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Dream interpretation sewer manhole. Relatives fall down the hatch

An open hatch symbolizes danger on your way.

Simply falling into a hatch means loss of honor due to rash actions or self-interest.

Falling down a hatch is a loss of honor due to rash actions or self-interest.

Falling into a manhole and getting out of it means you have a chance to justify your innocence in the shameful incident.

If others pushed you into a hatch - the dream warns: beware of attacks from spiteful critics.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - Fall

A dream about falling (not to be confused with falling at the moment of falling asleep) is a symbol of negative circumstances and experiences, upcoming failures and worries, sudden and fatal knowledge.

In women's dreams - an illicit feeling, a concession to desires, a social fall.

Falling in a dream may indicate sexual dissatisfaction; in adolescence, such dreams accompany the process of growth of the body, often with special heart spasms characteristic of youth and the climatic period.

If you fall while walking, success will come after many difficulties.

Falling from a great height means loss of honor or money, danger, home enemy, futile efforts.

Falling down the stairs definitely indicates some social damage.

Falling into a hole is harm, a misfortune that will be difficult to overcome.

Falling into the coffin - brought in from good fame.

Falling during a flight is humiliation, which will be replaced by a significant rise.

Falling into a basement is a serious illness.

From the tower - disappointment in yourself.

Into the well - deep self-knowledge.

Falling repeatedly in a dream means a change in worries and hopes, strong excitement.

Feel great fear when falling and scream - everything will end well, the dream was caused by your anxiety.

Waking up when falling is a very significant event.

Interpretation of dreams from

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    See in dream closed sewer Luke Dream Luke dreamed what you fell into Luke in dream open Luke Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream Interpretations - Interpretation dreams free » Interpretation dreams starting with the letter L" I dreamed about it Luke what is this for, what does it mean in dream Luke.You see in dream open sewer Luke- the people you work with are either indifferent to you or don’t respect you - probably have reasons for this; whenever someone shows disrespect for you, you become irritated and even start to quarrel; It is possible that some of the powerful are entertained by this. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    See in dream closed sewer Luke- a sign that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. Dream speaks of respect for you from your colleagues. See open Luke- means that ridiculous disagreements with others await you. If you dreamed what you fell into Luke- portends great success and love. Close in dream open Luke- means that success awaits you in your professional field. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Luke– Seen in dream open Luke Luke- means that hard work awaits you for a piece of bread. Falling into it is a loss of honor due to rash actions or self-interest. If you dreamed about it closed Luke in dream you opened Luke Read completely

    Dream book "sonnik-online"

    Dream Luke dreamed about it Luke sewer Luke dreaming Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astrocentr"

    LUKE- Modern Dream Interpretation. You see in dream closed sewer Luke– the people you work with treat you with great respect and turn a blind eye to some of your mistakes. If you dreamed that you were pushed into Luke, then beware of the insidious plans of your enemies who seek to destroy you. It's like you got out of hatch– You will find yourself in an awkward situation, but you will be able to get out of it with honor. LUKE- Slavic Dream Book. Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "hit-plus"

    Open sewer Luke in the middle of the roadway, into which you fell through or were driven into by a car wheel - such dream if you dreamed about it closed Luke- then you will not be able to use the opportunity to get a divorce. If in dream you opened Luke which led into a dark hole - then you will be afraid of something unknown. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    When in dream you find yourself in sewer Luke, Means, worst enemy or the opponent will soon gain the upper hand. See in dream Very dirty waters, may mean that they are expecting soon unpleasant events, and if the water looks more like clean, then troubles will pass quickly and be resolved easily. In any case, you should not be upset, even if dreamed about it very bad dream. Sewerage in a dream can cause unpleasant feelings in a person. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    If you saw in dream closed sewer Luke- a symbol of the fact that other people’s opinions about you have already formed. In our online dream book You can find out not only what it means Luke in dream, but also look at the interpretations of others dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller’s dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning sleep « Luke".Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    For what dreaming Sewerage in dream according to the dream book? I dreamed about it sewerage- someone wants to disgrace you. Auntie tells me, take one and come here. I couldn’t pick it up, I just went. took a small bucket and began to clean out sewer hatch all the dirt, and there was a lot of dirt... that's what this can mean will dream? Answer. lightRead more

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    See in dream closed sewer Luke- a sign that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. Dream speaks of respect for you from your colleagues. If you dreamed what you fell into Luke- portends great success and love. Close in dream open Luke- means that success awaits you in your professional field. seen in dream open Luke- symbolizes danger on your way, simply Luke- means that hard work awaits you for a piece of bread. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    Descend into Luke - dream- warning, you are driving yourself into a trap. Closed sewer Luke in dream- to success in school or in the professional field. fall into Luke in dream- to great success or passionate love. Why Luke dreaming - modern dream book. See in dream open sewer Luke ahead of yourself - to danger, this is a warning. Read more

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Luke in dream See in dream closed sewer Luke Dream speaks of respect for you from your colleagues. See open Luke: means that ridiculous disagreements with others await you. If you dreamed what you fell into Luke: portends great success and love. Close in dream open Luke: means that success awaits you in your professional field. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.bun"

    Dream Interpretation Luke dreamed, interpretation of the word Luke and its meaning in dream, for what dreaming Luke, read absolutely free and find out the interpretation dreams!If you are pushed into Luke other: dream warns: beware of attacks from spiteful critics. Modern dream book Luke»›. See in dream closed sewer Luke: a sign that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. Read more

    Dream interpretation "tolkovanie-sna"

    Dreamed about it open sewer Luke- get ready for verbal “impurities” to pour out on you, which will compromise you in the eyes of other people. Particularly prophetic are dreams, dreamed on a moonlit night. They come true quickly, within a week. It's good to see this day in dream sky, stars, rainbow - this is good luck. Seeing yourself naked in dream- a sign of cleansing, liberation from illness. Dream, in which you fail somewhere - to failure. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    FOR WHAT DREAMING Luke IN DREAM, DREAM Luke DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA. Tightly sealed metal Luke, for example, on the tower of a monument tank, means that you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to gain freedom from family ties.Open sewer Luke dream predicts you an emergency situation in traffic, the victim of which you may become in reality. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Luke, dream Luke, dreamed Luke.Open sewer Luke Luke- to an unpleasant story. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "horo.mail"

    It would be very interesting to know the interpretation sleep about falling into sewer Luke) Has anyone else seen this? And here it is dreaming I feel like I’m flying down and seeing what’s underground here the whole city, people live, celebrate holidays, go to work... I dreamed falling out of bed, BUT... it was endlessly long, as if my bed was on the moon and I was flying from one planet to another. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "snovidenija"

    To you dreamed about it dream Luke? Find out the interpretation sleep Luke in the most popular dream books today: Miller's dream book, Vanga's dream book, Freud's dream book, Nostradamus' dream book, French dream book and other dream books. See in dream closed sewer Luke- a sign that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. Dream speaks of respect for you from your colleagues. See open Luke means that ridiculous disagreements with others await you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "tragos"

    However, if you dreamed about it bad dream or black and white, then you have to work hard and a lot to realize your goals, then you shouldn’t expect easy solutions in the near future.1. Luke- (Modern dream book) See in dream closed sewer Luke- a sign that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. Dream speaks of respect for you from your colleagues. Read more

    Dream book "bigdreambook"

    if you dreamed about it Luke, this means that some events will happen that will affect your image in the eyes of others. Buried sewer Luke dreaming to the fact that in the near future you are guaranteed respect from your colleagues, despite the fact that the metal Luke, for example, on the tower of a monument tank, means that you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to gain freedom from family ties. Open in dream Luke leading into some dark hole - in reality you will experience fear of the unknown. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "woman"

    See in dream closed sewer Luke- a sign that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. Dream speaks of respect for you from your colleagues. See open Luke means that ridiculous disagreements with others await you. If you dreamed what you fell into Luke, this portends great success and love. Close in dream open Luke means that success awaits you in your professional field. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "son-o"

    if you dreamed about it Luke, this means that some events will happen that will affect your image in the eyes of others. Buried sewer Luke dreaming to the fact that in the near future you are guaranteed respect from your colleagues, despite the fact that you work with the land in dream on this day, seeing yourself in a field is a sign of happiness and good luck. Eating food, especially eating bread, is a sign of wealth. See yourself in dream naked on this day - to loss, loneliness, departure of loved ones. Lightning and fire in dream- to poverty, blows, big troubles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "gorskop.at"

    Dream Interpretation, dream O hatch. Closing the lid in a dream hatch- means that success awaits you in your professional field. If you saw in dream that you failed in Luke- predicts major success. If you saw in dream closed sewer Luke- a symbol of the fact that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. Had a dream Luke in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    Open sewer Luke warns of danger on the road; fall into Luke- to an unpleasant story. For what dreaming Luke in dream, dream book Luke. We're glad you decided to look up the meaning. sleep O " Luke"in our dream book. Dream Luke and its meaning when dreamed Luke need to look into Luke dream book, and you don’t have to go far, all the information about dream in which you saw Luke is on this page. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "advice"

    Meaning sleep Luke in the modern dream book. if you dreamed about it Luke, this means that some events will happen that will affect your image in the eyes of others. Buried sewer Luke dreaming to the fact that in the near future you are guaranteed respect from your colleagues, despite the fact that small quarrels may arise between you. Luke. in dream. Describe your dream in the form below and we will interpret it for you for free. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Fall into the open Luke dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Fall into the open Luke?Open sewer Luke in the middle of the roadway, into which you fell through or were driven into by a car wheel - such dream predicts you an emergency situation in traffic, the victim of which you may become in reality. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Child fell into Luke dreamed, for what dreaming in dream The child fell into Luke?Come out of the labyrinth into the light, knocking out Luke, - expose the liar or bring him to clean water schemer, for a long time acting right under your nose, taking advantage of your lack of control. Open sewer Luke in the middle of the roadway, into which you fell through or were driven into by a car wheel - such dream predicts you an emergency situation in traffic, of which you may become a victim in reality.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen Luke

I had a dream about a hatch - Falling into it - loss of honor due to one’s rashness or selfish views; to fall and get out - to justify oneself from the shame suffered; to be pushed into it by others is an attack by malicious people.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about hatch in a dream?

Hatch – Seeing an open hatch in a dream symbolizes danger on your way, just a hatch means that hard work awaits you for a piece of bread. Falling into it means loss of honor due to rash actions or self-interest. Falling into a hatch and getting out of it means that you have a chance to justify your innocence in a shameful incident. If others pushed you into a hatch, the dream warns: beware of attacks from spiteful critics.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams / Olga Adaskina

What does Luke symbolize?

Any open hatch is a symbol of danger. Why do you dream about a hatch - If you fall into it, your honor will suffer; got out - you will be justified; pushed - to attacks from ill-wishers. Other misadventures can be easily avoided by taking action in advance.

Hatches in a dream (from the book by Olga Smurova)

If you saw that you were pushed into a hatch, then you need to be wary of the evil plans of your old enemies who want to destroy you.

If you yourself fall through the hatch, then shame and humiliation await you.

If in a dream you managed to get out of a hatch, then you will be able to find excuses for your bad actions.

See also: why do you dream about a hole, why do you dream about a lid, why do you dream about a pipe.

Seeing Luke, what does it mean (Astrological dream book)

If you dreamed of a hatch, then a hidden danger awaits you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Luke?

If you dreamed of a closed hatch, then you will not be able to use the opportunity to get a divorce.

You opened a hatch that led into a dark hole - then you will be afraid of something unknown.

You got out into the light by knocking out the hatch - then you will expose the deceiver or swindler.

What does it mean to see Luke

Seeing a hatch - If you dreamed of a hatch, it means that some events will happen that will affect your image in the eyes of others. Buried sewer hatch dreams that in the near future you are guaranteed respect from your colleagues, despite the fact that small quarrels may arise between you. If you dreamed of an open sewer hatch - get ready for verbal “sewage” to be poured out on you, which will compromise you in the eyes of other people. Any other closed hatch symbolizes absurd quarrels with people with whom you have common affairs. If you closed the manhole cover in a dream, success awaits you in your professional field. If you dream that you have fallen into some kind of hatch, then you can count on serious achievements.

See Luke, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Hatch - If you dream that you were pushed into a hatch, then beware of the insidious plans of your enemies who are trying to destroy you. Falling into a hatch yourself in a dream is a harbinger of shame and humiliation. If you manage to get out of it, then in life you will be able to find excuses for your bad actions.

Slavic dream book

Why do you dream about hatch in a dream?

Luke - to secret danger. Neptune.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Luke

Hatch - You saw a closed sewer hatch in a dream - the people you work with treat you with great respect; They turn a blind eye to some of your mistakes.

According to the dream book, seeing an open sewer manhole means that the people you work with are either indifferent to you or do not respect you - they probably have reasons for this.

Whenever someone disrespects you, you become irritated and even start quarreling; It is possible that some of the powerful are entertained by this.

It’s as if you fell into a hatch - the dream suggests that you are a selfish person; because of self-interest, you sometimes forget about honor; at times, self-interest and its sister, greed, blind you, and then you think too narrowly, then you become completely selfish, you run straight along the narrowly possessive path and very much resemble a blinkered horse; If you don’t feel sorry for yourself, feel sorry for your loved ones. It’s as if you climbed out of a hatch - you will find yourself in an awkward situation, but you will be able to get out of it with honor.

  • An open sewer manhole on the road warns of danger; falling down a hatch means an unpleasant story.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Open sewer manhole on the road- warns of danger; fall down the hatch- to an unpleasant story.

Psychotherapeutic dream book

  • Luke. To fall into it is a loss of honor due to one’s rashness or selfish views; to fall and get out - to justify oneself from the shame suffered; to be pushed into it by others is an attack by malicious people.

Modern combined dream book

  • Seeing a closed sewer manhole in a dream- a sign that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. The dream speaks of respect for you from your colleagues.
  • See an open hatch- means that ridiculous disagreements with others await you.
  • If you dreamed that you fell into a manhole- portends great success and love.
  • Closing an open hatch in a dream- means that success awaits you in your professional field.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • A tightly battened metal hatch, for example, on the turret of a monument tank- means that you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to gain freedom from family ties.
  • In a dream, open a hatch leading into some dark hole- in reality you will experience fear of the unknown.
  • Get out of the labyrinth into the light by knocking out the hatch- expose a liar or expose a schemer who has been operating under your very nose for a long time, taking advantage of the lack of control.
  • An open sewer manhole in the middle of the roadway, into which you have fallen through or been driven into by a car wheel - such a dream predicts an emergency situation in traffic, of which you may become a victim in reality.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

  • Fall down the hatch- loss of honor due to one’s rashness or selfish motives; fall and get out- to justify oneself from the shame suffered; to be pushed into it by others- malicious attacks.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • An open hatch seen in a dream- symbolizes danger on your way, just a hatch- means that hard work awaits you for a piece of bread.
  • Fall into it- loss of honor due to rash actions or self-interest.
  • Fall into a hatch and get out of it- means that you have a chance to justify your innocence in the shameful incident.
  • If you were pushed down a hatch by others- the dream warns: beware of attacks from spiteful critics.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A tightly battened metal hatch, for example, on the turret of a monument tank, means that you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to gain freedom from family ties.

Opening a hatch leading into some dark hole in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear of the unknown.

To get out of the labyrinth into the light by knocking out the hatch - expose a liar or bring to light a schemer who has been operating under your very nose for a long time, taking advantage of the lack of control.

An open sewer manhole in the middle of the roadway, into which you have fallen through or been driven into by a car wheel - such a dream predicts an emergency situation in traffic, of which you may become a victim in reality.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Modern dream book

Seeing a closed sewer hatch in a dream is a sign that other people’s opinions about you have already been formed. The dream speaks of respect for you from your colleagues.

Seeing an open hatch means that ridiculous disagreements with others await you.

If you dreamed that you fell into a manhole, it portends great success and love.

Closing an open hatch in a dream means that success awaits you in your professional field.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Eastern dream book

An open sewer manhole on the road warns of danger; falling down a hatch means an unpleasant story.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Hatch - You see a closed sewer hatch in a dream - the people you work with treat you with great respect; They turn a blind eye to some of your mistakes.

You see an open sewer manhole in a dream - the people with whom you work are either indifferent to you or do not respect you - they probably have reasons for this.

Whenever someone disrespects you, you become irritated and even start quarreling; It is possible that some of the powerful are entertained by this.

It’s as if you fell into a manhole - the dream suggests that you are a selfish person; because of self-interest, you sometimes forget about honor; at times, self-interest and its sister, greed, blind you, and then you think too narrowly, then you become completely selfish, you run straight along the narrowly proprietary path and are very reminiscent of a blinkered horse; If you don’t feel sorry for yourself, feel sorry for your loved ones. It’s as if you climbed out of a hatch - you will find yourself in an awkward situation, but you will be able to get out of it with honor.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Any open hatch is a symbol of danger. Why do you dream about a hatch - If you fall into it, your honor will suffer; got out - you will be justified; pushed - to attacks from ill-wishers. Other misadventures can be easily avoided by taking action in advance.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

If you saw in a dream that you were pushed into a hatch, then you need to be wary of the evil plans of your old enemies who want to destroy you.

If in a dream you yourself fell into a hatch, then shame and humiliation await you.

If in a dream you managed to get out of the hatch, then you will be able to find excuses for your bad actions.

See also: why do you dream about a hole, why do you dream about a lid, why do you dream about a pipe.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dreamed of a closed hatch, then you will not be able to use the opportunity to get a divorce.

If in a dream you opened a hatch that led into a dark hole, then you will be afraid of something unknown.

If in a dream you got out into the light by knocking out a hatch, then you will expose a deceiver or swindler.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Astrological dream book

If you dreamed of a hatch, then a hidden danger awaits you.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Christian dream book

Seeing a hatch in a dream - If you dreamed of a hatch, it means that some events will happen that will affect your image in the eyes of others. Dreaming of a buried sewer manhole means that in the near future you are guaranteed respect from your colleagues, despite the fact that small quarrels may arise between you. If you dreamed of an open sewer hatch - get ready for verbal “sewage” to be poured out on you, which will compromise you in the eyes of other people. Any other closed hatch symbolizes absurd quarrels with people with whom you have common affairs. If you closed the manhole cover in a dream, it means that success awaits you in your professional field. If you dream that you have fallen into some kind of hatch, then you can count on serious achievements.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Intelligent dream book

To see a dream about Luke - to fall into it is a loss of honor due to one’s rashness or selfish views; to fall and get out - to justify oneself from the shame suffered; to be pushed into it by others is a malicious attack, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Home dream book

Hatch - If you dream that you were pushed into a hatch, then beware of the insidious plans of your enemies who are trying to destroy you. Falling down a hatch yourself in a dream is a harbinger of shame and humiliation. If you manage to get out of it in a dream, then in life you will be able to find excuses for your bad actions.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Luke. To fall into it is a loss of honor due to one’s rashness or selfish views; to fall and get out - to justify oneself from the shame suffered; to be pushed into it by others is an attack by malicious people.

Why do you dream about a hatch?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Falling down a hatch is a loss of honor due to one’s rashness or selfish views; to fall and get out - to justify oneself from the shame suffered; to be pushed into it by others is an attack by malicious people.

Why do you dream about a hatch?