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Spelling the comparative degree of adjectives. Noun adjective degree of comparison of adjective names simple form of comparative degree of adjectives base of the initial form -ee(s)-e-she

Difficulty of use qualitative adjectives also consists in the ability to form them degrees of comparison.

  1. Positive degree it is the simplest for all adjectives, since it simply says that a given attribute is present in the subject: cheerful, bright etc.
  2. comparative indicates that some feature is manifested in an object to a greater or lesser extent. This degree is formed only from qualitative adjectives. It can be simple and complex. A simple one is formed with the help of parts of a word - morphemes, and a complex one - with the help of additional words. Moreover, the words are in a simple form comparative degree do not change, i.e. they are not inflected.
  3. Ways to form a simple comparative degree:

    Do not form a simple comparative form:

  • adjectives that have become qualitative from possessive and relative: golden (guy), fox (character);

  • adjectives that do not change in degrees, as they denote a constant attribute: blind, deaf, single;

  • adjectives with suffixes - SK-, -ESK-, -OV-, -K-, -ONK-, -OVAT-, etc.: caustic, friendly, businesslike, small, whitish;<.li>
  • adjectives denoting animal colors: black, gray, bay.
Ways to form a complex comparative degree:

Moreover, words in the form of a complex comparative degree can easily be declined according to cases, genders and numbers.
  • Superlative means that the characteristic manifests itself to the highest or lowest extent compared to homogeneous objects. Moreover, the forms are simple and complex superlatives are declined in the same way as a regular adjective with a positive degree. Only adjectives formed with words are not declined everyone, everything.
  • Ways to form simple superlatives:

    Words that do not form the simple superlative form:

    • those that do not form the form of the simple comparative degree (see above);

    • individual adjectives with the suffixes -CHIV-, -LIV-, -K-: hot, trusting;

    • adjectives with suffixes -IST-, -AST-: big-eyed, vocal.
    Ways to form a complex (compound) superlative degree:

    Adjectives can have degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative. The comparative degree shows that in a particular subject the characteristic is manifested in to a greater extent than in another, for example: Left bank of the river cooler right; Left bank of the river cooler than the right one.

    The superlative degree shows that this or that object is superior to other objects on some basis, for example: Baikal - deepest lake on Earth; Baikal - the deepest lake on Earth.

    Adjectives in the comparative form in a sentence are predicates, and in the superlative form they are modifiers.

    281 . Write down, underlining adjectives in the comparative and superlative form as parts of a sentence. Above adjectives in the comparative form write compare, in the superlative form - prev. Is it possible to insert its synonyms in place of the highlighted word? Why?

    1. On the territory.. of our Motherland, that is, the most big river to Europe.. - Volga. 2. Central Siberian plateau - one of the largest in the world... 3. Klyuchevskaya Sopka - the most high volcano in Asia.. 3 . 4. The origin of the Northern.. Urals is more severe than the origin of the Middle.. and Southern.. Urals.

    The comparative degree of adjectives has two forms: simple and compound.

    The simple form of the comparative degree is formed by adding suffixes to the initial form of the adjective. -her(s) , for example: friendly - more friendly (to her); -e(there is an alternation of consonants before it), for example: louder - louder; -she, for example: thin - thinner.

    Sometimes when adding suffixes -e And -she the suffix is ​​cut off from the base of the initial form -k- (-ok, -yok), for example: sweet - sweeter, thin - thinner.

    The adjectives small (small), bad, good form a simple comparative form from other stems: less, worse, better.

    Adjectives in the form of the simple comparative degree do not change either by gender, or by number, or by case. In a sentence they are predicates.

    282 . Form the simple comparative form of adjectives. In what meaning is the highlighted word taken when forming the comparative form in paragraph 2? in the 3rd?

    1. Handsome - more beautiful; nice, happy, calm, comfortable, terrible, pr..red, pr..lying, pr..wonderful, pr..attractive, pr..visual, old, skillful, free..free.
    2. Long - longer; early, old, thin, distant, bitter.
    3. Small - less; bad, good.

    283 . Write down, forming a simple comparative degree from the adjectives given in brackets. Underline them as parts of the sentence. Which adjectives take the simple comparative form from another stem?

    1. Health (expensive) gold. 4 2. Good words..va (good) my..whom p..horns. 3. After work 3 food (delicious). 4. True (light) sun. 5. Rainy, summer (bad) autumn...


    The compound comparative form is usually formed by adding the word more to the initial form of the adjective: friendly - more friendly, loud - louder.

    In adjectives in the form of a compound comparative degree, the second word changes according to gender, case and number, for example: at a higher price.

    In a sentence, adjectives in the form of the compound comparative are usually predicates and modifiers, for example: This year the winter is snowier than last; We returned home along a wider road.

    The compound form of the comparative degree is more often used in scientific style.

    284 . Form a compound comparative form using adjectives in all three births. Make 2-3 sentences with the words written down.

    Sad(?)ny, clear(?)nyy, dangerous(?)nyy, ruthless(?)nyy, lazy.

    285 . Write it down using missing commas. Underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence. Name the types of spelling in place of spaces and brackets.

    My Fatherland Russia


        I live in the depths of Russia...
        In the land of lakes and ore rocks.
        Here the rivers are blue, the mountains are blue
        And in blue 3 o..lights meta(l, ll).
        Regardless of the hidden forces...
        I have nothing to compare my Ural with.
        Russia looks different here,
        More severe, perhaps.
        Or maybe she's younger here...
        It’s a holy time here..no boundary(?).
        But the Russian heart is still the same.
        And kindness. And the same songs!
        And the faces are the same as in Ryazan...
        And we sound the same (?) to them..on.
        Like the sun in a precious stone...
        In the Urals.. Rus' is reflected.

    (L. Tatyanicheva.)

    Comparison of two objects on any basis can be expressed in different ways, for example: Brother is more attentive than sister; Brother is more attentive than sister.

    286 . Compare the following items in some respect. Write down the resulting sentences. Identify the members of the sentence in them. How did you express the comparison? Express the same thoughts in a different way.

    Sun and Earth. Moon and Earth. Ural and Caucasus Mountains. Barents Sea and Black Sea. Vegetation 3 tundra and taiga vegetation. Yenisei and Volga.

    The superlative degree of adjectives has two forms: simple and compound.

    The simple superlative form is formed by adding a suffix to the initial form of the adjective. -eysh- (-aysh-) , for example: fair - fairest. Before -aysh- consonant alternation occurs, for example: deep - deepest. This form of adjectives is most often used in book speech.

    Adjectives in the simple superlative form are declined.

    The compound superlative form is a combination of the words most, most and the initial (original) form of the adjective, for example: the most fair, the most strict.

    In the compound superlative degree of adjectives, the word most is unchangeable, for example: in the most inaccessible place.

    Adjectives in the superlative form in a sentence are most often adjectives.

    287 . Write the adjectives in simple and compound superlative forms. Highlight the suffix, underline the alternating consonants.

    288 . Copy by inserting the missing adjectives in the compound superlative form. Write the words in brackets in the correct form. Why are some proper names put in quotation marks? Which proper names are not declined? What case are they in?

    At the meeting of the “Famous Captains Club,” sailors, travelers, and characters from adventure novels gathered 4. - - among them was Dick Sand, g..roy r..mana (Jules Verne) “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain.” - - everyone considered Tartarin of Tarascon, the hero of the novel (Alphonse Daudet), and - - was, of course, Baron Munchausen from the books.. (Raspe). All members of Club 3 took into account the opinion - - of them Captain Nemo, one of the heroes of the books.. (Jules Verne) “The Mysterious Island”.

    Reference: wise, cheerful, young, “truthful”, famous.

    289 . What rivers, lakes, mountains, cities are there in your area? Compare rivers by width and length, mountains by height, lakes by depth, cities and villages by size. Use synonyms when making sentences high-water, full-flowing; deep, bottomless; shallow, shallow, shallow. Underline the adjectives in the comparative form.


    Qualitative adjectives differ in that they can denote a characteristic in varying degrees of its manifestation ( large – larger – largest). These forms are called degrees of comparison:



    The paradigm of degrees of comparison also includes the adjective from which the forms of degrees of comparison are formed. The semantic basis of degrees of comparison is the quantitative assessment of the measure of the attribute. In the comparative degree paradigm, the original adjective is called the positive degree form.

    Comparative degree (comparative) - denotes a quality that is found in one subject to a greater extent than in another, the name of which is put in the form of the gender or nominative case; the latter is preceded by comparative union How(truth is more valuable than gold).

    Superlative (superlative) - denotes the highest degree of quality in a subject compared to another: most favorite writer; inflected like regular adjectives.

    Comparative and superlative degrees can be expressed in simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical) forms.


    The simple form of the comparative degree does not change by gender, number and case; and therefore you need to be able to distinguish it from the form of the comparative degree of the adverb. If a word of this type is syntactically related to a noun, then it will compare the degree of the adjective; if it is connected to a verb, then it will compare the degree of the adverb ( oak is stronger than birch– adj; he squeezed the handle tighter– adverb)

    Comparative forms tend to be used in the position of a connective, i.e. in the role of a predicate, but can also be a definition.

    Formed from the base of the original adjective using suffixes –ee(s) – bolder,whiter(productive way) or –e, -she – more expensive, richer(unproductive way).

    From adjectives with a stem on k, g, x and some words based on d, t, st comparative degree is formed using the suffix -e(in this case, final consonant stems alternate with sibilants) ( loud - louder, quiet - quieter, steep - steeper). In adjectives on -OK And -To the producing stem is truncation, the remaining final consonant alternates with a sibilant or paired soft ( high – higher, low – lower).

    Comparative forms with suffix –she single ( distant - further, early - earlier, long - longer).

    From three adjectives the form is formed suppletive way ( small - less, good - better, bad - worse).

    Comparative forms are not formed from adjectives that name characteristics that do not change according to degrees. Sometimes they are not formed in accordance with the usage and not the meaning ( dilapidated, alien, scanty).

    The complex form of degrees of comparison is formed by adding the word more. Moreover, such combinations can also be formed with a short form ( faster, more red).


    The simple form of the superlative degree has features in its meaning: in addition to the above basic meaning of the superiority of quality in an object compared to other objects, this form can denote the highest, extreme degree of quality in any object without comparison with others. In other words, it can denote a relatively high degree of quality: worst enemy, kindest creature.

    The simple form is formed by adding a suffix –eysh (-aysh). However, it is not formed from all adjectives; usually it is not found in those lexemes from which the comparative form is not formed. It may also be absent in those forms that have the form of a comparative degree. These are qualitative adjectives with suffixes –ast-, -ist, as well as many words with suffixes - liv-, -chiv-, -k-(narrow - narrower, hairy - hairier, silent - more silent).

    A complex form is formed by combining a qualitative adjective and the word most. It is not related to lexical restrictions: the reddest, the kindest, the narrowest.

    For adjectives with suffixes –ovat-(-evat-) no superlative form is formed, because the value of the incompleteness of the attribute is incompatible with the value of the high degree of the attribute ( the most deaf, the most deaf).

    The superlative form denotes the highest degree of quality. Unlike the comparative degree, the superlative forms cannot express a comparative assessment of the degree of a characteristic in the same subject and in two subjects.

    Adjectives in Russian. They are indispensable when it is necessary to compare one characteristic of an object or phenomenon with another. Let's try to understand the intricacies of this topic.


    Before you start studying the topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language,” you need to find out how this part of speech differs from all others. And it really has a lot of features. It is difficult to imagine our speech without this colorful, graceful group. With the help of adjectives we describe appearance (short, handsome, homely), character (kind, grumpy, difficult), age (young, elderly). However, not only human qualities, but also many other things can be represented with their help. For example, not a single work of art can do without the use of adjectives. And even more so the lyrics. Thanks to this part of speech, stories, poems, novels acquire expressiveness and imagery.

    Helps to form such artistic media, as epithets (dazzling beauty, wonderful morning), metaphors of a heart of stone), comparisons (looks like the happiest; the sky is like azure watercolor).

    A distinctive feature of adjectives is their ability to form short forms. The latter always play the role of a predicate in a sentence, which gives this part of speech another advantage - it gives dynamics to any text.

    What is a degree?

    Anyone who studies the Russian language faces this question. Degrees of comparison of adjectives are a characteristic that helps to compare one object with another.

    For example, there are two balls in front of us. They are exactly the same, only one of them is slightly different in size. We need to compare them with each other and draw a conclusion: one ball more another. We can approach this issue from the other side and note that one ball less than the second one. In both cases, we used a word that characterizes the degree of comparison of these objects.

    Now let’s add to our items another one of the same kind, but much larger. We need to differentiate it from others. How will we do this? Of course, use comparison. Only now you need to indicate that the third ball is immediately different from the first and second. In this case we will say that he biggest among them.

    This is precisely why we need them. We will describe each of their types in detail below.


    When we have an adjective in front of us that no one compares with anything, it is characterized by a positive degree. But if one object needs to be compared with another, then we will use the comparative degree of the adjective.

    It has two subspecies. The first is called simple, or suffixal. This means that the word used in this degree has a suffix characteristic of it.

    For example: This table chic. Neighbor's table more luxurious ours.

    In the first case, the adjective is in the positive degree. In the second, the suffix “ee” was added to it and with the help of this they compared one table with another.

    The second type is the composite degree. As the name suggests, its formation occurs not with the help of morphemes, but with the use of special words.

    For example: This project is very successful. The last project was more successful.

    The word "more" helps us compare one project to another.

    Another example: We received valuable information. The previous one turned out to be less valuable.

    Now, using the word “less”, we indicated a feature that manifested itself to a lesser extent.

    It is worth remembering that degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language, regardless of variety, are formed only from Neither possessive nor relative have this ability.


    In some situations, we need not just to compare one object or phenomenon with another, but to distinguish it from all others similar to it. And here the degrees of comparison of adjectives in Russian will also come to our aid. This degree of comparison is called excellent, which already implies the highest limit.

    Like comparative, it has two varieties.

    Using suffixes, a simple degree is formed.

    For example: Ivanov strongest of all the athletes on the team.

    The word “strong” with the suffix -eysh- formed and distinguished the athlete Ivanov from other members of the national team.

    Next example: New tulle the most beautiful from those that I have seen.

    In this case auxiliary word“most” gave this sentence the same meaning as in the previous example. This form is called compound.

    Sometimes it can be accompanied by the prefix nai- for emphasis: the most beautiful.


    In some cases, forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives have exceptions.

    These include the words “good” and “bad.” When we start to compare objects with their help, we will encounter some difficulties.

    For example: We held good evening. Let's try to form a chain of degrees of comparison.

    In a simple comparative we will see that the word “good” does not exist. It is replaced by “better.” And for the word “bad” we’ll choose “worse”. This phenomenon in Russian is called suppletivism of fundamentals. This means that the word needs to change radically to form the comparative degree.


    Thus, we managed to find out not only the basics, but also some nuances on the topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language.”

    Now this rule will not cause you any difficulties, since it is not at all complicated.

    Qualitative adjectiveshave degrees of comparison. They express a greater or lesser degree of quality in a given item compared to another item.
    For example: (My house is more beautiful than your house). sometimes the comparison is made within the same object (increase or decrease) at different periods of its development, i.e. at the present moment, compared to his past state.
    For example: (Demand for the product has become higher than last year).

    Adjectives have two degrees of comparison

    1.Comparative degree of adjective means that some characteristic is manifested to a greater or lesser extent in one object than in another.
    For example: I'm happier than you. Your briefcase is heavier than mine. My dog ​​is smarter than yours.

    The comparative degree is:
    A) simple
    B) difficult

    A) Simple comparative degree formed using suffixes:
    “her”(s): For example: handsome - more beautiful, smart - smarter, cold - colder;
    "e" (with or without alternation of the last consonant of the base):
    For example: big - larger, short - shorter, sweet - sweeter;
    “she”: For example: old – older, young – younger.
    Sometimes a different root is used to form the comparative degree of an adjective.
    Good is better, bad is worse, small is smaller.
    Adjectives in the simple comparative form do not change and have no endings!

    B) Complex comparative degree is formed from the full form of the positive degree of the adjective using the particles more and less.
    Big – more (less) big, beautiful – more (less) beautiful.

    2) Superlative adjectives.
    The superlative degree shows that some attribute is manifested in a given object to the greatest extent, compared with the same attribute in other similar objects.
    This one is mine Best game; He is the smartest boy in the class.

    Superlatives are:
    A) simple
    B) difficult
    The superlative degree of an adjective can change according to gender, number and case.
    (We have approached the highest mountains).

    A) Simple superlative is formed using the suffixes “eysh”, “aysh”.
    For example: The stupidest, the deepest, the rarest, the closest
    Sometimes a different root is used to form the superlative degree of an adjective.
    For example: Good is the best, bad is the worst.
    B) Complex superlative is formed from the full form of the positive degree of the adjective using the particles most, most and least.
    For example: Small - the smallest, the smallest, the least small, smart - the most intelligent, the most intelligent, the least intelligent.

    Superlative adjectives, like full forms of positive adjectives, change according to gender, number and case.

    Publication date: 01/28/2012 17:58 UTC

    • Morphological analysis of the adjective name in Russian.
    • Full and short forms of adjectives. Declension and spelling of case forms of adjectives in Russian.
    • The concept of an adjective. Morphological features of adjectives. Classes of adjectives in Russian.