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Marilyn Kerro came to the battle of psychics for the third time. Close friend of Marilyn Kerro: “I know why she returned to the “Battle of Psychics”! Marilyn Kerro 3 times in the battle of psychics

The finalist of the 14th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” on TNT, Danis Glinshtein from Yekaterinburg, is a friend of the participant in the 17th season, Marilyn Kerro, who scandalously returned to the project for the third time. The psychic frankly told Woman`s Day why he worries about his friend, and why it is impossible to predict who will win this time.

On the return of Marilyn Kerro to “Battle”

Mary returned to the Battle for the third time. The rivals were not happy about this...

– Even a week before the first episode of the 17th season, I knew that Mary came to the “Battle” again, although she didn’t tell anyone about it, not even her mother. I had a prophetic dream about this: Mary, whose hair was combed back, as we later saw in the first episode, and a child in her arms - a symbol of something new. I wrote her a warm, friendly letter with words of support. And she thanked me and said that this was exactly what she expected from me. I replied that I would be with her until the end: “If it gets hard, call me.”

But I have mixed feelings about this season. When I came to support Mary at the final of the 16th “Battle,” I said: “We will come back to you, and more than once!” It went on air and went viral all over the Internet. And knowing Marilyn, I was not surprised that this happened. Firstly, she is European, they have a different mentality - a more open attitude towards the world. They believe everything because they are sincere and real. I say: “Marilyn, there are crocodiles flying.” And she turns her head and sincerely says: “Where? How do crocodiles fly? Secondly, Mary is a warrior, a soldier, a person who is not used to losing. She is stronger than any man and she cannot be convinced of anything.

When she decided to return to the 16th “Battle” (Marilyn Kerro took second place in it, losing the victory to Victoria Rides. - WD note), I told her: “There are no options - go again!” I was sure that she would reach the finals. And now, a year later, I have a feeling that it is possible that she will leave the race halfway - of her own free will. She has never been interested in money, she lives by extrasensory perception. And many psychics go there for fame and money, so that they can later write books and charge a lot of money for techniques. Mary came not for the Hand (the prize for the winner of the show. - WD note), but for inner satisfaction. The hand plays a role as a symbol of victory, but I don't think it really needs it. There's something deeper here. She wants to separate herself from some pretext - there is her boyfriend Sasha Sheps, a good specialist, winner of the 14th season. But she doesn’t like being associated only with him. I'd say Mary came for the truth.

Danis compares Marilyn to Joan of Arc

However, the “Battle of Psychics” is exhausting. It runs for six months, and TV viewers only see 12 episodes. Many filmings are not broadcast because the creators of the project believe that it is uninteresting. You get tired psychologically - you sit and wait for half a day. In my 14th season, I approached the host Marat Basharov and said: “Well, kick me out!” I didn’t care about the tests because I was very tired. And going through this three times is both psychologically and physically difficult. Mary came to the show for the third time “inhaling”, and I wish her to “exhale” as soon as possible, which did not happen in the 16th “Battle”. I am afraid of her disappointment - warriors cannot be disappointed... They are like oaks - their branches do not bend, like those of a willow, but immediately break. No, it’s not the trials that will break her – she’s a pro. You need to be wary of small dirty tricks: other psychics perceive her with hostility - Mary is a strong rival, so they say nasty things about her and spread rumors. In this “Battle” I associate her with Joan of Arc, only she, unlike the historical heroine, will end well: she will not burn herself, but will burn all the negativity around her, and through the scorched field will go to her dream. There will be no fourth “Battle of Psychics” for Kerro - this is the decisive stage: either her or hers.

How his friendship with Marilyn began

Mary and Danis have been friends for three years

Mary and I did not become friends right away. At first, the participants of our 14th season lived in a hostel, then, somewhere in the 3rd or 4th episode, we were supposed to be placed in apartments of two people. No one wanted to live with Mary: the participants mocked her, threw salt and earth, and said nasty things because she was a witch. And I said: “I don’t care, I’ll go.” And we began to live in a rented apartment together. And gradually they became friends. We never perceived each other as a man and a woman - we are like brother and sister. When they were sick, they helped each other, went to the pharmacy to buy medicine. At night they walked around Moscow, played cards, told fortunes, and talked with her friends. One day we were walking from one end of Moscow to the other, and Mary was wearing heels, then she got tired - she took them off and walked barefoot. After some time, her mother came from Estonia, who immediately fell in love with me, and her father - alas, a few months later he died...

Life with Marilyn was easy: she is a very homely, family girl. She loves comfort: in our rented apartment she made everything homey and warm, bought candles and placed them everywhere. Very clean - she cleaned and washed the floors. Sasha Sheps is very lucky to have her!

Four participants reached the final of the 14th “Battle of Psychics”...

Mary is not a fan of food - she has been looking after her figure all her life, because she is a former model, she is used to eating like this: she cooks vegetables or diet soup for herself, drinks tea without sugar. Vegetarian too. That's why she didn't cook. But I sometimes fed her. Once I made some pies. Marilyn walked around, smelled it, then couldn’t stand it: “Why are you making a pie again?” I ask her: “Are you going to eat?” “No, I won’t!” I put it on the table, after a while I look - one is missing, then the other... “Where are the pies?” “I tried one... It’s a very tasty pie!”

Mary always spoke Russian, but worse than now. Her speech could be hard on the ears, so in season 14 she was given a translator. She said: “I know three Russian words: cat, dog, *** louse.” She often said one swear word without understanding its meaning. When I explained, she was worried: “And I spoke so badly! For what?" Now, in the 17th season, she speaks Russian much better, so she was allowed to participate without an interpreter. Of course, Sasha Sheps taught her too - he has a beautiful, well-spoken speech. Now Mary even writes in Russian.

Sasha appeared in her life at the end of the project. I was against this relationship - it seemed to me that they were not suitable for each other, but I agreed with her choice. She made this choice, and I must respect it - this is the law.

At first it seemed to Danis that Mary and Sasha were not like each other

Photo: personal archive of Danis Glinstein

We lived together for six months. When the project ended and it was time to leave, both cried, although Mary rarely cries. Now we don’t communicate as often as we would like, since we both have a lot of work. But if we call each other, it’s for about five hours – we sit on Skype until the morning: we remember the past, like old people. And we feel when each other’s troubles happen - we call immediately: “Did something happen?”

I'm friends with her mom too. She sends me gifts from Estonia - stones from her store. By the way, it was my mother in childhood, when Mary began to show mystical abilities, who did not miss them, but helped develop them.

Mary discovered her psychic abilities as a child

Photo: frame from the show “Battle of Psychics”

Which Mary? She is naive, kind, and at the same time self-sufficient. A powerful person, such strength - I wouldn’t be afraid to go to a desert island with her. She is a strong person, but she hasn’t caught the “star”: she’s just a person who doesn’t open up to everyone, and that’s right. Mary doesn't spray herself. If she loves, then to death, if she is friends, then forever.

About other participants of the 17th season

Swami Dashi

Photo: frame from the show “Battle of Psychics”

Swami Dashi is an interesting character. It is clear that he lived a difficult life, tried everything in life - it’s not just that he has children from different marriages. And by the age of 40, he settled down, decided that everything had been tried, and took up spiritual eastern practices. But what he does is true. I know such people. I think he goes into a trance and sees a lot. He is a famous person, he conducted seminars, people go to him. He is a man with his own truth and energy, he does not want to seem better or worse or to please anyone. This is captivating. He is not close to me, I would not be friends with him. But as a specialist, I accept his work.

I don’t believe the guy in the red robe – Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky – he’s playing. I'm impressed by Denis Vysotsky - handsome, good guy. He may not be very experienced yet, but he has the ability. If he had come in 2-3 years, he would have torn everyone apart. Eliis Nikitis also has abilities, but he, too, due to his age and inexperience, cannot interpret his visions correctly.

Grandmother Elena Davydova is wonderful. Maybe blessed. But these are the ones who really see. By secondary education, I am a psychotherapist, and I can say that people with disabilities feel more than ordinary people; their vision of the world changes.

Technomage Ivan Vlasov - I don’t know what a “technomage” is. He rather came up with this in order to get into the “Battle”. He is probably more of a logician and psychoanalyst, rather than a psychic. But Nadezhda Shevchenko is a witch, a specialist. She proved this before the “Battle”, people come and visit her.

How the “Battle of Psychics” is made

Danis is undergoing trials in his 14th season

Photo: frame from the show “Battle of Psychics”

Some people go to castings for a project like they go to a store - all the time. Why if they don't take it? I came to the casting of the 13th “Battle” and went through three rounds. Then, in the test, “Mr. X” called the actor Kokshenov “Kakishenov,” and he was offended by me. Old, red-haired idiot. I left, the “Battle” was over for me.

A year later, I’m standing there, cooking dumplings, and they call me from Moscow and say: “We made a mistake that we didn’t take you to the 13th season, come to the 14th.” I ask if I need to go through a casting. They answer me: “Yes, but even if you don’t pass, we will still take you, because you have proven yourself.” I said I didn’t want to, hung up and continued going about my business. But they wrote to me, called me, persuaded me. And I came, passed the casting to see what it was and what they eat with. I didn’t find a person in the car, but I definitely saw what was behind the screen: “Someone is sucking blood there” (and there were leeches). About “Mr. X” I said that the person was reading something - it turned out to be the rapper Decl.

And then an ugly thing began, which is called the “producer effect”, when with each episode they begin to cut you down, “lower” you lower and lower. Before the finals, they “lift” you a little so that you get there. In the “Battle of Psychics”, it is impossible to predict the winner, because the producer imposes him: this participant is shown more, edited better, put on better music, and placed last. An unwanted participant adds ugly moments to the air - he sneezed inappropriately, tripped. This is invisible manipulation.

But at the same time, “Battle of Psychics” is a cool and beautiful project, it has a motor skill, unlike many other programs - if I watch an episode, I am completely immersed in what is happening. It's like a good, classic series!

How to choose a psychic

Danis with psychics from other seasons of “Battle”

Photo: personal archive of Danis Glinstein

Only word of mouth is the surest way! This way I got a lot of clients from America and Europe. It is better to come from someone who knows the specialist personally.

A psychic should never ask: “What did you come to me with?” If you hear this, then run immediately. If you think that you have a lot of troubles, and the psychic wants to clarify what needs to be solved, then you are one of those people who are happy to be deceived. It is a psychologist or doctor who can ask what is bothering you, and the psychic must see the main problem - this is his job. He must decompose this picture, even if it takes a long time. Working with the dead, for example, is a long process. TV shows 5 minutes, but in reality it can take 2-3 hours.

The psychic should be pleasant to you. And he should be comfortable with you. When people who are unpleasant to me come to me, I tell them this: nothing will work out, the work won’t work out anyway. There must be a duet.

You also need to choose a psychic profile - understand what you want from him. If they come to me with cancer, I refuse - no one will help here except doctors. I know a good oncologist and refer him to him.

It happens that you don’t agree with a person in terms of energy, a psychic is not a machine... But I don’t invent this nonsense about chakras and damage to clients. I don’t believe in damage at all, it’s a myth! Think about why no one has yet jinxed or bewitched Putin or Pugachev? All this doesn't work. You are being intimidated. Damage comes from the word “spoil” - every day someone “spoils” us in the subway, on the street, in a store. If a woman thinks that she has damage, she should check her hormonal levels with an endocrinologist: in women, the psyche and health are often connected through hormones. If your hormones are fine, the psychologist didn’t find anything, it means you have spiritual decomposition - go to the Sredneuralsky Convent, to the famous Father Sergius for communion, live in a cell for a week without gadgets and communications, go to services. And all the demons will come out of you, children and work will begin to make you happy, you will begin to live differently! But there is no damage. There are birth curses, birth knots, when something is written in your family, it’s hard to work with. What is written in the family cannot be cut out with an axe.

Danis dreams that a law on extrasensory perception will be introduced in Russia

Photo: personal archive of Danis Glinstein

A client once came to me who, as he admitted, has a “heavy hand” - no matter what he takes on, everything breaks and deteriorates. He says: “Probably damage!” But this can happen because a person was told in childhood that he was crooked, they beat him on the hands, so they laid down a psychological program, and hidden aggression went into his hands. No woman needs to go here, but it’s better to go to a hypnologist so that he can immerse the person in childhood and remove that program. That's all - one session!

I don't want people to be deceived by supposed psychics. I am in favor of introducing a law on extrasensory perception, so that we are legalized. So that the Moscow Bekhterev Brain Institute forcibly tests abilities and issues a license, so that we pay taxes - like in Romania.

About me

Photo: personal archive of Danis Glinstein

I am often asked to predict something, but I refuse. Once I bought a ticket for 5,000 rubles to the Miss Yekaterinburg competition. A journalist came up to me there and asked who would win. I answer: “This is a question for the jury, and I bought the ticket at my own expense, why should I predict anything else?” They later wrote: “The psychic was not in a good mood, he told us...” Although I didn’t tell them anything.

All my neighbors and relatives are afraid of me. In the “Battle of Psychics” I was kind and charming – I really love to laugh, but I have an explosive character. But I never touch those who are not guilty of anything. On the street I always smile at everyone and take pictures. But when they come up with a complaint, I send it.

As a psychic, I don’t accept many people - just enough to be enough for life and charity. The rest of the time I work on my scientific and journalistic books. Maybe I’ll even go to study to become a criminologist.

I think that a person should be helped in one step, and not like some: “Go into the forest at midnight, find a virgin fox, cut off her right paw and carry her for six months...” If I can’t do something, then I refer him to a specialized specialist - to the priest, the doctor, the psychologist... Everything rests on three pillars - physical, spiritual and psychological, and they are interconnected, so you need to work at all levels at once. I’ve been writing a book about this for many years, but you’ll see for yourself when it comes out.

1. We are surrounded by numbers everywhere, and we don’t even notice it! I am interested in numerology. Most people die on the waning moon. Removal of tumors and separation from people also need to be done during this period. Just don’t start anything new: relationships, work, affairs, major purchases. Apartments purchased during the period when the moon is waning often have problems.

2. Working with flowers is interesting. The color of old age, including psychological age, is brown and all shades of chocolate. The color of loneliness is blue, turquoise: if you are not married, do not wear “widow’s color.”

3. Stones also have a strong effect on people. Watermelon tourmaline is a stone that I recommend to all women. In addition to its benefits, it is beautiful: it is green, and red inside - naturally a watermelon!

4. Know your ancestors - without your family you are nothing! But these are not only grandparents, but also those who left this world several centuries ago. You can easily create your own family tree on the Internet. The older the ancestor, the more power he has to help you, so you need to know 200–300 years. The recently deceased have not yet accumulated so much strength and energy in the world of the dead. If you are sick, ask all your relatives by name to stand in front of you, come and help. The dead never do bad - fear the living. The deceased will guide, advise, and help. Find out who they were, and it will be easier for you to decide on your own calling.

5. Pay attention to the signs - they are all around, but we, stupid ones, don’t see them. In the morning I mixed up sugar with salt, the lace broke, the key got stuck, the heel broke - I went to apply for a job - they didn’t hire me. Why did you go? There were so many signs that combined into a complete picture! Sometimes there are super obvious signs when the branches on a tree fold into the shape of a letter. Then look - the windows in the house are lit with letters. Are you looking for a man - maybe his name is made up of signs on your way every day? Pay attention to them! Don’t be afraid that the subconscious will complete something – visualization is also a good thing. For example, the name Andrey came up, and you have already thought of the man’s height, mole, eye color, hair smell, nail shape, favorite color - and this thought form will work!

6. How to overcome depression - a method based on psychiatry. On the waning moon, imagine your depression - what does it look like, what size and shape, what does it smell like? Surely this is something disgusting, unpleasant, nauseating, gut-wrenching. Rid your soul of this - flush it down the toilet or wash it with powder.

7. The evil eye. All women are witches, and for this you do not need to have a lineage of witching grandmothers. You are just like this from birth, some more, some less. It is difficult to convince dark-haired people of something, but luck favors red-haired people. Brown eyes can be jinxed, despite the kind and bright attitude of their owner. Therefore, it is better for such women not to show babies until three months old. It’s not for nothing that people say: “A black eye is an evil eye for a child.” You can even jinx your child. When a dark-haired mother comes to me and complains that her child is not sleeping, I say: “Stop staring at him all the time. Especially at night – at this time of day the black eye is especially active.”

Psychic Marilyn Kerro spoke about five ways to fulfill desires using magical rituals. To do this, you only need a great desire to fulfill your plans and a few simple attributes that can be found in every home.

The powerful magic of mirrors has been known for a long time. Marilyn Kerro claims that with the help of a mirror you can make your cherished dream come true. You need to take a mirror that has been in the house for a long time and write your desire on its reflective surface. It’s better to do this with something that washes well. After this, you need to take a glass or plate with clean water and wash off the inscription. Do not pour out the remaining water; it should be sprinkled in the place with which the desire is associated. If what is planned directly concerns a person, then this water should be given to him to drink. This method can fulfill your wish in a short time.

To fulfill a wish that is related to the outcome of any matter, you can use a ritual with a bottle. To do this, you need to take an empty glass bottle, preferably an opaque one. A green bottle is perfect for this ceremony. You need to put the neck of the bottle against your lips and quietly say what you need into it. After this, the glass vessel must be tightly sealed and taken with you to where the dream can come true. At that very place the bottle must be opened. In this case, the wish can either come true, or simply this ritual will attract good luck and fortune.

With the help of candles you can also make any wish come true. Marilyn Kerro claims that candle magic has incredible power. Candles can give information about the future, heal and, of course, make dreams come true. The next ritual must be performed strictly on the waxing Moon. You need to take a candle and scratch your wish on it with a needle. After this, light a candle and place it on the windowsill. It should burn down to a small cinder and go out on its own. The remaining piece of the candle must be carried with you until your wish comes true. When everything that has been planned is accomplished, it must be thrown into the fire.

These three rituals are performed with certain rules that must be followed for the success of the ritual. Desires that are written or pronounced during the ritual must be formulated briefly and clearly. During the ceremony, a person must be alone in the room. All doors and windows should be closed, and no extraneous sounds should disturb thoughts. But the main key to success, according to Marilyn Kerro, is a strong belief that the desire will definitely come true.

Let us remind you that Marilyn Kerro, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14, practices voodoo magic and clairvoyance. In her practice, she uses simple magical attributes: candles, mirrors, knives and other objects. After all, all this, according to her, has strong energy that can work real miracles. We continue to root for Marilyn at the “Battle of Psychics” and bet

16.11.2013 12:48

Psychic Marilyn Kerro spoke on her official website about a way to attract money. She shared secrets...

There are a lot of rumors around the most striking couple of the “Battle of Psychics” - Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro. Some even...

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro will participate in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics.

The new, 17th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” has begun. The program immediately became one of the most scandalous in history. In addition, it contains the largest number of the strongest psychics.

It's hard to even imagine what the finalists this season will be like.

Marilyn Kerro appeared at one of the qualifying tests, and presenter Marat Basharov announced that the girl would try for the third time to win the coveted hand of the winner of the “Battle of Psychics.” Let us recall that Marilyn Kerro participated in the 14th and 16th stages of the “Battle of Psychics”, however, she only managed to reach the three finalists.

In season 17, Marilyn has obviously decided to take revenge again and will firmly pursue her goal.

The witch Marilyn Kerro appeared in the 17th season of “Battle of Psychics” quite impressively. She did not pass the selection tests, but personally became part of the test for magos and mediums. Mary hid behind the door, and presenter Marat Basharov invited those present to guess who he was hiding. The test subjects' answers varied; some even suggested that a crocodile was hidden behind the door. Some saw Alexander Sheps and Victoria Raidos there - finalists of past “Battles”.

PHOTO: Participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics

Fans of the “Battle of Psychics” are not very happy about Kerro’s appearance on the program: they are surprised by the girl’s persistence, as well as by the fact that the presenters gave her a chance again. Many viewers are confident that in the new “Battle” the specialists are too strong and Marilyn will quickly go home. It is known that at the moment Marilyn has problems in her personal life and she does not communicate with her husband Alexander Sheps - perhaps the conflict was provoked by the witch’s obsessive desire to get the main prize of the “Battle of Psychics”.

The new season of “Battle of Psychics” surprises from the very beginning and continues to be the most mystical show. Marilyn Kerro, who has already participated in the show twice, returned to conquer the heights.

New 13th participant in the “Battle of Psychics”: Marilyn Kerro is back

The return of the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro to the show was a surprise. For the third time she wants to try her luck and, in the end, win the much-desired first place. Fans were waiting for her and hoping. Now she will again show everyone what she is capable of. She has taken part in the show “Battle of Psychics” twice already: in seasons 14 and 16. Both times she proved that she is truly one of the strongest. Both times she took second place, which clearly haunted her. At the end of season 16, she joked that she would return. Now she has realized her intentions and one can assume that she will go to the end, making even more efforts.

The Estonian witch did not take part in either the qualifying tests or the first two tests. Perhaps this was not necessary: ​​after all, her unique gift is already well known to everyone who follows the world of psychics. Many could experience this themselves by following Marilyn's recommendations on how to fall in love with yourself. However, stubborn and tirelessly striving for the top, Marilyn Kerro will once again compete with the participants in the show “Battle of Psychics. Never before has there been such a thing as a participant returning to a project for the third time. Let's hope that the number 13 will not be unlucky for her and will not block the path to victory. But a completely logical question also arose: how did Marilyn’s young man, Alexander Sheps, react to this. And then details were revealed that upset many.

As Marilyn Kerro said, they have not lived together for a week and he has no idea that his beloved has come to the “Battle of Psychics” again. Fans of this loving couple may have already noticed that sad, dramatic poems appeared on Alexander Sheps’ wall. On the other hand, Marilyn herself has repeatedly stated that she is not going to marry Sheps. Of course, it is impossible to say whether this is a final break or whether the young people are scolding - just amusing themselves. In any case, now Season 17 will become even more intriguing. And we, of course, wish Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro to come to mutual understanding and make peace.

New difficult challenges for season 17 “Battle of Psychics”

Only four participants completed the first task. Leading skeptic Sergei Safronov introduced a young man to the show participants. Opposite were pregnant young women, and one of them was expecting a child from the main character of the test. The clairvoyants from Ivanovo, Dmitry Vysotsky, Daria Voskoboeva and Swami Dasha successfully passed this test. This test revealed the first secrets and details of the lives of psychics. TV viewers learned that Natalya Shevchenko could not stand the fake pregnancy joke because she remembered her personal tragedy. She carried a dead child for a long period of time. This is what prompted her to leave without finishing the test. Swami Dashi amazed everyone by the fact that he turned out to be the father of four children, while the youngest was 6 years old, and the eldest was already 34. But what amazed everyone was that he himself delivered the babies and helped them come into the world.

The second task was, to put it mildly, not for the faint of heart. Psychics needed to help solve a real murder. There were those who saw and described the girl, and what happened to her on that fateful night. There were also those who could not control their emotions and help their relatives find out who deprived them of their daughter. Daria Voskoboeva and Swami Dashi even found the place where the unfortunate victim was found, while describing what the criminal was wearing. The many-faced witch Nadezhda Shevchenko was not inferior to them. These powerful psychics are now among the favorites of many TV viewers, so you can judge their chances of winning by the personal horoscopes of the participants in the 17th season.

Thus ended the first tests. Now Marilyn Kerro will take part in all tasks along with other participants in the show. We wish them all strength and good luck on the path to victory. Follow the “Battle of Psychics” and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.09.2016 01:11

Each new episode of season 17 makes the fight tougher, and mercilessly shows the human weaknesses of people...