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Angel metatron in Christianity. Archangel Metatron is the most mysterious character in the Old Testament, who almost eclipsed the glory of the Lord

One of the most mysterious characters in the Old Testament is an angel named Metatron. It is not mentioned in the classical Bible, but, as you know, the Old Testament is based on the text of the Torah, the main book of Judaism. And Torah scholars and Kabbalists revere Metatron as the first among the archangels. Researchers believe that the name has Greek roots. "Metatronios" means "standing near God's throne (throne)." This emphasizes the high status of the archangel and his closeness to the Lord. Some theologians believe that this is not a proper name, but a position in the heavenly hierarchy.

In this article

Who is Metatron

Typically, in Hebrew mythology, Metatron is present as a nameless angel. Some believe that through him the Lord commanded Moses to lead the expedition to the Promised Land. During the wanderings of the Israeli people in the desert, he appeared in the form of a pillar of fire. It is also believed that the angel Metatron stopped the patriarch Abraham when he was ready to sacrifice his son.

According to Kabbalistic texts, Metatron is represented in two forms: light and dark. His bright appearance is associated with the angel Michael, whose task is to inspire people to search for truth. The dark part of Metatron is represented by the fallen angel Samael, who embodies human vices and base passions.

This archangel is also called the Prince of the Face. The title emphasizes Metatron's exceptional position in the host of angels and his honorable right to see the Face of God.

In the text, “The Revelation of Abraham” reveals to the patriarch his true name - Jehoel. Simply put, this means little Yahweh (or Jehovah - this is what the Lord is called in Judaism). The name Jehoel thus directly indicates that Metatron fulfills the duties of God's deputy and his chief assistant. Nothing happens without his knowledge. He is privy to God's plans and knows all his thoughts.

Metatron and the Tree of Life

The image of Metatron is inextricably linked with the Tree of Life, which grows in the middle of paradise. Its fruits make it possible to live forever. In Kabbalah, the Tree of Life is a diagram illustrating the structure of the universe.

Metatron in this scheme occupies a position between the world of people and the kingdom of angels. Metatron combines the best divine and human qualities. Thus, he serves as a mediator between humanity and the Creator.

In addition, in the parables of Solomon, the Tree of Life refers to the wisdom that the Lord gives to man: “It is a tree of life for those who acquire it.” And wisdom comes to people precisely through Metatron.

Metatron's tasks include maintaining a balance between light and darkness in the human world. Since they have freedom of choice, Metatron's energy is constantly changing. The righteous feed the Tree of Life with their actions, while sinners take away its power with unseemly deeds.

Metatron and people

The Archangel plays the role of a mediator between God and the world of people. He ensures justice and mercy on Earth. Through him, as a rule, the Creator conveys his will to the prophets. Metatron serves as a spokesman for the Lord's plans. During periods when people forget God’s commandments and begin to sin and commit lawlessness en masse, Metatron appears on Earth to admonish those who have gone astray. And those who persist in their errors are subjected to severe punishment by the angel.

In the earthly hierarchy, Metatron stands above all kings, rulers and priests. He has the power to wipe out an entire state from the earth in an instant. At the Heavenly Court, Metatron plays a leading role. It is he who determines the degree of sinfulness of a person, but at the same time takes into account the good deeds committed on Earth.

Archangel Metatron helped Moses lead the people of Israel through the desert. He also conveyed the wise teachings of Kabbalah. Some theologians believe that Metatron himself came to Earth in the form of Jesus Christ.

Metatron in the third Book of Enoch

The third book of Enoch, which belongs to the category of apocrypha, tells the story of a Jewish righteous man named Enoch, who lived long before the Flood. On Earth at that time, the forces of darkness prevailed. People indulged in sin, displeasing the Lord.

Enoch alone did not participate in the general madness and was faithful to God. For this he was honored with ascension to Heaven during his lifetime. The angel Anaphiel brought Enoch to God in a chariot of fire. However, Enoch's arrival at God's throne caused murmurs among the angels. They could not understand for what merits an ordinary person was admitted into the eyes of the Lord. And then God endowed Enoch with divine qualities, turning the righteous man into the archangel Metatron. The newly minted assistant even received a throne similar to the throne of the Lord.

Enoch was endowed with many qualities that made him first among the archangels: divine wisdom, mercy, meekness, omniscience, love and other attributes of God. All the secrets of the universe were revealed to Enoch, so that from now on he had the power of the Creator himself and even received the right to judge the angels.

The apocrypha, however, speaks of an unpleasant incident that occurred in the palace of God later. This incident explains why the name Metatron disappeared from the canonical writings. So, the righteous Acher, who went to heaven, saw two thrones, interpreted this as dual power. This opinion aroused the wrath of the Lord, which led to the expulsion of Acher. And Enoch, who fell under the hot hand, received 60 fiery lashes.

Metatron in the Book of Zohar

Among the ancient sources where Metatron is mentioned is the book "Zohar" (also "Zohar" or "Zohar"). This source states that the moment Adam ate the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, he lost his divine nature. However, the spark of God that Adam lost did not disappear without a trace. Subsequently, this element of the Creator entered into the righteous Enoch. But the laws of the universe do not allow an ordinary mortal to carry divine perfection within himself. Therefore, the Lord took Enoch alive to Heaven and turned him into an angel, who became Metatron.

Metatron's Cube and its meaning

Kabbalah has a section devoted to sacred geometry. This occult teaching explores figures and symbols in various cultural and spiritual traditions. Secret science also considers dimensions, and this concept includes not only length, width and height, but also the location of galaxies on the scale of the Universe and the structure of spiritual space, which is multidimensional. Kabbalists consider Metatron the creator of sacred geometry and see him as the patron of astronomy and astrology.

Metatron's Cube is one of the key figures in sacred geometry. Hidden in this symbol are the basic forms created by God. All other forms that exist in the Universe are derived from Metatron's Cube. Thus, the basic elements of the Cube serve as the building material for the entire universe, including the Solar System.

It is recommended to begin your acquaintance with sacred geometry by studying Metatron's Cube. This sacred figure serves as an object of close contemplation, which allows consciousness to penetrate into the deep essence of things. In addition, this practice teaches you to put your ideas into shape.

Metatron's Cube serves as a powerful protective amulet. A talisman with the image of a sacred symbol protects the owner from attacks by hostile forces and negative human emotions. Also, the owner of the talisman acquires, over time, capabilities associated with extrasensory perception.

The essence of the project “32 impulses from Metatron”

There is a group of people who have set themselves the goal of creating a new reality on the planet that will provide all inhabitants of the Earth with conditions of grace and spiritual prosperity. Initially, the project was called “33 impulses from Metatron,” then the number was changed to 32.

Participants dedicated their lives to self-improvement and dissemination of knowledge. These people are distinguished by their boundless faith in the Lord. They see Metatron as a spiritual mentor and turn to him for support.

The project is carried out through a special website where useful materials necessary for spiritual growth are collected. From time to time, the organization “32 impulses from Metatron” organizes webinars and on-site sessions. Beginners are offered special holograms that cleanse the space around a person, increasing the frequency of his vibrations. There is also a liberation of consciousness from negative programs.

At collective services, participants connect to the energy field of the Creator and form new programs, laying the foundation for a wonderful future.

In Russia, each project participant makes a monthly contribution in the amount of 333 rubles. The funds are spent on operating the online resource, conducting seminars and webinars, as well as on printed materials.

In what cases do they pray to the archangel?

People turn to the Supreme Archangel in case of serious illness of a child, since Metatron is considered the patron saint of children. Particular affection is shown for young talents inclined to science and spiritual development.

After reading the prayer, you will certainly receive help that will come from the heavenly spheres. Perhaps you will see in a dream a way to rid your child of an illness. Perhaps fate will send you a meeting with a talented healer. It is possible that even official medicine will provide a miracle cure. The angel will find a way to restore the child's health.

This prayer is most effective for attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. However, it is useful for any child health problems. Here is the text of the appeal:

Archangel Metatron, I ask for your loving intervention to help (name of child) who is diagnosed with (name of diagnosis). Please help us know God's Will for this child and tell us adults what is best for him. Please help us stay strong among so many experts and do what we think is right. Please help us, all concerned adults, make decisions on this child's behalf and have peaceful discussions despite differing opinions. Metatron, please protect this child from the slightest harm, now and in the future. Thank you.

Archangel Metatron deeply sympathizes with sick children and happily helps them. He willingly helps children and adolescents solve not only medical, but also psychological problems. In particular, it promotes spiritual development and more effective learning, helps overcome laziness and has a positive attitude towards the world.

Parents whose children have passed away at an early age also turn to the archangel with prayer. They can ask Metatron to take care of the children's souls. After all, it is this angel who accompanies the souls of dead children to the afterlife and helps them settle into the Kingdom of Heaven.

People seeking spiritual evolution they turn to Metatron so that he will guide them on the true path and tune their minds to the knowledge of God. The Archangel will help you overcome doubts and find true faith. Any appeal related to religion will be heard, and you will receive the answers you need.

The Archangel helps to find health not only for children, but also for adults. He will also avert trouble and drive away misfortune. The only condition is that you cannot ask for help for yourself. And if you yourself need Metatron’s support, let your close friend or relative turn to the angel by reading the following prayer:

Archangel Metatron, I pray you help (name), help him get rid of (name the disease). Save him from everything bad, from all diseases and troubles. Thank you, Lord and Archangel Metatron.


Although Archangel Metatron is known to a very narrow circle of Kabbalah experts, he plays an extremely important role in the universe. Second in power after the Creator, this angel controls the Heavenly army and is a mediator between God and people. A sincere believer can always turn to this angel with prayer, and help will certainly be provided.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

One of the "heavenly intermediaries". The term "Metatron" includes the meanings of guardian, master, messenger, mediator; he is the cause of theophany in the sensory world. Metatron is endowed not only with the appearance of Mercy, but also with the appearance of Justice; he is not only the “Great Priest” (Kohen ha-gadol), but also the “Grand Prince” (Sar ha-gadol), and the “leader of the heavenly armies,” that is, he personifies both the principle of royal power and the basis of the priestly or pontifical power, which corresponds to his function of “mediator”. Two types The dark type personifies the “spirit of this world” in a lower sense [clarify] .

Metatron lives in seventh heaven and is the tallest angel, with the possible exception of Anaphiel. The Zohar describes its size as “equal in breadth to the whole world.” This is how the size of Adam was described in rabbinical literature before his fall.

Metatron is the first, and he is also the last, of the ten archangels of the Briatic world. If we talk about seniority, then Metatron is the youngest angel in the heavenly kingdom. Various roles were attributed to him: king of angels, prince of the divine face or presence, heavenly chancellor, angel of the Covenant, chief among the ministering angels. Metatron - identified with Jehovah (Yahweh-Jakh)

Metatron is the highest in the host of angels and in the world of ethereal heavenly forces; he has no equal and stands directly before the throne of the Creator. The light emanating from him surpasses the light of all other heavenly beings, and without his permission not a single angel does anything. A part of the radiance from the Heavenly Throne passed to him, and he knows all the secret decisions of the Father Who is in Heaven (cf. Yalkut, 44).

According to the Third (Jewish) Book of Enoch, Metatron is the patriarch Enoch, taken to heaven, a “young” Angel, later than others to appear next to God, but already the Head of the Angels (The Third Book of Enoch, Chapter 40 \ another name for this book: “The Book of Enoch , recorded by Rabbi Ishmael, the High Priest" \, Enoch is further discussed in this book in chapter 12). (See: "Books of Enoch. Secrets of earth and heaven." EKSMO. Moscow. 2003, p. 35, etc.)


The most widely accepted interpretation is that "Metatron" ( μεταθρονιος , metatronios) - “standing next to the Throne [of God]”, or “occupying a throne next to the Throne of God.” The throne is actually mentioned in the later third, the book of Enoch, but there is not the slightest hint that its author saw any connection between the name of the archon and his throne. This etymological interpretation is doubtful, since the Greek language does not have the word metatronios, and it is highly unlikely that this Greek expression was formed or coined by Jews.

In Talmudic literature the word "thronos" (Greek. θρόνος ) is never used in place of its Hebrew equivalent. On the contrary, the doubling of "t" and the ending "-ron" are found in many mystical names in these texts. It is likely that “-on” and “-ron” could be stable and typical components of secret names, and not semantic syllables. It is possible that the term "Metatron" was chosen for purely symbolic use and represents one of the many secret names that abound in the Hekhalot texts. The word, originally, apparently, served as one of the synonyms for the name Yahoel as vox mystica, eventually replaced it completely.

Metatron in culture

  • Metatron (as the "Voice of God") was played by Alan Rickman in the film "Dogma"
  • Metatron - angel, lord regent of the heavenly kingdom in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy
  • Metatron is the title of a song by American rock band The Mars Volta from the album The Bedlam In Goliath (2008)
  • The Seal of Metatron or Metraton is mentioned in the horror game Silent Hill 3, as well as in the horror film SIlent Hill 2 (2012)
  • Metatron is an angel, the most powerful sephiroth of the Kabbalah of light in Seishi Kishimoto's manga 666 Satan
  • Metatron is present as one of the key characters and elements of the universe (while retaining most of his religious characteristics) in Kaori Yuki's manga "Residence of Angels"
  • Metatron is one of the archangels in the manga Madoka Takadono And Utako Yukihiro“Prince of the Underworld: Demons and Realist”, in the past - Enoch, who started the Apocalypse.
  • Metatron is one of the spirits of the X-Judges in the anime Shaman King
  • Metatron is one of the characters in the novel

Each celestial entity is responsible for a specific sector of human activity. The most important archangel close to the Creator is Metatron. Every prayer to him will be heard and his help will not be long in coming.

Metatron's Story

Lord Metatron is mentioned only in the Jewish scriptures, but there is a version that he is also mentioned in the Bible. It was he who was the “finger of God” and told about the destiny of the Israeli people. This angel is considered the main one among all heavenly entities, a direct mediator between people and the Creator. His responsibility is fair treatment, mercy, power. Kings and clergy, priests and judges obey him.

Wikipedia says Metatron's name translates to "standing at the throne of God" or "seating a throne near the throne of God." Usually the servants of the Creator have names ending in “el” or “il”; therefore, the name of the angel of wisdom and justice is non-standard. Metatron has two sides - dark and light. The dark side shows human sinfulness, inability to resist temptations, dark thoughts and deeds.

In the Old Testament, Metatron is divided into two angels. The angel responsible for the bright side of human nature is called Michael, and the representative of the dark side and human vices is Samael. Samael is in charge of everything that can destroy a person:

  • destructive thoughts,
  • violation of commandments,
  • bad habits
  • immoral acts.

Metatron has other names. So in the revelation text “Apocalypse”, the archangel calls himself Yahoel, in the book of Kabbalah he is called “little Yahweh” and is described as the ruler of all heavenly entities. The Creator's assistant and guide is the youngest and tallest.

All angels and archangels are responsible to the young assistant of the Creator, carry out the instructions that he receives directly from God. Metatron is also present in the face of Jesus, in churches and temples. Supernatural things that happen to believers are the work of the archangel.

Cosmopolitan Enoch mentions that the Creator affectionately calls Metatron his youth. One of the books claims that Enoch himself ascended to heaven and took a new name - Metatron. Before he began his duties, Enoch experienced the displeasure of the heavenly beings. The angels did not accept that a person would rule them. Despite his righteousness and holy life on earth, Enoch was still a man - this caused discontent. God did not allow rebellion or other conflict, he turned man into a perfect entity and put the world of people at his disposal. The Creator gave him a throne similar to his own.

The angel Metatron is not mentioned in Christian biblical writings in the same capacity in which he is described by Jews and Kabbalists. However, Enoch shed light on this situation.

A sage named Acher found himself in heaven and discovered two thrones there. Deciding that there was dual power in heaven, Acher doubted the sole power of God. Having learned about this, the angry Creator expelled the sage, and ordered Metatron to be flogged with a fiery whip because he, with his glory, plunged man into doubting the sole authority of God.

According to Enoch, this is why any mention of the main archangel was deleted from the Christian holy books. Despite the fact that the mention of the Supreme Angel was erased from all scriptures, he did not lose his glory and power. He knows every thought of the Creator. The Creator forgave him and ordered from now on to ensure that strangers do not approach the thrones. He is still in charge of the entire heavenly kingdom and the earthly world of people. His light is brighter than other celestial beings, he knows everything that happens on earth and in heaven. He is the heavenly judge who decides whether a person will go to Hell or Heaven. His final decision is to call it the Seal of Metatron.

What is Metatron's Cube

Sacred geometry specializes in the study of the secret meanings of geometric shapes and symbols. Research also concerns the dimensions of plane and space. The location of the stars, astrological horoscopes, the influence of planets on the character and destiny of a person - all this relates to sacred geometry.

Archangel Metatron is closely associated with measures, since his duties include determining the severity of a person’s sin, weighing all good and evil deeds and assigning a measure of punishment. According to legend, it was he who discovered the measurement system for humanity.

The patterns on mosques are also the work of the main archangel, who revealed to people a three-dimensional symbol that became the basis of all figures known to mankind. Many argue about what Metatron's cube is, but they agree on one opinion - it is a cube that includes blocks from which everything that can be seen or felt is built.

A cube can be three-dimensional or two-dimensional. Made in the form of a talisman, it can protect a person from magical influences, and also help in the development of clairvoyance and magic.

Project “32 impulses from Metatron”

Previously, this project was called “33 Pulses from Metatron,” but it was revised and renamed “32 Pulses from Metatron.” This project involves deeply religious people and those who have just decided to devote themselves to spiritual quest. The essence of the project is the creation of a new world, spiritual growth, expansion of consciousness and perception of the earthly world and the subtle plane. Participants gather at events and go to holy places to serve. A person who is unable to attend seminars with the group can participate in them online.

Photos of matrix codes are used as educational materials, which change space and allow a person to control his reality. The goal of the project is to receive divine energy through the Archangel Metatron, his grace, as well as to spread the teachings throughout the world.

Miracle prayers to Metatron

Prayers to Archangel Metatron have miraculous power. They are able to heal, fill with energy, and suggest the right path. True, there is one rule: prayers cannot be read for yourself. If a person needs help, he is not allowed to ask for it on his own. In this case, you should ask a loved one to contact the archangel and ask him.

Quick fulfillment of what you want will happen in relation to children. Metatron loves children and teenagers very much and protects them. All prayers related to children's health or teenage personality development will be heard first and immediately fulfilled. For greater inner confidence, you can draw the golden ratio on a piece of paper and keep it with you.

If a child is sick and treatment methods do not produce results or doctors cannot establish the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to say the following words over the sick child:

A heard prayer will not remain unanswered and soon the angels will bring the answer to the asking parents. It can be given in any form, so you need to listen carefully to people and signs. In most cases, a diagnosis is established and treatment options are found, but there may be other options. Of their many, the message may come in the form of contacts of another doctor who will be more competent in matters of the current illness. There have been cases where unexpected circumstances forced parents to move to another city or country; they had to get used to different conditions. A short time after moving, when they registered their child at a medical institution, it turned out that it was the specialist who worked there and who promptly began treatment.

If an adult needs help, he can ask a loved one to read the following prayer:

You can also ask for help for a teenager: to avoid bad company or get out of it, to direct the child on the right path, to eliminate complexes and to give confidence. Help in studies and scientific activities, develop spirituality. The Archangel can help in choosing a profession if the child cannot make a choice, and also ease the torment of unrequited love.

Women can ask for health and rejuvenation, and men can ask for healing and strength of character. They turn to the bishop in the event of upcoming legal proceedings, asking him for a successful outcome of the case in favor of the applicant. Being an angel of kingdom and power, his protection also extends to people in leadership positions. All requests must come from the heart. Before asking another person to pray for a suffering person, you need to make sure that he really wants it and that his words will be sincere and his thoughts pure. Usually relatives are asked for prayer, because close people wish us happiness and health more than others.

Angel Metatron is omnipotent and merciful. The stronger a person's faith, the more mercy he receives from the Supreme Archangel. The more righteous the life, the more energy and protection one can receive. The heavenly ruler not only feels a person, but knows his every thought, every intention, so a prayer not from faith, but for his own benefit, will be ignored.

Metatron is one of two archangels whose names do not end with the suffix -il (-el), which means "God". The mystical Jewish book Zohar describes Metatron as “the highest of the archangels, more revered than any other messenger of God.” It says that Metatron controls all living beings below and above and is a mediator between Heaven and Earth.

As his name suggests, Metatron is a special archangel. His name, unlike the others, does not end in "il". He does not stand on the same level as other archangels. He is called the King of Angels. His vibrational level is the highest, and on the hierarchical ladder he is closest to the source. He guards the threshold that separates form and formlessness. On the bridge between the earthly and the divine, Metatron, in contrast to Uriel standing on the material side, is located at the spiritual base of the bridge.

His energy is measured and cleansing. This is pure and all-encompassing love. Its colors are white, pearl-pearl, and golden.

Metatron helps: all-encompassing love, perfection, consciousness, tranquility, opening the gates of consciousness, connection with the divine principle within oneself.

Metatron is associated with the Merkabah, which is described in the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel as the chariot of God. The chariot itself is created from angels, and the Seraphim set it in motion using flashes of their light. In the Book of Enoch, Metatron is given control of the Merkabah. It also says that the Kabbalistic Tree of Life represents the chariot of the spiritual path - the Merkabah. Metatron presides over the first Sephira of the Tree of Life.

Today, Metatron and Merkabah are an important part of the Flower of Life teachings - in particular, "sacred geometry". “Metatron's Cube” is considered as one of the stages in the development of the Flower of Life. And he is the source of all five Platonic solids. You can summon Metatron and his healing cube to cleanse yourself. The colors of his aura are deep pink and dark green.

As the scribe of God, Metatron with his sacred geometry is the teacher of esoteric knowledge. If you want to realize higher truths, Archangel Metatron and Archangel Raziel are excellent teachers to turn to.

Archangel Metatron understands well the matter of the physical Universe, which is created, in essence, from atoms and the energy of thought. It can help you work with the energies of the Universe for healing, learning, and even changing the course of time.

Archangel Metatron teaches esoteric wisdom to both adults and children. He seems to be particularly interested in highly sensitive young people who are misunderstood and sometimes even treated because their psychic abilities make them difficult to fit into society. If your child has difficulty communicating with peers, Metatron can help.

Metatron has strong and highly directed energy, similar to a laser beam. This archangel helps to cope with procrastination and take confident steps forward. He is an excellent philosopher, helping to understand the motives of actions - his own and those around him, the reasons for the occurrence of certain situations.

Metatron helps:

  • Suffering from absent-minded attention syndrome or hyperactivity and absent-mindedness syndrome.
  • In solving children's issues.
  • In problems of obtaining, storing and organizing information.
  • In spiritual formation.
  • In writing.

Metatron is the beginning and the end, alpha and omega, the birth of light from the divine void, from unity. As the guardian of the threshold, Metatron translates ideas into forms. Behind him is a void that gives birth to countless possibilities. In this space, any light dissolves and disappears, since in the void there is nothing capable of reflecting it. This is why when we are immersed in the energy of Metatron, we are enveloped in a velvety darkness. And sometimes a shining light appears, the light of unity. Metatron, like a prism that splits light into different colors, divides the energy of unity into different parts.

His power is the power of love, which creates everything and lives in everything, the power of God. This love gives form, but does not create matter. At this level the vibrations are too subtle to create material things.

Metatron's action can be compared to the work of our mind. Thoughts, pictures, ideas suddenly arise out of “nothing”. Then the angels and archangels give these thoughts and ideas form and only then turn them into something concrete. Eventually they materialize, which was the main goal.

Metatron takes part in the entire process of creation. He participates in the creation of the Universe, planetary systems, social structures, progress, as well as the spiritual world, archangels, angels and other spiritual entities. It helps souls to be “born”, to leave “unity”, and then to become individuals - just as a particle of the ocean, separating from it, becomes a drop.

Together with Melchizedek, he embodies impulses into matter. Metatron deals with the intellectual and spiritual aspects, and Melchizedek stands at the top of the materialization ray. Metatron also gives us the opportunity to return to unity, to “nothingness”. When the time comes, he dissolves the forms and lets them back into the void. The drop merges with the ocean again.

Metatron is the angel of development and change. It accompanies any development, any change in vibration, and in our time it especially contributes to an increase in the intensity of vibrations.

Metatron opens the doors of human consciousness and the human dimension.

It brings revelation, clarification, inspiration. He opens our eyes to important things. With the help of its energy we can again come into contact with unity. He shows us that human beings, while still in the body, can merge with God or with divine power. Metatron is one of the main guides on the path of initiation into the mysteries of existence. He helps us see the obstacles along the way. We realize who we really are, how we can live better and how to break down obstacles.

With Metatron, we can see different paths and possibilities, and the consequences of choosing each one. We understand that life offers us every day the opportunity to enter the path of initiation.

Metatron connects us to the power of love and opens our hearts. Its power brings peace, satisfaction, blessing, unity, an all-encompassing and unencumbered existence. Its power strengthens consciousness and increases vibrations. Metatron meets people on their path and guides them to higher realms.

When working with its energy, you should stand firmly on your feet, otherwise you can easily lose touch with the earth and the body.

Special protection can be found in Metatron's energy. Unlike the protection of light or the veil of power (such is the protection of Michael), Metatron envelops us with love. His love does not protect us from “evil,” but it can transform and change it. Love is that which can create forms and destroy them.

The shell of love neutralizes duality: good and evil no longer have any influence. Metatron makes us realize that good and evil are just two facets of one energy, united by a single goal: to return us to the source. When we are in love, we easily forgive the evil done to us by our loved one, and as a result it dissolves. Love destroys fear, which damages the aura and distances us from the light of the source. Under the cover of love, good and evil do not exist. There is only love.

This protection is effective only for those who have learned the truth: good and evil are different poles on the field of duality, and outside duality this separation does not exist. The veil of love will protect only those who were able to recognize and accept the evil in themselves and in the world around them, that is, those who do not need protection from evil. When we understand that there is a dark side within us that must be accepted and loved, our vibration level will become high enough to connect with the power of Metatron.

The power of Michael is more suitable for protection from evil. It stabilizes the aura and gives us protection like armor or a shield. But to know duality and unity, good and evil, to gain love, one should use the power of Metatron.

When contacting Metatron's energy, many experience "separation from the body." This is why it is especially important to “tether yourself to the earth” through grounding. Metatron's energy can only be activated in a state of calm or during meditation, but in no case should it be activated while driving a car or other activities that require attention.

Some people are overwhelmed by Metatron's energy: they become nervous because the vibration level is too high for their state at the moment. With the help of Metatron's energy, people find themselves in a space outside of everyday life, they plunge into peace, silence and silence.

  • when you feel distanced from God, from unity;
  • in meditation;
  • to connect with existence and with the basis of our essence;
  • to contact the love of the heart and all-encompassing love;
  • to realize possibilities and paths;
  • for clarity;
  • for people with a limited worldview, for those who do not see the opportunities provided by life, who do not see the miracle in every new day, for materialists, for people cut off from society;
  • to combat depression;
  • to support the dying;
  • Do not use it when you need to be mobile, active, or before a performance. Metatron's energy lifts us above everyday life.

The Supreme Archangel Metatron has dozens of names and titles: Angel of the Face, Angel of the Name of God, Heavenly Mediator, Scribe of God, Chosen One, Savior of the World, Prince of This World, Pointing Finger of God, Guardian of the Universe... And everyone can discover for themselves that facet of his personality that resonates with him here and now, without detracting from the integrity of the image. To many, his name is better known from the sacred geometric model of Metatron’s Cube - the basis of the structure of the World. Metatron - history and images, titles, functions and Mission.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Archangel Metatron. The First and the Last (Maxim Modlinsky) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Archangel METATRON

He will be a rod for the righteous and saints, so that they will lean on Him and not fall;

and He will be the light of the nations and the hope of those who are sad in their hearts.

Book of Enoch (48:22). Translation by A. V. Smirnov

Metatron (Hebrew Metatron, Greek μεταθρονιος, metà thrónos, metatronios) – “standing near the Throne [of God]” or “occupying the throne next to the Throne of God”; in Jewish mythology - “altar angel”, standing before the throne, the highest angel, closest to the Creator, Servant of God, Scribe of God, Knower of secrets, Heavenly mediator, Prince of Peace, having many other titles and 70 names. Metatron receives instructions directly from God, which he carries out himself or with the help of other angels and archangels below him. Metatron acts on behalf of God, having unlimited powers and capabilities. Metatron is next to the Creator at His Throne of Glory and occupies the position of the highest of all His creations, entrusted with the rule of the earthly and heavenly world in all its manifestations, as well as the recording, evaluation and judging of all the thoughts and deeds of people. All the secrets and laws of the universe, all the thoughts in human hearts are revealed to Metatron, and he passes on this knowledge about the world structure to the children and people of the earth. The most famous example is the transmission of the Law to Moses. This is also evidenced by such titles of Metatron as the Angel of the Covenant and the Lord of the Torah. Metatron is also named the main Guardian of life and all the treasures of the heavenly palaces.

Metatron provides connection between people and the Higher Worlds, which is why he is called the Heavenly Mediator or the Divine Mediator between God and creation. Metatron is one of the main Heavenly mediators, along with many others, such as Adam, Noah, Moses, Archangel Michael, Melchizedek, Jesus Christ, etc. Metatron can safely be called the main Heavenly mediator, surpassing all others in capabilities and responsibilities and associated with God especially close ties. A significant layer of literature of the Jewish religious tradition, mystical works and sources of apocalyptic and prophetic literature, including the so-called pseudepigrapha3 attributed to various Old Testament characters such as Enoch, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, are devoted to heavenly intermediaries.

Metatron initially has the status of a person; he is identified primarily with a well-known real earthly character - the Old Testament patriarch Enoch (seventh from Adam), a mysterious and unique biblical personality, revered by many religions, known for his unsurpassed knowledge, his impeccability in serving God and people. Enoch was born, like all people, by a woman, lived 365 years, but he did not die, but underwent a fiery transformation and transformation during his life into an essence similar to an angel, and became the head of all angels and archangels, receiving the title and name Archangel Metatron. Metatron did not lose his human essence - his human soul, his consciousness, his human experience and skills. This process of transformation is described in detail in the Third Book of Enoch. It turns out that since Enoch did not die, he is an ever-living man!

Metatron is the Image of the hypostasis of God, he is called: the Angel of the Face, the Prince of His Face (Chagigah 13), the Angel of the Name of God, the Angel of the Covenant. Talmudic commentators believe that it is to Metatron that Moses addresses himself in the book of Exodus (33:15) when he says: “...Unless You Yourself go [in Heb. in the original paneikha - an appeal to the Lord as the Angel of the Face] is with us, then do not take us out of here.”4 The Talmud says about Metatron: “the name Metatron is equivalent to the name “LORD” and He sits in the Holy of Holies and acts as the Messenger of God. He is called “Angel of the LORD”, “Prince of the Universe”, “Prince of His Countenance” and even by the name Shechina - “Presence of God”5. The Zohar6 collects and lists the following titles of Metatron: “Metatron is the Angel called “The Prince of His Countenance,” “The Prince of His Countenance,” “The Prince of the Torah,” “The Prince of Power,” “The Prince of Glory,” “The Prince of Holiness,” “ Prince of Angels”, “Prince of Kings” (Judges 5:3), “Prince of Princes”7.

Metatron in Gnosticism, magic, and esotericism is one of the main figures associated with the tasks of creation, development and salvation.

The theme of the Son of Man and the Messiah, the Great Judgment and Resurrection is inextricably linked with the name of Metatron. He is the powerful supreme judge in carrying out the Great Judgment on everyone from the righteous to the sinners and a symbol of the manifestation of mercy. He is the Chosen One. The understanding of Metatron as the Messiah and Savior of the World (Salvator Mundi) is an important and centuries-old issue in religious and scientific writings, so it will be discussed in more detail in a separate chapter. Pico della Mirandola8 wrote that a man will be born - the Savior of the World, this is a descendant of Adam and the name of this man is Enoch: “Again, Simon says that our father Adam also acquired another grandson through Seth, remembering the Kabbalah that he passed on to him Raziel, according to which a man, the future savior, will be born from his seed. Therefore he was called Enoch, that is, Man.”9

Another widely discussed topic in specialist circles, but practically unknown to the average reader, is the duality of Metatron, the presence of two hypostases. Metatron's title, Sar ha-panim, literally means Prince of the Divine Face, Prince of the Divine Presence, or Prince of the Visible Image in Hebrew. This title embodies the luminous aspect of Metatron. Angel Metatron shows not only the face, but also the will of God, speaks on His behalf and acts in the name of God. Another title of Metatron - Sar ha-olam - means "Prince of this World" and expresses his dark aspect and power over the forces of darkness and chaos. This understanding of Metatron as a combination in one person, in a single whole, of its two sides, two opposites, erroneously interpreted as dualism, that is, as the idea of ​​two principles and their opposition, will be revealed in more detail further. Understanding the essence of Metatron, designated by its two poles, or aspects, called by a variety of names and epithets: Heavenly and Earthly, Male and Female, Manifested and Unmanifested, speaks about the laws of the structure of everything and the movement of everything, about what is and has always been, in everything and in everyone, about constant transformation from one pole to another, about the harmonious interaction of two sides of the structure of any object of reality, including a person, especially since Metatron is a person who has not known death, an ever-living person who has undergone transformation into higher forms spiritual manifestation and continues to serve God and people just as he did on earth - day after day.

Metatron is the name of an angel from the Hebrew Haggadah: “The Great and Mighty Angel.” His name carries the Name of the Creator and has the same numerical value in gematria 10 - 314, as Shaddai (Shaddai - Almighty, All-Powerful, one of the names of God). The name Metatron is considered to be a derivative of the name Yahweh, it is also called the little Yahweh or “little YHWH”, thus the name Metatron is correlated with the Divine Name, which is a lesser manifestation of the unpronounceable sacred name of the Lord in the Jewish tradition. Lesser Yahweh is a shortened form of the Tetragrammaton “Ascend to the Lord” (Yud-Gey-Vav-Gey).

Metatron's other titles - Great Priest (Kohen ha-gadol) and Grand Duke (Sar ha-gadol) - reflect the principle of supreme royal power and the embodiment of the highest spiritual priestly or pontifical power.

Metatron is called the “Pointing Finger of God,” since he showed Moses the Promised Land from the top of Mount Sinai and walked ahead of the Jews in the desert, showing them the way. Metatron interprets to Abraham the sacred words with which God created the World; he teaches the Law of Moses, when he was on Mount Sinai for forty days and nights.

The highest angel Metatron is identified with a man - the patriarch Enoch, who went through ascension and transformation into a divine being during his lifetime. The seventh patriarch Enoch did not die, did not go through death, but was taken to heaven for his righteous deeds by God, became His assistant, the highest angel and Archangel, receiving after the transformation the new name Metatron, one of the names of the Most High. From the Bible it is known about Enoch that he is the seventh descendant of Adam, the great-grandfather of Noah, therefore he is often called the antediluvian patriarch, he lived 365 years and “was no more, because God took him” (Gen. 5:24), in the Epistle to the Hebrews The Apostle Paul says this about Enoch: “By faith Enoch was translated so that he did not see death; and he was no more, because God had translated him. For before he was taken away he received a testimony that he pleased God” (Heb. 11:5).

Stories about Enoch exist in various texts of the Bible, in Jewish sources related to its interpretation, but especially fully and in detail in three apocrypha, named after him and according to the order of acquisition and the language of the found manuscript: The First Book of Enoch (or Book of Enoch) - Ethiopian ( further also 1 Enoch), the Second Book of Enoch (“Book of Secrets”) – Slavic (2 Enoch) and the Third Book of Enoch (known as Sefer Hekhalot, “Book of Heavenly Palaces” or “Book of Palaces”) – Jewish (3 Enoch). It is in the Third Book of Enoch that the inextricable connection between the Old Testament patriarch and Metatron is shown and a complete identification of these individuals is given. In addition to the Third Book of Enoch, information about Metatron is found in the Targums11, Mishnah12, Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds13, midrash14. The first book of Enoch has been known since the first century AD and is mentioned in the Epistle of the Apostle Jude (1:14-15). Irenaeus of Lyons, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen referred to the Book of Enoch in their writings. The dating of these works and possible primary sources is very vague, and there is no consensus among specialists, researchers and interpreters of these books. Despite the significant differences in the texts of all three books, it is believed that they go back to the same ancient source. They contain ideas about the heavenly, spiritual and beyond worlds, their structure and inhabitants, about Judgment and eternal life, prophecies and scenes of the Apocalypse. All the secrets of creation were revealed to Enoch, unknown even to the angels. The Book of Heavenly Palaces tells in detail and vividly how Enoch became Metatron after his ascension and transformation from human flesh to the angelic aspect through transfiguration by fire. This book also presents a clear and unique angelology - the hierarchy of angelic beings. The description of Enoch's ascension to the highest heaven, to the Palaces of the Throne, ends with a brief indication of Metatron's duties: “He set me there to serve the Throne of Glory day after day” (3 Enoch, ch. 7)15.

Enoch could see the hidden and secret motives of people, the secrets of human hearts were revealed to him, in the Second Book of Enoch he tells his children that he can see the hidden actions of every person as in a mirror (now they would write - he has unique sensory abilities): “I wrote down all the achievements of every person in writing, and no one born on earth can (hide) and his achievements cannot remain a secret. I see everything as in a mirror” (2 Enoch 50:1).

It should be noted that Enoch is not the only source of the formation of the image of Metatron, although the main archangel is most fully identified with him. There is nothing strange in this, since, having become the first and foremost over the angels and archangels, Metatron reflects and embodies the best traits of each and can act like everyone, otherwise he would not be the first among them. Metatron is associated with the angel Yahoel16. Metatron is also identified and equated with the Archangel Michael, considered his double, associations with him are very strong, there are coincidences and similarities in their titles, actions, images, functions and abilities. They are both high angels and great archangels. Archangels Metatron and Michael are the defenders of humanity and the guardians of the people of Israel, the leaders of the Heavenly Host. These archangels stand at the boundary separating creation from the Creator, and serve as intermediaries between God and man. They both bear the titles: Angel of Presence, Grand Duke, Heavenly Mediator, teacher of humanity. Angel Metatron from the top of Mount Sinai showed Moses the promised land; he walked ahead of the Jews through the desert. Michael was the leader of the Israelites in the desert during their exodus from Egyptian slavery. Metatron teaches Moses the Law while he is on Mount Sinai for forty days and nights. Metatron interprets to Abraham the sacred words with which God created the World. Archangel Michael is also considered the teacher of Moses, to whom he gave the tablets of the Law on Mount Sinai. Michael “holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven,” the same is written about Enoch-Metatron. Archangel Metatron is not God and has never been considered or represented as God.

Another similar status is that of guardian, mediator, psychopomp17 – a guide of souls between worlds. Metatron, like Michael, brings the souls of the righteous to God; he meets the souls of dead people and helps them adapt to new conditions. Some researchers call Archangel Michael the light aspect of Metatron18.

In the Hermetic tradition, Enoch is identified with Hermes, which in the ancient Roman pantheon corresponds to Mercury19, with the Egyptian Thoth, with the Egyptian deity Horus. There is an idea that it was the greatest sage and teacher, the messenger of God Hermes, who was known to the Jews as Enoch. This is confirmed by one of the theories of the death of Hermes, who, like Enoch, was transferred without passing through death to the abode of God. Enoch-Metatron and Hermes conveyed outstanding knowledge to humanity. Hermes was the patron of magic, alchemy and astrology, the messenger of the gods and the guide of souls (psychopomps) of the dead to the underworld of Hades, invented measures, numbers, the alphabet and taught them to people, was the first to introduce months and explore the course of the heavenly bodies. Therefore, Hermes has the title Trismegistus - Thrice Greatest. Hermes in Egypt is associated with Thoth, and in Ancient Rome with Mercury. Having discovered mercury, medieval alchemists named the new substance after the god Mercury. Hermes in the Book of Thoth opened the Path of eternal life to all humanity, he has the titles: Ruler of the Three Worlds, Scribe of God and Guardian of the Book of Life, he gave people the alphabet and writing, a calendar with 365 days, medicine, astronomy and many other sciences. In Egyptian images, Thoth records on a wax tablet the results of the weighing of the souls of the dead in the Judgment Hall of Osiris. These actions allow you to see the connection and identify ideas about the personality of Metatron - Hermes-Mercury. A comparison of the personalities of Metatron and Mercury, as well as the alchemical understanding of this image, provides rich food for thought and is further presented in a separate chapter.

Particularly noteworthy is the sacred and long-known model, named after the great archangel - Metatron's Cube, which is the diagram and basis of the structure of the Universe, the creation and development of space. The Platonic solids included in Metatron's Cube were studied by Pythagoras, who studied mathematics from the Egyptians and learned from them the symbolism of volumetric solids.

Metatron is mentioned three times in the Babylonian Talmud. The image of Enoch-Metatron and the title "Grand Prince of the Throne of God" and "Great Prince of the Whole World" are found on ritual Babylonian bowls. In the magical rituals that were practiced among the Hittites and in Babylonia, the title of Metatron “lord of justice” and “great healer” was used20.

In the Koran and Islamic traditions, Enoch is referred to as the prophet Idris, sometimes he is identified with King Osiris. Enoch is believed to have invented astronomy, writing and arithmetic. Information about him can be found in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology about ancient kings and great sages, in the legends about Ziusudra, the king of the solar city, who escaped during the flood and received the gift of providence from the gods. In addition, the legends about the Mesopotamian king Enmeduranka (Sumerian: Enmenduranna), endowed with features similar to Enoch, are compared with the story of Enoch: he is the ancestor of all seers, the seventh in the list of ancient kings who ruled before the flood, knowledge of astronomy and the art of predicting the future go back to him. Similar references are found in the First Book of Enoch, where he was called by the Lord to judge the fallen angels.

In the Orthodox tradition, there is a special understanding of the fact that the two biblical characters Enoch and Elijah did not die, but became archangels through transformation during their lifetime. In the Orthodox interpretation, Enoch and Elijah were not ascended to heaven, not to the Throne of God, to the highest seventh level of the Heavenly Kingdom, as described in the books of Enoch, including the Slavic (that is, in sources well known and studied in the Orthodox branch of Christianity ), but to some secret place in which they await the onset of the last days described in the Revelation of John the Theologian. And since Enoch did not die, and this fact, reflected in the Bible, is not disputed in Orthodoxy, then he, like Elijah the Prophet, will have to go through death, like all other people. The appearance of Enoch along with the prophet Elijah is expected before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, after which, as is believed in the Orthodox tradition, they will die and then be resurrected along with all other people. In Orthodoxy, the veneration of Patriarch Enoch is celebrated on the Sunday of the Forefathers, on Sunday two weeks before the Feast of the Nativity of Christ.

An important characteristic of Metatron is the light he emits, the radiance of which surpasses the light of all other celestial beings. This light is considered as part of the radiance of the heavenly throne, on which he alone has the right to sit. According to other versions, Metatron sits next to or behind the throne. The right to sit may be due to the fact that Metatron is entrusted with the duties of the Divine Scribe. He is the scribe of God, the conductor of his affairs and the keeper of his secrets, recording all the deeds of people, angels and all the events of the world. Metatron is God's assistant, he is the heavenly chancellor and personal secretary of God, the keeper of secrets and rituals. In addition to secretarial functions, Metatron carries out many of the power functions of God, acting in His name.

Metatron is a mediator between God and creation: people, angels and other entities, a conductor of God’s will to people and an intercessor for people. He is the first, and he is also the last of the 10 archangels, the youngest in age of the archangels in the heavenly army, since he became an archangel later than the others. All other archangels appeared at the very beginning of creation, before other creatures, and Metatron rules over them. Having the title of Lord of the World, Metatron is the highest angel placed over all creation: “Highest in the host of angels and in the world of ethereal heavenly powers, he has no equal, and he stands directly before the throne of the Creator. The light emanating from him surpasses the light of all other heavenly beings, and without his permission not a single angel does anything. A part of the radiance from the Heavenly Throne has passed to him, and he knows all the secret decisions of the Father Who is in Heaven” (Yalkut 44). “Higher in rank than others, being in close proximity to the Lord, he receives His orders, which he carries out either himself (Yalkut 44), or through other angels below him (Midrash Abhir)”21.

Metatron is called the teacher of humanity, he is the original bearer of revelation, it was he who taught Moses the Law. The Torah was given to Moses by Enoch-Metatron: “I gave it only to Metatron, My Servant, because he is unique among all the sons of the high places. And Metatron brought her out of My storehouses and handed her over to Moses” (3 Enoch. 48D)22. Therefore Metatron has the title Prince of the Torah.

Metatron is a protector of the people of Israel and humanity, a helper to people who understands their problems well, since he has the exceptional and greatest experience of being both a human and like an angel.

Metatron’s special attitude towards children and his duties as a Heavenly Teacher are well known; the education of children in Heaven is called “Metatron’s Heavenly School”23, and “Metatron’s School is the School of the Holy Blessed One”24. Metatron is the guardian and mentor of prematurely deceased children, he teaches them the secrets of divine wisdom, the fullness of knowledge: “Every day M. resides in the highest heaven, where he collects the souls of prematurely deceased children, which he then keeps under the throne of God and teaches them the Torah and all wisdom almost verbatim (Aboda Zara 3b)"25. Since Metatron’s daily duties as a Teacher of all and, most importantly, children are extremely important, I will give another detailed quote from the Third Book of Enoch: “... every day Metatron sits for three hours on the heights of heaven and collects all the souls of the deceased, who died in the womb of their mother, and babies who died at their mother's breast, and students who died while studying the Five Books of the Torah. He brings them under the Throne of Glory and places them around him in classes, fellowships and groups, and teaches them the Torah, and wisdom, and haggadah, and traditions, and he celebrates with them the completion of (the study of) the Torah ... "(3 Enoch, ch. 48C)26. I would especially like to highlight the thought of Professor Yosef Dan27, a student of Gershom Scholem28: “And he teaches children in their mother’s belly”29. Metatron, like Enoch, teaches everyone not only through the “textbook” he created - the Book of Life, where he, as the Clerk of God, writes down all the secrets of the World and information about all objects, phenomena and patterns, not only personally as a Teacher who shares his knowledge, but above all, his entire impeccable life is the main example, lesson and Path for everyone.

Metatron is called a healer. In the Torah, which he gave to Moses, it is said about this angel: “for I am the Lord, your Healer” (Ex. 15:26). In one of the magical spells in Aramaic from a plate found in Iran, Metatron is called the “Great Healer.” Let us quote an excerpt from this text: “She is defeated and sealed under the threshold of the house of Bahram-Ghusnasp, son of Ishtar-Nahid, with the help of the talisman of Metatron, the venerable prince, who is called the “great healer”... He defeated the Shedim and Devin, black magic and magical spells... »30

In the book of the Zohar, Metatron is named as the guardian of heavenly treasures, including 45 keys to carved letter combinations. In the Third Book of Enoch, the Creator speaks about the function of the guardian and guardian: “I have placed him over all the treasuries of the Palaces of Aravoth and over all the storehouses of life that I have in the heights of heaven” (3 Enoch, chapter 10)31.

In the book “Here are the names...” Simcha Polonsky32 explores biblical names from Adam to the prophet Malachi, their meanings and origins; he lists Metatron's many titles: Guardian of the Universe, Secret Truth, Lord over all, Path to the Tree of Life, Mediator of all. He quotes the words of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai33: “And God said: Let us create man in Our image and likeness” - to whom did the Almighty say this? - asks Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and answers: “He said this to Yahweh. Yahweh, Adonai and His Shekinah is the Holy Blessed One, and His Shekinah is between two lines: Yahweh on the right, Adonai on the left, and the middle pillar is the secret Amen (Truth). They constitute One Unity. The middle pillar is in the name Metatron. The meaning is “Guardian” (cf.: in the Chaldean language the keeper is called Meteratus). And because He is the Guardian of the Universe, in Ps. 120:5 He is spoken of as the Guardian of Israel. From His name we know that He is Lord over all that is below, for all the hosts of heaven and everything on earth are under His almighty power.”34 And here is what else Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai says about Metatron: “Who is the way to the Tree of Life? This is Metatron, therefore He is the path to the Great Tree of Life. Every petition to the King (Father) must be made through Metatron, therefore He is the Mediator for all who descend from heaven to earth and ascend from earth to heaven.” Rabbi Menachem of Rekanati in the book “Sefer Yetzirah” points out: “The great and exalted God tells him to ascend to Yahweh, who is Metatron - He Who was often called by the Name of God - Yahweh”35.

One of Metatron's important and unique functions is the measurement of time and space. Range: World dimension and God dimension. The name of Metatron is given to the sacred spatial geometric structure Metatron's Cube, consisting of five Platonic solids inscribed into each other - regular convex polyhedra (polyhedra): tetrahedron, six-sided Cube, octahedron Octahedron, twelve-sided Dodecahedron and Icosahedron with 22 faces. There is another sacred model called the Stellated Octahedron, whose two-dimensional projection onto a plane is also called the “Metatron's Cube”. The Stellated Octahedron, which has the esoteric name Merkabah, is not a Platonic solid and a convex polyhedron, but is built from two identical Platonic solids - from two Tetrahedra, mirror-cut into each other, and is ideally inscribed in Metatron's Cube. More than 2500 years ago, these models were known to Pythagoras. Plato called all five figures “cosmic building blocks of the universe” and correlated them with five elements: earth (Cube), water (Icosahedron), fire (Tetrahedron), air (Octahedron) and “celestial matter” or ether (Dodecahedron). Metatron's Cube is a natural model that has been reflected in history, art and symbols for centuries, it is the primary harmonious spatial structure, the basis for the structure of all elements of earthly and other realities in all dimensions and dimensions, which is the basis of the physical and celestial perspective. Metatron's Cube is a universal form of time, space, and man. Metatron's Cube includes in its structure 13 Midot - Spheres or their projections of circles, correlated with 13 Divine Forces, or Kokhots. This model shows the projection of the 13 Divine Forces from the spiritual plane onto the material world. Metatron's Cube represents the model of the World, the unity and uniqueness of the 13 Divine Forces and their interaction at different levels of the World.

Metatron is called the Time Meter. Enoch also measured time before his transformation into Metatron. In the section of the First Book of Enoch “On the Heavenly Bodies” it is said that he was the man to whom the angel Uriel36 gave instructions on how to build a megalithic circle, record the movements of the sun at dawn and at sunset throughout the year. Metatron continues this function of measuring ordinary time, he is responsible for the system of movement of the sun in its daily and annual cycle. The combination of Metatron's function as a time meter and space builder through the sacred geometric model of Metatron's Cube looks logical and natural, since time and space are interconnected. Time is a form of space. There is a form of space - there is also time. Therefore, Metatron can be called the Architect of space and the Measurer of time, the Guardian of the Universe. The monograph “METATRON” examines in detail the aspect of Metatron associated with the organization and development of space and called Metatron’s Cube. Other meanings of the name Metatron, his origin, functions and activities are given briefly for reference in order to emphasize the wide range of Metatron’s responsibility and the exclusive role of this personality in all structures of the World from the spiritual (also called the Subtle or Information world) to the manifested Physical world.