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Favorite books of our childhood. New old books: the best Soviet books for children - modern reprints of old books of the USSR Old children's books

Children's literature. Remember what we read as children? Wonderful colorful books. We went to the library to get them or borrowed them from friends and acquaintances.
But it was almost impossible to buy Volkov or Bulychev, Stevenson or Dumas. But there were always ways to read the book you wanted
I remember that I learned to read quite early. Already in the senior group of kindergarten, people constantly ran up to me with requests to read. And he was enrolled in the library as a preschooler. Let's remember the books we read in childhood. I won’t remember about little books and the like - I read an incredible number of them. Here I will remember those publications that were “more serious”
This is what my first board book looked like
“The Adventures of Pinocchio” with wonderful illustrations by Leonid Viktorovich Vladimirsky. She was literally read to death

Here is another “picture book” that I really liked. Unfortunately, there was no such thing at home, but there was one in kindergarten, where I read it aloud to my classmates

But at home there was “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”

True, only the first book. Therefore the second part

And the most brilliant third one, I borrowed from friends to read

I really liked Chukovsky. "Aibolit" could be borrowed from the library

And this one, “Miracle Tree,” was at home

But, of course, my favorite books in childhood were from the “Wizard of the Emerald City” series.

And only with illustrations by Vladimirsky

Since then, I simply don’t accept publications with other illustrations, although there are some quite good ones (I’ve been meaning to make a post for a long time about different illustrations by Volkov)

These books were hard to get even in the library

Therefore, I had to read them not in order, but “whichever one I could get”

Some, therefore, I read already quite late

And this is what the very first edition of this tale looked like

What else do you remember...

I remember being very fascinated by the “Muff, Low Boot and Mossy Beard” I borrowed from the library.

We can’t forget the fairy tales about Br’er Fox and Br’er Rabbit

There were a lot of fairy tales. But my favorite fairy tale is “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Ershov

I really liked Hottabych

And they were completely delighted with “Solnyshkin’s Voyages”

It was impossible to ignore “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” (although I liked the cartoon more than the book)


But I once found this book at school, when I was on duty in the canteen. And he couldn’t tear himself away from her. When the owner came, it was such a pity to give it away without finishing it

I really liked “Two Captains” by Kaverin

And Rybakov's trilogy

Funny adventures of Vasya Kurolesov

Well, this is a classic of children's literature, also well read

Moreover, I liked the adventures of Huck Finn even more than the first book.

I haven’t given this children’s detective story to the library for a long time - it was written very interestingly

And of course it's fantastic

Bulychev's two favorite books. After they gave them to me at the library for science fiction, I became really hooked.

But I liked the movie about Electronics more. But I still read the book

But the most delight in children's fiction came from Krapivin's books

Later there was Belyaev

and Obruchev

Invisible Man

But we didn’t just read science fiction. There was also wonderful adventure literature. Jules Verne

Daniel Defoe

Alexandr Duma

Jack London

Robert Stevenson

Conan Doyle

I also had my most favorite childhood book.

Once again I remembered that the first book I read when I was still in kindergarten was “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat” by Uspensky, the same one on which the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino” was later made. And then I suddenly remembered that there was another book by Uspensky, which I read in deep childhood - the Guarantee Men, probably forgotten by many. And I was also surprised to discover on Wikipedia that those same Russian “Fixies” that modern children stare at are the modern “reincarnation” of “guarantee men”.

“Warranty People” is a fairy-tale story by Eduard Uspensky about little people who live inside devices and mechanisms and repair them during the warranty period. First published in the Pioneer magazine in 1974 (No. 1, pp. 64-75 and No. 2, pp. 44-55) with illustrations by E. Shabelnik. In 1975 it was published as a separate edition with drawings by G. Kalinovsky. There is also a dramatic version of the text for puppet theaters.
In the 2010s, the plot of the story was used as the basis for the animated series “The Fixies,” and Eduard Uspensky released a continuation of the story called “The Guarantee Men Are Returning.”

In the world in which the story takes place, very small warranty men live next to people - craftsmen who monitor the operation of all kinds of devices during the period when the warranty is valid. Warranty men are sent from factories along with the devices, and after the warranty period expires, they return to their factory to go to work on a new device. “Warranty workers,” as they call themselves, live directly inside devices (watches, car engines, refrigerators, etc.) and lead lives unnoticed by people, repairing minor breakdowns. Only a few people know about their existence.
A refrigerator is delivered to the Smirnovs’ ordinary Moscow apartment, with which a “guarantee” named Kholodilin also arrives. He immediately meets Ivan Ivanovich Bure, the “guarantee” of the cuckoo clock. The watch's warranty has expired, but the factory where it was made is long gone, and Bure, like a true master, has been left to look after it for almost sixty years. Also in the apartment are the warranty Vacuum Cleaner from the Uralets vacuum cleaner and News of the Day from the radio.
The next day, the inhabitants of the apartment - dad, mom and little girl Tanya - go to the dacha in Dorokhovo, where they take the rented refrigerator and radio. Vacuum cleaner and Bure with the cuckoo Masha go for company with Kholodilin and News of the Day. However, at the dacha they immediately encounter difficulties. Firstly, the local mice declare war on them because they consider themselves the owners of the country house. And soon they capture Bure and put him in a cage. And secondly, at night, the girl Tanya, who is not completely asleep, notices the guarantee workers with flashlights. And although her mother convinces her that she dreamed it, Tanya decides to catch the little men and play with them at all costs.
Having captured the scout mice, the guards feed them sausage, so that they do not want to leave captivity - in the army of the mouse king, the soldiers are kept from hand to mouth. When the rest of the mice find out about this, they begin to walk around with slogans: “We don’t want to fight, but we want to surrender, because sausages are tastier than shells!” and “Down with gunpowder, long live cottage cheese!” And although the king calls for war, there are more of those who prefer peace and sausage. The guarantees manage to free Bure and at night, after Tanya’s birthday, leave home. Having reached the highway, they leave a special sign, and in one of the cars passing by, the guarantee Ressorych makes sure that the car stops. Bure with Masha and the mouse Vasya, who has joined them, return to the Smirnovs’ apartment, and the rest of the guarantee workers head to their factories for new assignments.

Modern readers have a special attitude towards Soviet books. I see several reasons for this.

Firstly, this is quality - Soviet children's literature was created by truly professionals, real artists, writers and poets; Each book was properly professionally edited and took a long time to prepare for publication.

Secondly, these books give us a feeling of nostalgia; it comes over us when we see an old book, well known to us from our childhood; Perhaps there is some personal story connected with this book...

A very interesting series “The Best Books of “Malysh”” - in it Soviet bestsellers, the best children’s books of the USSR, which were published at that time by the publishing house “Malysh” in huge editions, and therefore are familiar to a large audience, get new life. Surely, in this series you will find many people you know covers. These books are more impressive, thicker, with hard “crusts”.

This series contains mainly works by the most famous authors (Marshak, Mikhalkov, Chukovsky, Gorky, Prokofiev, etc.), well-known children's classics. But the Dolphin publishing house relied on lesser-known books. The series "Mishutka's Books" published reprints of authors whose names are not so widely known to the general reader. Natalya Munts, Rachel Baumvol, Yakov Dlugolensky - these are also THE SAME Soviet books that our mothers and fathers read - and we too. The "Mishutka's Books" series is not very large, but I hope it will continue to grow.

From time to time reprints old Soviet books

The best thin books

One day, parents are faced with a question to which it is very difficult to give a definite answer: “How to make a child love books”? Everyone, of course, has their own recipes. One of them is to remember what books our parents themselves read with pleasure at a young age. Many of us have a plump stack of thin books, perhaps slightly frayed in the corners, loose on paper clips from frequent reading, but carefully stored since childhood. The magical variety of fairy tales of different nations in the illustrations of Vasnetsov and Konashevich. Stories about animals by Bianki and Prishvin. Funny stories invented by Nosov. Store shelves are replete with a variety of modern publications: interactive or made of safe materials, with sound elements or games. The text in them is often given in abbreviation or paraphrase - it allows you to get involved, but not more, although playing with these books is fun and interesting. It’s nice to have at home a good, “adult” hardcover edition of fairy tales: a collection of classic stories with favorite or absolutely innovative illustrations. But thin books for kids have their own charm, and it’s not just in practicality. A thin book is convenient to take with you on the road or to the clinic; you can give it to a child - and it will not give him a feeling of “heaviness” or complexity. Each book is a separate, complete little story; many Soviet artists illustrated them entirely, designed frames, vignettes, and both sides of the cover. A high-quality reissue of classic children's “baby books” repeats the illustrations and arrangement of the text - as if you are looking into the past. But if you take the book in your hands, it is noticeable how much higher the quality of printing is today, the thickness of the paper, how much more durable this thin book is. One of the leading publishing houses that gives a second life to well-known fairy tales and stories is the Melik-Pashayev publishing house. Thin and elegant, the publisher's books are distinguished by excellent printing - drawings by recognized domestic illustrators, made on coated paper, are filled with pure colors and clearly defined lines. Each book contains a complete classic text, without abbreviations or elements of retelling. The “Pebbles” series by I. D. Meshcheryakov includes texts that have long become classics of Russian and foreign children’s literature. They are decorated with magnificent drawings by recognized illustrators: Evgeny Rachev, Svetozar Ostrov, Pyotr Bagin, Boris Dekhterev. Lightweight and compact books, printed on thick and lightweight offset paper, are convenient to take with you on the road and for a walk, to read them with your baby on a park bench, on a train or in a car. The publishing house "Nigma" pleases with the re-release of foreign fairy tales and stories with illustrations by Pyotr Repkin, and "Swallowtail" has a series of "Naughty Books": under each cover there are no more than two or three stories with full-page illustrations. In the series "Mother's Favorite Book" of the publishing house "Rech" "also includes only the best, time-tested fairy tales and stories. Elk calves, pikes, lions seem real, and it is not at all necessary to “lock” them in heavy hard covers. Recently, the series has been replenished with poems and stories about children, which many parents can remember from childhood. The “Charushinsky Animals” series is dedicated to books about animals with amazingly lively illustrations by Charushchin. Each story occupies a separate book, and you want to re-read and look at it again and again. Let the child choose his favorite: about the inhabitants of the sands, hedgehogs, bear cubs, hares... From early childhood, these publications instill a love for books, develop taste and remain in the memory for a lifetime, because they were created with love and care for young readers. When good printing, clear large font, wonderful pictures and a low price are combined, you can easily assemble a whole children's collection. And your children will also have a stack of their favorite thin books.

The best thin books


One day, parents are faced with a question to which it is very difficult to give a definite answer: “How to make a child love books”? Everyone, of course, has their own recipes. One of them is to remember what books parents themselves enjoyed reading at a young age.

Many of us have a plump stack of thin books, perhaps slightly frayed at the corners, loose on paper clips from frequent reading, but carefully stored since childhood. The magical variety of fairy tales of different peoples in illustrations by Vasnetsov and Konashevich. Stories about animals by Bianki and Prishvin. Funny stories invented by Nosov.

Store shelves are full of a variety of modern publications: interactive or made from safe materials, with sound elements or games. The text in them is often given in abbreviation or paraphrase - it allows you to get involved, but not more, although playing with these books is fun and interesting. It’s nice to have a good, “adult” hardcover edition of fairy tales at home: a collection of classic stories with your favorite or completely innovative illustrations.

But thin books for babies have their own charm, and it’s not just practicality. A thin book is convenient to take with you on the road or to the clinic; you can give it to a child - and it will not give him a feeling of “heaviness” or complexity. Each book is a separate, complete little story; many Soviet artists illustrated them entirely, designed frames, vignettes, and both sides of the cover.

A high-quality reissue of classic children's “baby books” repeats the illustrations and layout of the text - as if you are looking into the past. But if you take the book in your hands, you will notice how much higher the quality of printing is today, how thick the paper is, how much more durable this thin book is.

One of the leading publishing houses that gives a second life to well-known fairy tales and stories is the Melik-Pashayev publishing house. Thin and elegant, the publisher's books are distinguished by excellent printing - drawings by recognized domestic illustrators, made on coated paper, are filled with pure colors and clearly defined lines. Each book contains a complete classic text, without abbreviations or elements of retelling.

The series “Pebbles” by I. D. Meshcheryakov includes texts that have long become classics of Russian and foreign children’s literature. They are decorated with magnificent drawings by recognized illustrators: Evgeny Rachev, poems and stories about children, which many parents can remember from childhood.

The series “Charushinsky Animals” is dedicated to books about animals with amazingly lively illustrations by Charushchin. Each story occupies a separate book, and you want to re-read and look at it again and again. Let the child choose his favorite: about the inhabitants of the sands, hedgehogs, bear cubs, hares...

From early childhood, these publications instill a love for books, develop taste and remain in the memory for a lifetime, because they were created with love and care for young readers. When good printing, clear large font, wonderful pictures and a low price are combined, you can easily assemble a whole children's collection. And your children will also have a stack of their favorite thin books.