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The minimum wage in Belarus. Salaries in Belarus

In Belarus, from January 1, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 28, 2017 No. 1022, the monthly minimum wage (MW) increases to Br305. A BELTA correspondent was informed about this by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. From January 1, 2017, the monthly minimum wage was set by the government at Br265. The employer is obliged to apply the minimum wage (monthly and hourly) as the lowest limit of remuneration for employees for work under normal conditions during normal working hours when performing the employee’s duties arising from legislation, local regulations and an employment contract. In this case, the minimum wage (monthly and hourly) is applied taking into account the working hours worked. The legal basis for determining the size of the minimum wage and its application is regulated by the law “On the establishment and procedure for increasing the minimum wage.” The law applies to all employees and employers who have entered into an employment contract in the territory of the republic. The size of the monthly minimum wage is established by the Council of Ministers annually from January 1. A collective agreement (agreement) may establish a different amount, but not lower than the minimum wage established in accordance with the law. The monthly minimum salary during the year is subject to indexation in the manner prescribed for indexation of income received from budget sources, in accordance with the legislation on indexation of personal income taking into account inflation. The size of the hourly minimum wage is determined by the employer by dividing the size of the monthly minimum wage by the ratio of the estimated norm of working time for the calendar year established for the relevant categories of workers by the employer and the number of months of the calendar year. The hourly minimum wage is changed by the employer when the monthly minimum wage changes, including due to indexation of its size. The monthly minimum wage applies to employees whose remuneration is based on monthly tariff rates (salaries, official salaries). The hourly minimum wage applies to employees whose remuneration is based on hourly tariff rates (salaries, official salaries).

375 rubles

Installed: from 01/01/2020

Previous value: 330 rubles.

Minimal salary- a value in monetary terms that determines the lowest wage limit in the country. The employer does not have the right to offer a salary less than this legally established amount. This right does not apply only to a contract.

Unlike, for example, a basic value, this is not an applied social standard. The minimum wage does not affect the amount of benefits, fines or taxes.

The legislative act that regulates the minimum wage is the Law of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment and procedure for increasing the minimum wage of July 17, 2002.

Minimum wage amount

The minimum salary in 2020 was 375 rubles.

An increased minimum wage is established from January of each year (from January 1). Moreover, during the year the amount can be indexed several times (if inflation exceeds the predicted level). The minimum wage amount for the next year is published in the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The minimum wage in 2019 is 330 rubles. That is, the amount of minimum wage in 2020 increased by 13.6%. In 2019, the increase rate was 8.1%. Indexation was not carried out last year.

The largest number of indexations was observed in 2012, 2013 and 2015. During these periods, the minimum wage amount was indexed 3 times a year. In 2014, 2 indexations were carried out.

What does the minimum wage amount depend on?

The minimum wage is the same for different areas of activity. This is a social guarantee for citizens, which excludes the exploitation of workers.

The annual minimum wage is determined by many factors. The government takes into account:

  • current living wage budget;
  • average salary in the country;
  • inflation rates;
  • unemployment rate;
  • financial capabilities of Belarusian employers.

What does the law on the minimum wage in Belarus say?

  • Law of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment and procedure for increasing the minimum wage of July 17, 2002;
  • Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (Article 59);
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 29, 2019 No. 582 “On establishing the monthly minimum wage”

​​​​ Brief answers to important questions

Additional payment up to the minimum wage - when is it necessary and when is it not?

If an employee receives less than the minimum wage, then an additional payment must be made. The additional payment is valid only if job duties are completed in full.

When determining the additional payment, the amount of the salary includes incentive payments (bonuses) and the basic salary for the time worked. Compensatory payments and others listed in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated July 21, 2014 No. 68 are not included.

Minimum wage in 2020

How is hourly minimum wage calculated?

The concept of an hourly minimum wage is regulated by the same law as the monthly minimum wage. According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus, the hourly minimum wage is the result of dividing the amount of the minimum monthly wage by the ratio of the estimated working time of the calendar year and the number of months of the calendar year.

What is the minimum wage in other countries?

The minimum wage in Kazakhstan is $98, in Spain - $1,163, in Australia - $1,923, Moldova - $125, Russia - $166, Czech Republic - $525.

Can an employer change the minimum wage in the Republic of Belarus?

Yes, the collective agreement may specify a different minimum salary for employees. But at the same time it cannot be lower than the state standard.

Brief conclusions

  • The minimum wage is a legally fixed amount that determines the lower limit of wages. Accruing wages below the established amount is illegal.
  • The minimum wage in 2020 is 375 rubles.
  • The minimum wage changes on January 1 of each year. During the year, the amount can be indexed.
  • The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus initiates an annual increase in the minimum wage.
  • Other payments - taxes, fines, benefits - do not depend on the minimum wage.

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Minimum wage or the minimum established wage is the limit of the salary of any employee. As a rule, each state always sets its own minimum wage.

When setting the minimum wage, as a rule, all the following important factors are taken into account:

  • economic opportunities of Belarus;
  • economic opportunities for local employers;
  • people's needs for various material goods;
  • employment level;
  • employee productivity;
  • projected price increase in the represented republic.
Taking into account all these factors, the government of Belarus sets a minimum wage, which all enterprises existing in the territory of the represented republic must then adhere to.

The minimum wage for the current day

From January 1, 2017, the minimum wage was established at 265 rubles per month(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 27, 2016 No. 1080).

The minimum wage affects the quality of life of the entire population. The higher the minimum wage, the higher the quality of life for all people in Belarus.

As a rule, depending on the minimum established wage for human labor, the wages of all existing employees are calculated. Its size cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

Dynamics of changes in the minimum wage in Belarus

The minimum wage is very closely related to, which you can read about in the related article.

  • An employment contract defines the relationship between employer and employee. The compliance of the parties with the rights and obligations provided for by it depends on how thoroughly the terms of the relationship between the parties who entered into it are taken into account.

  • Borrowing money is a phenomenon that is quite characteristic and widespread in modern society. It would be legally correct to issue a loan with subsequent documented repayment of funds. To do this, the parties draw up and sign a loan agreement.

  • It's no secret that a legally competent approach to drawing up an agreement or contract is a guarantee of the success of the transaction, its transparency and security for counterparties. Legal relations in the field of employment are no exception.

  • In the course of business activities of many companies, a supply agreement is most often used. It would seem that this document, simple in its essence, should be absolutely clear and unambiguous.

375 rubles

Installed: from 01/01/2020

Previous value: 330 rubles.

Minimal salary- a value in monetary terms that determines the lowest wage limit in the country. The employer does not have the right to offer a salary less than this legally established amount. This right does not apply only to a contract.

Unlike, for example, a basic value, this is not an applied social standard. The minimum wage does not affect the amount of benefits, fines or taxes.

The legislative act that regulates the minimum wage is the Law of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment and procedure for increasing the minimum wage of July 17, 2002.

Minimum wage amount

The minimum salary in 2020 was 375 rubles.

An increased minimum wage is established from January of each year (from January 1). Moreover, during the year the amount can be indexed several times (if inflation exceeds the predicted level). The minimum wage amount for the next year is published in the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The minimum wage in 2019 is 330 rubles. That is, the amount of minimum wage in 2020 increased by 13.6%. In 2019, the increase rate was 8.1%. Indexation was not carried out last year.

The largest number of indexations was observed in 2012, 2013 and 2015. During these periods, the minimum wage amount was indexed 3 times a year. In 2014, 2 indexations were carried out.

What does the minimum wage amount depend on?

The minimum wage is the same for different areas of activity. This is a social guarantee for citizens, which excludes the exploitation of workers.

The annual minimum wage is determined by many factors. The government takes into account:

  • current living wage budget;
  • average salary in the country;
  • inflation rates;
  • unemployment rate;
  • financial capabilities of Belarusian employers.

What does the law on the minimum wage in Belarus say?

  • Law of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment and procedure for increasing the minimum wage of July 17, 2002;
  • Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (Article 59);
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 29, 2019 No. 582 “On establishing the monthly minimum wage”

​​​​ Brief answers to important questions

Additional payment up to the minimum wage - when is it necessary and when is it not?

If an employee receives less than the minimum wage, then an additional payment must be made. The additional payment is valid only if job duties are completed in full.

When determining the additional payment, the amount of the salary includes incentive payments (bonuses) and the basic salary for the time worked. Compensatory payments and others listed in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated July 21, 2014 No. 68 are not included.

Minimum wage in 2020

How is hourly minimum wage calculated?

The concept of an hourly minimum wage is regulated by the same law as the monthly minimum wage. According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus, the hourly minimum wage is the result of dividing the amount of the minimum monthly wage by the ratio of the estimated working time of the calendar year and the number of months of the calendar year.

What is the minimum wage in other countries?

The minimum wage in Kazakhstan is $98, in Spain - $1,163, in Australia - $1,923, Moldova - $125, Russia - $166, Czech Republic - $525.

Can an employer change the minimum wage in the Republic of Belarus?

Yes, the collective agreement may specify a different minimum salary for employees. But at the same time it cannot be lower than the state standard.

Brief conclusions

  • The minimum wage is a legally fixed amount that determines the lower limit of wages. Accruing wages below the established amount is illegal.
  • The minimum wage in 2020 is 375 rubles.
  • The minimum wage changes on January 1 of each year. During the year, the amount can be indexed.
  • The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus initiates an annual increase in the minimum wage.
  • Other payments - taxes, fines, benefits - do not depend on the minimum wage.

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current minimum salary size

installed 01/01/2020

The minimum wage is the lowest acceptable wage for all areas without exception. In other words, this is the minimum remuneration for his work that an employee should receive, provided that he has completed the standard amount of work. If the salary amount is lower, this is considered a violation of the law. The minimum wage in Belarus is set on January 1 of each year. It may be indexed more often, depending on the economic situation.

Why is the minimum wage needed and how is it indexed?

The very concept of “minimum wage” is enshrined in Belarus at the legislative level. Existence of this tool:

  • helps prevent worker exploitation;
  • guarantees them payments at least in this minimum amount - the employer simply does not have the right to pay less;
  • serves as a “salary standard” that can be used as a “starting point” for economic planning.

Unlike the base value, the minimum wage is not used when calculating tax deductions, fines and other payments. Basically it serves as a kind of guideline for:

  • governments, ministries and departments, which on its basis determine the level of wages for different areas;
  • low-paid workers from different industries. They must know the size of this parameter in order to defend their interests in disputes with the employer.

The minimum wage is set by the Council of Ministers. This usually occurs on January 1st of each year. But if during the year inflation in the country exceeds the predicted level, the “minimum wage” is also indexed. For example, in 2012, 2013 and 2015 it increased immediately 3 times, in 2014 - 2 times.

The minimum wage in 2017 was 265 rubles. As required by law, it was installed on January 1, 2017 and has not been indexed since then. In the table below you can study changes in the minimum salary over recent years.

For 2020, the minimum wage is set at 375 rubles.

Salary amount for 2012 - 2020

Start date Minimum wage amount Normative act,
set the bet size
01.01.2020 375 rubles Council of Ministers 08/29/2019 No. 582
01.01.2019 330 rubles Council of Ministers 05.12.2018 No. 870
01.01.2018 305 rubles Council of Ministers 12/28/2017 No. 1022
01.01.2017 265 rubles Council of Ministers dated December 27, 2016 No. 1080
01.11.2016 239.42 rubles Council of Ministers dated December 24, 2015 No. 1094
01.08.2016 239.48 rubles Council of Ministers dated December 24, 2015 No. 1094 with amendments dated June 20, 2016 No. 477
01.07.2016 239.18 rubles Ministry of Labor and Social Protection dated December 24, 2015 No. 1094 with amendments dated June 20, 2016 No. 477
01.01.2016 2,300,000 rubles Council of Ministers dated December 24, 2015 No. 1080

A clear indicator of the state of the economy. The concept of “minimum wage” exists in many highly developed countries of the world. For example, in Germany it is 1,498 euros per month, in the USA - $7.25 per hour. You need to understand that this is not an applied, but rather a psychological tool by which one can judge the level of development of the labor market and the economic situation of the state.

Unfortunately, in Belarus the minimum salary is small, but it objectively reflects the real state of our economy. As the economy grows, the minimum wage will increase, and with it the level of well-being of Belarusians.