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The phrase we all come from childhood belongs. Essay we all come from childhood

“We all come from childhood!

After all, all adults were children at first,

only few of them remember about it.”

A. de Saint-Exupéry.

“We all come from childhood...” wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Childhood impressions are deposited in our subconscious for life. Sometimes, some childhood experiences flash with us for a colossal period of time and determine our actions and our relationships with people already in adulthood. Childhood conflicts determine the conflicts of adult life. Anxiety in adulthood, depressed mood and affects are a consequence, an echo of experiences in childhood.

I am a teacher and psychologist. In my practical work, I encounter manifestations of aggressiveness, anxiety, and uncertainty in children. Today, children are bombarded with a huge flow of information. The desire of parents to improve the financial well-being of the family and, as a result, their lack of attention to their children. Therefore, children have difficulty in assimilating the norms of the modern world. And due to their age, they choose as a psychological defense those emotional and behavioral reactions that they have already learned and that are able to pay attention to them: aggression, isolation, whims, fears.

Children always look forward to their parents coming for them and joyfully run towards them.

Leaving the kindergarten, I pay attention to the parents with their children. More often than not, children run after their parents, explaining something, proving something, crying, while mom or dad walk on, not paying attention to the child, or on the go, reacting with irritation to his requests or desires.

I often talk with children about what they do at home, who they communicate with, what and who they love. And, alas, the answers are usually the same: I watch cartoons, play computer games. The film “The Influence of Foreign Cartoons on the Mind of a Child” clearly shows rudeness, harshness, irritability, distorted images of unknown gender... Everything flashes, spins, explodes... What can a child understand? What will you learn? Where is mom’s kind word, dad’s caring gesture?

  • -kiss the child;

  • - hug your child 50 times a day;

  • -kiss the child;

  • -pat your head, saying “What a smart girl you are, well done...!”

  • -whisper in your ear tender words “my sunshine”, “my (me) beloved”, “my happiness”, “my treasure”...;

  • -communicate with your child “eye to eye”;

  • - live in the interests of the child.

Love children, don't be stingy. In old age this will come back to you a hundredfold.

Prepared by teacher I qualification category Svetlana Nikolaevna Kovaleva, municipal budgetary educational institution No. 54 “Iskorka”, Naberezhnye Chelny, January 22, 2014.
“We all come from childhood”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"A little prince"

Somewhere there, behind the fog of clouds and unrealistic dreams, snatches of conversations and the bitterness of losses, childhood remained. But it comes back... Either as a sad smile in a childhood photograph, or as a pain in the heart from childhood grievances, or as a joyful memory...
“I came from childhood as from a country,” wrote Exupery.
What is this country like - bright and joyful or dark and sad?
Of course, this depends entirely on your loved ones.
It is important that children’s first impressions are bright and joyful, and not heavy and depressing.

F. Dostoevsky wrote: “Know that there is nothing higher and stronger, and healthier, and more useful for life in the future, like some good memory, and especially taken from childhood, from the parental home... a beautiful, holy memory preserved from childhood may be the best memory. If you take a lot of such memories into your life, then a person will be saved for life.”
Child...A moth under the foamy, sometimes cruel stream of life... How to give strength to wings without reducing flight, to harden without tiring, to teach without upsetting?
It is difficult to imagine how much pity a person needs throughout his life. Childhood should be fun and joyful. V. Sukhomlinsky wrote that increasing the child’s sea of ​​joy is the only correct course of parental behavior.
A child's life is a river that you cannot step into twice. This means that every day we deal with a different person. That is why you need to talk to him every day, understand him, look into his eyes, catch new moments of a renewed child’s soul.
The concept of “golden childhood” does not include screams and belts, prohibitions, punishments, indifference, it includes freedom, love, and joy.
Joy in the eyes of a child is the most important thing... You need to ask yourself whether the child is well-fed or is studying well, but is he happy?
“Without a fully experienced childhood, there cannot be a full-fledged adult life,” wrote J. Korczak.
The soul has a home, this home is the soul of another. This is exactly how loving parents of their children feel.
Why do children love us? For intelligence, kindness, beauty, gifts?
Children love for one thing - for love. You love - you are loved. There is never too much love. From birth, the most important thing for a person is unconditional parental love. How wonderful and simple it is to fully and unconditionally accept a child as an independent person, as a special, beautiful, clean world, the world of childhood.
If the prohibition comes from the teacher, then the child experiences negative feelings towards the teacher, but if from the parents, then anger towards the whole world.
Love... Positive emotions... Lack of them in children leads to neuroses and mental trauma. By the way, statistics have proven that criminals are most often people who in childhood did not know the love of loved ones, which is why they developed cruelty and indifference towards themselves and people. The man has grown up, but childhood grievances, like a thorn, continue to irritate his heart.
“People get on fast trains, but they themselves don’t understand what they are looking for,” said the Little Prince, “so they don’t know peace, they rush in one direction and then in the other... - And everything is in vain... The eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart"
“Only children know what they are looking for,” said the Little Prince. “They give their whole soul to a rag doll, and it becomes very, very dear to them, and if it is taken away from them, the children cry” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
The life of a child is almost always filled with the magical light of imagination, dreams, and the secrets of the world. We do not see this light, it is hidden somewhere inside, like a hidden secret, but we need to remember that the child has it and try not to destroy it, this fragile thin ray.
Always be cheerful - this is the key to the health of your children. The more a child laughs, the better; his fun is an indicator of mental health, purity and a joyful sense of being.
And you need to remember more often what you were like as a child, and even better, preserve the traits of childhood in yourself - trust in people, a joyful perception of life, the ability to enjoy yourself and please others.
Deep down, every person is a source of love, and this love itself, like a continuous flow, is passed on from parents to children: from generation to generation, from generation to generation.
We all come from childhood... Carry this piece of happiness, love, kindness, gratitude in your warm palms and pass it on to your children. Let this circle not be interrupted and then the world will become a better place!

We all come from childhood,
where is Papa and Mama street,
house number Family
and Happy porch color,
and a well with Love,
Grandfathers, Grandmothers kind Temples,
next to the Tenderness Garden,
where everyone has a tree.
* * *
This address is simple
forever inscribed in anyone's memory.
and the path there,
across the field of Hope lies,
past Lake Vera,
what rocks the blue dream
on the boat of Tears,
if a cloud of sadness comes
* * *
Gratitude sun
shines brightly in the land of Repentance.
There is a spring of warmth
is in full swing in the Glade of Hearts
and feeds with its moisture
lush Forest of Bright Memories,
where are they walking now?
holding hands, mother and father.

Quotes about childhood
Childhood is the dawn of destiny in human life. Sonya Shatalova

I remember my childhood, and my heart aches with tenderness. Anatoly Mariengof “Cynics”

It seems to me that one of the greatest successes in a person’s life is a happy childhood. Agatha Christie

It’s sad if you spent your childhood without really seeing it. Jodie Foster

When everything around you is amazing, nothing is surprising, this is childhood. Antoine de Rivarol

Childhood is something that we have lost in time, but have kept within ourselves. Elchin Safarli “I will return”

The soul of a child is a pure tear, there is warmth, light, and revelation in it, and sincerity, trust in the eyes! And expect good communication! Jean Jacques Rousseau

“We all come from childhood”

Introduction: Hello guys, hello dear colleagues, guests of our event. Today we have gathered here to once again return to the most amazing, unique time of our lives - childhood. We are all different: in character, in age, and in lifestyle, but we all have one thing in common - “We all come from childhood.”

I would really like for everyone today, at least for one moment, to feel like a child again. I remembered how wonderful it is to run barefoot through puddles, enjoy the rays of the sun, play and not think about anything - the carefree time of childhood, it goes silently, other children are already playing in your yard, and you, like a spectator, see someone else’s happiness, because there is no return ticket You couldn’t buy it when you were a child...

The song “Where does childhood go” is playing.

Flip through the famous pages of many Russian books, and you will see that many of them are about the most amazing and beautiful time of life - childhood.

Russian writers, inclined to comprehend human existence, sensitively grasped that a Russian person, deep down in his soul, remains a child until the end of his days, innocently and recklessly loving, recklessly sinning and sincerely repenting. And therefore, childhood memories, seemingly smoothed out, lost somewhere in the darkness of memory, in an instant are capable of changing both his soul and his life.

There was something pleasant there in childhood that one could live with if it returned. How we yearn, as adults, for the clarity and purity of the first years of our existence. The sinless child’s soul is completely dissolved in the vast world, and she believes easily and joyfully, not embarrassed by any thoughts or doubts. She is trusting and open to everything.

A pure, good, especially spiritual time of early childhood, when the child does not yet have ideas about time and space, but only their deep inner comprehension. For him there is no today, tomorrow, now, but there is only a feeling of moments, fleeting and at the same time eternal.


Huge eyes, like those of a smart doll,
Open wide. Under the arrows of eyelashes,
Trustingly clear and correctly rounded,
The rims of infants' eyes flicker.
What is she looking at? And why is it unusual?
And this rural house, and the garden, and the vegetable garden,
Where, bending towards the bushes, their owner is busy,
And is he knitting something there, and cutting, and singing?
Two skinny roosters are fighting on the fence,
Rough hops creep along the porch post.
And the girl is looking. And in this pure gaze
The whole world is displayed until the very end.
He, this wonderful world, is truly for the first time
He charmed her like a miracle of miracles,
And in the depths of her soul, like living companions,
This house, this garden, and the forest entered.
And many blowjob days. And the pain of heartbreak
And happiness will come to her. But both wife and mother,
She is the blissful meaning of those short minutes
He will remember everything right down to his gray hair.

Nikolay Zabolotsky

Reader 1.

For a child's heart there are no rich and poor, no noble and ignorant, but only loving and indifferent, good and evil. It unmistakably guesses the soul in any person and reaches out to the one in which the holy flame, visible only to a sensitive inner eye, has not yet gone out.

And in this blessed time, when the divine clarity of the soul has not yet been clouded by anything, when it feels the innermost and seeks it, when faith is pure and sincere, it needs spiritual protection and mentoring. And how good it is if a child finds such a mentor among the closest, most dear people to him - his mother and father.

The first word the baby says is mom. She helps the child see the beauty of nature, she puts into his mouth his native language, which has absorbed the wealth of thought and intelligence of the people, she introduces him to humanity. In relation to the mother, they determine what kind of person a person is. People do not respect the one who offended the mother and forgot about her. And motherhood in Rus' has always been synonymous with holiness.

Reader 2.

At night there is a hacking cough,

The old woman fell ill.

She has been in our apartment for many years

She lived alone in the room.

There were letters, but very rarely.

And then, without noticing us,

She kept walking and whispering: “Children!

You should get together with me at least once!

Your mother has become bent and aged.

What to do, old age has come.

How nice we would have been

Next to our table.

You walked under this table,

On holiday they sang songs until dawn,

And then they parted, sailed away,

They flew away - now try to collect them! "

Mother fell ill, and that same night

The telegraph never tired of shouting:

“Children, urgently, only very urgently

Come. Mother got sick."

From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,

Postponing matters until time,

The children have gathered, but it’s just a pity -

At the bedside, not at the table.

Stroked wrinkled hands,

A smooth silver strand.

How did you allow such separation

How long will it take to come between you?

Mother waited for you in rain and bad weather,

In the painful insomnia of nights.

Should we wait for grief?

To come to your mother?

Is it really just telegrams?

Brought you to the fast trains?

Listen while you have moms,

Come to them without telegrams.

“A person has no more precious memories than those from his first childhood in his parents’ house.” How can one disagree with the words of the great psychologist, expert on children's souls and hearts, F.M. Dostoevsky.

Parental home, father's house - these concepts gave names to many songs. Each of us pronounces these words with trepidation in our souls, with great love. After all, time passes, dates, events, people change, but memory again returns us to the world of childhood, to the house, which is a real nest, carefully protecting us from all troubles and adversity. You want to come back here again and again, because you are always welcome here: no matter what heights you achieve, or no matter what cruel blows of fate you experience.

Song "House with windows to the garden."

Reader 3.

The years pass slowly, in succession.

The pictures outside the window change.

But every time in blooming spring

I want to return to my father's house.

Where I spent my summers as a child,

Where every corner was familiar

was love, warmed with tenderness,

And where they gave me milk.

The porch is askew, the door is closed,

Woodpiles in rows in the yard,

And there’s an old trough near the fence

sad about that happiest time...

The bed on the terrace is canopied,

In the entryway there is a chest, a scythe under the ceiling,

Jam is being cooked on a kerosene stove,

And the cat curled up at the door into a ball.

You open the door - a huge bright room.

And in the center there is a table, a wide bench.

In the corner there is a goddess with a burning lamp,

A large mirror - I am reflected in it.

But there I am - a barefoot girl,

I am sitting with my grannies at the festive table.

Everything is orderly - tea from a samovar

With sugar crushed with tongs.

Flowers in huge tubs, smells of honey,

And piping hot Russian pancakes.

And there are white valances on the bed,

Embroidered patterns are visible.

I'll sit on the bench and close my eyes,

I'll lean my back against the wall,

And I’ll plunge headlong into childhood,

Even if it’s not for long, even if it’s in a beautiful dream.

Even though I was born in a completely different place.

I don’t want to consign my happiness to oblivion.

And every time in blooming spring

I'm mentally flying to my father's house.

“You know that there is nothing higher and stronger and healthier. And it will be more useful for life in the future, like some good memory from your parents’ home. We are often told about our upbringing, but some kind of beautiful, holy memory preserved from childhood may be the best upbringing. If you take a lot of such memories with you into life, then a person is saved for life. Perhaps it is this memory that will keep us from great evil.” (F.M. Dostoevsky)

“Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! - said L.N. Tolstoy. - How not to love. Not to cherish memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures.”

But memories of childhood are not always joyful and happy. Sometimes they are associated with bombings, with the loss of loved ones and relatives, because there was a war in the history of our people. This year the whole country celebrated the anniversary of the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Children and war - there is no more terrible convergence of things in the world. It would seem that these words cannot and should not stand side by side. However, we call the whole generation children of war. The hard times of war tried to take away childhood from this generation, to snatch books, notebooks, and textbooks from their hands. He had his share of hardships, trials, and adversities.

Poem by Anatoly Bragin “Father was taken to war”

Reader 4.

My father was taken to war.

The boy is a latch,

but immediately added to him

war for so many years.

“So what, mother?

So, mother?

Am I the head of the house?

You start washing your clothes,

And I'm chopping wood!

You say:

Drovets is a bit


So be it

Sell ​​the elephant

Sell ​​your whistle!

You can live without them!

Sell ​​the sailor suit, I say!

Now there's no time for rags,

Only you, mom,

Do not be sad!

I won’t leave you!”

During the war, children worked at defense factories along with adults, standing at machines for 12-14 hours, maintaining their strength with meager rations. Many could not reach the machine and placed boxes next to it. Children were deprived of the simplest joys.

Reader 5.

Why did you, war, steal their childhood from the boys -

And the blue sky and the smell of a simple flower?

The boys of the Urals came to work in the factories,

They positioned the boxes to reach the machine.

And now, in the incorruptible winter of the war year,

When the cold dawn broke over the Kama,

The director of the plant gathered the best workers,

And he was a worker for only fourteen years.

Harsh time looked into tired faces,

But everyone found a pre-war childhood in themselves,

As soon as the work bonus - a jar of jam -

In front of them, the boys, someone put it on the table.

And here, above the factory, above the forest, dozing off in the snow,

Among the silence that suddenly came to the hearts,

There was a whiff of something long forgotten, homely,

It was as if there were no more wars in the world.

Ah, a jar of jam, a simple and sure remedy

To remind you that no matter how bitter life is for people,

But the boys will still have sun and childhood,

And the blue sky and the smell of a simple flower!

V. Radkevich

Children died in Nazi-occupied cities. There are legends about the courageous defenders of Leningrad. Being in a blockade ring, in hunger and cold, the inhabitants died, but did not give up. Pages from the diary of 11-year-old schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva tell about the terrible tragedy of those days.

But war has a strange property - not only to take away, injure and kill. War makes you love more deeply.

Reader 6.

Ballad of a stale piece

Along deserted avenues it's deafeningly loud

The three-ton truck rumbled on the devilish mixture.

An icy tarpaulin covered her body -

Precious tons of wonderful cargo.

The silent driver, frozen to the steering wheel,

He carried concentrates to the front, he carried loaves of bread,

He carried lard and butter, carried canned food and vodka,

And he was carrying shag, cursing the weather.

Next to him, the lieutenant was hiding his nose in his mitten.

He was thin and looked like a hungry bird.

And it seemed to him that there was no driver,

That a truck wandered onto another planet.

Suddenly, towards the rays - blue, tremulous headlights -

The house stepped out of the darkness, damaged by fire.

And through these rays the snow flew like through a sieve,

Stop! - said the lieutenant. - Wait, driver.

“I,” said the lieutenant, “are a resident after all.” -

And the driver parked the car in front of the house,

And a piercing wind rushed into the cabin.

And the lieutenant ran up the familiar steps.

And he walked in... And the little son pressed himself to his knees

Sparrow ribs... Pale lips...

A seven-year-old old man in a shabby fur coat.

How are you doing, little boy? Answer without deception!.. -

And the lieutenant took his rations out of his pocket.

He gave a stale piece of bread to his son: “Chew it,”

And he stepped to where the potbelly stove was smoking.

There, on top of the blanket, are swollen hands.

There he saw his wife after a long separation.

There, afraid to burst into tears, he grabbed the poor shoulders

And he looked into the eyes that flickered like candles.

But the lieutenant did not know his seven-year-old son:

There was a boy like his father - a real man!

And when the burnt out candle began to flicker,

He put his father's gift into his mother's hand

And when the lieutenant got into the three-ton again

Come! - the boy shouted after him

And again the snow flew through the rays, as if through a sieve,

The snow flew like flour - smoothly, slowly, full...

The truck has already covered many miles.

The rockets illuminated the black dome of the sky.

The same piece - unbitten, stale -

The lieutenant felt in the same pocket.

Because the wife could not be otherwise

And she put this piece on him again.

Because she was a real wife,

Because I waited, because I loved.

Vladimir Lifshits

No matter what time it is outside the window: whether guns are thundering, whether shells are exploding, or whether the sun is simply shining peacefully - people have always loved and will love their children. In them, parents see the meaning of their lives, subordinate their entire lives to them, they sacrifice in the name of this holy, unquenchable love.

“Giving birth to children and having them is the most important and serious thing in the world. It was and never ceased to be. This is what the great classic said - Leo Tolstoy. And love them, he added elsewhere. After all, if we stop loving children, then who will we be able to love after that and what will become of us.”

Reader 7.

Twentieth century, forties. Exposing his wounded chest,

Unconquered Russia stands in the way of the fascists.

And, having lost his sanity, the executioner foresees the end,

And under his bloody heel are executions, torture, and children’s crying.

There are corpses on the corpses, looking up at the sky. And suddenly at the pit on the edge -

“Don’t kill me, uncle, and I’ll sing you a song!”

And now, trembling and stuttering, near a pile of uncooled bodies,

A child sang about a bunny in front of his sister and mother like an animal.

Eighties. The peoples of the country glorified their work,

But every year the orphanage becomes more and more full of childish grief.

Why do they give a four-year-old boy for his conscience, not for fear?

To carry the misfortune of a great people on thin shoulders?

Having woken up, he cries at night, and - the thread of understanding breaks!

“Don’t give me to mom, I’m scared, mom will beat me!”

Wake up, people, children are crying! Tell me, my great people,

The war is responsible for those orphans, but who is responsible for the current orphans?

Vladimir Lebedev

The answer to this question can be different: sometimes fate is to blame: parents died, there are no close relatives - and now the child is an orphan; and sometimes the reason for this is irresponsibility, callousness, lack of maternal principles and the correct model of building a family before our eyes. Today's parents are yesterday's orphans, children from dysfunctional and single-parent families. Motherhood has become early: teenagers become mothers who have not yet had time to understand and realize that a child is a whole world that requires attention and constant participation in the life of the one to whom you gave birth. Their place in life is sometimes not determined, since they do not have education, work, income, and the consequence is aggression, sometimes directed against their child. In these families, childhood is not a happy time, but fear, fear of the closest person, psychological trauma and, as a result, often an unsettled life. This is one of the reasons for the orphanhood of today. And no matter how much I would like to keep silent, not talk about it, the statistics are terrifying.

It is no coincidence that this topic is raised, because next to us are those who have already experienced the happiness of motherhood - these are young mothers. You can see them in our corridors with children in their arms,and how important it is that their children enter adolescence with a pure and clear soul, believing and loving, and that the memory of the heart is not clouded by painful memories and preserves those that will respond with grace to their entire subsequent destiny.

Reader 8.

Take care of your children

Don't scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days

Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

If you feel tired

I can’t cope with her,

Well, my son will come to you

Or your daughter will extend her hands.

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

Is this happiness? a short moment

Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

These golden days will flash by

And they will leave their native hearth

Your children have grown up.

Flipping through the album

With childhood photographs

Remember with sadness the past

About those days when we were together.

How will you want

Return again at this time

To sing a song to them little ones,

Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.

And while there is children's laughter in the house,

There's no escape from toys

You are the happiest person in the world,

Please take care of your childhood!

Teachers are not only teachers, but they are also yesterday’s children. The destiny of each of us has already taken shape, we have all achieved something, but the foundation for this was laid in childhood, a childhood filled with love and care, endless attention and participation and, of course, parental warmth. The happy moments of that precious time were captured not only by our memory, but also by a photograph that had turned yellow over the years.

Song, video.

I want the vibrations of the swing again,

In that linden grove, in my native village,

Where in the morning the violets turned blue in the darkness,

Where thoughts were so timid in the spring.

I want to be meek and gentle again,

To be a child again, at least in a different way,

But just to revel in the bottomless, boundless,

In a snow-white paradise, in a blue paradise.

And if I loved crazy caresses,

I'm cooling off towards them, completely forever,

I like the evening and children's eyes,

And quiet tales, and again a star.

K. Balmont

Final word: our event is coming to an end, and I hope that each of us, at least for one moment, managed to return to childhood and understand that it can be different, covered with love and care and filled with fear and cries for help, but childhood is a time that cannot be returned. And I wish that your childhood, the childhood of your children and grandchildren, will be filled only with joy, roaring laughter and love...

Hello, friends. Let's look at the topic of the connection between our adult life and childhood. Someone said: we all come from childhood. Who was that? What did he mean by this? What is the meaning of this phrase? These are the questions we will try to answer. And perhaps many of you will be surprised.

This period of life is in the distant past. But do not think that only memory connects us with him. The topic of childhood is quite important for any person. It’s just that many people don’t realize it. It’s a pity that school doesn’t give us such knowledge. It would be much easier now.

What does it mean

I will give a full quote with this expression.

“Where are we from? We come from childhood, as if from some country... I’m not really sure that I lived after childhood passed.”

A. de Saint-Exupéry (writer, poet, professional pilot)

This is an excerpt from his famous story "The Little Prince". It shows the eternal human values ​​on which the world rests. And the fact that through childish naivety and purity of thoughts it is much easier to understand what is happening. We've all been in this state at some point.

Exupery is trying to convey an idea through artistic images. And it is that children's perception of reality shapes our value systems. Those. We realize and remember important things for ourselves in childhood .

In adulthood, people no longer learn anything fundamental. We already have the entire set of lenses through which we look at the world. We can develop informationally. But everyone determined the basic rules and life priorities long ago. This is exactly the meaning of the phrase.

There's a child inside every adult

Here I will rely on the opinion of the Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud. He, as the founder of the method of psychoanalysis, argued that personality is formed on the basis of childhood experiences. The way we react to the world that opens up to us is imprinted in our subconscious.

In other words, our unconscious space has no information about the world around us. The computer has not yet received an operating program (maybe this will be clearer). And all the emotions of a child’s perception of this world are recorded by the subconscious as codes for Windows.

We do not choose each other by chance... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.

Sigmund Freud

Therefore, dear friends, it turns out like this. Most of our problems in adulthood are understandable. And they are born in our head. But the essence is that in one case it is an incorrectly installed code in the subconscious (childhood). And in the second - these are the contradictions of our unconscious with reality (now).

How strong is the connection?

The phrase “we all come from childhood” has a common noun (generalized) concept. At this age we create a model for our future life. Those. We begin to collect our set of values ​​and develop habits.

As adults, we are, in fact, riding on the rails laid in childhood. Most of us consider ourselves absolutely free people. Especially when it comes to choosing something. But this choice is within the perimeter of our basic priorities.

The role of parents and loved ones is especially important in shaping our worldview. It is their attitudes that will form the basis of our character and behavior pattern.

But the fact is that our relatives are far from angels. Their views on life were formed in exactly the same way. Therefore, they can give the child both the correct and false instructions. And we will stumble upon the same problem many times in adult life. We don’t yet realize that we need to change our behavior.

How does it manifest itself?

Yes, very simple. When a child lives in an atmosphere of love and care from his loved ones, this is wonderful. He remembers the world around him with joyful feelings. And in adult life, such a person will develop more or less successfully.

If a little person “didn’t get enough” of something in childhood (love, recognition, affection, care, attention, etc.), then this is bad. Because in adulthood he will unconsciously strive for this. And achieve it by any means. And these methods can take on truly crazy forms.

In addition, lesions form in the human mind. They will store episodes with the experience of negative emotions. And the pent-up feelings themselves (resentment, anger, envy, fear) will denigrate the soul. And also destroy internal organs ().


Now, I hope it’s clear why “we all come from childhood.” If this phrase is taken as a metaphor (figurative meaning), then it explains a lot. In the sense that we start life in approximately the same way. As they say: from scratch.

And what they put into our hearts and heads at the very beginning of our journey completely determines our subsequent life. Therefore, very often false attitudes from distant childhood prevent you from being happy in the present. But this can be changed. Fate is not predetermined.

It's enough for today. I wish you, dear friends, a good mood and good luck in your business. Subscribe to news, comment, share with friends. Goodbye.


Sergei Bezdvorny

The great Frenchman Antoine de Saint-Exupery gave us a wise and “humane” fairy tale-parable, which simply and heartfeltly talks about the most important things: about friendship and love, about duty and loyalty, about beauty and intolerance to evil. Let's remember the touching sayings of the Little Prince?

1. We are responsible for those we have tamed.

2. It’s stupid to lie when you can be caught so easily.

3. When I was six years old, adults convinced me that I would not be an artist, and I learned to draw nothing except boa constrictors - outside and inside.

4. All adults were children at first, but few of them remember this.

5. When you allow yourself to be tamed, then it happens to cry.

6. There is such a firm rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

7. When you tell adults: “I saw a beautiful red brick house with geraniums in the windows and pigeons on the roof,” they just cannot imagine this house. They must be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs.” And then they exclaim: “What beauty!”

If you want to have a friend, tame me!

What should you do for this? - asked the little prince.

We must be patient,” answered the Fox. - First, sit over there, at a distance, on the grass. Like this. I will look sideways at you, and you remain silent. But every day sit a little closer...

9. People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.

10. You are beautiful - but empty. I don't want to die for you.

11. Each person has his own stars. For those who wander, they show the way. For others, they are just lights.

Where are the people? It's so lonely in the desert.

It's also lonely among people.

13. Adults really love numbers. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.

14. Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

15. Children should be very lenient towards adults.