Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Children's wheelchairs - making the right choice. Do-it-yourself baby swing Do-it-yourself soft toys for children

10 points:
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Taking into account the feedback from my friends and the new experiences I have, I am writing the 4th part. But, I had to do some restructuring of the material, since I added new information to the previous points, but I cannot add it due to the limit on the number of characters in the post (about 41220 with spaces). Therefore, I decided to make each part contain 10 points, respectively, in this part there appeared 4 points that already existed, but there are also changes in them. I write briefly about what is available, what was useful to me, and what, in my opinion, is unnecessary. There are no detailed reviews, there are plenty of them on the Internet and I just provide links to them.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV(you are reading it now)

It's better to spend money on a good mattress than on a cool crib. It was important for me that the crib was made of natural materials, preferably Russian, without any bells and whistles. All kinds of swings in the form of pendulums are extra gadgets that significantly increase the cost, and not all children fall asleep while swinging without being held in their arms. It is necessary that there be 2-3 levels of the bottom, it is desirable that one of the walls be lowered (although we did not use this) and removed, drawers under the crib are also convenient. Our crib has two ribs on the base that are rounded and can be rocked; if desired, the attached wheels are screwed on and it becomes stable. We bought a coconut mattress, double-sided, so that after a year it could be turned over to the softer side. A waterproof mattress cover, sold in any children's goods store, would be useful. As a result, I have a RIO Taisiya 2 crib and an Ormatek Kids Double mattress. Here are fairly complete articles on how to choose a crib: link1, link2, link3

Soft side in the crib, a good thing so that the child does not hit his head when he starts to move. I left one side open so that it could look around. I bought the simplest one from IKEA and decorated it with appliqués. At first, my daughter carefully looked at them and reached for them, then she began to tear them off. When I began to stand, I realized that the side had to be high, since she often unhooked and fell, hitting her head on the railing when she fell. Although this period lasted about 2 weeks, she quickly realized that falling was completely unprofitable and began to carefully lower herself onto her butt. I don’t like the very high sides at all, it’s as if a child is immured in them. There is also a possibility that when the child is already standing, he can stand on the side, crushing it and get out, if the wall of the crib is not lowered enough, watch this.

Of course, you can buy a designer crib for 50 thousand, but you need to understand that the child just needs somewhere to sleep, and all the delights and brands are for you. For me, it’s better to buy a regular crib, and if you have a lot of money, then donate it somewhere.

Canopy we didn’t purchase it, I read that many children are afraid of such things, and, in my opinion, this is an extra dust collector, which also interferes with normal air movement. Although it's beautiful, of course.

As I read, pillow a child under 2 years old (sometimes they say up to 3 years old) does not need it, at most you can put a folded diaper under your head. They sell anatomical pillows for babies, it seems to me that this is a complete money grab if there is no indication for their use. This is a very detailed one. Let's make it short.

Mobile above the crib- this is a carousel with music and hanging toys, plastic or soft. I chose plastic ones, since they are easier to wash, but this issue is controversial: a mobile phone is mainly relevant when the child only looks and does not put anything in his mouth. When he starts to sit down and grab it, it seems to me that it’s better to remove the mobile, because if you pull on it, there’s a chance that it will fall on your head and scare you.
Whether we need a mobile phone or not: it really helped us out. When your child doesn’t want to lie down and requires attention, and you haven’t eaten for half a day and you’re dying to go to the toilet, then the animals flying overhead to the music just save you. 10 free minutes appear. The same role applies to developmental mats. Even though it says from half a year old, our child has been happily lying on it since he was a month old. Often I put her on a rug in the kitchen, and while she is distracted I quickly eat or cook. You can tie your toys to the arcs so that the picture constantly changes. If you wish, you can make a mobile with your own hands

Changing board and chest of drawers
There are boards that are placed on the crib. Very convenient, eliminates the need to buy a changing table or chest of drawers. It is easy to clean and does not take up much space, which is especially convenient in a small apartment. In the picture on the right, the board is rolled up and, when assembled, resembles a tube. You can also use a regular table. But we change clothes on the sofa, propped up with a very cool frog for changing, bought at IKEA. We don’t have a table other than a dining table, and we haven’t gotten around to buying a board. Not bad for changing. Of course, the child cannot be left alone either on the table, or on the board, or on the chest of drawers.

A changing chest is also convenient; it can then be used as a chest of drawers for children's things; now they are made with a folding top. But the size of our apartment does not allow us to place it somewhere and we did not consider buying it.

About well-being after childbirth and about household chores
It is very difficult to predict how you will feel after childbirth, because... it all depends on the course of the birth itself. A small incision with a small stitch is one thing, a stitch after a cesarean section is another. Yes, the body’s recovery abilities and general mood are different for everyone: who will lie on the couch for six months oohing and ahhing, and who will be ready for great achievements within a week :) For myself, I can say that after being discharged from the maternity hospital (5 days after giving birth) I went for a walk the very next day (it was March, about -5 outside). Walks start at half an hour and increase by 10 minutes every day. Of course, fresh air is healthier than home air, but long walks are difficult to withstand right away, especially if walking is difficult, and sitting is not particularly easy. About a month later I was calmly walking and running to the clinic, it was not stressful for my body (the heaviness in the lower abdomen went away), my stomach completely subsided by 3 months (I did not use creams). As for weight, before pregnancy I weighed 48 kg, before giving birth 66 kg, after giving birth 59 kg, 4 months after giving birth 51 kg. I don’t follow any diets, I eat as much as my body asks for. I started doing small exercises in the 2nd month after giving birth, but mostly it was just walking, and carrying a baby in my arms is already exercise;) Kegel exercise is very useful. The stitches healed completely after about 1.5 months.

The question of resuming intimate life also arises for everyone at different times after childbirth. Some are ready in a month, some in 3 months (the majority, as I understand from surveys), and others in half a year or a year. But I can say from myself that attraction is such a tricky thing, and the role of hormones here cannot be underestimated, especially if you are breastfeeding. The amount of estrogen is reduced (Lack of estrogen can lead to dryness), and prolactin, the motherhood hormone, allows you to focus only on the baby. At first, it’s generally difficult to switch yourself from the role of a mother to the role of a wife; priorities change and this is understandable. But the main thing is not to lose touch with your husband and find a middle ground, because tender words and kisses are also part of the relationship and you can always find time and energy for them.

Housework- yes, there are more things to do, but the important thing here is not to get bogged down in the routine of endless cleaning, washing, and cooking. Helps you optimize your actions, give up unnecessary things, set priorities and let your husband do some of the work (every man can do some things to go to the store and load the laundry). I am very lucky with my husband, as he cooks and takes care of the child in his free time, just like me. I completely forgot about ironing, washing, cleaning and shopping. Again, mothers, especially if they are nearby, can also provide invaluable help and moral support.

And yes, the first month will be difficult, you will constantly want to sleep, the lack of time for your favorite activities will be frustrating (watch a movie, sit at the computer, chat with friends) - but in the end, this is not for life, but for the sake of a new little person you can It's time to give up these sometimes aimless pastimes. In order not to feel completely cut off from reality, my husband gave me a Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet during pregnancy, which for me is now a window to the world. It’s very convenient to be outside, the baby is sleeping, and I’m surfing the internet, reading twitter, facebook, in general I feel like I’m involved in everything that’s happening in the world :). After 5 months when we established a daily routine and was able to devote time to myself, read books, tinker with photos, do handicrafts, and work remotely. Believe me, your baby is much happier when you are rested and happy with life.

Sleep and motion sickness
There are completely opposite opinions on the topic of sleeping together. But most experts are still in favor of letting the child sleep in his own crib. Although according to surveys, about 60% of parents sleep with their children from time to time. We slept together for the first 2 months, because the baby couldn’t sleep on our stomach or chest, so we slept alternately, now she was on me, now on my husband. After a month, she got tired of it and started sleeping next to her. After 2.5 months, they began to put her in the crib for half the night at 11 pm, and at the first night feeding (about 4 to 5) I take her to my place and sleep like that until the morning. For a long time I couldn’t decide what was right, because my daughter is so tiny and when she’s nearby, both we and she feel calmer. Later, when the colic stopped tormenting her, it became easier for her to fall asleep in the crib. After 6 months, when teeth began to appear, the fun began, we went to bed at 20:30-21, then we woke up according to the scheme: 23, 1, 3, 5, 7:30. Each waking up is accompanied by her sitting up or standing up or crawling somewhere in the crib. We sleep well during the day. Such intermittent sleep is very exhausting, but the thought calms me down - “this is temporary” :) When the teeth don’t bother me, everything is fine. After a year, this is our scheme: I feed at 21, put her to bed, then I feed at 1 in the morning and take her to us, then I feed at 5 and from 5 to 8 my daughter lies on me and alternately sucks one breast or another. . I can’t sleep like this, and this phenomenon is also temporary. After 1 year 9 months. It became very difficult to put her to bed at night, she jumps around, she needs a book, then a potty, then a drink, and so on for an hour. She falls asleep faster with her husband than with me, because... with me tita is required 500 times. After that, he wakes up at 2, then at 7. Since he was one and a half years old, we have removed one side of the bed and moved it next to ours, so it has become unimaginably easier. My daughter falls asleep in her crib, and at night she crawls to us and then back to her place. I think my sleep patterns will change again after weaning.

Regarding daytime sleep, for normal evening sleep it is important to have a daytime sleep and a routine, but this routine is set by the child himself; it is useless to force him to sleep if he doesn’t want to, at least until the age when you can come to an agreement with him, although this is also debatable) ) Before this, you can achieve daytime sleep only by losing energy by the child before bedtime (jumping, running, not wrapping up). From 6 months to a year, our child slept during the day exclusively on the balcony or in a sling outside. Maybe because she’s basically used to sleeping in a quietly standing stroller, maybe because this period fell in autumn, winter, spring, when it’s cool on the balcony and she sleeps better. After breakfast they put her to bed at 10-11 am for 1-1.5 hours, the second nap was from 4 to 6 pm. They simply put the baby in the cradle on the balcony and after 10 minutes she fell asleep on her own. If she didn’t fall asleep and started to be capricious, then I picked her up, rocked her a little and put her down again and she fell asleep, or they turned on music boxes for her, which very often helped her fall asleep. When sleeping at night, a music box or classical music played on the phone also helped for up to a year. There are also a bunch of applications for phones with lullabies that go in a cycle.

I also shifted my daughter on the balcony from a sling when I came from a walk, from the pool or from the clinic. She simply took her out of the sling, dressed the sleeping woman in a suit and carried her out onto the balcony. During the shifting period, she rarely woke up for me. After a year, when the cradle became too small for us, I began to lay it on the balcony, on a horse skin spread on the floor. After 1 year. 1 month. We only had one nap during the day, from 4 to 6 p.m., on the street or on the balcony. If it’s on the balcony, then I just see that the child is tired, I take her in a sling (precisely in a sling, so it holds her tightly, she spins in my arms), I carry her for 5-10 minutes and as soon as she falls asleep, I transfer her to the balcony with the windows completely open. We stopped sleeping on the balcony when we were 1 year old. 1m, when she no longer fit into the cradle and it became warm on the balcony, the daughter began to fall asleep at home after lunch and titi.

Sleeping on the balcony looks like this for us: (In the photo below on the right, Lyuba was shifted after the pool and buried in her overalls, so funny :))) In the photo on the left, it’s frosty outside and the window is open a little.

In general, I don’t know what is correct (after all, there is no single answer about right and wrong, every mother knows better what is needed for her child): in theory, the child should learn to fall asleep on his own, without my presence and not in my arms (although of course It’s in the child’s interests to be inseparable from her mother), but on the other hand, she was in my stomach for 9 months and I don’t feel comfortable leaving her to fall asleep in a lonely crib, although sometimes I don’t have the strength to rock her to sleep, because every month she gets heavier. On the street we have up to 4 months. There was also a problem: he falls asleep either on the sissy or when rocked. I tried to rock her by swinging on a swing, but that didn’t always work either. The mothers on the playground were probably already making fun of me, no matter how they come, I’m on a swing with a doll, I’m already sick from them. Then we gave up this business and this was the only experience of motion sickness; we never rocked at home, we only carried him in a sling. We tried everything we could, we even decided to try a radical measure: let her cry, coo, and wave her paws so that she would get tired and fall asleep on her own. At one time it even worked! She herself began to fall asleep in the stroller and in the crib, and she began to learn to entertain herself in the crib. Before going to bed at night, it is important to create a ritual: try not to talk while feeding, dim the lights, rock after feeding, sing a song, if he behaves calmly, put him in the crib. You can sit next to him and put your hand on your baby’s stomach, so he doesn’t sit down, doesn’t roll over, and feels your presence. Gradually, the child will get used to falling asleep precisely after this sequence of actions, which will already prepare him for bed. It is also important that the child gets tired during the day, swims, plays... wastes energy in general. In I wrote about slings and my experience. From 3 months I began to practice babywearing and after 5 months I completely switched to it, the problem with falling asleep disappeared by itself after that.

Walkers and walkers
Walkers. We are talking about a device on 4 wheels, in the middle there is something like a seat with holes for the legs, the child hangs in them, and pushing off the floor with his feet sets this whole structure in motion. Orthopedists and massage therapists unanimously told me that walkers are bad (I asked out of curiosity; I myself am categorically against violence against a child in this form). At first glance, having “put” a child in a walker, it will seem to you that he is happy, pushing off with his legs from the floor to cross the room, but, you know, he will also be happy from sweets, from chips and from skipping classes. Our task, first of all, is not to interfere with the child’s natural development and, if possible, to help. As the wonderful Olga Troitskaya states: “a child must crawl” (unless, of course, he started crawling and did not miss this stage). I think it was in this video from the series Happily Ever After. (Part 11. “Brain gymnastics” Stress relief exercises. Bustard publishing house, a series of popular science conversations with the participation of: family psychologist Olga Troitskaya, TV presenter Alexander Gordon). If a child “runs around in a walker,” then when he starts walking, he will stand with his stomach stuck out forward, trying to move forward with his stomach (and this is natural, because in the walker he was pushing these same walkers with his stomach), which can greatly spoil the gait and delay the walking process . Orthopedists and massage therapists immediately see children who have used walkers. Again, the child will get up and walk exactly when his muscles are sufficiently trained, his balance and balance allow him to do this, and he is really ready for it. Do not despair if you have used this device; fortunately, children quickly adapt and in order to cause significant damage to their health, you have to “try.” But, if you are thinking whether to buy or not (“after all, they sell!”), my answer is no! But it's up to you. Here are several articles about the dangers and benefits of walkers and the time when they can be used: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4

Walkers- this is something like a cart, cart, toy stroller, i.e. it is something that rolls, something that is stable, something you can lean on or hold on to. Doctors have nothing against this, but on the contrary, they say that it is good - as it stimulates the child to move (especially important for children who are afraid, lazy, etc.) and helps overcome the fear of walking. Very good thing, I was thinking about buying this gurney from IKEA. But such strollers and gurneys are relevant when the child is already standing and trying to take steps on his own (usually this happens from 8 months onwards). In the end, we bought an ordinary toy stroller and walked with it on the street (you can’t go out with a cart;)) their cost starts from 100 rubles, but for this price it is plastic, light and fragile. When choosing a toy stroller for walking rather than playing, choose one that is heavier, it is more stable.

Balance bikes and ride-on cars
This is the next stage of wheelchairs. Runbike- a bicycle without pedals. Rolling car- something like a car that you can sit on and push off with your feet. The meaning of those others is the same, but balance bikes are less stable, most often. There are gurneys that transform from walkers-gurneys (in the picture on the right) or with a handle-back so that a child can roll it independently; there are also gurneys with a handle for an adult. They have been using it for about a year, but we haven’t tried it because... I’m not satisfied with the lack of ability to control the direction of movement, you can accelerate strongly on it and, accordingly, hit it more than when moving normally on your feet, and my husband considers this an unnatural thing for the development of legs. But the orthopedist recommended it to strengthen the gluteal muscles. This thing is very popular, I see it on the street often. As an option: take it for your home or cottage.

Bicycle stroller (bicycles - wheelchairs)
This is a tricycle with a handle for the parent with the ability to control the movement with this handle. We didn’t have this, but I studied this issue a little and friends let us use it. They are convenient, especially if the child does not want to sit in a stroller, the child has fun in it. Ours didn’t fit in such a bike (we tried it at the age of 1.5-1.6). What to look for: bags for toys are useful, few people use a visor or umbrella and it is almost useless (according to my observations on the street), soft rubber on the wheels (if the wheels are plastic, then it rattles terribly, we were given exactly that), a bumper or belts for fastening the child, the ability to unfasten the parent's handle (but few people use this), ease of folding (for some this is critical), a backrest for the child seat, a footrest (so that the child can remove his feet from the pedals somewhere). The most popular models from what I see on the street: lexus trike, puky, smart trike. My dream was iimo (the picture shows how it folds compactly and is generally beautiful). I don’t write anything about simple tricycles like “Baby” a la the USSR, because... We haven’t used it yet, but by summer I think I’ll take the simplest one, it costs about 500-800 rubles, the start of use is about 2.5 years. Here's a good article: how to choose a children's tricycle or here's how to choose a children's bicycle

A thing that is optional if used correctly (the child must at least sit and hang on the floor with his full foot) and there are no contraindications (problems with the spine, tone) and does not cause either harm or benefit. It's more of an entertainment. It is necessary to take into account that in jumpers the load is placed on the perineum (as in walkers and kangaroo carriers) and, as a result, there is a large compression load on the spine, so you should not hold them for a long time. By the way, my friends have twins, and their jumpers helped out, they allowed me to rest for about 5 minutes and eat in peace while the kids had fun. But we didn't buy. Here are articles on the topic of jumpers:, briefly. And if you are planning to buy here are the articles: How to choose jumpers? , Children's jumpers without harm to the baby's health, briefly Choosing jumpers

Or a gymnastic ball. Why is it needed: first of all, it is life-saving during pregnancy for relaxing the back and training the pelvic muscles, secondly, I use it during preventive and therapeutic baby massage, thirdly, it’s just fun to jump on it, many people use it when rocking a baby. It’s not clear which is better, smooth or with pimples: I have a pimply one and during the massage of the child I had to put a diaper on it, but it didn’t interfere much, and the massage therapist said that this is good acupuncture, the baby will most likely slip off the smooth one. For massage, a diameter of 65 cm is quite suitable, but in general no less than 50 cm; the larger the diameter of the ball, the longer it will be suitable for the child for gymnastics. Here are a few articles: choosing a fitball for the whole family, fitball - exercise machine for infants, choosing a ball and practicing with it. Such a ball costs from 500 rubles.
Jumping toy- balls in the shape of animals (cows, deer, hare, etc.), with handles and horns that are comfortable for the child to hold on to. It is inflatable, rubber, inflates like a fitball. Suitable for children who walk confidently, it is more stable than a fitball, it is convenient to store (can be deflated and put away). The point is that the child sits on it and, pushing off the floor with his feet, jumps. A very funny thing, on which the baby loses a lot of energy. But not all children can appreciate this, so my advice is to try it in a store or children's club (we met them at the Anderson family cafe). I bought this deer on Aliexpress. They also sell toys in regular children's departments, I saw them in Children's World and ELC.

Chaise lounge for newborn
It is a chair on an arc that can sway, vibrate and play music on its own, even on a timer (I call them “robomam”) or without automation, i.e. just sunbeds with an incline - very comfortable, maybe I’ll get one for myself in the future. Sun loungers without bells and whistles are much cheaper (from 1.5 thousand rubles) than with electronics (3-20 thousand rubles). If we talk about automatic models, then I am against all these mother substitutes; I prefer to carry the child around the house in a sling behind my back and do household chores (so the child sees from above what I am doing, hugs me, plays with beads or toys that I give it to him or he just sleeps, while I always know what is happening to the child, how he feels, whether he peed, etc., but more on that later). Many people like them and say they are comfortable, they give you a break, and the child lies on a slope (the slope for children before they start holding their head should be no more than 40 degrees) and sees what is happening around, a developmental mat cannot allow such a position, this is a fact, they say that it’s convenient to carry a child around the house in this way, some put it to sleep on the balcony (so as not to drag the stroller), someone uses a car seat at home, it’s also convenient if there are other children or pets at home (dogs/ cats). If you use it as a lounger, then there is nothing bad here, but automated rocking, I have already read many times that it is very bad to accustom a child to rocking, whether in a stroller, in a crib, or in your arms (not to be confused with the usual rhythm of walking with a child in his arms or in a sling), children have a very sensitive vestibular apparatus, but by the way, this is what Komarovsky writes about motion sickness. So, this rocking mode can play a cruel joke. Again, there are different cases, for example, a young mother does not have assistants, a father is raising a child alone, a mother works from home, then yes, this will keep the child occupied for a while, they say that children fall asleep very well in such things and simply calm down. It is not cheap, like a good high chair (from 3 to 20 thousand rubles approximately). Here is a note: How to choose a chaise longue (rocking chair) for a newborn? , unfortunately, the network is a complete copy-paste and I almost didn’t find any detailed reviews about this device.

I am sure that there are no tips for all occasions, as soon as I encounter a problem, I go to the Internet, books, read a lot and choose the best method for me. I think there is still a lot of fun and interesting things ahead. If I learn something useful or find some original solution to a new problem, I will definitely share it. I hope the above will be useful to someone and help someone avoid my mistakes.

It seems that nothing is easier than choosing a toy for your baby. But it's not that simple. After all, this item should not only be beautiful, but also useful for the baby, educational, educational and safe. If a child has celebrated his first long-awaited birthday for his parents, he is no longer interested in simple rattles. But the toy - a gurney - will delight him completely!

Useful toy - first steps

An important period in a child’s life is the first steps. Let’s not forget this moment for parents; joy and happiness are replaced by every minute anxiety. The baby may fall and get hurt, especially if it stomps along paths in the fresh air. The rolling toy will serve as a reliable support for the little man, and you can also use it to:

  • develop balance faster and learn to move more confidently
  • fine motor skills are involved - the baby holds on to a handle or string
  • the baby will master the concepts of left - right and forward - backward
  • development of imagination, thinking, due to the color and shape of the toy
  • coordination of movements will return to normal faster

This type of toy has only solid advantages and positive aspects! Strollers on a string, which follow the baby on his heels, have a positive effect on psychomotor development. Children's imagination is limitless; dragging a toy on a string behind them, the child will come up with game plots and have fun.

Be careful! While the baby gets acquainted with the mechanism of the toy and joins in the process of play, knees and elbows may suffer a little, so stock up on antibacterial agents!

Types of children's wheelchairs

Almost from the cradle, children already have their own preferences not only in food, but also in toys. Some people love all kinds of animals, while others have a preference for cars. Therefore, when choosing a wheelchair toy, it is better to choose something that your child will definitely like.

Shop windows are full of a variety of gurneys and pushers. There are cool cars and cute bunnies with butterflies here. To decide, you will have to spend a lot of time in the store and look at each variety in more detail. Plastic products are in the lead; they are light in weight but durable. The color scheme is amazing.

The shape of the toy is also of great importance. Animal-shaped gurneys give the child the opportunity to show care for the pet. The baby will use the toy not only for its intended purpose, but also feed, drink and stroke it. Any type of transport will help your baby get used to work; for fun, you can wash and wipe the body with a soft cloth. In addition, vehicles are usually equipped with music, flashing buttons, a trailer or trunk, a telephone handset, and educational systems, which the child will really like.

You can also find a gurney that has several combined functions - a transformer. As the baby grows up, the toy will remain interesting to him.

What types of gurneys are there?

The abundance of children's products on the market confuses many. Each type of gurney has its own function and theme, choose what is closest to your baby:

  1. Wheelchair cars- the most common and favorite type of gurney for boys, although no girl will refuse a pink shiny vehicle. Usually this is a transformer. From an ordinary gurney in the form of a car, with a slight movement of the hand it turns into a cool scooter!
  2. Wheelchairs - strollers– while the child is very small, the parents themselves roll him in it, the stroller is equipped with sides, an umbrella from the sun and precipitation, and a long handle at the back. When the baby is fully feathered and acquires movement coordination skills, the parents will remove everything unnecessary from the stroller, and it will turn into a scooter or even a bicycle.
  3. Rocking gurneys– the toy is located on a special platform, which serves as a swing, and after removing the toy from the platform, you can simply ride on it, pushing off the floor with your feet; the gurney is equipped with wheels.
  4. Roller walkers– there are a great variety of shapes and designs, the child learns to walk in this device, first, while standing, he leans on the gurney and takes the first steps, and then you can fasten a chair inside, and you get the first transport. The child does not sit on top of the gurney, but is inside it.
  5. Jumping trolleys– safe shock absorbers are built into this design, due to which the child can jump on the gurney like on a trampoline.
  6. Gurney scooter– this type of gurney is intended for children over 1.5 years old. The child already has good control of his body and can maintain balance. The scooter has a high steering wheel and two or four wide, good-quality wheels, the scooter is stable and the child is completely safe while riding it.
  7. Mini rides on a stick– the most common and inexpensive type of gurney. A toy is attached to a long stick, most often a helicopter, a car or a butterfly. These gurneys are made of wood and plastic. They are bright, colorful, and relying on them, children learn to walk faster and come up with exciting games.

Manufacturers combine in one device there are 2 or 3 types of gurneys at once, the toy lasts a long time and does not get boring for the baby! Almost all gurneys make cheerful sounds, melodies, and flicker with colored lights. Even an adult would want to tinker with such a toy, but what about children?

How to choose the right stroller for your baby

When choosing a gurney, you need to take into account the weight, height and age of the baby. It’s better to take your baby with you to the store and “try on” the toy!

When choosing a wheelchair or scooter, make sure that it is not too low and not too high. The legs should reach the floor, but not bend too much at the knees. It is advisable to have a comfortable backrest

  • The seat should be soft, upholstered in beautiful thick fabric, fur or made of foam
  • The gurney is a good quality machine with limiters on the wheels so that the baby will not roll over during a sharp turn. Wheels must be wide and stable
  • Choose animals that the child understands - bunny, dog, cat, butterfly. Who is a koala or why the cat is green is quite difficult to explain to a child. Toys in the form of ordinary objects that the baby sees every day will be clear to him: a car, a helicopter, a motorcycle.
  • The gurney should not weigh much so that the baby can independently carry it and take it out into the yard for a walk.
  • Color is already a parent's preference. Red or yellow will be a universal vehicle

Be careful! Don't leave your baby alone with a toy!

High-quality and popular children's rides

  1. Kidsrider have proven themselves to be responsible producers. Children's wheelchairs are made of dense plastic and can be used for several years. The design is not particularly original. The colors are rich and colorful. Almost every gurney has a compartment for toys that you can take for a walk.
  2. Wheelchairs "Polesie" are characterized by increased safety and functionality. They are equipped with comfortable handles, which the child grasps and pushes the machine forward. The handle is removable, without it the machine turns into a gurney; sitting on top of it, the child pushes off with his legs and gets a storm of emotions! Excellent vehicles that will appeal to any little buyer and are affordable for parents.
  3. Firm Injusa produces transformable gurneys, one toy can have more than 6 functions. The products have a large load - up to 35 kg, so older brothers and sisters will also be able to remember their childhood. Powerful motorcycles and unusual-looking cars are very popular with little fashionistas. The gurneys are equipped with removable handrails, footrests, backrests - everything for safety and even more.

Walker - stroller Playskool 2 in 1 Designed for children from 10 months to 3.5 years. The walker and the car in one are equipped with a complex for the development of motor skills, signals, light effects, mills, and a drum. There is a convenient glove compartment. Everything you could want. Withstands up to 19 kg of weight, the colors are attractive and bright.

Tolokar or balance bike - which is better?

A balance bike is already a serious thing compared to a regular gurney. They don't look childish at all, the design is classic. At first glance, it seems that this is a bicycle for gnomes, but upon closer inspection it is clear that there are no pedals! Developing independence in a child is a very important process. With a balance bike, the baby is left to his own devices - no handles for parents. The baby himself decides where to go and turn! A very useful thing for the physical development of the baby and strengthening the leg muscles. Very active and playful children will appreciate the balance bike!

Tolokar is safer, the baby is inside the car and holds on to the comfortable steering wheel. The risk of falling or getting injured is minimal. People are not indifferent to colorful design. Children rejoice at the tolokar, parents are touched by the happiness of their children! Complete harmony!

What to choose: a balance bike or a tolokar depends on the level of development and temperament of your baby. If the cub confidently walks, runs, and jumps, offer him a balance bike, and for the less active younger generation, a tolokar is suitable. The baby will learn to walk without haste or difficulty, confidently pushing the car in front of him.

Be careful! Children can pick up high speed and slide down the stairs or over the threshold.

I have more or less worked out the design and technology, so I will soon start making them for everyone.

In the meantime, some thoughts and photographs.

Initially, the idea arose to make a cart - a large, wooden one, for transporting sand, toys and children. With wooden wheels. I saw such a cart in Germany with my sister; she raised her children according to the Waldorf system, and instead of a normal stroller she had a wheelbarrow. About the size of a stroller, but shorter, wooden with a long handle. Of course, it was a Spartan option - both for the children and for the mother. I finally decided to make just a yard toy, but large and durable. I started sawing the wheels, thought that it would be nice to make a wheelbarrow after the cart, and, as usual, I made a wheelbarrow first.

What is the essence of the car? In the simplicity and naturalness of the design. It's just a box with handles, and the handles on one side rest on a wheel. For example, the painting “Repair Work on the Railway” by Savitsky hangs in the Tretyakov Gallery. Here you can see that there are a lot of wheelbarrows, they are very simple, and very effective. They were apparently made from improvised material, except that the wheel and axle were supposed to be iron. Moreover, the wheel could be very small, or even a wooden roller, because boards were laid along the entire path of the wheelbarrows. Pay attention to the strap tied to the handles and thrown over the shoulders - the load from the arms is redistributed to the back. The boy helps - he pulls the wheelbarrow from the front by the strap.

That is, a wheelbarrow can be considered an archetype - a basic structure for transporting goods over short distances. This is a generalized image of transportation, which involves the simplest structure and the entire human body - you need to lift it with your arms and back, walk with your legs and still maintain balance on one wheel. All these movements are comfortable to do, the efforts are applied effectively. It is in this capacity that a wheelbarrow is needed in children's games - so that the image of transportation is imprinted in the child's consciousness in precisely this form - through the simplest design and correct physical effort.

Here's what I got:

A strong box screwed to two handles. A wheel is attached to the front of these same handles. I had to tinker with the wheel and hub. The wheel itself is simply cut out of a 5-centimeter board. A bushing is inserted into the hole - a piece of water pipe. The axis is an M14 pin, which is slightly smaller in diameter than the pipe and rotates well in it. The axle is secured to the frame with nuts; on each side there is a pair of nuts with a spring washer on the inside, and one self-locking nut on the outside. The racks are wide and strong, they are connected at the bottom by a bar. The height is just right so that you don’t have to bend over too much when you put the wheelbarrow on the ground.

Now let's discuss the cart. This is also an archetype - a general image of transportation with the help of some external traction, for example, a horse.

In general, the image of a cart with a horse is very important for a child, and it is not completely replaced by a car. The load that needs to be carried and the driving force that carries this load are separated in the cart, the child is aware of them separately. In a car, the driving force is hidden, it is not clearly involved in games, it cannot be picked up or felt. In addition, it is important for a child to transform into the images that he experiences. He can transform into a driving force - he pulls a cart. When playing with a machine, he does not have this opportunity.

Here are the standard carts that are still running in the Russian outback:

I have seen the second option, with a flat body, more often, but volume is still important for children's games. So for the prototype you need to take a cart with sides. Wheels with spokes are difficult to make, and there is no need for such details. But still they must be wooden. So, this is the cart we got:

The simplest frame structure made of boards and bars. No handle - just hemp rope. It is long enough that you can pull it with your hands, or you can harness yourself to it like a horse. The axles are the same M14 studs, in the wheel holes there are pipe bushings. The hole in the wheel is drilled out from the outside so that the nut does not stick out. The axle is fixedly fixed to the frame with nuts and spring washers, and the bushing is limited on the axle by two nuts with a spring washer on the inside and a self-locking nut on the outside.
The self-locking nut is for aesthetics, but it takes a long time and is difficult to tighten it inside.

This original children's swing for a small child can easily turn into a small slide. You can paint it yourself, brightly, in rainbow colors, as in this master class, or make it more delicate. The child will be very happy with such a gift. It can be installed both indoors and outdoors, and he can ride it independently.


To make a baby swing with your own hands, you will need:

  • sheet of plywood, 1.5 cm thick;
  • board (poplar), 2.5 cm thick;
  • food paints;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • water-based varnish;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rasp;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine;
  • drill and drill bits.

Step 1. The template provided must be scaled and printed. In this case, the paper size needed was 90 x 121 cm. You can make a similar printout at any company specializing in printing.

Step 2. Cut out a template from paper and transfer it to a sheet of prepared plywood. You will need 2 of these parts.

Step 3. Cut out the blanks using a jigsaw. To make the handle cutouts, start by drilling a hole using a drill. Otherwise, the plywood may burst.

Step 4. Be sure to sand the cut parts of the swing so that there are no sharp edges or nicks.

Step 5. Cut the poplar board into planks with dimensions of 30 x 10 cm. In total, you will need 9 pieces. Thoroughly sand their surface on all sides and wipe with a rag so that no fine dust or wood shavings remain.

Step 6. For coloring, use food coloring and isopropyl alcohol. Dilute each color in a separate container, achieving the color intensity you need. Cover the boards with this paint and leave them for a day until the surface is completely dry.

Step 7. Make holes along the edges of the boards for fastenings.

Step 8. Attach the prepared boards with self-tapping screws to the side walls of the swing. Arrange them by color. If the screws are too long, cut them off, straighten the cut and smooth it flush with the surface. To do this, take a rasp.

Step 9. After assembling the swing, coat the product with a water-based varnish intended for children's products.

Each of us has seen a child on the street or at a party with a kind of gurney in his hands. What kind of thing is this: entertainment, an educational toy, or a completely unnecessary item in the house?

Let's look at everything in order.

What are the benefits of rolling toys?

Rolling toys are becoming more and more popular not only in our country, but also abroad. Of course, this is due to its benefits and positive effect on the psychomotor development of the child.

Let’s summarize the benefits of rolling toys for all ages and highlight their main advantages:

  • Develop gross motor skills. The baby learns to stand and walk, to maintain balance.
  • Improves fine motor skills. The baby has to hold the toy by the handle or pull it by the string, and this requires special skills.
  • They teach the baby the concepts of “left-right”, “forward-backward”.
  • Helps develop coordination of movements. It’s quite difficult to walk and at the same time monitor the maneuvers of your mobile friend. Don't fall yourself!
  • Develop tactile and visual sensations – thanks to the various shapes and colors of toys.

When to buy a rolling toy?

Rolling toys can be divided into several age groups:

Walkersfor the little ones from 8 months. before the first steps. These are practically the same walkers, but only more mobile. They also come with a “trailer” in the form of a basket or box. Relying on such gurneys, the baby learns to walk faster and maintains balance better.

The disadvantage of such rollers is their short use - only 2-3 months. After all, the baby develops so quickly and learns to walk.

Rolling toys with a stick or string suitable for kids from 1 year up to two years. The baby is already walking better, now it’s a matter of practice. It is better to do this with a beloved friend - with him the child will run longer and have more fun. A plastic companion is suitable for outdoor walks, but at home it is better to use a wooden gurney - natural materials better contribute to the development of tactile sensations. Exactly these gurneys from the company Plan Toys got subscribers for the box AistBox “Surprise from Santa Claus” for the New Year 2013!