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Rights of a working full-time student. Part-time working week for students Evening student working hours

If such changes could lead to mass layoffs, the administration has the right to establish a part-time working regime for up to six months. This restriction is provided for in Part 5 of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, employees must be notified in writing about the upcoming changes two months before they are carried out (with mandatory familiarization with a signature) (Part 2 of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An employee’s consent or disagreement to work part-time can, for example, be stated in the notification itself. If, in these circumstances, an employee refuses to work part-time, he can be dismissed only in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (reduction in headcount or staff) (Part 6 of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, he must be paid severance pay and average monthly earnings for the period of employment (Art.

How many hours does a student have the right to work in practice according to the law?

Labor Code (minor, pregnancy, etc.). Registration of labor or civil law relations is carried out as with all other employees. More details in the System materials: 1. Answer: Is it possible to hire a full-time student who is studying full-time?
Work and school hours coincide during the day. Yes, you can. The legislation does not establish restrictions on the possibility of a student working during study hours.* At the request of an adult student and with the consent of the employer, an employee may be assigned part-time or flexible working hours (Article 93, Part 1 of Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) . When hiring a minor student, the employer is obliged to establish a reduced working time - no more than half the norm established for employees of the corresponding age (Part 2 of Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How many hours can an adult full-time student work?

Attention: If the employee has not yet reached the age of majority, a shortened working week must be established. The rule is enshrined in Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The condition must be reflected in the contract. If a person has already reached the age of majority, he also has the right to ask the employer to establish a part-time working week.


To do this, you will need to draw up an application or discuss cooperation during the signing of the employment contract. The rule is enshrined in Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 125 of August 22, 1996, the employer is obliged to provide a citizen who is receiving an education with paid study leave to prepare for and pass exams. The length of the period depends on the course of study and the basis for the leave.

Additional information Primary students receive the shortest period of rest in connection with their studies. The most time is given to graduate students.

Applying for a student's job

Home/Hiring/Students The desire not to depend on parents and the need for money forces the student to look for a job. For an employer, cooperation with this category of citizens is associated with a number of features. A student's employment must take into account the form of study.


If a person is a full-time student at a university, a standard employment contract cannot be concluded. The process must be carried out in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Labor Code of the Russian Federation Peculiarities of interaction between employee and employer in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Labor Code.

The rules for drawing up an agreement with an employee are reflected in Chapters 10-11. In accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if a student is studying full-time at a university, the employer can only enter into a fixed-term contract with a potential employee. This is due to the fact that usually full-time students only want to find a part-time job for the summer.



For students who have practical work experience in their field of study, by decision of the relevant departments, on the basis of intermediate certification, educational and production (with the exception of pre-diploma) internships can be credited. They are sent to pre-graduate practice in the prescribed manner. 14. The length of the working day of students during internship in organizations is for students aged 16 to 18 years no more than 36 hours per week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for those aged 18 years and older no more than 40 hours per week (Article .91 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For students aged 15 to 16 years, the working day during internship in organizations is no more than 24 hours a week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How many hours a day should a student work?

When hiring a new employee on the basis of an employment contract, issue an order and indicate in it the special conditions and nature of the work, for example: “Flexible working hours, accounting period - one month.” Based on a signed additional agreement with an already working employee, issue an order establishing a flexible working time regime in any form (paragraph 2, clause 3.2 of the Recommendations, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated May 30, 1985 No. 162/12-55). Recording of working hours An employee who is assigned a flexible working time regime is required to work the established standard working hours during the accounting period. The accounting period can be, for example, a day, a week, a month. Determine the standard hours based on the weekly working hours for this employee.

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Read more about the work of full-time students here: In order for a student to have time to both study and work, he can be assigned part-time work or a flexible work schedule (both can be done at the same time). This is determined by agreement of the parties; after concluding an employment contract, the student does not have the right to demand the establishment of part-time work (with the exception of the last 10 months of study, when, at the request of an evening or part-time student, the work week can be shortened by 7 hours, but for the specified 7 hours the employer must pay employee 50% of average earnings. Full-time students do not have such a benefit.) A fixed-term employment contract can be concluded with a full-time student.

The student has no special guarantees when establishing a probationary period if the special provisions of Art.
There are no prohibitions or restrictions in labor legislation on university students combining work with full-time study. Therefore, any enterprise has the right to hire such employees, including full-time ones. Hiring a full-time student should be carried out on a general basis, guided by Chapters 10 and 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Many students go to work in their specialty during their studies in companies of their choice, not only in order to earn themselves additional money, but also with the prospect that they will be able to remain in this company after graduation. At the same time, they will already have some experience in this company, and they will be able to get a promotion faster.
The procedure for applying the flexible working time regime is given in the Recommendations approved by the Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated May 30, 1985 No. 162/12-55. The norms of this resolution are subject to application insofar as they do not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Article 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The flexible working time regime is introduced to achieve certain goals, for example, to: - improve labor discipline; — employee performance; — ensuring a combination of employee interests with the interests of the organization. This is stated in paragraph 1.3 of the Recommendations approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated May 30, 1985 No. 162/12-55.
Labor Code of the Russian Federation); - employees who study in evening (shift) educational institutions (schools, gymnasiums, etc.) (Part 1 of Article 176 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employer is obliged to provide study leave to these employees, regardless of how long the employee has worked in the organization. There are no restrictions on length of service giving the right to study leave. Study leave is subject to payment only if the following conditions are simultaneously met: - the employee receives education of this level for the first time (or the organization sent an employee who already has education of this level for training on the basis of an agreement concluded by it with the employee) (Part 1 of Article 177 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation ); — the employee studies successfully (part 1 of article 173, part 1 of article 174, part 1 of article 175, part 1 of article 176 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); - vacation is related to passing exams or defending a diploma (clause 1, article 17 of the Law of August 22, 1996
The document must reflect the main provisions of the employment contract signed with the student. The completed order must be familiarized to the employee in respect of whom the local regulatory act is being drawn up. To confirm the fact of familiarization with the order, the person must sign. Actions must be completed within 3 days from the date of commencement of work duties. At the request of the student being hired, a copy of the order, certified in accordance with the rules, can be provided. You can download an example order here. Full-time and part-time Students may work full-time or part-time. If a minor citizen is hired by a company, he cannot work more than 7 hours a day. This rule is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Adult citizens have the right to request part-time work at their own request.

Federal Law); — the educational institution has state accreditation (part 1 of article 173, part 1 of article 174, part 1 of article 175, part 1 of article 176 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The organization can also provide study leave to employees who study in institutions that do not have state accreditation. To do this, such a condition must be stated in the labor (collective) agreement (part 6 of article 173, part 6 of article 174, part 2 of article 175, part 2 of article 176 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The success of training is determined by the educational institution in which the employee is studying, in accordance with internal documents, in particular, the charter. Confirmation of the successful training of an employee for the employer is a certificate of challenge issued to an employee combining work with training, and indicating his admission to the next certification: intermediate or final (Article 17 of the Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ, orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 13, 2003 No. 2057 and dated December 17, 2002 No. 4426).


Thus, the employer is obliged to provide student leave. If a minor is hired, the company is obliged to adjust the work schedule in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

Responsibility of the employer The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not fix any special provisions regarding liability when hiring a student. Student responsibility The labor code applies to the student in full.

If an agreement is concluded with a person, he bears full financial responsibility. If the employer's property is damaged due to the fault of an employee, the student will have to reimburse its cost.

Probationary period The Labor Code allows the employer to determine the need for a probationary period at his own request. If the company decides that a period is necessary, it will be established.

Rights and benefits of working students

Information about this must be reflected in the employment contract. The agreement must indicate:

  • which days will be considered working days;
  • duration of work per day and per week;
  • breaks during work activities, if any;
  • start and end times of the working day;
  • weekend.

Please note: Additionally, the agreement must clearly state that the student is working part-time.
Part-time students are usually accommodated on a general basis. They are assigned full-time work unless they are minors.


Otherwise, it is possible by prior agreement of the parties. The specifics of the upcoming cooperation when applying for a job must be documented.

Responsibilities of the employer The list of responsibilities is fixed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Applying for a student's job


Read more about the work of full-time students here: In order for a student to have time to both study and work, he can be assigned part-time work or a flexible work schedule (both can be done at the same time). This is determined by agreement of the parties; after concluding an employment contract, the student does not have the right to demand the establishment of part-time work (with the exception of the last 10 months of study, when, at the request of an evening or part-time student, the work week can be shortened by 7 hours, but for the specified 7 hours the employer must pay employee 50% of average earnings.

Full-time students do not have such a benefit.) A fixed-term employment contract can be concluded with a full-time student. The student has no special guarantees when establishing a probationary period if the special provisions of Art.

Hiring a full-time university student

The duration of the working day cannot exceed 7 hours. The employer must be prepared for the need to establish a special schedule for a student employee.
Necessary documents In order for a company to agree to hire a student, he must prepare a package of documents and provide them to the employer. The list must include:

  • passport;
  • document confirming completion of training;
  • work book, if available;
  • TIN and SNILS, if available;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

Additional information If a person gets a job for the first time, he must purchase a new work book.

The employer will fill it out. The student must obtain TIN and SNILS independently. Hiring order If the company hires a new employee, you will need to issue an order.

It is drawn up according to form No. T-1.

Registration of a full-time university student for work

If a citizen starts working for the first time, a work book is created. Additionally, SNILS is issued if the document is missing.

The person must leave a signature on the order. The fact is confirmed by familiarity with the document. Actions must be completed within 3 days from the date of commencement of work.

  • The citizen begins his work duties.
  • An employment contract for part-time work cannot be concluded with a citizen solely on the basis that the person is a full-time student at a university.

    Studying cannot be considered as an additional place of employment. Please note: It is worth paying attention to the working hours of a full-time student.

    Citizens in this category can rarely work 8 hours a day. The law establishes restrictions for minor citizens. They cannot work more than 35 hours a week.

How many hours can an adult full-time student work?

It is not recommended to use flexible working hours: - in continuous production; — in conditions of three-shift work in discontinuous production; — during two-shift work, if there are no free workplaces at the junctions of the shifts; - if there are other specifics of production. This is stated in paragraph 3.4 of the Recommendations approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated May 30, 1985 No. 162/12-55. For some categories of employees, a separate procedure for applying the flexible working time regime is provided. In particular, this procedure is established: - for women with children, by the Regulations approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 6, 1984 No. 170/10-101. The norms of this resolution are subject to application to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Art.

Benefits for part-time and evening students in 2018

Thirdly, when the whole country and all ordinary clerks have been celebrating the New Year holidays for more than a week, the full-time students are busy passing the winter session. And during the holidays he relaxes, because all he has to do is work! Well, fourthly: in the summer, when the bulk of the employees either leave or return from vacation, the full-time student works at full capacity.

Because in the absence of colleagues, you can prove yourself excellently by coping with their work with a bang. What college students are entitled to If you are enrolled not in college, but in the full-time department of a college, technical school or college, you can also count on some benefits. For example, you have every right to ask your boss to grant you study leave. Unpaid, of course. True, you will be allowed to prepare for the session for only 10 days, for state exams - exactly a month, for the defense of your thesis - two.
Additional days off are not paid by the employer. Deadlines

  1. In the first and second year of study, an employee can receive a vacation of at least 40 calendar days, with salary retention during the final session (summer).
  2. In the third and subsequent courses it increases by another 10 calendar days.
  3. When passing state exams and writing and subsequently defending a thesis, 4 calendar months are allotted with the same salary.
  4. The employee takes all other additional vacations necessary for training at his own expense.

Conditions for receiving benefits In order to receive the benefits due, the employee must provide the employer with a document confirming his studies at a higher educational institution. Without this, the employee’s right to receive labor privileges cannot arise.

Rights of a working full-time student

Attention: If the employee has not yet reached the age of majority, a shortened working week must be established. The rule is enshrined in Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The condition must be reflected in the contract. If a person has already reached the age of majority, he also has the right to ask the employer to establish a part-time working week. To do this, you will need to draw up an application or discuss cooperation during the signing of the employment contract. The rule is enshrined in Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 125 of August 22, 1996, the employer is obliged to provide a citizen who is receiving an education with paid study leave to prepare for and pass exams. The length of the period depends on the course of study and the basis for the leave. Additional information Primary students receive the shortest period of rest in connection with their studies. The most time is given to graduate students.
The employer determines whether he is ready to begin cooperation with the student. The age of the applicants should be taken into account. Not all students studying at the university have reached the age of majority. An agreement can only be concluded with persons over 16 years of age. The Labor Code provides for a number of restrictions for minor employees. Such citizens cannot perform a list of certain works fixed by law. The employer has additional responsibilities.

He will have to send the candidate for a mandatory medical examination at his own expense. A probationary period cannot be established for minor citizens.

  • The student provides a package of documents.

    The citizen is introduced to the norms in force in the organization. Then authorized employees offer to sign an employment contract.

  • The employer issues an order to hire a student.

Not everyone has the good fortune to enroll in the full-time department of the institute. But there are also evening and correspondence courses. The students of this department have their own joys and sadnesses... Evening

Who studies here? Working boys and girls, adults receiving a second education, those who did not get enough points when enrolling in full-time studies. Evening students need to attend seminars and lectures three to four times a week, with no more than three pairs per day. There is only one minus - you will have to attend the institute a year longer than the diaries (6 years).


Evening classes begin no earlier than six o'clock, so every student can safely get a full-time job.

For working evening students, within 10 months before the start of state exams and diploma defense, the organization is obliged to provide one additional day off for a six-day working week.

However, they pay 50 percent less during these 10 months.

With a five-day work week, the organization itself decides how many days off to assign to a student. The duration of the work shift is taken into account.


Working evening students are entitled to additional paid leave. To pass sessions in the first and second courses - 20 calendar days per year, in subsequent courses - 50 calendar days. It takes four months to write and defend a diploma and pass state exams.

Those who are just entering college must be given 15 days at their own expense at work.


There are no benefits other than paid vacation. There will be no deferment from the army, and they don’t give discounts on travel tickets.


Evening departments, like daytime ones, are budget and contract (paid). The cost of studying in the evening is usually 50 percent less than in the day.

I study in the evening department. I used to work, but now I quit and I really want to switch to full-time work. Is this possible? Or will I have to re-enroll for the 1st year?

If you suddenly get tired of studying in the evenings or part-time and want to switch to full-time study, read the charter of your university. Some institutes allow their part-time students to simply fill in gaps in the program in order to become diaries. Others give the opportunity to transfer to full-time only by re-entering the first year.

Study in the evenings
it's easier to do
If you don't work, you can get enough sleep in the morning,
You only have to appear at the institute three times a week,
the whole day is free - you can even go to the cinema for morning shows,
They don’t scold you so harshly for absenteeism; the teachers treat them with understanding: people are adults, they get tired at work, why torture them during the test?

you don’t have to sacrifice your studies for the sake of work - and this way you’ll have plenty of time to earn pocket money,
if you get a job in your specialty, it will be counted towards you as work experience,
you can safely forget about physical education - no cross-country, push-ups or skis,
The evening diploma is no different from the diary diploma.

no more evening concerts, theaters and cinemas - night entertainment only on weekends,
You are unlikely to see your friends from the day department, and there are no parties in the evening department - everyone is running away from work, and after classes you no longer have the energy to have fun,
You are not entitled to any student discounts,
Evening classes end after ten in the evening, so get used to coming home very late,
automatic exams and tests are rare here,
you will have to study a lot of things on your own using textbooks,
all the skits and student parties will pass by you,
you will have to study for a year more,
There is no deferment from the army.


Working people, families, out-of-towners, and simply those who are too lazy to go to college every day study here. If you think that the only time you will appear at the institute is to present your diploma, you are mistaken!

Correspondence students also have important seminars on the most serious subjects. So sometimes you still have to run into the classroom. And you will pass the sessions like an ordinary student.

Correspondence students have much more free time than evening students, but the session is a whole test. Firstly, you need to learn all the topics yourself, and secondly, the teachers are strangers and you shouldn’t expect support. no machine guns or notes for you. But every professor knows by heart the eternal song of the correspondence student: “I’ve been working for three years in my specialty, I have a family, children, I just want to get a diploma... and in general I’m late for the train... maybe you can give me a record?”
The correspondence course does not exempt you from the army either, and you will have to spend a couple of years longer to blow the trumpet at the institute.

If you dreamed of studying at a university full-time, but your dream was not destined to come true, then the offer to apply for an evening course of study is perceived by you as a death sentence. For some reason, full-time education has always been considered more prestigious. Although now the disdainful attitude towards evening students is gradually changing. Today, practicality is much more important than prestige, and some “full-time” students deliberately switch to evening studies.

Why do many people study in the evening?

Among modern students there are many who strive to take a student position in the evening. And, of course, not because the applicant is a night owl and it is easier and easier for him to learn and remember in the evening. And not all faculties or not all specialties of the university you like have an evening department. It just makes it possible to successfully combine studying with earning money.

Another financial reason for choosing: at the “evening” there are also budget and paid places. So, studying for a fee in the evening department is much cheaper than in the daytime department.

Studying in the evening also attracts those who have been thinking about a career since their youth. Some evening graduates already have “settled” places by the last year, and once they receive their diploma, the issue of employment will not worry them. And for a modern employer, it doesn’t matter at all what form of training you received your knowledge in - daytime or evening. The main thing is the level of knowledge and work experience you have acquired.

The group of evening students has a fairly diverse composition of ages: yesterday’s schoolchildren and people who are “ripe” for studying at the age of thirty study here. Among the partygoers you can see former military personnel. It’s already too late for them to enroll in the first year of university, but they want to get a higher education. This is where the evening department comes to the rescue.

Having worked hard in their specialty in the workplace, some graduates of colleges and technical schools decide that they deserve more. Some universities are even interested in such students and provide them with the opportunity to study under a shortened program.

Sometimes those applicants who did not enroll in full-time study and do not want to lose a year study in the evenings. After all, there is a small “loophole” for them - to transfer the documents to next year. This, however, is more beneficial for girls, since an evening uniform does not “save” them from the army.

Evening students are distinguished from those who study full-time by age, so they are motivated, purposeful, and have a desire to gain the maximum of useful knowledge and skills. Very often they went to school to gain the knowledge necessary for work. Therefore, when a student studies in the evenings, he probably knows what he is doing.

Studying in the evening

Evening students at almost every university attend classes every day. In senior years, they can study only a few days a week, for example, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, or in another mode. Their classes begin at 6-7 pm and end no later than 10 pm, so evening students have no more than 2-3 classes on their schedule per day.

The main difference between daytime and evening forms of education is the number of lectures, workshops or seminars. There may be a little less of them at the “evening”, although evening students study for six months to a year longer.

Some universities focus on core subjects, presenting others in less detail or completely excluding them from the program. The program does not provide for practice, but time is required for independent study.

Another feature: evening students have to combine study and work, and this is really difficult. They have less time not only to prepare for seminars and colloquia, but even for exams.

Is it possible to switch from evening classes?

Since exams for daytime studies are held earlier than for evening studies, and the passing grade for evening students is always lower, if you are unsuccessful in admission to the “glass” course, you may be offered training in the evening.

After successfully completing the first year, you can try to transfer to full-time study. However, this opportunity is provided under several conditions:

  • subject to availability of places at the faculty;
  • with excellent academic performance of the student;
  • Academic hours in the evening and full-time classes must be completely identical.

Of course, taking advantage of this opportunity is very problematic, but according to the law it is required.