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Infusion of ash for feeding grapes. What and how to feed grapes at a summer cottage: recommendations for applying fertilizers

Many owners of summer cottages dream of owning their own vineyard. Experienced gardeners know what feeding and care shrubs need to get a high yield. But sometimes it happens that everyone needs help. It is necessary to invest a lot of effort, skills and labor so that the bush grows strong, bears fruit abundantly and does not become a wild plant. Grapes are considered to be whimsical plants. After planting, the seedlings receive the necessary fertilizer, the supply of which expires after three to four years. At first, there is no need to worry about feeding the grapes. After microelements are depleted, this process is mandatory.

Grape feeding

The soil on which the plant is planted is completely depleted after a few years. Grapes draw out all the beneficial substances that are in the soil. As a result, fertility becomes very low, growth decreases, and the plant does not tolerate drought and frost well. At this moment it needs urgent fertilization. Grapes need to be fed several times a year. He should receive all the necessary biological substances:

  • macroelements, which consist of biogenic and organogenic components;
  • microelements.

By observing the appearance of the grapes, their condition is determined. Nitrogen starvation of the bush manifests itself in a small number of leaves, the clusters lose their ovary, and the growth of branches is delayed. In parallel with the low intake of nitrogen, a deficiency of phosphorus is noticed. The foliage begins to curl into a tube and becomes much smaller, the clusters lose density and crumble.
The most unfavorable moment for grapes is calcium deficiency: the leaves turn yellow and brown spots appear, and the gradual death of all growth points begins. To avoid such consequences, gardeners should fertilize correctly and on time.
Fruiting of grapes depends not only on root fertilizer, but also on foliar feeding of grapes with ash. Novice gardeners are interested in the question of feeding plants using ash.

Ash is an integral component of feeding

The growth and yield of grapes increases after feeding with ash. Its chemical composition includes both micro- and macroelements, in particular:

  • Calcium salts. They move and bind substances found in grape cells and are responsible for its growth and development.
  • Potassium - regulates the water balance of the bush.
  • Magnesium salts, which help prevent leaf loss, yellowing, and chlorosis.

Ash is used at different times of the year. In summer it is used to sprinkle the soil around the bush. This way, after watering and rain, root nutrition is provided and fungal spores are destroyed. Soil with a clay structure must be treated with ash in the fall when loosening the soil. Sandy soil needs to be fertilized with ash in the spring.

Foliar feeding is carried out by irrigation or spraying the leaves of the plant. It responds favorably to this method of fertilization. Due to the large area of ​​the leaves, the absorption process occurs one hundred percent.
It will take time to prepare the solution, so it must be done in advance. Ash (2 kg) is poured with water (6 liters), it is infused for 3-5 days. The prepared solution is highly concentrated. Therefore, water is added to it to make 10 liters. Before diluting the product, it must be stirred and strained. The solution will stick to the leaves better if you add 50 grams of dissolved laundry soap to it. The ash extract is stored for up to 14 days when tightly closed.
Irrigation of grapes is carried out before flowering, preferably fifteen days in advance, and it is a good idea to combine it with root fertilizer. It is best to irrigate the bushes in the evening or in the morning. The weather should not be hot, windy or humid.
Foliar feeding must be carried out several times. To ensure that the leaves receive minerals and the solution does not dry out, they should be sprayed with plain water in the morning.

Features of using foliar feeding

As a fertilizer, ash has its pros and cons.

  • Wood ash is suitable for feeding. It is obtained after burning firewood, branches, hay, dry weeds, straw, and charcoal.
  • Its safety is evident in the fact that it does not contain chlorine.
  • This is a long-lasting fertilizer. The useful substances are valid for up to four years. There is no need to use ash annually.
  • Ash does not require additional mineral and organic components.
  • Do not use ash obtained after the combustion of shale or coal from stone, multi-colored paper, or rubber objects. It has an increased level of toxicity.
  • Only fresh ash, in which the chemicals are stored, is useful. Otherwise, mineral fertilizers after some time lose their beneficial qualities and become ineffective.
  • Weakly and strongly alkaline soils cannot be fertilized with ash.

The ash contains calcium carbonate. It helps regulate soil acidity levels.
The amount of minerals in the ash depends on the material burned. Burnt sunflower stems contain large amounts of potassium. Potassium also predominates in birch and straw. Phosphorus is found in rye and wheat straw. Calcium can be obtained from burnt birch, spruce or pine. Foliar fertilization is performed using ash with the addition of water.
The land in the areas has different structure and features. Fertilizing the soil is carried out in the amount necessary for the soil.

Methods of using ash

Dry or liquid fertilizer is used as fertilizer and medicine. It prevents the proliferation of pests and microorganisms of various types.
Damaged areas of shrubs must be treated with dry ash. It takes place after rain. The ash sticks to the wet leaves, and the grapes are completely safe. For better distribution of fertilizer throughout the bush, a large sieve is used through which it is sifted.
Wet and regular treatment prevents insect attacks on the bush and various damage. It is important to remember that feeding grapes with ash should be moderate. Excessive use of ash can lead to undesirable consequences:

  • The acid level of the soil is disturbed. To restore it, you will have to fertilize the soil with the addition of rotted manure.
  • The growth and development of planting material is suspended.
  • Metals contained in ash cause loss of taste in the crop.

In addition, it is necessary to track from which area the feeding comes. If it is collected from burnt trees of radioactive contamination, all radiation components will be retained in it and will be transferred to the ground.
Fertilizing with ash can be done before snow falls. The product is laid out on top of the soil. After the snow begins to melt, the ash will enter the soil with water. This method is equivalent to watering the grapes with the resulting ash solution.
The temperature of the room in which the ash is stored should be moderately above zero with low humidity.
When adjusting the acid balance of the soil, you need to alternate fertilizer from manure and ash. As a result, the soil structure will remain unchanged, and the bush will develop and bear fruit well.
Comfortable growing conditions for grapes will provide a high yield and excellent taste of the fruit.
A good gardener will not allow his plant to grow in poor conditions.

Autumn fertilizing for grapes, the most important stage of crop care.

After active growth and fruiting, the shrub must replenish lost energy and prepare for winter and the new season.

When is the time to apply fertilizer, how to do it correctly, what microelements to use, at what time.

Fertilizing grapes in the fall will prepare the vine for winter

Mineral fertilizers

Over the years, the soil loses nutrients, so to enrich it it is necessary to add additional nutrition: organic compounds and microelements. What fertilizers are suitable for feeding the plant in the autumn?


An important element in plant nutrition, its supply quantity is necessary for the development of grapes.

If during spring feeding it accelerates flowering, in the fall it takes an active part in the friendly ripening of berries, preparing the plant for winter.

Popular chemical fertilizers include simple superphosphate. It contains 21% phosphorus and gypsum. It dissolves perfectly in liquid and can be used on different types of soil.

There is also double superphosphate on sale; its concentration in granules reaches 50%. There is no gypsum, and the element itself is used when the soils are very depleted.


Another main component, without which grapes cannot fully exist.

With its deficiency, the leaves become covered with yellow spots, the berries ripen poorly, remain sour, and the plant weakens.

This valuable substance gives grapes the strength to withstand frost and drought and avoid many diseases. Potassium is represented by several types of fertilizers:

  • Potassium salt is red granules, the content of the main substance is 40%. It also contains chlorine. It is applied only in the fall, combined with other microelements. Over time, it is washed out of the soil.
  • Potassium sulfate is the best in its series; it does not contain chlorine, and it contains up to 50% of the main element.
  • Potassium magnesium includes 30% potassium and 9% magnesium, it contains a small amount of sulfur, it can be used as the main food and as a top dressing. Effective with low magnesium content in the soil.

Calimagnesia is a popular fertilizer for grapes


Fertilizer will ensure the plant's frost resistance, get rid of fungus, and lay the foundation for further growth of the vine.


Grapes often experience a shortage of this element, since there is usually not enough of it in the soil, and after application it is washed out quickly.

In the fall, it will allow the berries to ripen faster and become sweeter; next year the bush will be able to develop fully.


Increases productivity, taking care of the presence of zinc should be in places where soil acidity is low.

Zinc increases grape yield

Organic fertilizers

  • In order for a grape plant to develop harmoniously and produce a good harvest, it is necessary to increase the biological activity of the soil. Ordinary organics can do this:
  • the type of fertilizer perfectly enriches the soil with various microorganisms;
  • necessary microelements;

restores the air and water nutrition of the roots;

This creates optimal conditions for the growth of grapes.


It is one of the most popular and well-known types of organic fertilizers. Rotted livestock waste contains a wide range of essential microelements, and grapes respond positively to it.

For shrubs, this is one of the best options for feeding in the fall, but during this period you should not add fresh manure; during this period, there is no need for excess nitrogen for the vine.

Fresh manure is not suitable for fertilizing vineyards


It holds not the last place among organic fertilizers. Rotted plant remains have all the necessary substances to enrich the composition of the soil.

If you additionally add mineral fertilizers to it, compost becomes an invaluable food for grapes.

One of the advantages is its accessibility: you can cook it yourself.


It is a source of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. It can successfully replace potassium chemicals, provided that the dose must be 6 times greater than the chemical analogue. The composition of the ash varies depending on the age and origin of the wood.

The burnt remains of fruit trees and grapevines are considered the best.

Ash is a natural fertilizer for the vineyard

When to start feeding

  • Over the summer, the grape bushes have lost a lot of strength and nutrients, so autumn feeding is very important for the plant. She will help:
  • let the fruits and young branches ripen;
  • withstand the cold for the shrub;

will lay the foundation for future growth and fruiting.

The beginning of September is the time of the first autumn feeding, its purpose is to accelerate the ripening of the vine and prepare for the winter period.

During these periods, superphosphate and potassium are required. Per 1 m2 add 20 and 10 g of simple superphosphate and potassium salt, respectively, dry or dissolved in water. They are supplemented with microelements:

  • boric acid – 1-2.5 g,
  • zinc sulfate – 2 g;
  • manganese sulfate, 2 or 2.5 g;
  • if the soil is sandy, you can add 1 g of potassium iodine.

Once every 3 years, during the autumn digging of the soil, it is fertilized with compost or manure.

In late autumn, fertilizing is carried out with potassium (25 g) and phosphorus (25 g), the frequency of application corresponds to the use of organic matter.

Boric acid is applied to grapes in the fall

How to fertilize

Fertilizers can be applied in different ways:

  • Chemical microelements can be dissolved in water, so nutrition occurs more intensely, in this case they are used at 1 m / kV. 40 liters of liquid.
  • When using dry granules, they are scattered at a distance of a meter from the bush and buried 25 cm.
  • When using manure or compost, you can simply mulch the soil, and together with melt water in the spring, the nutrients will be absorbed into the ground.
  • Some gardeners recommend adding organic elements like this: at a distance of 45-80 cm from the bush, dig a hole 50 cm deep, distribute it evenly and bury it. This way nutrition is delivered more efficiently. If manure was already added to the soil when planting the plant, then there is no need to use it for the next at least 3 years.

If manure was already added to the soil when the grapes were recently planted, there is no need to use it for the next at least 3 years.

To ensure abundant fruiting, mature shrubs can be fed with organic matter no more than once every 3 years. For the 2nd year or annually in late autumn, it is allowed to use it only if the site has sandy loam or sandy soils.

When applying fertilizers, regardless of the timing, you should remember that if you apply too much, the excess can harm not only the quality of the fruit, but also completely destroy the grape bush.

Source: http://SeloMoe.ru/vinograd/kogda-podkormit-osenyu.html

Grapes are such an unassuming plant that in the wild they can be found growing on poor rocky soil.

To grow healthy and fruit-bearing grape bushes on your site, you need to know when and how to fertilize grapes.

Nutrient components enrich plants with all the necessary microelements for the formation and ripening of tasty berries.

Grape bushes bear fruit best on nutritious soil. Sooner or later the soil loses its nutritional properties. On depleted soils, grape yields are significantly reduced. In addition, plants develop poorly and become vulnerable to adverse weather conditions.

The peculiarity of this crop is that at different stages of growth it requires different nutrients. Therefore, feeding plants with one mineral fertilizer several times a season will not be enough for normal growth and fruiting.

Experienced winegrowers spent a long time trying to figure out at what time and what microelements should be added to this crop, as well as how they affect it in the future.

Anyone can achieve this with patience and desire, because the result is worth it!

When is autumn grape care carried out?

The plant is fed only in the third year of its growth in the ground. But this rule applies if the soil received fertilizer when planting the plant.

Depending on the time and additive, fertilizer is divided into basic and top dressing.

The main ones are applied once every two to three years, and fertilizing must be done annually.

Root – grape roots are fertilized. Nutrition is applied directly under the bush, closer to the roots of the plant, when watering is carried out. There are several methods of root feeding:

  • Organic – manure, compost.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers - potassium sulfate, ash, synthetic urea, ammonium nitrate.
  • Mineral fertilizers – wood ash.

Foliar – irrigation of grape leaves with useful microelements and substances:

  • Mineral fertilizers - superphosphate, ash, potassium salt, manganese.
  • Inorganic fertilizers - inorganic salt, iron, ammonium sulfate.
  • Microfertilizers – zinc solution and copper.

Feeding grapes in autumn

Processing grapes in the fall is extremely important for the proper and healthy development of the vine, but feeding the grapes in the fall is no less important, since after harvesting the grapes the bushes are deprived of many valuable substances and are weakened.

For autumn feeding, organic matter is most often used, adding a small amount of wood ash.

However, it is important not to overdo it in feeding grapes in the fall, avoiding adding excessive amounts of fertilizer.

On the advice of experienced winegrowers, you can mulch the soil around the base of the trunk with a sufficient amount of compost or rotted manure.

It should be taken into account that if fertilizers were immediately added to the soil when planting seedlings, then fertilizing should not be carried out in the next three to four years. And adult bushes need to be fed (once every 3-4 years) for abundant fruiting, enriching the soil with essential microelements.

Fertilizing grapes in the fall should be done as follows:

  • At the beginning of September, foliar feeding of the bushes is carried out (this should be done for the fastest ripening of the vine and a good wintering).
  • 20 g of superphosphate water extract and 10 g of potassium salt are added to the soil per 1 square meter of vineyard. Additionally, you can add one of the following microelements: 1-2.5 g of boric acid, 2 g of zinc sulfate, 2-2.5 g of manganese sulfate, 1 g of potassium iodine or 5 g of ammonium molybdate. Fertilizers can be added dry or in the form of a solution; it should be applied to a depth of 20-25 cm.
  • In late autumn (once every 2-3 years), fertilize with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (a mixture of 25 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2).

It is important to know: It is better to start foliar feeding in early September.

Basic measures for caring for grapes in autumn

The main activities for feeding grapes include:

  • Watering. In October, you should water the soil generously. The rest of the time, it is recommended to organize special ditches near the bush and replenish them with water.
  • Fertilizer. Root feeding is carried out directly into the holes, which are dug 50 cm from the bush with grapes. It is necessary to dig a hole 30 cm deep and fertilize the soil with the selected fertilizer. Be sure to dig a hole! If you apply fertilizer to the top layer of soil, the roots will not receive the required amount of nutrients. At the beginning of autumn, you need to fertilize the soil with wood ash, as well as solutions of 25 grams of superphosphate and 25 grams of potassium salt. Dilute the mixture of solutions in a bucket of water.
  • Mulching the soil. It involves sprinkling the soil near the bush with manure or compost to saturate the plant with nutrients.
  • Loosening. Loosening should be done once a week. This retains moisture in the soil and helps the plant survive the winter.
  • Treatment for diseases.
  • Trimming. Pruning involves removing old and diseased shoots. You need to carefully trim the dried, damaged branches and leave those that have healthy shoots. Pruning is done only after the leaves have fallen. Previously, you shouldn’t even think about pruning.
  • Shelter and insulation for the winter.

What fertilizer should I feed grapes in the fall?

Fertilizers for grapes can be divided into organic and inorganic (mineral) fertilizers. Both are essential for the growth and development of the grapevine, as well as for improving the taste of the grapes.

The most popular organic fertilizer at all times has been cow manure and chicken droppings.

It enriches the soil with useful organic substances, makes it nutritious, structured (more loose and breathable), creating the most favorable conditions for fruiting and development of the plant as a whole.

In addition to manure, humus, peat, compost and ash are used. All these substances act like manure, but do not replace it, but only supplement it, while improving the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil on which the grape bushes grow.

  • phosphorus (granulated superphosphate);
  • potassium (potassium salt, potassium sulfate and potassium chloride, potassium magnesium);
  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate.

Of the multicomponent mineral fertilizers that the plant requires before winter, preference should be given to ammophoska and nitrophoska, which already contain potassium and phosphorus in the required ratio. The preparations are applied to the soil according to the instructions on the packaging.

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Foliar feeding of grapes for a better harvest

Through grape leaves, beneficial substances dissolved in water are remarkably absorbed.

Therefore, in addition to the usual root feeding, it is advisable to also carry out foliar feeding - along the leaves.

This will help the plants develop better, produce maximum yield and tolerate winter frosts well.

Regardless of the fertilization of the root system, the grape foliage is sprayed with a solution of microelements for the first time before the flowers appear to prevent their shedding and to increase the ovaries, the second time - after flowering, the third time - when the grapes ripen. During the last two sprayings, nitrogen fertilizers are excluded from the feeding composition.

For foliar feeding, you can use solutions of micro- or macro-fertilizers, which are easily found on sale in a large assortment. An aqueous infusion of ash mixed with a fermented herbal infusion of herbs is also suitable.

Foliage should be sprayed on windless days in the morning or evening, or during the daytime in cloudy weather, so that the plants do not get sunburned, since the solution remains on the leaves in the form of small droplets. For better absorption of microelements, you can add 3 tablespoons to the nutrient solution. Sahara.

Source: http://mir-ogorod.ru/kak-udobryat-vinograd-osenyu/

How to feed grapes in the fall?

In the fall, when the entire harvest has been harvested and the plant is preparing for winter, it is time to feed and add minerals.

How to feed grapes in the fall in order to enjoy a rich harvest next year and is it necessary to do this at all? If the plant is young, then they begin to feed it only at the 3rd year of life (provided that the soil on the site is in good condition). Grape feeding in the fall is carried out once every 2 or 3 years, not more often.

Autumn feeding of grapes in winter

The stages of autumn feeding of the grapevine in winter are as follows: first, fertilizers are applied, and then mulching is carried out to protect the soil from being washed out by rain, and the roots from subsequent winter cold.

Grapes are a perennial crop with deep roots. Because of this, it may not respond to fertilizing that is applied only to the surface of the soil.

It is advisable to apply it to a depth of approximately 6-7 inches.

To accurately assess which elements a plant lacks, you can conduct a chemical analysis of the leaves in the laboratory.

A little about nitrogen

Grapes do not need much nitrogen in the soil compared to many other crops.

Moreover, a high content of this element in the soil at the end of the season negatively affects the quality of the berries.

Excess nitrogen in the fall can affect the vine's ability to survive a harsh winter.

However, a lack of nitrogen can lead to reduced yields in the following year. But if you are not sure that the plant is experiencing an acute shortage of this mineral, do not add it in the fall.

Fertilizing grapes

Make sure that the plant receives the required amount:

  1. Phosphorus. In spring it is necessary for good flowering. In autumn, phosphorus strengthens the plant, preparing it for winter. To enrich the soil with phosphorus, superphosphate is used; the content of the active element in it is about 21%. The remaining component is gypsum. If the soil is extremely poor, you can take double superphosphate, where the amount of phosphorus reaches 50%, but there is no gypsum in the composition.
  2. Potassium. Feeding grapes with potassium will help the plant withstand winter cold. Potassium is found in many fertilizers, the main ones being: potassium salt, potassium magnesium and potassium sulfate. The latter is more effective, since the content of the main element in it reaches 50%, and there is no chlorine (it is in potassium salt). If there is a need to enrich the soil not only with potassium, but also with magnesium, then it is better to take potassium magnesium, since it also contains enough potassium (30%), but also contains magnesium.
  3. Zinc. Needed by fruit crops living in low-acid soils. Classic fertilizer – KompleMet-Zinc. Apply according to package instructions.
  4. Grapes are often fed with ammonium nitrate and urea. They are diluted in water strictly according to the instructions (so as not to burn the roots) and used for watering.

The most popular organics are compost, cow manure and chicken coop manure. They improve the composition and breathability of the soil, making it looser. They are quickly absorbed and improve fruiting next year.

Organic fertilizers can be applied by first diluting them with water and using them for irrigation, or adding them dry while digging the soil before mulching.

Types of organic fertilizers:

  1. Manure. For fruit-bearing bushes, including grapevines, it is the best organic fertilizer. It is not recommended to feed the plant with fresh manure, which is rich in nitrogen. In the autumn, grapes do not experience much need for it.
  2. Compost (plant humus). Rotted grass and leaves contain all the minerals a grapevine needs in the fall. Can be combined with mineral fertilizers.
  3. Ash. Contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and other elements. Can be used as an organic replacement for potassium-containing drugs, provided that its dosage is increased by 5-6 times.

Fertilizing grapes with ash

When firewood, straw, or branches are burned, ash remains, which contains a high content of minerals, especially potassium. It also contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and contains sodium and magnesium in slightly smaller amounts.

Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, ash has been used since ancient times to fertilize garden plots with fruit crops.

It is also important that phosphorus and potassium (which is what the vine needs most in the fall) in the ash are available in a light, easily digestible form.

A distinctive feature of ash is the absence of chlorine, to which many fruit crops are sensitive, including grapes (as well as raspberries, citrus fruits, currants, strawberries, potatoes).

It reduces acidity, improves soil structure, and promotes the creation of beneficial microflora necessary for good grapevine productivity.

The positive effect of adding ash as a fertilizer can last up to 4 years.

It is recommended to add ash not in its pure form, but by combining it with peat or humus. The result is a high-quality organic mixture rich in minerals. It is evenly distributed over the area, preferably in wet weather.

Helpful Tips:

  • Do not combine ash with manure (dry or diluted), litter and ammonium sulfate.
  • Do not mix ash with superphosphate. This will not lead to fatal consequences, but phosphorus will be absorbed by the plant much worse. This is not advisable.
  • Store ash in a dry place. It easily and quickly absorbs moisture, which is why it begins to quickly lose potassium.

Approximate autumn feeding plan

Excess of nutrients, as well as their deficiency, has an extremely negative effect on the health of grapes. Therefore, more does not mean better. It is better to feed grapes in 2 stages.

The first stage is organic, when a small amount of dry litter, compost or manure is added to the dug up soil. This will enrich the soil with the necessary elements and replenish the nutrients that the grape bush lost during fruiting. It is better to do it at the very beginning of autumn.

The second stage is the main mineral supplement. It should be done a few weeks after adding organic matter.

If the acidity of the soil is normal, then you can get by with only potassium and phosphorus.

These elements combine well and are often used in combination (as part of multicomponent ammophoska and nitrophoske fertilizers).

You can prepare your own potassium phosphate fertilizer, which will be no less effective. To do this, you need to mix 20 g of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium salt, dilute it in 10 liters of water and water the bush.

If the soil condition is good and this is just another scheduled fertilizing, you can limit yourself to a mixture of ash and peat, without adding manure and chemical fertilizers.

From it the vine will receive all the necessary substances, including potassium.

Spread the mixture over the area, or mix with a small amount of soil and mix into the soil near the vine roots.

Mulching grapes after fertilizing

Before frost, while the earth has not yet frozen, mulching is carried out. This is the final stage in autumn grape care. A layer of mulch will reduce the leaching of minerals during autumn rains, and in winter it will protect the root system from freezing.

If the mulch is organic (pine needles, grass clippings, last year's compost, rotted manure, etc.), then it will also be a kind of light fertilizer for grapes. Its effect is cumulative, since nutrients from natural mulch enter the soil gradually.

Source: http://malinkablog.ru/sovety-dlya-doma/sadovodstvo/podkormka-vinograda-osenyu.html

Caring for grapes in autumn: work in the vineyard

Caring for a vineyard in the fall includes measures to ensure high yields of late-ripening varieties and preparation for the coming winter.

If autumn is delayed, it is better to sacrifice part of the harvest and unload the vine.

Work with grapes in the fall includes tying and pruning branches, feeding the bushes with fertilizers, and spraying with effective preparations to ensure better fruit formation for the next year.

What to do with grape bushes in autumn

When caring for grapes in the fall, all the same work is carried out as in August for early and medium-ripening varieties.

The winegrower's special attention should be directed to measures that accelerate the ripening of the crop and the ripening of the vine.

The next year’s harvest and the degree of damage to the buds and wood of the bushes depend on how early and well the vine ripened in September, how much it stored and accumulated carbohydrates.

What to do with grapes in the fall to prepare the vine for winter? Considering that the carbohydrates produced by the leaves are, first of all, used for the ripening of fruits and only after that for the ripening of the vine, special care is taken to ensure that late-ripening varieties are not overloaded with the harvest. How to care for grapes in the fall to preserve as many berries as possible? To do this, it is better to underload the vine with fruits than to overload it, since frost resistance during overloading decreases so significantly that the first autumn frosts damage the above-ground part of such bushes.

Therefore, when prolonged cool weather sets in, it is sometimes advisable to sacrifice part of the unripe harvest, remove it from the bushes in advance and allow the remaining fruits on the vine to ripen.

If for some reason the winegrower is not satisfied with the bush (it grows poorly, is sick), then regrafting it is not advisable. When working in the vineyard in the fall, such bushes can be uprooted already at the end of September after harvest.

The higher the harvest, the more nutrients are required for the formation of normally developed clusters, high-quality berries, for the formation of fruit buds and fruiting for the next year.

What should you do with grapes in the fall in the middle zone? Fertilization of grape plants occupies an important place in the complex of agrotechnical measures aimed at obtaining high grape yields.

The role of fertilizers is especially important on low-humus soils.

Caring for grape vines in the fall: spraying to prepare for winter

Due to the fact that grapes grow in the same place for many years, the supply of nutrients in the soil is gradually depleted. How to properly care for grapes in the fall to restore soil fertility?

Restoring the fertile qualities of the soil is possible only by applying fertilizers, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, the soil must contain, albeit in smaller quantities, calcium, iron and the so-called microelements - magnesium, manganese, boron, copper and others.

With proper care of grapes in the fall, you need to carry out foliar feeding by spraying the bushes with fertilizer solutions.

Such fertilizing ensures better formation of fruit formations for the next year's harvest, contributes to a more complete formation of bunches, an increase in the sugar content of the berries, and better ripening of the vine.

How to care for a vineyard in the fall to provide the vines with nutrients? For foliar feeding, macro- and microfertilizers are used, the composition of which most fully satisfies the requirements of the plant. Fertilizing of grapes should be carried out at the beginning of the active periods of vine development: before flowering, immediately after flowering, during the filling of clusters and the beginning of ripening.

Foliar feeding can be combined with caring for grapes in the fall by spraying against diseases and pests - it is better to carry them out in the evening, when the temperature is much lower than during the day, the stomata of the leaves are open and the likelihood of burns is least.

After harvesting, the assimilation and outflow of nutrients from the upper parts of the bush to the lower ones continues.

Organic substances formed due to photosynthesis in leaves accumulate in roots, shoots, mainly in nodes.

If there is no frost, the leaves remain green and photosynthesis is mainly aimed at preparing the plant for winter, further forming buds in the eyes, and maturing shoots.

In most grape varieties, shoot ripening begins during the berry ripening period, that is, at the end of July and August.

In a number of varieties, the shoots begin to ripen before the berries, and in some Central Asian varieties, on the contrary, the berries ripen before the shoots.

The ripening of shoots is facilitated by a decrease in daylight hours and a large amplitude of fluctuations in day and night temperatures.

Typically, in most varieties, shoot ripening begins when their growth sharply slows down, at an air temperature of +8... 10 C.

Plants enter a state of physiological dormancy, starch accumulates in them and the amount of water decreases, cork cambium forms, the outer layers of phloem dry out and bark forms.

With proper care of the grape vine in the fall, well-ripened shoots withstand winter frosts better, and the bush produces a higher yield the following year.

Eyes on immature shoots during early autumn frosts die at -6...8°C, and after hardening they can withstand 16...18°C frosts.

“Caring for Grapes in Autumn” will help you better imagine the volume of autumn work in the vineyard:

Caring for grapes in the fall: pruning for the winter (with video)

What should you do in the fall with grape bushes so that the plants do not die in winter?

To care for grapes in the fall and prepare for winter, you need to start removing the bushes from the trellis and pruning them with early ripening varieties, where the shoots have ripened better. They are untied from the wire and the bush is lowered to the ground, first they cut out the unusable, old sleeves at the base and begin to trim the remaining ones.

When caring for grapes in the fall, pruning grape bushes for the winter is one of the main agrotechnical techniques, which ensures the correct relationship between the root system and the above-ground part of the plant, regulates growth and fruiting. When pruning, part of the perennial wood and 60-70% of annual growth are removed annually. It comes down to cutting out fruit shoots with all the shoots that have grown on them over the summer. And from the shoots grown on the replacement knots, new fruit links are formed, that is, the lower shoot is cut into two eyes as a new replacement knot, and the upper shoot is cut into 8-10 eyes when forming in a fan pattern and by 4-5 eyes when forming according to the “scheme” vertical cordon."

When caring for grapes in the fall, the pruning shears must be sharpened well before pruning. The cut should be even and smooth, with the cutting side of the pruner facing the rest of the shoot.

If, during fan formation, the bush becomes strong, the shoots grow very long, more than two meters, it is necessary to increase the load on the bush, that is, increase the number of fruit links.

To do this, in the fall, leave one or two strong shoots that grow from the root or from the base of a bush from perennial wood, and cut them each into two eyes at a height of 30-40 cm. A new fruiting link is formed from the grown shoots.

The same is done when replacing dead or outdated fruit links.

To replace an old sleeve on which annual shoots grow poorly, or to grow a new, additional sleeve if there are no suitable shoots or tops, an injection is made with pruning shears at the base of the sleeve or on the trunk, which will cause the development of dormant buds below the injection, and next year Several shoots will grow that can be used to grow new sleeves.

Watch the video “Pruning when caring for grapes in autumn” to better understand the technology of the process:

Feeding grapes with fertilizers for the whole season

Below is a table of the main fertilizers applied to grapes for the entire season:

Time Plant development phase Types of fertilizer Norm (g) per 1 m2 of tree trunk circle Note
April Swollen buds Ammonium nitrate 20-25 Be sure to use one of these nitrogen fertilizers. If the plants are weakened, fertilizing must be repeated at intervals of 8-10 days, alternating fertilizers.
Urea 15-20
Calcium 30-50
Sodium nitrate 30-50
ammonium nitrate ammonium sulfate 25-40
May 4-5 leaves Agrolux, Solution, Humatized urea 20-30 g/10 l water Foliar feeding with one of these water-soluble fertilizers. Can be combined with medications for diseases
Budding Universal or any complex mineral fertilizer (ammophos, diammophos, nitrophoska, nitroammofoska, etc.). According to instructions In funnels made with a rod or crowbar, to a depth of 25-35 cm in dry form, followed by watering.
June July After flowering Infusion of mullein or bird droppings or organomineral fertilizer Universal, Agrolux, Mortar, Aquarin, Ryazanochka or other water-soluble fertilizer. At the rate of 10 liters of diluted infusion per 1 sq. m of bush feeding area according to instructions The fermented infusion is diluted with water 10 or 20 times, respectively, and applied to the root zone. Foliar feeding. Repeat after 2 weeks twice or thrice depending on the condition of the plant.
August Pouring grapes Potassium phosphate or potassium monophosphate. 50-60 g/sq.m. According to instructions Twice a month dry in funnels, between bushes and in rows.
September October After harvest Phosphorus-potassium 60-70 In funnels or under loosening the soil.
Superphosphate 70-80
Potassium chloride 25-30
Wood ash, 500-600 Foliar feeding for better ripening of the vine.
Potassium sulfate 20 g/10 l water

Almost every summer cottage has a grape bush, but not all owners of a heat-loving plant can boast of a bountiful harvest. And it would seem that all the conditions have been created, but the ovaries are not formed. The thing is that in the spring rush, gardeners often forget about applying fertilizers or are completely unaware of this need. Therefore, special attention should be paid to spring feeding of grapes.

Features of spring feeding of grapes, why it is necessary and when it is required

For normal development after the end of winter, the grapes need to be fed. Otherwise, the weakened plant will take a long time to wake up from hibernation and will not be able to form full-fledged fruits. According to reviews from experienced gardeners, after applying fertilizers for grapes in the spring, the yield of the bush increases by 40-50%.

In addition, proper feeding in the spring accelerates the growth of grapes and makes them more resistant to environmental conditions and dangerous diseases.

Note! If a sufficient amount of rotted manure or compost was placed in the hole when planting, the grape seedlings do not need additional feeding in the spring for 2 years.

Starting from the age of 3, plants are fed annually. Moreover, it is necessary to apply fertilizers even to fertile soils, since the vine draws all useful substances from it during the fruiting period.

What types of fertilizers are there, their specifics

All fertilizers are divided into two types: root and foliar.

Root feeding applied directly to the root of the plant. For root crops, single-component and complex mineral fertilizers are used, such as biopon, master, florovit.

The spray solution is prepared based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Fans of natural fertilizers use organic matter to feed grapes in the spring - manure, chicken droppings, compost.

Foliar feedingrepresent spraying of the above-ground part of the bush with a nutrient solution. Usually, foliar feeding of grapes in spring carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of the root. To prepare foliar feeding, urea, potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are diluted in settled water. Zinc, copper, and boron are also added to the tank.

Important! To ensure that the mixture evaporates more slowly and the leaves have time to absorb as many nutrients as possible, 50 g of sugar is added to the solution.

It is better to spray in the evening in calm, dry weather. In order for the plant to absorb as many useful macro- and microelements as possible, the bush is sprayed with water every morning. Thanks to irrigation, the dried particles of the solution become liquid again, which allows the leaves to absorb them.

Video: foliar feeding of grapes in spring.

Features of the first feeding (after opening) and the second (in May before flowering)

After winter, generous first feeding of grapes in the spring is vital, as the plant is weakened and needs new strength. The substances will help the plant grow stronger and stimulate it to grow rapidly. The first time fertilizer is applied in early spring, even before the bush opens, immediately after the snow cover melts or after removing the cover.

How to feed the grapes in the spring after opening? As a top dressing, multicomponent fertilizers are used, which contain large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If you do not want to use store-bought mixtures, you can fertilize the grapes in the spring after opening with rotted manure and organic solutions.

Video: what to dofeed the grapes in the spring after opening.

The purpose of fertilizing before flowering– enrichment of the soil with substances necessary for abundant flowering and fruit formation. In order to properly feed the grapes in the spring before flowering, unlike the previous ones, fertilizers should not contain nitrogen as it stimulates leaf growth. As a result of improper distribution of nutrients, the plant blooms poorly and forms small ovaries.

Video: how to feed grapes in the spring before flowering.

How and what to feed grapes in springto increase yield

If you know how and what to fertilize grapes in the spring, you can achieve a noticeable increase in yield later. Therefore, there are certain features of the procedure that must be followed.

In order for all the nutrients to reach the roots, a groove 40 cm deep is dug along the perimeter of the rhizome. Depending on the size of the bush, the diameter of the circle is 50-80 cm. In order for all the roots to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, the mixture is poured evenly around the ring.

Manure and slurry are laid out on the surface of the tree trunk circle, and then the soil is loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm. At the end of the work, the fertilizer should be underground.

Root feeding

Root feeding is applied 2 times: before removing the winter cover and before flowering begins.

How to feed the grapes in the spring at the roots after opening? Immediately after opening the grapes, the following fertilizing is carried out:

  • simple mineral fertilizer (ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt);

  • or complex mineral fertilizer ( multicomponent mixtures such as Kemira, Sotvorin, Florovit, Novofert).

For the first feeding 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of potassium salt are added under the bush. Thanks to this composition of the mixture, the plant will quickly recover from winter and begin to grow.

Before flowering the soil is fertilized with mineral or organic fertilizers with the addition of 5 g of boric acid, which stimulates flowering. Such mixtures can be replaced with a solution of nitrophoska (60-70 g of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water).

Important! The culture reacts poorly to chlorine. Therefore, you can use special fertilizers for a given crop or mixture that do not contain chlorine.


Due to its rich composition, organic matter is the best fertilizer for spring feeding of grapes. Manure contains a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as a number of other necessary elements for normal development and abundant fruiting. In addition, organic matter improves aeration and water permeability. Immediately after opening, rotted manure is applied under the vine, and then the soil is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm.

If the dry matter takes some time to decompose, then the substances contained in the slurry are immediately absorbed by the roots. To prepare the fertilizer, manure is poured into a barrel and water is added based on a 1:2 ratio. After 10 days, the mixture is diluted with water 1:6. To feed an adult bush you need 10 liters of slurry.

Video: fertilizer for grapes in spring for a large harvest.

Without damaging the plant, instead of manure, you can use fertilizer for feeding grapes in the spring based on chicken droppings:

  • First recipe. 1 liter of organic matter is diluted with 4 liters of water and left to ferment for 10-14 days. After time, the volume of water in the container is adjusted to 10 liters. To fertilize one adult grape bush, it is enough to add 0.5-1 liters of the mixture. Due to the high urea content, it is impossible to increase the concentration of the solution: you can burn the roots of the plant.
  • Second recipe. Chicken droppings are poured with water and soaked. Every 2 days, dirty water is replaced with clean water. To reduce the concentration of urea and acid in organic matter, you need to carry out 2-3 soakings. To avoid damage to the roots of the plant, it is not recommended to water it at the root.

Another effective fertilizer that can be applied to feed grapes in the spring is compost. To prepare a healthy mixture, grass, organic household waste, manure and soil are piled up in thin layers. The hill, which has reached a height of 2 m, is covered with a layer of earth from the outside. Due to the high temperature inside the bookmark, the components folded in the fall are completely recycled by spring.

Regardless of the type of fertilizer chosen, after the procedure the plant must be watered abundantly. Therefore, it is better to apply nutrients after heavy rain (there is no need for watering) or in dry weather.


In cases where the use of manure is impossible, fertilizer for grapes can be fully replaced with a mixture based on urea. To prepare the fertilizer, add 40 g of superphosphate and potassium-magnesium fertilizer, 80 g of urea to a bucket of water.

Urea-based fertilizers for grapes enrich the soil with nitrogen necessary for growth. Ammonium formed during the hydrolysis process not only improves plant development, but also regulates the absorption of phosphorus and potassium. Due to the fact that the roots absorb urea slowly, the berries contain a minimal amount of nitrates.

Worth knowing! Urea helps to increase the pH of the soil, so it is better not to use the substance for feeding grapes growing in an alkaline and acidic environment in the spring.

Foliar feeding

Foliar feeding of grapes in spring takes place in two stages:

1) First feeding.

To treat one adult bush, add 5 g of boric acid to 10 liters of water. The plant is sprayed 72 hours before flowering.

Important! An excess of boron is dangerous for the plant. Therefore, the recommended dose cannot be increased.

2) Second feeding.

Phosphorus-containing fertilizers that lack nitrogen are used as a nutrient mixture. To improve pollination, 3 days after the start of flowering, they are sprayed with special preparations: potassium humate, humisol, grape reaction.

To spray grapes during the flowering period in the spring, you can use a fertilizer based on superphosphate. The product is prepared as follows:

  1. 50 g of superphosphate is poured into a bucket of settled water and infused for 24 hours.
  2. After time, the water is drained, and to the sediment that remains, 5 manganese sulfate and ferrous iron, 2 g of boric acid, 1 g of zinc sulfate are added.

Among the folk remedies that can be used to foliar feed grapes in the spring, fertilizer from mowed grass, which is prepared as follows, has a good effect:

  1. Freshly cut grass is placed halfway in the barrel and the container is filled to the top with water. Leave to ferment for 10-14 days.
  2. After the specified period, add 1 liter of infusion and 0.5 liter of ash extract to a bucket of water.

Wood ash or sunflower ash, which contains many useful macro- and microelements, can be used as an excellent fertilizer for grapes as a solution. To prepare a solution for irrigation, 300-500 g of powder is diluted in 10 liters of water. To feed, the blossoming grapes are sprinkled with powder using a sieve.

Worth knowing! When preparing solutions and applying fertilizers, gloves and a mask should be used to avoid contact of concentrated liquids with the skin and mucous membranes.

Video: fertilizing grapes with wood ash.

Popular mistakes

Due to ignorance of the characteristics of the crop and the general technology for applying spring fertilizing, gardeners often make mistakes.

Here are the most popular ones:

  • Fertilizers are scattered over the surface of the soil. As a result, nitrogen evaporates, and phosphorus and potassium cannot penetrate into the deeper layers of the soil.
  • In the hope of speeding up the growth of the bush and the timing of harvest, excessive amounts of fertilizer are applied to the plant. An overfed plant often gets sick due to decreased immunity, as a result of which harvesting is greatly delayed.
  • Fertilize only young grapes in the spring. If the hole was filled with nutrients during planting, it makes no sense to feed the plants before they reach 2 years of age. In order for mature grape vines to bear fruit abundantly, they need to be generously fertilized in the spring, since the powerful rhizome is not able to reach all the necessary elements.

When fertilizing grapes in the spring, you should listen to the advice of experienced winegrowers and study possible mistakes.

Feeding grapes in the spring is an important manipulation and element of care, which improves the general condition of the plant, improves immunity and significantly increases the yield. In order for the manipulation to bring an exclusively positive effect, the plant must be fed with recommended fertilizers within the prescribed time frame.

In contact with

Gone are the days when grapes were considered a southern berry: now in summer cottages in most regions of the country you can often find several bushes of this useful plant. It is possible to obtain a high grape yield only with careful care, one of the components of which is the mandatory application of fertilizers. And then success is guaranteed: the delicious, mouth-watering bunches will not be left on your table!

The importance of fertilizers when growing grapes and their types

Grapes are a perennial crop, therefore, when applying fertilizers, you should take into account that they will be effective for the next year. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the effect of fertilizers applied before planting or in the previous year.

In the first years of life, grapes require phosphorus nutrition more than others, stimulating root growth. Nitrogen fertilizers are required from the second and third years, especially with good growth. Grapes grow in one place for many years, so it is difficult to apply fertilizers close to the roots without damaging them. This explains the use of abundant pre-planting fertilizer with manure (humus), phosphorus and potassium. Manure provides the grape bush with nutrition for several years. Mineral nitrogen fertilizers are applied every year.

To ripen such beauty, a grape bush needs a lot of food.

Let's look at various fertilizers used in home viticulture.

Nitrogen fertilizers for grapes

Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) is a universal nitrogen fertilizer. It is highly hygroscopic, that is, it quickly absorbs moisture and cakes. It acidifies the soil and requires neutralizing it with slaked lime. The most convenient form is granules.

Ammonium sulfate contains less hygroscopic. It works more effectively on neutral soils than on acidic soils, as it has pronounced acidity. Soil acidity should be reduced by liming.

Ammonium chloride contains 24–25% nitrogen. Should be used on calcareous soils or together with alkaline types of phosphorus fertilizers.

Sodium (Chilean) nitrate (sodium nitrate) is also hygroscopic and caking. Slightly alkalizes the soil.

Urea (urea) is deservedly considered one of the safest and most concentrated nitrogen fertilizers. Excellent water soluble. In a fine-crystalline form, it cakes slightly and does not dissipate well after long-term storage. Granular urea does not cake and disperses well. To eliminate the acidifying effect on the soil, add 800 g of chalk per 1 kg of urea. Most suitable for foliar fertilizing with nitrogen by spraying with 0.5–1% aqueous solutions.

One of the simplest and safest fertilizers is urea.

Potassium fertilizers for grapes

Potassium chloride contains 52–60% potassium oxide. In a humid room it cakes a lot. Used everywhere. It is good to pre-lime acidic soils or add lime to the fertilizer. Compatible with any fertilizers except urea, but when preparing mixtures they must be thoroughly mixed.

Sylvinite contains 12–18% potassium oxide, potassium-magnesium sulfate up to 28%.

Potassium monophosphate is a double fertilizer containing, in addition to potassium, phosphorus. By chemical nature it is potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate. Solubility in water is very good. Appearance - colorless crystals. Since it contains impurities, it usually appears as light brownish granules.

When they say that monophosphate is one of the best double fertilizers, they are being slightly disingenuous. In terms of potassium content, it is superior to chloride, sulfate and nitrate; phosphorus - superphosphate, especially double. Not the best choice for grapes. Usually in the second half of summer it is fed with potassium magnesium (potassium-magnesium fertilizer), in which potassium and magnesium are in the optimal ratio. But if the year was wet, the vine may lack potassium, and there may be few berries the next year. In this case, you can feed the grapes with monophosphate for the winter.

Phosphorus fertilizers for grapes

Superphosphate (powdered) contains up to 19.5% phosphorus oxide. Suitable for use everywhere, but strongly acidic soils should be limed, or superphosphate should be mixed before application with chalk humus, limestone, and other slightly alkaline natural materials. On other soils it can be used with any fertilizer. At high humidity it cakes, dispersion increases with the addition of chalk or limestone. Superphosphate contains gypsum, which is useful for most garden crops. The granular version cakes less. Used everywhere.

Double superphosphate is a more valuable fertilizer, without gypsum, contains up to 48% phosphorus oxide.

Phosphorite flour contains 14–23% phosphorus oxide. It needs to be added more than superphosphate. Effective and long-lasting only on acidic soils.

The precipitate, compared to other named drugs, is much more soluble. Slightly reduces soil acidity. Compatible with all other fertilizers.

Complex and complex fertilizers for grapes

Complex fertilizers are divided into complex, mixed and complex-mixed. The difference between these terms is insignificant for a gardener and a winegrower: the point is only in the ways of producing complex fertilizers. This may be a chemical reaction of the starting components or simply mixing conventional fertilizers.

Azofoska (nitroammofoska)

Azofoska (previously called nitroammophoska) is one of the most balanced complex fertilizers in terms of the three main elements. Azofoska is used for feeding grapes in any form. In dry form, it is scattered under the bushes (up to 60 g per bush), in liquid form, it is watered under the root with a solution containing 2 tablespoons of fertilizer per bucket of water. Dry use is possible only with the onset of warm weather.

Azofoska is one of the most convenient complex fertilizers


Nitrophoska is a classic mineral fertilizer. Nitrophoska contains nitrogen (16%), phosphorus (16%) and potassium (16%). The difference from azofoska is small: it does not contain ammonia nitrogen. In addition, various essential microelements are present as impurities. Universal use. Compared to azofoska, application rates for grapes can be almost not adjusted.


Florovit is a complete complex fertilizer, used in viticulture in all situations, “works” throughout the summer. Nitrate-free drug. Before planting grapes, add up to 150 g of florovit per 1 m2. As a top dressing - from 40 to 60 g per bush.


Bishal is a practically well-known bischofite, which is used in medicine and is a solution of salts of the underground seas. Thus, in essence, it is an environmentally friendly drug. Contains many components, including magnesium, boron, molybdenum, iodine, bromine, etc., in total more than 10 trace elements of natural origin, but most of all magnesium. It is used in viticulture for foliar feeding. It is recommended to use 150 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water for treating green leaves, however, experienced winegrowers advise reducing the concentration by half.


Novofert (produced in Ukraine) is a water-soluble fertilizer that contains all macroelements, as well as microelements in a form bound in strong complexes with Trilon B. The exception is the non-complexing elements: boron and molybdenum, present in the usual form. Novofert helps grapes adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. Let's dissolve well. Can be used almost all summer. Compatible with most insecticides. To feed grapes in any way (by leaves or at the root), 10 g of the drug is dissolved in a bucket of water.


Helatin (Ukraine) is a complex water-soluble fertilizer containing a complex of microelements in an easily digestible form, optimized for the development of the vineyard. Recommended for spraying bushes from the very beginning of the growing season. “First aid” in the following situations: drying of leaves from the edges, appearance of pale or brown spots, yellowing and dying of leaves, shedding of berries. To spray leaves per 10 liters of water, use 25 ml of the drug.

Nutrivant plus

The fertilizer is made on the basis of highly soluble potassium monophosphate; an adhesive is also added to the composition, which improves adhesion to leaves. Therefore, the fertilizer has a long-lasting effect (up to 20 days) and is not washed off by rain. Foliar fertilizing with Nutrivant Plus fertilizer is a good way to provide the vineyard with basic nutrients. Application of Nutrivant Plus in early spring stimulates root growth. The concentration of the spray solution is 1%. Fertilizing is carried out three times: in the phase of bud emergence, when the berries grow to the size of currants, and two weeks after repeated treatment.


Fertilizer "Agro-Nova" contains all the elements necessary for plants, bound into complex compounds by Trilon B, and growth stimulants. Highly water-soluble fertilizer, suitable for drip irrigation systems. The ratio of components promotes good absorption by the bush, stimulates flowering and fruiting, leads to the production of large berries, and improves their taste. Increases resistance to spring frosts and dry summers, as well as to diseases. In spring, it is recommended to water the bushes with a solution containing 90 g of the drug per bucket of water. For spraying, you need a solution containing 10 g of fertilizer per bucket of water. Feeding is carried out in the morning or evening throughout the summer 1-2 times a month.


Bioton is an organic fertilizer. It is made from bird droppings and peat, without chemical additives. Does not contain pathogens or weed seeds and meets all hygienic requirements. Used in different situations. When planting, apply up to 1 kg of fertilizer per 1 m2; for root feeding, 200 g of the drug is infused in 10 liters of water. Consume 5 liters per 1 m2.

Organic fertilizers

Manure is the most important organic fertilizer. Universal food for most garden and vegetable crops. However, it must be stored and used correctly. The best option is dense or so-called cold storage option. When using it, the least amount of nutrients is lost. As a result of six-month storage, half-rotted manure is obtained, which per ton contains 30–60 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium oxides. The best manure among those actually usedcountshorse.

Manure must be used when planting. Mineral fertilizers are often added to it (except for nitrogen fertilizers: this does not make economic sense, there is enough nitrogen in manure, and this element does not last long in the soil).

Bird droppings are a powerful, fast-acting fertilizer. More concentrated fertilizer than mammal manure; There is also quite a lot of magnesium oxide present in the droppings, as well as sulfur, which is necessary for most plants.

Peat is widely used as a local fertilizer and is readily available in some regions. It is used as bedding for livestock, after which it is part of manure. It is used both in the preparation of composts and as an independent fertilizer. In vineyards, they often mulch the soil around the bushes.

Decomposed peat is a brown or almost black granular material.

Peat intended for use without prior composting must be highly decomposed.

To remove excess moisture and oxidation of harmful substances, it must be ventilated for several days. It is usually used in very high doses - more than 50 tons per hectare.

The compost pile is kept moist by turning it periodically. It matures from several months to a year, depending on the composition, weather and care of the heap. The nutritional properties of properly prepared compost are no worse than those of manure.

Folk remedies for fertilizing grapes

Ash is a valuable potassium-phosphorus fertilizer that also contains some microelements. It is used as a mineral fertilizer, often mixed with superphosphate. Ash is primarily a supplier of potassium and calcium. Ash is especially good on acidic soils.

Grapes consume a lot of potassium, and ash (stove or fire) as a source for grapes is very important. Ash is constantly sprinkled on the ground around the bushes, and the leaves are sprayed with ash infusion. In the fall, the grape bushes are watered with an infusion of ash, and in the spring the ash is buried next to the bushes.

The author of these lines does not throw away eggshells throughout the winter, putting them in a bag on the balcony. Does this make economic sense? Unlikely, but this habit is strong. After all, the shell contains elements that are important for garden plants, including vineyards. Of course, you won’t be able to accumulate all the required volume over the winter, but still... The shell of chicken eggs contains up to 95% calcium, and it contains potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These elements easily dissolve in the soil and are absorbed by the roots of the grapes.

Eggshells increase soil fertility and alkalize it. However, it is better to use raw egg shells: when boiled, some properties are lost. The shells must be thoroughly crushed, after washing with running water. After washing, dry in the sun or in the oven.

The shells must be crushed to at least this state

Yeast regulates the state of microflora in the soil. Used as fertilizer. Baker's yeast is the best. The classic recipe for preparing yeast nutrition is as follows. Live yeast is stirred in a bucket of warm water and left overnight (100 g of yeast is diluted per bucket of water). Up to 2 liters of nutrient mixture are poured under the root of one grape bush.

Microfertilizers for grapes

Microelements are understood as chemical elements that plants require significantly less than the main ones (potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen), but without which they cannot fully develop. The most important microelements are manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, boron, copper, sulfur, zinc, iodine, etc.

All of these elements are included in numerous drugs produced by the chemical industry. The number of such drugs is steadily growing, and it is unrealistic to give a detailed overview of all those available on the market. However, some of them have been known for a very long time and have earned indisputable authority.

Classification of microfertilizers by type exists according to the nature of the main substance. However, there are many complex microfertilizers containing several microelements. This approach saves the summer resident from the need to select components manually and weigh them in very small quantities: often the household does not even have suitable scales. Below are some examples of microfertilizers.

For example, potassium magnesium contains up to 28% potassium and up to 18% magnesium. It is usually used as a top dressing in the form of a solution containing 1 tablespoon of the drug per bucket of water. Both elements are contained in it in the form of sulfates, i.e. they also contain the third important component necessary for the vineyard - sulfur (about 16%).

Copper sulfate is used for spraying on leaves, since the drug dissolves well in water. Vitriol is applied once every 3–5 years, about 1 g for each grape bush.

Pure vitriol is beautiful crystals, technical vitriol can be powder

Boric acid and borax contain 37 and 11% boron, respectively. Used for spraying in early summer. Dosage of drugs: only 0.1–0.2 g per bucket of water.

Ammonium molybdate: it contains up to 52% of the active substance - molybdenum. It would be possible to bury it in the soil, but you would have to scatter one pinch over several meters, which is not easy. Therefore, it is most often used in solutions. Its concentration for fertilizing is very small: 0.01–0.05%, so often in summer cottages they do not bother to use molybdate itself, as well as most other microelements, but buy ready-made mixtures of preparations: in such cases, you no longer have to look for microscales in the back room!

Traditional zinc microfertilizer - zinc sulfate (up to 25% Zn), is especially effective on alkaline soils. Dosage in fertilizing: about 5 g of zinc sulfate per bucket of water.

Among the many modern microfertilizers, long-acting encapsulated preparations are very convenient. Nutrient components are enclosed in granules covered with a low-permeable shell, so their consumption by plants occurs gradually, over time. The capsule contains all the necessary macro- and microelements in an optimal ratio. After adding moisture to the soil, entering the capsule, it slowly extracts microfertilizers from it, so their duration of action ranges from several months to 3 years. Examples of such products are Osmokot, Multikot, Activin, Trainer.

Fertilizer application calendar

Fertilizers are used in vineyards throughout their growth and fruiting. At the same time, various fertilizers do not replace the fertilizer applied to the planting hole, or even the annual autumn or early spring application of fertilizers, but only complement them. Feeding is done as needed and should not become an end in itself.

Fertilizer application stages

There are several stages of using fertilizers in the vineyard:

  1. Pre-planting fertilizer, that is, adding a large dose of fertilizer to the planting hole during its preparation. They provide the plant with food for many years.
  2. Basic feeding. They represent the autumn or early spring placement of fertilizers in deep holes (up to half a meter) dug next to the bushes. In autumn, organic fertilizers (manure, compost, peat) are used, to which superphosphate and ash can be added. In spring, a variety of fertilizers are used, including nitrogen.
  3. Additional fertilizing carried out at various periods throughout the summer. This can be either liquid root feeding, that is, applying fertilizers in the form of solutions into holes or trenches near the bush, or foliar feeding, carried out by spraying grape bushes with nutrients on the leaves.

The composition of fertilizers depends greatly on the period of the season and on the condition of the grape bush. But grapes love potassium very much, so potassium fertilizers can be used in the maximum possible dose, and ash can be used practically as much as is available. The vineyards also use so-called green fertilizers. To do this, peas, vetch, lupine or oats are sown next to the bushes, which are dug up, preventing the formation of seeds.

It should be remembered that fertilizing is carried out at the required rate: it is better to underfeed than to overdo it! They are needed when the bushes are really starving. We don’t really need any extra “chemicals” on our site! Sometimes the treatment of bushes with Bordeaux mixture is combined with foliar feeding to combat grape diseases. The simplest option, combining fertilizing with prevention, is to use ordinary ash, which is infused in water for a day (a handful of ash per bucket of water).

After this, the infusion is filtered so that the sprayer nozzle does not clog.

A story from life. About 20 years ago, the author of these lines planted grapes in his dacha for the first time. Having read somewhere that the planting hole should be at least one and a half meters deep, I dug it all day, struggling with heavy clay. The neighbors chuckled, but... The fertilizers added to the hole during planting (and it was mostly manure, but in fair quantities) still allow the Arcadia grapes to survive well. I confess, I hardly fertilize the grapes on purpose; what they “steal” from the vegetables in the neighboring beds is enough for them.

Every year we collect up to 10 buckets of harvest from this bush

The algorithm for fertilizing and fertilizing grapes is well demonstrated in the following video.

Video: techniques for fertilizing grapes

Approximate fertilization plan by month

  1. Taking into account the properties of various fertilizers, the condition of the grape bush and being guided by the principle of “do no harm”, you can draw up a rough monthly work plan, which will certainly be adjusted depending on the weather, the condition of the vine and leaves and, of course, the region:
  2. May. Two to three weeks before flowering (that is, at the end of the month), apply liquid root feeding. To prepare it, dissolve 10–15 g of urea, 15–20 g of superphosphate and 5 g of any potassium fertilizer in 10 liters of water. A bucket of solution is used on one bush, pouring it into shallow grooves dug around the bush. Of course, mineral fertilizers can be replaced with bird droppings or slurry, diluting them well in water and allowing them to ferment. For example, you need to take 0.5 kg of chicken manure and dilute it in a bucket of water, hold it for at least 12 hours, and then dilute it another 10 times. And now pour about a bucket of the diluted solution under the bush.
  3. June. The first foliar feeding is carried out a week before the flowers bloom. For it, aqueous solutions of complex fertilizers (for example, azophosphate) are used. Azofoska is dissolved in a dose of 2 teaspoons per bucket of water and the leaves are generously sprayed. To avoid burning them, the procedure is carried out in the evening, preferably on non-sunny days. After flowering is completed, foliar feeding can be repeated with the same compounds. At the end of June, you can feed the bushes with infusions of organic fertilizers (bird droppings, mullein), as in May.
  4. July. The following fertilizing is carried out with the beginning of ripening of the berries. The concentration of solutions must be created strictly according to the instructions included with the drug. At this time, you need to use preparations containing all the essential nutrients. To speed up the impact, it is best to do foliar feeding: in the middle of summer, the leaf apparatus in the vineyard is actively working. The easiest way at this time is to use purchased drugs: “Novofert” or “Master”. We also shouldn’t forget about feeding young seedlings that have recently been planted in the vineyard.
  5. August. Feeding bushes at the beginning of ripening of berries and young seedlings with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (be sure to exclude nitrogen!). The fact is that plants always need nitrogen, including when berries ripen. However, some kind of compromise must always be made, since overfeeding with nitrogen in the second half of summer can lead to powerful regrowth of the vine, which will not ripen by winter, which means it will die. And if overfeeding with nitrogen threatens even familiar trees (apple trees, pears) with unripe branches, then this applies to the southern crop - grapes - to an even greater extent. If it is noticeable that the vineyard does not have enough water, irrigate it while adding phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the water (1-2 tablespoons per bucket of water). If watering is not required, you can irrigate the leaves using teaspoons rather than tablespoons of fertilizer. But from the middle of the month you should not water the bushes. If the vine does not ripen well, is still green, and is still growing, apply foliar fertilizing with potassium monophosphate on the upper leaves.
  6. September. Repeat foliar feeding of bushes with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. They are performed similarly to the August ones.
  7. October or November. Before covering the bushes for the winter, you can carry out the main application of fertilizers, if it is more convenient for you to do this in the fall than in the spring. But the later this happens, the better.

Fertilizing when growing planting material

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of fertilizers in the process. Chubuk is a piece of vine that has 3–4 well-developed buds. In areas with a mild climate, cuttings are planted directly into the ground in the fall; in the middle zone, this is done at home in pots from about the end of February.

Cuttings also need nutrition and constant loosening. The basic application of fertilizers is almost no different from that in the case of planting bushes for many years, except that less organic matter can be taken. When preparing the soil on the site, dig up the soil to the depth of a spade and add sand, as well as 100 g of azofoska, and 1-2 buckets of humus per 1 m2. After this, they dig again, distributing the fertilizer well in the soil.

At home, at the end of winter, the soil is prepared in the same way or bought in a store, filling it with cups at least 25 cm high.

This is how to grow planting material at home

If the soil composition is poor and its acidity is high, cuttings may grow poorly and try to dry out. In this case, a simple, readily available remedy often helps: wood ash. Infuse 2-3 tablespoons in 1 liter of water and water well the containers with the cuttings, on which leaves are already growing by this time. You can also add ash for prevention when planting cuttings. After a couple of weeks, the operation can be repeated.

So, when you went to a store for summer residents, you saw whole racks of preparations for protecting the vineyard and for feeding it. Should I grab these beautiful bags? Of course, you should first read about them carefully and give yourself time to think. Of course, you can’t do without mineral fertilizers completely, but usually they can be replaced with more environmentally friendly fertilizers. After all, we don’t need forty buckets of grapes at the dacha, do we?

Viticulture is one of the oldest activities on earth. In those distant times, our ancestors did not know what chemicals were, but they already fully used the components given by nature to grow grapes and other plants. One of them is wood ash.

Feeding with ash

Fertilizer in the form of ash on your site can be made from straw, dried weeds, wood waste - almost anything works. Ash is used to reduce soil acidity, protect plants from various fungal diseases, and increase the content of useful substances in the soil.

Ash is considered an organic fertilizer containing a large amount of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, boron and other microelements. Their ratio depends on the material being burned.

Ash is considered an organic fertilizer

For example, ash is obtained from sunflower, nettle, weeds and young shoots, in which potassium predominates. And from old wood, potato tops - calcium. The most beneficial components for grapes are found in birch, spruce, and oak.

Important! Oak ash is the most nutritious and easily digestible material for growing grapes.

It is worth remembering that any fertilizer dissolves in the soil gradually. Before it reaches the roots, it is processed by microorganisms located on the surface of the soil.

Attention! If ash is used excessively, the acidity of the soil may become too alkaline. This will negatively affect the plant’s absorption of phosphorus and other nutrients.

Ash can dissolve in the ground for up to 4 years, gradually fertilizing the plant. That’s why this product is so loved by gardeners and specialists.

Methods of feeding grapes

In spring, ash can be used in dry and liquid form. In the first case, the ashes are simply scattered on the surface of the earth. Approximately a liter jar of gray matter is poured under one grape bush.

Then the soil is covered with mulch to prevent moisture evaporation and left as is. Because in dry soil microorganisms suspend their activity and organic matter is not processed at this time.

With the second method, the ashes are infused for 5-7 days in a bucket of water. The proportions are as follows: 250 - 300 g of ash per 10 liters. water. The mixture must be stirred regularly. After preparation and settling, the liquid is diluted with water and watered in the furrows around the bush. In this option, nutrients reach the roots of the plant faster, which promotes better growth.

Both options refer to the root method of fertilization. However, in addition to this, there is a method beyond root feeding.

Root feeding

To do this you need to take 300 g of ash and 3 liters of water. Mix them. Before infusing the ash to spray the grapes, it must be boiled, then cooled and strained. It is better to rub laundry soap into the resulting mixture for better adhesion to the leaves. The total volume of the ash and water solution must be brought to at least 10 liters. You will need to spray the bottom of the sheet.

It is advisable to apply foliar feeding before fruiting. Otherwise, a coating will remain on the ripe fruits, which will spoil their appearance and taste.

Note! Ash can burn the roots of the grapes, so before adding it, carefully spill the soil around the bush.

There are times when root feeding does not produce results. This occurs due to the formation of salts in the soil due to the reaction between the soil and the applied components. Fertilizers dissolve in the soil and reach the root system only after a few rains.

Therefore, winegrowers prefer to spray on the leaf, which gives results almost immediately. This method uses less water and fertilizer.

How to feed correctly

In order for the application of fertilizer to benefit the plant, you need to know how to properly feed grapes with ash.

  • The first fertilizing should be done in the spring, after the last frost.
  • Spray the leaves in cloudy weather. They should not be exposed to the sun's rays.
  • Before flowering grapes, it is permissible to perform root and foliar feeding together.
  • Spraying is necessary for the bush not only in spring, but also in summer. The boron contained in the ash will increase the amount of sugar in the berry.
  • The simultaneous use of ash and chemicals against pests is not allowed, because toxicity increases.

Feeding helps the bush recover after a harsh winter and increases the plant's immunity. But it is worth remembering that any feeding of grapes with ash in the spring should be moderate. Otherwise, the plant will receive an excess of fertilizers and the consequences will appear quickly enough:

  • The growth and development of the bush will stop.
  • The acidity of the soil will be disrupted.
  • Along with useful substances, ash contains metals, which negatively affects the taste of the berry.
  • If trees that grew in industrial areas or along roads are used, all harmful elements will get into the soil. In this case, it is especially necessary to observe moderation in the use of ash.

Wood ash as a fertilizer for grapes should alternate with rotted manure. This will preserve the composition of the soil and not lose the development of planting material.

Ash compared to other fertilizers

If ash is used as a deoxidizer, then dolomite flour can be used instead. Another option is fluff lime. How much fertilizer to apply depends on the degree of acidification of the soil: in very acidic soils, apply the composition at the rate of 500 g per 1 sq. m. m.

Mineral fertilizers that are closest in their chemical composition to ash are potassium sulfate and superphosphate. They are used each separately in the form of aqueous solutions.

Potassium sulfate

Ash is introduced into the ground during digging along with manure, peat, compost, and humus. On light sandy soils - in spring, on heavy clay soils - in autumn. In such a mixture, humus forms faster.

When mixing ash and fresh manure, the amount of nitrogen decreases. It is undesirable to use it with mineral fertilizers containing a lot of phosphorus. There will be an excess of substances, and the availability of phosphorus to the bush will also decrease.

The most complete fertilizer is considered to be made from organic matter - waste of plant and animal origin. Mineral fertilizers, which include ash, only feed the soil. They do not affect its composition as comprehensively as organic ones.

Therefore, it is recommended to use ash as an additive to organic matter. For example, mix 1 part manure and 3 parts water and let it sit for 7 days. 1 liter of the resulting mixture is dissolved in 10 liters of water, 200 g of ash is added, mixed and used.

Note! The ash contains no nitrogen at all, which is so necessary for plants in the spring to grow green mass.

But already in August, fertilizing with nitrogen stops, because young vines can freeze out in winter. But you can continue feeding with ash.

Thus, the use of ash when growing a vineyard allows you to increase the immunity of the bush, nourishes it with useful substances, and protects it from pests and diseases.