Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Corporate travel. The Skytour travel agency offers corporate clients the organization of business and leisure trips, booking and sale of tickets, hotel reservations and package tours

It's no secret that many Moscow companies and organizations have long relied on active corporate leisure instead of the previous, so to speak, closed methods of leisure. Nowadays, corporate walking tours are incredibly popular. This is not surprising, because on walks you can really combine business with pleasure: take a walk in the fresh air after a busy day at work, and in addition, gain knowledge of the history and architecture of Moscow and see amazing, hidden from prying eyes corners of the most familiar streets and alleys . Don’t forget that such excursions are a sure way to communicate with each other outside the office and find new common interests.

The walking tour club “Walking around Moscow” offers many corporate excursion routes for companies. Our guides specially reserve two to three days a week for conducting excursions for companies, so finding the most convenient time will not be difficult! Imagine how great it is to walk along the street where the office is located not just like that - rushing from the metro or to the car - but leisurely, accompanied by a guide who knows all the houses, all the nooks and crannies, all the destinies associated with this street.

Excursions root not only the eventful history of the area in which the company is located, but also the history of your specialty. It’s much more pleasant to go to work along well-known streets with a wealth of knowledge, thinking about the fates of amazing people who walked the same paths before us, heading to the same places. Excursions are designed to develop excursionists' enthusiasm for their profession, as well as a love for the area where you work.

Excursions for companies should be agreed upon in advance in order to create a route that is most suitable for you. In some cases, the route of a corporate excursion can be created specifically taking into account the specific activities of the excursionists. The guide can introduce you to the history of your specialty. Managers and consultants will learn about the professional tricks of Moscow merchants, the ancestors of their profession. It would be useful for advertisers and PR specialists to hear about original and productive methods of advertising in the 18th–20th centuries.

In the modern world of business, among the many forms of interaction within the team and between partner companies, incentive entertainment and educational corporate events are as important as enterprise strategy and external PR.


Meetings. Business meetings. They are held in accordance with etiquette standards, with the invitation of foreign partners to Russia or, on the contrary, with Russian specialists traveling abroad.

Incentives. Trips of incentive nature, gratitude from management to their employees, motivation to partners, regular customers.

Conferences. Training, educational programs, trainings for Russian and foreign teams.

Events. Corporate recreation in a free format. Holidays, parties, traditional annual events, etc.

Business meetings and trips

Departures of this type can be individual, group, or corporate. Depending on the format of the negotiations or other event, it is possible to organize trips in several directions:

  • standard format, with issuing visas, booking air tickets, hotels and transfers for traveling abroad
  • VIP order, with a wide range of services, including full support during your stay, fulfillment of special conditions, etc.
  • corporate trips within the Russian Federation for domestic companies, several people or departments
  • organization of business travel for Russian and foreign specialists.

Incentive, incentive trips

An effective, modern method of non-material incentives for managers, successful employees, and motivation of new specialists. A professional tool for increasing the loyalty of regular customers and foreign partners. Destinations that correspond to the company's image and business interests are selected in accordance with the budget and travel goals.

  • Corporate foreign* trips. Resorts, excursion programs, visiting exhibitions, European countries, North and South America, Asian states with rich national traditions.
  • Russia and the CIS. Corporate trips that do not require visa support if everyone among the participants has Russian citizenship. The presence of foreign colleagues also does not require additional actions if a work visa or another with a suitable validity period has already been issued.


Any type of corporate trip can be chosen, but regardless of the direction and purpose, the most important aspect is obtaining medical insurance. A professional integrated approach to corporate services will allow you to optimize costs by up to 30%, taking into account all your stated wishes.

Trainings, education, development

Despite the fact that such a corporate event project contains a smaller element of entertainment, the effectiveness of its implementation has an empirical basis, successful experience in involving the personnel working in companies - a positive return.

  • Trainings and seminars

Thematic training and advanced training, development of staff skills, in parallel with active recreation, for example, in mountain resorts. More aimed at individualizing the acquisition of skills.

  • Teambuilding

The informal atmosphere of such events can be created anywhere in the world. Unlocks the potential of employees and develops teamwork skills. Isolation from the usual environment and participation in non-standard simulated situations effectively influence the formation of a team and improve the atmosphere in it.

Corporate parties, vacations and holidays

Holding meetings of this type can be the end of a business tour, a successful business trip, a company anniversary, or another occasion that involves an informal celebration. Most often it is a one-day event, so the feasibility of traveling abroad is quite low. As the end of a business trip, or any of the events listed above, such a vacation can be realized in the country of actual location of its participants.


Comprehensive maintenance services of Aeroclub Group of Companies

  • booking air tickets, railway
  • transfer organization, car rental
  • hotel booking, VIP services
  • visa processing
  • Customer support service 24/7
  • consulting and audit, cost reduction 30%
  • Holidays, company anniversaries

  • Teambuilding

  • Corporate tours

  • Man does not live by work alone... Even in ancient times, people demanded “bread and circuses.” This message has not lost its relevance today. Forward-thinking executives have long recognized the importance of corporate recreation.

    Even in Soviet times, “collective get-togethers” were practiced, despite the extremely negative attitude of management towards such “events” in the workplace. This brought colleagues together very much: internal conflicts were resolved plastically, mutual hostility disappeared. Everyone felt like parts of a single whole.

    Although those times brought a lot of negative things, maintaining the spirit of unity in the workforce can undoubtedly be considered a positive thing. And a good heritage, no matter where it comes from, is wise to preserve and increase.

    Organization and holding of corporate events: a perceived need

    Some managers of the old formation still imagine a corporate event as an ordinary group meal in a banquet hall or even right in the office. But this, as they say, is “not typical” - a good corporate event should be original and memorable: just inviting an entertainer-animator is clearly not enough.

    The Intourist company invites you to cooperate in the field of servicing business trips, corporate events and recreation for your company’s employees in Russia and abroad.

    Organization of events

    • Corporate vacations, organization of conferences, work meetings, trainings, any combination of programs
    • Professional selection, route and program optimization
    • Search and book any services and trip components
    • Aircraft rental
    • Organization of trips from the regions, simplified travel plans for network companies
    • Possibility of choice and dynamic changes during the preparation phase
    • Providing reports on each stage of preparation

    Over the years, the Department has accumulated a wealth of experience in implementing corporate programs in Russia and abroad. You can see some proven programs here: Russia (Sochi), Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Monaco, Norway, Israel, China, Sri Lanka.

    Our goal is to give you ideas for corporate trips and events that we will help you bring to life!

    We offer:

    • Thematic group tours:
      • educational tours for secondary school workers to Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Hungary;
      • tours to international festivals of children's and youth creativity in Georgia.

    • Special hotel rates for student and sports groups

    • Group airfare rates (own charter programs)

    Individual business trips

    • Booking air and train tickets
    • Hotel reservations in Russia and abroad
    • Rental of vehicles of any class
    • Visa support for tours and programs
    • Organization of charter transportation (including small aircraft)
    • Organization of transfers

    Tourist trips for employees and their family members