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Read Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare full content. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

Count Paris, a young man, a relative of the prince.

Montagues, Capulets- the heads of two warring houses.

Uncle Capulet.

Romeo, son of Montague.

Mercutio, relative of the prince, friend of Romeo.

Benvolio, nephew of Montague, friend of Romeo.

Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet.

Brother Lorenzo, Brother Giovanni- Franciscan monks.

Balthazar, Romeo's servant.

Samson, Gregorio - servants of the Capulets.

Peter, servant of Juliet's nurse.

Abram, Montague's servant.


Three musicians.

Page of Paris.

First Citizen.

Lady Montague, wife of Montague.

Lady Capulet, wife of Capulet.

Juliet, daughter of Capulet.

Nurse Juliet.

Citizens of Verona, male and female relatives of both houses, mummers, guards, servants and choir.

Location: Verona and Mantua.

The choir enters. Choir Two equally respected families In Verona, where events greet us, They are waging internecine battles And do not want to stop the bloodshed. The children of the leaders love each other, But fate sets up intrigues for them, And their death at the grave doors Puts an end to irreconcilable discord. Their life, and passion, and triumph of death, And the late world of relatives at their grave For two hours they will make up the creature Played out before you. Be more merciful to the weaknesses of the pen: The poet’s sins will be corrected by the game.

Act I

Scene one

Verona. Trade area. Enter Samson and Gregorio, servants of the Capulets, with swords and shields. Samson

Remember, Gregorio, don’t lose face in the dirt.


What you! Vice versa. Dirt in the face, just whoever gets caught.


Let's give them a bath.


We would like to get away with it ourselves.


I'm quick to hand when I get boiling.


It’s not a quick task to boil you.


Before the Montague mongrels I boil like boiling water.


Boil - you'll leave. You boil it and it runs away like milk. But the brave one will resist - he won’t budge.


In front of the mongrels from the Montague house, I will resist - I won’t budge. I will grind everyone into powder: both the good guys and the girls.


Just think, what a hurricane!


Every one of them. Well done to the side, and the girls in the corners and in the cracks.


The quarrel is a master's quarrel and between male servants.


Doesn't matter. I'll handle the men's, then I'll take on the women's. I will show everyone my strength.


And the poor girls?


As long as there's enough urine for the girls. Thank God, I am not a small piece of meat.


It's good that you're not a fish, otherwise you'd be salted cod. Hurry, where is your sword? There are two Montagues over there.


Done, the sword is out. Get them, I won't leave you.


What kind of conversation is this? Go ahead please.


Don't worry about me.


Something to worry about!


Let's piss them off. If they start a fight first, the law will be on our side.


I'll make an angry face when I pass by. Let's see what they do.


I will bite my nail at their address. They will be embarrassed if they let this pass.

Enter Abram and Balthazar. Abram


I'm biting my nail, sir.


Is it on our account that you are biting your nail, sir?

Samson(in a low voice to Gregorio)

If this is confirmed, is the law on our side?

Gregorio(in a low voice to Samson)

In no case.


No, I'm not biting my nail at your expense, sir. And I'm biting my nail, sir.


Are you looking for a fight, sir?


Me, sir? No sir.


If you're stuffed, I'm at your service. I live with the gentlemen no worse than yours.


But not the best either.

Gregorio(to the side, to Samson, noticing Tybalt in the distance)

Speak - from the best, there is one of the masters.


The best, sir.


You are lying!

Included Benvolio. Samson

Fuck you if you are men. Gregorio, show them your great kick.

They fight. Benvolio Weapons away and quickly back to your places! Don't know what you're doing

Probably, in all of world literature there is no such famous and great work that has not lost its relevance over the centuries as the play “Romeo and Juliet”. Who wrote this immortal creation is known to all educated people today. One of the tragedies that made William Shakespeare famous is Romeo and Juliet. Its author, a famous playwright, is recognized as the greatest of the genius personalities of the Renaissance. His story about Romeo and Juliet is permeated with a bright feeling of love, conquering not only many years of human enmity, but also death.

History of creation

"Romeo and Juliet"... Who wrote the brilliant work? It is known that before the creation of this play, several legends and short stories by other authors already existed about the love of two representatives of warring clans. Shakespeare's tragedy was based on three short stories. The earliest was written in 1562 by Arthur Brooke, a famous playwright. It was called "The Tragic Story of Romeus and Juliet." This poem is considered the direct source of the plot on which Romeo and Juliet is based.

Who wrote another prototype of Shakespeare's play is also known from the history of literature. It was the short story “Romeo and Juliet”, created by one of the famous Italian writers of the 16th century, Matteo Bandello. Even later, the Italian writer and historiographer Luigi Da Porto wrote the short story “The Story of Two Noble Lovers,” which almost completely repeated the plot of Shakespeare’s play.

As you know, William Shakespeare only slightly changed his previous works, for example, in the early plays the action took place over a longer period of time - about nine months. In Shakespeare, according to the plot, five days are allocated for everything that happens.

"Romeo and Juliet". Summary

In the play, the author describes the events that take place in the Italian city of Verona. Two warring clans, two families - the Montagues and the Capulets - have been competing with each other for a long time. Their enmity either subsides or resumes again. The last outbreak begins with a squabble among the servants, then turns into a real massacre. Romeo Montague, the heir to one of the families, does not participate in the bloodshed; he is busy thinking about winning the noble beauty Rosaline, whose heart he wanted to conquer. His friends - Mercutio and Benvolio - are trying in every possible way to distract him from his heavy thoughts, but Romeo continues to be sad.

At this time, a cheerful holiday is planned in the Capulet family. These people do not have aristocratic roots, but they are very wealthy, and with the help of organized balls they strive to further demonstrate their wealth and luxury. A relative of the Duke himself is invited to their celebration - Count Paris, who falls under the spell of the beautiful Juliet and asks the head of the family for her hand. Juliet's father gives his consent, despite his daughter's young age. Juliet is only 13 years old.

At this time, Romeo's friends invite him to put on a mask and sneak into the Capulet house for a ball to have fun. Romeo agrees. One of the relatives of the Capulet family - Tybalt - recognizes Romeo as the son of Montague, with whom there is enmity. But at this time Romeo sees Juliet, falls in love with her at first sight and forgets about his former lady love Rosaline. Juliet also falls in love with Romeo, they hide from everyone and take an oath of devotion to each other.

Late in the evening after the ball, Juliet goes out onto the balcony and begins to talk out loud about her feelings for Romeo, he hears her words and confesses his reciprocal attraction to her. The lovers are planning to get married. Early in the morning, Brother Lorenzo, a minister of the monastery of St. Francis, helps them with this.

At the same time, Mercutio and Tybalt meet by chance. A quarrel breaks out between them, and Tybalt kills Mercutio. Romeo is forced to avenge the death of his friend, he kills Tybalt. After this, the young man hides so as not to incur the wrath of the Duke. He is forced to flee the city. Before this, Romeo spends the night with Juliet, the approach of dawn means their separation. Listening to the morning chirping of the larks, they say goodbye.

The Capulet family is determined to marry Juliet to Count Paris, and the bride's parents begin preparations for the wedding. The girl, in desperation, seeks consolation from her brother Lorenzo, and he offers her an insidious plan - to drink a drink that will plunge her into a deep sleep similar to death. Juliet will sleep, meanwhile everyone will think that she has died, and thus the fatal wedding will be avoided. Romeo is sent a letter warning him of this plan. Unfortunately, the messenger does not have time to warn Romeo due to the quarantine due to the plague, and the news of Juliet's death arrives earlier. Romeo returns to Verona to say goodbye to his beloved.

At the sight of the dead Juliet, not knowing that she is just sleeping, Romeo drinks poison, unable to imagine life without her. Juliet wakes up when Romeo is already dead. In despair, she considers herself guilty of the death of her beloved, snatching his dagger and striking herself in the heart. When the rival Montague and Capulet families learn of the tragedy, they negotiate peace - the death of their beloved children softens their hearts, and the hostility ceases. The love of Romeo and Juliet becomes atonement for all the evil the clans caused to each other.

William Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet". Who wrote the masterpiece

There is very little information about the life of the most talented English playwright William Shakespeare. He did not keep a diary, did not write down his memories and corresponded with practically no one. All documents bearing his signature or at least some recording made by his hand have enormous historical value.

In the small English town of Stratford, which is located on the banks of the Avon River, in 1564.

His father, a wealthy merchant, went bankrupt when William was fifteen years old. From this age he was forced to earn his own living. In 1585 William Shakespeare went to London. There he changed several professions. For example, he guarded the horses while noble gentlemen watched the performances. Then he joined the theater, where he sometimes replaced the prompter, rewrote some roles and made sure that the actors went on stage on time. Such work in the future helped him stage amazing plays, since he knew the backstage very well.

Gradually, after serving for several years, he ensured that he was given small roles on stage. Then he himself began to write and stage plays. Shakespeare is famous for his poems and sonnets. In addition to “Romeo and Juliet”, he has some other immortal creations - “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Macbeth”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Twelfth Night”, “Much Ado About Nothing” and others. In total, 37 Shakespeare plays, 154 sonnets and 4 poems are known.

William did not invent many of his texts, but simply reworked real events - it is thanks to this talent that his works are known for their truthfulness and vitality. Shakespeare's work conveys the breath of that time - the humanistic ideas of the Renaissance. His works are thoughtful, his heroes are spiritual and strong people, they struggle with human passions and vices.

One of the main ideas of the brilliant Shakespeare: people should be assessed not by status and titles, not by level of wealth or position, but by thoughts, actions and human qualities. Shakespeare’s contribution to world culture is difficult to overestimate; his works are still relevant today, they are winning the hearts of millions of fans around the world.

William Shakespeare died at the age of 52 in 1616. He is buried in his hometown, Stratford. Numerous fans and tourists still come to his grave. Perhaps life in the town would have completely come to a standstill if the “Shakespearean” industry had not been organized in it - every sign in the city certainly points to the genius of William Shakespeare. Crowds of tourists come to Stratford every year to pay homage to the grave of the great writer and playwright.

Theater productions

The play “Romeo and Juliet” has been staged thousands of times on many stages around the world. Perhaps this play can be called one of the most popular in the repertoires of many world theaters. In Russia, the play “Romeo and Juliet” was staged at the Satyricon Theater named after. A. Raikin, in the theater. Pushkin and many others. The main characters are played by the most talented actors, great directors undertake to stage this play.

Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet” is that eternally relevant timeless classic, the production of which can be considered an honor for any theater. Musicals on the theme of unhappy lovers are constantly updated, sometimes the most unexpected details are introduced into the tragedy, the production is interpreted by the most talented people in the most unexpected way. West Side Story is one of the adaptations of Shakespeare's classic play, which premiered worldwide in 1957. The play “Romeo and Juliet” (author - Shakespeare) is a treasure of world culture; it constantly attracts many admirers of the talent of the great master.

Romeo and Juliet in cinema

Since 1900, almost since the advent of cinema, Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet in particular) has been filmed a huge number of times. Almost every year, films about the tragedy of lovers are made in different countries of the world. In France and the USA, in Great Britain and Spain, in Mexico, Belgium, Italy, Argentina, Brazil and Portugal, Romeo and Juliet are played by the best actors of world cinema. In the USSR, the film-ballet “Romeo and Juliet” was filmed in 1983, the main roles were played by Alexander Mikhailov and Olga Sirina. The last film co-produced by the USA and Italy was released in 2013. It was a success in many countries around the world and was recognized as one of the best at the end of the year.


Many academic works have been written based on Shakespeare's immortal play. In 1830, the opera “Romeo and Juliet” by V. Bellini appeared, in 1839 - a symphonic poem; in 1938, a ballet to the music of Prokofiev was published.

In addition to operatic and classical versions, there are many compositions by rock bands and pop performers. Songs about Romeo and Juliet were performed by V. Kuzmin, A. Malinin, S. Penkin. The title of the play is used in the titles of albums of different groups.

Translation in literature

The work “Romeo and Juliet” (translation in Russian and not only) has been republished many hundreds of times. Based on the immortal play, short stories by G. Keller and a novel by Anne Fortier were published. The creation “Romeo and Juliet” first appeared in Russian in the second half of the 19th century. The translation by I. Raskovshenko is considered one of the best. Translations by Grekov, Grigoriev, Mikhalovsky, Sokolovsky, Shchepkina-Kupernik, and Radlova were popular among readers. The work “Romeo and Juliet” (the original was in English) translated by B. Pasternak was received especially warmly. This option is far from the most accurate, but the most beautiful and poetic. It was Pasternak who wrote the lines “But the story of Romeo and Juliet will remain the saddest in the world...”.

Curious facts

Until now, tourists in Verona are offered to visit the houses of Romeo and Juliet, and even their graves. In fact, it is known that these attractions have nothing to do with Shakespeare's literary characters. However, in the courtyard of the house where Juliet supposedly lived, there is a statue of her, cast in bronze. Local legend says that anyone who touches her breasts will find happiness and love.

Another interesting fact is that in Italy, when talking about Shakespeare’s play and its characters, it is customary to mention first the girl’s name and then the guy’s name - Juliet and Romeo. For the Russian language, it is more common to use names in the title in reverse.

Juliet's balcony is an important detail of any production or film about the legendary lovers. However, it is known that in Shakespeare’s original version it is not about the balcony - Romeo simply listened to her speech from the window. However, over time, Juliet’s balcony became one of the significant details of all productions about lovers. Guides in Verona still show numerous tourists exactly the balcony on which Juliet stood.

Historical figures or literary characters?

The story of Romeo and Juliet is beautiful and very tragic. Many researchers, historians and literary scholars are concerned about the question of whether the characters in Shakespeare's play actually lived. It is known that some personalities really existed - for example, Escala, mentioned by Shakespeare, was in reality Duke Bartolomeo I della Scala. It is approximately established what year is described in the play - 1302.

Italy of that time was indeed characterized by various conflicts, when various clans competed for titles and nobility of the family. The American historian Olin Moore devoted several years to studying the legend of the lovers, and thanks to his research, it was possible to find out that precisely in those years in question, there really were two clans with very similar surnames in Verona - Dal Capello and Monticoli. There was actually a confrontation between them, which was explained by the different parties whose adherents these families were. The history of the city indicates that in fact there lived a girl who did not reciprocate the feelings of a high-ranking official and married a poor young man, despite pressure from relatives. took revenge on them, and the lovers died during torture, never admitting any guilt and not parting even after death.

It is quite possible that the story of unhappy lovers described by Shakespeare in his tragedy was based on real events, but slightly changed by the author and decorated with artistic details for greater expressiveness.

Symbol of eternal love

The tragedy about two unhappy lovers, written by the great W. Shakespeare, has not lost its relevance for several centuries. The story took place more than four hundred years ago, but the theme still lives on in numerous theatrical productions, in sculpture and painting, in music and cinema. Perhaps all of humanity with its diverse culture would have become noticeably poorer if Shakespeare had not written his brilliant work.

The story of Romeo and Juliet is the most touching and beautiful story known to the world. Young people are recognized as a symbol of high feelings, devotion and fidelity, eternal love and its power over death and time. This play has many fans - there is a Museum of Love, which displays all the exhibits that testify to the veracity of the story of Romeo and Juliet. There are clubs for fans of legendary lovers. You can even write a letter to Juliet - in one of her clubs there are special secretaries who receive messages in different languages, read them and respond on behalf of Juliet.

On February 14, this club chooses the most touching and romantic story, and the author of the letter receives a gift from Juliet. A thirteen-year-old girl, stricken by deep feelings, is revered by her fans as the one who can bless lovers, give them confidence and bring them true happiness.

In Verona, the legend of lovers is very popular to this day - there is a travel agency and a hotel named after Juliet, pastry shops sell cakes of the same name, guides give tours of mansions that supposedly belonged to the Montague and Capulet families. The name “Romeo and Juliet” is given to champagne, confectionery, furniture, flowers and aromas - everything that one wants to consider romantic and beautiful. In general, one can notice that the industry also supports the Romeo and Juliet brand with pleasure and benefit - their story sells well, and manufacturers cannot help but take advantage of this.

It doesn’t really matter whether Shakespeare’s heroes actually existed; people still want to believe in a fairy tale, not lose hope and dream of a feeling as strong and pure as Romeo and Juliet. As long as we are able to love, the story of Romeo and Juliet will remain one of the most popular and most romantic in world culture.

Son of Montague.

Mercutio, relative of the prince, friend of Romeo.

Benvolio, nephew of Montague, friend of Romeo.

Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet.

Brother Lorenzo, Brother Giovanni- Franciscan monks.

Balthazar, Romeo's servant.

Samson, Gregorio - servants of the Capulets.

Peter, servant of Juliet's nurse.

Abram, Montague's servant.


Three musicians.

Page of Paris.

First Citizen.

Lady Montague, wife of Montague.

Lady Capulet, wife of Capulet.

Juliet, daughter of Capulet.

Nurse Juliet.

Citizens of Verona, male and female relatives of both houses, mummers, guards, servants and choir.

Location: Verona and Mantua.

The choir enters.


  • Two equally respected families
  • In Verona, where events meet us,
  • There are internecine fights
  • And they don’t want to stop the bloodshed.
  • The children of the leaders love each other,
  • But fate plays tricks on them,
  • And their death at the grave doors
  • Puts an end to irreconcilable strife.
  • Their life, and passion, and triumph of death,
  • And the later world of relatives at their grave
  • For two hours they will make up a creature
  • Were played out before you.
  • Be more merciful to the weaknesses of the pen:
  • The poet's sins will be corrected by the game.

Act I

Scene one

Verona. Trade area.

Enter Samson and Gregorio, servants of the Capulets, with swords and shields.


Remember, Gregorio, don’t lose face in the dirt.


What you! Vice versa. Dirt in the face, just whoever gets caught.


Let's give them a bath.


We would like to get away with it ourselves.


I'm quick to hand when I get boiling.


It’s not a quick task to boil you.


Before the Montague mongrels I boil like boiling water.


Boil - you'll leave. You boil it and it runs away like milk. But the brave one will resist - he won’t budge.


In front of the mongrels from the Montague house, I will resist - I won’t budge. I will grind everyone into powder: both the good guys and the girls.


Just think, what a hurricane!


Every one of them. Well done to the side, and the girls in the corners and in the cracks.


The quarrel is a master's quarrel and between male servants.


Doesn't matter. I'll handle the men's, then I'll take on the women's. I will show everyone my strength.


And the poor girls?


As long as there's enough urine for the girls. Thank God, I am not a small piece of meat.


It's good that you're not a fish, otherwise you'd be salted cod. Hurry, where is your sword? There are two Montagues over there.


Done, the sword is out. Get them, I won't leave you.


What kind of conversation is this? Go ahead please.


Don't worry about me.


Something to worry about!


Let's piss them off. If they start a fight first, the law will be on our side.

(estimates: 2 , average: 1,50 out of 5)

Title: Romeo and Juliet
Author: William Shakespeare
Year: 1597
Genre: Poetry, European ancient literature, Foreign drama

About the book "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” is the main fictional love story of mankind, which has captured the imagination of readers for centuries and has become the basis for many productions and film adaptations. This play, written back in 1594-1595, won the hearts of many art connoisseurs, as well as those who do not consider themselves to be such.

This grandiose work was created by the English poet, writer and playwright William Shakespeare, recognized as the most talented English-language writer. His most famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, tells the story of the love between the young protagonists, the ardent Romeo and the beautiful Juliet, who were deeply devoted to this great feeling. Being the heirs of two eminent families of Montague and Capulet in Verona who hated each other, Romeo and Juliet, by the will of fate, met at a holiday in the Capulet house. An unknown force riveted their attention to each other. After the holiday, each of the main characters realized that this was love. Juliet, as if spellbound, alone with herself began to speak out loud about her feelings for Romeo, and he, coming to the balcony of his beloved, heard these words and confessed his reciprocal feelings. The lovers decide to swear fidelity to each other and conduct the wedding ceremony in secret from their parents.

However, the enmity of the brothers on both sides becomes more and more fierce, which leads to tragic events - Romeo kills one of Juliet's brothers. As punishment, he was expelled from Verona. At this time, her parents are trying to marry thirteen-year-old Juliet to Count Paris, without accepting her protest. However, the kind-hearted priest Lorenzo, wanting to help the lovers, as well as their families, gives Juliet a drug that temporarily hides the signs of human life. He hopes that Romeo and Juliet will be able to meet and reunite in this way.

The end of the work “Romeo and Juliet” became a sad lesson for the Montague and Capulet families, as well as for all people whose actions and decisions are controlled by personal ambitions, hostility towards their neighbors and the desire to extract material benefits from everything at any cost.

According to the generally accepted version, William Shakespeare came from the family of a wealthy artisan and significant public figure, who was his father, John Shakespeare. After graduating from grammar school in his homeland, in the English county of Warwickshire, the writer married at the age of eighteen and acquired heirs. After some time, he moved to London, where his writing and playwriting career fully developed.

The literary treasury, created by William Shakespeare, is full of his numerous works. These are his famous sonnets, poems, tragedies, comedies, as well as apocrypha. The writer and playwright's works include comedies: "The Taming of the Shrew", "The Merchant of Venice", "The Comedy of Errors" and others; poems: “Venus and Adonis”, “The Phoenix and the Dove”, “Sonnets of William Shakespeare” and so on; tragedies: “Julius Caesar”, “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Othello” and others; apocrypha: “The Judgment of Paris”, “Musidore”, “The Puritan Woman”, “The Birth of Merlin” and many others.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free or read online the book “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare

A rose smells like a rose
Either call it a rose or not.

But if a man's word is so shaky -
What kind of order can you expect from a woman?

The blind man always remembers the jewel
Lost vision.

Stormy feelings have a violent end,
It coincides with their imaginary victory.
The explosion merged gunpowder and fire,
So sweet is the honey that finally
and nasty:
Too much flavor will ruin the taste.
Be neither a spendthrift nor a miser:
Only in a sense of proportion is true good.

The plague has fallen on both your houses,
Because of you, I became food for worms.

But if a man's word is unreliable,
What can you expect from a woman then?

Try to catch a new infection,
And the old one will never be remembered.

Crying in moderation is a sign of great love,
And crying without measure is a sign of stupidity.

Perhaps your only diamond
It will look like simple glass.

"Alas! Why love
What is so beautiful and tender in appearance,
Is it really so cruel and harsh?

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Description of the work:

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by Shakespeare. It describes the love between a boy and a girl from two irreconcilable ancient families - the Montagues and the Capulets. The work Romeo and Juliet is still very popular. Based on this tragedy, theater productions are staged, films are made and songs are written.

We bring to your attention a brief summary of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

The tragedy covers five days of one week, during which a fatal series of events occurs.

The first act begins with a brawl between servants who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. It is unclear what caused the enmity; it is only clear that it is long-standing and irreconcilable, drawing both young and old into a whirlpool of passions. The servants are quickly joined by noble representatives of the two houses, and then by their heads themselves. A real battle is brewing in the square bathed in the July sun. The townspeople, tired of the strife, have difficulty separating the fighting. Finally, the supreme ruler of Verona arrives - the prince, who orders an end to the clash on pain of death, and angrily leaves.

Romeo, son of Montague, appears in the square. He already knows about the recent strike, but his thoughts are occupied with other things. As befits his age, he is in love and suffering. The object of his unrequited passion is a certain unapproachable beauty Rosalina. In a conversation with his friend Benvolio, he shares his experiences. Benvolio good-naturedly advises him to turn his attention to the other girls and laughs at his friend’s objections.

At this time, Capulet is visited by a relative of the prince, Count Paris, who asks for the hand of the only daughter of the owners. Juliet is not yet fourteen, but her father agrees to the proposal. Paris is noble, rich, handsome, and one cannot dream of a better groom. Capulet invites Paris to the annual ball, which they give that evening. The hostess goes to her daughter’s chambers to warn Juliet about the matchmaking. The three of them - Juliet, the mother and the nurse who raised the girl - they lively discuss the news. Juliet is still serene and obedient to her parents' will.

Several young people from the enemy camp, including Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo, infiltrate a magnificent carnival ball in the Capulet house under masks. They are all hot, sharp-tongued and looking for adventure. Mercutio, Romeo's closest friend, is especially mocking and verbal. Romeo himself is seized by a strange anxiety on the threshold of the Capulet house.

I don't expect anything good. Something unknown
What is still hidden in the darkness,
But it will begin with this ball,
Will shorten my life untimely
Due to some strange circumstances.
But the one who steers my ship
Already raised the sail...

In the crowd of the ball, among the random phrases exchanged by the owners, guests and servants, the glances of Romeo and Juliet intersect for the first time, and, like dazzling lightning, love strikes them.

The world for both is instantly transformed. For Romeo, from this moment on, there are no past attachments:

Have I ever loved before?
Oh no, they were false goddesses.
From now on I did not know true beauty...

When he says these words, Juliet's cousin Tybalt recognizes his voice and immediately grabs his sword. The owners beg him not to make noise at the holiday. They notice that Romeo is known for his nobility and there is no problem even if he attended the ball. The wounded Tybalt harbors a grudge.

Romeo, meanwhile, manages to exchange several remarks with Juliet. He's dressed as a monk, and she can't see his face behind the hood. When the girl slips out of the hall at the call of her mother, Romeo learns from the nurse that she is the daughter of the owners. A few minutes later, Juliet makes the same discovery - through the same nurse, she finds out that Romeo is the son of their sworn enemy!

I am the embodiment of hateful force
Inopportunely, out of ignorance, I fell in love.

Benvolio and Mercutio leave the ball without waiting for their friend. Romeo at this time silently climbs over the wall and hides in the dense Capulet garden. His instinct leads him to Juliet's balcony, and he, frozen, hears her pronouncing his name. Unable to bear it, the young man responds. The conversation between two lovers begins with timid exclamations and questions, and ends with an oath of love and a decision to immediately unite their destinies.

I have no control over what I own.
My love has no bottom, and my kindness is like the vastness of the sea.
The more I spend, the more vast and richer I become

This is what Juliet says about the feeling that struck her. “Holy night, holy night... / So immeasurable happiness...” - Romeo echoes her. From this moment on, Romeo and Juliet act with extraordinary firmness, courage and at the same time caution, completely submitting to the love that has consumed them. Childhood involuntarily disappears from their actions, they suddenly transform into people wise by higher experience.

Their confidants are the monk Friar Lorenzo, Romeo's confessor, and the nurse and confidant of Juliet. Lorenzo agrees to secretly marry them - he hopes that the union of the young Montagues and Capulets will serve peace between the two families. The wedding ceremony takes place in Brother Lorenzo's cell. The lovers are filled with happiness.

But it’s still a hot summer in Verona, and “the blood boils in your veins from the heat.” Especially those who are already hot-tempered as gunpowder and are looking for a reason to show their courage. Mercutio whiles away the time in the square and argues with Benvolio which of them likes quarrels more. When the bully Tybalt appears with his friends, it becomes clear that there will be a clash. The exchange of caustic barbs is interrupted by the arrival of Romeo. “Leave me alone! “Here is the man I need,” Tybalt declares and continues: “Romeo, the essence of my feelings for you can all be expressed in the word: you are a scoundrel.” However, proud Romeo does not grab his sword in response; he only tells Tybalt that he is mistaken. After all, after his wedding with Juliet, he considers Tybalt his relative, almost a brother! But no one knows this yet. And Tybalt continues his bullying until the enraged Mercutio intervenes: “Cowardly, despicable submission! / I must wash away her shame with blood!” They fight with swords. Romeo, horrified by what is happening, rushes between them, and at that moment Tybalt, from under his hand, deftly strikes Mercutio, and then quickly disappears with his accomplices. Mercutio dies in Romeo's arms. The last words he whispers: “Plague take both of your families!”

Romeo is shocked. He lost his best friend. Moreover, he understands that he died because of him, that Mercutio was betrayed by him, Romeo, when he defended his honor... “Thanks to you, Juliet, I am becoming too soft...” Romeo mutters in a fit of remorse, bitterness and rage. At this moment Tybalt appears in the square again. Drawing his sword, Romeo swoops down on him in “fiery-eyed anger.” They fight silently and frantically. A few seconds later, Tybalt falls dead. Benvolio, in fear, tells Romeo to flee urgently. He says that Tybalt's death in the duel will be considered murder and Romeo will face execution. Romeo leaves, depressed by everything that has happened, and the square is filled with outraged townspeople. After Benvolio’s explanations, the prince pronounces a sentence: from now on, Romeo is condemned to exile - otherwise he will face death.

Juliet learns about the terrible news from the nurse. Her heart contracts with mortal melancholy. Grieving over the death of her brother, she is nevertheless adamant in acquitting Romeo.

Should I blame my wife?
Poor husband, where can you hear a good word?
When the wife doesn’t say it in the third hour of marriage...

Romeo at this moment gloomily listens to the advice of his brother Lorenzo. He convinces the young man to hide, obeying the law, until he is granted forgiveness. He promises to send letters to Romeo regularly. Romeo is in despair; exile for him is the same as death. He yearns for Juliet. They manage to spend only a few hours together when he secretly sneaks into her room at night. The trill of a lark at dawn notifies lovers that it is time for them to part. They just can’t tear themselves away from each other, pale, tormented by the impending separation and anxious forebodings. Finally, Juliet herself persuades Romeo to leave, fearing for his life.

Lady Capulet, entering her daughter’s bedroom, finds Juliet in tears and explains this with grief over the death of Tybalt. The news that the mother reports makes Juliet go cold: Count Paris is in a hurry with the wedding, and the father has already decided on the wedding the next day. The girl begs her parents to wait, but they are adamant. Or an immediate wedding with Paris - or “then I’m no longer your father.” After her parents leave, the nurse persuades Juliet not to worry: “Your new marriage will outshine the first one in its benefits...” “Amen!” - Juliet remarks in response. From that moment on, she no longer sees the nurse as a friend, but as an enemy. The only person left whom she can still trust is brother Lorenzo.

And if the monk doesn't help me,
There is a means to die in my hands.

“It’s all over! There is no more hope! - Juliet says lifelessly when she is alone with the monk. Unlike the nurse, Lorenzo does not console her - he understands the girl’s desperate situation. Sympathizing with her and Romeo with all his heart, he offers the only way to salvation. She needs to pretend to be submissive to her father’s will, prepare for the wedding, and in the evening take a miraculous solution. After this, she must plunge into a state resembling death, which will last exactly forty-two hours. During this period, Juliet will be buried in the family crypt. Lorenzo will let Romeo know about everything, he will arrive by the time she awakens, and they can disappear until better times... “This is the way out, if you don’t become timid / Or confuse something,” the monk concludes, without concealing the danger of this secret plan. “Give me the bottle! Don’t talk about fear,” Juliet cuts him off. Inspired by new hope, she leaves with a bottle of solution.

At the Capulet house they are preparing for the wedding. The parents are happy that their daughter is no longer stubborn. The nurse and mother tenderly bid her farewell before going to bed. Juliet is left alone. Before the decisive action, she is overcome with fear. What if the monk deceived her? Or will the elixir not work? Or will the action be different from what he promised? What if she wakes up early? Or even worse - she will remain alive, but will lose her mind from fear? And yet, without hesitation, she drinks the bottle to the bottom.

In the morning, the house is filled with the heart-rending cry of the nurse: “Juliet is dead! She died! The house is filled with confusion and horror. There can be no doubt - Juliet is dead. She lies in bed in a wedding dress, numb, without blood on her face. Paris, like everyone else, is depressed by the terrible news. The musicians invited to play at the wedding are still awkwardly stomping around, waiting for orders, but the unfortunate family is already plunged into inconsolable mourning. Lorenzo, who arrives, utters words of sympathy for the loved ones and reminds them that it is time to take the deceased to the cemetery.

... “I had a dream: my wife appeared to me. / And I was dead and, dead, I watched. / And suddenly from her hot lips I came to life...” - Romeo, who is hiding in Mantua, does not yet suspect how prophetic this vision will turn out to be. So far he knows nothing about what happened in Verona, but only, burning with impatience, awaits news from the monk. Instead of the messenger, Romeo's servant Balthazar appears. The young man rushes to him with questions and - oh woe! - learns the terrible news about Juliet's death. He gives the command to harness the horses and promises: “Juliet, we will be together today.” From the local pharmacist he demands the most terrible and fastest poison and for fifty ducats he receives the powder - “pour into any liquid, / And if you have the strength of twenty, / One sip will put you to death instantly.”

At this very time, Brother Lorenzo is experiencing no less horror. The monk whom Lorenzo sent to Mantua with a secret letter returns to him. It turns out that a fatal accident did not allow him to carry out the assignment: the monk was locked in the house due to the plague quarantine, since his friend had previously been caring for the sick.

The last scene takes place in the tomb of the Capulet family. Here, next to Tybalt, the dead Juliet had just been laid in the tomb. Paris, lingering at the bride's coffin, showers Juliet with flowers. Hearing a rustle, he hides. Romeo appears with a servant. He gives Balthazar a letter to his father and sends it away, and he opens the crypt with a crowbar. At this moment, Paris comes out of hiding. He blocks Romeo's path and threatens him with arrest and execution. Romeo asks him to leave kindly and “not tempt the fool.” Paris insists on arrest. The duel begins. Paris's page rushes in fear for help. Paris dies from Romeo's sword and before his death asks to be taken to Juliet's crypt. Romeo is finally left alone in front of Juliet's coffin. He is amazed that in the coffin she looks alive and just as beautiful. Cursing the evil forces that took away this most perfect of earthly creatures, he kisses Juliet for the last time and with the words “I drink to you, love!” drinks poison.

Lorenzo is late for a moment, but he is no longer able to revive the young man. He arrives just in time for Juliet's awakening. Seeing the monk, she immediately asks where her husband is and assures that she remembers everything perfectly and feels cheerful and healthy. Lorenzo, afraid to tell her the terrible truth, hurries her to leave the crypt. Juliet does not hear his words. Seeing Romeo dead, she only thinks about how to die herself as quickly as possible. She is annoyed that Romeo drank all the poison alone. But next to him lies a dagger. It's time. Moreover, the voices of the guards can already be heard outside. And the girl plunges a dagger into her chest.

Those who entered the tomb found the dead Paris and Romeo, and next to them a still warm Juliet. Lorenzo, who gave free rein to tears, told the tragic story of the lovers. The Montagues and Capulets, forgetting about old feuds, extended their hands to each other, inconsolably mourning their dead children. It was decided to place a golden statue on their graves.

But, as the prince correctly noted, the story of Romeo and Juliet will still remain the saddest in the world...

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