. A festival of poets, musicians and singers is held here twice a year. Wales, as part of the United Kingdom, is represented in the House of Commons by 38 of the 650 Members of Parliament. Local power belongs to the National Assembly, which is located in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. The head of the assembly is appointed by the prime minister and is a member of the cabinet. The Cambrian Mountains cover about two-thirds of Wales. highest peak state - Snowdon - reaches 1,085 meters. The remaining lands are coastal plains and river valleys. The longest rivers are the Severn and Wye, which carry their waters into the Bristol Channel. There are 3 national parks in Wales: Snowdonia, Bricon Beacon and Pembrokeshire Coast.

The largest cities in Wales are Cardiff, Swansea and Newport, which are on the south coast. The majority of the country's inhabitants (almost 3 million people) live in the southwestern region. The modern economy of Wales depends primarily on the manufacturing and service sectors. The daily life of residents of industrial Welsh cities is not much different from life in other urban areas of the United Kingdom. After work, people usually watch TV or chat with each other in the nearest pub. Other types of leisure activities include: rugby, football, soccer and cricket - British national sports.