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Interpretation of dreams corpses. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Corpse?

Those people who regularly use dream books know that dreams should be taken seriously. This is especially true for nightmares, because it is believed that frightening images carry a certain message that needs to be unraveled in order to understand your future. One of these nightmares is dreams about dead people, so this article will talk about what corpses mean in dreams.

Those people who regularly use dream books know that dreams should be taken seriously

The dream book gives two meanings for this image in dreams: good and bad.

  • Good value. Seeing dead people covered in blood in a dream is a sign of a significant event in the near future. If you dreamed about how the corpse was found, the person will experience joy from the upcoming event.
  • Bad value. If you dreamed of a corpse, then all your endeavors in real life will be in vain. Whatever the dreamer wants to do, nothing will work. As the people say: “Everything will fall out of your hands.”

By turning to the dream book for an interpretation of such a dream, you can find the following meanings:

  1. If in a dream a corpse had to be lifted from the ground, this is a great joy. Moreover, the heavier the body is, the more joy there will be in the dreamer’s life.
  2. A dream in which someone kisses a deceased person foreshadows a meeting with a kind and good person.
  3. If the corpse is resurrected, a lot of fun and rejoicing awaits the person.
  4. If the dead man starts talking, the dreamer will meet a responsive and sociable person.
  5. To lift and carry the body of a dead person somewhere means to encounter an obstacle on the way to achieving the goal.
  6. If you had to see a dismembered body, it means love.
  7. Sleeping next to a dead person means getting sick and taking a long time to be treated. Also, such a dream means sorrow and discomfort.
  8. If you have to move dead people in a dream, then in the near future you will have to do a lot of crazy things. Perhaps these actions will be committed due to impulses.
  9. Seeing a dead body of a person that moves means facing the unpleasant consequences of someone’s actions.
  10. If the corpse suddenly flies up, then the dreamer will be able to achieve whatever he wants without much effort.
  11. A dead man who began to pursue a person dreams of problems with conscience. Perhaps the dreamer will in the near future commit some act that he will later greatly regret.
  12. Looking at the body of the deceased is good luck.
  13. Burying a corpse means a desire to hide from problems.

The corpse floats away on the water - to get rid of unnecessary everyday burdens. Perhaps the dreamer will exclude from his social circle a person with whom communication is painful for him.

Why do you dream about a corpse (video)

Seeing the corpses of many people in a dream

It would seem that such a dream does not bode well

It would seem that such a dream does not bode well. No matter how it is! The dream book gives an unambiguous interpretation: many dead people in dreams mean happiness and fun. This eerie and terrible sight does not carry any negative meaning at all, but quite the opposite.

There is one nuance in this dream: if the heads of the corpses are turned towards the dreamer, and he has the opportunity to see their faces, then he will have to try to achieve happiness. In this case, the faces of deceased people are symbolic; they seem to indicate to the dreamer the need to make efforts to win.

In addition, such a dream portends incredible luck. Moreover, the more bodies there are in a dream, the longer the streak of luck will last.

Why do you dream of dismembering a person?

Dismemberment of a body in a dream is not the most pleasant sight. For a correct interpretation, you need to pay attention to who is being dismembered and where the process takes place.

Whose body?

  • Woman's body. In the future, the dreamer will meet a person with whom he will fall madly in love. The feeling will be so strong that he will want to live with it all his life.
  • A man's body. I also dream about love, however, unrequited love.
  • Child's body. In the future, you can expect happy news from relatives and friends. Perhaps an old friend, whose communication was interrupted many years ago, will get in touch with the dreamer.

But if a person personally dismembered someone close to him in his dream, for example, members of his family, this is a very good sign. A bright streak will come in life, and all good luck will disappear without a trace.

Where does the process take place?

  • In the house. You can begin to prepare for the fact that the visiting guests will bring good news with them.
  • In a public place. Someone feels strong envy towards the dreamer's family.
  • On the street during military events. The action of the person who had the dream will cause approval from his friends.
  • In the water. A person is very busy with work and everyday affairs, he needs rest.

Why do you dream about the corpse of a woman, man or child?

A dead woman can dream of disappointment in your personal life.
  1. A dead woman can dream of disappointment in your personal life. The girl's corpse is a sign that the dreamer trusted the wrong person whom he should have trusted. You can expect trickery, and even betrayal, from him.
  2. A dead man in a dream means that the dreamer is on the right path in life. His priorities are set correctly, and his moral character corresponds to the highest rating.
  3. A dead child is a very bad sign. The death of young children is unnatural even in dreams and rarely portends anything good. Perhaps the dreamer will face the death of one of his friends or relatives.

Why do you dream of animal corpses?

Seeing dead animals in a dream means living in a stressful situation due to worries about your health.

Animals in dreams are often associated with a person's self-esteem and state of health. If the animal is beautiful and kind, this is a good sign, but if it is scary, sick or dead, on the contrary, it is a bad sign.

Seeing dead animals in a dream means living in a stressful situation due to worries about your health. If before this dream a person was not sick with anything, he may soon begin to have problems with normal life activities. However, if the animal is resurrected, then recovery will not take long.

But a dream in which a male dreamer looks at the corpse of an animal for a long time, feeling regret for its fate, foreshadows problems in his relationship with his chosen one.

Seeing a corpse in the water in a dream

Looking at a body being carried away by the current means experiencing severe stress or shock due to some event.

If a person floating on water is alive, then such a dream can be interpreted in a positive way. But with a dead person it is different. Looking at a body being carried away by the current means experiencing severe stress or shock due to some event. Perhaps the dreamer will face the betrayal of a close friend or will be deceived by someone. In any case, you obviously shouldn’t expect anything good from such a dream.

The interpretation of a dream in which a corpse is floating in dirty water has a much more negative connotation.

Hiding a corpse in a dream

People rarely have to take any serious actions in a dream, because it is always connected with some important actions in life. In this case, hiding a person’s corpse means choosing the wrong life strategy. This is especially true for dreams where the corpse of a stranger is hidden.

Burying a dead body signifies the dreamer’s subconscious desire to get away from the problem. But if you have to bury not the entire body, but only its individual parts, then the dreamer is not only running away from problems, but also deliberately complicating his task in solving them. If at the same time he also uses his own tools, then the problems cannot be solved without changing his life strategy.

Interpretation of a dream about a corpse (video)

It turns out that a dream in which the central object was a corpse not only carries an important semantic meaning, but also gives a hint to the dreamer about changing his life. If you give your dream the correct interpretation in a timely manner, you can avoid trouble.

Attention, TODAY only!

Dreams should be taken seriously - everyone who actively uses dream books and knows how to interpret their night dreams knows this.

Many have repeatedly seen how useful the advice of interpreters can be, and what valuable instructions the dream book sometimes gives. You can turn to his help when you dream about various unclear symbols and signs, but it is even more necessary if the vision in your dreams is vivid, unforgettable, or even shocking.

This cannot be avoided - we, alas, cannot control our dreams in any way, and sometimes we see completely unwanted things - things that it would be better not to see at all. For example, the dead.

We dream of dead people against our good will - and can leave a bad mark on the soul the next morning. But don’t worry - as the dream book assures, a corpse in dreams has the opposite meaning, and always promises something very good, happy and desirable.

Despite the obviously unpleasant emotions from such a dream, it is worth finding out what a corpse, or even many dead people, mean in a dream - because the meaning can be very important. The plots of such terrible dreams are as follows:

  • You simply dreamed of a certain dead person.
  • There are many dead people in the dream.
  • In a dream, a corpse stands up or even speaks.
  • Dead bodies in a dream float on a river.
  • A dead man rises from his grave in a dream.
  • The corpse shows its tongue or makes faces, grimaces.
  • A dead man lies on the table in a dream.
  • I dream of a corpse covered in blood.
  • You raise the dead in your dreams.
  • You kiss the deceased in a dream.
  • Found a corpse in a dream.
  • In your dreams, you throw a dead body into the water.
  • Sleep or lie next to a dead body, or among a pile of corpses.
  • The dead man is chasing you.
  • The corpse is clinging to you or riding on you.
  • He enters the room.
  • You cut, do an autopsy in your sleep.

There is little pleasant in such dreams, sometimes they are simply shocking, but try to calm down - these are scary, but harmless dreams, and often even very successful ones - because they portend great happiness! The dream book will confirm this.

Only see

Let's say you had a terrible dream, in which the corpse was visible from the side - but at the same time, while in your dreams, you did not touch the deceased, did not have any contact with him. Here it is worth remembering the details, even if they are unpleasant. But they are important for deciphering and answering why a corpse is dreamed of - what was it like and what was it doing in the dream?

1. As the dream book indicates, a corpse simply seen in a dream foretells to the dreamer undoubted quick success in a good deed, success and satisfaction.

2. A lot of dead people is a terrible sight in a dream, but in reality it promises a lot of happiness and absolute luck in everything. Know that whatever you don’t undertake now, everything will be wonderful and easy to do with a light hand.

So you can safely implement long-standing plans and ideas for which you lacked the courage. Now is the most favorable period for this, take advantage, good luck awaits you!

3. If a dead person gets up, moves, or even speaks in a dream, this promises you fun and a lot of joy! A lot of pleasant and vivid emotions, and moments that will forever remain in the memory. Get ready!

4. If you dream of dead people floating along the river, and there are quite a lot of them, it means that soon everything heavy and burdening you, any difficulties and everything unnecessary will naturally disappear from your everyday reality. Your life will become much easier and more enjoyable, and you will be able to live a better life.

5. It’s curious why you dream of a corpse flying through the air - such a strange dream is difficult to forget. And it means that you can incredibly easily, effortlessly achieve everything, even the most incredible successes. And everyone around you will be surprised and admire you.

6. When a dead man rises from his coffin in a dream, this is an indication that the changes you are waiting for will not happen in the coming days. So you should be smarter and not expect “sea weather”.

7. If a dead man sticks out his tongue at you in a dream and grimaces, in reality you are trying to achieve happiness in an unfair way, perhaps at the expense of someone.

It’s worth thinking about this and realizing that there won’t be real happiness anyway. Be honest and attentive to others, this will make it easier for you to achieve real happiness, believe me.

8. If a corpse lies on the table in a dream, serious business success awaits you soon, and the achievement of even greater results than you expect.

9. A corpse covered in blood is a symbol of a surge of strength, a powerful flow of vital energy, a huge potential that you can not only feel, but also correctly realize.

A very active stage of life awaits you, in which, if you wish, you can achieve great success and gain a lot.

Interaction or contact

You also dream about similar things - and don’t be afraid if you not only saw a dead person in your dreams, but also did something with him. Calmly remember what exactly you had to do in your dreams, and the interpreter will tell you how to decipher the dream, no matter how strange it may be.

1. Raising a corpse in a dream is a symbol of joy and a very easy, pleasant task that will turn out brilliantly by itself.

2. If you kissed a dead person in a dream, great happiness and satisfaction awaits you from a good, kind deed, perhaps from selfless help.

3. Finding a corpse in your dreams is a symbol of great success in your endeavor. Don’t wait, it’s time to bring your plans to life - everything will turn out brilliantly, put aside your doubts!

4. If you threw a dead body into water in a dream, be careful - you have taken on the wrong thing, it will not be successful or will require too much effort, and it will not be justified. Think, maybe it’s worth changing things or at least changing your strategy!

5. Sleeping or lying next to the dead or a corpse is a symbol of apathy and sadness. Don’t give in, try to be more optimistic, because if you think about it, there’s no reason to become depressed!

6. If a dead man has haunted you in your dreams, know that your worries, anxiety and difficulties are almost over. The white streak will come soon.

7. When in a dream a revived corpse clings to you, or even rides on you, this is a sign of constant good luck, relentlessly following you. Wherever you go, fortune will become your reliable companion and will not leave you for a long time!

8. A corpse entering a room in a dream is a symbol of great strength and vigor. Use your reserves for big things, you will succeed!

9. Cutting or dissecting a corpse in a dream is a symbol of introspection, digging into oneself, and excessively. You probably analyze yourself too much and scrupulously, spend excessive effort on it, but there is no reason for it.

Corpses are an undesirable phenomenon in dreams, but we don’t usually order our dreams, so we’ll just have to get over it. Moreover, such frightening dreams often promise joy and happiness rather than warning of mistakes.

So know that all the best awaits you - this will certainly come true soon in the best possible way! Author: Vasilina Serova

what does it mean if a corpse is in a dream

A corpse in dreams is a bad sign and foretells sad news. Troubles in business are possible. If a young guy dreams of a corpse, it means great disappointment and a boring life without pleasure. For a young girl, this dream means that she will trust bad people and will regret it. If the corpse is all in black, the dream indicates difficulties in business and even the death of a comrade. There are many corpses in war - war between states is possible in reality. The corpse of an animal indicates illness and the emergence of a deplorable situation in business. If you see a close relative dead in a dream, this indicates an illness of the family member who dreamed or a break in relations with him. In a dream, the head separated from the corpse and fell to the ground - this is a sign of future intrigues of envious people against you. The coffin with the corpse is in the store - troubles and losses that will affect many people.

a corpse in a dream what is it for

According to this dream book, a corpse dreams of parting with a loved one or loved one. If you dreamed of a lot of corpses, but there were no bad feelings, this means success in an unexpected matter.

a corpse in a dream what is it for

A corpse is most often dreamed of when the weather changes. But if you saw a lot of corpses of people or animals in your dream, troubles may arise in your business, and these events will slow down the entire work process. If you dreamed about the corpse of a familiar person, he will live happily ever after, and serious illnesses will bypass him.

dreamed of a corpse

If you dreamed of a corpse, expect your partner to betray you in the future. For a woman, such a dream means that her beloved enjoys her trust, kindness and selflessness. If a man dreams of the corpse of an animal, in real life he does not trust his beloved woman. It may also be that these sensations arose on some real basis.

dreamed of a corpse

If you saw the corpse of a friend in a dream, it means parting with this person; he will leave or get married. The corpse of a stranger means a successful outcome of the case. If a corpse decomposes in a dream, but there are no unpleasant smells or sensations, this means unexpected luck and wealth. If it is decomposing and you are unpleasant, old relationships, memories or some past affairs will have a bad influence on you.

Seeing a corpse in a dream is unlucky, since this dream is a harbinger of sad news. Possible bad prospects in commercial affairs. The young man will face disappointment and lack of pleasure.

Seeing a deceased person dressed in black is a sign of the imminent death of a friend or a desperately difficult situation in business.

Seeing corpses on the battlefield portends war and, in general, a complication of relations between countries and political groups.

Seeing the corpse of an animal portends an unhealthy situation in business, a deterioration in well-being.

Seeing one of your family members dead portends an illness for one of your close relatives or a break in family relationships. For lovers, this is a sure sign that they will not be able to keep their sacred vows to each other.

Covering the eyes of a deceased person with coins in a dream means that unscrupulous enemies will rob you, taking advantage of your temporary powerlessness. If you place a coin on only one eye, you will be able to regain lost property after an almost hopeless struggle.

For a young woman, this dream foreshadows grief after she trusts dishonest people.

If a young woman sees the owner of the store where she works in a coffin, the dream foretells that her admirer will become cold towards her.

If in a dream the head of a corpse separates from the body and falls, the dream is a sign of future intrigues against it. If a coffin with a corpse is standing in the hall of a store, the dream foreshadows losses and troubles that will affect many.

The dream encourages a more sober assessment of one’s actions.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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What do dreams mean? Corpse

It's unfortunate to dream of a corpse. Possible bad prospects in commercial affairs. For young people, such a dream portends disappointment and lack of pleasure.

Corpses on the battlefield dream of war or simply a complication of relations between countries or political groups.

Seeing the corpse of an animal in a dream foreshadows a decline in business and a deterioration in well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Corpse

If you dreamed that you found a corpse, then some significant event will happen in the near future. To make this event enjoyable, find the animal's corpse and bury it.

If you dreamed that you threw a corpse into the water, any of your undertakings will not be successful. To prevent this from happening, eat a piece of raw meat.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Corpse

see also Deceased.

Seeing a corpse means your fate will change. For good or bad, it depends on how the deceased was dressed.

Imagine that the corpse is dressed smartly: the dead man is some kind of high-ranking person. If he was poorly dressed, let the corpse be changed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does it mean to see a Corpse in a dream?

You have a long life ahead of you.

If you dream that you are a corpse, rest assured that good health and a long, happy life await you.

If the corpse is someone else, you will have a long and interesting life, although not necessarily a happy one and with good health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Interpretation of sleep Corpse

Corpse - in dreams with an everyday plot, it gives good meaning to the whole dream, everything should be interpreted in a good way

lifting a corpse is a joy.

Kissing a corpse is all good.

The corpse speaks or stands up - happiness, fun.

Sleeping near him, sleeping between corpses means sadness or illness.

Dressing a corpse means the death of a friend.

Carrying a corpse is an indication of some fatal thing that will bring you misfortune.

Moving a corpse means committing crazy actions.

A corpse can also be an image of your body, which you observe in a dream as if from the outside.

A moving corpse is a sign of bad or unforeseen consequences of your or someone else’s actions.

Corpses floating along the river - something oppressive will be removed from your life.

To see a flying corpse is easy, to achieve everything without difficulty / something outdated in your environment weighs on you.

A corpse rises from a coffin at night - the changes you expect will not happen / it’s too early to bury your feelings and thoughts.

The corpse haunts you - the end of grave worries / you cannot escape from the torment of conscience.

The corpse clings to you, rides on you - the constancy of luck and everyday happiness, interfering with your spiritual development.

The corpse from the coffin smiles - to live forever in a state of deception.

The corpse shows its tongue - dishonest happiness.

The corpse threatens you with its fist - bury your delusions.

To ride or fly in a coffin means to acquire new wisdom; everything is good.

Seeing a blue corpse means stagnation of spiritual life, your spiritual coldness.

Seeing a crimson corpse means excitement and anxiety are ahead.

Green, overgrown with moss - a thoughtless wasteful life / vigor and confidence ahead

blackened corpse - deep melancholy.

A dead man lies on the dining table - business success.

A corpse looks into the room or enters - you will gain spiritual vigor and confidence.

The wounds on the corpse bleed - a surge of energy and vitality.

A headless corpse is burdened by rational life.

A swollen corpse means harm from gluttony.

To tear out the heart of a corpse means a struggle with feelings; to feel pity for the enemy.

To find a heart of stone in a corpse means to encounter callous people.

Cutting a corpse, dissecting it - burdening your life with unnecessary delving into yourself.

To cut or shave a corpse is to benefit from someone’s death or misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

What does the dream predict?

A lying, dead body of a friend, then this is a sign of separation, departure of this person, his marriage or success. If an unfamiliar corpse ends the obstacle, a favorable course of affairs. Decaying corpse: without unpleasant sensations, smells, feelings of unexpected luck and wealth; with unpleasant sensations exposure; bad influences from old affairs, relationships, memories. The corpse of an animal deteriorates health and well-being; or success, spiritual cleansing (liberation from vices). Carrying a corpse is a misfortune, a problem. A corpse can mean self-awareness of oneself (one's old age), the state of one's body (a chronic disease).

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation Corpse A lying, dead body - if a friend, then this is a sign of separation, departure of this person, his marriage or success. If an unfamiliar corpse is the end of an obstacle, a favorable course of affairs. Decaying corpse: without unpleasant sensations, smells, feelings - to unexpected luck and wealth; with unpleasant sensations - exposure; bad influences from old affairs, relationships, memories. The corpse of an animal means deterioration of affairs and well-being; or success, spiritual cleansing (liberation from vices). Carrying a corpse is misfortune, problems. A corpse can mean self-awareness of oneself (one's old age), the state of one's body (a chronic disease). Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Corpse Seeing a corpse in a dream means sad news, unfortunately. Poor prospects in commercial affairs, disappointment and melancholy in everyday life are possible. If a deceased person is dressed all in black, this is a sign of a desperately difficult situation in business. Seeing one of your family members dead means illness of one of them or a breakdown in family relationships. Seeing your lover dead is a sign that you will not be able to keep your promises to each other in fidelity and harmony. Covering the eyes of a deceased person with coins in a dream means that you can be shamelessly deceived and robbed, taking advantage of your temporary weakness. For a young woman, such a dream portends grief as a result of her excessive gullibility and naivety. The corpses of animals in a dream mean an unhealthy situation in business, a deterioration in well-being in reality. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Corpse Seeing a corpse in a dream: this is an unlucky omen. After such a dream, expect to receive sad news about those who are absent. The outlook for business affairs is also grim. It is the lot of young people to see a corpse in a coffin in a dream: a harbinger of approaching troubles and failures. If you dream of a corpse dressed in black: this may be a harbinger of the violent death of a friend, which will be caused by the desperate state of his business affairs. To dream of a battlefield strewn with corpses: an omen of war and bloody clashes between countries and political groups. Animal corpse: dreams of deteriorating health and failures in business. Seeing someone close to you dead in a dream: foretells misfortune in the family or a serious family quarrel, and, in addition, an unusual stagnation in business. For lovers Putting coins on the eyes of a deceased person in a dream means that unscrupulous enemies will rob you, taking advantage of your plight. If you place a coin on only one eye: You will be able to regain your lost property after an almost hopeless struggle. Such a dream for a young woman If a girl dreams that the owner of the store where she works is lying in a coffin: with her behavior she will disappoint her lover. If she dreams that the head of a corpse is separated from the body: such a dream warns her of the possible machinations of secret enemies who, trying to harm her, will harm her owner. If the coffin with the deceased is in the store: this is a harbinger of losses and troubles that will affect everyone. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Corpse Corpse: a simple symbol of repression. The individual's body becomes a corpse: internal rigid, that is, overly stable, principles that must be compensated by the spontaneity and freedom of everyday life. Senile rigidity, thoughts of death, depression. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Corpse Dead body. Seeing a corpse in a dream is unlucky, since this dream is a harbinger of sad news. Possible bad prospects in commercial affairs. The young man will face disappointment and lack of pleasure. Seeing a deceased person dressed in black is a sign of the imminent death of a friend or a desperately difficult situation in business. Seeing corpses on the battlefield portends war and, in general, a complication of relations between countries and political groups. Seeing the corpse of an animal portends an unhealthy situation in business, a deterioration in well-being. Seeing one of your family members dead portends an illness in one of your close relatives or a break in family relationships. For lovers, this is a sure sign that they will not be able to keep their sacred vows to each other. Covering the eyes of a deceased person with coins in a dream means that unscrupulous enemies will rob you, taking advantage of your temporary powerlessness. If you place a coin on only one eye, you will be able to regain lost property after an almost hopeless struggle. For a young woman, this dream foreshadows grief after she trusts dishonest people. If a young woman sees the owner of the store where she works in a coffin, the dream foretells her admirer’s cooling towards her. If in a dream the head of a corpse separates from the body and falls, the dream is a sign of future intrigues against it. If a coffin with a corpse is standing in the hall of a store, the dream foreshadows losses and troubles that will affect many. The dream encourages a more sober assessment of one’s actions. Big dream book

Dreaming Corpse It's unfortunate to dream of a corpse. Possible bad prospects in commercial affairs. For young people, such a dream portends disappointment and lack of pleasure. Corpses on the battlefield dream of war or simply a complication of relations between countries or political groups. Seeing the corpse of an animal in a dream foreshadows a decline in business and a deterioration in well-being. Large universal dream book

Why do you dream about a Corpse? If you dream that you are a corpse, rest assured that good health and a long, happy life await you. If the corpse is someone else: you will have a long and interesting life, although not necessarily happy and with good health. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Corpse CORPSE - a lying, dead body - if a friend, then this is a sign of separation, departure of this person, his marriage or success. If an unfamiliar corpse is the end of an obstacle, a favorable course of affairs. Decaying corpse: without unpleasant sensations, smells, feelings - to unexpected luck and wealth; with unpleasant sensations - exposure; bad influences from old affairs, relationships, memories. The corpse of an animal means deterioration of affairs and well-being; or success, spiritual cleansing (liberation from vices). Carrying a corpse is misfortune, problems. A corpse can mean self-awareness of oneself (one's old age), the state of one's body (a chronic disease). Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Dead (corpse) Metaphorical death of some period of your life. A call to new beginnings. Being dead yourself is fortunately a new business. The corpse of a stranger is someone's unexpected help. A reviving corpse is the revival of forgotten affairs and enterprises. Seeing a friend dead means breaking off relations with him.