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Mushroom fever begins in Belarus: where to look for boletus mushrooms this year. Mushrooms of Belarus: edible, poisonous and spring species Poisonous and inedible types of mushrooms in Belarus

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Mushroom places in the Minsk region. Where to collect a lot of mushrooms?

June 19, 2015

Belarus has long been famous for its mushroom harvests. And in our time, many residents of the republic annually open the “silent hunting” season. As practice shows, the Vitebsk and Minsk regions are the richest in mushrooms. Experienced mushroom pickers know exactly where to go to get a full basket. Let's look at mushroom places in the Minsk region.

Fans of mushroom hunting consciously strive to choose the least visited places, away from the main human flows. This is partly due to the persistent belief that the further you go, the more mushrooms you will be able to collect. However, this is a false, albeit common, misconception. There are as many mushrooms in the forests around Minsk as in other wooded places in Belarus.


Procurers willingly take various mushrooms: porcini, chanterelles, boletus, honey mushrooms and others. At the same time, chanterelles are one of the most commercially successful species. Even a novice mushroom picker, provided he has good knowledge of mushroom places, can earn a decent amount. It remains to decide where the mushroom spots are located.

If you have a vehicle at your disposal, it would be best to go to the forests located in the Vitebsk direction from Logoisk to the village of Pleschenitsy. These places were famous for their high mushroom yields.

  • Molodi is on the ninth kilometer of the route.
  • Mostishche - 12th kilometer.
  • Aleshniki - 12th kilometer.
  • Krokva - 19th kilometer.
  • Pogrebishche - 21st kilometer.
  • This is the 21st kilometer.

If you don't have a car, commuter transport will help you out. There is not much to choose from, electric trains do not go to these places, the only option is the bus. When planning to use it, you should familiarize yourself with its schedule in advance, since flights are irregular. The most popular route is “Logoisk-Ugly-Shvaby”. During the high season the bus is packed. The most mushroom places are wanted by locals and not only others.

Khatyn forest

This green area is one of the richest places in the vicinity of the capital with mushrooms. The forest extends for many kilometers in all directions and is limited by such settlements as Logoisk, Pleshchenitsy and Zembin. Various types of mushrooms grow here.

All local residents know these mushroom places in the Minsk region. But they are reluctant to share the route with visiting citizens.


Columns are famous for being the habitat for the growth of many types of mushrooms with high nutritional value, such as chanterelles, honey mushrooms, and porcini mushrooms.

You can get here both by personal transport and by public transport: by bus or train. Landmark - tourist center "Vysoky Bereg". The area is extremely rich in mushrooms and is also picturesque.

If you ask anyone where the best mushroom places are, they will send you there.


This forest area will primarily appeal to lovers of hiking. The average length of the mushroom route in these places is from 7 to 15 km. People with poor health, as well as elderly mushroom pickers, are advised to choose other routes. Electric trains go here from Minsk.

It is worth visiting mushroom places in Bryansk. There you can collect more than one basket of famous mushrooms.

Unknown mushrooms can pose serious health risks, and only familiar species should be eaten. There are many poisonous mushrooms, false mushrooms and toadstools growing in the forests of Belarus, so you should be extremely careful. Some species are classified as conditionally edible and are suitable for consumption only after certain culinary processing.

What to do if you want to pick mushrooms, but don’t have enough knowledge to distinguish an edible specimen from a poisonous one? It is recommended to take an experienced mushroom picker as a guide.

Minsk estates are popular, located in quiet, clean and beautiful places deep in green forests. This option is very suitable for novice mushroom pickers for the reason that specially trained people from the administration of the estates keep company and suggest which mushroom to put in the basket and which one is better not to touch.

More experienced mushroom pickers can do without an accompanying person, but even in this case, additional precautions will not be superfluous. Mushroom places in the Minsk region are fascinating, and you always need to pay attention to the time and paths. It is recommended to stock up on everything vital in advance, have a compass, matches in a waterproof bag, some provisions and clean water. Before going on a nature hike, it is best to warn relatives and friends in advance about exactly how the route runs. Mushroom places in Belarus can be dangerous for a novice tourist.

Eating mushrooms

After the harvest is harvested and delivered home, the problem of proper preparation arises. It should be borne in mind that mushroom dishes are tasty and nutritious, however, this is a rather heavy load for the digestive tract. Many mushrooms are difficult to digest and, when digested, create additional stress on the stomach, liver and pancreas. Such dishes are not recommended for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Young mushrooms have a more delicate taste and are absorbed much better than old ones. It is better to throw away wormy specimens immediately; they are not allowed to be eaten.

Now you know where the most mushroom places are in the Minsk region. Be sure to tell your loved ones that you are going to wander through the forest!

Many people remember how in August-September last year, incredible photos were uploaded to social networks from different parts of Belarus: three, five, seven buckets of mushrooms; many covered carpets with their harvest. People remembered the signs: a lot of mushrooms means war, and experts then said that this year you shouldn’t count on white carpets. But already from the end of July, reports began to appear again about tens and hundreds of boletus mushrooms collected at a time.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent went into the forest - to those places where boletuses and boletuses were almost rowing with shovels a year ago. Literally just entering the forest, we were met by a handsome boletus. But, unfortunately, it turned out to be wormy - both the stem and the cap.

This time the forest was almost empty. We didn't even see a fly agaric. In two hours of walking through the forest, we came across only seven boletus mushrooms, one aspen boletus, several russula and moss mushrooms. There would have been enough for a frying pan, but all the mushrooms were completely eaten away by worms...

On the way home, near the railway station we meet a pensioner from Gomel, who also returned from the forest with nothing.

Literally on Friday I gathered 56 whites here! We sat in one place like soldiers, all straight. And today - nothing. Those that came across were wormy. Last time I went right after the rains, but now it’s been dry for several days and the heat has begun...

At the station, a woman and her friend were discussing their neighbor, who the other day also collected several buckets of whites and took a day off from work to roll and dry the harvest.

In a diesel train, we notice how a gray-haired man with a large bucket of chanterelles enters the carriage:

Yes, there are almost no mushrooms now, only in some places, pinpointed. And worms eat mushrooms because the nights are warm - this is the main factor, says the mushroom picker.


Where to collect boletus mushrooms

Based on a survey of mushroom pickers and our own experience as a KP correspondent, we have compiled a list of places where boletus mushrooms were encountered especially often this summer:

Under oaks, spruce trees, in birch forests

In a clean light forest

Near the fly agarics

Along the paths, fire ditches

On the outskirts of forests, in forest belts along roads and fields

And, of course, in the pine forest


There will be fewer wormy mushrooms in the fall

Thanks to the recent good rains, many types of mushrooms have already started to grow. If precipitation falls evenly in August and September, we can expect a normal harvest during this period, says mycologist Vyacheslav Trukhanovets, an employee of the Faculty of Biology of Gomel State University. Skaryna.

Regarding the worms in mushrooms, the scientist explained that this is natural:

At high temperatures, insects develop more massively. But somewhere, even now, mushrooms are collected without worms. It depends on many factors: a higher place, for example. But in the fall, when it is cooler, the development cycle of insects slows down - there will be fewer worms in the mushrooms.


Near Svetlogorsk, a man collected 200 boletus mushrooms

A resident of Svetlogorsk, Evgeny Tolstyakov, recently collected more than a hundredweight of mushrooms. Already on the first day he came across 60 kg of chanterelles, and the next day - 46 kg of boletus mushrooms. He counted the white ones - about 200 pieces!

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Avid hunters often choose long-distance routes. After all, it is believed that the further you go, the more mushrooms you will collect. In fact, you don't really need to travel very far. There are no fewer mushrooms in the Minsk forests than in other forests of Belarus.

Map of mushroom places


Everywhere, various mushrooms are accepted by procurers: boletus, boletus, boletus, fly mushroom, boletus, honey mushroom, russula, chicken. But the most commercial mushrooms are chanterelles. Thanks to this, an amateur mushroom picker who knows the area can earn very good money during the season.
If you have a personal car, then the best decision would be to go to the forests, which are located in the Vitebsk direction along the highway (from Logoisk to the village of Pleshchenitsy). There are a lot of mushroom places there. It is best to go to villages such as Molodi (located at the 9th kilometer), Mostishche, Aleshniki (at the 12th kilometer), Krokva (at the 19th kilometer), Pogrebishche, Takovshchina (at the 21st kilometer).
If you don’t have your own personal transport, then, if necessary, you can use public transport. The train does not go to these places. You can only get there by bus, which doesn’t run that often. The most popular route is the Logoisk-Ugly-Shvaby bus route (to Zembin). But during the high season there are sometimes not enough places.

Khatyn forest

This place near Minsk can be called one of the most mushroom places. The continuous huge forest between Logoisk, Pleshchenitsy and Zembin stretches for many tens of kilometers. These forests are located in such a way that you can find a wide variety of mushrooms in them.

Vileyshchyna. Ilya village

Boletus, common chanterelle... The car route will be more comfortable. We drive to the village of Ilya from Minsk, focusing on the recreation center “Economist” (from the educational establishment “BSEU”). Here are the most mushroom places. You don’t even have to get to the Economist, because the forest in these places is very large.


In Stolbtsy, mushroom pickers will find many noble specimens of mushrooms (chanterelles, boletuses, boletuses, boletuses, autumn mushrooms). A reference point for the places where they gather can be called a tourist center called “Vysoky Bereg”. You can get here by personal transport, by bus, and by train. By car you will have to drive along the highway towards Brest, turning at Stolbtsy to the village of Nikolaevshchina. Buses and trains run in the Brest direction from Minsk. Stolbtsovshchina pleases the eye with its picturesque nature. In addition, it is the birthplace of Yakub Kolas.


This mushroom route is more suitable for those who like to walk, as it can take 5-20 kilometers. Mushroom pickers must be prepared physically and spiritually for such a road. By commuter train from Minsk you need to get to the Talka station, in the direction of the train, go through the village, go through a small field, go into the forest, pass the summer cottages, a large field, follow the river to a small bridge, cross it to the other side, go into forest and you can start picking mushrooms.
Minsk hosts guests in Belarus

Kira Stoletova

Belarus is located in the temperate continental climate zone. Summer and spring in the republic are warm and humid. Therefore, mushrooms from the Minsk region are collected from early spring to late autumn. Some “hunters” manage to collect good harvests in winter, under a layer of snow or on tree trunks.

Main characteristics

Unusual forest organisms number approximately 100,000 species worldwide. There are about 200 of them growing in Belarus, of which 60 are considered edible. All mushrooms near Minsk have their own category, according to the degree of edibility and taste.

  • edible;
  • conditionally edible;
  • inedible;
  • poisonous.

The first 2 categories are completely safe for the human body. They are prepared in different ways, and the types that belong to the 1st category (champignons, russula, white mushrooms and mushrooms) are suitable for food without heat treatment.

Conditionally edible and inedible, it is better to pre-soak and rinse several times in running water. All the milky juice will come out with the water and along with it an unpleasant bitterness that can spoil the taste of the finished dish.

Edible species

Minsk forests are rich in berries, medicinal herbs and mushrooms.

Forest mushrooms come in summer, autumn, winter and spring. But still, the best period for a mass gathering is traditionally considered to be the end of August and the beginning of September for these places.

The most popular in the Minsk region:

  • underpads;
  • white;
  • morels;
  • boletus;
  • chanterelles;
  • boletus.

The first to appear from under the snow are morels and strings - their caps are wrinkled, which makes them sharply different from other species. After the May holidays, they are replaced by raincoats.

In early June, the earth begins to warm up. And wet boletus caps appear from under last year’s rotten leaves. They have a colorful look. Their description cannot fail to attract attention. The brownish, smooth and shiny caps of young individuals proudly flaunt on a dense cylindrical stem. The pulp smells pleasant when cut and has a light beige tint. The fracture will not change its color even after an hour.

Representatives of the Polish mushroom species appear in coniferous forests and mixed forests at the end of June. Outwardly they look a little like white ones. Velvety delicate hats attract attention. The leg is thick and yellow when cut. The aroma is strong and pleasant.

Champignons are universal mushrooms; they are good in any form. They bear fruit from June to October. The white caps stand out clearly under the fallen leaves. Under the outer layer of the cap there is a thin film connected to the stem. In older specimens it bursts and separates from the base. The flesh of these forest beauties has a slightly pink tint.

Belarusians deservedly consider porcini mushrooms to be the most valuable, which appear in July and delight their fans until the end of October. Their aroma and taste are unique: bright and strong, completely balanced. Their flesh does not change its color in any form; even when dry, it remains completely white. For this quality, mushrooms received their name, which over time became generally recognized in science.

Saffron milk caps and chanterelles undoubtedly deserve attention. They look attractive. They taste great.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

The fox has its own doubles, but upon closer examination you will notice that the similarity is superficial. First double: false fox. It is characterized by the following points:

  • the cap is orange, not yellow;
  • the leg is delimited from the cap;
  • the edges of the cap are smooth, not wavy;
  • the hymenophore is lamellar, not folded;
  • the leg is hollow, not solid;
  • the flesh is dense, cotton-like (in older ones), and not elastic.

Second double: yellow hedgehog(but here only an extremely inattentive person can confuse it with a fox). Here it is enough to look at the hymenophore - in the chanterelle it is folded, and in the hedgehog it is represented by many spines that are easily separated from the lower surface of the cap.

Mushroom places near Minsk contain about 4 species of honey mushrooms. They are summer and autumn, meadow and field. They always grow up in big families. From one place it is easy to collect more than one full basket and feed them to a good company.

Inedible and poisonous species

Poisonous mushrooms:

  • death cap;
  • gall fungus;
  • red fly agaric;
  • false chanterelle;
  • false honey;
  • poisonous rows and talkers;
  • satanic mushroom;
  • pepper mushroom.

Pale grebe can cause poisoning, even after ordinary touching. Its toxins are strong and penetrate through the skin into the blood, causing bouts of vomiting, diarrhea and fever. All mushrooms that have been in contact with it automatically become poisonous, they must be thrown away without regret - after all, your life and health are at stake.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Pepper mushroom prefers dry coniferous forests and is found from July to late autumn. It can form mycorrhizae with young birch trees. This type of mushroom is often confused with butter mushrooms - it is not for nothing that its synonym is pepper butterfly. It is distinguished from boletus:

  • taste (bitter, pungent);
  • color of the hymenophore: red, but in real butterflies it is yellowish;
  • leg: absence of film ring.

The literature often states that pepper butter is “inedible due to its pungent peppery taste.” However, many experienced mushroom pickers believe that:

  • You can eat it by adding it to a mushroom dish instead of pepper;
  • after prolonged cooking, the unpleasant pungent taste disappears.

Toadstools and false honey mushrooms are often confused with common honey mushrooms. Satanic or bilious is mistaken for noble white. But upon careful examination, the satanic one has a fine black mesh on its stem, and the gall one reveals itself with an unpleasant aroma and a burning taste that does not disappear even after soaking.

Hallucinogenic species

Several species of rare hallucinogenic forest organisms grow on the territory of Belarus:

  • paneolus moth (moth moth);
  • dung beetle;
  • fibre, sharp;
  • mycena pure;
  • the row is smelly;
  • Hymonopylus Juno.

They include the so-called. psychoactive substances that cause nervous system disorders. This substance is psilocin, and with its repeated use, a painful condition occurs, leading to personality degradation and schizophrenia.

Where to look for mushrooms

A map of the Minsk mushroom area indicates that many edible varieties grow along the highway.

  • Vitebsk direction: along the highway, 4 km from Logoisk and to the village of Pleshchenitsy there are good clearings with boletus and boletus.

the villages of Mostishche and Aleshniki (12 km from the city) are excellent places for collecting honey mushrooms.

The Logoisk-Ugly-Shvaby bus runs regularly from the bus station. Having reached the agricultural town of Zembin on it, you can harvest a crop of saffron milk caps and chanterelles from the nearby forest. Near the village itself, along the walking paths, you can come across russula and spring morels.

The Khatyn forest traditionally provides rich harvests of various types of forest organisms for those who like to “hunt” in it. Throughout the season, a huge number of lovers of these delicacies come here.

  • Vileyshchyna: to the village Ilya, located here, is best reached by car. Mushroom spots are located near the Economist recreation center. This area is characterized by an annual good harvest of russula, value and morels.
  • Talkovskoe direction: ideal for hiking; there are a lot of mushrooms here both in summer and autumn. It’s easier to get there by train from the central station and walk through the field to the forest, past the dacha plots, along the river. The interval of such a walk varies from 5 to 20 km. Therefore, good physical preparation will not hurt.


Mushroom picking is a pleasant and rewarding activity. In the forest you need to take a sharp knife, a convenient box or basket, a compass, a supply of water and mosquito protection.

The forests of Belarus are rich in natural gifts. The region’s unique climatic conditions will allow lovers of quiet hunting to find a huge number of different types of mushrooms. To prevent the results of a walk in the forest from becoming dangerous, you need to be able to distinguish poisonous from beneficial species.

The first edible mushrooms begin to be collected in March, but everything depends on the weather and the characteristics of the onset of warm days, the amount of precipitation and other natural phenomena. The collection is completed in late autumn, when cold days and frosts set in.

Where and how to pick mushrooms in Belarus (video)

Mushroom places in Belarus

Most of the mushroom lands are located near Minsk and Vitebsk. The most popular mushroom places:

  • Logoischina (Vitebsk direction, forests between the city of Logoisk and the village of Pleschenitsa);
  • Khatyn forest area;
  • Ilya village;
  • Village Stolbtsy;
  • Talka station.

Maps of the republic offer developed routes for mushroom pickers. You don’t have to travel far from your place of residence; most mushrooms are found everywhere. Belarus is a territory of mushroom meadows and numerous varieties of useful forest products.

The first edible mushrooms in Belarus begin to be collected in March

Gallery: mushrooms of Belarus (25 photos)

Names and descriptions of edible mushrooms in Belarus

Healthy types of mushrooms have excellent taste characteristics. They are classified in the first category in terms of nutritional components.


Another name is boletus. Grows in bright sunny meadows. You can find a tasty variety in birch groves, in small hollows, along forest roads and trails. The leg is voluminous, the shape of the base is cylindrical, the color is white, sometimes you can see brownish veins. The hat is dense and massive, its surface is similar to velvety fabric. The color depends on the growing conditions and the type of soil. It can be white and dark brown. The pulp does not change after collection and remains white and dense. Mushrooms love to hide under moss, so any forest lover will be delighted with this find.


Small fruits grow in families. Therefore, collecting them is always a joy; one find is enough for a good dish for a large family. The variety can be found in deciduous and mixed types of forests. Chanterelles begin to appear in June and finish growing in September. They got their name because of their bright red color, similar to the cunning forest dweller. Hats rarely have the correct shape. More often they are twisted, wrapped, twisted with a wave. The lower surface has folds in the form of plates. The rare color and shape distinguish the variety and make it impossible to make a mistake.

Oiler (summer or grainy)

Large groups are found along roadsides. Butterfly grows in families, small fruits gather around large ones. It is impossible to count the number of one family; there can be 3 or 30 of them. In harvest years, one group unites with another; these are no longer families, but towns of edible gifts. Small hats from 2 cm, large ones – up to 10 cm . The surface is slimy, the skin is easily removed, a bright yellow or yellow-brown surface appears underneath.

Old mushrooms turn green and lose density. The flesh of the cap also has a yellow tint. The leg is thick, shortened, its surface is granular. This is where one of the names of the oiler came from. The stems and tubes of the cap produce droplets, so when the oiler is collected, they feel the moisture.

Oiler (summer or grainy)

Green moss

The name suggests the place where the first mushroom varieties appeared - moss. Experienced foresters say that moss mushrooms grow next to anthills. The smell is reminiscent of forest fruits. The taste characteristics are not high; mushrooms are often taken if there are no varieties with higher nutritional qualities. The cap is brown with a hint of green, the tubes on the inner surface are the same or have a yellow tone. The leg gives off red. Dense gifts have a pleasant mushroom taste.


The variety has many popular names: obabok, berezovik, blackhead. The mushroom is loved by most gourmets, which is why it has so many names; it is collected by all visitors to the forest. It can grow in swamps, birch groves, and glades. They prefer to appear along forest paths and edges. They are often found among young birch trees.



The edible trumpet variety is a forest visitor's dream. Red caps can be seen from afar. They delight mushroom pickers; hunting for boletus mushrooms is comparable to fairy tales. That is why the red boletus is the hero of many magical stories. The cap is dense and white on sections. The taste characteristics are excellent in the cap and stem. . Redheads can reach enormous sizes, head diameter up to 50 cm, such giants rarely retain their nutritional properties. Small and medium-sized mushrooms are most often collected.



It is part of the moss fly family, but differs in appearance and taste. It is often confused with porcini mushroom, the difference is in the pulp. When cut, it changes color and turns blue. The hat is similar in color to chocolate. The tubes of the lower part are green-yellow; when pressure is applied to the inner surface, it turns blue. The legs are tall, narrow and light.

Ryzhik. This variety has a rich history. It decorated the tables of royal families and ordinary villagers. The hat has a plate shape. The beautiful color is clearly visible in the grass: orange circles turning into red and pink. Concentric shapes on the surface are clearly visible. Drops of orange juice are visible on the cut. Mushrooms are suitable for various recipes: pickling, boiling, frying. A special dish is saffron milk cap on a spit.

How to choose an edible mushroom in the forest (video)

Poisonous and inedible types of mushrooms in Belarus

In the republic, you can also pick up dangerous mushrooms by mistake; they can lead to severe poisoning of the body, intoxication and death. Such natural formations are divided into two groups: inedible and poisonous. The latter are more dangerous. They cause death and severe illness. Hallucinogenic varieties growing in the forests of Belarus will lead to terrible damage to the body; it is better to avoid them.

Inedible varieties

  • Gall. Externally similar to boletus. They are distinguished by the type of tubes and the shape of the cap. The skin is covered with fluff, which gradually disappears and the surface becomes smooth. The variety has no odor. The pulp is pink and bitter. A dark mesh appears on the cut.
  • False chanterelles. They can be distinguished from real ones by the shape of the cap, especially along its edges. They are smooth and clear. Edible ones have ruffled edges. Pests are very fond of false mushrooms; worms eat away the pulp of inedible ones, as they do not do with real varieties.
  • Lines. The body of the varieties is similar to that of a peeled walnut. The same incomprehensible protruding surfaces, crumpled and compressed into a single head. The hats stand on short stems, hollow and covered with wrinkles. The color of the skin varies, it ranges between yellow, red with various shades.
  • Peppery. The mushroom can be confused with an oil can. The rounded shape of the cap, the pulp, the stem - everything almost completely coincides with the appearance of the edible variety. The difference is that the skin is not removed from the surface and is completely fused with the body of the mushroom. The taste is reminiscent of pepper, hence the name.

Poisonous species

  • Death cap. Dangerous variety of lamellar type. Inexperienced forest lovers confuse it with russula and champignons. The caps change color and can be pale green or gray. The surface of the upper part is convex and stretched. Toadstool has no smell or taste. The length of the leg reaches 16 cm; under the cap there are rings that gradually disappear.
  • False or false foam. The upper part is bell-shaped, gradually widens and becomes flat. Dangerous varieties do not have a skirt under the cap. The taste is bitter and unpleasant, the smell is the same. The somewhat poisonous variety differs in color: yellow with red or orange, the end of the cap is lighter, darker towards the center.
  • Fly agaric. Red hats, known from pictures in children's books, attract children. Especially dangerous are those that emerged from the ground without white spots. They are confused with redheads and russulas. It is important to look under your head. There are plates that are characteristic of toadstools. Mushrooms can be very large, far visible among the grass.