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Blog Armenian group seized the Dzhigarkhanyan theater. Family drama and raider takeover: what’s happening to Dzhigarkhanyan’s theater

In Moscow, police are conducting searches and seizing documents in the theater of People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan on Lomonosovsky Prospekt, TASS reports, citing a source in law enforcement agencies.

The source does not specify what exactly the investigative actions are related to, but it was previously reported that the actor two days ago filed a statement about the theft of his general passport. At the same time, he stated that the passport was stolen in the theater.

The police opened a criminal case under Art. 325 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Theft or damage to documents, stamps, seals, or theft of excise stamps, special stamps or marks of conformity”). Later, the press service of the GUMVD confirmed to RIA Novosti that operational and investigative actions were taking place specifically in this case.

The website "Economy Today", citing an unnamed source "close to the management of the theater", connects the search with the scandal that occurred between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife and former director of the theater Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, and reports that the prosecutor's office became interested in the financial activities of the theater and in the near future checks are possible at this time, since the theater is a budget theater and was founded by the Moscow Department of Culture.

According to the source, after the dismissal of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, ticket sales fell sharply and income began to fall. The theater is losing sponsors who provided money for performances, costumes and decorations. In particular, after a scandal broke out in the media, Alina Kabaeva’s foundation, which had previously intended to pay for the sewing of new costumes for the children’s play “Ivan da Marya,” stopped cooperation with the theater.

The head of the literary department of the theater talks about the “raider seizure by the police” and the effect of hypnosis on Dzhigarkhanyan

The head of the literary department of the theater, Natalya Korneeva, told TASS that “there was a raider seizure by the police.” “Those in the theater are blocked and cannot get in touch. Searches are underway,” she noted.

Korneeva told RBC that the searches were being carried out in the accounting department, and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself was in the theater building along with the police.

“We cannot yet clarify who these people are, since there is no connection with the theater. It is not yet known whether searches are being carried out in other premises of the theater,” she said.

Let us note that Natalya Korneeva, judging by her previous comments to the media, in the conflict between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, takes the latter’s side: “Vitalina did not fight for power. She “covered” Armen Borisovich with her body in order to cover his theater debts.” , - said Korneeva. This may explain her today’s phrase about “a raider seizure by the police,” since the day before Tsymbalyuk’s representatives announced a raider seizure of the theater by people not related to the theater, reporting that Dzhigarkhanyan was being held there almost as a hostage.

The Russian Dialogue publication provides the following review by Korneeva about Dzhigarkhanyan and a certain “Armenian group” that seized the theater: “He is a mannequin in their hands, he is an old man with deep sclerosis, unhealthy.”

The criminals captured him two weeks ago and took him out of the apartment. Then a “bloated story” appeared about how Armen Borisovich ran away from home from his wife. In fact, none of this happened, says a representative of the theater. “Apparently, they have been preparing this operation for a long time, they even have their own doctor, who may be hypnotizing Armen Borisovich. He does everything according to their orders,” she complained.

The manager added that Dzhigarkhanyan had become a hostage in the hands of the group, about which she was ready to testify to the Investigative Committee. “He’s behaving abnormally, yesterday he and his friends drank whiskey all night and “hummed,” Korneeva said.

Before this, the conflict between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife spilled out in the media

Before this, a story had been developing in the media since mid-October, in which there is still a lot of uncertainty. Dzhigarkhanyan accused his third wife and now former theater director Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya of trying to have a child with him and steal from him. The broadcast of Andrei Malakhov’s program on October 16 was dedicated to this. 82-year-old Dzhigarkhanyan, in particular, accused his 38-year-old wife of transferring all his property to herself.

The actor announced his intention to divorce her and eventually hid from Tsymbalyuk in the hospital, where he asked her not to be allowed. The hospital confirmed the day before that the actor was indeed hospitalized due to high blood sugar.

The actor’s sister took the side of his wife and explained these accusations to the press by saying that his brother was not feeling well due to high sugar and sometimes he himself did not know what he was saying. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s side is also defended by her confidant Elina Mazur, who the day before announced a raider seizure of the theater.

She later told the REN TV channel that the theater and its accounting department were seized by a certain group, whose members had previously been involved in “very large criminal cases.” “The money was sent to charity; it didn’t actually go into the theater, but was taken out,” Mazur said.

She noted that in 2016 the directorate of the theater changed, after which documentation was closely monitored. Previously, she associated the establishment of the financial activities of the theater with the merits of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who, after the accusations made by Dzhigarkhanyan, decided to divorce him because she was “tired of the dirt that Armen Borisovich pours on her,” and filed a statement with the Investigative Committee for libel.

Dzhigarkhanyan himself, according to her, is in his office without a telephone, and every two hours “some woman” gives him injections. Mazur called the actor’s behavior “quite strange.” “The theater has been seized, the accounting department has been seized. I wouldn’t call it anything other than a raider takeover. A woman comes to Armen Borisovich every two hours and injects him with something. He behaves quite strangely,” she noted.

The theater itself denied information about the seizure, emphasizing that it operates as usual and continues to give performances. In particular, the head of the theater troupe, Vyacheslav Dyachenko, told the website of the Zvezda TV channel that during the day a regular working meeting with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was held at the theater, and everyone worked as usual.

“The theater is operating as normal, there was a working meeting with Armen Borisovich, the play “The Lonely West” is currently on. I didn’t see any people with a machine gun, and if I had, everyone would probably already know about it. There were no searches, there was nothing, everyone writes some kind of nonsense,” Dyachenko said.

In Moscow, searches came to the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. As the press service of the capital's Ministry of Internal Affairs explained, this is due to the investigation of a criminal case about the theft of a passport from a People's Artist of the USSR. The day before, reports appeared in the media about a possible raider takeover of the theater. However, later Dzhigarkhanyan personally denied this information. The hype around his name has not subsided since the moment he announced his intention to divorce his wife. Because of this, the fate of the theater itself was under threat.

The police entered the building of the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater around noon, reports. The purpose was soon explained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs - a criminal investigation was underway under the article “Theft or damage to documents.” Allegedly, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s passport has disappeared. Its press secretary, Natalya Korneeva, voiced her version of what was happening in the theater.

“There was a raider seizure of the theater. The Armenian group, which captured Armen Borisovich on October 9, in whose hands he has been for the third week, today swooped in from the “mask show” and seized documents from the accounting department,” says the theater’s press secretary, by phone Natalia Korneeva.

On October 10, the 82-year-old artistic director was hospitalized in one of the capital’s clinics and spent two weeks there. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself immediately linked the deterioration of his condition with the rude treatment of his wife and theater director, 38-year-old Vitolina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. In response, two days ago she filed a lawsuit for libel against her husband, and also declared her readiness to file for divorce and left her position. On Thursday, when the police came to the theater, Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya made another statement through her representative.

“Yesterday, a criminal case was falsified regarding the theft of Armen Borisovich’s passport, which he had been safely using for the last 10 days. In any case, on the basis of this document, he called a notary to his place, drew up contracts, and so on. However, he told me It seems like the day before yesterday that his passport was stolen from the theater premises,” the statement says.

The previous administration and the current press service unanimously claim that the theater is being “smashed and destroyed.” But there are no obvious signs of change in theatrical life.

The repertoire of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan has been compiled and published for October and November. There are no announcements about the cancellation of performances. Moreover, the doors of the ticket offices are open - this is where most of the journalists are on duty during the day."

The artistic director himself could clarify what is happening - there is every reason to believe that he is now in the theater building on Lomonosovsky Prospekt. In the middle of the day, a man appeared near the service entrance who introduced himself as a friend of the people's artist. At first he refused to make detailed comments, but a few hours later he assured journalists that everything was fine with the master and the theater staff.

Activists of right-wing radical organizations entered the Bolshaya Moskovskaya Hotel on March 21. The building, located on Deribasovskaya, opposite the City Garden, is private property and an architectural monument. Now activists have settled there, opening access to the hotel to everyone. During one of their actions, fireworks were lit directly from the balconies of the “long-term construction” site. And on April 1, a parade of the Odessa Festival of Humor and Laughter should take place under these balconies of Bolshaya Moskovskaya. “Odessa Life” analyzes how this will affect Yumorin and why activists seized the Bolshaya Moskovskaya building.

Young people with attributes of the Svoboda party and the civil association Sokol entered the building of the Bolshaya Moskovskaya hotel, breaking down the doors. Journalists were also inside with them. Everything happened in front of the police, who did not interfere in the course of events.

“We just walked in, there was no assault”

Activists hung several banners on the building, which should show that “Bolshaya Moskovskaya” is now the property of Odessa residents and is open to the public.

Since then, many people have been inside the building. They want to see what the building dominating Deribasovskaya and Gorsad looks like and look at the center of Odessa from a bird's eye view. Then, during one of their mass actions, the same activists lit fireworks from the hotel balconies.

“We just walked in, there was no assault. The purpose of the action is to draw attention to the problem of historical monuments owned by Tarpan and which are being destroyed, like the Russov House and the Masonic House and so on. Ultimately we want Bolshaya Moskovskaya to be returned to the ownership of Odessa residents. Access to the hotel will be free, similar to the Summer Theater,” he said at the scene Deputy Chairman of the regional organization "Freedom" Konstantin Vasilets.

Whose “Big Moscow”?

The building on Deribasovskaya is private property and belongs to the Incor group of companies, controlled by construction businessman Ruslan Tarpan. He himself believes that a raider takeover took place, and his goal is to organize provocations. The statement released by Incor also stated that The owners of the building will act exclusively within the legal framework:“According to the plan of those who ordered the raider seizure of the building, some of the activists will play the role of “titushki”, allegedly hired by the founder of the Inkor Group company, Ruslan Tarpan, to liberate the building. Their task is to organize a clash with activists located in the Bolshaya Moskovskaya Hotel, which should result in casualties. The action aims to create an evidence base for initiating another criminal case against Ruslan Tarpan with charges of separatism and working for an aggressor country, as well as once again demonstrating to Kyiv the inability of the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov to ensure public peace in the city and of aiding the separatists.”

The leadership of Odessa, the Odessa region, and law enforcement agencies still refrain from making public statements on this matter.

The Inkor company has been reconstructing “Bolshaya Moskovskaya” since 2007. In fact, only the outer walls remain of the old Art Nouveau architectural monument. They were reinforced with metal structures. Everything else - floors, interior walls - was built anew. A two-story attic with a metal roof was also added. And next to it, glass balls and griffin figures, lost during Soviet times, were restored.

The hotel is sold out

The hotel is not put into operation. Restoration work took a long time. No official reasons have been given. Inside “Bolshaya Moskovskaya” everything is like at a construction site - bare concrete, stairs without guardrails, fittings sticking out everywhere and other features of a “big renovation”. Despite this, the former hotel is sold out. Odessa residents literally lined up on their balconies to take photos of the Odessa panorama. But being inside an unfinished building can be extremely dangerous - most likely an accident.

Meanwhile, the leadership of Odessa, the Odessa region, and law enforcement agencies are still refraining from making public statements on this matter and are not taking any action to resolve the situation.

We can only hope that sooner or later the police will pay attention to the fact of violation of private property and safety regulations at the unfinished facility.

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Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is again at the center of a scandal. The pianist is sure that her ex-husband Armen Dzhigarkhanyan has always been jealous of Oleg Tabakov, so the people’s artist will die in poverty and shame.

Recently, things have not been going well for Vitalina. Recently, a Moscow court arrested her apartment on Malogvardeiskaya and a bank account worth 1 million rubles. Apparently, being upset, the pianist said that, unlike the late Oleg Tabakov, her ex-husband Armen Dzhigarkhanyan would die in shame.

“Tabakov has always been more successful, courageous and consistent in his actions. Dzhigarkhanyan knew this and did not like him. But these are already human qualities,” Vitalina wrote in her microblog. Earlier, she stated that Armen Borisovich “doomed himself to die in shame. And it’s his choice.”

Let us remind you that Oleg Tabakov and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan are the same age, born in 1935. Both folk artists married young girls with a large age difference. There was a 30-year difference between Marina Zudina and Oleg Pavlovich, but they loved each other until their last breath. A woman has difficulty coping with grief after losing her beloved husband. It is unlikely that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who is 43 years younger than Armen Borisovich, will kill herself like that at the grave of her ex-husband.

Perhaps Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is angry because of the problems that have befallen her. The other day, the court imposed a security arrest on the pianist’s apartment and on her bank account, which contained a million rubles. Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife was accused of violating privacy for publishing a video with the participation of the People's Artist without his desire. In addition, CCTV cameras were installed in Armen Borisovich’s office and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is also suspected of this.

“The Moscow City Court was supposed to consider a complaint against the decision of the Cheryomushkinsky Court, filed by me and Larisa Shirokova regarding the illegal withdrawal of funds from my safe deposit box in November (or December) 2017. In fact, they were looking for fake documents about fraudulent real estate transactions, but in their absence they decided to seize at least the money. The article under which the investigation is being conducted does not provide for such sanctions, and we will appeal anything that is contrary to the law in all possible instances in a procedural manner. In fact, the meeting was postponed due to untimely notification (at least 7 days), and in our case, the complete lack of notification by the Cheryomushkinsky court to me and my lawyer about the date of the meeting. However, we were never notified of any procedural action of this court. We found out about the seizure by chance, a month later,” Vitalina was quoted as saying by 7days.


The representative of the wife of People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Elina Mazur, announced a raider seizure of the building of the Moscow Drama Theater. As Mazur reported, the theater was seized by an “Armenian group.”

A raider takeover is taking place at the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, says theater press secretary Natalia Korneeva.

“Now there is a raider takeover of the theater. Strange people are walking around the theater, confiscating documents. From time to time they bring and take away Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. But, obviously, he doesn’t decide anything there,” Dni.ru quotes Korneeva as saying.

She states that theater employees have received “numerous threats.” Allegedly, those employees who were hired to work at the theater when it was headed by Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya are being attacked.

Information about the “raider takeover” is also spread by Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s representative, Elina Mazur. She said that the entire management had been removed, the accounting department had been seized, and Dzhigarkhanyan himself was “sitting locked in his office without telephones.”

“The accounting department has been captured by the Armenian group. The beaten Armen Borisovich [Dzhigarkhanyan] is sitting locked in his office without phones,” 360 quotes her as saying.

The head of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater troupe, Vyacheslav Dyachenko, spoke about what was happening in the theater when the first reports of the raider takeover appeared in the media.

He noted that during the day a regular working meeting with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan took place in the theater, and everyone worked as usual.

“The theater is operating as usual, there was a working meeting with Armen Borisovich, and the play “The Lonely West” is currently on. I didn’t see any people with a machine gun, and if I had, everyone would probably already know about it. There were no searches, nothing happened, everyone is writing some kind of nonsense,” Dyachenko emphasized.

As previously reported, deputy general director Elena Gilvanova became the acting general director of the Theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who previously held the post of director of the theater, resigned of her own free will.

All these events take place against the backdrop of an acute conflict between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife. A week before this, the media reported that Dzhigarkhanyan accused his wife of stealing money.

It was also reported that she allegedly tried to deprive him of housing. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, according to press reports, tried to get her husband fired from the post of artistic director of the theater for health reasons, but in the end she had to leave work herself.

On October 15, information appeared that Dzhigarkhanyan filed a police report against Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, accusing her of allegedly trying to kill him for money.