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Oleg Gadetsky new. Books and practical techniques by Oleg Gadetsky


Gadetsky Oleg Georgievich - head of the International educational project “Psychology of the Third Millennium”, psychologist-trainer, author of unique methods of personal growth. In her trainings she uses both methods of Western psychology and Eastern techniques of meditation and yoga. Author of the books "The best psychological techniques, or what to do if you have no luck?" and "The Laws of Fate, Or Three Steps to Success and Happiness." Based on the results of the VI International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars (2005) and the III International Festival of Western and Eastern Psychology Stars (2008), he was recognized as the best psychological trainer.

He received his higher psychological education at the St. Petersburg Technical University with a specialty in “Social and Psychological Training” (1992). Immediately after graduation, he got a job at the Volga Academy civil service, where he has been conducting trainings and seminars for government officials for several years. In 1993, invited by the government Russian Federation as an expert on personnel assessment methods and participates in the preparation of the certification procedure for representatives of the President of Russia.

Simultaneously with his main job, he is studying in graduate school with a degree in Social Philosophy. Deeply studies the works of various philosophers: Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Vernadsky, Solovyov, Berdyaev, Heidegger, Sartre, Camus, Foucault, Toynbee, Bibler. And in 1994 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.

But the ups and downs of his career do not affect his main interest. He wants to create his own psychological program, in which he plans to combine the best achievements of modern psychological science.

“I just wanted,” he says, “to make people happier. And psychology for me was a means by which I could realize my dream.”

An active search has been going on for about three years. A wide variety of psychological practices. Oleg undergoes trainings from leading Russian specialists, studies literature, and maintains an active professional psychological practice.

The result of this period is the unique author’s training “Psychology for Life”, which combines the methods of various schools of modern psychology. According to experts, this training is a unique synthesis of various psychological approaches. The methods used in the training are extremely effective and at the same time simple and accessible for independent use.

In 1994, Oleg founded the psychological center "Discovery of Yourself", in which, together with other practitioners, he conducts psychological trainings.

Since 1997, he begins to deeply study various ancient treatises - the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras and others, and gets acquainted with the practice of meditation, qigong, and yoga. He also actively studies the works of modern authors: Lazarev, Zhikarentsev, Verishchagin, Sviyash, Osho, Castaneda, Grof, Hay, Willma, Covey.

The result of this search is the training program “The Laws of Fate or the Art of Living”, thanks to which its developer and presenter received wide international recognition. The program is a synthesis of the methods of modern psychology and the wisdom of ancient treatises on yoga. The use of the methods of this training gives both quick results and creates long-term positive programs for personal development in all major areas of life: career, business, family, health. “The purpose of this training,” says Oleg, “is to give knowledge to a wide audience about the subtle laws of the surrounding reality. People live in the world without knowing its subtle laws. Because of this, they inevitably make many mistakes, for which they have to pay in in the form of illnesses, accidents, and various losses and losses. Until people learn to respect the laws of reality, they will never be able to achieve the happiness and success they strive for." Russia and the CIS.

In August 2005, he was invited to the VI International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars, held in Almaty, where he was awarded the title of best psychological trainer. In the fall of 2005, his book “The Best Psychological Techniques, or What to Do If You’re Unlucky” was published.

April 2008, Oleg takes part in the III International Festival of Western and Eastern Psychology Stars (Israel) and is again recognized as the best psychological trainer.

In June 2009, his second book, “The Laws of Fate, Or Three Steps to Success and Happiness,” was published.

“My credo,” says Oleg, “is very simple. We came into this life to reveal our full potential, and not to adapt to failures and limitations.”

“I just wanted,” he says, “to make people happier. And psychology for me was the means by which I could realize my dream.”

An active search has been going on for about three years. A variety of psychological practices are explored. Oleg undergoes trainings from leading Russian specialists, studies literature, and maintains an active professional psychological practice.

The result of this period is a unique author’s training, which combines the methods of various schools of modern psychology. According to experts, this training is a unique synthesis of various psychological approaches. The methods used in the training are extremely effective and at the same time simple and accessible for independent use.

In 1994, Oleg founded the psychological center “Discovering Yourself”, where, together with other practitioners, he conducts psychological trainings.
Since 1997, he begins to deeply study various ancient treatises - the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras and others, and gets acquainted with the practice of meditation, qigong, and yoga. He also actively studies the works of modern authors: Lazarev, Zhikarentsev, Verishchagin, Sviyash, Osho, Castaneda, Grof, Hay, Willma, Covey.

The result of this search is the training program "", thanks to which its developer and presenter received wide international recognition. The program is a synthesis of the methods of modern psychology and the wisdom of ancient treatises on yoga. The use of the methods of this training gives both quick results and creates long-term positive programs for personal development in all major areas of life: career, business, family, health.

“The purpose of this training,” says Oleg, “is to give knowledge to a wide audience about the subtle laws of the surrounding reality. People live in the world without knowing its subtle laws. Because of this, they inevitably make many mistakes, for which they have to pay in form of illnesses, accidents, and various losses and losses. Until people learn to respect the laws of reality, they will never be able to achieve the happiness and success they strive for."
Since 2002, Oleg has been actively traveling and conducting trainings in various cities of Russia and the CIS.

In August 2005, he was invited to the VI International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars, held in Almaty, where he was awarded the title of best psychological trainer.

In the fall of 2005, his book “The Best Psychological Techniques, or What to Do If You’re Unlucky” was published.

April 2008, Oleg takes part in the III International Festival of Western and Eastern Psychology Stars (Israel) and is again recognized as the best psychological trainer.

In June 2009, his second book, “The Laws of Fate, Or Three Steps to Success and Happiness,” was published.

“My credo,” says Oleg, “is very simple. We came into this life to reveal our full potential, and not to adapt to failures and limitations.”

(Inspiring women to be Women)

This man became for me and my husband “the gateway to Vedic knowledge.” For this I am immensely grateful to him. I'm sure it gives the same to many other people. Desire to learn more about the Vedas.

As I already said, around 2007 things were very bad for us. Both financially and in relationships. At this time, one of Lesha’s friends - for which I bow to him - gave us a disk. He suggested listening and changing your life.

We, being very “smart,” smiled and put the disk away. Only when moving did he come to our attention again. This went on for about a year.

And after another move, when we found ourselves in a small apartment without furniture in the suburbs, without money, without optimism... The disc was moved again from the box to a stack on the cabinet. Without hesitation.

And one morning I saw my husband the same. His eyes were shining, he was actively doing something, writing, working. I was very surprised, because I was used to quarrels and showdowns in the morning. My husband didn't tell me anything about the reasons for his changes.

But since we had one computer between us, I sat down to work and saw the file. Accidentally or not, it remained open. This was a summary of Oleg Georgievich’s first lecture. I didn’t know then that my husband, out of despair, sat down at night and listened to the first recording.

The summary seemed interesting to me, to put it mildly. It was as if he had the last piece of the puzzle. I asked my husband what it was and where it came from. And he surprised me by answering that this was Sasha’s disk. I immediately put on a recording. And we began to listen together.

First, we listened to the entire course, 1 lesson per day. We discussed and shared as before. It’s as if all these quarrels and misunderstandings didn’t happen. Everyone did meditations and wrote their own lists. Little by little they started joking about us being “karmic sparring partners”...

The disk ran out very quickly. But a week later we were already different. It was as if the fire of life and faith had been rekindled in us. The world helped us by working miracles and responding to our changes. After early rises, we received another portion of the miracle. After the meditations, long-standing issues were resolved...

Then we watched a video of the training. The topics were the same, but the examples were different. The questions are different. And in the video you could see how bright a person Oleg Georgievich is.

In February 2011, at the Psychology 3000 festival in the Carpathians, we met our Teacher personally. And we were not disappointed. It was incredibly warm to even stand next to him. He is so wise that all the questions around him find their own answers.

Then he came to St. Petersburg in April 2011. Lesha attended his training. And this greatly shifted many painful processes in our family.

For me, Oleg Georgievich will always be the first on this path. I am immensely grateful to him for everything he has done, is doing and will do. And I would be happy to recommend him to anyone. Regardless of gender and level of training.

Why I love O.G.:

  • ability to easily answer complex questions
  • light and warmth
  • amazing job with the audience
  • subtle feeling of people
  • depth - and at the same time lightness
  • softness and non-categoricalness
  • very nice voice
  • courage to speak about the Vedas for ordinary people

Lesha interviewed Oleg Georgievich - Two Purposes of Man

Project O.G. Gadetsky - Psychology of the Third Millennium (there you can find his official resume and regalia)

Training “Laws of Fate” (which helped us so much)

Gadetsky Oleg Georgievich - psychologist-trainer, author of unique methods of personal growth. Widely known in Russia and neighboring countries. In her trainings she uses both methods of Western psychology and Eastern techniques of meditation and yoga. Author of the book "The best psychological techniques, or what to do if you have no luck." Based on the results of the 6th International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars, he was recognized as the best psychologist-trainer.

He received his higher psychological education at the St. Petersburg Technical University with a specialty in “Social and Psychological Training” (1992). Immediately after graduating from the university, he got a job at the Volga Region Academy of Public Administration, where he conducted trainings and seminars for government officials for several years. In 1993, he was invited by the government of the Russian Federation as an expert on personnel assessment methods and participated in the preparation of the certification procedure for representatives of the President of Russia.

Simultaneously with his main job, he is studying in graduate school with a degree in Social Philosophy. In 1994 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.

An active search has been going on for about three years. A variety of psychological practices are explored. Oleg undergoes trainings from leading Russian specialists, studies literature, and maintains an active professional psychological practice.

The result of this period is the unique author’s training “Psychology for Life,” which combines the methods of various schools of modern psychology. According to experts, this training is a unique synthesis of various psychological approaches. The methods used in the training are extremely effective and at the same time simple and accessible for independent use.

In 1994, Oleg founded the psychological center “Discovering Yourself”, where, together with other practitioners, he conducts psychological trainings.

Since 1997, he begins to deeply study various ancient treatises - the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and others, and gets acquainted with the practice of meditation, qigong, and yoga. He also actively studies the works of modern authors: Lazarev, Zhikarentsev, Verishchagin, Sviyash, Osho, Castaneda, Grof, Hay, Willma. The result of this search is another original training program, “Laws of Fate.”

Since 2002, Oleg has been actively traveling and conducting trainings in various cities of Russia and the CIS. In August 2005, he was invited to the VI International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars, where he was awarded the title of best psychological trainer. In the fall of 2005, his book “The Best Psychological Techniques, or What to Do If You’re Unlucky” was published.

Books (2)

The Laws of Fate, or Three Steps to Success and Happiness

The author of the book, the famous Russian psychologist Oleg Gadetsky, has spent many years researching various psychological methods regarding their effectiveness and discovered that in many cases these methods are disharmonious in relation to the laws of the Universe. This leads to the fact that they create unfavorable consequences in a person’s fate.

The book presents a project of holistic and harmonious psychology, provides information that is verified and environmentally friendly in relation to the laws of the Universe. Many exercises, meditations and parables will make you look for answers to the most important questions and will teach you the art of a holistic and harmonious life.

The best psychological techniques, or What to do when you're unlucky?

Would you like to learn the techniques that the best psychologist-trainer of the 6th International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars uses in his practice? If yes, then this book is for you. The result of more than 15 years of professional practice of the author will become your personal property.

This book is not a voluminous encyclopedia, but it literally contains a “squeeze” of various areas of modern psychology. Many techniques are given in the author's modification, which makes them even more effective and at the same time extremely simple when used independently.

Reader comments

Victor/ 03/16/2018 For some reason, Oleg “forgot” to indicate that he is a Hare Krishna “Govardhan Gopal Prabhu”. Prabhu means "teacher". And he is presented as a psychologist, but in reality he is a seasoned religious preacher. Therefore, if you do not plan to become Hare Krishnas, I do not recommend getting too involved in his work.

Anna/ 03/17/2017 Oleg Georgievich, many thanks to you!!! Everything is working! I attended your training on July 10, 2016, for two days. I just trusted you. I didn’t expect any material benefits, I had a different request. In my joint business, which is already four years old, it was on these two days that good profit. This example is more for skeptics, for those who do not believe in miracles. And so, I also study the ancient treatises Bhagavad-Gita and others, projecting them onto our modern life, everything works precisely according to these laws.

Alexander Steblin/ 02/26/2017 Thank you! There are so many clear answers to seemingly dead-end questions... truly amazing things are nearby.

Ivan/ 11/23/2016 Or maybe you’re a sectarian if you react like that? As they say, it’s easier to say something bad about someone else than to try to find something good, because this requires reason.

Oleg Gadetsky psychologist-trainer, author of unique methods of personal growth. In her trainings she uses both methods of Western psychology and Eastern techniques of meditation and yoga. Author of the book “The best psychological techniques, or what to do if you’re unlucky.” Based on the results of the 6th International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars, he was recognized as the best psychologist-trainer.

Higher psychological education Oleg Gadetsky received a degree in “Social and Psychological Training” from the St. Petersburg Technical University (1992). Immediately after graduation, he got a job at the Volga Region Academy of Public Administration, where he conducted trainings and seminars for government officials for several years. In 1993, he was invited by the government of the Russian Federation as an expert on personnel assessment methods and participated in the preparation of the certification procedure for representatives of the President of Russia.

Simultaneously with my main job Oleg Gadetsky is a postgraduate student majoring in Social Philosophy. Deeply studies the works of various philosophers: Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Vernadsky, Solovyov, Berdyaev, Heidegger, Sartre, Camus, Foucault, Toynbee, Bibler. And in 1994 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.

But the ups and downs of his career do not affect his main interest. He wants to create his own psychological program, in which he plans to combine the best achievements of modern psychological science. " “I just wanted,” he says, “to make people happier.” And psychology for me was the means by which I could realize my dream»

In 1994, Oleg founded the psychological center “Discovering Yourself”, where, together with other practitioners, he conducts psychological trainings. Since 1997, he begins to deeply study various ancient treatises - and others, and gets acquainted with the practice of meditation, qigong, and yoga. He also actively studies the works of modern authors: Lazarev, Zhikarentsev, Verishchagin, Sviyash, Osho, Castaneda, Grof, Hay, Willma.

The result of this search is another original training program, “Laws of Fate.” " The purpose of this training, says Oleg, is to give knowledge to a wide audience about the subtle laws of the surrounding reality. People live in the world without knowing its subtle laws. Because of this, they inevitably make many mistakes, for which they have to pay in the form of illnesses, accidents, various losses and losses. Until people learn to respect the laws of reality, they will never be able to find the happiness and success they strive for.».

Since 2002, Oleg has been actively traveling and conducting trainings in various cities of Russia and the CIS. In August 2005, he was invited to the VI International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars, where he was awarded the title of best psychological trainer. In the fall of 2005, his book “The Best Psychological Techniques, or What to Do if You’re Unlucky” was published. " My credo, says Oleg, is very simple. We came into this life to reach our full potential, not to adapt to failures and limitations.».

Laws of fate

Lectures by Oleg Gedetsky on the laws of karma, the causes of joys and sorrows

9 files weighing 149MB Total time: 14:22:48

1. What is fate?

Kazan May 07, 2007
(listened to 22461 times | downloaded 6391 once | text being checked)

2. Method of changing the future

Kazan May 08, 2007
(listened to 22230 times | downloaded 5672 once | text being checked)

3. Methodology for analyzing karmic situations

Kazan May 10, 2007
(listened to 14539 times | downloaded 5227 once | text being checked)

4. Two worldviews

Kazan May 11, 2007
(listened to 10861 times | downloaded 4687 once | text being checked)

5. Clean living culture

Kazan May 29, 2007
(listened to 7201 times | downloaded 4523 once | text being checked)

6. Culture of relationships between men and women

Kazan May 31, 2007
(listened to 10027 times | downloaded 5333 once | text being checked)

7. Activity in goodness

Kazan 04 June 2007
(listened to 7879 times | downloaded 4339 once | text being checked)

8. The highest principles of the law of fate

Kazan 07 June 2007
(listened to 6769 times | downloaded 4338 once | text being checked)

9. Questions and answers about fate

Kazan June 08, 2007
(listened to 4736 times | downloaded 4063 once | text being checked)

Laws of fate or the art of living

Recordings of Oleg Gadetsky's seminar on laws happy life, after listening to which any person can significantly improve the quality of their life.

10 files weighing 1022MB Total time: 12:33:23

1. Introduction

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 7645 times | downloaded 5051 once | text being checked)

2. The action of fate in our lives

What is fate? How does it work? What laws are behind everything that happens to us? Various events come into our lives. Some of them bring us happiness, others - suffering. Can we influence this, in other words, can we consciously create our own destiny, or is everything already predetermined and everyone in this world is given their own share? During this training, you will gain basic understanding of how to competently work with yourself in order to achieve your desired goals. Main topics: why do we need knowledge about the laws of fate?; the laws of fate are universal laws; How does fate manifest itself in our lives?; the role of parents in our lives; our illnesses and enemies are our best teachers; 2-3 main karmic lessons in the life of every person; the most fashionable topic in modern psychology; holistic improvement of personal situation; success and happiness are the two goals of human life; psychology of the third millennium

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 21570 times | downloaded 7825 once | text being checked)

3. Method of influencing the future

Methods of influencing the future are the most fashionable topic in modern psychology. However, unfortunately, practicing psychologists have not yet comprehended the basic principles of this work. And therefore, the proposed methods do not always give the expected effect. During this training, you will be able to gain a holistic experience in shaping your future. The approach that is used is built on the principle of harmony with the laws of the universe, and therefore it is extremely effective, environmentally friendly and very simple to use independently. You don't have to wait for the results of the work done sometime in the future. In the very near future you will be able to notice how some of your difficult life circumstances will change. Main topics: fundamental principles of the structure of the universe; what is the ecology of success?; main principles positive thinking; formula for super success; choice of resource worldview; the present is the space of our freedom; practical work to unlock the potential of your future.

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 20708 times | downloaded 6934 once | text being checked)

4. Changing karmic situations

Often in life we ​​are worried about certain situations. Maybe these are conflicts with other people, difficulties in the family or at work, or some other troubles. Each such problem does not come into our lives just like that. It always contains some lesson necessary for our personal growth. Life is a wise teacher, and it sends us these situations to make us better. But do we know how to competently work with our life problems? The material will teach you how to learn from your life problems, as well as how to actually change all these situations. And this is not some abstract theory, but real experience that you gain during these classes

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 13848 times | downloaded 6757 once | text being checked)

5. Ideas about the soul

Analysis of the nuances of various difficult life situations, thanks to which you get a very clear and specific understanding of exactly how to work with your own problem situations. The finest details of the method of understanding the lessons of fate will be revealed to you, which will allow you to master it on an intuitive level. A detailed understanding of the nature of the soul and how it manifests itself in our lives is given. Also during the training, practical work is carried out to change particularly difficult problem situations.

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 11579 times | downloaded 6206 once | text being checked)

6. Clean living culture

The main topic is understanding the nature of the energy of happiness and comprehensive cleansing various fields his Everyday life. Much that you will learn will truly surprise you, although it relates to such familiar areas of our lives as health, nutrition, and cleanliness. However, there is a fundamental novelty of the material presented: it is presented from the point of view of the harmony of human behavior in relation to the integral system of laws of the universe. You receive very deep and at the same time extremely practical recommendations, the effectiveness of which you can test in your life right away.

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 7047 times | downloaded 5986 once | text being checked)

7. What do men and women expect from each other?

Men and women - everything, or almost everything, revolves around their relationship. So much has been written and said on this topic! But things are still there: men and women, despite all their desire to communicate with each other, still cannot find common language. This is due to the fact that most of the recommendations that are given do not take into account the most important thing - the deep difference between male and female nature. Men and women perceive the world completely differently, they have different expectations from each other, behave differently under stress, accumulate and spend energy differently. In general, they are completely different creatures! Failure to understand this fact gives rise to disappointed expectations and endless quarrels. Understanding and the ability to work with it allows you to build strong and deep relationships filled with mutual trust and respect.

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 53902 times | downloaded 7797 once | text being checked)

8. Principles of Prosperity

How to attract the energy of prosperity into your life? What business behavior destroys our personal situation of prosperity? What is a “clean business” and what kind of business is “dirty”? Does success in business always bring joy, or can it contribute to the destruction of our lives? In general, what else can I add to these questions? Business is one of the main areas of our lives and it is extremely important to learn how to act competently in it. The success and happiness that we strive for largely depend on how correctly, from the point of view of the laws of the universe, we act in this area. The material is given as broadly as possible, without reference to any specific area. It will be useful to any person who would like to improve their personal prosperity situation.

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 8334 times | downloaded 6277 once | text being checked)

9. The highest meanings of the law of fate

What is the meaning of all our activities? What are we putting all our effort into? These are the ultimate questions we can ask ourselves. “Why ask them?” - someone will say. - “Live as you please!” But haven’t similar questions sometimes come to your mind? Didn't they torment you from the inside? And even if they didn’t torture you, aren’t you curious to understand why you live? Be that as it may, one of the main laws of our existence is that we cannot find happiness and experience complete satisfaction from life until we realize higher meanings your destiny.

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 5711 times | downloaded 5628 once | text being checked)

10. Whole personality

Integral personality – what is it? This is a person who understands his purpose. This is a person whose channel of intuition is open, and who therefore always has internal guidance on how to act in a given situation. This is a person who knows the laws of the universe well and lives in accordance with them, and therefore naturally achieves a state of success and happiness. Would you like to become such a person? If yes, then this training is for you! Just start studying it. But achieving all of the above results is not a cheap thing. Only by starting to work seriously with yourself can you reach these heights. Are you ready to challenge yourself?

ISKCON January 01, 2008
(listened to 6201 times | downloaded 5674 once | text being checked)

Liberation from resentment

3 files weighing 49MB Total time: 33:48

1. Introduction

Introduction. What is resentment?

(listened to 6604 times | downloaded 4833 once | text being checked)

2. Description of the training

www.psihologiya3000.ru January 01, 2008
(listened to 4588 times | downloaded 4588 once | text being checked)

3. Release from resentment

www.psihologiya3000.ru January 01, 2008
(listened to 12132 times | downloaded 6478 once | text being checked)

Clearing childhood memories

1 files weighing 63MB Total time: 47:50

1. Clearing childhood memories

Childhood experiences have a huge impact on our entire lives. It is in childhood that those primary models of perception are formed, through which a person perceives both himself and everything around him. What was your childhood experience like? Which emotions were more in him: joyful or sad? Or maybe you don't remember your childhood? But in your subconscious all the experiences that you experienced as a child remained. And whether you like it or not, they still influence you. What kind of person are you? Do you move through life easily or do you get stuck in your problems for a long time? Are you open to everything new or are you afraid of change? Do you experience joy in your relationships with people or are you withdrawn and self-absorbed? Everything, literally all personal problems are rooted in childhood. This audio training will allow you to look deeply into your childhood and change those components of your experience that prevent you from feeling like a harmonious and holistic person.

Vaishnav Records 01 January 2009
(listened to 19396 times | downloaded 10591 once | text being checked)

The way to yourself

The seminar was given at the “Sources of Life” festival, held in 2007 high in the mountains of the North Caucasus.

5 files weighing 245MB Total time: 08:55:32

1. Psychology of the third millennium

Modern psychology. Psychology as a method of manipulation. The law of fate about happiness. Psychology as the science of the soul. Psychology 3000. The concept of the whole person. Laws of fate. Good products nutrition. Good accommodation. What is health? What is a good relationship? What is happiness. Three levels of personality, three levels of happiness. Level physical body. Subtle body level. Pyramid Maslow's needs. Soul level. Holistic realization of personality on three levels. Hypnosis as a way to solve problems. Modern psychiatric care. Contradiction between need satisfaction different levels. Personality assembly point and fulfillment of needs. Healing springs as a gift from God. How to get the maximum effect for recovery. Gratitude to God and asking for God's mercy. Dedicating your actions to God. Why do you cleanse and restore your body? Results of the meeting

Caucasus July 28, 2007
(listened to 4742 times | downloaded 2895 once | text being checked)

2. Gathering of sages in Naimisharanya

Caucasus July 29, 2007
(listened to 2823 times | downloaded 2228 once | text being checked)

3. Choosing a spiritual path

Reading the fourth canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. How to fulfill the needs of the soul? How do our past incarnations manifest themselves in our lives? What is homeopathy. What to do if you have achieved perfection in your worldly activities? Mystical meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Fundamental law of the Universe. Why does suffering come into our lives? How can repentance solve our problems? Meditation of Divine Love. What is spiritual psychology. How to deal with intractable problem situations? What is the connection between pain and suffering and selfishness? How spiritual consciousness cancels the material laws of this world. Karma and karmic problems - how to work with them. Why falling in love leads to suffering, and what true love is. What to do if the person we are guilty of is not around.

Caucasus July 30, 2007
(listened to 2982 times | downloaded 2371 once | text being checked)

4. Finding yourself

Caucasus July 31, 2007
(listened to 4008 times | downloaded 2906 once | text being checked)

5. Questions and answers

How to prepare for the birth of a child? What is the essence of the innate literacy technique? How do those who study the Vedas develop relationships with Christians? Why do people repeat the mantra? What causes spinal diseases? Why offer food to God? How to find your purpose? What do we ask of God? How not to get stuck in search of your purpose? What causes injuries? How can a woman work as a boss in a team where there are only men? How to learn to listen to other people? How to control sinful desires? Why do holy people often get very sick before they die? Sometimes a leader needs to be tough. How to do it?

Caucasus 01 August 2007
(listened to 1945 times | downloaded 2252 once| text checked)