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How many roses do you need for a wedding bouquet? Wedding bouquet of the bride from spray roses

It is impossible to imagine a wedding without flowers! They are literally everywhere: in the hands of the newlyweds and witnesses, on the hood of cars, on tables during a banquet, in the bride’s hairstyle and even on the lapel of the groom’s jacket. Knowing that there will be plenty of flowers, many guests, getting ready for the celebration, wonder whether it is necessary to give flowers at all and is it worth spending money on bouquets that will wither in a day or two?

There are no strict rules of etiquette that oblige you to bring flowers to a wedding. Newlyweds are unlikely to keep track of who is holding a bouquet in their hands and who is not. But everyone must decide for themselves how to look compared to the other guests who came with gorgeous compositions.

What flowers are given for a wedding?

When choosing a bouquet for the bride, you should take into account the generally accepted language of flowers. Even if the girl herself is not familiar with the intricacies of this issue, there will definitely be guests who will interpret the hidden meaning of the bouquet.

Traditional colors for a wedding bouquet: white and delicate pink, they are associated with innocence and purity. It is appropriate to give lilies of the valley for a wedding - they symbolize fidelity. Roses are controversial flowers, so you should only choose white or pink roses. You can buy a bouquet of peonies or dahlias - in the language of flowers they mean love of life and joy. Bouquets of lilies are quite popular at weddings, but some people are allergic to their scent.

Floral arrangements made from flowers in baskets look great; moreover, this arrangement is very practical: the newlyweds will not need to think about vases, and the stems placed in special solutions allow the buds to retain their pristine beauty longer.

A fairly new direction is bouquets in the form of toys, animals and other figures. A snow-white swan made of flowers or a ship with scarlet sails, which Assol has been waiting for so long, will look great. You can give a young bride a cheerful teddy bear with a heart on her chest or a poodle with a rose in her paws.

Another novelty of recent years is flowers with inscriptions and images. For the bride, you can order a bouquet with photographs from her life or with sincere wishes on the petals. It is not necessary to decorate all the buds; it is enough to sign one rose or make an image of wedding rings on it.

By the way, flowers can be given not only to the bride, but also to the groom. Flowers for a guy must be on long stems. Green and white bouquets are suitable, as well as buds of rich colors: blue, purple, red.

What flowers are undesirable to give for a wedding?

It is not customary to bring yellow flowers to a wedding - most people traditionally associate them with separation. It is not recommended to give callas, red roses and carnations, the only exception being a large bouquet of snow-white carnations. Chrysanthemums, wildflowers and potted plants are considered inappropriate for a wedding ceremony, even if the bride is interested in indoor floriculture. It is not advisable to give flowers with a strong aroma for a wedding celebration - let the newlyweds be dizzy from love, and not from the obsessive smell of the bouquets.

How many flowers should there be in a bouquet?

The number of flowers in a bouquet can be almost any, but it must be odd (3, 5, 7, ...)! This rule is observed even if there are several dozen buds in the bouquet - an even number of flowers (2, 4, 6, ...) is usually brought to mournful events organized on the occasion of the death of people. Of course, the more flowers there are in a bouquet, the more magnificent it looks. Bouquets of 25 small white roses or 9 gerberas look romantic. If you want to give large roses, then there should be at least 5 of them, but the main thing in a wedding bouquet is not the number of buds, but the harmony of the composition.

What to give instead of flowers?

Some people consider buying flowers a waste of money and do not want to buy fresh flowers as a gift. Of course, there is some truth in this, therefore, given that the bride will be given dozens of luxurious bouquets, you can move away from tradition and replace flowers with a more practical gift.

An excellent alternative to fresh flowers is a chic bouquet of chocolates. In appearance, this beauty will practically not differ from a traditional bouquet, but unlike all the others, it will not wither, but will easily survive the wedding and bring pleasure to the newlyweds during their honeymoon. Such a bouquet can be decorated in the form of a basket, an unusual figure or a multi-tiered cake.

Another sweet idea that can replace flowers is caramel roses or baskets of flowers made from caramel mass. Such baskets will look great on the newlyweds’ table during the banquet, and after the celebration they will become a delicious treat for the bride and groom.

Creation is not an easy and very responsible task, because this cute wedding accessory is designed to complement the image of the newlywed and fit organically into the overall style of the holiday.

A selection of types and varieties of flowers, their combination, possible color solutions are only a small part of what needs to be taken into account. So, what flowers are used to make bouquets and what principles What is important to observe when choosing flowers for the bride?

  • Freshness and quality. Perhaps the main selection criterion is these indicators. The bouquet should become a wonderful companion for the bride throughout the day. Only fresh flowers can do this test.

Important! Pay attention to the appearance of the buds and greenery: darkened edges of petals and leaves are unacceptable! If at the very beginning the flower arrangement does not look its best, then you can imagine what it will turn into by the end of the evening.

  • Storage conditions and duration. According to tradition, many brides want to preserve their bouquet for as long as possible, some even dry it. For this reason, you should not lose sight of the factors of storage conditions and duration.
  • Bride's preferences. When selecting flowers, it is worth remembering which ones the girl likes. Maybe she has her favorite varieties. It is also important that the bouquet does not include plants that cause persistent hostility in your beloved.
  • Smell. Try to avoid flowers that have a strong scent. They can make you sick or even dizzy, which will be very inappropriate at the celebration.
  • Probability of occurrence allergic reactions. Some flowers may cause sneezing or reddening of the skin.

By the way! Orchids and lilies, popular in wedding arrangements, are not recommended for people prone to allergies of any kind.

  • Color meanings. A wedding is an event in which every detail has its own meaning. The flower alphabet will also help you make the right choice for filling the bride's bouquet. You can read more about this.
  • Color spectrum. The flowers in the composition should be combined with each other. Buds of the same or similar colors look harmonious. White and pale pink flowers will look beautiful and delicate. It is permissible to dilute a light composition with several bright contrasting buds, for example, red. The style of the wedding is also important: the color of the buds should match the color scheme of the holiday as a whole.
  • Shape and size of buds. Choose flowers with buds of approximately the same size. Large buds in combination with small flowers look awkward.
  • Budget. Wedding arrangements are quite expensive, so when choosing floral filling for the bride’s bouquet, do not forget about your financial capabilities.

Popular combinations for a wedding bouquet

A bridal bouquet can consist of plants of the same type or of different flowers. There are different variations of filling a wedding bouquet.

With roses

Most Favorite compositions with roses. This noble flower goes well with almost all types of plants. The buds of fresh roses are strong and hold their shape well all day.

  • Roses and peonies They are popular when composing wedding compositions, both individually and together. Lush peony buds look harmonious with medium-sized roses, however, to give the bouquet more volume, it is permissible to add several spray roses. The white and pink color scheme with a pleasant delicate aroma is ideal for a bride's look.
  • Roses and anemones. Unusual large flowers with soft petals and a dark center perfectly complement traditional roses. To this pair you can also add a few branches of snowberry, the berries of which are white or pinkish.
  • Roses and chrysanthemums. A more economical, but no less beautiful option could be a wedding arrangement made from these flowers. Small buds of white spray chrysanthemums will add special tenderness to the bouquet. An interesting contrast is obtained by combining white chrysanthemums with red or burgundy roses.
  • Roses and dahlias. A bright original composition can be created thanks to dahlias. Framed by roses, the bouquet will look noble, rich and rich.
  • Peony roses will help make any flower arrangement magnificent. A mono-bouquet of these roses looks luxurious, and in combination with classic roses, peonies, sweet peas or gypsophila, it will sparkle with new colors.

Roses and peonies




Peony roses

With peonies

Peonies also very often used as the main component for the bride's bouquet. They are delightful both on their own and in combination with other plants.

  • Peony combination with open and closed buds will give the bride's image sincere notes of freshness, tenderness and purity.
  • Peonies and hydrangea. Luxurious voluminous compositions are obtained by using these colors together. The white and pale pink shades of the buds seem to be created for a bridal bouquet.
  • Peonies and freesia, lilies of the valley. Lush caps of peonies can be complemented by smaller details, for example, cute lilies of the valley or charming freesia flowers.

Scroll below to see photos of plants from this section (for convenience, the names are labeled under the image).


White and pink peonies with hydrangea

Lilies of the valley




There are many other variations for a wedding bouquet. Let's look at some of them.

  • Orchids and callas. These exotic types of flowers bring exquisite harmony to the wedding composition. They feel tenderness and refined taste.
  • Ranunculus in various combinations. Usually they dominate the bouquet, and the space between them is filled with miniature plants such as hydrangea, hyacinth, lilac, freesia, sweet peas or berries. Such a complex composition looks quite impressive. Bouquets of ranunculus are good in combination with roses, anemones, and eustoma.
  • Compositions with succulents. This desert plant looks very original when combined with large flowers, such as dahlias, gerberas, and asters. The clear dominance of succulents still remains too unusual an option for a wedding bouquet.

Below you will see photos of the listed plants with names.

Callas (Calla lilies)


Ranunculus (Ranunculus) Asian buttercup (garden)

How many colors should there be

According to European tradition, the number of fresh flowers in any bouquet must be odd, the same applies to the wedding composition. However, how much is it?

Do not chase an overly lush option. When thinking about quantity, it is also worth thinking about some other points:

  • Composition weight will depend precisely on the number of plants included in it. The bride must not part with the flowers all day, literally not letting them out of her hands for a minute. Imagine her condition in the evening: she is guaranteed to be tired from the bouquet!
  • Quality and freshness. The specificity of a floral arrangement for a newlywed is that the flowers must remain beautiful and fresh for a long time, without being in water. Additional weight to the composition is given by a sponge soaked in water, into which flowers are usually fixed. If there is a large number, the stems may fall out of the holes, and the flowers, not communicating with water, quickly lose their appearance.
  • The number of plants will also depend on the type of bouquet, its filling. If you use small flowers, you will need more of them. The optimal number for a medium-sized bouquet would be 5-7 flowers.

Important! Don’t forget about additional components, because sprigs of greenery and berries will also add volume and weight to the composition.


Prices for a bridal bouquet vary depending on its contents and design, as well as the region of Russia.

The most lower price limit It's starting to look like a pretty decent bouquet from 1500 rubles. If you try, you can find more modest compositions starting from 1000 rubles.

Advice! A bouquet with pick-up will cost a little less.

average cost wedding composition - 2000-3000 rubles. For this money, you can be sure that your beloved will receive a decent option and will be happy with it.

Of course, florists don’t stop at these numbers. With higher requirements for composition and quality, the price can rise to 5,000 rubles and then to exorbitant amounts.

Prices exclusive designer models, as a rule, start from 5000-6000 rubles and can reach up to 15,000 rubles.

Additions to the bouquet

The traditional bridal bouquet can be complemented with original details. If desired, the florist will include bright colors in the decor. citrus fruits, beautiful ribbons, brooch or toys.

An excellent educational video about the rules for choosing fresh flowers from the Florist.Ru service:

Choosing flower filling for a bride's bouquet is a complex science. When choosing types, varieties, colors and combinations of plants, it is better to first familiarize yourself with some subtleties that will help you and make the process of finding the perfect bouquet simpler and clearer.

Valeria Zhilyaeva

Just as the bride is the queen of the evening, so the rose is the queen of flowers. Even a small bridal bouquet of roses will stand out and complement the newlywed’s image. In any flower arrangement, this plant amazes with its richness of colors and subtle, refined aroma.

How many roses do you need for a wedding bouquet? There must be an odd number of them, and the exact number does not matter. It is even possible to create a composition in which there is one large rose, framed by other flowers: carnations, lilies, etc. We will tell you which plants go best with roses, what they symbolize and what features you should pay attention to when composing a bouquet.

Features, varieties and advantages

These plants are used by brides quite often. Which is not surprising, because among the huge number of varieties, different in color, size and shape, you can always find the most attractive option.

Roses have the most shades - the palette is incredibly wide!

Among the queen of any flower bed there are varieties with white, beige, coral shades, passionate red tones, as well as exclusive purple, black, blue and orange roses. In addition, there are varieties that combine several shades at once.

Bride's bouquet with orange roses

Such a variety of shades allows you to create wedding bouquets exclusively from roses. For example, you can successfully combine a yellow variety and lilac buds or in one bouquet.

Bridal bouquet with white and red roses

Flowers also differ in shape. The bride's bouquet can consist exclusively of or include large ones, which in appearance resemble their luxurious brother of the same name.

Bridal bouquet with peony roses

But beauties differ not only in appearance. Each variety has unique aroma. Various notes are found in nature: from fruity and citrus to a tart spicy aroma. This also needs to be taken into account when choosing plants for a bouquet, because the bride will have to hold the flowers in her hands all day.

Rose has several advantages:

  • availability plants at any time of the year;
  • safety aesthetics for a long time;
  • hypoallergenic.

It is for these reasons that delicate buds remain in the leading position among the flowers for the bride’s bouquet.

What does the rose symbolize?

The bride's bouquet is not only one of the details of the image, but also a certain symbol of the event. Depending on what flowers are included in the composition, one can judge the character of the bride and her attitude towards the groom.

The rose is a symbol of perfection, passion, fertility and eternity

The rose has several symbolic meanings. They differ in different countries and situations. In the West, the rose has a meaning similar to the lotus in India and China. In other words, the plant symbolizes purity, sensuality, but at the same time the center of the universe and divinity. The flower also has meaning ideality, completeness and nobility.

Bouquet of roses for the bride and ring

Since ancient times, the phrase “strew the path with roses” means remove all obstacles, make the road easy And happy. In addition, the plant has the meaning of concentration, intelligence and caution.

The ancient Romans believed that roses prevent unnecessary conversations, contribute to the ability to remain silent. That is why garlands of these flowers were hung in the halls where feasts or meetings were held.

Bouquet of purple roses for the bride

This kind of symbolism is not found these days. In most cases, brides choose the design of their bouquet based on their preferences and the style of the entire wedding.

Wedding bouquet of white roses

White roses are flowers of tenderness and innocence. They are perfect for a wedding celebration.

A bouquet with white roses will suit modest and romantic girls

Such flowers in the bride's bouquet go well with dresses in ivory shades. It is not necessary to use exclusively white buds. Cream roses, milk roses, ivory and peach-colored plants look spectacular.

Cream roses for the bride

White buds harmonize perfectly with other flowers. A popular option is a beautiful wedding bouquet from roses and orchids.

Wedding bouquet of roses and orchids

It will look original green bouquet in the style of minimalism. In this case, eucalyptus, fern or a special variety of lilies with a herbaceous tint are added to the white inflorescences.

Photo of a bouquet of lilies and roses

The combination will look gentle and elegant. This combination will only emphasize the sensuality of the bride.

Photo of a bouquet of chrysanthemums and roses

Incredibly beautiful bridal bouquets from roses and daisies. It is not necessary to use snow-white daisies. To create an unusual combination, blue or blue plants are suitable.

Photo of a wedding bouquet of roses and daisies

Bride's bouquet of red roses

Red buds always speak of passion, love and attraction. If the choice stops at this shade, then you will need to complement the flower arrangement with accessories: ribbon, shoes, headdress, gloves, etc.

Red roses in a bouquet are suitable for confident and temperamental brides!

When the wedding style allows, a burgundy bridal bouquet of roses is allowed. However, as a general rule, it is recommended to slightly tone down the brightness of the composition.

Burgundy bridal bouquet of roses

This can be done using cream, white or soft pink peonies. The flower arrangements are extremely unusual.

Bouquet of red roses and peonies

In addition to peonies, adding white dahlias. They look original.

Bouquet of red roses and dahlias

Pink roses for the bride's bouquet

A bride's bouquet of soft pink roses creates a romantic and delicate image. These flowers go well with any pastel bridesmaid dress.

Pink roses - the choice of romantic natures

Pink shades go well with purple, pearl, brown, white and green tones. You can play with contrast and create a composition that combines pink and dark tones.

Photo of a bride with a bouquet of pink roses at a wedding

Compositions from roses and gerberas. They harmonize with each other, complementing and creating an original composition.

Wedding bouquet with roses and gerberas

The wedding bouquet looks very delicate and elegant with hydrangea and roses. It emphasizes the charm of the bride and does not distract from the entire image as a whole.

Wedding bouquet with pink roses and hydrangea

Bouquet of yellow roses for the bride

There is an opinion that yellow flowers are not suitable for a wedding, as they promise a quick separation. However, all this is nothing more than superstition. Exclusive bouquets are created with yellow roses.

Yellow roses – the choice of positive, emotional brides

A floral arrangement with the inclusion of yellow buds adds brightness and sunshine to the image. Combine with yellow shades of purple, blue, violet. The combination of white and yellow roses looks good.

Wedding bouquet with yellow and white roses

Bouquets with lavender or iris. However, it should be remembered that not everyone likes the specific smell of lavender.

Wedding bouquet with yellow roses and lavender

Yellow buds are also combined with chamomile And chrysanthemum. Compositions with craspedia And eustoma.

Wedding bouquet with yellow roses and eustoma

You don't have to use flashy yellow. For example, tea rose may have a more subdued shade.

Photo of a wedding bouquet of tea roses

Small spray roses in the bride's bouquet

Large buds are more common, so a small bridal bouquet of live spray roses always looks original. These plant varieties store better and will remain fresh until the end of the evening. In general, bush plants look self-sufficient, but their use in compositions is also allowed.

Photo of a wedding bouquet of spray roses

Small buds can be diluted with larger varieties of queen flowers. Then the bouquet will turn out stylish and colorful.

Bridal bouquet with spray and large roses

Shrub beauties are combined with pistachio, aspiditra And chamelacium. Wonderful compositions are composed using.

Shrub roses with freesia for the bride

Shapes of a wedding bouquet of roses

It is advisable to choose the shape of the bouquet based on the characteristics of the bride’s figure. The most widespread round form compositions. However, it is recommended to choose such a bouquet for short girls.

Round bridal bouquet of roses

Suitable for tall brides cascading bouquet. To create it, you can combine pink buds and callas. The wand bouquet also looks interesting. Miniature girls should not choose this shape.

Cascading bridal bouquet of roses and callas

Girls of average build can choose structural bouquet or small basket. The composition is decorated with ribbons, fabric and other decorative elements.

Basket with roses for the bride

Recently it has become popular spherical shape. For such compositions, a frame is prepared to which small buds are attached.

Wedding bouquet in the shape of a ball of roses


The rose is not inferior to the primacy among wedding flowers. Different-sized buds of various shades are truly universal. Using this flower queen, bridal bouquets of extraordinary beauty are created. Every girl can find a suitable option in this variety.

14 June 2018, 15:00

Everything related to a wedding and preparations for it is usually treated with special attention. The bride and groom carefully choose their outfits, think through the decoration of the hall, the banquet menu and the guest list.

Among these pleasant chores, the selection of a wedding bouquet especially stands out - after all, you really want to choose the best, original, worthy one from all the floral diversity. And today the site will tell you how to choose a bouquet, which shape is preferable, which flowers are best to collect from and which signs to adhere to.

8 secrets of the perfect bridal bouquet

    The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a bouquet is its harmonious combination with the image of the bride herself and her outfit. That is why it is not recommended to make an overly bright bouquet - against the background of the white dress and the tenderness of the bride, it will look like an absurd tacky spot, but at the same time it will attract glances and distract from admiring the newlywed. If you still dream of a bright bouquet, then do “theatrical” makeup, then the color balance will be maintained.

    If your Wedding Dress – not snow-white (boiling white), but, for example, milky white; give preference to pink and cream plants so that the fabric of the outfit does not seem dirty. In general, it is believed that in any case it is better to choose flowers one or two shades darker than the dress; this is when you get the most harmonious image of the ideal bride.

    Do not make the bouquet heavy or very large. Firstly, the bride holds it for half a day (and, according to wedding signs, she should not let it out of her hands at all), and she may get tired. And secondly, it’s simply inconvenient to take pictures with such a bouquet - it either crawls out of the edge of the frame or covers the dress or face of the newlywed.

    If after registering your marriage you are going to drive around the city and visit some memorable places, then choose a bouquet in a capsule - then the flowers will remain fresh throughout the wedding.

    Ideally, the flowers in the bride's bouquet are combined with a boutonniere on the lapel, in the buttonhole or in the groom's jacket pocket. This adds charm to the couple, makes their image unified, and on a mystical level binds the young couple to each other even more tightly. This tradition has its roots in ancient times and has truly sacred meaning, which is why it is better to follow it.

    If the bride’s hairstyle involves the use of flowers, then you should order them along with wedding bouquet and select the same plants that make up the main composition. In this case, give preference to those flowers that can “live” for a long time without water, maintaining their natural beauty. It is better to avoid artificial flowers both in the hair and in the bouquet itself. They symbolize falsehood, insincerity in relationships and the fragility of the marriage union.

    It is advisable to wrap the flower stems so that the greenery does not stain the bride’s dress and gloves. And if you are making a bouquet of roses, then the thorns, accordingly, must be cut off in advance so that the lady does not hurt her hands or get scratched. Moreover, according to popular belief, rose thorns symbolize troubles and grievances, so you should get rid of all these troubles in advance. Well, or at least try to do it.

    Refrain from using intensely scented flowers in your wedding bouquet. They will be in direct “contact” with the bride for too long, so they can cause not only headaches, but also allergies. For example, if you want your bouquet to consist of lilies, then give preference to the so-called “Asian lilies”. They have no aroma, and, in addition, their pollen, unlike ordinary lilies, does not get so dirty. However, if you adore certain flowers precisely for their smell, then you don’t have to adhere to this rule, because your favorite perfume doesn’t give you a headache. So the warning primarily concerns exotic plants that you have never encountered closely before.

What to make a wedding bouquet from

Traditionally, the bride's bouquet is made of white flowers and green leaves. However, in our time, pink flowers, soft lilac, and greenish are quite acceptable.

Bridal bouquet: how to choose, how to compose, signs

As a rule, roses, lilies, eustomas, freesias, tulips, and orchids are used to make a bouquet. You can also make it from lilies of the valley, violets, jasmine, daisies, daisies and chrysanthemums. A beautiful and symbolic wedding bouquet is made from half-opened buds of white or pale pink peonies - this flower promises a strong family life and a cheerful wedding.

The bride's bouquets are decorated with the same things as ordinary ones - gypsophila, asparagus, sedge, aspidistra.

What flowers should you avoid in a wedding bouquet?

  • Call , carnations, gladioli are best avoided - firstly, they are believed to bring bad luck to newlyweds, and secondly, they are generally considered masculine flowers.
  • You should not order yellow, blue, black and maroon flowers - this can provoke quarrels and betrayals in a future marriage.
  • It is better not to use ferns and palm leaves in a wedding bouquet. These two plants are magically incompatible with the union of two loving hearts. The fern symbolizes darkness, and is often used to induce it, and the sharpness of palm leaves foreshadows conflicts and offensive words. And this despite the fact that the palm branch has been considered a sign of victory from time immemorial.

Bridal bouquet shape and accessories

It is believed that the more harmonious the flower arrangement looks in the hands of the bride, the calmer the life of the newlyweds will be. Therefore, a spherical or hemispherical shape of the bouquet is preferable. But you shouldn’t make a vertically multi-level bouquet - flowers of different lengths symbolize disagreements among all future relatives. This belief does not apply to cascading, that is, cascading bouquets - they will not harm the future coexistence in any way.

The bride's wedding bouquet has many important functions, so no wedding is complete without it. In ancient times, when more attention was paid to the symbolism of plants, they were selected very carefully. After all, initially it was a way to ward off evil spirits and evil spirits.

It was believed that the presence of flowers in the hands of a girl at the time of marriage would help protect the young family. With the spread of atheistic views, the long-standing tradition began to be forgotten, and other criteria came to the fore. However, the relevance of this necessary attribute has remained to this day, so it is important to know how to choose a wedding bouquet and what nuances you should pay attention to.

There are certain differences depending on the country where the wedding is taking place. So, if a wedding is held in Western Europe, then most often there are 6, 10, 12 buds at the base. More is possible, but it must be an even number: it is believed that paired flowers symbolize newlyweds.

In the CIS, on the contrary, paired buds mean grief or loss, so it is necessary to choose compositions from 5, 7, 9, 11 inflorescences, but, as a rule, the number 13 is avoided. If the wedding is held in Western Europe, but the bride wants a bouquet with an odd number flowers, you must notify the florist in advance.

Otherwise, it will compose the composition according to the usual pattern, and adding an additional bud can disrupt all the beauty created. It seems that the more flowers are used to create a bouquet, the more beautiful it will be. Indeed, voluminous compositions look very attractive separately from the bride, but they may also be inappropriate when taken in hand.

It is important to understand that in addition to quantity, many factors must be taken into account, first of all, convenience for the woman. After all, only at the end of the banquet will she part with the bouquet, traditionally throwing it over her shoulder.

What flowers are used to make a bouquet - list

Although there are now few restrictions on the selection of flowers for a wedding bouquet, there is still a certain list of plants. They are most often used in wedding hall decoration or bridal accessories.

Sometimes they are chosen because of their unusual shape, but most often, according to florography, they have a meaning that is important for newlyweds. Roses are the most common flowers for a wedding bouquet. Due to the variety of shapes and the absence of pollen, they are ideal for creating wedding compositions, an example in the photo.

And because of the large stems, the fleshy petals can retain their appearance for quite a long time. White means purity and innocence, scarlet means love and passion, and together they speak of unity and tenderness. Peonies are quite beautiful flowers due to the uneven shape of the petals; they have a simpler appearance than roses, and due to their large number, the buds are tightly compressed, looking very beautiful and neat in a bouquet.

This flower symbolizes happiness, fun, hope for a joyful family life.

It is also believed that a bouquet of peonies drives away evil spirits from the newlywed that flock to her during the transition from one family to another.

Orchids are beautiful flowers that require special care. They look very unusual in a bouquet, but they do not like strong competition, so you need to use a small amount of them. These flowers mean purity and tenderness, but at the same time sensuality and deep romantic affection.

Lilies are beautiful flowers and, due to their strict shape, are ideal for classic celebrations. They express purity of thoughts, beauty and innocence. A flower can also mean hope for the success or well-being of a new family.

It is important to remember that lilies have a very strong scent, so they should not be chosen by brides with a heightened sense of smell or if the majority of the wedding is held indoors.

Callas were originally considered masculine flowers due to their shape. The main meaning that the plant expresses is admiration for the chosen one. These flowers are considered the guardians of family happiness and values.

Gerberas are bright large flowers, shaped like a daisy. They mean joy, fun, sympathy. Such a bouquet will indicate that the groom is convinced that family life will be joyful and happy.

Freesias are very unusual and beautiful flowers, but in order for the bouquet to look harmonious, they must be supplemented with other plants or buds. The main meaning is deep trust and respect, but can also express love and gratitude. It all depends on the shade of the inflorescences.

These are the main plants used for wedding bouquets. But of course, there are many more color options. It makes no sense to list all their names.

If newlyweds want to use an unusual bud, then they need to find out more about its meaning, how durable it is and whether it is poisonous.

Most often, the bouquet is chosen in advance, and this is done by the bride - after all, it is necessary that it matches her outfit and jewelry. But, despite its apparent simplicity, you cannot rely only on appearance.

Choosing a bouquet has many nuances that need to be taken into account. It should be in harmony in size and style with the wedding decoration, have an unobtrusive smell, and be comfortable for the newlywed.


The size of the bride's bouquet depends on her height and the chosen dress. If the outfit is lush or fluttering, then large structures are needed.

They are made up of medium or large buds so that they are visible against the background of the hem. The size is also affected by the shade of the flowers: the more saturated it is, the larger the bouquet appears. For brides with short stature or figure-hugging dresses, it is necessary to choose medium and small compositions.

In such bouquets you can use all sizes of buds, which distinguishes them from large ones.

Style and flavor

Bouquets can be created in different styles, and it is important that they are in harmony with the image of the bride and the main idea of ​​the holiday. When the wedding is decorated in Provence style, a classic, strict bouquet of roses is inappropriate and will look ridiculous.

It is important to remember that the bride will carry the bouquet with her everywhere, except for dances and competitions. When the newlyweds are sitting at the table, he lies next to the woman.

Therefore, it is necessary that its aroma be unobtrusive and pleasant, otherwise it will provoke the bride’s bad mood, and sometimes can worsen her well-being.

Flower freshness and shape

A wedding is a long celebration, and a bouquet should retain its appearance until the bride throws it over her shoulder.

Therefore, the freshness of the buds that will be used for the composition should be as high as possible. There are several basic shapes that are used for wedding bouquets. Traditionally round, teardrop-shaped (in the form of a waterfall) and straight.

They are chosen depending on the splendor of the dress, the style of the wedding and the wishes of the bride.


Due to the fact that the bride will be wearing the bouquet all day, it will put quite a lot of stress on her hands. Therefore, it is necessary to decide how much weight a girl can constantly hold. When creating a composition, do not exceed this value so as not to cause discomfort to the newlywed.

Bouquet handle

The bouquet should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the handle by which it will be held.

It should be such a length that it is convenient to grasp it with two palms, but at the same time the proportions of the flower arrangement are not distorted. The handle can be made from rewound stems, but it is advisable to use a special porta-bouquet maker, which will prolong the freshness of the buds.

It is important to remember that the port bouquet maker uses a sponge that is saturated with moisture - this will significantly increase the weight of the bouquet.

Pollen and dress

Before ordering a bouquet, you need to find out how strongly these flowers emit pollen. Of course, experienced florists remove it from plants, but over the course of a whole day it still continues to fall off the buds. If there is too much of it, then unsightly spots will appear on the dress.

From this video you will learn how to choose the right wedding bouquet:

Pollen can also cause allergic reactions, so when choosing plants, you need to check how the newlyweds and witnesses react to each flower.

A wedding bouquet is the bride's main accessory. To make it look appropriate and beautiful, you need to approach its choice with all responsibility. Following the rules will help you avoid mistakes that can ruin both the image of the newlyweds and the health of others. What flowers would you choose for registration and wedding?