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We analyze the poetic text. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

"You are beautiful, fields of your native land" “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, DEAR FIELDS OF THE EARTH”, youthful verse. L. (1831). Built on the characteristic patriotic. the poet's lyrics contrast the beautiful nature of his native land with societies. evil and “unfreedom” (“vicious country”). In the last line, “And forgotten ashes, but to me, but priceless to me,” L. speaks of his father, who died on October 1. 1831. Autograph - IRLI, notebook. XI. The text is crossed out. For the first time - Op. edited by Viskovaty, vol. 1, 1889, p. 191. Dated to the fall of 1831 by content and position in the notebook.

Lit.: Durylin(5), p. 193-94.

N. P Lermontov Encyclopedia / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Russian lit. (Pushkin. House); Scientific-ed. Council of the publishing house "Sov. Encycl."; Ch. ed. Manuilov V. A., Editorial Board: Andronikov I. L., Bazanov V. G., Bushmin A. S., Vatsuro V. E., Zhdanov V. V., Khrapchenko M. B. - M.: Sov. Encycl., 1981

See what “You are beautiful, the fields of your native land” in other dictionaries:

    Beautiful, beautiful; beautiful, wonderful, wonderful. 1. Very beautiful, distinguished by extraordinary beauty. “With secret joy and secret trembling, beautiful child, I look at you.” Lermontov. A beautiful woman. "With a beautiful appearance... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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“You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” Mikhail Lermontov

You are beautiful, fields of your native land,
Your bad weather is even more beautiful;
Winter in it is similar to the first winter
As with the first people, her peoples!..
The fog here covers the vaults of the sky!
And the steppe spread out like a purple veil,
And she is so fresh, and so close to the soul,
As if created only for freedom...

But this steppe is alien to my love;
But this snow is flying silver
And for a vicious country - too pure
It never makes my heart happy.
His clothes are cold, unchanging
The grave ridge is hidden from view
And forgotten ashes, but to me, but priceless to me.

Analysis of Lermontov’s poem “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...”

The poem “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” dates back to the autumn of 1831 and belongs to Lermontov’s early work. Its content is typical for the patriotic lyrics of Mikhail Yuryevich. The poet often combined descriptions of magnificent landscapes with thoughts about the sad state of affairs in Russia. The text shows the deepest love for the homeland. However, the lyrical hero realizes that “the country is vicious.” At the end of the poem, Lermontov mentions a grave ridge hidden from view and “forgotten ashes.” Most likely, we are talking about the poet’s father, who died in 1831.

According to the Russian literary critic Zyryanov, the poem “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” shows signs of a sonnet form. The text, consisting of fifteen lines, includes two parts. The division is marked by the use of the conjunction “but”. As mentioned above, the first eight-line is a reflection on the native land with its fresh steppe, spread out in a purple veil. Landscapes dear to the heart give rise to thoughts of freedom in the lyrical hero. In the second part the mood changes. The flying silver snow turns out to be too pure for a vicious country. The hero renounces his love for the steppe. The resolution of the conflict occurs in the fifteenth line, the so-called sonnet lock. The lyrical subject connects with the unloved land through the memory of his deceased father.

Lermontov was raised by his grandmother on the Tarkhany estate, located in what is now the Penza region. It was there that he learned to feel and convey the beauty of Russian nature with its endless fields and steppes, dense forests, and deep rivers. At the same time, the poet realized quite early that “country” is not the same as “land.” This is reflected in the text under consideration. Mikhail Yuryevich did not accept the existing state system and treated secular society with contempt.

There is another biographical moment that is important for the poem “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...”. It concerns the poet's relationship with his father. After the death of his wife, Yuri Petrovich had to give his son to be raised by his grandmother Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva. When Lermontov was a teenager, adults began to fight intensely for him, which is why Mikhail Yuryevich received severe psychological trauma. By the way, the poet loved his father very much. There is a version that Yuri Petrovich, like no one else, understood the genius of young Lermontov. The ending of the poem “You are beautiful, the fields of your native land...” is another manifestation of grief for his father, almost a cry from the soul of a teenager left in the world without a loved one.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

You are beautiful, fields of your native land,
Your bad weather is even more beautiful;
Winter in it is similar to the first winter
As with the first people, her peoples!..
The fog here covers the vaults of the sky!
And the steppe spread out like a purple veil,
And she is so fresh, and so close to the soul,
As if created only for freedom...

But this steppe is alien to my love;
But this snow is flying silver
And for a vicious country - too pure
It never makes my heart happy.
His clothes are cold, unchanging
The grave ridge is hidden from view
And forgotten ashes, but to me, but priceless to me.

Yuri Petrovich Lermontov, father of the poet

The poem “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” dates back to the autumn of 1831 and belongs to Lermontov’s early work. Its content is typical for the patriotic lyrics of Mikhail Yuryevich. The poet often combined descriptions of magnificent landscapes with thoughts about the sad state of affairs in Russia. The text shows the deepest love for the homeland. However, the lyrical hero realizes that “the country is vicious.” At the end of the poem, Lermontov mentions a grave ridge hidden from view and “forgotten ashes.” Most likely, we are talking about the poet’s father, who died in 1831.

According to the Russian literary critic Zyryanov, the poem “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” shows signs of a sonnet form. The text, consisting of fifteen lines, includes two parts. The division is marked by the use of the conjunction “but”. As mentioned above, the first eight-line is a reflection on the native land with its fresh steppe, spread out in a purple veil. Landscapes dear to the heart give rise to thoughts of freedom in the lyrical hero. In the second part the mood changes. The flying silver snow turns out to be too pure for a vicious country. The hero renounces his love for the steppe. The resolution of the conflict occurs in the fifteenth line, the so-called sonnet lock. The lyrical subject connects with the unloved land through the memory of his deceased father.

Lermontov was raised by his grandmother on the Tarkhany estate, located in what is now the Penza region. It was there that he learned to feel and convey the beauty of Russian nature with its endless fields and steppes, dense forests, and deep rivers. At the same time, the poet realized quite early that “country” is not the same as “land.” This is reflected in the text under consideration. Mikhail Yuryevich did not accept the existing state system and treated secular society with contempt.

There is another biographical moment that is important for the poem “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...”. It concerns the poet's relationship with his father. After the death of his wife, Yuri Petrovich had to give his son to be raised by his grandmother Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva.

Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, the poet’s grandmother

When Lermontov was a teenager, adults began to fight intensely for him, which is why Mikhail Yuryevich received severe psychological trauma. By the way, the poet loved his father very much. There is a version that Yuri Petrovich, like no one else, understood the genius of young Lermontov. The ending of the poem “You are beautiful, the fields of your native land...” is another manifestation of grief for his father, almost a cry from the soul of a teenager left in the world without a loved one.

Comprehensive analysis of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” can be taught in one of the lessons on studying the poet’s lyrics.

We will trace the stages of movement from analysis of poetic text to expressive reading and independent creativity.

Let's analyze the text from the point of view of speech science, language, composition to clarify the author's intention. Of course, it must be borne in mind that the depth of understanding of a text is revealed in the way a text is read.


1. EDUCATIONAL: work with the text of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...”, expanding information about the features of texts related to artistic style, about the expressive means of language, about the types of complex sentences.

2. DEVELOPMENTAL: develop students’ speech, the ability to read literary text expressively, develop imaginative thinking, imagination, creative thinking.

3. EDUCATIONAL: cultivate a love for literary classics.

Planned results:

Subject UUD: promote the development of students' speech, mastery of a complex analysis of poetic text, and practice expressive reading skills.

Cognitive UUD: search and selection of necessary information, free construction of speech utterances in oral form, free perception of the text of a work of art, semantic reading; promoting the development of mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Help in the development of creative imagination, cognitive activity, and intellectual abilities of students.

Personal UUD: the desire for independent thinking, speech self-improvement; moral and ethical orientation, ability to self-assess one’s actions, interest in studying the poetry of M.Yu. Lermontov.

Communicative UUD : planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, observing the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express thoughts with sufficient completeness in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.


1. Target setting.

Prepare for an expressive reading of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...”.

To prepare for expressive reading, it is necessary to analyze the text from the point of view of speech science, language, composition, which will help reveal the author's intention, and choose the right intonation. The way a text is read reveals the depth of its understanding.

You are beautiful, fields of your native land,
Your bad weather is even more beautiful;

As with the first people, its peoples!..
The fog here covers the vaults of the sky!
And the steppe spread out like a purple veil,
And she is so fresh, and so close to the soul,
As if created only for freedom...

But this steppe is alien to my love,
But this snow, flying, silvery
And for a vicious country - too pure,
It never makes my heart happy.
His clothes are cold, unchanging
The grave ridge is hidden from view
And forgotten ashes, but to me, but priceless to me.

2. Work with the text of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” .

How would you define the theme of this poem?

How would you title the poem? Explain your choice of title.

By what artistic means is the poet’s attitude towards his native land expressed in the first stanza? Explain the role of address, epithets, personification, oxymoron, lexical repetitions.

What part of speech does the word “similar” belong to? Choose synonyms for this part of speech. Explain the meaning of the phrases “first winter”, “first people”. How do you understand the meaning of the lines:

Winter in it is similar to the first winter,
What about the first people of its people?

In the explanatory dictionary, find the meaning of the word “relatives”. Explain the meaning of the comparison between the “spreading purple veil of the steppe” and the state of mind of the lyrical hero.

In his work, Lermontov constantly uses such techniques as anaphora and polyunion. Find these techniques in the text of the poem and explain the meaning of their use.

3. Group work.

1 group. Find complex sentences in the text, determine the type of subordinate clauses. What literary role do these subordinate clauses perform and what do they provide for understanding the content of the poem?

2nd group. Explain the meaning of the exclamatory sentences and ellipsis at the end of the first stanza. Name the way to connect the first and second stanzas. What is the role of the adversative conjunction “but”, the demonstrative pronoun “this” and the lexical repetition “steppe” in this context? Which steppe is “alien to the love” of the lyrical hero?

3rd group. Observe the use of antonyms in the text, one of the poet’s favorite techniques. Find in the second stanza images, feelings of the lyrical hero, antonymous to the images and poetic experiences in the first stanza (“native land” - “vicious country”, steppe “relatives with soul” - steppe “alien to my love”). What do you think is the meaning of the opposition?

(The two-stanza miniature appears semantically in the form of an antonymous pair of landscape and psychological planes).

4th group. What artistic means are used to create the image of snow in the second stanza?

(Pay attention to the use of the author’s sign - a dash - in the third verse of this stanza. With its help, perhaps, a sharp contrast between the “vicious country” and the purity of the silver snow is indicated?) What role does this image play for understanding the state of the soul of the lyrical hero?

5 group. Find the antithesis in the last sentence (antonymous adjectives as epithets: ashes “forgotten” - “priceless”). How do you understand the meaning of this sentence?

(For reference: Lermontov’s father died on October 1, 1831. The poem was written in the same year).

4. Summing up. Reflection.

What goals did you set for the lesson?

Did you manage to achieve them?

Where can you apply the acquired knowledge?

5. Homework: learn the poem by heart.

Optional task:

1. Write an essay based on the text of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov and the words of L. Ginzburg: “The poetic word... evaluates everything it touches.” How do you understand this statement?

2. Write an essay “Analysis of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...”


1. Lermontov M.Yu. Complete collection of poems in 2 volumes. – L.: Soviet writer. Leningrad branch, 1989. – T. 1. Poems and dramas. 1828–1836. – pp. 215–216.

2. Deykina A.D., Pakhnova T.M. Russian language. A practical textbook for high school. – M.: Verbum-M, 2002.

3. Elagina N.I. Comprehensive analysis of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” / Collection of materials dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M.Yu. Lermontov. - Kursk, publishing house "Teacher", 2015.

4. Timofeev L.V., Turaev S.V. Dictionary of literary terms. Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1974.

5. Shansky N.M. Linguistic analysis of the poetic text. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2002.

You are beautiful, fields of your native land,
Your bad weather is even more beautiful;
Winter in it is similar to the first winter,
As with the first people, her peoples!...
The fog here covers the vaults of the sky!
And the steppe spread out like a purple veil,
And she is so fresh, and so close to the soul,
As if created only for freedom...
But this steppe is alien to my love;
But this snow is flying silver
And for a vicious country - too pure
It never makes my heart happy.
His clothes are cold, unchanging
The grave ridge is hidden from view
And forgotten ashes, but to me, but priceless to me.

M.Yu. Lermontov, 1831

“You are beautiful, fields of your native land...” (1831) - youthful poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, in which he expressed his attitude towards landscapes, the beauty and charm of which were revealed to him at an early age. The work contains a contrast, characteristic of the poet’s patriotic lyrics, between the beautiful nature of his native land and the “vicious country.” With biography of M.Yu. Lermontov is connected with the last line: “And forgotten ashes, but to me, but priceless to me.” According to most researchers, the poet speaks in it about his , who died in the year the poem was written. According to V.P. Arzamastsev, Lermontov meant the grave , buried in Tarkhany.

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Spring day

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