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Travelling by train топик. Топики по английскому языку с переводом на тему "Путешествия и приключения": Travelling

Travel is extremely important nowadays.

For most people speed is a very important factor when they are traveling. They want to reach their destination as quickly as possible. There are now planes that can cross the Atlantic in just over three hours.

Other people prefer comfort to speed. They like to relax during the journey and enjoy themselves as much as possible.

For almost everyone safety is the most important factor. For example, a lot of people never fly because they believe it is dangerous. In fact, it is probably much more dangerous to travel by car or to walk across a street.

Modern life is impossible without traveling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea, or by road.

Of course, traveling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are traveling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats in all passenger carriages. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars, which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means. With a train you have speed, comfort and safety combined.

From the comfortable corner seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if the journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. Besides, do you know any place that is more interesting than a big railway-station? There is the movement, the excitement, the gaiety of people going away or waiting to meet friends. You can see a lot of notices: Entrance and Exit, or perhaps Way In and Way Out, Arrivals and Departures, Refreshment Room and Waiting Room, Left-Luggage Office and so on. There are the shouts of the porters as they pull luggage along the platforms to the waiting trains, the crowds at the booking-office getting tickets, the hungry and thirsty ones hurrying to the refreshment rooms, before the train starts. At bookstalls the passengers choose books, magazines or newspapers to while away the time during the journey.

But sometimes service leaves much to be desired. You have to queue up for your tickets. Travelling for long distances is very tiresome even boring, especially if your fellow-passengers are unsociable or boring people.

So, people choose means of travel according to their plans and destinations.

Suppose you travel by train. On arriving to the station you manage your way through the crowd and get out on to the platform. There are many tracks and trains there. But if you are helped by the porter there is no need for you to look round and read all the signs which tell you what train you must take. You follow your porter and here you are – Car № 6, train 52.

You show your ticket to the guard, standing at the carriage entrance. You find your compartment and arrange the luggage on the rack. Soon the train slowly pulls out. You stand at the window waving a farewell to our friends who came to see you off.

You are on your way. You start up a conversation with your fellow-passengers (people take to each other quickly when traveling), and soon you get to know who and what. Now when the excitement of the day is over you begin to feel hungry and go to the dining-car or order meal when the attendant comes along.

After a hearty meal you feel tired. You get into your upper berth and begin to absorb the beauty of the changing scenes that fly past you.


For a first glimpse at train travel of the 21 st century, board the extraordinary Eurostar train. Using the newly opened Channel Tunnel, Eurostar transports you between downtown London and downtown Paris in just three hours, avoiding bad weather, airport and traffic jams. From $82.

Bonus For first class customers:

Access to special lounge in stations;

Meals offered at your seat;

The first railway in our country was opened in 1837 and since that time people have covered millions of kilometers travelling from one part of the country to another by train.
Trains carry people in passenger trains, goods are car­ried in goods trains and mail trains carry passengers and mail. In Britain and America there are also special coaches attached to some trains, called Travelling Post Offices.
Long-distance trains are fast trains. Local trains make the stops, and you can get on or off a train at a very small station, even if it is only a platform. If you are going to a distant place, a sleeping compartment is very comfortable, but local trains have carriages with wooden seats as passen­gers make only short trips.
It is obvious that from time to time one should leave the place he likes or works in for a while to change the scenery because one does get tired of the same surroundings and daily routine. Hence some relaxation is essential to restore your mental and physical resources. And the best way of relaxation is to go to a place where you have never been before. And it is by means of travelling that you get to that place.
There is no doubt that modern life is impossible without travelling. To understand how true it is, you’ve got to a railway station, a sea or a river port or an airport. There you are most likely to see hundreds of people hurrying to board a train, a ship or a plane.
To be on the safe side and to spare yourself the trouble of standing long hours in a queue, you’d better book tickets in advance. Before getting off you make your preparations; you visit your relatives and friends and settle your business. On the eve of your departure you pack your luggage, and when the day of your departure comes you call a taxi and go to the railway station.
When the loudspeaker announces that your train is in, the passengers are asked to take their seats. The carriage and compartment are appointed in your ticket, and you find them easily. And now it is time for you to find your berth. It may be a lower berth, which is more convenient, or an upper one, a corner seat or a seat facing the engine or back to engine one. After finding your seat you put your luggage into a special box under the lower berth. Soon the train starts off. You sit in a cozy compartment and marvel at the country you are travelling through. It’s much more convenient to travel by express trains for it takes you less time to get to your destination.
There is no denying the fact that travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. Modern trains have very comfortable seats in all passenger carriages and there are sleeping-cars and dining-cars that makes even the longest journey enjoyable.

Word List:
mail – почта
coach – экипаж, пассажирский вагон, почтовый вагон
distant – дальний, далекий
compartment – купе, отделение
carriage – пассажирский вагон
wooden seat – деревянное сидение
obvious – явный, очевидный, ясный
from time to time – время от времени
to change the scenery – поменять пейзаж (обстановку)
surroundings – среда, окружение
daily routine – рутина, ежедневный ход событий
hence . – итак, отсюда
relaxation – расслабление, отдых
to be essential – быть необходимым, основным
to restore – восстанавливать
mental and physical resources – умственные и физические силы
by means of – посредством, с помощью
how true it is – насколько это верно
there is no doubt -нет сомнения
to be most likely to do something – наверняка
to hurry – спешить
to board a train – сесть на поезд
to be on the safe side – на всякий случай, чтобы не рисковать
to stand in a queue – стоять в очереди
to book tickets in advance – заказать заранее билеты
to settle one’s business – улаживать дела
on the eve of one’s departure – накануне отъезда
to call a taxi – вызвать такси
to pack one’s luggage – упаковывать багаж
loudspeaker – громкоговоритель
to announce – объявлять
to take one’s seat – занимать место
berth – спальное место
to marvel at – восторгаться, любоваться
to get to one’s destination – добраться до места назначения
advantage – преимущество
sleeping-car – спальный вагон
dining-car – вагон-ресторан
enjoyable – приятный

It is very interesting to travel. You can see other countries, continents; you get acquainted with other people, their traditions and customs. You can travel by car, by train, by air, by sea. If you like to see the nature, enjoy the process of travelling and have a route it will be easier if you travel by car. Travelling by train is usually chosen by people who have enough time to get from one place to another. Travelling by air usually preferred by people who haven’t got much time and want to get to another city, country or continent as quickly as possible. Nowadays there are a lot of businessmen who have to communicate with people from other countries. Every day they must sign a lot of contracts. Sometimes they have to sign several contracts within one day, for example in France and in Spain. And if there are no planes it will be impossible. Each of us has a lot of relatives and friends. Some of them live in other countries. For example you live in Russia, Moscow and you have some relatives in France or in Britain. You certainly can get to GB by train or by sea but it will take you a lot of time. It would be easier if you choose a plane. Imagine that something has happened to your friends and you are needed immediately. The plane will help you in such a case.
Nowadays we try to use fast means of travelling such as a modern high-speed railways and planes. As for trains there are railway stations, for planes there are airports. In every airport there are some formalities without which you cannot come or leave the country. First it is Customs. Every country has it’s regulations. Then you are given luggage tags and boarding passes. The last is the Passport control. When you decide to travel by air you can buy first and economy class tickets. “First” class is more comfortable than “economy” and it is always more expensive. In spite of first class tickets being very expensive they have some advantages over economy. At first it’s more comfortable seats. The dinner is much better then in economy class, and if you have bought a first class ticket you can have 30 kg luggage free of charge. Also you have a private emergency exit for the first class passages only. You have one more advantage: you can take any drinks free. Although flying by plane is very fast it has some inconveniences. It is difference between the time you are accustomed to and the new time. At first you won’t be very well because of it, but don’t worry – it won’t take you long to get used to it. On the whole to travel by planes is pleasant and convenient

Katerina: Hey, Joel. Have you ever traveled by train?

Joel: Only once, and that was a long time ago when I lived in Orlando. I’m not even sure where the Train station is in this city. Why do you ask?

Katerina: I need to go to San Francisco at the end of May for a friend’s wedding, and I’m thinking about taking a train instead of flying.

Joel: That’s a long trip from Chicago, with a lot of Stops. How many days does it take to get there?

Katerina: I just printed out the Timetable. Let me see…It looks like it’ll take about four-and-a-half days. I would Depart, say, on Tuesday morning and Arrive on Saturday afternoon.

Joel: Can I see that? It looks like there are good On-board services, with a Dining car and a Lounge car On each train.

Katerina: Yeah, I like that. I don’t know if I should go Coach or Business class. I suppose that’ll depend on the Fare. I’ve heard that the Sleeping cars are pretty comfortable, too, so I’m glad about that.

Joel: What Day of the week do you have to leave?

Katerina: Let me look at the Days of operation. This service runs daily, so that’s convenient. I’m going to look online to see how much it’ll cost. It’ll be nice to take a train For a change.

Joel: Let me know what you find out and what you decide. Maybe I’ll Look into it for my trip to Washington in September.

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Millions of people all around the world adore travelling. We travel because we wish to see new countries and cities, visit historical places, meet new people and taste different cuisines.

There are different means of transportation. People can travel by ship, airplane, train or car. All means of transportation have their advantages and disadvantages.

I would like to talk briefly about each of them.

Travelling by airplane

Travelling by airplane is the fastest, but the most expensive. A lot of people prefer travelling by airplane, but some people are afraid of heights and that’s why they prefer travelling by train.

Travelling by train

I have to notice that travelling by train is very popular in Russia. Modern trains have very comfortable carriages and seats. There is also the dining-car in each train. You can see many interesting places and enjoy the nature, looking through the window.

Travelling by ship

Trips on cruise ships have a lot of advantages. One of them is the amazing pricing. Most cruise lines are all-inclusive packages. This includes a person’s cruise fare, lodging, food and some onboard entertainment and sightseeing.

Travelling by car

And, finally, travelling by car is also very popular in Russia. A lot of people choose this means of transportation. They don’t need to buy tickets, book hotels etc. They can stop whenever they wish, rest and stay at the same place as long as they want.


Hiking is a very popular means of travelling, but not as popular in Russia as it is popular abroad. Generally, young people prefer this kind of travelling. Walking tours are very exciting.

My opinion

I prefer travelling by plane. To my mind, it is the most comfortable and fast means of transportation.

And finally, it is commonly known that travelling is a great thing! Nothing can give you so many positive emotions and memories as travelling to some remarkable country or city.

Миллионы людей по всему миру обожают путешествовать. Мы путешествуем, потому что хотим увидеть новые страны и города, посетить исторические места, встретить новых людей и попробовать кухни разных стран.

Существуют различные средства передвижения. Люди могут путешествовать на корабле, самолете, поезде или на машине. Все средства передвижения имеют как достоинства, так и недостатки.

Я хочу сказать несколько слов о каждом из них.

Путешествия на самолете

Путешествие на самолете самое быстрое, но и самое дорогое. Многие люди предпочитают путешествовать на самолете, но некоторые боятся высоты и поэтому путешествуют на поезде.

Путешествия на поезде

Следует отметить, что в России самым популярным средством передвижения является поезд. У современных поездов очень комфортабельные вагоны и места. Также в каждом поезде есть вагон-ресторан. Вы можете увидеть интересные места через окно вагона и наслаждаться красотой природы.

Путешествия на корабле

Путешествия на круизных лайнерах имеют много преимуществ. Одно из них – выгодная цена. Большинство круизных лайнеров работают по принципу "все включено". В стоимость включены билеты, размещение в каютах, питание, развлечения, посещение достопримечательностей.

Путешествия на машине

И, наконец, путешествовать на машине также очень популярно в России. Многие люди выбирают этот вид транспорта. Им не нужно покупать билеты, бронировать гостиницы и т.д. Они могут останавливаться там, где хотят, отдыхать и проводить в каждом месте столько времени, сколько хочется.

Пеший туризм

Пеший туризм также очень популярный вид путешествия, но в России не такой популярный, как за границей. Его предпочитают в основном молодые люди. Экскурсии пешком очень увлекательные.