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I enjoy baked apples with cinnamon. Baked apples in the oven: recipe, calorie content, benefits and harm

A tasty and healthy product given to us by nature, which should definitely be included in your diet. In addition to a variety of apple pies, jams and salads, there is a dish that will take a minimum of time and cost to prepare, but will result in maximum taste, aroma and benefits - baked apple.

What are the benefits of such a delicacy for human health, what are the methods of preparing it and the characteristics of its chemical and energy composition, we will consider in more detail in our article.

The calorie content of this baked fruit without additives, depending on the variety, according to the results of various studies, is slightly higher than that of fresh fruit - 45-70 kcal per 100 g.

People on a diet should take into account the fact that if apples are baked with sugar, honey, raisins, prunes and other sweets, the calorie content of the product increases up to 100 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about energy value, when apples are baked, the water evaporates, but the concentration of proteins and fats remains at a very low level. The concentration of carbohydrates increases several times:

  • - 0.4-0.6 g;
  • fats - 0.3-0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15-25 g.

Did you know? According to archaeological research, people began to eat the “fruits of paradise” more than 6500 BC.

The amount of BJU is indicated per 100 g of product.

The main element in the baked apple is dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product is also rich in vitamins. Almost the entire line is present here in small quantities (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), also vitamins , H, and PP.
Among the minerals in the product there are,. In addition, baked apples are rich in folic acid and pectin; the peel contains ursolic acid, and the seeds contain ursolic acid, which is also useful in small quantities.

Did you know? Many believe that the cut of apples turns black due to the oxidation of iron in them. But that's not true. In fact, a complex chemical reaction occurs of the oxidation of plant pigments - polyphenols, similar to what happens with potatoes.

Due to its low calorie content and positive effect on the body, baked apple is one of the most popular products for weight loss, dieting and maintaining muscle tone. But this is far from the only beneficial property of this dessert.

Pectin, which is part of the product, improves digestion, accelerates the elimination of toxins and has a beneficial effect on the condition and color of the skin.
A baked apple, with the help of iron, potassium and folic acid contained in it, makes a huge contribution to the stable functioning of the heart and circulatory system. Thanks to the consumption of this product, the production of hemoglobin is activated, the processes of blood purification, hematopoiesis, blood circulation and enrichment of organs with oxygen are enhanced. The introduction of treats into the diet reduces the risks of leukemia, atherosclerosis, and strokes.

Important! It has been proven that eating two baked apples a day for a month reduces the risk of stroke by a third.

Medical use, treatment, prevention, vitaminization

Baked apples are rich in vitamins, minerals and beneficial microelements, therefore they are widely used for medical purposes for treatment and prevention.

You can start feeding your baby baked apple puree as early as 6 months. For your baby, the dish will not only be a treat, but will also promote digestion and support immunity.

During heat treatment, apples almost do not lose their beneficial properties. Children's digestion, which is not yet fully formed, will react more favorably to baked apples than to fresh ones. In case of poisoning, which often occurs in childhood, such an apple dish becomes the best remedy for treating intoxication in a child’s body.
A storehouse of vitamins and minerals will not only be your child’s favorite dessert, but also a faithful assistant, supporting the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems. Calcium, ursolic acid and vitamins A and C help strengthen bones and develop muscle tissue in the child.

Important! Baked apple desserts are an excellent antiviral remedy, thanks to the antibacterial and immune-supporting properties of vitamin C. Iodine promotes the mental development of the child, and the taste of the dessert will not leave the baby indifferent.

Proper nutrition of the mother directly affects the well-being and health of the baby. Mom can eat baked apples already in the first weeks of the baby’s birth. The dish is hypoallergenic and full of vitamins and minerals. Apples do not affect lactation, but have a positive effect on the baby’s well-being and digestive system, since they pass to him with mother’s milk.
If the baby’s condition has not changed within a few days after eating the baked fruit, you can safely include the dessert in your diet on an ongoing basis.

Baked apples have the properties of restoring imbalances in the body after childbirth, they will help restore strength and give vigor.

Baked apple delicacy is a tasty and healthy dish that will ensure the health of the baby and peace of mind for the mother.

For diabetes

Another advantage of baked apples is their low glycemic index. This property is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes, helping to keep blood glucose levels at an acceptable level.

Important! Endocrinologists say that diabetics will benefit from including one or two baked apples a day in their menu to saturate the body.

Pectin, found in baked fruits, with regular nutrition will cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, the blood of harmful substances and reduce the level of insulin in the blood.

Baked apples are allowed for all types of pancreatitis, subject to certain conditions:

  • Only sweet varieties should be baked;
  • during an exacerbation, you can consume such a dessert a week after the onset of the disease;
  • during exacerbation of the chronic stage, baked apple delicacies should be eaten without the peel, in a ground form.

A huge advantage of baked apple desserts for patients with pancreatitis is the reduced acidity of the product. Therefore, the load on the pancreas is minimal and fruits are easily digested, providing the body with useful substances and a portion of carbohydrates.
Pectin and fiber normalize digestion and solve problems with constipation and flatulence, while baked apples do not cause bloating and abdominal pain.

Important! Baked apple dessert does not overload, but on the contrary, promotes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and the course of the disease.

Both with pancreatitis and stomach ulcers, the question of proper nutrition arises, which baked apples will help solve. With their systematic use, as mentioned above, you can get rid of many digestive disorders.

These baked fruits will be one of those dishes that will contribute to the fastest recovery.

Another important fact for those with a sweet tooth. Among all desserts, baked apples are the safest and healthiest.
This fact is explained by the fact that during heat treatment, the fiber of apples becomes softer and more susceptible to digestion.

The stomach secretes a minimum of gastric juice for digestion, while receiving maximum nutritional and beneficial properties.

Baked apples are one of the products that can not only be eaten to improve the general condition of the body, but also used as a cosmetic product.

Thus, regular consumption of the product normalizes metabolic processes, thereby helping to regulate weight, and will also be an excellent ingredient for diets.
In addition, the minerals included in the dish help improve muscle tone, skin quality and color.

Important! Thanks to the cleansing properties of pectin, baked apples will help get rid of acne and pimples.

Abuse is man's great enemy. Often we ourselves spoil our health by “addicting” to one or another useful product. Same with baked apples. Yes, the supply of their beneficial properties is limitless. But, as they say, you need to observe moderation in everything.
For example, an adult can afford 2-3 apples a day, for children from 2 years old half a fruit is acceptable once every few days, children from 5 to 10 years old can be allowed to eat 1 apple in 2 days.

Important! If you want to go on an apple diet, you need to stock up on large portions of the product. The essence of the diet is to eat exclusively baked apples for 5-7 days (up to 1 kg per day). An important condition: they need to be washed down with plenty of water. If your willpower does not allow you to live on this fruit alone, you can add either a liter of low-fat fruit to your diet, or have breakfast with boiled vegetables, chicken breast, crackers, and from lunch switch to the “paradise” fruit and water.

The best apple fruits for baking are those in which the cut area quickly darkens. Therefore, it is precisely these specimens that you need to stock up on for the winter; of course, winter varieties (Antonovka, Simirenko) are best suited for this task. The optimal storage temperature is 0...+5 °C, humidity is 85-95%. The room must be regularly ventilated, since fruits emit ethylene, a gas that negatively affects storage: it accelerates the ripening of fruits and reduces their shelf life.
The apple storage must be prepared properly: it is best to whitewash the walls and treat the floor with iron sulfate. The best containers for apple fruits are wooden or cardboard boxes, containers, and shelving.

The fruits themselves must be carefully collected, avoiding damage, and sorted.

How to cook baked apples: recipe and step-by-step instructions

There are many recipes for making such a tasty and healthy dessert. Let's reveal the secrets of some of them.

Cooking in the oven

In the oven you can cook truly “heavenly” apples: their taste and aroma will not leave any gourmet indifferent. And, most importantly, preparing such a culinary masterpiece is quite simple: you need to cut the fruit in half, remove the core, and place honey and cinnamon in the hole that has formed. The delicacy is ready for baking, all that remains is to place it in the oven. Cooking time - 20 minutes at temperatures up to 200 °C. You can diversify the taste by sprinkling this dietary dessert with nuts, raisins, dried apricots, ginger, candied fruits, cinnamon - in a word, whatever your heart desires.

In the microwave

Another great way is baking apples in the microwave. It is distinguished by ease, simplicity and speed of preparation. Main ingredients: apple fruits and honey.

Perhaps the most difficult stage is to remove the core so as not to pierce the fruit all the way through. Then you need to fill the resulting recesses with honey.

Important!The amount of honey you use in this recipe depends on how much of a sweet tooth you have and the acidity of the fruit itself.

Baking time is only 5 minutes, provided that the microwave is operating at full power.

In a slow cooker

One of the trends in modern cooking is apples baked in a slow cooker. The original combination of ingredients makes the dish not only very healthy, but also amazingly tasty. So, to prepare such a unique delicacy you will need apples, honey (sugar), cinnamon, cottage cheese, and nuts.

Important! Experienced housewives recommend choosing apples with hard skin and sour flesh (for example, Simirenko) for baking in a slow cooker. Using soft-skinned varieties can result in delicious baked apple porridge.

It is necessary to place honey (sugar) at the bottom of the grooves that formed in the apples after removing the cores, and fill the remaining void with cottage cheese with cinnamon and nuts, pureed in a blender. If you wish, you can experiment and mix cottage cheese with jam or jam. Place the prepared product in a slow cooker and bake for about 40 minutes, depending on the hardness of the peel of the apple itself.

As you can see, baked apples are not just a dessert. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and substances beneficial to the human body. For those who want to lose weight, this dish is a real find, since the process of losing weight on the apple diet is quite tasty and not exhausting. And for everyone who just wants to be healthy, baked apple dessert is a tasty and healthy folk remedy.

Apples are perhaps the most commonly used fruit for making all kinds of desserts and sweet pastries. And the simplest, but no less tasty and very healthy, is baked fruit in the oven.

With honey, the recipe for such a dessert, traditional for many European countries, is the most common and popular.

Moreover, depending on the use of additional ingredients and the method of serving, this dessert can be safely attributed to both home and restaurant cuisine.

About the benefits and harms of baked apples with honey

This is not just a delicious dessert. It contains a lot of pectin, a substance that stimulates intestinal motility and adsorbs toxins. This is a mandatory product of the therapeutic diet during the recovery period after surgery on the digestive system, long-term drug therapy, protracted illnesses, and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

These products themselves are extremely beneficial for the human body. Not only as a food product, but also in many situations as a medicinal product.

Thus, in terms of the volume of many mineral substances necessary for the body, honey is identical to the composition of human blood. The fruit, in turn, is a source of a whole macro complex of vitamins, including C, A, E, P, which is a group of B vitamins. It is also a supplier of microelements such as iron, iodine, fluorine, magnesium, sodium, etc.

Honey is used as a healing agent for a wide variety of painful conditions and diseases. And fresh apples are recommended to be included in therapeutic diets for anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.

In addition, it is a dietary product, thanks to which you can successfully fight excess weight, cleanse the intestines of toxins, and stabilize digestion.

Baked apples can only cause possible harm to those who are allergic to bee products. People diagnosed with pancreatitis are advised to strictly limit their consumption of dessert.

Otherwise, this delicious simple dessert is healthy in all respects for both adults and children.

Food preparation

Preparing the dessert is quite simple. Product preparation takes a maximum of 15 minutes, heat treatment – ​​up to 45 minutes.

For all recipes, the rules for processing fruit before baking are the same:

  • select ripe, strong fruits without wormholes or signs of spoilage;
  • wash and dry the fruits;
  • Using a sharp knife or a special spoon, cut out the center of the fruit along with the seed pod;
  • scoop out some of the pulp inside, leaving the thickness of the walls and bottom of the “cup” about 2 cm.

All that remains is to fill the fruit with the chosen filling, of which there can be many options, and bake the fruit in the oven.

Classic recipe for baked apples with honey in the oven

All desserts under the general name “baked stuffed apples” are prepared using the technology described below. Filling - to choose from. Serving per person – 1–2 fruits.

The calorie content and nutritional value of the dessert are basic. Depending on the variety (in this case, the Golden variety), as well as the products used for filling and their proportions, these indicators change.


  • fresh apples;
  • 1 tsp each honey for each fruit.

Preparation and baking time: 40 minutes.

Nutritional value of 100 g of dish:

  • proteins, g – 0.51;
  • fats, g – 0.19;
  • carbohydrates, g – 13.75;
  • calories, kcal – 65.

The fruit is washed, the top and tail are cut off, the core is selected with a spoon, forming a “cup”.

The fruits are placed flat on a baking sheet (in a baking dish or in wide cups or bowls). Add a spoonful of honey to each fruit.

Bake the dessert for half an hour in the oven at a temperature of 180ºC.

The dessert is served warm or completely cooled.

Variant of apple-honey dessert with nuts

Calorie content of 100 g of dish is 78.65 kcal. Cooking time – 30 minutes.

Filling for 1 large fruit:

  • 1 incomplete dec. l. liquid honey;
  • 0.5 tsp. crushed (not finely!) walnut kernels.


  1. Measure out the required amount of honey and nuts. Mix in a bowl.
  2. Fruits prepared for baking, placed in molds on a baking sheet, are filled with honey and nut filling.
  3. Bake for 20 minutes at 200ºC.

Dessert is served warm.

Cinnamon Recipe

The healthy spice goes perfectly with the fruit, emphasizes and saturates the taste and aroma of the fruit with spicy notes. The calorie content of the presented dessert option is 95 kcal. Cooking time – 70 minutes.

Per serving take:

  • 2 apples;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • third tsp cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l crushed cashew nuts;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dried pitted cherries;
  • 1 tbsp. l. madera.

  1. Honey is mixed with crushed cashews, dried cherries, cinnamon, and Madeira. Leave for 30 minutes so that the filling absorbs the taste of alcohol.
  2. Fruits prepared for baking are placed on a baking sheet. Fill “under the lid” with the filling.
  3. Bake in an oven preheated to 180ºC for half an hour.

Dessert is served warm. If desired, pour liquid caramel on top. Madeira adds a spicy note to the dish, but due to the presence of alcohol, it is advisable not to offer this dessert to children.

With the addition of cottage cheese, cinnamon, raisins and nuts

A healthy, moderately sweet dessert for breakfast. Suitable for both little sweet lovers and adults. Calorie content 100 g – 100 kcal. Cooking time – 45 minutes.

Filling for 7 large fruits:

  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 150 g fat cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 50 g crushed almonds;
  • raw yolk;
  • 1 tsp. zest and 1 tsp lemon juice.


  1. The raisins are steamed with boiling water (15 minutes). Drain the berries in a colander.
  2. The cottage cheese is ground to get rid of lumps and large grains.
  3. Mix all filling ingredients.
  4. Fill the curd mixture with fruits prepared for baking.
  5. Place the fruit on a baking sheet sprayed with oil.
  6. Bake at 200ºC for half an hour.

Serve warm baked fruit with cottage cheese and honey.

Baked Apples with Winter Squash and Raisins

An original dessert with a slightly unusual taste, but very healthy especially in winter. Calorie content of 100 g of dish is 94 kcal. Cooking time – 60 minutes.

Filling for 4 large fruits:

  • 30 g raisins;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 140 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 30 g walnuts;
  • 20 g butter.
  1. The raisins are steamed (15 minutes) and placed in a colander.
  2. Pumpkin is cut into small cubes. Fry over medium heat in melted butter for 3 minutes. Stir all the time to prevent it from burning. Cool.
  3. The pumpkin, which has become soft, along with the oil in which it was fried, is mixed with steamed raisins, honey, and crushed nuts.
  4. The fruits are filled with sweet filling. Close with “lids” with tails.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 45 minutes.

The dessert is served warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar or topped with syrup made from melted sugar and lemon juice.

Baked apples with honey and coconut in the microwave oven

The recipe is simple, but everything is prepared 3 times faster than in the oven. It takes about 7 minutes to prepare the products, and 5 minutes to bake. Calorie content of 100 g of dessert is 122 kcal.

Filling for 6 apples:

  • 6 tsp. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l coconut flakes;
  • crushed walnuts (optional) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin, nutmeg, cinnamon - to taste.


  1. All products included in the dessert filling are mixed.
  2. Fruits are prepared for baking according to the standard.
  3. Stuff them and place them in a container suitable for use in the microwave (glass, ceramics).
  4. The microwave oven is turned on at maximum power in the “Warming up” mode.
  5. Depending on their size, bake the stuffed fruits for 3 to 5 minutes.

Serve it after cooling in the same container, pouring the thick sweet juice released from the fruit on top.

Recipe with ricotta and dried apricots in a slow cooker

There are 2 options for preparing healthy fruit treats in a slow cooker. If you select the “Baking” mode, the fruits stuffed with sweet filling will be baked almost the same as in the oven. By setting the “Stew” program, you can get steamed fruits with a sweet filling and well-softened peel.

In any case, the dish is incredibly tasty and very healthy. The cooking time depends on the selected mode - preset for baking and 30 minutes for stewing.

Filling for 5 small apples:

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 5 pieces. dried apricots;
  • 100 g ricotta or any other soft cheese;
  • cinnamon.


  1. The dried apricots are steamed with boiling water for 3 minutes. Place in a colander, cool, and chop finely.
  2. Ricotta is mixed with cinnamon (to taste) and honey. Add pieces of dried apricots.
  3. Apples prepared for baking are filled with filling.
  4. The bottom of the bowl is greased with butter. Fruits are laid out.
  5. Turn on the multicooker in the selected mode and close the lid.

After the beep, open the lid and allow the baked apples to cool slightly. Serve on saucers, topped with berry syrup or homemade fruit jam.

Sweet and sour varieties of apples with dense pulp and green skin are most suitable for stuffing and baking whole.

For example, Semirenko, Ranet, Granny Smith, Antonovka, McIntosh, American. The fruits should not be overripe or greenish. It is from such fruits that the ideal taste and beautiful appearance are obtained.

Any dried and candied fruits, fresh and dried berries, and citrus fruits are suitable for the filling. Boiled rice or oatmeal go well with honey.

To make the taste of the dessert original, not only traditional spices (cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg) are used. You can also add ginger, cloves, and star anise to the filling.

To prevent the bottom of the “cup” from burning when baking in the oven, pour a little water onto a baking sheet. Then, by mixing the remaining liquid with the juice that has flowed out of the fruit and butter, you can get a very tasty sauce, which is poured over the dessert when serving.

It turns out tasty and unusual if you pour maple syrup, berry topping, and liquid jam over the apples. You can also serve it with scoops of ice cream, whipped cream, meringues, and sour cream.

And finally. Apples baked with honey are only good if they are freshly prepared. Therefore, you shouldn’t make such a dessert “in reserve.” Moreover, it is prepared simply and quickly!

Apples are a very tasty and, most importantly, healthy product. It is generally accepted that if fruits have undergone heat treatment, they lose all their beneficial qualities. But not in the case of our fruit. There are both simple recipes and dishes for connoisseurs of exquisite taste. I suggest you take a closer look at the preparation of such a dessert as baked apples. You can find a recipe for preparing this dish without losing useful nutrients by studying a couple of them below.

Baked apples with cinnamon in the oven

  • If you are in a hurry and need to serve a delicious dessert in a matter of minutes when guests arrive, then baked apples with cinnamon are what you need. No matter what age your guests are, baked apples with cinnamon will please both adults and children.
  • To make this cinnamon apple dessert, we will need:
  • 4 apples;
  • 0.5 cups sugar (preferably brown);
  • 4 tablespoons butter;
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon.
  • Preparation: Wash and dry the fruits. Remove the core from the “cap” of the fruit. Fill the formed depressions with sugar and butter. Next, place the fruit in a baking dish and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 175 degrees.
  • Baked cinnamon apples are a recipe that is very suitable for women who watch their figure.

Baked apples with prunes

  • This is perhaps one of the most ancient dishes, which was cooked over a fire even before the advent of kitchen appliances. This is a simple dessert for which you will need:
  • 6 apples;
  • prunes (quantity depending on your taste);
  • powdered sugar.
  • Wash our fruits, cut out the core. Place 2-3 prunes (as many as you like) in the center of each fruit. Place on a baking sheet and bake for one hour at 180 degrees.
  • Sprinkling with powdered sugar, you can safely serve the cooked baked apples to the table. The recipe for apple dessert with prunes will be an excellent option; after trying it, you will definitely write it down in the book of your favorite recipes.

Baked apples: calorie content and health benefits

  • Apples are perhaps one of the few fruits that can be eaten all year round. A variety of tastes (sweet, sour, sweet and sour), numerous varieties (Antonovka, Ranetka, Imrus, Vesalina, Pospekh) - all for individual taste! And for lovers of baked preparation of this fruit, this is even an everyday dish, and many, naturally, would like to know what benefits their favorite delicacy brings.
  • If you are on a strict diet, you should buy sweet varieties to limit the amount of sugar in your diet.
  • The calorie content of baked apples is approximately 48 kcal per product. Fresh apples have approximately the same calorie content, so you don’t have to worry about their harm and try baking apples. The calories will only be saved if you don't add honey, sugar or cinnamon. Then the calorie content will be up to 100 kcal per.

The healing properties of baked apples

  • We have already learned about the calorie content of baked apples. For those losing weight, it will also be useful to know the fact that regular consumption of such apple dessert significantly affects the burning of extra pounds and normalization of metabolism, and also helps to improve the condition of the skin and the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • The pectin content in this oven-cooked fruit has a positive effect on the human body. By collecting toxins along the digestive tract, pectin removes them from the body.
  • This dish also contains many other useful substances, namely: fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins B1, B2, Fe, Ca, C, etc.
  • Our dessert is not only incredibly tasty, but, as we have learned, it also contains many benefits. Overall, a whole lot of useful fun!

Valuable properties of the dish

Baked apples are incredibly healthy. It contains a huge amount of fiber and pectin. The first stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and, and pectin cleanses the body of toxins and other “garbage”. This is such an amazing duet.

At the same time, baked fruits have significantly less acid than fresh ones. Therefore, this dessert is an excellent option for those who suffer from gastritis or other chronic gastrointestinal diseases. They can even be used for hypersensitive tooth enamel.

During baking, some of the vitamins in the fruits are destroyed, but a lot of iron and potassium remain. Potassium prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body. And iron increases hemoglobin levels. These items are very useful.

In addition, do not forget that our body perceives these fruits at the genetic level. Apple trees have been growing at the latitudes of our country for more than one century. Our ancestors also feasted on these juicy, aromatic fruits.

The calorie content of baked apples is 69 kcal. There are 15.8 g of carbohydrates, 0.5 g of protein and 0.4 g of fat.

And how healthy cinnamon is! It improves vision, strengthens the body's immune forces, and increases concentration. This spice also normalizes blood pressure, reduces pain, and fights cholesterol.

Choosing apples for baking

And also, try to ensure that the selected fruits are not too large - they will take longer to cook. And it is desirable that they be the same size. Otherwise, one fruit will become rotten, and the second will still be oaky.

We wash the fruits and wipe them dry with a paper towel. We make a depression on the side of the handle. Its diameter should be approximately 1.5-2 cm. Having reached the middle of the fruit, remove it. Just don't cut through the apple. Because during baking, all the filling will spread.

If desired, you can also bake the halves. In this case, the fruit is cut into 2 parts, the core is removed, and the filling is placed in the resulting depression.

How to bake apples in the oven

You will not encounter any difficulties in the process of preparing dessert. It's quite simple. First, turn on the oven and preheat it. While the oven reaches the desired temperature, take care of the apples. Scoop out the core and stuff the insides with the brown sugar-raisin mixture and cinnamon.

During the baking process, the fruits soften - the pulp acquires a puree-like consistency. And the sugar will melt and turn into syrup.

There are a few tricks that I advise you to take note:

  1. If you have a large oven, you can cook several dishes in it at the same time. For example, bake chicken on one baking sheet and apples on the second. Just wrap the fruits in foil so that they are not saturated with foreign odors. This method is good because you can cook several dishes at the same time. This means you will save your time and resources (gas or electricity).
  2. Try not to let the apples touch each other when baking. If the fruits are close together, they will lose their beautiful shape.

A generous scoop of vanilla ice cream would be the perfect accompaniment to this dessert. Be sure to try it and share your impressions in the comments.

I appreciate this dessert, it still satisfies the craving for something sweet. I can easily eat 2 servings at a time. By the way, having this dessert for breakfast in the morning is simply fantastic. It will satiate you and charge you with a positive mood for the whole day. Or make it in the evening as dessert. It will be a wonderful end to the working day.

Well, here is the promised recipe with photos. I am sure that it will help you prepare baked apples quickly and without hassle. And if you do, you will learn a lot more interesting things. So, don't miss this chance :)


4 servings 45 min. Weight of the finished dish: 600 gr.

4 thingsmedium size

50 grpreferably brown

1 tsp