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Person you admire топик.

Words: 2584 Pages: 9 Paragraphs: 30 Sentences: 182 Read Time: 09:23
Mother Teresa was a person that was admired and respected. She was a person that made an impact on your life and made people loot at the world with a different eye. Even though the world is full of good people, great humanitarians, people who donate billions of dollars, who raise their voices to make a difference, Mother Teresa stands out in the crowd, she was a very unique person. Agnes was bo

Mother Teresa was a person that was admired and respected. She was a person that made an impact on your life and made people loot at the world with a different eye. Even though the world is full of good people, great humanitarians, people who donate billions of dollars, who raise their voices to make a difference, Mother Teresa stands out in the crowd, she was a very unique person.

Agnes was bo


Class 8 (Middle School)

Words: 993 Pages: 4 Paragraphs: 2 Sentences: 45 Read Time: 03:36

We all have our own heroes, people we admire and respect, people who made an impact on our life, that made us look at the world with a different eye, Mother Teresa is definitely the one of those people.Although the world is full of good people, great humanitarians that really care, people who donate billions of dollars, people who raise their voice to make a difference, Mother Teresa stands out in

Class 12 (High School)

Words: 527 Pages: 2 Paragraphs: 6 Sentences: 19 Read Time: 01:54 How do you make someone stronger than the strongest person? The answer is simple - don"t make him a human make him a god. In similar fashion, so goes the stories of Hercules and Thor who both were mythological gods (Hercules being a Greek Demi-God and Thor being a Norse God) and give them superhuman powers. In Greek mythology, Hercules was most popular of all Greek heroes, famous for extraord

How do you make someone stronger than the strongest person? The answer is simple - don"t make him a human make him a god. In similar fashion, so goes the stories of Hercules and Thor who both were mythological gods (Hercules being a Greek Demi-God and Thor being a Norse God) and give them superhuman powers.

In Greek mythology, Hercules was most popular of all Greek heroes, famous for extraord

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Every individual is said to have a personality of his own which is unique and distinct from every other personality. In a popular sense, by personality we mean that an individual has some striking qualities or traits in which he differs from others i.e., in appearance, in aggressiveness or pleasant manners etc. But, these are not the only points that make up the person.

Every individual has a t

Class 10 (High School)

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"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same." My brother is the first person that I think of who has left, and continues to leave footprints on my heart. Craig is my 19 year old brother who is a sophomore in college. He is not just my brother, but my friend. We love to be together and do things, like goin


Class 6 (Middle School)

Words: 884 Pages: 3 Paragraphs: 8 Sentences: 53 Read Time: 03:12 Booker T. Washington VS W.E.B. Dubois is a great example here for me to explain my views on education in America. To also explain why we are where are now do to the way our ancestors thought. Booker T. Washington opened a school for blacks that was dedicated to learning the trades of the white man, he wanted for blacks to be just as qualified as whites for industrial jobs. If you ask me this s

Booker T. Washington VS W.E.B. Dubois is a great example here for me to explain my views on education in America. To also explain why we are where are now do to the way our ancestors thought.

Booker T. Washington opened a school for blacks that was dedicated to learning the trades of the white man, he wanted for blacks to be just as qualified as whites for industrial jobs. If you ask me this s


Class 7 (Middle School)

Words: 663 Pages: 2 Paragraphs: 7 Sentences: 33 Read Time: 02:24 My View on the World Who am I? Where am I? Where am I in my life? How can we change the world? These questions are asked everyday whether within our own minds or day to day life. We all have our own philosophy on life and that will change as we grow as individuals. We as individuals always change and grow as we age and that comes with sacrifice and accomplishment. Where am I in my life? I am

My View on the World
Who am I? Where am I? Where am I in my life? How can we change the world?
These questions are asked everyday whether within our own minds or day to day life. We all have our own philosophy on life and that will change as we grow as individuals. We as individuals always change and grow as we age and that comes with sacrifice and accomplishment.

Where am I in my life? I am


Class 7 (Middle School)

Words: 413 Pages: 2 Paragraphs: 4 Sentences: 22 Read Time: 01:30

One"s body is what makes one who one is. Every inch of someone is what sets a person apart from everyone else. Even though everyone has an opinion about what his or her perfect body would be, changing one"s personal features would take away from individuality. I personally would never have plastic surgery because when I look at myself, I do not see a tall, skinny young man with a funny looking nos

A person who I admire is an interesting topic. I believe you can admire more than one person. A typical admiration I have seen is when people boy, are admiring a very famous singer, actor etc. Although it is typical, it is still a good admiration because you can use that person as your role model or idol. For example if your role model is a sportsman, then you can admire his performing skills and maybe learn something from him or her.

But though my life I have admired many persons, friends, older people, teachers etc. All these people have given me experience and personal abilities which I have acquired with help from them. My opinion is that I cannot admire one person specially. When I admire someone I respect the person’s character. After my experience I also admire someone when I am in his presence.

A person who can change a bad day to a good day, for example my mother. My mother is defiantly one of my top 3 list over admired person. Just imagine without your mother you would not exist. Everyone should admire how housemother are struggling to raise the children’s. I am indeed of her proud of my mother. It is because of her that I am that what I am today. When I always have been in a bad mood my mother opened up my minds to look at things in a different perspective, for example when I has had a problem she shared her experience with me and I will learned to tackle every situation.

Another important person who I likes to admire is my father. A father and mother is an admirable couple that forms a basis of a children’s life. My parents are like advisers, I can talk to them when I need help. They are motivating me to achieve my goal I promised myself when I grow older and start a family. I will tell my children’s about my childhood and how I admired my parents. At least my expectation for myself is that I can be a loved parent. I really hope that I will have the same kindness that my parents have. My parent taught me that I can have a good life in her away.

Conclusion, I proud with my parents because my parents are everything for me. So I will obedient to my parents and following what is say my parents in all thing positive and I will promise to myself to be is better. My parents is my friend, my teacher in my life and I always remember it. Thank you very much to my parents because of you are incredible in my life. Thank you very much God, you have given the parents who are so perfect.

A person who I admire is an interesting topic. I believe you can admire more than one person. A typical admiration I have seen is when people boy, are admiring a very famous singer, actor etc. Although it is typical, it is still a good admiration because you can use that person as your role model or idol. For example if your role model is a sportsman, then you can admire his performing skills and maybe learn something from him or her. But though my life I have admired many persons, friends, older people, teachers etc. All these people have given me experience and personal abilities which I have acquired with help from them. My opinion is that I cannot admire one person specially. When I admire someone I respect the person’s character. After my experience I also admire someone when I am in his presence. A person who can change a bad day to a good day, for example my mother. My mother is defiantly one of my top 3 list over admired person. Just imagine without your mother you would not exist. Everyone should admire how housemother are struggling to raise the children’s. I am indeed of her proud of my mother. It is because of her that I am that what I am today. When I always have been in a bad mood my mother opened up my minds to look at things in a different perspective, for example when I has had a problem she shared her experience with me and I will learned to tackle every situation. Another important person who I likes to admire is my father. A father and mother is an admirable couple that forms a basis of a children’s life. My parents are like advisers, I can talk to them when I need help. They are motivating me to achieve my goal I promised myself when I grow older and start a family. I will tell my children’s about my childhood and how I admired my parents. At least my expectation for myself is that I can be a loved parent. I really hope that I will have the same kindness that my parents have. My parent taught me that I can have a good life in her away. Conclusion, I proud with my parents because my parents are everything for me. So I will obedient to my parents and following what is say my parents in all thing positive and I will promise to myself to be is better. My parents is my friend, my teacher in my life and I always remember it. Thank you very much to my parents because of you are incredible in my life. Thank you very much God, you have given the parents who are so perfect.

Определить язык Клингонский Клингонский (pIqaD) азербайджанский албанский английский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Клингонский Клингонский (pIqaD) азербайджанский албанский английский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Источник: Цель:

Результаты (русский ) 1:

Человек, который я восхищаюсь это интересная тема. Я считаю, что можно полюбоваться более чем одного человека. Типичный восхищение, я видел, когда люди мальчик, восхищаются очень известный певец, актёр и т.д. Хотя это типично, это еще хорошая восхищение, потому, что это лицо можно использовать в качестве ролевой модели или идол. Например, если ваша роль модель sportsman, то вам можно восхищаться его исполняющая навыки и возможно узнать что-то от него или нее.Но хотя моя жизнь, я восхищался многих лиц, друзей, пожилых людей, учителей и др. Все эти люди дали мне опыта и личных качеств, которые я приобрел с помощью от них. Мое мнение таково, что я не могу восхищаться один человек специально. Когда я восхищаюсь кого-то я уважаю характер человека. После моего опыта я также восхищаюсь кого-то, когда я нахожусь в его присутствии.Человек, который может изменить плохой день на хороший день, например Моя мать. Моя мать вызывающе является одним из моих Топ 3 над восхищался человеком. Только представьте себе без ваша мать, вы не могли бы существовать. Каждый должен восхищаться, как housemother пытаются поднять детей. Я действительно горд моей матери ее. Это благодаря ей, что я, что я сегодня. Когда я всегда был в плохом настроении моя мать открыл мой умы, чтобы смотреть на вещи в другой точки зрения, например, когда я имел проблему она поделилась своим опытом со мной, и я узнал, для решения каждой ситуации.Еще один важный человек, который любит я восхищаюсь – мой отец. Отец и мать является замечательной пара, которая является основой жизни детей. Мои родители как советников, я могу говорить с ними, когда мне нужна помощь. Они мотивации мне достичь моей цели, я обещал себе, когда я взросления и завести семью. Я расскажу о мое детство, и как я восхищался мои родители моих детей. По крайней мере мои ожидания для себя, что я может быть близким родителя. Я действительно надеюсь, что я буду иметь же доброту, которую мои родители. Мои родители учили меня, что я могу иметь хорошую жизнь в ее прочь.Заключение, я горд с моими родителями, потому что мои родители все для меня. Так что я буду послушным мои родители и что такое сказать мои родители все самое положительное, и я обещаю себе, чтобы быть лучше. Мои родители это мой друг, мой учитель в моей жизни, и я всегда помнить его. Спасибо очень много для моих родителей из-за вас невероятное в моей жизни. Благодарю вас очень много Бога, вы дали родители, которые настолько совершенны.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский ) 2:

Человек, который я восхищаюсь интересная тема. Я считаю, вы можете полюбоваться более чем одного человека. Типичный восхищение я видел, когда люди мальчик, любуются очень известный певец, актер и т.д. Хотя это характерно, это еще хорошая восхищение, потому что вы можете использовать это лицо в качестве ролевой модели или идола. Например, если ваша модель роль спортсмен, то вы можете полюбоваться его исполнительское мастерство и, возможно, узнать что-то от него или нее. Но хотя жизнь я восхищался много людей, друзей, людей старшего возраста, учителей и т.д. Все эти люди дали мне опыт и личные способности, которые я приобрел с помощью них. Мое мнение таково, что я не могу восхищаться один человек специально. Когда я восхищаюсь кого я уважаю характер человека. После моего опыта я также восхищаюсь кого когда я в его присутствии. Человек, который может изменить плохой день в хороший день, например маму. Моя мать вызывающе один из моих лучших 3 списка над почитаемой личности. Просто представить без вашей матери вы не существовало бы. Каждый должен восхищаться, как мать семейства пытаются поднять детских. Я действительно из ее гордиться мамой. Именно из-за нее, что я что то, что я сегодня. Когда я всегда был в плохом настроении мама открыла свои умы смотреть на вещи под другим углом, например, когда я была проблема, она поделилась своим опытом со мной, и я буду научились решать каждую ситуацию. Другой важный человек кто я любит, чтобы полюбоваться мой отец. Отец и мать является замечательным пара, которая образует основу жизни детского. Мои родители, как консультантов, я могу поговорить с ними, когда мне нужна помощь. Они мотивируют меня добиться своей цели я пообещал себе, когда я становлюсь старше и создать семью. Скажу моих детских о моем детстве и как я восхищался моим родителям. По крайней мере, мое ожидание для себя, что я могу быть любимым родителем. Очень надеюсь, что у меня будет такое же доброту, что мои родители. Мои родители научили меня, что я могу иметь хорошую жизнь в ее прочь. Заключение, я горжусь своими родителями, потому что мои родители все для меня. Так что я буду послушным своим родителям и после того, что это говорят мои родители во всем вещь положительная, и я обещаю себе, чтобы быть лучше. Родители мой друг, мой учитель в моей жизни, и я всегда помню. Большое спасибо моим родителям за тебя невероятно в моей жизни. Большое спасибо Богу, вы дали родители, которые настолько совершенны.

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We might have met up with a lot of people throughout our life, yet people leave and life still goes on as what it used to be. The person that I admire the most is none other than my mother. I admire her the most as she possesses most of the qualities that we should have in order to succeed in our life.

I think one of the ultimately endearing qualities she possesses is genuineness. When you meet a genuine person, they tend to look you directly in the eye and many times they touch your inner self in order to connect.

That’s how she communicates with others. She doesn’t have the average walls up that many people have in life. She seems to touch everyone in a way where one can immediately connect with her and for sure she has no false pretenses. She crosses all barriers and has the ability to communicate with others and radiates great empathy to others.

It is almost like she has an additional sense. She never pretended to be perfect or know all the answers but one thing is for sure anything she tells you is coming straight from the heart.

She has been very patient with me and supports me in everything I do. She has done a lot to boost my self-confidence and self-esteem. She does not scold me whenever I fail in something, instead she will console me and make me feel better by telling me stories about her own failures and achievements throughout life. She also makes all kinds of sacrifices, big and small for the sake of her children. She has always been my source of inspiration and pillar of strength.

My mom is the one that is always there, the person I can count on, the one that will never turn her back on me. The one that supports, helps, hug, kisses, gives me confidence, comforts, listens, makes me laugh, cheers me up and wipes my tears. She will definitely be the one that I always admire and love the most.

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The person I admire By Diana Ezhova 7 a

Mummy. The person I admire is my mother. Her name is Elena Ezhova. She was born on 20 th June 1978, in Oriyenburgsky area, Russia.

Some words about my MUM! My Mummy studied at a language school, studied English and Hindi. She finished nine classes and went to work. In a year she arrived in a trading college. She studied and worked at the same time. In 1995 (in 17 years) she received the certificate of the private businesswoman.

She opened her own business. In nineteen years she got married. In twenty one year she gave birth to me, and in twenty seven gave birth to my brother Denis.

She travelled very much. She was in Finland, France, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Baltic, Holland, Karelia, Ukraine and Belarus.

I admire my mother because she brought up two children, worked and also she travelled a lot. She always was for me an example, and it will be. She is beautiful, kind, prompt and resolute. I very much love her.

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The person I admire Nick Vujicic

1. The person that I admire is Nicholas James Vujicic .Nick Vujicic was born 4 December 1982 in Brisbane, Australia. He is a Serbian Australian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra- amelia syndrome (the absence of all four limbs).

2. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organisation , “Life Without Limbs”.

3. Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life. He also speaks about his belief that God can use any willing heart to do his work and that God is big enough to overcome any and all disabilities.

3. Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. Subsequently he became a motivational speaker, travelling internationally and focusing on teen issues. Having addressed over three million people in over 24 countries on five continents, he speaks to corporate audiences, congregations and schools.

4. Vujicic currently lives in California. On 12 February 2012, he married his fiancée, Kanae Miyahara. In August 2012, it was revealed that Kanae and Nick were expecting their first child.

5. The reason I admire is because he continues to enjoy life in spite of all the difficulties and help others to believe that anything is possible!

Hard work was part of my life, but still she is smiling all the time I"ve seen her. My mother"s sister and my aunt is the person who I admire the most. Her life can be a good example of a person who has suffered a lot, but never asked for help as asking for help was symbol of weakness for her. I know her since I was born, but I"ve understand her during last three or four weeks. She always advices me and her daughter that "Don"t feel helpless in life and try to live your life in a way that people who are related to you can remember you with pride and respect.".
My aunt lives in India. She is a typical Indian women and she said that she has always wanted to be what she is. She always wears "sari" or "Salwar" which are Indian traditional clothes. She is religious too. She always tells us history of our religion. The thing which I like the most about her is whenever she gives us advise she always told us "That"s what I think that doesn"t mean that you also agree with me". My uncle was a hardworking person and he also respects her a lot. She lives in a house which is small, but the way she has decorated it is amazing. She has the grate gift of creativeness. She has made lots of paintings and has decorated lots of pots to decorate her living room.
She has always tried to be as simple as she can and has spent less money as her financial status isn"t so good. She wasn"t even able to pay the phone bill so they discontinued using phone. She try to earn some money from mending people"s clothes, so she could help my uncle. My mom had tried to offer her financial help, but she didn"t take it. She told my mom that she appreciated that my mom cared for her, but her self-respect wasn"t allowing her to take help. She never told her pain and suffering to anyone. She always said that life is not as easy as we think and if we are having bad times we surely will have good times because they are two sides of coin which can never be separated.

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  • Approx Pages: 5
  • Grade Level: High School


"Admire the Older Generation" I really admire the older generation. They did such a wonderful job educating their children to be a good person in life. ... One of the strongest reasons why I extremely admire the older generation is the value they lived by and taught their children. ... For example, in my family, I have to ask everyone older than me to join the table before I pick up my chopsticks. ... For example, when I was about 17 years old, I was in a car accident and damaged my family car. ...

  • Word Count: 372
  • Approx Pages: 1
  • Grade Level: High School


The Jazz Age began soon after World War I and ended with the 1929 stock market crash. ... I am careful. ... He both admires Gatsby and disapproves of him. He admires Gatsby both because of his heartfelt dream of capturing Daisy"s heart and because of his basic innocence. "If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find agai...

  • Word Count: 1003
  • Approx Pages: 4
  • Has Bibliography
  • Grade Level: High School


Many young kids look up to someone and wish they could be just like that person when they grow up. ... He fit every one of the criteria and was an all around good person to everyone. Michael Jordan was also admired by many of my friends. ... Before I got into golf, Nolan Ryan was who I looked up to because he was such a good pitcher. ... I doubt parents want their kids to be hearing this person, who is supposed to be a role model, using profanity. ...

  • Word Count: 798
  • Approx Pages: 3
  • Grade Level: High School


After reading this play and throwing out all of my beliefs of Christianity, I was undecided about whether I was attracted or repelled to the religion after I read the stories of Joan. ... Her soldiers admired her honesty and simplicity and she enjoyed speaking with them. ... While the French admired Joan, the English began to hate the sound of her name. ... Joan was a very religious person. ... If I were not to know anything about Christianity, I would be very attracted to the religion. ...