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Explanatory note individual residential building. Project of a two-story individual residential building Technical and economic indicators for the building

Project assignment



Space-planning solution

Compositional solution

Design solution

Features of external and internal finishing


Project assignment

1. Develop architectural and construction drawings of a low-rise residential building (urban development) for a family of 3-6 people.

Write an explanatory note for the project.

Design data:

Place of construction - Ulan-Ude.

The structural design of the building is wall (load-bearing wall).

The maximum dimensions in plan are 9*12m.

Foundations - strip (reinforced concrete prefabricated or monolithic).

The walls are load-bearing (64 cm) and non-load-bearing, made of brick.

Partitions - wooden boards or plasterboard.

Floors - reinforced concrete floor slabs. (length 3 and 6 m)

The roof is pitched, on wooden rafters, with any roofing covering.

Stairs - external - using monolithic concrete;

internal - wooden or reinforced concrete.

The floors are wooden planks, parquet or ceramic tiles.

Windows - wooden or plastic with triple glazing.

Doors - wooden, panel or paneled.

Exterior and interior decoration is at the discretion of the author.


In this course project, a project for a two-story residential building for 4 people has been developed. The building must be provided with central heating, water supply and sewerage. Ventilation of the kitchen and bathrooms is carried out through ventilation ducts located in self-supporting internal walls and ducts. The designed residential building is intended for permanent residence.

Objectives of this work:

creation of an architectural composition on a given topic (individual house), as a system of interconnected aspects of design: organization of plan and volume, taking into account the functional features of the building, the correct choice of design and building materials.

consolidate the knowledge gained while studying the theoretical part of the course.

The main task of educational design is: mastering the method of architectural and construction design.

The explanatory note consists of 17 pages, 2 appendices, two sheets of graphics in A2 format.


Architecture arose during the primitive communal system. Then man created a home for himself in the form of huts and dugouts. In the subsequent period of settling down, people create more durable and long-lasting dwellings. Architectural monuments of the prehistoric era are also the so-called megalithic structures that arose at later stages of development: menhirs - huge stone obelisks dug into the ground, dolmens - buildings made of vertically placed stone blocks dug into the ground, covered with flat large stones; cromlechs are more complex structures made of stone blocks, which were a burial place and were also used for religious rituals. The combination of vertical and horizontal elements in these buildings indicates the gradual mastery by man of the laws of architectonics. Architecture spatially organizes the everyday and work processes of people, therefore the main and primary quality of buildings is their compliance with the function, the activity for which they are intended.

Architecture is one of the most ancient and significant forms of art in terms of its impact on humans. The forms of architecture affect emotions, architecture participates in satisfying human needs, both material and spiritual.

Authors of architectural works incorporate a certain idea and semantic information into their creations. Each building has a specific purpose, so its appearance must correspond to it and set people in a certain mood.

Currently, the problem of high-quality low-rise housing in new socio-economic conditions is coming to the fore.

All buildings are subject to a number of mandatory requirements (expediencies):

functional feasibility;





Creating a home that meets these requirements is the main task of designing a home. Stages of course design:

First of all, drawings of the first and second floor plans were completed, and the staircase was calculated. It was also necessary to divide the building into separate functional zones, taking into account optimal living conditions for the family, and arrange doors and windows. The second stage was making a vertical cut along the windows and designing the roof. The third stage was the completion of the four facades of the building and the drawing up of floor plans for the first and second floors. The fourth stage was a feasibility study of the project and drawing up an explication of the premises. The final design stage was the preparation of an explanatory note. The objectives of this work are:

creation of an architectural composition as a system of interconnected design aspects.

learn to independently develop architectural, compositional, space-planning and structural solutions for low-rise buildings with the simplest types of engineering and technical equipment.

gain skills in graphic design of architectural and structural drawings, in accordance with the rules of construction drawing.

consolidate the knowledge gained while studying the theoretical part of the course.

1. Space-planning solution

A space-planning decision is a decision on the basis of which a particular composition and size of the premises is made.

In this work, a two-story individual building was designed. The height of one floor is 2.70 m. The interconnection of the floors is carried out using reinforced concrete stairs. The foundation of the building is strip, reinforced concrete with a laying depth of 3.20 m below the level of the finished floor, which creates a large space for the basement.

House premises of certain sizes and shapes are located in one complex and are subject to functional, architectural, artistic, technical, environmental and economic requirements.

Let us describe the layout of this building:

Entering the house through the front door, you find yourself in a spacious hallway with an original dressing room, separated from the rest of the living space on both sides by sliding doors with inserts made of clear glass and faux leather. You can immediately go by turning right into the kitchen. Also, for the convenience of guests and owners of the house, a sanitary unit with a toilet and washbasin is located in the hallway. From the hallway, through a meter-long opening in the internal load-bearing wall, you can also get into the living room, which is the main room for family meetings, receiving guests, etc. In turn, through the living room you can enter the office, which has both work and living space.

The interconnection of the floors is carried out using one staircase located in the hallway, which makes it possible to bypass the living rooms.

Calculation of stairs:

N floors =2.7 m

h steps =15 cm

Number of steps = 270/15=18 → 1 flight of stairs.

l tread =0.20 m

L stairs =20*18=360 m

The staircase is made of reinforced concrete and has black forged metal railings.

Going up to the second floor, you find yourself in a long spacious hall, which can be used as a living room, a small cinema room, or a sports corner with mirrors on the walls. From the hall there is access to the living area and to the functional rooms: toilet, bathroom and storage room, located side by side. In the living part there is a small corridor and three bedrooms of different sizes. Thus, this house has been zoned for residential and functional. The boundary of the zones is the internal load-bearing wall.

The advantages of the layout are the following points:

All bedrooms, except the office, are located on the second floor of the house.

A reinforced concrete staircase and kitchen are located next to the entrance.

The windows provide good illumination, since their area corresponds to the standard.

Possibility of redevelopment. Depending on the life cycle of the family, some of the hall area on the second floor can be converted into a nursery, etc.

The downside is the lack of a balcony.

The residential building includes the following premises:

Residential: 3 bedrooms, office.

Utility rooms: kitchen, pantry, 2 bathrooms on each floor.

Communications: hall, hallway.

Leisure: living room, office, hall on the 2nd floor.

Technical and economic indicators

No. Indicator nameValue 1S generally , m 2166.922S residential , m 285.123V page , m 3901.3684S nok 276.2725P outdoor walls 44.566S stuck 121,857Number of sq. meters per resident, m 241.138K 10.519K 25.410K 31.6411K 40,37

1.Total area (S generally ) - the sum of all areas of premises in the building.

generally =19.08+14.04+3.4+19.67+2.25+5.06+24.38+15.12+11.96+3.6+5.94+1.7+28 .6+14.58+2.6m 2.

2.Living area (S lived ) - the difference between the total area and non-residential rooms (corridors, halls, stairs, hallway, kitchen, built-in wardrobes)

lived =166.92-2.6-28.6-19.67-1.7-5.94-3.6-14.04-3.4-2.25=85.12m 2.

3. Planning coefficient

TO 1= S lived /S generally =85,12/166,92=0,51099

architectural drawing compositional finishing

4.Construction volume

page = S generally (h 1+h 2)=166,92(2,70+2,70)=901,38

5.Volume coefficient

TO 2= V page /S generally =5.4

6. Area of ​​external enclosing structures

nok =(12.640*6.2+9.64*6.2)*2=276.272 m 2.

7.Plan compactness factor

TO 3= S nok /S generally =276,272/166,92=1,655

TO 4=P/S stuck =44,56/121.85=0,3657

Number of square meters per resident = S generally /Number of residents=166.92/4=41.23 m 2

Compositional solution

Architectural-compositional solution of a building - constructing a composition of volumes of the entire building, facades, interiors while processing a volumetric-spatial solution through the architectonics of volumetric forms and architectural and artistic techniques. Undoubtedly, when designing a residential building, it is important to have its architectural and artistic expressiveness, the correctly chosen compositional solution so that it expresses both functionality and looks architecturally beautiful.

The architectural style of this building belongs to constructivism. The main distinguishing features of constructivism in architecture are clear lines, graphic design in the composition, the absence of pronounced decorative elements, and the expressed functionality of the building. It is characterized by rigor, geometry of forms, conciseness, and simplicity.

In the interior, the main attention is paid not to the compositional solution of the interior, but to the structures present in it. Constructivism in the interior of the presented house combines aesthetics and comfort. Furniture and sanitary ware take on a variety of forms, combining classic and avant-garde, sharp corners and rounded surfaces. Transformable furniture, functional shelving, folding structures, the use of metal and glass - all this is an expression of constructivism in the interior.

Let's move on to the exterior. Let us describe it using the means of architectural composition. The house is symmetrical and static, which is manifested in the arrangement of windows on the front facade and in the slope of the roof. Symmetry gives peace and tranquility, which is optimal for permanent family living. Facades with more windows visually reduce the scale of the building. This building has four symmetrically located windows, and therefore, in order to visually add height and scale to the building, the house is finished in one white color without highlighting the base.

In designing the form of a building, an approach has been chosen in which the design is fundamental, and the form is a consequence. In general, the building is proportional; the ratio of the height of the roof to the height of the building without taking into account the roof is close to the ratio of the length of the roof along the ridge to the length of the building.

The symmetrical arrangement of windows in the building, the gable roof covering is an example of a metric series.

The exterior of the presented building clearly uses contrast, which is expressed through color scheme. The building itself, the porch and steps are painted achromatic white, which adds lightness and ease of perception to it. And the roof covering is made of brick-red metal tiles, which immediately attracts attention. These two colors, as if competing, strive to penetrate the allotted space, but invariably run into the boundary skillfully drawn by the architect. The window frames and door frames are also white, so that they do not stand out against the background of the house, but create a single harmony.

3. Design solution

The tectonic diagram of the designed building is wall with longitudinal load-bearing walls. The wall structure is well suited for the design of low-rise housing.

The structural structure of the building consists of the following interconnected structural elements.

The foundation is strip, made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements P1 3000x3000, P2 3000x6000mm.

The external walls are made of ordinary ceramic bricks with standard dimensions - 250 x 120 x 65 mm on cement-sand mortar, 64 cm thick.

Plasterboard partitions, large-panel, 100mm thick.

The floor slabs are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs with pre-stressed reinforcement 200mm thick and anchored into the walls. Standard and custom-made floor slabs are used.

The slabs are supported by load-bearing walls, and the slabs covering the second floor near the stairs are also supported by installed reinforced concrete columns.

During the construction of the building, floor slabs of three brands were used: PP-1 with dimensions of 1500x6000, custom-made PP-2 with dimensions of 1500x4500, and PP-3 with dimensions of 1500x3500

In total, the following floor slabs are provided for the construction of this building: PP-1-11, PP-2 - 1, PP-3 - 1.

Windows with triple glazing are well suited for the climatic conditions of Ulan-Ude. To reduce heat loss through windows, multi-chamber double-glazed windows are installed.

In this work, the windows are triple glazed double glazed windows with dimensions of 1200x1200mm. A total of 10 double-glazed windows were used in this project. The staircase inside the house consists of reinforced concrete steps with a forged metal railing. The roof in this building is gable, covered with metal tiles. The required slope (i=25°) is maintained, taking into account the load in winter. The entrance door is a light panel door with a height of 2m and a width of 1m.

The base part of the building is designed as follows. For preliminary preparation of the base surface for painting, an acrylic facade primer is used<#"justify">4. Features of external and internal finishing

Exterior finishing of the building includes acrylic facade plaster, acrylic facade primer<#"justify">List of sources used

1. Abazov V. A., Antonyuk A. I. The house that I built (everything from design to construction). - Kyiv: Spalakh LTD, 1996. - 321 p.

2. Balakina A.E. and others. Architecture. Publ.: ASV, 2004. Hardcover, 472 pp.

Bareev V.I. and others. Architecture, construction, design. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005.

Kazbek-Kazbieva Z.A. "Architectural structures". M.: Higher School, 1989 - 209 pp.

Kossakovsky V. A., Chistova V. A. Architectural composition of a residential building. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1985. - 437 p.

Masyutin V. M. Modern manor house: A manual for individual developers. -M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1990. - 253 p.

Predtechensky V.M. Architecture of civil and industrial buildings. Basics of design. M.: Publishing house of literature on construction, 1996. - 226 p.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Cherepovets State University

Institute of Engineering and Economics

Department of Construction Technologies and Real Estate Expertise

Explanatory note to the course project in the discipline "Architecture":

“Project for the construction of a residential building”

Completed by student

Group 5 EN-32

Malinin Maxim Sergeevich

accepted by the teacher

Chornaya Tatyana Nikolaevna




1. Master plan……………………………………………………….…6

1.1 Characteristics of the master plan…………..………………………….....6

1.2 Technical and economic indicators of the master plan…………………..6

2. General characteristics of the designed building……………………….....7

2.1Functional purpose of the building……...…………………………………………………….....7

2.2 Explication of premises…………………………………………….……….8

2.3Characteristics of the building..……………………………………………...…….....8

2.4 Design solution……………………………..……………….….….9

3 Volumetric planning solution of the building………………………......9

3.1 Configuration of the building in plan and its parameters………………….……...9

3.2 Number of floors and their height…………….…………………………..…….....9

3.3 Technical and economic indicators for the building………………………...10

4 Structural solution of the building………………………………………...10

4.1 Description of structural elements and their dimensions…………………...10

A. Foundation…………………………………………..…………………………10

b. Walls………………………………………………………………………………..…11

V. Floors…………………..……………………………………………..13


d. Roof………………………………………………………………………………….....14

e. Windows and doors……………………………………………………………..…14

5 Finishing of the building………………………………………………………...16

5.1 Interior decoration……………………………………………..……..16

5.2 Explication of floors……………………………………………………….18

5.3 Exterior finish………………………………………………………18

6 Communications throughout the building…………………………………………………………..19



The goal of my course project is to design an individual residential building that meets all modern needs. The house must not only have an attractive appearance, but also correspond to regional characteristics, reflect the originality of local color, while combining the modern level of development of construction equipment, structures and materials. During the course project, it is necessary to complete the graphic part of the project, which should include drawings of the building facade, floor plans, a section showing the vertical connection of the floors of the building, it is necessary to complete a roof plan, a general plan, as well as drawings of the structural components of the building. It is necessary to design not only the structure of the building, but also the interior decoration of the premises.

Initial data:

1. Foundation depth

2. Wall thickness

Exterior walls

Internal walls


3. Floor height:

1. Master plan.

1.1. Characteristics of the master plan

The general plan of the area has dimensions of 50 x 50 m (2500 m2).

The main facade of the residential building is oriented to the south.

The vertical layout of the site is carried out taking into account the drainage of surface water from the designed building into the storm sewer.

In addition to the designed building, the site includes: an existing building, a waste container area, and driveways with parking options.

The general plan provides for driveways with asphalt pavement, sidewalks with asphalt and concrete pavement.

A children's playground, sports ground, recreation area, gazebos, and flower beds are designed on the territory. The area adjacent to the residential building will be landscaped with trees and shrubs of various species and a lawn.

Designed building for individual development. There are walking paths on the territory.

1.2.Technical and economic indicators of the master plan

2. General characteristics of the designed building

2.1. Functional purpose of the building

The building is residential, intended for living in it by one family, consisting of 2-4 people. Each room in the building has certain functional requirements, that is, each room must perform certain functions.

Living room designed for receiving guests, conducting business negotiations and meetings. The uniqueness of this room is that, having a height of 5.5 m, it is illuminated by natural light, which gives it volume.

Rest room Designed for active recreation of family members.

Pool, adjacent to the relaxation room, serves as a place for water procedures.

Steam room Designed for paired healing procedures.

Boiler room serves as the main control unit responsible for heat supply and hot water supply.

Kitchen-dining room is a place for preparing and eating food.

Bedrooms on the second floor there are rooms used for passive rest (sleep) of all family members.

Guestbook intended for temporary accommodation of guests.

Bathrooms on the first and second floors they are used for personal hygiene of family members and guests.

Corridors of the first and second floors designed for communication between rooms.

Hall, in which the staircase is located, serves to communicate between floors and other rooms.

Wardrobe serves for storing outerwear and shoes, for entry and exit and performs a thermal insulation function.

Pantry Designed for storing household goods.

2.2. Explication of premises

Explication of the premises of the first floor

Explication of the second floor premises

2.3. Building characteristics

The building belongs to:

· by purpose: residential;

· by number of storeys: low-rise;

· in terms of durability: II degree (buildings with a service life of 50-100 years);

· fire resistance: II degree;

· in terms of capital: II degree.

2.4. Constructive solution.

Structurally, the building is designed as frameless with longitudinal and transverse brick load-bearing walls, reinforced concrete floor panels, a gable roof, and a prefabricated reinforced concrete strip foundation.

The spatial rigidity and stability of the building is ensured by the pairing of external walls with internal ones, with floor decks resting on these walls and attached to them using reinforcing anchors.

The floor slab structure forms a rigid horizontal disk, which increases the spatial rigidity of the building.

3. Space-planning solution of the building.

3.1. Configuration of the building in plan and its parameters.

Fig. 1: building configuration and dimensions

3.2. Number of floors and their height.

The height of the first floor is 3.1 m.

The thickness of the floor between the first and attic floors is 300 mm

The building does not contain basements or technical underground areas.

Technical and economic indicators for the building


Units of measurement


building area,

construction volume,

working area,

total area,

planning coefficient, K p

volumetric coefficient, K V

Planning coefficient

Volume coefficient

4. Structural solution of the building

4.1. Structural elements.


Foundation is the underground part of a building or structure that receives the load from the above-ground part of the building and transfers it to the base (soil).

This building has a precast reinforced concrete foundation.

Prefabricated foundations consist of pillow slabs laid at the base of the foundations and wall blocks, which are the walls of the underground part of the building.

Foundation slabs-pillows are laid on a leveled base with a sand bedding 10 cm thick. Bulk or loose soil should not be left under the base of the foundation. It is removed and crushed stone or sand is poured in its place. Depressions in the base of more than 10 cm are filled with concrete mixture. Cushion slabs for external walls are 1400 mm wide, and for internal walls - 800 mm.

When designing, the dimensions of the foundation slabs-pillows are taken in accordance with GOST 13580-85.

Cushion slabs are laid with gaps. At the junctions of the longitudinal and transverse walls, the cushion slabs are laid end to end and the junctions between them are sealed with concrete mixture. Horizontal waterproofing is placed on top of the laid cushion slabs and a 30 mm thick cement-sand screed is placed on top of it, into which the reinforcing mesh is laid, which leads to a more uniform distribution of the load from the overlying blocks and structures. The diameter of the mesh rods is 6 mm. Step - 30 cm. Upon completion of the installation of the cement screed, the pit is backfilled to the top of the installed reinforced concrete foundation pads.

Then concrete foundation blocks are laid with the seams bandaged in three rows, on top of which a horizontal waterproofing layer of two layers of roofing felt on mastic is placed. The purpose of the waterproofing layer is to prevent the migration of capillary ground and atmospheric moisture up the wall.

The width of foundation blocks for brick walls is 600 mm.

When designing, the dimensions of the foundation wall blocks are taken in accordance with GOST 13579-78.

The foundation depth is 2.3 m.


The walls of a building are designed to enclose and protect from environmental influences and transfer loads from the structures above - floors and coverings - to the foundation.

When constructing the walls of a building, hand masonry is used with horizontal and vertical bandaging of the seams. Solid ceramic bricks are used for laying external and internal walls.

The walls are laid using cement-sand mortar. The thickness of the external walls is determined on the basis of thermal engineering calculations. Initially, the thickness of the outer wall is assumed to be 640 mm. This thickness is necessary to ensure resistance to wind and impact loads, as well as to increase the heat and sound insulation capacity of the walls.

We choose the thickness of the insulation equal to 150 mm. As insulation we choose thermal insulation mats “ISOVER” with a thickness of 50 mm (in two layers). This is the most optimal material for the combination of thermophysical, mechanical, and acoustic characteristics for heat and sound insulation in three-layer wall structures.

In this project:

The load-bearing layer is made of porous ceramic bricks,

External – facing brick.

Walls are the main element of a building, so they must have the necessary strength, durability, sound and heat insulation, fire resistance and expressiveness.

Ceramic brick was chosen for the external and internal walls, as it has good heat-insulating properties, has high weather resistance, strength, and frost resistance

Scheme for linking axes along the outer wall:

Fig. 3.: scheme for linking axes along an external wall

Scheme of binding on the internal wall:

Fig. 4: diagram of axes for internal walls


Floors are horizontal load-bearing and enclosing structures that divide buildings into floors and carry loads from their own weight, the weight of vertical enclosing structures, stairs, as well as the weight of interior items, equipment and people on them. These loads are transferred from the floors to the load-bearing walls of the building.

This building has a designed floor consisting of hollow-core reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of 220 mm. On external walls, ceilings are laid from the inner edge of the wall by 100 mm, and on internal load-bearing walls by 190 mm. The floors provide sound and heat insulation, and they also meet high requirements for rigidity and bending strength.


Partitions are internal vertical enclosing structures in buildings. Partitions perform enclosing functions in a building. The partitions are gypsum concrete, large-panel, 120 mm thick. Partitions are installed on floor slabs over a layer of roofing felt.


The roof is a structure that protects the building from precipitation and is the upper fence of the building. The roof is designed to be gable, the covering is tiled roofing with diffusion film. To organize the drainage of water from the roof, drainpipes made of galvanized steel are installed near the outer part of the walls.

Windows and doors.

Windows are elements of a building intended for lighting and ventilation of premises.

Doors serve for communication between isolated rooms and for entering the building.

The windows in the building are designed with double glazing. The thickness of the window blocks is 140 mm, which gives the right to judge their sufficient heat and sound insulation. Single, double and triple-hung windows are available. Wooden environmentally friendly double-glazed windows were installed.

Specification of window and door openings of the first floor.

The doors in the building are designed to be single-layer, glazed (in the kitchen, doors in the living room) and unglazed (in other rooms of the building). Glazing of some doors is necessary mainly in order to achieve more uniform illumination of the rooms, but at the same time the interior of the cottage also improves.

In the manufacture of windows and doors, only high-quality sheet glass 6 mm thick and high-quality wood are used to avoid the appearance of cracks and crevices during operation.

5. Finishing of the building.

5.1. Interior decoration.

Name of the premises



Area, m2

Type of finish

Living room

Suspended ceiling

Sanitary unit

water-based painting

Ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles


Ceiling tiles

Rest room

Ceiling tiles

water-based painting

Ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles


Ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles

Boiler room

Ceiling tiles

Suspended ceiling

Walls or partitions

Living room

Sanitary unit

latex painting


Rest room

latex painting


latex painting

Boiler room

Bottom of walls or partitions

Living room


high quality wallpaper

to the entire height of the room

glazed tiles

glazed tiles


high quality wallpaper

to the entire height of the room


high quality wallpaper

to the entire height of the room



high quality wallpaper

to the entire height of the room

glazed tiles

to the entire height of the room

Boiler room

to the entire height of the room

glazed tiles

to the entire height of the room

to the entire height of the room



high quality wallpaper

to the entire height of the room

Rest room


high quality wallpaper

to the entire height of the room

5.2. Explication of floors

Room number

Floor type according to the project

Floor diagram

Floor elements and their thickness

Floor area, m2

1,2,4,10,11, 13,14,15,16

1) reinforced concrete slab, 220mm

2) thermal insulation pad, 40 mm

3) logs 80*40

4) parquet boards

Ceramic tiles

1) compacted soil

2) concrete grade 100

5)ceramic tiles with cement mortar, 25mm

Cement floor

1) compacted soil

2) concrete grade 100, 80mm

5.3. Exterior decoration

Finishing of external walls is plaster.

The base is natural stone, brick.

Window blocks - wood.

Doors are wood.

Roof – metal tiles

6. Communications throughout the building

The engineering equipment of the building includes water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring, gas supply and heating system.

The building is supplied with electricity from the general electrical network. Electrical wiring in the designed building is carried out before plastering the internal walls and partitions and is attached to the building structures using special fasteners. If necessary, holes for electrical wires are drilled in walls and ceilings.

The building's sewer system is connected to the central sewer network.

Water supply is provided from a public water supply. Water is supplied to the faucet in the kitchen and to the faucet and cistern in the bathroom.

Gas supply is provided from an external gas network. Supplied to a gas heating boiler located in the boiler room, and gas water heaters located in the kitchen and bathroom. Gas water heaters are designed to heat water supplied to the bathroom and kitchen.

The heating system of the building consists of pipes and radiators through which heated water circulates and a gas heating boiler. This heating system is called central. Heating radiators are located in all rooms and run along the outer walls of the building on both floors.


1. Berlinov M.V., Yagupov B.A. Examples of calculation of bases and foundations. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1986. – 173 p.

2. Kim N.N., Maklakova T.G. Architecture of civil and industrial buildings. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1987. – 287 p.

3. Orlovsky B.Ya., Serbinovich P.P. Architecture of civil and industrial buildings. Public buildings. – M.: Higher School, 1978. – 371 p.;

4. SNiP 2-1-71 “Residential buildings”.

5. Standards for planning elements of residential and public buildings.”

6. GOST 21.101-79PDS “Basic requirements for working drawings.”

7. GOST 21-105-79 SPDS “Applying dimensions, inscriptions,
technical requirements and tables".

8. GOST21-108-78 “Conventional, graphic images and symbols on drawings of general plans and transport.”

9. GOST21.501-80 SPDS “Architectural solutions. Working drawings."

10.GOST 11214-78 “Windows and balcony doors”

11. Lecture notes.

It is the project that allows you to get a general idea of ​​the future facility, carry out calculations of the necessary costs, carry out a number of approvals with the relevant authorities, and also obtain the necessary documentation, according to which it will be possible to monitor the work performed. One of the fundamental documents at the stages of preliminary and detailed design is an explanatory note to the house project. What is the significance of such a document?
Every project needs a plan, but you also need to fill out all the required paperwork correctly. To begin with, you need to understand what you need, you need to set a clear plan that describes an example and a list of documentation.

It is the establishment of the main principles and requirements in relation to future construction. The explanatory note for the cottage project includes data regarding the location of the object, the specifics of the relief, and the results of all necessary technical measurements. This document also reflects such natural factors as freezing depth, snow load, groundwater depth, as well as a number of other parameters. In accordance with these data, an architectural, planning and structural solution is drawn up.

In the second paragraph of the explanatory note to the house project, you will have to indicate what exactly will be located on the preliminary design, for example:

  1. Six four-story, six-apartment cottages with attached swimming pools.
  2. Three residential eleven-story buildings with underground three-story parking and all kinds of accommodation on the ground floor and other office and retail premises.

Read also

Drawing up a site plan for placing a house, garage and bathhouse

The planning and architectural solution for this site will be determined taking into account the pre-existing environmental relief, as well as taking into account the maximum preservation of all existing green spaces. The entire organization of entrances to this building and approaches to it will be provided from the side on the street, with the organization of entrance pockets and turning areas at the very dead end of such a passage. The territory will have to be completely protected and fenced with external lighting devices in the dark, so you will need to think carefully about the layout carefully and slowly.

Next, you will need to note all the engineering support. Sewerage and water supply will be equipped with:

  • domestic drinking water supply;
  • hot water supply;
  • fire-fighting water supply.

The supply of water for all drinking and household needs will be carried out from external networks, and for precise water supply through some tanks with a preliminary supply of water. If, for example, a two-zone water supply system was adopted. Everything and sewerage needs to be approved by professionals in this field, who can advise on the most suitable option.

In addition, issues regarding the connection of engineering systems and communications were considered and resolved. In general, an explanatory note for a house project is a document that includes all the necessary information for further work.

Explanatory note to the cottage project as part of the working design

This documentation is developed on the basis of a preliminary design for the direct implementation of a complex of construction works. In fact, we can say that the explanatory note for the cottage project is a text form of the project including the main technical indicators.

This document forms the basis of the detailed design, and in turn, the detailed design represents all the necessary data for construction. This includes a description and explanation of the type of construction, determines the order of work, contains a description of architectural and compositional solutions, and also takes into account issues of transport services and the performance of calculation, analytical and design work within the framework of engineering consulting services.

It is within the framework of the working project that issues regarding the organization of the relief, preparatory activities, as well as the direct organization of work and the cost of their implementation are resolved.





(name of faculty)

Department of Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures____________________

(name of the department)


2. Architectural and planning solution for building 5

2.1 Justification of the architectural and planning solution 5

2.2 Description of the architectural and planning solution 5

3.1 Thermal calculation of the outer wall 8

3.2 Soundproofing of premises 10

4. Architectural design of the facade and exterior decoration 11

5. Interior decoration 12

6. Fire prevention measures and evacuation of people 13

7. Engineering equipment 14

8. Environmental measures 16

9. Protection from radioactive radiation 16

10. Basic decisions to ensure living conditions for people with disabilities and people with limited mobility 17

11. Main construction indicators 17

List of sources used 18

1. Architectural and construction solutions

1.1. Initial data

The course project on the topic: “Nine-story monolithic residential building” was developed on the basis of:…………………..

Assignment issued by the department of control and monitoring systems ASA DSTU;.

SP 131.13330.2012

3.Calculated outside air temperature

In January

SP 131.13330.2012

4.Internal design temperature

SP 131.13330.2012

5. Duration of the heating period, days

SP 131.13330.2012

6.Average monthly relative humidity

In January

SP 131.13330.2012

7.Wind area

SP 20.13330.2012

8.Prevailing wind direction:

For December-February

For June-August



SP 131.13330.2012

9. Standard value of wind pressure, kPa

SP 20.13330.2012

10.Snow area

SP 20.13330.2012

End of table 1.1

11. Estimated value of the weight of snow cover per 1 m2 of horizontal surface, kPa

SP 20.13330.2012

12. Annual precipitation, mm

SP 131.13330.2012

13. Seismicity of a construction site - degree of seismic hazard

SP 131.13330.2012

14. Degree of fire resistance of the building

SP 131.13330.2012

15. Functional fire hazard class

SP 131.13330.2012.

16. Standard depth of soil freezing, m

SP 131.13330.2012

SP 131.13330.2012.

The relief of the construction site is with a smooth elevation change in the north-west direction. No groundwater was found at a depth of up to 20 m from the ground surface......................

1.2 Master plan solution

... A plot of land allocated for the construction of a 9-storey residential building in Rostov-on-Don on Tekucheva Street. The placement of the building is related to existing buildings and structures located nearby. The site is bordered on the south, west and north by existing roads.

The area of ​​the plot is 0.064 hectares. The site is limited by nearby roads. Utility networks have been laid on the site near the facility under construction. The relief of the area with a smooth transition of heights..…………….

The orientation of the building ensures optimal insulation of the apartments and the site, but the building is exposed to the influence of cold winter eastern winds; to reduce their effect, measures have been taken to insulate the building.

Entrance to the site is organized from the street. Tekucheva. The width of the passages is 6 m. Taking into account the accessibility of the site for people with limited mobility, the differences in height on pedestrian areas and at the junction of sidewalks with the roadway do not exceed 4 cm. There is a ramp at the main entrance, which simplifies the access of people with limited mobility to the premises.

Covering the roadway with asphalt concrete, sidewalks and pedestrian paths with concrete tiles on a sand base and concrete.

The vertical layout of the site was decided taking into account the current situation. The removal of atmospheric moisture is provided for lawns and roadways.

In addition to the designed building, it is planned to create recreation areas for children and adults on the designated territory.

The landscaping and landscaping project provides for the installation of lawns, planting of red-flowering shrubs, deciduous trees (white poplar, warty birch, Norway maple) and conifers (pine, spruce).

The absolute elevation of 78.67 m is taken as the relative elevation of the finished floor of the first floor 0.000. Baltic elevation system. The horizontal reference of the building is made to the coordinate grid.

Buildings and structures on the site:

9-storey monolithic residential building;

Based on NRB 76/87 and OSP 72/87, before, during and after the construction of a building, it is necessary to carry out constant radiation monitoring of the construction site and structures, and to enter radiation monitoring data into the work log for inclusion in acts for hidden work.

10. Basic solutions to ensure living conditions for people with disabilities and people with limited mobility

This section was developed taking into account SP 59.13330.2012 “Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility.”

A ramp is provided for access for disabled people and people with limited mobility to the first floor. An elevator is provided to reach the upper floors.

The entrance to the building is protected from precipitation. There are no thresholds along the path of visitors. The surface on the paths of movement does not allow slipping when wet.

11. Main construction indicators

Table 1.6

List of sources used

SP 22.1330.2011 “Foundations of buildings and structures” SP 42.1130.2011 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and SP 50.13330.2012 “Thermal protection of buildings”. SP 54.13330.2011 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”. SP 59.1330.2012 “Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility.” SP 131.13330.2012 “Building climatology”. GOST R 21.1101-2009 “Basic requirements for design and working documentation.” GOST 21.501-2011 “Rules for the implementation of working documentation for architectural and structural solutions.” GOST 21.201-2011 “Conventional graphic images of elements of buildings, structures and structures” Shereshevsky building. Construction of civil buildings. M: Architecture-S, 2005 Maklakov civil buildings. M: ASV Publishing House, 2000. Neelov buildings. M: Stroyizdat, 1974 Chernysh of civil and industrial buildings. M: ASV Publishing House, 2001.

1. Architectural part.
1.1 Initial data.
1.2 Description of the master plan.
1.3 Space-planning solution.
1.4 Finishing
2. Structural part.
2.1 Structural diagram of the designed building.
2.2 Foundation.
2.3 Walls of the basement.
2.4 External walls.
2.5 Floors on wooden beams.
2.6 Stairs.
2.7 Partitions.
2.8 Doors.
2.9 Windows.
2.10 Floors.
2.11 Pillars.
2.12 Roof.
2.13 Roofing.
2.14 Terrace.
2.15 Porch.
2.16 Stained glass.
3. Engineering equipment
4. Literature

Architecture has been around almost as long as human society. Along with changes in society, architecture developed and changed, experiencing both periods of growth and periods of decline. In solving these problems, a responsible role belongs to designers, including architects and their assistants - architectural technicians.
Current SNiPs regulate the requirements for modern housing and establish: resettlement methods, principles of planning populated areas, types of houses in housing construction; sanitary and hygienic standards taking into account the everyday and climatic characteristics of the construction areas; technical conditions for the design and construction of a building, ensuring the use of modern progressive construction methods and its efficiency.
During the USSR, only certain standards for housing area were approved, which were issued from 9 to 15 m2 per person. In this case, the low-rise building was called an apartment building with apartment plots (manor house type), but they were used as rules in rural and town construction. Houses of this type have become widespread in urban settlements. Along with the widespread construction of multi-story buildings, many low-rise buildings are being built in our country. Low-rise construction in such settlements corresponds to the everyday life of the population and is advisable, despite the fact that with a decrease in building density, the length of engineering communications, the area of ​​improvement, etc. increases.
This feasibility is explained by the fact that in low-rise construction it is possible to use simple lightweight structures, cheap local building materials, in forest areas wood is used, here it is possible to use simplified systems of engineering equipment, in addition, in low-rise construction simple and cheap means of mechanization are used.
In modern construction practice, several types of low-rise residential buildings are used, the choice of which depends on specific conditions: one-apartment, two-apartment (paired), four-apartment, multi-apartment block.
A characteristic feature of low-rise buildings of all types is the presence of individual apartment plots.
The layout of apartments in low-rise buildings of various types must meet all requirements and conditions.
The apartment of a low-rise building is connected to the site. This makes it necessary in most cases to make two entrances to the house - one from the street, the other from the site. The first is usually done through the front room, the second through the kitchen.
The house is equipped with covered and enclosed terraces, verandas, loggias, balconies, used in the warm season as additional living space and recreation areas. In climatic regions III and IV, the installation of such summer premises is mandatory.
Since, due to the cold climate, in addition to IV, it is necessary to provide an internal vestibule or cold vestibule at the entrance to the house.
Features of the village type require a device for storing clothes and food.

1 Architectural part.
1.1 Initial data
The site is located on the periphery of Moscow in a cottage village, not far from
from the city. Plot - 20 acres. The plan is a rectangle 40x50m. To the south of the site there is a street...
The relief is calm, sloping towards the south. Average temperature January-5;-14
July 24; 28
The amount of precipitation is 600 -1000 mm. Wind conditions are 5 m/s or more. Prevailing winds C-3 Snow load 100 kg/m. Loam soil. Freezing depth 1.5 m. Groundwater 5-6 m. Vegetation - coniferous and deciduous trees, trees and shrubs as hedges. The house is designed to accommodate a family of 3 people. The lifestyle of the inhabitants is modern, dynamic. This was taken into account when designing the site. The head of the family is the head of a construction company, his wife is an architect, a creative person, engaged in painting and photography. One child is 10 years old.
1.2 General plan
The site plan extends north to south, with a street running to the south. From the northeast the site is surrounded by forest, and from the west it borders on another site. The plot in plan is in the form of a rectangle, because All buildings are located in regular buildings, arranged along the red line. The building meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements.
The building is 15 m from the road and 10 m from the neighboring plot.
Plot size - 40x50 m.
The entrance is oriented from south to north.
Wind rose NE.
The house is the “artistic center” of the entire master plan. According to the project, all zones are located around the house. In the south-eastern part of the site there is a garden. Tree planting is chaotic. The garage is to the southwest of the house, outbuildings are to the northwest and northeast.
The utility area is located behind the house so that it is not visible when entering the site. The utility area includes a bathhouse and a vegetable garden.
An area for joint outdoor recreation is located near the house, as a natural extension of the living space - paved areas, a gazebo, elements of park architecture with small decorative forms. The gazebo overlooks the pool and sunbathing area.
Regular garden - trimmed lawns, framed borders, flower beds, trimmed hedges. A combined style of planting is used here: they are more regular around the house, then move into a natural landscaped garden. Large trees are structural plantings; tall trees look ideal against the backdrop of well-groomed, trimmed lawns with lush grass. They are placed in groups and individually.
The house is two-story, with a pitched roof made of galvanized steel with a slope of 5%. Vertical connection using ladders (double-flight). According to the planning decision, the entire house can be divided into zones: general family use, individual use, and utility.
The family (public) area includes the entrance part - hall-hallway, living-dining room, kitchen, guest room, guest bathroom, utility room, storage room, wardrobe, gym, recreation room, locker room. Individual use area: sleeping quarters, bathrooms, games room, music room, office, workshop.
Entrance part.
In the climatic zone of central Russia, the entrance to the house is through a vestibule with the doors opening outwards (double-leaf door with a leaf of 700 mm). The size of the vestibule is 3.3 m. The entrance part consists of a wardrobe and a hall with a staircase. The main direction is towards the living room, which is explained by the presence of a large hall.
The living room is visually separated from the hall by a staircase and an arch. The living room is a well-lit space thanks to three windows and access to the winter garden. The living room contains the necessary furniture for relaxing and receiving guests. The winter garden is located on the ground floor. The winter garden is an integral part of the house, especially in the summer: it can serve as a dining room, a relaxation area, and an area for receiving guests. The kitchen has all the necessary equipment. The work area is located along the walls.
The guest bedroom is designed for two people, equipped with access to the guest bathroom.
Second floor.
- the parent bedroom has a large double bed, wardrobe and dressing table. The bedroom has soft and calm lighting.
- the children's bedroom has a bed, a wardrobe and an entrance to the playroom.
There is a bathroom next to each bedroom. Also on the second floor there is a parents' office, a library and a music room. The office is divided into 2 parts. One part is for the wife's work, the other is for the husband. The office can be used for holding the most important business meetings. It has good natural light.
There are premises for recreation and household needs (boiler room, bathroom, laundry room, ironing room, workshop, gym, recreation room, locker room).
1.4 Finishing
Interior decoration.
The interior decoration uses a combination of natural wood and ceramic tiles. The floors of the vestibule, utility rooms, bathrooms, kitchen and dressing room are finished with ceramic tiles. There are parquet boards in the hall, living room, parents' bedroom, and library. The guest bedroom has carpeting. Plank floors are in the winter garden. The walls of the bedrooms are covered with wallpaper. The kitchen work area and bathroom walls are decorated with ceramic tiles.
The rest of the walls are painted. The ceiling on the first floor is lined with boards, on the second floor there is a suspended ceiling. The interior doors are made of planks, the door to the winter garden is glazed. Entrance doors - with alarm system. Impregnated wooden staircase.
Exterior finishing.
The base is lined with natural stone. The walls are plastered brick 530mm with insulation. The doors and other façade details are coated with Pinotex paint that preserves the wood structure. The roof is covered with galvanized steel.

2 Structural part
2.1 Structural diagram of the building.
Structural diagram of a building with longitudinal walls. The spatial rigidity and stability of the building is ensured by the joint work of foundations, longitudinal load-bearing walls and ceilings, and columns.
2.2. Foundation plan
Foundation type - strip prefabricated.
For internal columns - a monolith 400x400 with a cushion 800x800. For a winter garden - 400x400.
Load-bearing walls: foundation grade FBS 5-6; FBS 5-6-12.
Foundation depth - where there is no basement -2.600
Where is the basement -3.200 See the foundation plan.
2.3. Ground floor walls.
The walls are made of concrete (FBS) with a thickness of 500 mm. The waterproofing is vertical coating (since the groundwater level is at 5.5 m. See section of the wall.
2.4. Walls
The exterior is made of brick with slab insulation, 530mm thick, 6-row lightweight masonry, plastered on the outside and painted pale yellow. Internal partitions are made of brick, 120mm thick, plastered and covered with wallpaper and tiled.
2.5. Floors
Floor coverings on wooden beams, section 100x100mm. In increments of 1000 mm, 900 mm, 800 mm. See floor plan.
2.6 Stairs

2.6 Stairs
Floor height: basement Z.1m, first 3.4m, second 3.6m. Stringing stairs. The house has two-flight steps, the size of the steps is 300x150mm, the wooden stringer is 50x200mm. The landing beam is 200x200mm, the step boards are 20m thick. Fences 1050mm high. The staircase of the entrance platform is stringer, step size 300x150mm.
2.7 Partitions
Brick, 120mm thick.
2.8 Doors

2.9. Windows

2.10. Floors

2.11 Pillars (columns)

2.7 Partitions
Brick, 120mm thick.
2.8 Doors
All internal doors are 2100 mm high.
The entrance door is a 600mm double-panel paneled door with glazing.
In the winter garden there is a double floor of 600 mm. Interior doors – single-leaf panel 800mm.
Bathroom doors - single-leaf 700 mm.
2.9. Windows
Windows with double glazing and wooden frames, 1500x1800mm, 2500x1800mm, 800x1800mm.
2.10. Floors
Wooden plank floors with various finishing options, see paragraph 1.4, ground floor - on the ground. See section of the wall.
2.11 Pillars (columns)
Brick columns 380x380mm. See plans.
2.12. Roof.
Layered wooden rafters with a pitch of 1000 mm, 900 mm, 800 mm with a section of 100x200 mm. See rafter plan and wall section.
2.13. ROOF.
Galvanized steel, on lathing 50x50mm, with a pitch of 300mm.
2.14. Winter garden.
With plank flooring made of tongue and groove boards, section 120x30mm.
2.15. PORCH.
Steps 150x300, fencing 1050mm on posts 50x50mm, with platform 1200x2200mm.

3. Engineering equipment
Water supply
Urban type
The sewer is connected to the city sewer.
Electricity supply
Power supply from the city network.
Connected to city PBX.
Connected to city cable TV.

1. Buga P.B. Civil, industrial and agricultural buildings 1987
2. Shereshevsky I. A. Constructions of civil buildings. 2003
3. Blagoveshchensky F.I., Bukina E.F. Architectural designs 1985
4. Notes on the designs of buildings and structures.
5. Notes on ergonomics and equipment design.