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Rating of insurance companies by insurance. Where is it better to insure yourself under compulsory motor insurance: based on refusals, reviews, electronic policies? Rating of insurance companies for MTPL payments

The Central Bank claims that last year 2.7 million people turned to insurers for compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance policies. But applying for payment does not mean receiving money; Last year, 3.4% of OSAG residents received refusals.

RBC experts compiled rating of insurance companies OSAGO 2016 based on statistics from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for 2015, which includes settled cases and refusals of compensation, as well as the average level of payments. According to a representative of GlavStrakhControl, this rating can be used as a guide when choosing an insurance company.

Read also:

10. "Rosgosstrakh"

The largest Russian company in terms of insurance premium collected. It has a 3.5% refusal rate for compulsory motor insurance and on average pays motorists 53,595 rubles for insured events, while the average market price is 47.9 thousand rubles.

9. "Ingosstrakh"

This company, one of the ten largest insurers in Russia, has only 3.3% of refusals under MTPL policies. The average payment is 40,458 rubles, which falls short of the average market price by 7.5 thousand rubles.

8. Transneft

It was founded in 1996 and is a subsidiary of the oil-producing Transneft. In 2013, this insurance company was acquired by the SOGAZ company. Since 2011, it has consistently earned the highest reliability rating of “A++” from the Expert RA agency. The failure rate for MTPL is 2.4%. On average, it pays 17,511 rubles, which is 30.3 thousand rubles less than the average market price.

7. Uralsib

It is part of one of the leading financial holdings on the Russian market. It has a high reliability rating of “A+” and a low failure rate under MTPL – 1.9%. The average amount reimbursed under insurance is 50,954 rubles (three thousand rubles higher than the market average).

6. "Energogarant"

The Expert RA agency assigned the highest reliability rating to the Energogarant company - “A++” and the forecast for this rating is stable. The company's attractiveness for car owners is also added by the low rate of refusals for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance payments; it remains at around 1.5%. The average amount of compensation is 45,582 rubles, only 2.4 thousand rubles less than the market average.

5. "AlfaStrakhovanie"

It is part of the Alfa Group and is one of the systemically important Russian insurance companies. According to OSAGO, the company has a 1.4% failure rate. The average payment is 41,796 rubles, which is six thousand less than the average market price.

4. "VSK"

The All-Russian Insurance Company is one of the largest in the country and has even twice received gratitude from the President of Russia for the work done. In the MTPL rating, the insurance company ranks fourth (1.4% of refusals). The average amount of insurance compensation is 42,180 rubles. Alas, the average market price is 5.5 thousand more.

3. "MAX"

The MAX insurance group was founded back in 1992. Then the workers of the Soviet peaceful atom of the Russian Federation needed health insurance services. Since 2007, MAX has insured employees of the Federal Customs Service, and in 2003 the company was granted a license to carry out compulsory motor liability insurance. Although the refusal rate at MAX is one of the smallest - 0.8%, the average payment amount is not encouraging - only 35,403 rubles, which is less than the average market price by as much as 12 thousand rubles.

2. "Yugoria"

The shareholder of the insurance company "Yugoria" is the government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. However, Yugoria is not limited by the boundaries of the district: the company has an extensive network of branches (about 60) and more than two hundred agencies represented in various regions of Russia. It has several subsidiaries specializing in different types of insurance activities, including life insurance and health insurance. According to compulsory motor liability insurance, Ugoria has only 0.7% failures, which is why it ranks second in the ranking. The average amount of payments is 44,051 rubles, which is more than three thousand less than the average market price.


The ranking of MTPL insurance companies in 2016 is headed by the former Railway Joint Stock Insurance Company. In 2015, it received an “Exceptionally High Level of Reliability” rating from the RAEX rating agency. And it’s true – the percentage of refusals for MTPL payments from ZHASO is the smallest and amounts to only 0.5%. The average payment under compulsory motor liability insurance is 44,992 rubles, which is three thousand rubles less than the market average price.

Company Contributions for compulsory motor liability insurance, billion rubles. Average payment under compulsory motor liability insurance, rub. Number of refusals to pay, % Final score*
"Yugoria" 3,1 44 051 0,7 30,8
ZHASO 2,5 44 992 0,5 30,1
Renaissance Insurance Group 4 52 939 5,1 29,7
VSK 18,2 42 180 1,4 29,5
"Rosgosstrakh" 77 53 595 3,5 29,4
"AlfaStrakhovanie" 10,6 41 796 1,4 29,4
"Uralsib" 6 50 954 1,9 29,1
"Zetta Insurance" 1,7 45 227 3,9 26,5
MAX 3,7 35 403 0,8 25,9
"Energogarant" 2,8 45 582 1,5 25,2
SOGAZ 7,8 42 872 6,9 23,8
ERGO 0,6 39 965 7,6 23,6
"RESO-Garantiya" 27,6 43 796 4,8 23,5
"Ingosstrakh" 15,5 40 458 3,3 22,5
"Agreement" 5,7 48 111 5,7 22,5
"VTB Insurance" 0,5 40 172 4,8 21,8
"Alliance" 0 65 766 9,1 21,4
Insurance group MSK 0,3 43 868 6,1 19,6
"Transneft" 0,4 17 511 2,4 16,6
"Capital Insurance" 0,2 21 740 5 14,8

* – taking into account comprehensive insurance data.

Leaders and Outsiders

The Yugoria company took first place in the rating with 30.8 points. She is less likely than others to refuse payments under comprehensive insurance (in 2.6% of cases) and under compulsory motor liability insurance (in 0.7%). At the same time, the average payment for comprehensive insurance at Yugoria is 68.7 thousand rubles, which is 4.3 thousand rubles higher than the market average. But for compulsory motor liability insurance, Yugoria pays, on the contrary, a little less than average - 44 thousand rubles. (the market average is 47.9 thousand rubles), but this did not prevent her from leading the rating.

Yugoriya General Director Alexey Okhlopkov says that this assessment algorithm is quite objective and really reflects the quality of insurance companies’ fulfillment of their obligations. According to Okhlopkov, the main reason why Yugoria refuses to pay under comprehensive insurance is: “the event does not have signs of an insured event or the client applies without documents from the competent authorities for the second insured event (for the first, this is permitted by the company’s rules).” The main reason for refusals under compulsory motor liability insurance is policies that were not valid at the time of the accident.

Okhlopkov, however, considers the use of the average payment indicator to be a disadvantage of the methodology - its low size may be due to the peculiarities of the company’s work with car services, if the client repairs the car at the company’s expense, and does not receive money in hand.

Of the 20 companies, eight pay better than the market average, and 12 pay worse. The worst result, according to the RBC rating, is the company "Capital Insurance". She was in last place in the ranking with a final score of 14.8. The low rating is due to the fact that the company very often refuses payments: 9.5% of refusals for comprehensive insurance and 5% for MTPL. In addition, payments under compulsory motor liability insurance at Capital Insurance are half the market average and amount to an average of 21.7 thousand rubles. However, the volume of fees for both types of insurance here does not exceed 1 billion rubles. The company did not respond to RBC's request. Rosgosstrakh, which is part of the same group as Capital Insurance, declined to comment.

VTB Insurance has the highest percentage of refusals to pay. The company does not pay 11.4% of those who applied for compensation under comprehensive insurance policies. The amount of payments for this type of insurance averages 88.4 thousand rubles. - more than the other 19 companies.

The company’s deputy general director, Evgeniy Nisselson, is surprised by the number of refusals in the Central Bank’s statistics: “According to our internal data, the number of refusals to pay under comprehensive insurance policies does not exceed 4%. The level of payments to individual clients is quite high.”

Calculation errors

Insurers criticize the calculation methodology. According to the head of the property and auto insurance department of SG Uralsib, Maria Barsova, the portfolios of insurance companies for comprehensive insurance and compulsory motor liability insurance can vary greatly from company to company, and this affects the size of the average payment for both types of insurance. “One company insures more expensive cars, another company insures cheaper ones,” she says. “It is not entirely correct to compare the amounts of payments of these companies.” According to her, the size of average payments may be influenced by the regional distribution of the contract portfolio.

Maxim Shashlov, head of the actuarial and methodological department of RESO-Garantiya, says that insurers can take into account the costs of settling insurance events (examination, evacuation, legal costs, etc.) differently. “Some companies include them in the payment amounts, while others reflect them separately in all reporting forms,” says Shashlov. Director of the Department of Analysis, Methodology and Control of the Soglasie insurance company Andrey Dyatlovsky notes that the calculations do not take into account all indicators of the quality of claims settlement: the share of payments in court, the timing of payments, the number of complaints - that is, those that directly affect the difficulty of obtaining compensation.

According to his colleague, Mikhail Petryaev from the retail insurance department of RESO-Garantiya, the estimates do not take into account the increase in average payments due to legal costs. Clients, if they are dissatisfied with the payment, go to court; in this case, the insurer bears additional legal costs. “Often, a higher average payout does not mean that clients received more money, since a significant part of the payout went towards additional legal costs,” he said.

The main criteria for assessing the ease of receiving comprehensive insurance payments should be the timing and quality of car repairs, says Ekaterina Zakharova, representative of the RESO-Garantiya retail insurance department. “The reduction in payments is influenced by agreements with stations on the cost of repairs, in particular spare parts, labor and paint materials,” she says. It was the size of the average payments for comprehensive insurance and compulsory motor liability insurance, which at RESO-Garantia are below the market average, that did not allow the company to reach the top of the rating.

“Insurers are hostile to absolutely any rating, since it is easier to fish in troubled waters: now there are no guidelines for the consumer on the market at all, and companies do not need to make any special efforts to fight for clients,” Nikolai Tyurnikov from GlavStrakhControl explains criticism of insurers " He believes that the rating can be used as one of the criteria when deciding where to insure a car.

Almost every driver wants to buy compulsory insurance at a low price. There are many offers - here for 7,000 rubles, Tamza for 8,000, and here for 1,500. What is the reason for this difference, and is it worth paying more? Which company is better to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance?

Variation in prices among insurance companies

The difference in the cost of compulsory insurance among different insurers is approximately 20% and is associated with the use of a price corridor. That is, they are allowed to make calculations in the range from the minimum basic tariff to the maximum. For passenger cars it is 3,432 rubles. and 4118 rub. respectively.

Also, the cost of the policy depends on the driver’s age, length of service, type of vehicle and engine power, region of residence, etc. For example, insurance will cost more for a young driver than for an experienced one. And it’s cheaper for a resident of Moscow than for a citizen registered in St. Petersburg.

But if in the same locality under the same conditions (age, length of service, car, etc.) prices from insurers are different, choose a cheaper option. The high cost is associated with the calculation at the maximum tariff, rarely with the inclusion of additional services. You can refuse them; this is a purely voluntary matter. The insurer must fulfill the obligations in both cases to the required extent.

Basic rates are set at the state level, and insurance agents do not have the right to overestimate or underestimate them. Therefore, the price is 1500 rubles. for car insurance - a clear sign of counterfeit. By purchasing it, the car owner risks having to pay damages to the injured party himself if an accident occurs through his fault. It is almost impossible to obtain an insurance payment under such insurance.

So which company is better to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance? A reliable one that will be able to fulfill its obligations to the required extent and on time.

The most reliable insurers in Russia, or where is the best place to buy OSAGO?

There are many honest and decent insurers in our country, but the top five include:


Image 1: AlfaInsurance logo.

Image 1: AlfaInsurance logo.

One of the largest Russian insurers, offering more than 100 insurance products for individuals and legal entities. It has over 270 regional offices. It is among the top ten insurers. It is popular due to favorable prices for compulsory motor insurance.


Image 2: Reso-Garantia logo.

The company offers more than 100 types of insurance services. It has over 850 branches throughout the country. It is famous for its very fast payment processing.


Image 3: Ingosstrakh logo.

The company was founded in the Soviet Union. Has more than 80 branches. It is possible to issue a policy through a mobile application.


Image 4: VSK logo.

It has more than 600 branches throughout the country. Reimburses losses within 5 days.


Image 5: Rosgosstrakh logo.

The group's clients include more than 26 million Russians. Has more than 3000 branches.

There are good and bad reviews about every company online. Some people complain about the imposition of additional services, others are not satisfied with the terms of compensation for damage, etc. But others, on the contrary, liked the speed of service, the cost of the policy, the ability to obtain insurance online, etc.

They help you decide where it is best to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance. Use our service, compare the results and choose the best option.

A brief comparison of the top five insurers

Which company is better for compulsory motor liability insurance? Reliability research is carried out by rating agencies. The most popular in Russia is “Expert RT”.

To assess the insurer's activities, the following is taken into account:

  1. Reliability.
  2. Amount of authorized capital.

On July 1, 2003, the Federal Law came into force, which obliges all car owners to take out MTPL insurance.

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Because obtaining an MTPL policy has become a mandatory condition for all motorists, a question immediately arose, quite justified: “Which insurance company is best to enter into a liability insurance agreement?”

The main factors that vehicle owners pay attention to when choosing an insurance company are:

  • efficiency and speed of compensation payments;
  • high quality of service;
  • “word of mouth” reviews from friends, relatives, colleagues;
  • the number of clients served by the company.

Not so long ago, the price of the policy was of great importance for motorists. But today's realities have made their own amendments, and this factor has ceased to be relevant.

What is OSAGO

OSAGO is essentially liability insurance. The main goal of compulsory motor liability insurance is to protect the health and property of the motorist. In MTPL, protection is focused on other people's property and health, while CASCO coverage applies to you and your car.

The purpose of compulsory motor liability insurance is mandatory compensation for the injured party in an accident. The state is the guarantor of payments.

If you become the owner of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, the victim will receive payments and compensation from the insurance.

But the person who caused the accident will have to repair his car or pay for his treatment with money “out of his own pocket” or with the help of other types of insurance.

It is important to understand and remember that compulsory motor liability insurance only covers expenses in the event of an accident. In other situations (theft, damage to a car in a parking lot, theft of things from a car), compensation for losses or damages under the MTPL policy is not paid, since these events are not an insured event.

The damage is assessed by independent appraisers. This allows us to hope for a certain objectivity, but does not exclude claims and questions from both sides of the accident.

The law requires that you issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy within five days after registering your ownership of the car. Otherwise, driving a car is prohibited, and the traffic police simply will not register it.

The MTPL policy is valid in any region of Russia. As required by current legislation, an MTPL policy must be issued for each vehicle. In addition, you cannot issue a policy at the same time in several insurance companies.

Rating for Russia

The insurance market is filled with many insurance companies. It is difficult for an ordinary person to make a choice for himself which of them is most profitable to cooperate with.

For insurance companies, reputation in the service market is of great importance. If little is known about the company, then only old clients will cooperate with it. It is in order to find out the real state of affairs in insurance companies that ratings are compiled.

In order to decide which company to conclude an MTPL contract with, potential clients will have to study the 2020 rating of insurance companies on the reliability of MTPL and only after that choose a reliable, comfortable and convenient insurance company.

In Russia, only a few agencies are involved in assessing the work of insurance companies, and they also compile ratings. Each of them has their own style and experience.

Therefore, data from different RAs may differ slightly from each other. For example, the national rating agency NRA evaluates only those insurance companies that voluntarily open access to information about their activities.

  • geography of the insurance company's activities;
  • number of real clients;
  • volume of capital;
  • percentage of positive/negative decisions.

The data in the ratings is quite dynamic and is constantly updated. This is due to the difficult economic conditions of our time. Companies facing financial difficulties are forced to renegotiate the terms of contracts.

  • financial stability;
  • popularity among consumers;
  • share of payments.

By cost

The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance can be found directly from the insurance company, on the insurance company website, or you can calculate it yourself using an online calculator.

Insurance Company Category, type and purpose of the vehicle Basic insurance rate (RUB)
“C”, “CE” less than 16 tons 3509
“C”, “CE” more than 16 tons 5284
“B”, “BE” for physical. individuals and individual entrepreneurs 4118
“B”, “BE” for legal entities. persons 2573
“C”, “CE” less than 16 t 3509
“C”, “CE” more than 16 t 5284
“D”, “DE” up to 16 passengers 2808
“A”, “M” motorcycles, mopeds, light ATVs 867
“B”, “BE” for physical. individuals and individual entrepreneurs 4118
“B”, “BE” for legal entities 2573
“C”, “CE” less than 16 tons 3509
“C”, “CE” more than 16 t 5284
“D”, “DE” up to 16 passengers inclusive 2808
“D”, “DE” more than 16 passengers 3509
MSK “A”, “M” motorcycles, light ATVs, mopeds 1579
“B”, “BE” for individuals and individual entrepreneurs 4118
“B”, “BE” for legal entities. persons 3078
“C”, “CE” less than 16 t 4211
“C”, “CE” more than 16 tons 6341
“D”, “DE” up to 16 passengers 3370
“D”, “DE” more than 16 passengers inclusive 4211

To independently calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance, you need to have the following information:

  • know the type of vehicle (PTS,);
  • know the power of the power plant in horsepower;
  • know the place of official registration of the owner of the vehicle (civil passport);
  • indicate the age of possible drivers (driver's license);
  • know the drivers' experience;
  • know the KBM (class) of drivers.

Calculators for calculating the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance of some leading insurance companies:

  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • Ingosstrakh;
  • Reso;
  • Rosno.

Don’t be afraid that the calculator “produces” two numbers. This is the minimum and maximum possible price of an MTPL policy.

This range of prices was made possible due to the fact that insurance companies have the right to independently set the cost of the policy, within the limits of the correction coefficients.

By payments

When an insured event occurs, it is important for the company’s client to receive insurance money. But all insurance companies make the required payments or do so untimely.

This table reflects the amounts that the company's clients paid as insurance for the year (Fees); the amounts that were paid to people for insured events (Payments) and the coefficient of devastation of the insured event or cumulation coefficient (Coefficient).

In simple words, this is the percentage ratio of the number of affected clients of the company to the number of insured events.

Table continuation:

By reliability

The level of reliability of insurance companies, according to expert estimates, is measured by the following indicators:

  1. A++ - Exceptionally high level;
  2. A+ - Very high level;
  3. A – high level.


  1. Would you recommend this insurance company to your friends?
  2. Is the service of this insurance company convenient?
  3. Did you experience any difficulties when contacting this company for MTPL insurance?
UK/conditions Payments (promptness and amounts) Attitude towards clients
Alpha - Insurance 5 5
VTB-Insurance 5 5
Ingosstrakh 5 5
Renaissance 5 5
VSK 2 3
Rosgosstrakh 2 3

Table continuation:

UK/conditions Expert assessment Notes
Alpha - Insurance 5 Possibility to issue a policy on the road; convenient service
VTB-Insurance 5 Developed network of branches
Ingosstrakh 5 Transparent tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance
Renaissance 5 No additional “imposed” services
VSK 5 Rude attitude towards clients; imposition of additional services
Rosgosstrakh 5 Aggressive sales methods; inflated prices for services; delay in payments

The most popular insurance companies in Moscow

SC / rating level Behind (%) Against (%) Official rating
Reso guarantee 78 22 A++
VSK Insurance House 60 40 A++
Rosgosstrakh 20 80 A++
VTB insurance 0 100 A++
PPF 50 50
Alpha insurance 0 0 A++
Sogaz 100 A++

But often the dissatisfaction of clients is due not to the fact that the insurance company is irresponsible in its work, but to the fact that the clients themselves do not bother to understand the essence of the contract and study it carefully.

When choosing an insurance company, any person wants to be sure that if an insured event occurs, he will not be denied the monetary compensation due. In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation and save yourself from the need to resolve disputes and settle claims, you should take care to study the ratings of insurers even before concluding an insurance agreement.

Today, the most authoritative rating agencies specializing in compiling lists of insurance companies that are leaders in meeting any criterion are the Expert RA agency and the National Rating Agency.

  • the amount produced by the company over a certain period of time;
  • the amount of capital of the insurer;
  • consumer assessment, taking into account both positive and negative reviews.

When choosing an insurer, you should pay attention to the official ratings compiled for the entire country. It is not worth relying solely on public opinion about a company in a particular region or city - it is often the result of a large-scale advertising campaign conducted by the insurer. At the same time, the quality of the services provided, as a rule, does not correspond to the stated promises.

  • information about the organization is collected through audits and employee surveys;
  • the information received is analyzed, and on its basis an expert opinion is formed, on the basis of which the company takes its place in the ranking.

If the insurer is satisfied with the assessment given to him, he signs an agreement allowing him to publish the results of the audit in open sources. Otherwise, he can file an appeal, the result of which is the signing of an agreement on non-disclosure of the information received. No information about this insurer will be included in the rating generated by the agency.

The gradation of levels assigned based on the results of the analysis is as follows:

  • highest;
  • very tall;
  • high;
  • satisfactory;
  • low;
  • short;
  • very low;
  • unsatisfactory;
  • failure to fulfill obligations;
  • bankrupt company;
  • Liquidation of company.

Rating of the most reliable insurance companies as of 2020


The largest company in terms of the scale of its presence in the regions, the amount of insurance premium collected, its own assets and reserves. In addition, this insurer makes the largest number of payments for various insurance events. It is part of the systemically important insurance companies of Russia.


One of the largest Russian companies providing life insurance, health insurance, motor vehicle liability, pension insurance, accident insurance, etc. Over the past five years, it has consistently ranked among the top three most reliable companies.


At the end of 2015, the company took third place in terms of collected insurance premiums, the amount of which amounted to 77.875 billion rubles. At the same time, the total amount of insurance payments made over the same period of time amounted to 40.168 billion rubles.


The company is consistently among the top ten most reliable insurers providing insurance services in various spheres of human life. At the end of 2017, the amount of insurance premium collected by the company amounted to 71.1 billion rubles, which corresponds to the indicators of previous years.

Alfa insurance

At the end of 2017, the amount of insurance premium collected by the company amounted to 13.4 billion rubles; the amount of insurance payments for the same period amounted to 1.37 billion rubles. The company is widely represented in the regions of Russia: more than 270 of its representative offices operate throughout the country.

According to analysts, the top three companies in the reliability rating paid about 35% of all insurance claims that arose in the country in 2017. This means that the solvency of these insurers is at a high level and, in the event of an insured event, their clients can be confident that all payments due to them will be made in full.

When choosing an insurance company, you should pay attention to the rating assigned to it by reputable rating agencies. Experts advise entering into agreements with companies with A++ or A+ ratings, which are currently the highest. The presence of such a rating for an insurer indicates that it has a sufficient number of assets and is solvent, which means that even if problems arise in the insurance market in the long term, they will be able to stay afloat and fulfill their obligations to clients. In total, as of 2020, about two dozen insurers have these ratings, including the above companies.