Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Make changes to the title of the project documentation. Can another organization make changes to the design documentation? When is a project re-examination necessary?

5.1 Having received the original design documentation in the archive on the basis of permission to make changes, the production department makes all the changes specified in the permission. The change stamp on all sheets of documentation is signed by the head or chief engineer of the department. The head of the group or the responsible person signs next to the change stamp. The GUI signs the change stamp of the general data sheet.

5.2 Changes made to the original of the attached documents are indicated in the table of changes placed in the title block, and if there is not enough space in the “Sheet” column– to the left of the stamp in the free space as a note.


Change 1 introduced – l1-5; 10; 20; 16-18

l.17 replaced;

l.25 cancelled.

When replacing a sheet of the original, in the table of changes in the first line it is allowed to record only the last replacement of this sheet (previous changes are not indicated)

5.3 Changes are designated by serial numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). One serial change number is assigned to all changes made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on.

When making changes to the attached documents, the numbering of sections of changes on each sheet begins with 1.1 or 2.1 (where the first digit is the number of the change, the second digit is the serial number of the section). Without continuous numbering.

5.4 Changes to the original documents are made by crossing out, erasing (washing) or painting with white, while a scanned file of the changed document must be stored in the electronic archive. In this case, the physical condition of the original is taken into account.

5.5 Changing a document made in an automated way is carried out by replacing (re-issuing) the entire document as a whole or its individual sheets (pages), as well as adding or excluding individual sheets.

It is allowed to make changes to this document in handwriting in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2009 (clauses and DSTU B A.2.4-4:2009 (clauses 8.5.2-8.5.11).

When making changes to the general data sheet in the “Note” column, it is not allowed to go beyond the boundaries of the table.


5.6 When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings, in the list of working drawings of this set on the sheets of general data in the “Note” column indicate:

a) when making the first change – “Change. 1", subsequent changes - = additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon;


b) on the replaced sheets with the change number - “(Deputy)”;


Change 1 (Deputy)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - “Canceled”;


Change 1 (Cancelled)

d) on additional sheets with the change number - “(New)”;


Change 1 (New)

5.7 If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded as a continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

Numbers and names of canceled sheets in the list of working drawings cross out . If there is not enough space in the sheet of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the list of working drawings placed in "General data", make a note: “ For the continuation of the statement, see the sheet (sheet number)", and above the statement on an additional sheet the heading is placed: “Sheet of working drawings of the main set (Continued)”.

When changing the names of sheets, appropriate corrections are made in the “Name” column. Corrections in the “Name” column are not taken into account as part of the changes, but is taken into account as an area of ​​change in the drawing itself

If the sheet is replaced (the name of the drawing is changed), the new name of the drawing is indicated in the “name” column (without striking through)

In the “note” column - change 1 (deputy).

5.8 When making changes to the attached documents, including when performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings - similar to clause 5.6.


When replacing reference documents in working drawings, corrections are made to the corresponding section of the list of reference and attached documents.

5.9 The table of changes indicates:

a) in the “Change” column – serial number of the document change;

b) in the column “Count. uch." – the number of changing areas of the image on a given sheet within the next change;

c) in the column “Sheet” - on sheets issued instead of replaced ones - “Deputy”, on sheets added again - “New.”

d) in the column “Doc. No.” – designation of permission;

e) in the column “Sneaky.” – signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change (the signature of the employee performing standard control is placed in the field for filing the sheet);

f) in the “Date” column – the date the change was made.

When replacing all sheets of the original (at the next serial number of document changes), indicate “All” on the first sheet in the “Sheet” column. In this case, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out. In other cases, a dash is placed in the “Sheet” column (at the Customer’s request, a “Deputy” is placed).

5.10 In change tables on general data sheets are not taken into account corrections made to the general data sheets in connection with changes to the sheets of the main set and attached documents.

When changing the total number of sheets, the section of changes is not entered.


5.11 Significant changes to text documents are made in one of the following ways:

Replacing all or individual sheets of a document;

Release of new additional sheets.

When changing the originals of text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new sheet, to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of another Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous one with a dot.

Example - 3.1

In this case, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, when adding a new paragraph, it is allowed to assign it the number of the previous paragraph with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling a paragraph, keep the numbers of subsequent paragraphs.

5.12 When making changes to text documents, the table of changes is filled out on sheets (sheet):


The first (capital) of the new original, made as a whole to replace the old one;


Issued instead of replaced ones;

Newly added.

To register changes in a text document as a whole (including estimate documentation), when changes are made, a table for registering changes is placed on its title page in the form shown in Figure 5.1.

Rice. 5.1 Change registration table (title page)


1 In the columns of the change registration table indicate:

In the "Change" column – serial number of changes to the document or volume;

In the column "Sub." – signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change;

In the “Date” column – the date the change was made.

2 If necessary, the number of lines can be increased.

3 If the volume (document) has a cover, the table for making changes is also placed on the cover.

5.13 When canceling or replacing sheets of the original document, the stamp “Canceled” is affixed to all canceled sheets. (If a sheet is replaced, indicate which sheet it was replaced with: change 1 (deputy))

5.14 When making changes with a large number of changed sections, as well as in other justified cases in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2009 (DSTU B A.2.4-4:2009), it is allowed to replace the original drawing with a new drawing made in an automated way. In the modified drawing, all previous and latest changes in the drawing are preserved and must be drawn up in accordance with the specified DSTU (GOST). The replaced drawing reflects the latest state without specifying the areas.

5.15 The general data sheet cannot be replaced. Excludes loss or physical wear and tear. In case of physical wear or loss of the general data sheet

Restoration from an electronic version of the original is permitted.

5.16 Changes to the estimate documentation are made by replacing the entire document. The previous estimate is canceled, and the name of the new estimate marked “New.” is indicated in the general data sheet.


List of references and attached documents

*Note. The “Note” column indicates the serial number of the change in the documentation.

5.17 The archive stores the latest drawing with the index "Deputy." and all previous drawings with the same designation and stamp "Cancelled". All changes made to the original working documentation are also made to the electronic copy of the project, stored in the archives of the institute.

5.18 On the general data sheet, after the general instructions (or in any free space), the reason for each change is indicated. (the area of ​​change is not

is marked).

The reason for the changes is not part of the general guidelines.

5.19 The developed questionnaires (QL) and specifications are submitted to the archive according to the general data sheet of the set of working documentation. (With PSO)

Changes to the OL are made in accordance with the current procedure (see clauses 4.1 – 4.5 of this STP). Changes must be made by crossing them out. Prohibited make changes to the OL with a note "deputy" .

On the general data sheet in the Table “List of reference and attached documents” in the “Note” field, the serial number of changes in documentation on the general data sheet is indicated (see. Example). The questionnaires also indicate the serial number of the change according to the general data sheet, provided that there are no earlier changes on the questionnaires.

If changes were previously made to the OL and sent to the Customer, then the serial number of changes in the questionnaire remains in the OL stamp, while the PSO indicates the serial number of changes on the general data sheet.


*Note: Change 3 – serial number according to the general data sheet (there were no previous changes in the OL.)

Denis, help me deal with the following situation. In the process of developing design documentation, the designer does not just draw drawings. The designer communicates very actively with the Customer’s experts and with the designers of the manufacturing plants. Both informally and formally. Those. submits the documentation for approval with a cover letter, responds to comments, makes amendments, sends the documentation again with a cover letter, etc. until the bitter end, until each document being developed is agreed upon.
Our administration insists on including in the drawings, both at the stage of design documentation and at the stage of working documentation, a table of document revisions, similar to the table of revisions from ISO 9431, which contains the columns “revision number”, “revision description”, “date” and “ signature,” referring to what “the customer wants to see.” There is a fear that with this formulation of the question there will be great confusion between changes and revisions, in addition, there will be confusion with the numbering of changes and revisions. Until when will there be revisions, and from when will there be changes? Again, the question arises about accounting for revisions? Those. audit accounting is implemented or not – the exchange “without an archive” takes place in any case. It is also impossible to put a change number without filing it in the archive. Also explain what you put into the archives and at what stage? The following is happening now: The developed project documentation is sent for examination bypassing the archive, then, based on the examination’s comments, corrections are made to it, and having received a positive conclusion from the examination, the documentation is submitted to the archive and sent to the customer. (Until this moment, the table of changes placed in the stamp is not filled out). Next comes the stage of working documentation. During the development process, drawings again travel back and forth from the designer to the customer, at which point the administration is asked to fill out these same revision tables. Next, the completed set of working documentation agreed upon by the customer is archived and sent to the customer. And when the customer during construction asks to make some changes to the working documentation, we begin to fill out these tables of changes. We do not have a clear and unified understanding of the period of time in which these changes need to be made, and what needs to be archived and at what point. There is a desire of the GIPs to simply go through the archive, get out of the situation by filling out revision tables like ISO 9431 and submit to the archive only the final version of the approved document. I would be very grateful if you describe in detail the correct process and legality of using revision tables. Sincerely, Elena.

Note, for example, that the quality manual should be a separate document. A system can be developed when management provides documented procedures. For a small organization, it would make more sense to include most or all of the system documentation in one manual. Depending on the size and complexity of the organization, it may also be more appropriate to write a combination of documents describing process sequences and interactions with documented procedures describing the system.

Russian Federation Information material

PKO-2010.3 Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 21.1101-2009 regarding the rules for making changes to working and design documentation transferred to the customer

set bookmark

set bookmark




on the implementation of GOST R 21.1101-2009 regarding the rules for making changes to the working and design documentation transferred to the customer


Chief Engineer of the Institute V.D. Astrakhan

Of course, other combinations are possible. Please note that the length of documentation required depends on the following.

  • Size and type of organization.
  • Complexity and interaction of organizational processes.
  • Competence of the people of the organization.
Organizations may use any form or means of communication for Quality Management System documents. This means that the quality manual, documented procedures and other system documents can be published in a manner that the organization chooses; there are no restrictions.

Head of PKO A.A. Komissarov

This manual has been issued to replace PKO-2008.3

PKO-2010.3-3. General provisions. Permission to make changes

1. General Provisions

1.1. The manual determines the procedure for applying GOST R 21.1101-2009 regarding the rules for making changes to the electrical part of the working and design documentation.

However, when choosing the form of documentation, it should be remembered that the conditions of section 3 regarding document control must be observed. It may also contain links to more detailed documented procedures. The manual should be useful in facilitating the understanding of the Quality Management System. The organization should not be constrained by the specific format of the manual's content. The format and content should be designed to describe the actual functioning of the organization's Quality Management System.

1.2. A change to a working document previously transferred to the customer is any correction, exclusion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document.

The document designation may be changed only if different documents are mistakenly assigned the same designations or there is an error in the document designation.

Notice the difference in backlighting. Documents included in the Quality Management System must be controlled to ensure that the correct requirements are in place. Document control should include a number of specific activities. Pre-approval is required to ensure the adequacy of documents. Written documentation procedures should indicate how approval is accomplished. Many organizations find it important to include in the pre-release critical review process an internal document review process performed by all affected parts of the organization.

Changes to calculations are not permitted.

If a change to a document is not acceptable, a new document with a new designation must be issued.

Any change in a document that causes any changes in other documents must be simultaneously accompanied by corresponding changes in all related documents.

Critical review, updating and re-approval are required as necessary. Some organizations set up systems to ensure that documents are scanned regularly and periodically to ensure continued suitability. The requirements do not state that critique is programmed or periodic, only that it occurs as needed. If the documentation system is active and your documents are used on a daily basis, this will only be sufficient to conduct critical reviews when there is a genuine need for change.

Changes are made to the original document.

Simultaneously with making changes to the original document, it is necessary to make exactly the same changes to the electronic version of the changed document stored in the archive.

2. Permission to make changes

2.1. Changes to the document are carried out on the basis of permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as permission), drawn up in form 9 (see sheet 4) and 9a (see sheet 5).

Each organization should define a review, revision and re-approval process that suits its own needs. Controls are needed to ensure that correct document reviews are identified and accessible for use, including controls to prevent the inadvertent use of outdated documents. Many organizations have used computer processes to track ongoing document changes. Methods are also needed to ensure that documents remain legible, retrievable and easily identifiable.

The permit is approved by the head of the department.

2.2. The basis for obtaining original documents to make changes to them is permission.

2.3. Changes to each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.

It is allowed to draw up one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interrelated or the same for all documents being changed.

Controls should cover documents of external origin, such as standards and specifications for industry and consumers. A record is a special type of document that has its own management requirements. Records are documents that provide evidence of the completion of an activity or event. They are also used to provide information about the condition of the product. While other types of Quality Management System documents indicate what needs to be done, records indicate what has already happened.

2.4. In the permission columns indicate (for an example of registration, see sheet 6):

a) in column 1 - designation of the permit, consisting of the serial number of the permit in the permit registration book (see sheet 7) and, separated by a hyphen, the last two digits of the year of registration of the permit.

As with documented procedures, a change in emphasis on document requirements was also noted. The organization must identify the records that need to be retained along with the retention period for each record. Many organizations do not have long retention periods, but only ensure normal recording of records. In these cases, the documented procedure can be quite simple, containing a matrix with the necessary information. Other organizations have long retention periods, meaning long-term indexing and retrieving records from files that are missing.

Example - 15-10

b) in column 2 - designation of the document to which the change is made;

c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise, building (structure) under construction;

d) in column 4 - the next serial number assigned to changes that are made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. Serial numbers of changes are indicated in Arabic numerals;

In all cases, controls must be appropriate to the circumstances and the required storage period. It is also necessary to determine the protection and storage conditions required for the stored records. It is particularly important that the organization consider how it will be affected if records are lost or destroyed. For many non-critical records, you can use regular file storage. Critical records must be protected from possible fires and other damage. Provision should be made for backup copies of records stored on magnetic media and for adequate backup protection.

e) in column 5 - numbers of sheets of the document to which changes are made;

f) in column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and/or graphic image, indicating the reason for the change;

g) in column 7 - code of the reason for the change in accordance with the table;

i) in column 8 - additional information;

j) in columns 9...11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and the date of signing;

2. Changing a document made in an automated way is carried out by replacing the entire document as a whole or its individual sheets, as well as adding or excluding individual sheets.

It is allowed to make changes by handwriting.

Summary of the process of drafting and approving bills

Overview: This chapter complements Section 4. The drafting process opens with a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers authorizing the drafting of a bill in accordance with its instructions.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the accession number assigned to the original is retained on them.

When all sheets of the original are replaced, it is assigned a new inventory number.

4. After making changes, the images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, the thickness of the lines, the size of the gaps, etc. must be carried out according to the rules provided for by the relevant ESKD standards.

The Legislation Section, part of the Legislative Services Branch of the Ministry of Justice, is responsible for drafting all government bills. It is composed of legal advisers specialized in the drafting of legislation, supported by other members of the Directorate, in particular the legal, legislative review and computer science departments, as well as a satellite office in the Ministry of Finance responsible for the development of projects of a financial nature.

Each bill is drafted by a team of two lawyers from the Legislation Section, which works in parallel with the French and English versions. Neither version is subordinate to the other. The joint project also takes bijuralism into account, as each lawyer typically studies either common law or civil law. One of them has primary responsibility for communicating with project managers and managing administrative tasks. The funding department may wish to consult with other departments on the bill.

5. Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. They are crossed out with solid thin lines and new data is added next to them.

6. When changing an image (part of an image), it is outlined with a solid thin line, forming a closed contour, and crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines in accordance with Figure 3.

A new image of the changed area is made on a free margin of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation.

7. Changed, canceled and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through a dot the serial number of the changed (cancelled, additional) section of the image within a given sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned the designation of a change in the replaced image.

If a new image of the changed section is placed on another sheet, then the change designation assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the table of changes to this sheet.

8. Near each change, including changes corrected by erasing (washing), outside the image, a change designation is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with Figure 1. A solid thin line is drawn from the parallelogram to the changed area.

9. Changed sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc., located close to each other. circled with a continuous thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing out in accordance with Figure 2.

10. If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the changed image in accordance with Figure 3.

11. Above the new image of the changed section, place in a parallelogram the designation of the change in the replaced image, and with the parallelogram indicate: “Instead of the crossed out one.”

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: “Instead of the one crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)” in accordance with Figure 4.

12. If a new image of the changed section is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines indicating the change in accordance with Figure 5.

Above the additional image, a change designation is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram, the following is indicated: “Addition” in accordance with Figure 6.

13. When canceling an image (part of an image), when indicating the change, indicate: “Canceled.”

14. When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings in the list of working drawings of this set on the sheets of general data in the “Note” column, indicate (for an example of design, see sheet 11):

a) when making the first change - “Change 1”, subsequent changes - additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example - Change 1; 2; 3

b) on the replaced sheets with the change number - “(Deputy)”.

Example - Change 1 (Change)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - “Canceled”.

Example - Amendment 1 (Canceled)

d) on additional sheets with the change number - “(New)”.

Example - Change 1 (New)

15. If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded as a continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the sheet of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. In this case, at the end of the list of working drawings placed in the “General Data”, an entry is made: “For continuation of the sheet, see sheet (sheet number)”, and above the sheet on an additional sheet the heading is placed: “List of working drawings of the main set (Continued)” .

The numbers and names of canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out.

When changing the names of sheets, make appropriate corrections in the “Name” column.

16. When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the title block, appropriate corrections are made in the “Sheets” column.

17. When making changes to the attached documents, including when performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

When replacing reference documents in working drawings, corrections are made to the corresponding section of the list of reference and attached documents.

18. When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings.

19. Changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes (see.

In contact with

Recently, more and more developers are faced with the need to make adjustments to project documentation. The situation is complicated by the fact that the papers have already been issued to the customer, approved and accepted for work. How to act in such a situation? What are the specifics of making changes? What “pitfalls” are possible in the process of implementing the task? Let's consider these nuances in more detail.

According to the law, the procedure for canceling, replacing or making adjustments to project documentation is regulated by DSTU B A.2.4-4:2009. The customer acts as the initiator of such procedures. It is he who makes a preliminary decision on the need for adjustments due to the emergence of other design options or in the event of changes in the legislative sector. At the same time, the introduction and execution of such work is the task of the designer. After all procedures are completed, appropriate adjustments are made to the register.

The situation related to changes in technical regulations deserves special attention. In this case, the design documentation cannot be adjusted. In addition, making changes is not necessary in the following cases:

  • When the costs of construction work are reduced, provided that the technical and economic parameters of the structure remain unchanged.
  • In the event of adjustments being made to the conditions of construction of the facility that do not affect the increase in the overall time frame for completing construction work and the final estimate. At the same time, there remains a requirement related to maintaining the safety of the facility at all levels - fire and environmental.
  • When the customer or developer replaces materials due to the corresponding bidding results. Here, changes are not necessary if the mentioned adjustments do not affect the safety of the facility, as well as the conditions of workers from the point of view of labor protection.
  • In the case of acceptance of the structure for operation, provided that the procedure for constructing the facility was fully observed.

“Pitfalls” of making changes to the project

Despite the transparency of legislative norms in the field of preparation and approval of project documentation, questions regarding changes still remain. The main reason is imperfection in another sector (sanitary legislation). In this regard, the developer is not always able to obtain papers confirming the compliance of the rebuilt or reconstructed structure with the requirements of technical documentation and technical regulations.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 7, Article 52) stipulates that the parameters of a structure can be adjusted only on the basis of changes made to the design documentation. In this case, the finished documents must be approved by the customer or developer responsible for the work. In addition, the amendments made should not contradict current legislative norms, technical regulations and documents existing in the field of standardization.

But cases are different. For example, adjustments made to the design documentation often do not violate the requirements, but lead to problems in the process of putting the structure into operation. Such cases have recently arisen more and more frequently and are causing problems for customers and developers.

As an example, it is worth considering the option of building a boiler room. According to the legislation, the area of ​​the sanitary protection zone is not established for such structures. Moreover, the installation of such structures is carried out only if there are appropriate justifications. In particular, the level of air pollution and the overall impact on the atmosphere can be calculated. As a result, a decision is made on the relevance of such work.

Let’s say the developer received a positive expert decision regarding the design documentation and permission to construct an object, for example, a large retail facility. Subsequently, he decides to change the already completed project and add a boiler room to it, which was not provided for at the initial stage. In this case, the developer sets the goal of reducing the cost of operating the structure, increasing income and reducing the cost of paying for electricity.

The first stage in this case is a visit from the inspection body. During the inspection process, the construction inspector finds out that there are residential buildings around the newly built facility. Despite the fact that the boiler house does not have its own sanitary zone, the overall sanitary protection zone for the facility under construction is reduced. From this moment on, problems begin for the developer, who is forced to go through the authorities and look for specialists who are ready to perform calculations regarding air pollution.

On the one hand, the legal requirements are met, but on the other hand, there are no guarantees that the newly constructed structure will not have a negative impact on the environment. In such a situation, it is impossible to do without carrying out additional calculations and submitting them to the relevant authorities.

It would seem that it would be enough to take everything into account at the design stage, and the mentioned problems with permission and changes could be avoided. But the world is so dynamic that it is often impossible to keep up with new requirements and innovations. Every day something new appears in the demand sector, legal requirements, preferences of potential clients, and so on. In this regard, it is necessary to make adjustments after passing the examination of project documentation and obtaining permits.

The example considered is only one of the options. In practice, there are many such situations and solving each of them requires an individual approach. This is why it is important to take action quickly and take into account legal requirements when making decisions about changes. Ideally, it is advisable to make changes when designing a project. The downside is that in reality this is not always possible.

How to make changes to a project: algorithm of actions

The procedure for making adjustments to the design documentation is as follows:

1. Obtaining permission to make changes. This work is undertaken by the service that plans the edits, and approval is handled by the planning group. Here you will need to fill out a form indicating the number, the sheet where the adjustments are made, their contents and notes (if necessary). After filling out the form, all that remains is to obtain the permit number (it is set by the archive employee, where the documents are stored).

There are some nuances when filling out this part. So, in the change column the serial number of the adjustment is written. In the “Sheet” column – sheets in which changes are made. The code is indicated separately (one of four options):

  • “1” – improvement of documents.
  • “2” – adjustment of norms and standards.
  • “3” – changes due to additional requirements from the customer.
  • “4” – eliminating errors.

In the first three cases, when filling out the “Contents” sector, you must indicate what the changes are related to (for example, based on a letter from the customer). In the latter case, there is no need to provide additional information.

Special attention should be paid to the “Notes” column. Here, as a rule, the need to adjust the estimate may be indicated.

2. Corrections are made to the documents.

3. On old drawings, the main stamp is crossed out and another one is installed - canceling.

4. A note is written on new documents confirming the cancellation of the old sheet.

Thus, making changes to documentation is a procedure that requires a certain approach and knowledge of the law. If such a need arises, it is recommended to carry out the work immediately and taking into account the current rules. Otherwise, problems may arise at the stage of passing the examination and putting the object into operation.

Making changes to the design documentation that has passed the examination, may be required due to various reasons. At the same time, in some cases, repeated expert work on the project is mandatory. All questions and nuances of making changes to project documentation and conducting a secondary examination will be considered in this article.

Changes to design documentation and re-examination

Making adjustments to project documentation after receiving a positive summary from experts is a situation that occurs quite often. So, paragraph 7 of Art. 52 of the Town Planning Code directly requires that appropriate corrections be made to the project if, during the development process, inconsistencies in the parameters from the theoretical data of the design documentation are discovered. Otherwise, discrepancies in the design data and the parameters of the actually constructed facility will not allow the subsequent execution of documents for the building.

In accordance with paragraph 15 of Art. 48 of the same code, after making adjustments to the project documentation before its approval, the developer or customer must send the project for examination. However, clause 3 of Art. 49 contains some exceptions and states that expert work on project documents is not required if:

  • the revised design documentation has already been examined and received a positive resolution based on the results;
  • the amendments made to the project did not affect the structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of the facility;
  • adjustments to the project did not lead to an increase in construction costs.

The same thing, only from a different angle, is said in paragraph 44 of Government Decree No. 145 dated 03/05/2007. This provision of the Decree requires that modified design documentation that received a positive expert opinion earlier be sent for expert analysis a second time, if the amendments affected technical solutions , affecting the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction facility.

At the same time, in paragraph 44 of Resolution No. 145, the customer or developer has the choice of undergoing a re-examination of the revised project if the essence of the modification allows it not to undergo a re-examination. That is, in this case, the customer or developer can, at their own request, undergo an examination of the project documentation again.

When is a re-examination of design documentation required?

An expert analysis of project documentation is initially carried out in order to obtain permission to construct the facility and begin actual construction with the fulfillment of all legislative and bureaucratic requirements.

But there are situations when, after passing an expert study, a second examination is required.

Don't know your rights?

  1. First of all, this situation arises in the event of receiving a negative conclusion on the project. The goal with this option of conducting a repeated expert analysis of the project is obvious - obtaining a positive resolution for issuing a construction permit. Therefore, customers are interested in making all the necessary amendments to the design documentation as quickly as possible, which are indispensable for the approving conclusion of experts.
  2. The need for re-examination due to changes in design documentation in the form of:
    • development of additional sections;
    • adjustments or significant additions;
    • significant changes in the project.

Thus, it is clear that in any case, the need to conduct another examination of the design documentation arises due to changes to it. Only in the first option are these changes forced, due to previous errors or inaccuracies that resulted in a negative expert opinion. In the second case, the amendments are voluntary, due to some external circumstances or adjustments to the project associated with the objective application of theoretical data in the practical construction of a specific facility.

List of changes affecting the safety of the capital construction facility

So, the most important question that needs to be resolved by a developer or customer who makes adjustments to design documentation that has passed a positive examination: do the changes made concern technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the facility? That is, in fact, to conclude that it is necessary to conduct another expert analysis of the project documentation.

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 624 dated December 30, 2009 approved the List of types of work affecting the safety of capital construction projects. The document is quite detailed and therefore voluminous. Types of work are divided into 3 sections:

  • on engineering surveys;
  • on preparation of project documentation;
  • for construction, reconstruction and overhaul.

In addition, a significant part of the types of work within their section are divided into subtypes. So, for example, preparatory work for construction, reconstruction and major repairs (clause 2, section 3 of the List) includes 4 subtypes:

  • dismantling/dismantling of buildings, walls, ceilings, stairs, etc.;
  • construction of temporary roads, sites, utility networks and structures;
  • installation of rail crane tracks and foundations of stationary cranes;
  • installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological waste chutes.

Such a detailed listing allows us to avoid any doubts about the involvement of the amendments made to the project in the adjustment of work that affects the safety of the capital construction facility, and therefore in the need for another examination of the project.

Procedure for re-examination

In accordance with paragraph 44 of Resolution No. 145, re-examination can be carried out an unlimited number of times (2 or more). At the same time, each subsequent examination is carried out in the order prescribed by law for conducting the initial state examination. Meanwhile, experts will evaluate:

  • that part of the project documents to which amendments were made;
  • compatibility of the modified part of the project with the rest of the design documentation, which was previously subject to expert analysis.

Thus, to conduct a re-examination, the customer must provide a package of documents according to the list specified in clause 13 of the Regulations approved by Resolution No. 145, including:

  1. Application for examination.
  2. Project documentation that has previously received a positive expert opinion.
  3. A copy of the positive conclusion.
  4. The task of making adjustments to the design documentation.
  5. Certificate of amendments made to the draft.

It must be borne in mind that the entire project can be considered for re-examination if, since the initial or previous re-examination, amendments have been made to the legislation affecting the results of the state examination.

Making changes in the event of a negative examination of project documentation

If the project documentation received a negative conclusion based on the results of the experts’ work, then in paragraph 10 of Art. 49 of the Town Planning Code offers 2 solutions:

  1. Contact the Ministry of Regional Development or the court and try to challenge the results of the expert opinion.
  2. Pass a re-examination after eliminating all the specified shortcomings.

In practice, since experts rarely make mistakes, and court proceedings are expensive and lengthy, it is easier and more effective to amend the draft based on comments and undergo the examination again. Moreover, the Regulations on the conduct of the examination, approved by Resolution No. 145, contain a rule allowing not to return to the applicant documents submitted for examination in paper form, if the comments that caused the negative conclusion are eliminated, possibly without returning the documentation. In this case, the applicant is given a certain period to eliminate the deficiencies, after which he must provide the expert organization with that part of the project documentation that has undergone changes and a certificate describing the amendments made.

Thus, the corrected design documentation requires a re-examination, both mandatory and at the request of the developer. At the same time, it is very important not to miss the moment, to correctly evaluate the changes made to the design documents and conduct a re-examination if required by law, otherwise later there may be great difficulties with documenting the constructed facility.

Russian Federation Information material

PKO-2010.3 Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 21.1101-2009 regarding the rules for making changes to working and design documentation transferred to the customer

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on the implementation of GOST R 21.1101-2009 regarding the rules for making changes to the working and design documentation transferred to the customer


Chief Engineer of the Institute V.D. Astrakhan

Head of PKO A.A. Komissarov

This manual has been issued to replace PKO-2008.3

PKO-2010.3-3. General provisions. Permission to make changes

1. General Provisions

1.1. The manual defines the application procedure GOST R 21.1101-2009 regarding the rules for making changes to the electrical part of the working and design documentation.

1.2. A change to a working document previously transferred to the customer is any correction, exclusion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document.

The document designation may be changed only if different documents are mistakenly assigned the same designations or there is an error in the document designation.

Changes to calculations are not permitted.

If a change to a document is not acceptable, a new document with a new designation must be issued.

Any change in a document that causes any changes in other documents must be simultaneously accompanied by corresponding changes in all related documents.

Changes are made to the original document.

Simultaneously with making changes to the original document, it is necessary to make exactly the same changes to the electronic version of the changed document stored in the archive.

2. Permission to make changes

2.1. Changes to the document are carried out on the basis of permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as permission), drawn up in form 9 (see sheet 4) and 9a (see sheet 5).

The permit is approved by the head of the department.

2.2. The basis for obtaining original documents to make changes to them is permission.

2.3. Changes to each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.

It is allowed to draw up one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interrelated or the same for all documents being changed.

2.4. In the permission columns indicate (for an example of registration, see sheet 6):

a) in column 1 - designation of the permit, consisting of the serial number of the permit in the permit registration book (see sheet 7) and, separated by a hyphen, the last two digits of the year of registration of the permit.

Example - 15-10

b) in column 2 - designation of the document to which the change is made;

c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise, building (structure) under construction;

d) in column 4 - the next serial number assigned to changes that are made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. Serial numbers of changes are indicated in Arabic numerals;

e) in column 5 - numbers of sheets of the document to which changes are made;

f) in column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and/or graphic image, indicating the reason for the change;

g) in column 7 - code of the reason for the change in accordance with the table;

i) in column 8 - additional information;

j) in columns 9...11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and the date of signing;

k) in column 12 - the logo of the institute and the name of the department that issued the permit;

l) in columns 13...16 - the name of the relevant departments or organizations, the positions and surnames of the persons with whom the permit is agreed upon in the prescribed manner, their signatures and dates of signing, as well as the signature of the normative inspector;

m) in column 17 - the serial number of the permit sheet. If the permit consists of one sheet, the column is not filled in;

n) in column 18 - the total number of permit sheets.

Form 9 - Authorization to Make Changes
(first sheet)

Form 9a - Authorization to Make Changes
(subsequent sheets)

An example of obtaining permission to make changes

Permission to make changes log sheet
(GOST R 21.1003-2009, Appendix B, Form 3)

Filling example

The registration log is made on A4 sheets.

PKO-2010.3-4. Making changes to working documentation

1. Changes to the original documents are made by crossing out or erasing (washing out). In this case, the physical condition of the original is taken into account.

2. Changing a document made in an automated way is carried out by replacing the entire document as a whole or its individual sheets, as well as adding or excluding individual sheets.

It is allowed to make changes by handwriting.

Changes to the estimate documentation are made by replacing the entire document.

3. When making changes in an automated way, as well as in cases where when making changes by handwritten method there is not enough space to make changes or the clarity of the image may be impaired during correction, a new original is made taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the accession number assigned to the original is retained on them.

4. After making changes, the images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, the thickness of the lines, the size of the gaps, etc. must be carried out according to the rules provided for by the relevant ESKD standards.

5. Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. They are crossed out with solid thin lines and new data is added next to them.

6. When changing an image (part of an image), it is outlined with a solid thin line, forming a closed contour, and crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines in accordance with Figure 3.

A new image of the changed area is made on a free margin of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation.

7. Changed, canceled and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through a dot the serial number of the changed (cancelled, additional) section of the image within a given sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned the designation of a change in the replaced image.

If a new image of the changed section is placed on another sheet, then the change designation assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the table of changes to this sheet.

8. Near each change, including changes corrected by erasing (washing), outside the image, a change designation is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with Figure 1. A solid thin line is drawn from the parallelogram to the changed area.

9. Changed sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc., located close to each other. circled with a continuous thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing out in accordance with Figure 2.

10. If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the changed image in accordance with Figure 3.

11. Above the new image of the changed section, place in a parallelogram the designation of the change in the replaced image, and with the parallelogram indicate: “Instead of the crossed out one.”

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: “Instead of the one crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)” in accordance with Figure 4.

12. If a new image of the changed section is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines indicating the change in accordance with Figure 5.

Above the additional image, a change designation is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram, the following is indicated: “Addition” in accordance with Figure 6.

13. When canceling an image (part of an image), when indicating the change, indicate: “Canceled.”

14. When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings in the list of working drawings of this set on the sheets of general data in the “Note” column, indicate (for an example of design, see sheet 11):

a) when making the first change - “Change 1”, subsequent changes - additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example - Change 1; 2; 3

b) on the replaced sheets with the change number - “(Deputy)”.

Example - Change 1 (Change)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - “Canceled”.

Example - Amendment 1 (Canceled)

d) on additional sheets with the change number - “(New)”.

Example - Change 1 (New)

15. If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded as a continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the sheet of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. In this case, at the end of the list of working drawings placed in the “General Data”, an entry is made: “For continuation of the sheet, see sheet (sheet number)”, and above the sheet on an additional sheet the heading is placed: “List of working drawings of the main set (Continued)” .

The numbers and names of canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out.

When changing the names of sheets, make appropriate corrections in the “Name” column.

16. When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the title block, appropriate corrections are made in the “Sheets” column.

17. When making changes to the attached documents, including when performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

When replacing reference documents in working drawings, corrections are made to the corresponding section of the list of reference and attached documents.

18. When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings.

19. Changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes (see sheet 10) placed in the main inscription.

If there is not enough space, the table of changes can be continued upward or placed to the left of the main inscription. When located on the left, the names of columns 14...19 are repeated.

20. The table of changes indicates:

a) in the column "Change." - serial number of the document change;

b) in the column "Number of students." - the number of changing areas of the image on a given sheet within the next change;

c) in the column “Sheet” - on sheets issued instead of replaced ones - “Deputy.”, on sheets added again - “New.”.

When replacing all sheets of the original (at the next serial number of document changes), indicate “All” on the first sheet in the “Sheet” column. In this case, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out.

In other cases, put a dash in the “Sheet” column;

d) in the column "N doc." - designation of permission;

e) in the “Signature” column - the signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change (the signature of the person responsible for standard control is placed in the field for filing the sheet);

f) in the “Date” column - the date the change was made.

For examples of filling out the table of changes, see sheet 10.

21. The tables of changes on the sheets of general data do not take into account corrections made to the sheets of general data in connection with changes to the sheets of the main set and attached documents.

22. When making changes to text documents(cable logs, specifications, technical conditions, explanatory notes) it is allowed to carry out the change registration table in Form 11 (see PKO-2010.3-6, sheet 2).

The change registration table is placed on the first sheet of the text document to the left of the main inscription.

An example of filling out a change registration table for text documents

23. Significant changes to text documents are made in one of the following ways:

a) replacing all or individual sheets of a document;

b) release of new additional sheets.

When changing the original text documents, the following is allowed:

  • when adding a new sheet, assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of another Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous one with a dot;

Example - 3.1

  • when canceling a sheet, the numbers of subsequent sheets are saved.

In these cases, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, it is allowed, when adding a new paragraph, to assign it the number of the previous paragraph with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling a paragraph, to preserve the numbers of subsequent paragraphs.

24. If changes to the original text document under one serial number are made to several sections of text located on several sheets, then the sections are assigned continuous serial numbers for all changed sheets. In this case, the table of changes is filled out only on the first sheet.

25. When canceling or replacing sheets of a document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original are stamped “Canceled (replaced)” in the form given in PKO-2010.3-6 on sheet 3.

26. When making changes to documents compiled in volumes, a table for recording changes in Form 10 is placed on the title page (see PKO-2010.3-6, sheet 1).

If the volume (document) has a cover, the table for making changes in Form 10 is also placed on the cover.

An example of filling out a change registration table placed on the title page

27. Copies of sheets (modified, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, along with copies of general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with paragraphs 14...18.

Change table

Filling examples:

Change 2.

Changes were made in one area in accordance with permit N 17-10 dated 03/22/10

Change 1st.

Changes have been made in 2 areas in accordance with permit N 15-10 dated 03/11/10

for sheet 5

Change 2.

The drawing was released to replace the canceled one with the same number in accordance with permission N 17-10 dated 03/22/10

for sheet 7

Change 2.

A new (additional) drawing has been issued in accordance with permit N 17-10 dated 03/22/10

for sheet 9

Example of registration of changes in the list of working drawings of the main set

Example of registration of changes in the list of reference and attached documents

1. Changes to the design documentation previously issued to the customer, as a rule*, are made in an automated way and carried out:

  • replacing, adding or excluding individual sheets of a volume;
  • replacement (re-release) of a volume (book) - when it is completely revised;
  • release of additional books (stamps).


* The words “as a rule” mean that this requirement is predominant, and deviation from it must be justified.

PKO-2010.3-5. Making changes to project documentation

2. Changes to project documentation are made, as a rule, on the basis of permission to make changes.

The grounds for making changes may be comments from the customer and approving executive authorities, comments from non-state and state examination bodies.

3. If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the accession number assigned to the original is retained on them.

When all sheets of the original are replaced, it is assigned a new inventory number.

4. When completely reworking the entire volume, it is recommended to provide information about the changes made at the beginning of the text part included in the changed volume:

  • the basis for making changes;
  • a brief description of the changes made.

5. If changes are made to the design documentation on the basis of a negative conclusion of the state examination, then in the “Explanatory Note” section, as an appendix, include a certificate in the form established by the state examination body, describing the changes made to the design documentation. The certificate must be signed by the chief engineer of the project.

6. Registration of changes to the volume as a whole is carried out in the table for registering changes in Form 10 (see PKO-2010.3-6,